please develop 350 words with apa format and references (peer reviewed article class only) Writing Assignment Help. please develop 350 words with apa format and references (peer reviewed article class only) Writing Assignment Help.
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Please note: This article summary should not be the only article researched for your CLA1 assignment. You may (and should) have several other articles researched in order to fully answer your CLA1 assignment. The concept of this DQ is to allow students to be proactive in the research necessary to complete this assignment. You may use your article summary, partially or its entirety in your CLA1 assignment.
Important: Please ensure that you insert your citation for the article as your reference in your discussion post. Depending on which electronic database you use, you should see a “Cite” selection for your article. In addition, there should be a variety of articles summarized and as such, students should have different articles summarized. Your summary MUST include ALL of the following (include every item in the bullet list below to potentially receive full credit):
- Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose
- How the article and/or author(s) support your argument(s)
- Most important aspects of the article
- Any findings and conclusions
- Approximately 250 to 350 words in length
- Include the article “Abstract” in your posting (your summary should be original)
- Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched article
- “IMPORTANT” – Include the citation for the article
please develop 350 words with apa format and references (peer reviewed article class only) Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Research question (what are you interested in studying?) Research methodology (what approach are you proposing?) Explanation of research design (explain your design using proper terminology from the chapter) Concerns or considerations (what concerns or co Humanities Assignment Help
psychological research often stems from practical questions about human thought, feeling and behavior. Many investigations start with a simple observation that challenges our assumptions about human nature. For this discussion, you need to think about a question you have about human nature and design a research investigation to explore your question. For example, maybe you have noticed that there seem to be gender differences in jealousy; you could design a research investigation to see if men or women are more jealous. Or, maybe you have noticed that you seem to study better when you are listening to music; you could design a study to test the impact of music on memory.
literature discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1. Look back at your notes on The Empire Strikes Back; The Queer Nation Manifesto; and Dyke Manifesto. What did reading those manifestos make you realize? What did they make you think or feel? Use quotes from each to explain your response. (reading materials:, pdf trans manifesto accessible, lampls accessible)
2. Select one the manifesto’s listed above. Name and describe the voice, audience, and purpose of your selected manifesto. Use quotes from the text to justify your answer.
3. Using quotes any of the manifestos you read this week except for S.C.U.M., give an example where the manifesto demonstrates radical politics. Explain your answer. (reading materials: pdf refugees from amerika,, pdf women identified women)
Evaluation Parameters
All discussion posts should be completed with at least 500 words (not counting any quotations you include from the reading)
Powerpoint on COVID-19 Writing Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the current COVID-19 pandemic by exploring current evidence and data. Students will discuss the effect of a pandemic on the general population and on identified vulnerable populations. Concepts of communicable diseases of isolation, quarantine, and pandemic will be incorporated in the presentation. Ethical implications presented by the pandemic will be discussed in clinical groups conferences.
Detailed instructions:
Visit following websites:
After reviewing the above websites, as a team prepare a health education program:
- Prepare a health education teaching plan including objectives
- Prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation which will be shared at the conclusion of this activity. The focus is on educating the general public about the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Present your health education program to your class & Instructor
The teaching plan (presented as a PowerPoint) should include the following:
Epidemiology of Corona Pandemic
- Introduction (with purpose statement); conclusion
- Global pandemic (provide statistics)
- National statistics (provide U.S. statistics)
- Virology of Corona virus (characteristics; disease producing properties)
- Pathophysiology of Corona virus infection
- Clinical manifestations and complications
- Morbidity/mortality rates
- Vaccine research
- Treatment options
- Prevention
2 – Six Page Papers on Tax Laws Business Finance Assignment Help
Report 1
Tax case of Regina M. Lomanno vs. Commissioner, 68 T.C.M. 565 (1994).
Your 6 page report should include the following:
1. Summary of the facts
2. The issue in the case
3. Describe the underlying facts of what gave rise to the case
4. What did the Court rule?
What was the reasoning of the Court’s decision?
5.Describe the tax court and how and when a taxpayer gets to bring his or her case to the tax court
Report 2
Formal 6 Page Tax Memorandum on the following:
Research sale of residence and medical expense deductions
June Goetz is a successful fashion consultant.She lives in a nice home in Lakeside, Ohio.Her husband, Gabe, is a high-level executive with a major bank.As a result of a torn rotator cuff, June has ongoing arthritis in her left arm. Her physician has advised her that daily swimming can do much to both relieve the pain, and, also, to help repair the arm; it will be a major factor in her treatment. So, she and Gabe decided to put their home on the market and sold it for $300,000.They bought it 8 years ago for $250,000.00 and have lived in it since. They then purchased a new home for $400,000, which has a built-in indoor swimming pool. If she and Gabe had instead constructed a pool at their old residence, instead of selling their old house, it would have cost them $75,000 to build the pool, and their realtor tells them that would have increased the value of their old home by $50,000.
To do: There seem to be two key issues:
(a) is there any chance that a part of the money they spent to buy the new home could be deductible as a medical expense; and
(b) will they have any taxable gain from the sale of their old home?
Appalachian State University Sphygmomanometer Research Paper Science Assignment Help
A write up on a brief history, development, and the working principle of a Sphygmomanometer indicating each part of an analogue sphygmomanometer on a clear diagram. The write up may include the following :
Introduction : This part mentions the equipment’s brief history, who invented it and when, and how does the original formation and concept of a sphygmomanometer got modified to take the present form of an analogue version, and its applications.
Description : The body of the write-up should describe each part of the equipment and their role in regards to measuring the cystolic and diastolic values of blood pressure, and how does the concept of hydrostatic pressure is involved in the working procedure of an analogue sphygmomanometer.
Diagram : A clear diagram of an analogue sphygmomanometer indicating all of its parts and each part’s method of work, should be included after the description.
Conclusion : A concluding remark may be added to show your idea on any further development!!
References : Mention the literature and resources you have worked on in writing this essay. You may consult with some references like Chapter 9 from the textbook t (Links to an external site.), some literature (Links to an external site.) and examples (Links to an external site.) available online.
Appalachian State University Sphygmomanometer Research Paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
You will be asked to write a proposal to a key stakeholder, of your choosing, debating one of 2 outcomes. Writing Assignment Help
The tutor will give specific scenarios for each case study with 2 possible solutions. Each group will be required to represent one of the solutions.
The case has a core point, choosing Solution A or solution B
Choose one solution first, then provide rational and analysis
Argument Essay Structure:
1. intro: background+ dilemma + solution (100-150)
2. Rational+ analysis
a. provides some reasons why you agree this solution according to the importance.
b. analyzes the benefits of the solution
How analyze? Refer to the content of lecture (eg, some theory, Hofstede, leadership) and readings we studied in class (the attached file “lecture and readings”), you can also find other sources and referred it.
3. Critical thinking Consideration of rationale’s the opposing option may use during the debate and other supporting information including similar recent events.
4.. Conclusion (50-100 words)
5. Reference (APA 6th) when you use the content of reading, please also help me referred it.
write a research based report to identify and explain three commonly used engineering hardware in their specific engineering discipline and pathway. Engineering Assignment Help
The report must include:
– Detailed description of the hardware, their types/sizes (classification) and the materials they are made from (support your discussion with neat pictures of hardware with proper referencing)
– Discussion on the applications of each hardware
– Briefly discuss the international standards associated with the use of the hardware
– Discussion on the limitations/constraints on the use of each hardware
The engineering structures such as aircraft, ships and vehicles consist of typical engineering hardware like mechanical fasteners; fluid lines, pipes and unions; springs and gears; mechanical drives; couplings; clutches; brakes, bearing and seals; control cables etc. Examples of civil engineering structures include buildings, bridges, dams and roads. Typical hardware involved in handling, processing and testing of wood, masonry, concrete and bituminuous materials used in the construction of civil engineering structures and roads.
Each hardware plays an integral and significant role in the smooth operation of any engineering device. Generally, engineering hardware come with specification which is a statement of detailed particulars, describing certain characteristics of an item such as dimensions or unusual features.
Write a research based report (1000 words) on this subject taking into consideration the following key features (Also, please refer to the attached rubric for standard expectation of the report quality):
• Executive Summary – Abstract
• Introduction: Briefly describe the purpose of your report
• Main body: Please refer to the task section and address all the bullet points listed there.
• Conclusion: Summarise your work and report the key finding of the report.
References: Harvard Referencing (at least 5 refrences).
short writing assignment Writing Assignment Help
Use this reading, see attached file, write two paragraphs and meet all these requirement.
Write in two paragraphs, total word count at least 350.
Write a two-paragraph summary/response about the article, Leadership.
- Paragraph 1: Summary of the article, (see attached file)
- Paragraph 2: Respond to an idea in the article (paragraph should be around 5-7 sentences) and should:
- A first sentence that states one idea from the article (quote or paraphrase + paragraph #).
- A second sentence that explains the idea in the first sentence and connects to your response.
- Response sentences that include your response/opinion with evidence (facts, examples, personal experience).
- A final sentence that connects the ideas of the article to your response.
Need help on Sociology discussion (Data and Methods) Humanities Assignment Help
-I will provide a data set, and research will be required.
-Using the data I provided locate data. Once you find a data set that has the variables write up the data and methods sections.
-I have included italicized text to help you see where to fill in your data and methods information. Please use my paragraphs. You must follow the American Sociological Association (ASA) format and your sections should look exactly like the sections below (without the italicized fields — you will fill in your data and methods information in those fields:
The data are drawn from the insert the data source agency here. They include information from the year/s insert the years of your data. They include the population/sample of insert the group being surveyed and include n=insert the number of cases in the study insert the unit of analysis here – people, nations, schools, etc.. These data are particularly useful for the analysis because they include measures of insert your measures here. The data are not perfect as they do not consider insert any draw backs or limitations here. Despite this limitation, they do consider the key measures of this study.
The study will measure the effect of insert your independent variable here on insert your dependent variable here. It will compare insert the units of analysis here by insert race, class or gender here, specifically by considering how insert your measures here pattern the outcome of interest.
An example of how your assignment submission should be written:
The data are drawn from the Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. They include information from the year 2017-2018. They include the population of all high school students in Los Angeles Unified School District (N=170,093). These data are particularly useful for the analysis because they include measures of race and gender and graduation rates. The data are not perfect as they do not consider students who have dropped out prior to 9th grade. Despite this limitation, they do consider the key measures of this study.
Data Study: