please apa format provide 2-3 references and 500 words atleast Engineering Assignment Help

please apa format provide 2-3 references and 500 words atleast Engineering Assignment Help. please apa format provide 2-3 references and 500 words atleast Engineering Assignment Help.

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Based on the lectures and reading material for this week and last week. You will be applying research and learning from lectures, reading, and additional research on the following:

For this discussion, you will need to do the following:

Do: Select a Case Study from Week 11 or 12 readings from the text. For the case study selected, identify 2 key problems and identify the risk factors. From this analysis determine the root cause. You must support your response and provide a thorough understanding of your rationale in your root cause analysis.

The original response post is due by Thursday, 11/14. You are to provide at least 1 well developed response post by the end of the week. Your response post is to take the main post from a peer and determine if additional risk factors apply and support the root cause analysis. Essentially, you will provide a professional analysis of a peer post and agree or disagree with their RCA. You must be able to support your response.

? HK

please apa format provide 2-3 references and 500 words atleast Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

​Please answer this homework related to Data Science and Big Data Analysis in APA format with References and Citations Computer Science Assignment Help

Please answer this homework related to Data Science and Big Data Analysis in APA format with References and Citations

“Tidy Text Format” – Question 1

a)You have been assigned “your author”* in: –ITS836-46_Week12 Authors for Text Analysis.xlsx b)Identify books for the author: c)Compare word frequencies as in Figure 1.3

of Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, and “your author”

*You can chose another author:

Make sure it is not on the list for anyone else

“Sentiment analysis with tidy data” Question 2

a)Analyze the sentiment through multiple works (minimum 2) belonging to “your author’” as Fig 2.2 b)Comparing three sentiment lexicons through the sentiment lexicons as Fig 2.3 –AFINN from Finn Årup Nielsen, –bing from Bing Liu and collaborators, and –nrc from Saif Mohammad and Peter Turney. c)Plot words that contribute to positive and negative sentiment for your authors works as in Fig 2.4 d)Create a world cloud of the most common words for your author’s works as in Fig 2.5

“Analyzing word and document frequency: tf-idf” Question 3

a)Analyze TF distribution in your author’s works as in Fig 3.1 b)Plot Zipf’s law for your author’s works as in Fig 3.2 c)Plot highest tf-idf words in each of you author’s works as in Fig 3.4

“n-grams and correlations” Question 4

a)Plot the bigrams with the highest tf-idf from each of your author’s works as in Fig 4.1 b)Plot the words preceded by ‘not’ that had the greatest contribution to sentiment scores, in either a positive or negative direction of your author’s works as in Fig 4.2 c)Plot common bigrams in your author’s works as in Fig 4.4

“to and from non-tidy formats” Question 5

  • As explained in Section5.2 cast the tidy text data for one of your author’s works into a matrix
  • “Topic modeling” Question 6

    a)For your author’s works create a topic model with the terms that are most common within each topic using the LDA method as in Fig 6.4


    Essay about a Business Article (Business Article Review) Writing Assignment Help

    Hi, this is my business article essay homework. The assignment description is down below. I expect at least a 90/100 from the paper, if you don’t think you can provide that please don’t bet. Thank you ? (If you have a question don’t hesitate to ask)


    Each student must complete a business article reviews. Choose a business-related article from a newspaper (e.g.,Los Angeles Times), business journal (e.g.,BusinessWeek, Fortune), or business-focused website (e.g., and complete the following in three separate sections :

    1) Summarize key points

    2) Discuss how the article relates to the class (any part of the class)

    3) Add personal comments, observations, or experience related to the article

    Your article must have been published or posted within the past month. You must staple a copy of the entire article or a page print of the web page to your review. Each view should be one to two pages, and each review must be typed (standard business format: single-spaced, left justified, with a double space between each paragraph).

    Business article review is due on Wednesday, November 13. I do not accept homework via email. NOTE: I will penalize late work (articles submitted after the beginning of class) by 20% or two grades, and will not accept any late work more than one class day after it was due.


    Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    Public Relations

    Post your answers and reply to at least two classmate’s posts

    When it comes to news, if it isn’t “breaking news” that is being reported you can fairly sure the coverage began with some kind of press release. Public relations (PR) firms or specialists are often behind these press releases. A well written press release will catch the eye of an Assignment Editor or News Producer and they in turn decide whether or not to “cover” the event, product, etc…

    This week I would like you to either watch a local newscast or read a local news paper and look for stories that you think may have originated from a public relations source.

    1. Share the name of the story and tell us what it was about.

    2. Share the news source you used.

    3. Share why you think the story originated from a public relations firm or press release. Details please.

    It is important to read this week’s assigned chapter before answering the DB. It will help tremendously.


    Please follow instruction and need work on time need two different copies in different docs please APA Engineering Assignment Help

    Your assignment is to write a paper in which you discuss recent security issues faced by organizations. In your paper you should address specific threats and countermeasures which have been proposed by various researchers.

    Your assignment consists of two deliverables. The Draft Paper (first deliverable) is due by 11:59 PM (EST), Sunday, November 17.

    The requirements for the Draft Paper are as follows:

    • Five specific threats should be discussed along with the corresponding countermeasures
    • The paper should include a minimum of five peer-reviewed scholarly references published since 2014
    • Citations and references should be in APA format
    • The paper should be a minimum of 2000 words
    • The SafeAssign score of the paper should be less than 20%




    CT362 Modern Digital Design Understanding a 2’s complement 4 bit adder circuit Engineering Assignment Help


    1.Construct a 4 bit 2’s complement adder circuit using discrete components (and, or, xor etc) in Multisim.

    2.Display the result on 2 seven segment displays, one for sign and one for number

    3.If the number if positive, use BCD to seven segment to display output

    4.If the number is negative, invert every signal, use another 4 bit adder and add a one, then use a BCD to seven segment to display output

    5.Describe operation of the circuit. Capture output of seven segment for max, min and in between values.

    Submit work in Word doc. Multisim files must be submitted as well.

    CT362 Modern Digital Design Understanding a 2’s complement 4 bit adder circuit Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Eng 101 essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Hi I am looking for a tutor who is good at writing and researching and great at citiantin.

    I will after this assignment work with him in a 8 pages essay.

    The first short assignment is to choose one of the attached topics and compose a short proposal, announces your topic, explain why you wish to write about it and identifies your target audience as well as what you believe to be the attitudes and values of this audience.

    This is a 1 page assignment and I will post with the same tour the 8 page assignment after this.



    writing essay Writing Assignment Help

    Here are some ideas on how to organize this paper based on the three forms of religious expression. It is assumed that this paper is intended to be a descriptive or “phenomenological” account of the religious activity, neither laudatory nor critical. On this particular occasion, the purpose is just to observe carefully and empathetically, in the way discussed in Chapter One, what is actually done. It is also assumed that this report is to be based on firsthand observation, deliberately avoiding the use of secondary sources, so notes and bibliography are not needed. However, in some cases you may need to get a little background through prior reading or through material available at the religious site to understand better what you see; if used, be sure to cite those. Interviews may also be helpful, as well as perusing the website for the group, if it has one; if used, also be sure to cite those. Most religious places welcome sincere students as visitors. Remember to be quiet, respectful, appreciative, and appropriately dressed.

    Here is the outline for a descriptive or “phenomenological” paper:

    1. Field Information. Give the full name, exact address, and religious affiliation of the group. (For example, don’t just say “a Buddhist temple”; be sure to specify the school, or denomination, and the national background.) Give the exact date and time of the visit; give the name and type of service (if any) attended.
    2. Preliminary Placing Information. Describe the outside and inside appearance of the building, the way visitors are greeted, and the sort of people in this group (that is, their apparent social class, lifestyle, ethnic background, gender, average age, the number present, and so forth).
    3. Description of Activity or Symbolism. If you attend a service or formal presentation on the religion, describe what happened from beginning to end. Try to give some sense of the emotional tone and subjective spiritual meaning of the scenario. (For example: Was the opening dramatic or casual? Is congregational participation emotional or reserved? Is much of the service spontaneous or ritualized?) If you did not attend a regular service, discuss in detail the significance of the art, architecture, and symbolism in and around the site.
    4. Analysis. Analyze the topic in terms of the three forms of religious expression: theoretical (teaching), practical (worship), and sociological (leadership and group type), and include art, ethics, and experience as appropriate. At least one-third of the paper should cover these topics.
    5. Theoretical. What, essentially, does this religion teach? As far as you can tell from this one experience, what is the main message this religion gives through its sermons, practices, symbols, and so on?
    6. Practical. What is the basic nature of the worship? Formal or informal? Ancient or modern? Structured or spontaneous? What message about how this group conceives of the role of religion does the nature of the worship communicate?
    7. Sociological. What kind of group is it? Close-knit or diffused? Does it consist mostly of people drawn to the religion by family or ethnic ties? Or does it consist mostly of committed converts of different backgrounds? What role does the priest or leader play? What message about religious experience and meaning is communicated by the nature of the leadership and the group?

    A discussion of the art, ethics, and mystical or other special religious experiences of the group may also be discussed under the above three categories as they apply. For example, the art may have implications for the theoretical, practical, or sociological aspects of the group; the practical aspect may be used to evoke a special experience.

    Writing a religious visit paper should be an interesting adventure. Best wishes!


    what is the Mathematics Assignment Help

    Code in python (SHOULD RUN IT IN SPYDER)

    this project covering Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlin in Python book (Chapter 2-4 ) here is the link of the book

    You have to cover all the code of the three chapters depending on the data sets. The datasets should be less than 50 rows and 8 columns. You have to show and explain all the graphs and results of the code in a word file (data file).

    The written report should contain the following six sections: (1) Introduction to the project; (2) Explanations of the data; (3) Details of the methods that you used in your project; (4) Results of the data analysis (tables and graphs) ; (5) Discussions and conclusions; (6) References (link of the data set).

    • Please follow these six instructions in your written report first, then in the final page of the written report you must answer the following questions:
    • 1- What is the topic of the project?
    • 2- What data sets will be used, including the variables measured?
      • final report.word
      • a data file.word (AFTER YOU RUN THE CODE IN SPYDER, PUT THE RESULTS AND GRAPHS IN A WORD FILE) and explain explain everything in the results and graphs
      • code file (the python code)
    • 3- What questions and/or concerns do you have about the project?
    • 4- Discuss some advantages of Python packages when you are working on your project. For example, Matplotlin can show much better graphs than those in R.)
    • Evaluations:
    • Content: Creative, challenging or brilliant experimental question backed by well-designed experiment/project that clearly addresses the purpose of the study. Strong conclusion and analysis.
    • Organization: Topic is obvious; layout is logical and segments of the flow from one to another.
    • Appropriate: Project was able to take very difficult upper level material
    • You must submit three separate files


    I have the attached the instructions below. Writing Assignment Help

    Hello, I have attached the two questions that need to be answered. For the first question, please incorporate how medical nutrition plays a huge role in the world of medicine as far as nutrition playing a role in diseases and disease prevention. Also, please include how having knowledge of medical nutrition will help me significantly in being a physician in underserved communities and how it will help me educate populations in underserved communities as that is my final goal.

    For strengths and weaknesses please apply some strong strengths and weaknesses that will help my performance in the program such as time management skills, dedication to school work, etc . It is an online masters program.

    1 page, Single spaced and college choice of vocabulary and grammar. Please avoid redundancy and avoid sounding like it is a research paper. Rather make it sound like a personal statement. Not to big of vocabulary words.

    Thank you .


    please apa format provide 2-3 references and 500 words atleast Engineering Assignment Help

    please apa format provide 2-3 references and 500 words atleast Engineering Assignment Help

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