Please watch the video, read the final paper prompt and copy the outline in your response. Writing Assignment Help

Please watch the video, read the final paper prompt and copy the outline in your response. Writing Assignment Help. Please watch the video, read the final paper prompt and copy the outline in your response. Writing Assignment Help.

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Copy this format for your final paper outline on the DEATH OF A SALESMAN FINAL PAPER PROMPT

Sample Literary Analysis Outline

Thesis Statement (one sentence that sums up your specific interpretation of the story): In “Desiree’s Baby,” Chopin illustrates that dependence can be an important component of healthy relationships, but she also strongly warns of the dangers of being overly dependent.

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Desiree’s dependence within her relationships begins even before her marriage, in her upbringing in the Valmonde household.

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): Monsieur Valmonde found her when “she was of the toddling age”
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topicsentence):As a toddler, she’s completely dependent on those who found her.
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): She was the “idol of Valmonde” and thought to be “sent to her [mother] by a beneficent Providence. . .”
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): With such a status, Desiree completely taken care of by mother, father, servants, furthering her dependence on others
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): Desiree was “beautiful and gentle, affectionate and sincere”
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): Apparent mutual benefit for everyone, including Desiree, as a result of her dependence

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Desiree’s dependence wtithin her family carries over into her marriage to Armand Aubigny.

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation):

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):

Sample Literary Analysis Outline

Thesis Statement (one sentence that sums up your specific interpretation of the story): In “Desiree’s Baby,” Chopin illustrates that dependence can be an important component of healthy relationships, but she also strongly warns of the dangers of being overly dependent.

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Desiree’s dependence within her relationships begins even before her marriage, in her upbringing in the Valmonde household.

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): Monsieur Valmonde found her when “she was of the toddling age”
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topicsentence):As a toddler, she’s completely dependent on those who found her.
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): She was the “idol of Valmonde” and thought to be “sent to her [mother] by a beneficent Providence. . .”
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): With such a status, Desiree completely taken care of by mother, father, servants, furthering her dependence on others
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): Desiree was “beautiful and gentle, affectionate and sincere”
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): Apparent mutual benefit for everyone, including Desiree, as a result of her dependence

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Desiree’s dependence within her family carries over into her marriage to Armand Aubigny.

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):

Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation):

  1. Support
  2. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  3. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  4. Support
  5. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  6. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
  7. Support
  8. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
  9. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):


Summary of facts.

Please watch the video, read the final paper prompt and copy the outline in your response. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Analysis of history Humanities Assignment Help

Historians use the past to examine the motives that drove people to action. By examining these past actions in historical context, historians can learn a great deal about people and teach to the present and the future.

Follow these instructions carefully: Submit your answer to this discussion and respond to two other posts on two different days. Your responses to other posts cannot be just agreement or disagreement; these responses should add to the discussion. Do not start your answer with ‘I think”. Speak with confidence! You have to post before seeing other responses to the question, and you will not have the ability to cancel or edit your responses.

Consider the following question: The US was founded on some very forward-looking and untested principles that included the right to life, liberty, and property. However, the development of the country with the institution of slavery brought these principles into sharp conflict and led to a devastating Civil War. What event or decision in US history (beginning with the end of the Revolutionary War) was most crucial in setting the nation on the course to civil war? Consider the decisions made by the leaders of the US. Do you see a critical juncture in the history of the US when the Civil War could have been prevented? You do have the benefit of hindsight in isolating critical moments in US history, but keep the order of events in history in mind. Your answers should reflect an understanding of the forces at play in the early history of the US and include historical facts to support your answer and your responses to other students’ submissions.

Follow this format:

1) The most critical event or decision in the US that set the nation on a course to Civil War was ____________________ (Be specific and limit your answer to the the years between the framing of the Constitution and 1859 – before the election of Lincoln.)

2) This is a critical turning point in US history because ………………………

3) Explain your choice with historical evidence – be specific. Organize your answer well. Include how you would do things differently, and explain how this different course would prevent a war.

Remember: In your responses to other students’ submissions, explain why you think their plan is good one or not, or why you think the new course would work or not work? Remember that your responses to other posts must enhance the information in the discussion. Or if you really want to impress me, combine the various suggestions offered in the discussion and provide a comprehensive, multifaceted plan that is truly credible.

There is no one correct answer to this question. You will be graded on how well you can defend your answer with historical evidence. There is no word limit, so be sure that you are explaining your ideas adequately. Writing counts – so write and rewrite before you submit. This is an important part of your grade and a good chance to review much of the material in the course before you take the final.


propiedades microbiana Science Assignment Help

I need this job in Spanish


Objetivo de la actividad

Por medio de la ejecución de esta actividad de aplicación , se logrará lo siguiente:

  1. Familiarizarse con las características propias de ciertos microorganismos.
  2. Analizar los criterios de clasificación a considerarse entre la población microbiana.
  3. Conocer los aspectos beneficiosos de ciertos microorganismos.


A continuación, se presentan seis (6) estudios de casos. ¿Qué habrá de hacer al respecto? Según la discusión presentada en la Unidad, responda apropiadamente a cada situación en particular.

  1. Mario, estudiante de microbiología, estudia los criterios a considerar para llevar a cabo la fermentación, como los es un ambiente anaerobio. Adicional a esta regulación, ¿Cuál grupo de microorganismos juega un papel importante para la realización de este proceso?:
  2. Carola, estudiante de enfermería, asiste a consulta médica por consecuencia a un dolor de garganta y cabeza de tres días de evolución. Entre los estudios realizados, se llevó a cabo la prueba de anticuerpos heterofilos (“monospot test”) cuyo resultado salió positivo (+) para mononucleosis. Según tus conocimientos, el agente causante de esta afección es:
  3. Jessica, asistente administrativa de una reconocida empresa, planifico sus vacaciones para viajar a Centro América. En el transcurso del viaje, desarrolla una disentería, por consecuencia a unos alimentos que consumió durante su estadía. Al realizarle los estudios de rigor, dio positivo a la inoculación de un microorganismo clasificado como protozoario. Este microorganismo posee pseudópodos, los cual permite diseminar la infección rápidamente hacia otros órganos como el hígado. Según tus conocimientos, el agente causante de esta afección es:
  4. Clase de algas cuyos pigmentos brindan una tonalidad parda que enmascara el color verde de la clorofila. La mayoría de las algas de este grupo son marinas y pluricelulares. Entre ellas pueden encontrarse las de mayor tamaño:
  5. De acuerdo con los datos más recientes de los “Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades” (CDC), casi 2.4 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos viven con Hepatitis C. Los resultados demuestran que la prevalencia de la Hepatitis C es más alta en los estados fuertemente afectados por la epidemia del consumo de opioides. Según tus conocimientos, el virus de la Hepatitis C pertenece a la siguiente familia viral:


La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund). Entregar las respuestas en un documento de Word, letra Times New Roman, tamaño 12. Debe incluir las referencias en formato APA, de tres años o menos.


Research Paper related to any topic of course – Information Technology, Governance Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices. Writing Assignment Help

The course research paper is a formatted APA paper over any course-related topic in the field of Information Technology, Governance Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices.

  • It is 7 – 10 pages, double spaced.
  • The paper will contain a title page, abstract, introduction/topic paragraph, summary/conclusion, and reference page (so at least 5 pages of actual content excluding the title,abstract,introduction, conclusion and reference) .
  • Content must be unique to this course (no reuse of previous work).
  • Must cite at least 10 references and 5 must be from peer reviewed scholarly journals
  • This paper must be in proper APA format and avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing content.
  • You will be graded on grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Use of article spinners and translators that populate the paper with nonsensical sentences will result in a significant grade hit – up to even a 0


I need a research paper on Dissociative Identity Disorder. Humanities Assignment Help

Your Long Title Goes Here

Your Name

In partial fulfillment of

Abnormal Psychology Class (Section # )

James L. Becker, M.A., Instructor

Pulaski Technical College


Your title page should look like this.One inch from top left you should put Running Head: SHORT TITLE with 1 in right margin.

The short title for Bipolar Disorder could be BPD for example.

Running Head: BPD

Make your title page and save it to add to the rest of your paper later.

The rest of your paper should have the SHORT TITLE in upper left hand margin with page number in right margin.The Running Head only goes on the title page.Use 12 font, Times New Roman font.

Use 12 font, Times New Roman. Put your SHORT

TITLE one inch from the top left with the page number in the right margin.You should

Double space each line and double space between each reference.Indent 5 spaces after

the first line of each reference.Italicize titles of books and names of journals, but not

journal article titles.When there is a doi number, put it at the end (look at DSM


REFERENCES: You must use at least 7 references including 2 journal articles.I want

you to get notes from your textbook; DSM, must be 7 pages



Article quiz Business Finance Assignment Help

5 questions quiz, please find attachment.

1- Direct advertising for the controversial product categories such as alcohol and tobacco is highly regulated or even illegal, whereas product placements can serve to bypass government or self-imposed industry regulations on those products.



2- Just like advertising, product placement is also a paid promotional method with identified sponsorship.



3- Using entertainment content to promote products can date back to the use of branded products in motion pictures. Previously, it was variously termed as publicity by motion picture, co-operative advertising, tie-in advertising, trade outs, and exploitation.



4- The rising of advertising clutter and advertising costs, together with the reduced effectiveness of traditional advertising messages, are the major factors that drive the popularity of product placement.



5- Product placement refers to promotional practices that integrate brand communications within the content of entertainment products.



Article quiz Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

html and css Programming Assignment Help

Creating a Domain Model Class Diagram, I’ll need it answered in under 4 hours.
Worth 150 points

Refer to the RMO CSMS domain model class diagram shown in Figure 4-23 on page 111 of the textbook and the discussion of subsystems in Chapter 3.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia, create a domain model class diagram for the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
  2. Provide a narrative describing your diagram that includes:
    1. An overview of the diagram
    2. An analysis of the different classes in the diagram
  3. Use at least three (3) quality resources outside of the suggested resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Design high-level logical system characteristics (user interface design, design of data and information requirements).
  • Develop clear and concise business requirements documents and convert them into technical specifications.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in systems analysis and design.
  • Write clearly and concisely about advanced systems analysis and design topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Points: 150

Assignment 3: Creating a Domain Model Class Diagram



Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia, create a domain model class diagram for the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem.

Weight: 35%

Did not submit or incompletely created a domain model class diagram for the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem, using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia.

Partially created a domain model class diagram for the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem, using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia.

Satisfactorily created a domain model class diagram for the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem, using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia.

Thoroughly created a domain model class diagram for the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem, using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia.

2a. Provide a narrative describing your diagram that includes an overview of the diagram.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely provided a narrative describing your diagram that includes an overview of the diagram.

Partially provided a narrative describing your diagram that includes an overview of the diagram.

Satisfactorily provided a narrative describing your diagram that includes an overview of the diagram.

Thoroughly provided a narrative describing your diagram that includes an overview of the diagram.

2b. Provide a narrative describing your diagram that includes an analysis of the different classes in the diagram.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely provided a narrative describing your diagram that includes an analysis of the different classes in the diagram.

Partially provided a narrative describing your diagram that includes an analysis of the different classes in the diagram.

Satisfactorily provided a narrative describing your diagram that includes an analysis of the different classes in the diagram.

Thoroughly provided a narrative describing your diagram that includes an analysis of the different classes in the diagram.

3. 3 references

Weight: 5%

No references provided.

Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices.

Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

4. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements

Weight: 10%

More than 6 errors present

5-6 errors present

3-4 errors present

0-2 errors present


It is a final term project for my Computer science 109 class Computer Science Assignment Help

You need flash animation tools for this assignment and adobe animate cc.

So I decided to submit the flash animation, do not do the website. I want all these in it:

Seasons or changing of seasons: add like summer time and also include some background sounds or any light music that you think could be suitable for a beach day

Anything that moves, e.g. car chases, air plane flights: i want the clouds moving and an airplane flying by

Natures scenes, e.g. a day at the beach, thunderstorms: I want a day at the beach

Sports scenes: children playing volleyball or any type of sport on a beach, could be frisbee too.

Information movie about your major: Just add this somewhere on the side ” Nabil Siddiqui, Majjoring in Information Technology”.


I would like your services for the introduction of my thesis. Humanities Assignment Help



Type of service:

Research Paper


Double spacing

Paper format:


Number of pages:

1 page

Number of sources:

7 sources

Paper detalis:

I would like
your services for the introduction of my thesis. From the document I
uploaded, I would like you to fill only the part of introduction. I aslo
has uploaded a previous research that my thesis is based on and it is
like the continuation of that previous research. The data that I will
use for my thesis are the same as those that have been used for the
research paper that I have uploaded.My thesis is going to feel the
blanks that the paper ” The influence of positive peer feedback on
anticipatory anxiety, performance expectations, and heart rate
variabilty in high socially anxious individuals” created. In this paper
we want to examine HRV in the anticipation period instead of rHRV.

1)Does physiological anxiety be in accordance with state anxiety before
the positive feedback and after the positive feedback vs neutral

I would like also to inform you that I need help when it comes
to hypotheses. What I mean is that from the article that I have
uploaded, to find from there more two suitable hypotheses for my thesis
as a paper that is based on that previous research.

I want to include two more hypotheses


please follow instructions and complete work in APA format Engineering Assignment Help


1. How would you use GROUPING SETS to produce the same results as the following GROUP BY CUBE?

SELECT state, productID, SUM(volume) FROM sales GROUP BY CUBE (state, productID) ORDER BY state, productID

2. How would you show the sub totals for each week, for each state, and for each product? (No other totals or grand totals are required.) Suppose the table structure is

TABLE sales (productID VARCHAR, state CHAR(2), week DATE, volume INT)

3. Discuss the utility of grouping and group_id functions

Q2: Describe below how this code will work:

SELECT dt, region, revenue,
count(*) OVER (twdw) AS moving_count,
avg(revenue) OVER (twdw) AS moving_average
FROM moving_average_data mad
‘7 days’::interval PRECEDING AND
‘0 days’::interval FOLLOWING

ORDER BY region, dt



Please watch the video, read the final paper prompt and copy the outline in your response. Writing Assignment Help

Please watch the video, read the final paper prompt and copy the outline in your response. Writing Assignment Help

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