Please find below Discussion Question and Instructions and attached PPT for more information Computer Science Assignment Help

Please find below Discussion Question and Instructions and attached PPT for more information Computer Science Assignment Help. Please find below Discussion Question and Instructions and attached PPT for more information Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?

Please follow this link which posted by my professor

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Please find below Discussion Question and Instructions and attached PPT for more information Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

answer the questions below Science Assignment Help

  1. For the pedigree shows in handout 1, the mutation may be:

1 points


  1. Gregor Mendel conducted a testcross for pea color in which yellow is dominant to green in order to determine the genotype of a particular pea plant. If the individual plant being “tested” by Mendel was heterozygous, then the resulting offspring would likely be:

1 points


  1. Allele D is dominant to allele d. A heterozygote is crossed with another individual of the same genotype. Sixteen (16) offspring are produced from this cross. In theory, how many of the offspring will display the dominant phenotype?

1 points


  1. A true-breeding cow with red hair is crossed with a true-breeding cow with white hair and a red and white spotted calf is born. This result suggests that the allele for red hair is white hair in cows.

1 points


  1. The genes for red-green colorblindness and hemophilia are both located on the human X-chromosome. Thus, these genes________________.

1 points


  1. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium provides a quantitative basis for studying genetics in natural populations. Which of the following is NOT a necessary assumption for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

1 points


  1. Which of the following is true for a single population experiencing random genetic drift (and no other evolutionary forces)?

1 points


  1. It is known that allele C mutates to allele c with at a rate of 10-5 and that allele c mutates to allele C at a rate of 10-7. Given many generations and a large population size, what will the eventual outcome of this system be?

1 points


  1. If you are breeding in negative assortative way, then you choose your mates:

1 points


  1. Individuals in a population of purple people earters are polymorphic at a single locus that leads to variation in purple people eater pup viability. 45% of the pups with genotype PP are viable, 54% of pups with genotype Pp are viable, but only 4% of pups with genotype pp are viable. What model of natural selection best fits these data?

1 points


  1. Which of the following are the advantages of asexual reproduction over sexual?

1 points


  1. Which of the following are the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual?

1 points


  1. Which of the following best describes the “Red Queen” hypothesis?

1 points


  1. Which of the following best describes the “Muller’s Ratchet”?

1 points


  1. Refer to the phylogeny shown in Figure 2. Which of the following characters are NOT shared by the Actinoptrygii (ray-finned fish) and Mammalia (mammals)?

1 points


  1. Which of the following is an example of the process of evolution?

1 points


  1. Sexual reproduction can speed the spread of adaptations in a population because

1 points


  1. The Red Queen effect refers to the fact that

1 points


  1. Which is an example of anisogamy?

1 points


  1. The mating system is a big factor in determining the type and intensity of sexual selection, which in turn can determine the level of sexual dimorphism. Which of the following mating systems is associated with the lowest level of sexual dimorphism?

1 points


  1. The “sensory bias” model of female mate choice is a model where:

1 points


  1. Instead of competing by size or ornamentation with dominant males in male-male competition, a “satellite male” adopts an alternate evolutionarily successful strategy, in which a male:

1 points


  1. Which of the following is not true about the “good genes” model of sexual selection in female mate choice systems?

1 points


  1. Which of the following is one of the circumstances under which protoandrous sequential hermaphroditism is observed?

1 points


  1. The biological species concept is popular, intuitive, and well-known, but has many limitations, leading to most biologists to favor a gene-flow based species concepts today. Which of the following are limitations of the biological species concept?

1 points


  1. Which is the most likely order of events that could lead to allopatric speciation?

1 points


  1. The two fundamental components of the speciation process are:

1 points


  1. Which of these statements about the virulence of rabbit myxoma virus is TRUE?

1 points


  1. What condition(s) is/are necessary for the development of both antagonistic and mutualistic coevolutionary relationships?

1 points


  1. If an evolutionary biologist hypothesized that a lineage of bacteria experienced a coevolutionary arms race with its hosts, what prediction(s) might she or he make about its evolutionary history?

1 points


  1. Two or more dangerous/noxious/unpalatable/toxic species come to resemble each other with honest reinforcement of signal in:

1 points


  1. Chimpanzee head louse species are sister to our (human) head louse. This particular observation indicates that:

1 points


  1. Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs) are:

1 points


  1. Genome sizes in eukaryotes:

1 points


  1. Transposons may:

1 points


  1. We know that the mammalian syncytin gene, which codes for the protein syncytin, which, in turn, is vital for the development of the placenta, has a viral origin because:

1 points


  1. While we have ERVs in our genome that are exclusive to us, as humans, we also share ERV’s with other apes, other primates (such as monkeys), as well more distant relatives such as other mammals (e.g. hyenas). Given what you know about our relationships with other animals on the planet, what would be ranking of the age of the ERV’s in our genome (that is, the length of time the ERV’s have been part of the human genome), from oldest to the youngest?

1 points


  1. Consider the phylogeny of pathogens, labeled from the host in which they were sampled, shown in Handout 3.
    What seems to be the most likely source or sources of the human strains?

1 points


  1. Consider the phylogeny of pathogens, labeled from the host in which they were sampled, shown in Handout 3.
    How many times did a human strain of the pathogen originate directly from cows?

1 points


  1. Consider the phylogeny of pathogens, labeled from the host in which they were sampled, shown in Handout 3.
    How many times did a human strain of the pathogen originate directly from goats?


Summarize saunders chapter 54/55 Health Medical Assignment Help

Chapter summary complete. It should be clear from student summary

that the student understands the concept/s. Summary means you put

the points into your own wording to indicate your understanding. DO

NOT copy word for word (but some similarity is OK)…

I need you to SUMMARIES ALL THE PYRAMID POINTS AND ALL THE RED PYRAMID ALERTS POINT FOR CHAPTER 54 (Respiratory system) and CHAPTER 55 (Respiratory medications).

Below is an example of how my instruction wants it done.


Strategic Financial Analysis Writing Assignment Help

  1. Read the scenario below. Then draft a 3–4 page business Memorandum to Linda Hoff, Stanford’s CFO. In your memo, codify your findings and interpretations from the horizontal and vertical analyses and the level of alignment between the company’s fiscal management and its strategic direction. Include an Excel spreadsheet as an attachment to the memo. In this memo you will:
    1. Review the year-over-year variances contained in the audited Stanford balance sheets and income statements, which are contained within the provided Week 5 Assignment Spreadsheet [XLSX] for fiscal years 2015 through 2018. You’ll be expected to pay particular attention to the negative variances (color coded in “red”) that you believe to be potentially the most impactful to Stanford.
    2. Speculate as to the reasons for the negative variances.
    3. Examine the common size balance sheets and income statements looking for abnormally low or high ratios based on what you know about the line item and what you observe in the data for the other fiscal years.
    4. Look for patterns in the line items over time (2015 through 2018) and identify any unusual findings that may need to be examined further.
    5. Make a judgement regarding the alignment of the organization’s fiscal management with its strategic direction of the firm. Fiscal management is based on your horizontal and vertical analyses. The strategic direction is based on the vision, mission, and strategic priorities of Stanford.


    The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with financial statements, the need to align the financials with the strategic direction of the firm, and the process of performing a horizontal and vertical analysis of a company’s balance sheets and income statements.

    The Scenario

    You’re a Healthcare Administration Fellow at the prestigious Stanford Healthcare. You have been rotating through the various departments over the past 9 months and now you have the honor of working under the mentorship of Linda Hoff, Chief Financial Officer.Stanford Medicine includes Stanford Healthcare, Stanford Children’s Hospital, and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. This organization uses an integrated approach to strategic planning, which incorporates jointly agreed upon strategic priorities from its various entities. It also ensures a high degree of congruency in strategic focus by each entity. Before outlining the strategic priorities for Stanford Medicine, it is important to take note that a firm’s directional strategy is comprised on three separate yet interwoven components: vision, mission, and goals (or, in this case, priorities). Armed with this knowledge, you have taken the necessary step and located and familiarized yourself with the vision, mission, and priorities of Stanford Medicine. Below is what you found. When examining a company’s financials, it is prudent to keep the directional strategy of the company in mind. After all, in order to advance many strategic priorities, which include fulfilling the mission and positioning the organization to achieve it vision for the future, it will require proper management of the firm’s scarce resources. Failure to properly manage the financial performance of the organization can compromise the company’s ability to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

    Our Vision

    Precision Health: Predict. Prevent. Cure. Precisely.We will heal humanity through science and compassion by leading the biomedical revolution in Precision Health.

    Our Mission

    Improving Human Health through Discovery and Care.Through innovative discovery and the translation of new knowledge, Stanford Medicine improves human health locally and globally. We serve our community by providing outstanding and compassionate care. We inspire and prepare the future leaders of science and medicine.

    Strategic Priorities

    A collaborative endeavor involving the entire community, the Stanford Medicine Integrated Strategic Planning process yielded a framework that is human centered and discovery led, focused on three overarching priorities for our enterprise.By enhancing our strengths and achieving our goals in these priority areas, we will amplify our preeminence and remain uniquely positioned to lead the biomedical revolution in Precision Health, ensuring our continued ability to guide health care through significant global changes.

    Value Focused
    • Provide a highly personalized patient experience.
    • Ensure a seamless Stanford Medicine experience.
    Digitally Driven
    • Amplify the impact of Stanford innovation globally.
    • Deliver human-centered, high-tech, high-touch care and revolutionize biomedical discovery.
    • Lead in population health and data science.
    Uniquely Stanford
    • Accelerate discovery in and knowledge of human biology.
    • Discovered here, used everywhere: advance fundamental human knowledge, translational medicine, and global health.
    • Ensure preeminence across all of our mission areas.

    Variance Analyses

    Normally, managers are expected to examine positive and negative variances, and then speculate as to possible explanations for the observed variances. Following this initial assessment, managers would be expected to dig deeper into those variances of greatest concern to the organization in order to uncover the actual causes for the variances, and then implement necessary corrective actions. Digging into all variances would be costly and, quite frankly, a misuse of one’s time and energy. The CFO has asked you to conduct a variance analysis of the company’s consolidated balance sheets and income statements for fiscal years 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, which you began. You have determined the variances for each account (line item) captured in the financials. Now that this first step has been accomplished, the CFO would like for you to pay particular attention to the negative variances contained in the spreadsheet; and focus more specifically on those variances you believe to be potentially the most impactful to Stanford.Once you’ve completed your variance analysis over time, which is referred to as a horizontal analysis, you are ready to create a common size balance sheet and income statement of each of the 4 fiscal years (2015 through 2018). You prepared the common sized financials, which are captured in your spreadsheet. Now, it is time to perform a vertical and horizontal analysis of these common size financials. The common size balance sheet allows you to see each asset relative to total assets, as well as each liability and net asset (in the case of non-profit organizations) relative to total liabilities and net assets. In a common size income statement, each line item is expressed as a percentage of total revenue or sales. Common sizing balance sheets and income statements allows firms to compare against one another even though they may be of different sizes. It also allows a firm to benchmark its financial performance against comparative groups. In this case, there isn’t any comparative data to benchmark against; however, you can examine the ratios in each fiscal year and look to see if anything looks abnormally low or high based on what you know about the line item and what you observe in the data for the other fiscal years (vertical analysis). You can also look for patterns in the line items over time (2015 through 2018) and point out any unusual findings that may need to be examined further (horizontal analysis). In finance, it isn’t uncommon for the organization to establish interim goals and targets for certain line items in the financials. The firm can compare its actual performance against the established goals and targets.

    Financial Management and Strategic Direction

    Once you’ve completed your horizontal and vertical analyses of the financial statements, you should be able to get a sense of how well management has managed the financial resources of the company in support of its strategic direction. In business, the strategic direction should be evident in its vision and mission statements and strategic priorities. The strategic priorities should help support the company’s mission, and the mission should help advance the firm’s vision for the future. Failure to effectively manage the company’s financial resources can seriously compromise the firm’s ability to fulfill its mission and subsequently the vision.

    Business Memorandum to CFO

    Using the analysis that you performed on Stanford Healthcare and trends that you identified, write a business memorandum to the CFO. In your memo, codify your findings and interpretations, and make a judgment regarding the alignment of the organization’s fiscal management with its strategic direction of the firm. Attach your analysis in an Excel spreadsheet as an attachment to the memo. Your analysis and trends identified should take into account any feedback that you received from your professor and/or peers.Helpful hints: Negative variance is not always a bad thing. For example, you might see a slight increase in the operating costs; however, if you achieved a positive variance in the total operating revenue that outpaced the increase in operating costs, then that may be perceived as a positive outcome. Remember, you need to spend money to make money. We just want to make certain that operating costs/expenses don’t outpace the growth in operating revenues. Also keep in mind that some variances are useful in explaining other variances even if these variances are associated with different financial statements. For example, you may see an increase in operating costs, which is a negative variance, but an increase in current assets, which is a positive variance. Furthermore, you should look for patterns over time. This can reveal both positive and negative trends that may provide insight into the variances you discovered. For example, you may have noticed that a certain expense has continued growth over the past 3 years (negative variance); however, the rate of growth year-over-year has been declining. It could be that Stanford has implemented some cost cutting measures that are showing signs of working.The specific learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Audit financial statements and expenditures for alignment with organizational strategic priorities.
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To write a report based off of one mutual fund from each of three different firms. Economics Assignment Help

The three funds are

(1.) PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth Fund,

(2.) Mairs & Power Growth Fund Investor Class

(3.) T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Fund.

Acquire information about the funds, their policies, their costs, etc.

Track and graph the value(s) from the funds starting February 7th (track the values on every Friday) through May 8th.

Determine your before-tax rate of return on each of the funds (including your costs of investment).

Assess the relative performance of each of the funds

For the project one must invest $8,800 into the funds. The run down of the the money distribution divided into the number of shares is shown below. I’ve included the values for the first 4 weeks.

Please in the report include the following: Abstract, Purpose of Project, Project Procedure, Discussion of Results, Graphs of the changes of price of funds with respect to the date, Initial and closing prices of the funds, Rate of return analysis, pre tax returns for each fund, conclusion of results.



Enterprise-risk-management practices: Where’s the evidence? Computer Science Assignment Help

Read the attached article:


A case study analysis requires you to investigate a problem, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence. Your submission should be no more than 2 pages and needs to adhere to APA formatting for spacing and citations. Include a title page, your case study (1-2 pages), and reference page.

  1. Introduction
    • Identify the key problems and issues in the case study.
    • Formulate and include a thesis statement, summarizing the outcome of your analysis in 1–2 sentences.
  2. Background
    • Set the scene: background information, relevant facts, and the most important issues.
  3. Alternatives
    • Outline possible alternatives (not necessarily all of them)
    • Why are alternatives not possible at this time (if not possible)?
  4. Proposed Solution
    • Provide one specific and realistic solution
    • Explain why this solution was chosen
    • Support this solution with solid evidence
  5. Recommendations
    • Determine and discuss specific strategies for accomplishing the proposed solution.
    • If applicable, recommend further action to resolve some of the issues
    • What should be done and who should do it?

Enterprise-risk-management practices: Where’s the evidence? Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Annotative Bibliography Business Finance Assignment Help

You are now ready to complete the second part of your Communication Research Project in this course, your annotative bibliography. You have already located 12 scholarly journal articles that (1) focus on one area of study in the field of Communication Studies (Links to an external site.) and (2) are published within a Communication Studies journal.

You will create an annotative bibliography of communication studies research that focuses on a single area of study. I urge you to use the same area of study you focused on when completing your APA Citation List. You annotative bibliography will include the following for each communication studies journal article you found earlier this semester. You will repeat the following 12 times, once for each article.

  • APA Reference: You will cite your scholarly peer-reviewed journal article in APA format. Please use the Basics of APA Tutorial when double-checking that your citations are following APA format.
  • Article Permalink: You will include the permalink to the journal article. Read more about library permalinks at, (Links to an external site.). Do not attach the journal articles to this assignment.
  • Article Summary (300-400 words): Your summary should be written in your own words with no evaluation or critique of the article. DO NOT QUOTE from the article. You are paraphrasing all the material into your own words. Do not include in-text citations when writing annotative bibliographies. You will only be summarizing the articles in your own words and there will be a citation above your summary. You should not mention the authors’ names or the article or publication name. Please refer to the authors as “authors” when summarizing their work. Please use the following questions as a guide when writing up your summary: What is the topic of the journal article? Is this a research article analyzing a communication phenomenon or a theoretical discussion of a communication topic? What are the main arguments/questions asked? What paradigm do the research/arguments follow? What theories were driving the research study or discussion? How did the authors conduct their research study, what did they do to collect data? If no research was collected, what did they discuss and why is it important to consider? What results or implications of their writings (usually found in the conclusion or discussion section)?

Here is a sample document showing you how you should format your Annotative Bibliography, Sample Annotative Bibliography.docx.

This annotative bibliography should be submitted as a single document. This is not an essay. The paper should include the headers, content, and lengths described above.

Please keep in mind that each article should be published in a Communication Studies journal. Conference presentations and book reviews are not allowed. You may need to rework your APA Citation List if you did not find 12 communication studies journal articles for this two-part Communication Research Project.

Please post any questions you may have about this assignment in the Communication Lounge/Help Forum.


Psychology research proposal Writing Assignment Help

Research Proposal

Overview: This project will require you to read at least three journal articles, develop an experimental hypothesis based on those articles, devise a hypothetical experiment for testing the hypothesis, propose an appropriate statistical test for hypothetical data, and discuss your predicted results. This will culminate in a final proposal paper in APA format. The paper will include a description of the previous research leading up to your experimental hypothesis, the procedures you chose to test your hypothesis, and the proposed analysis and interpretation of your data related to your proposed experiment. You will not actually be conducting an experiment; you are simply writing about what you would do if you were to conduct an experiment.

Details: You will write a paper about your research proposal of a psychological experiment. Using the psychology literature you will develop an understanding of some psychological problem or question and design a hypothetical experiment that will shed light on the problem/question. You must have a minimum of three peer-reviewed scholarly research articles or chapters from edited books for your literature review. Although you may use articles/chapters that are available on the web, web sites are generally not scholarly sources. Nevertheless, there may be documents available through a research institute or academic institution available on the web that have not been published in a peer-reviewed journal. If you think there is a source on the web that you would like to use, you need to have it approved by me prior to using it as an additional source for your paper. The proposal should be in APA format using one-inch margins and 12-point font. Tips on APA guidelines will be presented for the class.

The paper will include the following:

Total word count at least 750.

a)Title Page: Title no longer than 12 words. The number 1 in top right corner. Centered on page: Title (6 spaces down and bold), 2 double spaces then your name, double space, Northwest Christian University below name, double space, PSY 350: Research Methods, double space, then due date of paper.

b)Abstract: 120-250 words, summarizing your entire paper and project. Rule of thumb: One sentence from each section of your paper.

c)Literature Review: Title of paper (bold) centered at top of page. Your opening paragraphs will describe the proposal topic and explain why it is important and any questions or problems involved. A well-written thesis statement will help guide your paper. Describe the three research studies about your topic. What were their findings? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the research conducted? How will your study answer a new question or fill an important gap based on this research? End with statement of hypothesis/es: What do you propose will happen in your hypothetical experiment? What information will you find out? What do you predict will happen?

d)Method: Includes a detailed description of your hypothetical participants, procedures (including population and sampling procedures), and materials. Remember to operationalize your variables and explain how you will control for extraneous factors and sampling errors.

e)Data Analysis Plan: You will also need to include your proposed data analysis, describing what statistical method you will use to analyze your data. Describe the predicted results of your study based on the statistical method you selected.

f)Discussion: Briefly summarize your hypothetical findings. Include the strengths and limitations of your study. What are the research or practical implications of your findings? What are the practical applications of the research you discovered? Can you recommend anything for people working with your constructs based on the research you discovered? What biases might have been involved?

g)References: List all your references in APA format and alphabetical order. Remember to use hanging indent.

h)Appendix A: Informed consent form.

* Carefully review the research proposal rubric.


Career Path Presentation Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment you will conduct research on the career path you plan to pursue (FBI Agent), and develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

  1. Professional Organizations – Find a minimum of three professional organizations that may help you get into your desired career field.
  2. Volunteer Opportunities – Identify volunteer opportunities related to the field you are pursuing that would help you confirm the field is right for you.
  3. Interview – Interview someone in the professional field you are pursuing.
  4. Program of Study Requirements – Provide a brief summary of the requirements needed to complete your program of study.
  5. Career Search Information – a) Find a job description for your ideal or “dream” job on or another job site; b) Compare the job description of the job to the program of study you are in; c) Explain what courses in the program are going to give you the skills you need to succeed in that job; d) Explain what you need to personally do to ensure you gain the skills in those courses.

Additional Requirements:

  1. Presentation should be 10 – 12 slides in length. This includes a title/introduction slide and a reference slide.
  2. Speaker notes that expand upon the content of your slides are required.
  3. The content presented in your PPT must be supported by a minimum of three to four credible sources.

solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines


Research Products to Implement a Security Strategy for a company Writing Assignment Help

This paper requires you to research products needed to implement security strategies. Grammar is VERY important for this paper. I cannot extend the time limit.

1. Products to Implement Defense Strategy #1 (Build a DMZ for the R&D Center). You must choose one product for each of the following categories (router, firewall, intrusion detection and prevention).

2. Products to Implement Defense Strategy #2 (Implement enterprise-wide protection, detection, and prevention capabilities). These tools or applications will be installed or used on Sifers-Grayson servers (cloud hosting NOT allowed). Select one tool in each of the categories listed below. Your product recommendations must include all of the listed categories.

All of the requirements are included in the attached document. Please read the whole document before starting.


Please find below Discussion Question and Instructions and attached PPT for more information Computer Science Assignment Help

Please find below Discussion Question and Instructions and attached PPT for more information Computer Science Assignment Help

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