Please prepare the Articles, the Bylaws and the IRS form that will allow the company to be treated as an s-corporation. Business Finance Assignment Help

Please prepare the Articles, the Bylaws and the IRS form that will allow the company to be treated as an s-corporation. Business Finance Assignment Help. Please prepare the Articles, the Bylaws and the IRS form that will allow the company to be treated as an s-corporation. Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Andy, Opie and Bee reside in the hypothetical state of LaLaLand. They come to your office and state that they would like to form a corporation to organize their business selling souvenirs in the city of Mayberry. They want the corporation to be called AOB Trinkets, Inc.

Andy is planning to invest $50,000 into the business and Opie and Bee $25,000 each. Their ownership of the corporation should be proportional to their initial investments. The three all live at 123 Main Street in Mayberry.

The three investors tell you that they also want to form a board of directors that will include each of themselves plus Barney Fife and Gomer Pyle, two friends of theirs from the neighborhood. They tell you that Barney and Gomer can receive salaries for their work but that the three initial investors should not receive salaries (it is assumed that they will all give their time to running the business).

The three investors would like you to draft Articles of Incorporation and the initial corporate bylaws. They tell you that any provision that you feel is reasonable and proper can be included. They do, however, make you aware of the following factors to keep in mind:

1)The three want the annual meeting to be held on January 10 at their home.

2)They want to make sure that the corporation cannot start a new line of business without their unanimous consent.

3)They would like just the three of them (and not Barney or Gomer) to have “speaking authority” for the company.

4)They want the hiring of officers to be accomplished by majority vote of the directors.

5)They want to make sure that stock is not sold to anyone other than the initial three without all three agreeing to the sale.

The three also tell you that for income tax purposes, they would like to be treated as an s-corporation.

Please prepare the Articles, the Bylaws and the IRS form that will allow the company to be treated as an s-corporation.

Please prepare the Articles, the Bylaws and the IRS form that will allow the company to be treated as an s-corporation. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

POLS 103 The Federal System Humanities Assignment Help

Indicate here honestly when you have read the whole of Volkomer Chapter
3. As you read through this chapter, also give your rolling analysis
of it here. What is meant by “federalism,” as Volkomer describes it in
this chapter? What are the implications of “federalism” for the powers
and functions of states, such as Missouri? From what you have already
seen of the Missouri and U.S. Constitutions, how, where, and to what
extent do those documents reflect the principles of federalism? What are
the implications for the power of the national govenment in Washington
D.C. of federalism? Why, from historical surveying that we have
already done in prior readings and discussions, do you think that the
founders chose to create a federal system for government in the United
States? Consider too the below video, and give your analysis of it in
real time in the below “add your two cents” box

Please provide a word count of 100 words or more.


info2222 Computing 2 Usability and Security Computer Science Assignment Help

Deploying the Site [2 Marks]

Real websites are deployed on dedicated servers.To complete this component, you will be provided with a server and ssh access and will need todeploy your site to the server.You will be marked both for getting your site functioning on this server, and how you have configuredthe server. Consider how git keys and ssh keys should be stored, and how groups and users should beset up.It’s worth noting that the servers may be rebooted periodically, you will want some method of ensuringthat your web application restarts when the server restarts. You may find systemctl, or init scriptsuseful for this.

• 1 mark for a successful deployment

• 0.5 marks for an appropriate use of users and groups

• 0.5 marks for a successful startup scriptIn assignment three the availability of your site will be assessed. Bottle by itself is not particularlyefficient, and you may find the cherrypy python package useful in quickly improving the stability ofyour site.

Virtual Users [2 Marks]

Bots are prevalent on the Internet, from crawling and data-mining to automated up-voting and sharing,the actions of an anonymous virtual user can be nearly indistinguishable from that of a real person.These virtual users are also useful debugging tools, and when run can swiftly ferret out any brokenlinks or functionality.You will be required to write a number of virtual actors for your site. They should span all regular user,and administrator roles and should perform a number of actions that you would consider standard forthe site such as logging in, trawling the site sending messages, and banning and unbanning each other.You will need to write a separate Python class (in its own file) that when run, selects a virtual userat random and navigates them through the site, performing tasks that a regular user would (filling informs, viewing pages etc). The actions of your virtual users should span all possible routes for yoursite. You may find it useful to re-purpose your think alouds as the paths that your virtual users takethrough your site.Your virtual users should make use of a headless browser to ensure that Javascript and AJAXcan be correctly loaded.Template code will be provided. You may find that the selenium package is helpful in completing thissection.

• 1 mark for a successful traversal

• 1 mark for calling all routes at least once


analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies and court systems on business transactions and dispute resolution. Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies and court systems on business transactions and dispute resolution.

Read the following scenario:

You are the CEO of Bonner, a U.S.-based farm equipment corporation. Bonner recently announced the release of an innovative new tractor with technology based on a patented invention developed by Bonner’s engineers. Bonner’s vice president, who is aware of the upcoming product offering, bought 100,000 shares of Bonner stock prior to the announcement. You found out about the vice president’s stock purchase on the day of the announcement.

One week after the announcement, Bonner received a letter from a German farm equipment corporation, accusing Bonner of patent infringement based on the new tractor’s technology.

Bonner’s board of directors asked you to assess the vice president’s liability for the stock purchase and the company’s options for resolving the German corporation’s patent infringement claim.

Prepare an infographic for the board (e.g., Piktochart®, Publisher, Glogster®, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, etc.) in which you discuss the following:

  • Compare the resolution of the patent dispute in a U.S. court with the resolution of the dispute using the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) dispute resolution program. Search the internet to review WIPO’s dispute resolution program. (Information about WIPO’s dispute resolution program may be located on their website by searching the Internet for WIPO).
  • Assess the liability of Bonner’s vice president for purchasing the corporation’s stock prior to the announcement of the new tractor.
  • Assess whether Bonner has any legal or ethical duties to disclose the stock purchase, and if so, to whom?
  • Discuss risk management procedures Bonner can adopt to avoid or reduce situations like these from happening in the future.

Create a 350- to 525-word letter in response to the German farm equipment company in which you:

  • Explain why Bonner is the owner of the invention
  • Discuss the intellectual property rights owned by Bonner in the invention
  • Suggest a method of dispute resolution (e.g., arbitration, mediation, litigation, WIPO dispute resolution), why that method would be desirable for resolving the dispute, and how and where the dispute resolution should be held (United States, foreign country, online, etc.).

Cite a minimum of two references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Film Research Project Humanities Assignment Help

HI ? There are 2 films that will be used in the assignment: “The Color Purple” and “To Kill A Mockingbird ” .







1a) This is the first paragraph of your research paper. Take the films we agreed upon and the things they have in common and put it together in one paragraph explaining what the ‘thesis’ of your paper will be.

For example, “In my research paper, I will compare and contrast ABC (1954) and XYZ (1971) and 1) how they explore prejudice, 2) how the message is reflective of the period in which they were made, and 3) how the camera work/design is used to define an ethnic group as a victim/oppressor.”

Or, “In this paper, I will analyze the story arc of XYZ (1999) and PDQ (2017), both directed by Samantha Smith, and compare them to the classic form of Heroic drama as defined in the textbook “Essential Theatre”. I will look at how the form evolved over the course of the director’s career and the elements that have become hallmarks of her work. I will reference reviews from such publications as Variety, Film Digest, and U.S. News & World Report.”

It doesn’t have to be as serious as my examples, but it needs to be worth writing. Think this through because, if accepted, I will expect you to follow that line of thinking in developing your research sources and your outline.

-> A thesis would be to prove the effectiveness of the films as a statement against prejudice and violence, or to prove that the theme of prejudice is presented effectively even though it is a secondary plotline, etc. Or that the theme of prejudice is more effectively presented through the viewpoint of the oppressed or the oppressor.

** You should follow MLA format in your thesis paragraph as well as your paper: Double-space Time New Roman 12 pt font; italicize film titles, provide the release dates in parentheses after first mention of a title; do not use first-person subjective voice (I will be analyzing) use third-person objective voice in present tense (This essay explores….). Use proper capitalization, grammar and spelling.


create an outline for your research project. For an 8-10 page paper, create an outline with headings and sub-headings of what you will cover. Anything less than a page will not realistically represent a 10-page paper. For example.

[Title of paper]

I. [Thesis paragraph] In this paper I will discuss Film X and Film Z and how they are representative of the work of film director John Smith. Smith worked primarily during the Golden Era of Hollywood and these films represent the progression of his art from the beginning of his career to the end of his career. I will discuss the evolution of his specific directorial style and how it was influenced by his collaborations with cinematographers Jane Doe and Jim Brown.

A. History of Smith’s early career as influenced by ….

B. Collaboration with Jane Doe

C. Film X

1) Technical achievements

2) Cinematic approach

D. History of Smith’s middle career

1) List of films

2) Awards and achievements

E. Height of Smith’s career

1) Historical influences

2) Technical breakthroughs

3) Collaboration with Jim Brown

4) Film Z

F. Comparison of the films

1) Story

2) Cinematography

3) Summary

3a) Using your approved titles, write a brief description of how you intend to ‘hook’ the reader. What is the angle from which you will write your paper. For example, ‘both films deal with race discrimination and are reflective of social norms for the period,’ or ‘both films are by the same director but reflect different stages in his/her career.’

4a) The Color Purple and To Kill A Mockingbird.

It will require a lot of research on the facts of segregation and prejudice in the early 20th century, on the books that were the source material, etc. I think one angle of your paper will have to be on the presentation of prejudice in film as from a white perspective and from a black perspective. Mockingbird is clearly white on black relations, although you get into social and monetary classes; while much of the prejudice shown in Purple is black on black, men on women, etc.



analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies and court systems on business transactions and dispute resolution Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies and court systems on business transactions and dispute resolution.

Read the following scenario:

You are the CEO of Bonner, a U.S.-based farm equipment corporation. Bonner recently announced the release of an innovative new tractor with technology based on a patented invention developed by Bonner’s engineers. Bonner’s vice president, who is aware of the upcoming product offering, bought 100,000 shares of Bonner stock prior to the announcement. You found out about the vice president’s stock purchase on the day of the announcement.

One week after the announcement, Bonner received a letter from a German farm equipment corporation, accusing Bonner of patent infringement based on the new tractor’s technology.

Bonner’s board of directors asked you to assess the vice president’s liability for the stock purchase and the company’s options for resolving the German corporation’s patent infringement claim.

Prepare an infographic for the board (e.g., Piktochart®, Publisher, Glogster®, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, etc.) in which you discuss the following:

  • Compare the resolution of the patent dispute in a U.S. court with the resolution of the dispute using the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) dispute resolution program. Search the internet to review WIPO’s dispute resolution program. (Information about WIPO’s dispute resolution program may be located on their website by searching the Internet for WIPO).
  • Assess the liability of Bonner’s vice president for purchasing the corporation’s stock prior to the announcement of the new tractor.
  • Assess whether Bonner has any legal or ethical duties to disclose the stock purchase, and if so, to whom?
  • Discuss risk management procedures Bonner can adopt to avoid or reduce situations like these from happening in the future.

Create a 350- to 525-word letter in response to the German farm equipment company in which you:

  • Explain why Bonner is the owner of the invention
  • Discuss the intellectual property rights owned by Bonner in the invention
  • Suggest a method of dispute resolution (e.g., arbitration, mediation, litigation, WIPO dispute resolution), why that method would be desirable for resolving the dispute, and how and where the dispute resolution should be held (United States, foreign country, online, etc.).

Cite a minimum of two references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines

analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies and court systems on business transactions and dispute resolution Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

analyze and model using J STROBE a (suggest longer than about 5 minutes) construction time lapse video Engineering Assignment Help

The source link must be referenced. Email me if you are unsure if it is suitable. Most video players allow you to slow down the playback speed so that you can closely examine the process and extract durations and constraints. Pay attention on the components that you see installed in addition to the machines that you see move. Or use time stamps in the video itself if available to derive real durations. Or try to figure out how many photos it took each day (between the sky getting dark). Because time lapse cameras work by taking a photo every few minutes (during daytime hours) and stitching that together into what looks like a continuous video. Or if the title says e.g. “N months in M minutes” you could interpolate shorter durations that you see.

Please prepare the following assignment.

Part 1: Process Narrative

Take the following items to record observations and quantitative data as far as possible:

  • Paper, pen, timer with minutes/seconds (e.g. wristwatch, cell phone, or stopwatch);

Submit your answer as a four-page memorandum describing your approach to solving this assignment, any interesting observations or insights, and the following sections:

  • Brief description of selected and observed process type;
  • List with mini description of elements, with resource counts and activity durations;
  • List of (typical) inputs with type, quantity, and unit;
  • List of (typical) outputs with type, quantity, and unit;
  • List with mini description of rules, distinguishing to which element(s) each applies;
  • One-page narrative (part of 4 pages) that describes all elements and behaviors.

Attach an appendix (does not count toward page length) a full printout of your annotated and edited actual input data (before being analyzed) as well as the network model itself.

Part 2: Process Model

Develop, debug, and run a well-labeled jStrobe model of the entire process.

Part 3: Process Analysis

Experiment with the simulation model by varying parameters of resources and activities as necessary to determine if the process is already (near) its possible optimum. If so, provide evidence why; if not, provide thoughtful suggestions for process improvements.

Reference all sources (except for the textbook) in the accepted ASCE referencing style at the end of your document.


This is a discussion post Writing Assignment Help

Do not need to write an introduction and conclusion. Just answer the questions only. And please ONLY use the source I provided.


David J. Morris, subject of the Fresh Air interview,“In the Evil Hours,’ A Journalist Shares His Struggle with PTSD” served in the Marines in the 1990s and later as a war correspondent in Iraq. He also went to grad school with Dr. Hawk. After listening to the interview with Morris and watching the Alive Day documentary, reflect on the following question: What is the psychological impact of war on the people fighting it and/or reporting on it? Feel free to write informally, but remember to reference specific details from the sources in your post.



2 Papers on Hispanics and Asian Americans Humanities Assignment Help

submit two short response papers (about two pages each, double-spaced) addressing readings assigned for two separate classes (not the lectures). Briefly summarize/discuss the readings and describe your personal reactions/opinions (commentary) about the readings and topic (if there is more than one reading assigned, you should discuss all the readings). Papers should show evidence that you did all the readings (you should not just write about your own opinion based on your general knowledge of the topic or respond to only one or two specific things that the readings happen to mention). Good response papers should do more than merely summarize the readings.

1- paper ( Hispanics/ Asian Americans)

2- paper ( Hispanics)


Help in writing research paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You will research news sources to find examples of projects and ongoing operations. You will find two of each (4 total). This section will be single-spaced 12 point font, Times News Roman with 1 in. margins. Each of the four article reports must be 1 page in length and fully provide the information required. You will provide the required information on the article discovered.

This information includes:


News source (APA reference):

Web address:

Brief Description:

Why is this a Project? or Why is this Ongoing Operations?

Refer to the attachment will provide you with a template to complete this exercise.



2 Papers on Hispanics and Asian Americans Humanities Assignment Help

submit two short response papers (about two pages each, double-spaced) addressing readings assigned for two separate classes (not the lectures). Briefly summarize/discuss the readings and describe your personal reactions/opinions (commentary) about the readings and topic (if there is more than one reading assigned, you should discuss all the readings). Papers should show evidence that you did all the readings (you should not just write about your own opinion based on your general knowledge of the topic or respond to only one or two specific things that the readings happen to mention). Good response papers should do more than merely summarize the readings.

1- paper ( Hispanics/ Asian Americans)

2- paper ( Hispanics)


Help in writing research paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You will research news sources to find examples of projects and ongoing operations. You will find two of each (4 total). This section will be single-spaced 12 point font, Times News Roman with 1 in. margins. Each of the four article reports must be 1 page in length and fully provide the information required. You will provide the required information on the article discovered.

This information includes:


News source (APA reference):

Web address:

Brief Description:

Why is this a Project? or Why is this Ongoing Operations?

Refer to the attachment will provide you with a template to complete this exercise.



2 Papers on Hispanics and Asian Americans Humanities Assignment Help

submit two short response papers (about two pages each, double-spaced) addressing readings assigned for two separate classes (not the lectures). Briefly summarize/discuss the readings and describe your personal reactions/opinions (commentary) about the readings and topic (if there is more than one reading assigned, you should discuss all the readings). Papers should show evidence that you did all the readings (you should not just write about your own opinion based on your general knowledge of the topic or respond to only one or two specific things that the readings happen to mention). Good response papers should do more than merely summarize the readings.

1- paper ( Hispanics/ Asian Americans)

2- paper ( Hispanics)


Help in writing research paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You will research news sources to find examples of projects and ongoing operations. You will find two of each (4 total). This section will be single-spaced 12 point font, Times News Roman with 1 in. margins. Each of the four article reports must be 1 page in length and fully provide the information required. You will provide the required information on the article discovered.

This information includes:


News source (APA reference):

Web address:

Brief Description:

Why is this a Project? or Why is this Ongoing Operations?

Refer to the attachment will provide you with a template to complete this exercise.



2 Papers on Hispanics and Asian Americans Humanities Assignment Help

submit two short response papers (about two pages each, double-spaced) addressing readings assigned for two separate classes (not the lectures). Briefly summarize/discuss the readings and describe your personal reactions/opinions (commentary) about the readings and topic (if there is more than one reading assigned, you should discuss all the readings). Papers should show evidence that you did all the readings (you should not just write about your own opinion based on your general knowledge of the topic or respond to only one or two specific things that the readings happen to mention). Good response papers should do more than merely summarize the readings.

1- paper ( Hispanics/ Asian Americans)

2- paper ( Hispanics)


Help in writing research paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You will research news sources to find examples of projects and ongoing operations. You will find two of each (4 total). This section will be single-spaced 12 point font, Times News Roman with 1 in. margins. Each of the four article reports must be 1 page in length and fully provide the information required. You will provide the required information on the article discovered.

This information includes:


News source (APA reference):

Web address:

Brief Description:

Why is this a Project? or Why is this Ongoing Operations?

Refer to the attachment will provide you with a template to complete this exercise.


Please prepare the Articles, the Bylaws and the IRS form that will allow the company to be treated as an s-corporation. Business Finance Assignment Help

Please prepare the Articles, the Bylaws and the IRS form that will allow the company to be treated as an s-corporation. Business Finance Assignment Help

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