Please help Writing Assignment Help

Please help Writing Assignment Help. Please help Writing Assignment Help.

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Due Week 3: 60 points
There are three written assignments in the course,inwhich you will use the
same organization to analyze the culture and make recommendations.
Therefore,itis essential you startto think now about your company
Consider selecting a company you work for, a company a family member or
friend works for, or a civic organization. To ensure your selection sets you
up for success in all three assignments, be sure that your company:
▪ is one you are familiar and can draw on internal processes the public
(outsider) is unaware
▪ has true issues that need to be resolved
▪ allows forrealistic and enforceable solutions forthe organization to
be successful
To complete this assignment, use the provided textbox in which you:
1) Identify thecompany that youwanttoresearchforthethreewritten
assignments in thecourse.
2) Describe the organizational issue in your chosen company.
3) Explain why the issue hinders organizational efficiency.
Due Week 4: 240 points
Leaders address issues and propose solutions. As a leader, you’ll need to
stay on top of events that may facilitate or hinder productivity. You must
create and implement solutions to address these issues.
This assignment exposes you to complex modern organizational
challenges. The solutions you devise should reflect yourlearning and
The new CEO has selected your consulting firm to give him/her an analysis
of the organizationalefficiency.
Write a double-spaced 2 to 3 page paper in which you will presentto the CEO
your findings during your research steps. You must propose strategic
solutions in your paper to include the following:
1) Describe the Organization and the Issue to Resolve
• Provide a brief description of the organization you selected.
• Presentthe organizational issue that adversely affected
productivity and that you, the consultant, will review and
2) Analyze Current Corporate Culture
• How has the current corporate culture facilitated the
development ofthe currentissue? Research the organization,
digintotheculture, andanalyze howit contributedtothis issue.
Hint: Review the mission and vision statements as well as the
corporate website.
3) Identify Areas of Weakness
• What are the organization’s areas of weakness? Use your
research on organizational behavior approaches to corporate
culture, diversity, teamwork, and motivational strategies.
4) Propose Solutions
• What organizational practices would you modify? What
solutions would you recommend to management? As the
consultant you will identify the suggestions and solutions you
would presentto the organization’s leadership with regard to
modifying currentorganizationalpractices toresolvetheissue.
5) References and Citations
• Provide at least 2 quality resources such as the course
textbook, company website, business websites (CNBC,
Bloomberg, etc.), resources from the Strayer Library, and/or
outside sources. Note: Wikipedia and web-based blogs do not
qualify as credibleresources.
• In-textcitationsarerequiredwhenparaphrasing orquoting
another source.
6) Formatting and WritingStandards
• Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align
your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.
*Grading for this assignment will be based on the following criteria and evaluation standards:
Criteria Exemplary
100% – A
85% – B
75% – C
0% – F
1. Describe the
Organization and
the Issue to
Weight: 20%
Fully describes the
organization by providing a
relevant and robust but
concise overview of the
company (e.g. when they
were established, what
service(s) or products they
provide, and other relevant
information). Additionally,
the authorfully describes the
issue he/she has identified;
what he/she knows about it
and how it has impacted the
Sufficiently describes the
organization and provides
details aboutthe company.
The issue is identified and
the author sufficiently
describes what he/she
knows about it and its
impact on the company.
Partially describes the
organization and provides
some details about the
company, but additional
details would improve the
description. The issue and
its impact on the company
are not clearly articulated.
Does not describe the
organization or provide
details about the company.
The issue and its impact on
the company are not
2. Analyze
Current Corporate
Weight: 20%
Completely describes the
company’s culture by
detailing how the company
and external perspectives.
Draws strong, logical
connections about how the
culture did or could have
supported/facilitated the
challenge. Makes direct
connections and supports
Satisfactorily describes
the company culture by
drawing on and
synthesizing corporate
information about the
company. Makes logical
and realistic connections
that are supported by
source material.
Partially describes the
company’s culture. Lacks
details and/or multiple
sources are not utilized to
provide a well-rounded
perspective. Makes loose
connections that were not
supported by sources or
that were not fully
The culture is not
described or the company
is not differentiated
completely from others.
Poses unsupported
connections or
connections are not
3. Identify Areas
of Weakness
Weight 20%
Completely identifies areas
of weakness and provides
strong details with logical
connections and supporting
source material.
Satisfactorily identifies
areas of weakness and
provides valid details
supported by source
Partially identifies areas of
weakness and makes loose
connections between the
weaknesses and supporting
Does not identify areas of
weakness or does not
provide supporting source
4. Propose
Weight 25%
Completely describes
modifications to
provides solutions with
strong connections and
supporting source material.
Logically details how the
solutions will resolve issue.
Satisfactorily describes
modifications to
organizational practices.
Provides solutions that
make some connections
with supporting source
material to indicate how
the solutions will resolve
the issue.
Partially describes
modifications to
organizational practices and
solutions to resolve the
issues. Lacks supporting
details and source material.
Does not describe
modifications to
organizational practices,
or does not identify
solutions that would
resolve the issue. No
source material is
5. Reference
Reference quality
Weight 5%
Meets or exceeds numberof
required references; all
references high quality
Meets number of
required references;
some references maybe
poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required
number of references; some
references may be poor
quality choices.
No references provided or
6. Follows writing
Weight 10%
Followed all writing
Met page minimums.
Followed most writing
Met page minimums.
Followed few writing
May not have met page
Followed fewtonowriting
Did not meet page
Due Week 6: 240 points
As you continue your consulting role, the next task is to deliver a
professional development program to the CEO of your chosen organization.
Itis importantthat your program’s proposal be based on your research of
emotional intelligence (EI) and specifically detail how a new incentive
program, based on an EI management approach, will:
▪ foster teamwork,
▪ strengthen interpersonal relationships,
▪ enhance communication,
▪ increase overall performance,and
▪ benefit not only managers but the bottom-line.
Create a double-spaced 5 to 7 page proposal that includes the following components:
1) EI and Motivation
• Which ofthe EI building blocks would impact management’s ability to
enhance employee performance and job satisfaction?
• Based on your research on motivational theory, describe how you
would utilize positive or negative reinforcement to influence the
members ofthe organization and resolve the issue. Provide examples
to support yoursolution.
2) EI and Social Skills and Decision Making
• Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would
enhance the social skills and the decision-making efficacy ofthe
management team.
3) Effective Teams
• Describe the core attributes of an effective team and the strategies
youwouldimplementto developteamdynamics thatwill benefitthe
4) Reward Systems
• Createaneffectiverewardsystemforthisorganization.Determine
the strategies you would incorporate to motivate employees and
influence behavior.
5) References and Citations
• Provide at least 2 quality resources.
• In-textcitationsarerequiredwhenparaphrasing orquotinganother
6) Formatting and WritingStandards
• Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your
formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.
*Grading for this assignment will be based on the following criteria and evaluation standards:
Criteria Exemplary
100% – A
85% – B
75% – C
0% – F
1. EI and
Weight: 20%
Fully describes how
motivation and
reinforcement would be
used to influence members
of the organization to
resolve the issue. Draws
compelling, logical
and solution. Examples are
strong and support solution.
Satisfactorily describes
how motivation and
reinforcement would be
used to influence members
of the organization to
resolve the issue. Makes
logical connections
between theory and
solution. Examples support
Partially describes how
motivation and
reinforcement would be
used to influence members
of the organization to
resolve the issue. Makes
loose connections between
theory and solution.
Examples do not fully
support solution.
The description does not
address how motivation
and reinforcement would
be used to influence
members of the
issue. Examples are not
2. EI and Social
Skills and
Decision Making
Weight: 20%
Fully describes how
motivation and
reinforcement would be
used to influence members
of the organization to
resolve the issue. Draws
compelling, logical
and solution. Examples are
strong and support solution.
Satisfactorily describes
how motivation and
reinforcement would be
used to influence
members of the
organization to resolve
the issue. Makes logical
connections between
theory and solution.
Examples support
Partially explains how core
concepts of emotional
intelligence would enhance
the social skills and the
decision-making efficacy of
the management team.
Loose connections are
made to support the
relationship between EIand
management’s skills.
Application of research is
The description does not
explain how the core
concepts of emotional
intelligence would
enhance the social skills
and the decision-making
efficacy of the
management team.
3. Effective
Weight 25%
Completely describes the
core attributes of an
effective team. Strategies to
develop team dynamics are
strongly articulated and
detailed. Benefits to the
organization are logical and
well supported.
Satisfactorily describes
the core attributes ofan
effective team.
Strategies to develop
team dynamics are
articulated. Benefits to
the organization are
stated. Additional details
and source support
would improve the
Partially describes the core
attributes of an effective
team. Strategies to develop
team dynamics lack details
and source support or are
not fully articulated. Benefits
to the organization are
Does not describe the core
attributes of an effective
team or strategies to
develop team dynamics.
Benefits to organization
are not presented.
4. Reward
Weight 20%
Creates an effective reward
system and articulates wellthoughtout strategies to
motivate employees to
influence behavior. The
and influence is strong and
supported by source
Creates an effective
reward system and
provides motivational
strategies. Details and
source material support
how behavior would be
Partially creates an effective
reward system and
articulates some
motivational strategies.
Supporting details are given
but could be expanded to
describe how behavior
would be influenced.
Application of research is
reward system or
determine strategies to
motivate employees to
influence behavior.
5. Reference
Reference quality
Weight 5%
Meets or exceeds numberof
required references; all
references high quality
Meets number of
required references;
some references maybe
poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required
number of references; some
references may be poor
quality choices.
No references provided or
6. Follows writing
Weight 10%
Followed all writing
Met page minimums.
Followed most writing
Met page minimums.
Followed few writing
May not have met page
Followed fewtonowriting
Did not meet page
Due Week 9: 240 points
In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational
culture in turn hinder organizational productivity. In your role as
consultant you observed power and politics influence on the corporate
Create a double-spaced 5 to 7 page report that addresses the following:
1) Influence of Politics andPower
• Explain how politics and power-play may haveinfluenced the
organization’s culture.
2) Sources of Power
• Explore the sources of power and describe how management
could use this influence to benefit your department and improve
organizational performance.
3) Leadership Behavior andCulture
• Make recommendations that support how the study of power
and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve
the organization’s culture.
4) Leadership Influence
• Discuss the importance and complexity ofleadership behavior.
How does it influence organizational structure and
5) References and Citations
• Provide at least 2 quality resources.
• In-textcitationsarerequiredwhenparaphrasing orquoting
another source.
6) Formatting and WritingStandards
• Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align
your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.
*Grading for this assignment will be based on the following criteria and evaluation standards:
Criteria Exemplary
100% – A
85% – B
75% – C
0% – F
1. Influence of
Politics and Power
Weight: 20%
Completely explains how
politics and power-play may
have influenced the
organization’s culture.
Accurately identifies the core
issues and strongly
connects them to the impact
on culture. The explanation
is well-supported by
Satisfactorily explains how
politics and power-play
may have influenced the
organization’s culture.
Identifies some core
issues and connects them
to the impact on the
culture. The explanation
uses research support.
Partially explains how
politics and power-play may
have influenced the
organization’s culture.
Identifies some issues but
does notfully explore them
or make a strong
connection totheirimpact.
Uses littleresearchsupport.
Does not explain how
politics and power-play may
have influenced the
organization’s culture.
2. Sources of
Weight: 20%
Completely identifies the
sources of power and
describes how management
could use this influence to
enhance organizational
performance. Uses relevant
key concepts and makes
valid connections to
enhanced performance that
are well-supported by
Satisfactorily identifies
the sources of power
and describes how
management could use
this influencetoenhance
performance. Most key
concepts are accurately
identified and there is a
connection to enhanced
performance with
research support.
Partially identifies the
sources of power and
describes how management
could use this influence to
enhance organizational
performance. Not all key
concepts are identified and
there is a loose connection
to performance. There is
little research support.
Does not identify the
sources of power or
describe how
management could use
this influence to enhance
performance. There is no
reference to research.
3. Leadership
Behavior and
Weight 25%
Provides excellent
recommendations as to how
the study of power and
politics could influence
leadership behavior and
impact the organization’s
culture. Recommendations
are credible and relevant
with a strong connection to
the impact on culture backed
bywell-supported research.
recommends how the
study of power and
politics could influence
leadership behavior and
impact the organization’s
culture. Recommendations are clear and
connection to the impact
on culture. Research
support is evident.
Partially recommends how
the study of power and
politics could influence
leadership behavior and
impact the organization’s
culture, but the
recommendations are
is no clear connection to the
impact on culture. There is
Does not recommend how
the study of power and
politics could influence
leadership behavior and
impact the organization’s
culture. There is no
reference to research.
4. Leadership
Weight 20%
Thoroughly discusses how
the importance and
complexity of leadership
behavior influences
organizational structureand
performance. Relevant key
concepts are presentedwith
strong research support.
Satisfactorily discusses
how the importance and
complexity of leadership
behavior influences
organizational structure
and performance. Most
key concepts are
presented with research
Partially discusses howthe
of leadership behavior
influences organizational
structure and performance.
Some key concepts are
missing and there is little or
no research support.
Does not discuss how the
importance and
complexity of leadership
behavior influences
organizational structure
and performance. There is
no reference to research.
5. Reference
Reference quality
Weight 5%
Meets or exceeds numberof
required references; all
references high quality
Meets number of
required references;
some references maybe
poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required
number of references; some
references may be poor
quality choices.
No references provided or
6. Follows writing
Weight 10%
Followed all writing
Met page minimums.
Followed most writing
Met page minimums.
Followed few writing
May not have met page
Followed fewtonowriting
Did not meet p

Please help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Assessment 1 NHS-FP5004 Health Medical Assignment Help

Draft a proposal of 4–5 pages for the development of an interprofessional team to address a problem in delivering safe, high-quality health care.

Read each portion of the assessment carefully and see if the suggested resources can help you complete it.


Effective interprofessional collaboration is an essential strategy for health care leaders in delivering safe, high-quality health care and reducing costs. The ability to establish effective professional relationships among internal and external resources is the foundation of collaboration (Lawson, 2004).

This assessment provides an opportunity to consider the practical value and implementation of a collaborative strategy in your professional practice or area of interest.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain the concepts, principles, and characteristics of effective health care leadership.
    • Analyze the factors contributing to a problematic health care issue.
  • Competency 2: Explain the role of health care leaders in facilitating interprofessional collaboration.
    • Explain the need for interprofessional collaboration to improve the quality and safety of health care in specific instances.
    • Assess the effectiveness of a particular leadership approach in building and maintaining interprofessional collaborative relationships.
    • Develop a collaborative plan for improving the quality and safety of health care in specific instances.
    • Determine the leader’s role in implementing collaborative health care improvement projects.
  • Competency 4: Determine the influence of the practitioner-scholar role on professional practice and leadership development.
    • Determine how the practitioner-scholar model might be applied in resolving a particular health care issue.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
    • Develop a strategy for communicating the progress of interprofessional teams to organizational leaders.
    • Write coherently to support a central idea, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.

Lawson, H. (2004). The logic of collaboration in education and the human services. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 18(3), 225–237.

Question to consider

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, a family member, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.


  • How do you approach a problem or challenge within your organization, when you observe it?
  • How often have you needed to find credible information to solve a personal or professional problem? How did you find the information you needed?
  • What are the advantages of an interprofessional team?
  • What are peer-reviewed resources? Why are peer-reviewed resources considered to be credible and valid?
  • What kind of communication skills do you possess?

Please also complete project proposal template


Evaluating Argument Writing Assignment Help

Imagine your boss has asked you to evaluate four ideas that she is thinking of using to implement programs. You must evaluate whether these are good ideas that she can safely and immediately green-light or whether further evidence is needed. She is anxious to move forward, so she will be unhappy if you reject a good idea; however, if you approve a bad idea, she will be equally as unhappy. She has specifically directed you not to do any outside research. You must evaluate the ideas strictly on the brief passages available. She also wants to know what specific kind of reasoning is used in each passage

Read 4 examples below and answer each 5 questions to each example.

These are from this textbook. (Chapter 8,9,10 if you need textbook help to answer these questions)

I think I need textbook reference.

Jackson, D., & Newberry, P. (2016). Critical thinking: A user’s manual (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

  • 1)Identify the type of inductive argument and any features of the way the argument is constructed that you find relevant.
  • 2)Explain how convincing you think the argument is.
  • 3)Does it have sufficient evidence to allow you to suggest that she move forward with the idea or does the argument have knowledge gaps?
  • 4)What questions need to be answered to close these gaps?
  • 5)Does the argument contain any information that adds to its authority, credibility, or reliability?

1) Among people who use multiple dietary supplements, fish oil/omega-3 supplements now top multivitamins in popularity. The conclusion is based on 6,012 responses collected in November from a sampling of subscribers to our free e-newsletter. Fish oil/omega-3 supplements were used by 74% of respondents, followed in popularity by multivitamins, which were used by 72%.—

2) For-profit hospices do not focus on the best interests of their patients. In one study assessing the impact of ownership status on care provided to patients, researchers found that patients receiving care from for-profit hospices received a narrower range of services than patients from non-profit hospices. The narrower range of services meant that patients with for-profit hospices were not receiving as much counseling services, medications, and personal care.—Carlson, Gallo, and Bradley, “Ownership Status and Patterns of Care in Hospice”

3) The University of Hawaii at Manoa is a lot like the University of Colorado at Denver. They are both public, coeducational universities located in the capital city of their state, and they both have student populations of approximately 20,000 students. Since 64% of the students at the University of Hawaii are of Asian or Pacific Island descent, approximately the same number of students at the University of Colorado at Denver are of Asian or Pacific Island descent.1)Recently researchers compared 286 depressed workers with 193 others who were not depressed. Since only the depressed workers had such problems as fatigue, lack of motivation, and trouble managing their usual workload, researchers concluded that depression was the cause of their problems at work.—American Journal of Health Promotion

4)Recently researchers compared 286 depressed workers with 193 others who were not depressed. Since only the depressed workers had such problems as fatigue, lack of motivation, and trouble managing their usual workload, researchers concluded that depression was the cause of their problems at work.—American Journal of Health Promotion


EE561 Probability Variables and Stochastic Process Problem Assignment Mathematics Assignment Help

attached is a questions about the probability. it need to be solved and plot using MATLAB.

I need to have a Microsoft work file that have the following:

– question number

– problem methods+ calculation if needed before you use MATLAB

– full MATLAB code with the plots separately for every section or every equation

– the plot of every question

– Discussion after solving the problem.

– M file for the coding.

I attached the project paper quotation, I attached the comments (project note) from the professor by written by hand from the answer Key (the answer should be same because I copy fast from the professor answer key) . I attached a tutor solution for all the quotations but without methods or solving the quotation or discussion and the he/she plot everything togather and this is wrong. it should be like what it in my hand writing note. please make sure

– the plots are separate for every things

-use a lot of random variables like 1000 or 10000 using rand()

– plots looks smooth and similar to the hand writing.


– the book is available online

– more than 50% of the work is already done


Ihuman case susan white Health Medical Assignment Help

I need to complete this case

iHuman Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an iHuman case study based on the course objectives and weekly content. iHuman cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program you will use iHuman case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning through the use of ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence based practice.

The iHuman assignments are highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the iHuman cases will be present in the weekly quizzes, and mid-term and final exams. You must have all iHuman assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Please access the iHuman tab on the left-hand side of your screen under the Course Home page for log-in instructions. Please follow the instructions located on the start page of your case.

Click here for information on how to access and navigate iHuman.

This week, complete the case titled “Susan White V3



CASE 4 Carlsberg in Emerging Markets discussion( only 2 questions) Business Finance Assignment Help

RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: Write your deliverables in a word document first AND save it. Then, copy and paste your document in the appropriate discussion area. Deliverables must be 1.5-2 pages in length and have at least one academic source–12 inch font Times New Roman–double spaced. Additionally, it is important to remain cognitive of current events and ethical issues surrounding the organizations/industries we study each week.

Ethical/CSR Ombudsman (Job E)—How do the activities of the company compare with the corporate social responsibility model–to make a profit, be legal, be ethical, be philanthropic? Analyze each level. Discuss any gaps you have observed. (For example, what legal/ethical issues impacting the organization currently or in the future. You amy also share any current event information related to the case study.

Information Specialist. (Job B) (Provides the Background, Mission and Objectives and key issues discussed in the case

CASE 4 Carlsberg in Emerging Markets discussion( only 2 questions) Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Court case research paper Business Finance Assignment Help

This is a court case research paper, minimum 2 pages. The court case needs to be HR related (go under the resource tab and look at the EEOC web link, Examples of court cases that you can look up are; sexual harassment, discrimination based on national origin, age, religion, gender… Then search for a case from the website. After you find a topic and a case you like you then you need to research court cases, AKA someone had sued an employer for an infraction and a verdict was determined by the judge. Other than that, all you need to know is attached. Please follow the instructions carefully.


Ethics Paper “Killing and Letting Die” Other Assignment Help

I uploaded the article “Killing and Letting Die”

  • Each of these writing assignments is to be done weekly, so that your final paper will be written cumulatively in successive stages.
  • Each Weekly Writing Assignment should be turned in online to the correct Blackboard portal for a completion grade.
  • During finals week, compile all of these assignments and edit them together into a coherent final essay. Turn in the final paper to as a single document to Blackboard (PDF ONLY).
  • ((((“Do not do outside research for this paper unless approved by instructor.“)))))

1. Motivate the issue. [Deadline: Tu, April 9] (half page)

State the ethical problem at hand, and explain why it matters.

2. Summarize your primary article [Deadline: Tu, April 16]

Do not go into great detail, just give the gist.

3. Give a detailed reconstruction of the author’s argument [Deadline: Tu, April 23].(2-3pages)

Be sure to explain the inferences being made, and do not simply give a book report of the premises and conclusions. What is the author’s primary conclusion? Parse your reconstruction into the CREW structure (see lecture slides on Writing). State your interpretation of the author’s claims and explain in detail how the author defends their position.

4. Pose two objections to the argument [Deadline: Tu, April 30].(2-3 pages)

Put pressure on the author’s argument to test its strength. First state the strongest objection. Explain why this objection speaks against the author’s argument, and also explain why this is the strongest objection. Then state a second objection. Again, explain why this objection is evidence against the author’s position, and evaluate the strength of the objection.

5. Evaluate the issue: state and defend your position [Deadline: Tu, May 7].(2-3 pages)

In #3 and #4 you gave a detailed philosophical analysis. Now it’s time to evaluate the results. Does the author’s original argument stand firm against the objections? If so, state how the author’s theory can reply to the objections. Do the objections sway you to the other side? Then explain why the author’s theory cannot withstand the pressure of the objections you’ve stated. Perhaps the objections suggest a modified version of the author’s argument that can withstand the objection. In that case, explain what modifications you would make, and tell your reader in detail how these modifications make the argument immune to the original objection.

6. Compose an introduction, transitions, and conclusion. [Not due separately. Incorporate into Final Draft to be turned in during finals week]

((Your introduction should include a clear statement of your thesis and a “roadmap” of your paper. Your transitions should make obvious the structure of your paper. This will be discussed in class.))

All of the work must be around 8-9 pages.


Effects of Coal Water Runoff on Plant Growth of Salix purpurea (05x-281-043) and Salix miyabeana (94006). Writing Assignment Help


I need you to write me the result and the discussion section of this paper.

Please follow the instructions VERY WELL! (POWERPOINT AND A PICTURE OF A NOTEBOOK)!!

i attached all the needed graph in the other powerpoint

YOU NEED to write about the p value “prop>F” and the F ratio (effect test box on the pictures) For each graph !!!

each graph gas a table that attached and you need to interpret its meaning ( what is significant and what is not?)

the graphs are not in the result! however, they are addressed in the result and they are included at separated page.


in the discussion, address what is important and what does that mean

I attached my method and introduction to help you understand more about the topic



AUDIT PROFESSIONAL, TOOK AUDIT CLASS, expert only please, I will rate you 1 star if you are not professional Business Finance Assignment Help

First of all, ask yourself what AUDIT ASSERTIONS are: and the answers are Completeness, existence, accuracy, valuation, obligation,presentation. If you knew the answer, and are indeed audit expert, or have taken audit classes and have done audit risk projects, please bid and I will be very generous with tips if you do a good work.

Company name: Northwest Pipe Co. (ticker: NWPX)

  • Analysis of the Summary of Significant Accounting Policies –
  • Discussion of the business risks based on your understanding of the business, your understanding of the industry, your preliminary analytical review, your planning materiality, and your analysis of significant accounting policies.
  • Discussion of the audit assertion risks with careful links to your business risks, your preliminary analytical review, and your analysis of significant accounting policies. –
  • Audit assertion risk weighting with justification –
  • Audit assertion risk mapping –
  • Procedures to mitigate your audit assertion risks. –

Please provide at least 10 audit assertion risks and procedures, as discussed above. single space, no real limit to page number as long as you feel it’s adequate, but at least 5 pages please.

Let me know if you have any questions I will be very responsive.


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