pls use the instruction below..Use apple as the company Writing Assignment Help. pls use the instruction below..Use apple as the company Writing Assignment Help.
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This assignment will require you to continue your research of the company(s) you chose for Discussions 4, 6, and 7. If you decide to change companies, go to the link for Reserving Your Company to reserve your new company. Be sure to check that no one else has already reserved the company. No response post is required this week.
Financial ratios are used to assess a company’s strengths and weaknesses. One way to use ratios is to compare the company under consideration to the industry average. Deriving meaning from comparative analysis has become more difficult since many companies have diversified into several different industries. Another way to use ratios, trend analysis, involves looking at the trend of a single company’s ratios over time.
In this assignment you will use the Standard and Poor’s NetAdvantage database and Yahoo! Finance to collect and compare company and industry financial data.
To find the data for the subject company, go to NetAdvantage’s Ratios screen which is located under the Financials/Valuation heading. Take care to pull the data from the far-right column in order to get the most recent data.
To find the data for the industry, select Tearsheet which is located under the Company Summary heading. From the Tearsheet screen, click on the link under the Primary Industry Classification heading. On the screen that follows, select Key Stats & Ratios which is located under the Industry Profile heading. Take note of the name of the industry as it is listed at the top of the following page. Again, take care to pull the data from the column labeled Latest on the far right side of the screen.
Review the text for in order to interpret the data. The goal is to gain some insight into what is behind the company’s financial performance. Try to understand what each ratio tells you about the company’s financial management practices.
- Negative numbers are reported in parenthesis and should be reported as such.
- TTM refers to trailing 12 months
Post your report in the format that follows:
Name of Company and Ticker Symbol
Name of Industry
Profitability Ratios (10 points)
Net Profit Margin (listed as Net Income Margin % on NetAdvantage)
Company _____ (LTM)
Industry Avg. _____ (LTM)
Return on Assets (listed as Return on Assets % on NetAdvantage)
Company _____ (LTM)
Industry Avg. _____ (LTM)
Return on Equity (listed as Return on Equity % on NetAdvantage)
Company _____ (LTM)
Industry Avg. _____ (LTM)
Stock Price data ( – Statistics tab)
Current Stock Price: $ _________
52 week high $______; 52 week low $________
S&P500 52-Week Change ______%
pls use the instruction below..Use apple as the company Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CSU Reducing the Predisposition of Clients to Suffering Heart Attacks Project Paper Programming Assignment Help
For this milestone, submit Sections A–D of the proposal portion of the final project (Part II).
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: II.
Proposal A. Goals: What are the goals of this initiative? How do they align with the organizational mission? And how do you plan to measure success? Be sure to consider the progress and pathway for data analytics projects of the type you chose to propose.
B. Data Analytics Life Cycle: Apply the data analytics life cycle to your proposed initiative, and walk your audience (management) through the life cycle as it applies to the initiative.
C. Value of Life Cycle: Based on your application of the life cycle to the initiative, analyze how the life cycle will help you infer predictability, performance, quality, and security of your initiative and its results.
D. Data: Evaluate the existing or desired data for its applicability to your proposed data analytics initiative. In other words, what are the benefits and limitations of the current data for the use you have in mind, including potential collection and security implications?
Montclair State Symbolism Analogies Narratives & Language of Celtic Mythology Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Choose one of the six general topics listed below and use it to develop a thesis for your term paper. Please note that most topics call for comparative analysis.Feel free to make use of the literary, artistic, archeological, anthropological, religious and philosophical theories and approaches that have been presented and discussed in class. Use of secondary critical sources is encouraged, but any research you use should only support and augment, not take the place of, your own thoughts and encounters with the myths on this course, and all sources must be properly documented. Keep in mind also that the paper is intended to demonstrate your proficiency as a student and reader of Celtic myth, not your familiarity with criticism on these tales. The paper should be approximately 2500- 3000 words (10 – 12 pages) in length, not including works cited list. Papers must scrupulously adhere to MLA documentation format and be presented in 10 or 12 point font with one inch margins. You must use the coursepack for your source texts.
Topic: Celtic mythology, as we know, comes down to us primarily through the work of various, even handed but largely anonymous Christian scholars: through their work, we have a sense of Celtic mythology as something definitively pagan, and yet related (or at least relatable) to Christianity in various ways. In what ways does the symbolism, analogies, narratives, and language of Celtic mythology reflect Christian thought and/or the hand of the Christian scribes?
***Coursepack in .pdf format, available through Canvas or from the professor Optional/Supplementary Texts:
Cunliffe, Barry. Ancient Celts. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Gantz, Jeffrey, ed. Early Irish Myths and Sagas. London: Penguin, 1981.
Kinsella, Thomas, ed. and trans. The Tain: From the Irish Epic Táin Bó Cúailnge. London: Oxford University Press, 2002.
6-7 min speech speech outline and power point on why Legalization of marijuana is needed in all 50 states Business Finance Assignment Help
6-7 persuasive speech on why marijuana should be legal in all 50 states requirements are in files below
must have a speech outline and power point 7-10 sides that match up with speech
Power point – 7-10 slides – 6 by 6 rule = Six bullets per slide six words per bullet
must have facts that can be cited during speech and work cited page
A copy of the outline for me and note cards for you.
please watch link it will explain exactly what i need
Assignment and Assignment Computer Science Assignment Help
Task 1
This is the last week of the term, and it is a short week; therefore, answer the following question:
How was your 16-week journey this semester? What did you learn new? Was what you expected?
Note: Your answer must be 1000 words and references
Task 2
Course CouldComputing :
Complete the attached assignment. Your response must be complete, detailed and in APA format. The grading rubric is included below.
Note: Your answer must be 1500 words and add references
Executive Program Practical Connection Assignment
Component |
Proficient (15 to 20 points) |
Competent (8 to 14 points) |
Novice (1 to 7 points) |
Your Score |
Assignment Requirements |
Student completed all required portions of the assignment |
Completed portions of the assignment |
Did not complete the required assignment. |
Writing Skills, Grammar, and APA Formatting |
Assignment strongly demonstrates graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style. Assignment is well written, and ideas are well developed and explained. Demonstrates strong writing skills. Student paid close attention to spelling and punctuation. Sentences and paragraphs are grammatically correct. Proper use of APA formatting. Properly and explicitly cited outside resources. Reference list matches citations. |
Assignment demonstrates graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style. Assignment is effectively communicated, but some sections lacking clarity. Student paid some attention to spelling and punctuation, but there are errors within the writing. Needs attention to proper writing skills. Use of APA formatting and citations of outside resources, but has a few instances in which proper citations are missing. |
Assignment does not demonstrate graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style. Assignment is poorly written and confusing. Ideas are not communicated effectively. Student paid no attention to spelling and punctuation. Demonstrates poor writing skills. The assignment lacks the use of APA formatting and does not provide proper citations or includes no citations. |
Maintains purpose/focus |
Submission is well organized and has a tight and cohesive focus that is integrated throughout the document |
Submissions has an organizational structure and the focus is clear throughout. |
Submission lacks focus or contains major drifts in focus |
Understanding of Course Content |
Student demonstrates understand of course content and knowledge. |
Student demonstrates some understanding of course content and knowledge. |
Student does not demonstrate understanding of course content and knowledge. |
Work Environment Application |
Student strongly demonstrates the practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment. |
Student demonstrates some practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment. |
Student does not demonstrate the practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment. |
Total Points |
100 |
essay revision Humanities Assignment Help
I need you to revise the essay watch for grammar mistakes
most important thing to change the quotes in the essay and explain after how does the quote make sense
MLA Format , Show where the quote starts and end and put the par #
Mohammed Al-Toblany
English 120
23 october 2019
Food Waste
Food waste has become a huge issue that is affecting our planet. It is indeed a problem that needs to be solved. Tons of edible food ends up in bins every day, wasting that much of food has adverse effects in United State. When the food gets disposed into landfill it rots and decomposes to form organic gas known as methane greenhouse gas which is 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. Tristram Stuart in his ted talk “The global food waste scandal” talks about how millions of people struggle to have food everyday, “Also, millions of people today are either starving or living in food insecurities” (Stuart, 2012). However, the food that is going to waste could be used to help these people. We waste huge sum of the amount of money that can be used in many different ways because of food waste, money that could be used in so many different ways, like helping the people in developing countries who are starving and cannot support themselves. All of us are responsible, from consumers to food manufacturers to the government. The “sell-by date” or “best by dates”, overstocking, or irresponsible food shopping, or farmers not harvesting “perfect-looking fruit or vegetables” are the main cause of food waste. These causes can be solved with the perception that everyone has to respect and use food carefully with proper planning; for example removing the labels from foods that don’t need it, stores knowing how much they should order, consumers knowing how much , farmers should be trained and given proper equipment to prevent wastage during harvesting, processing companies should comply with regulation safety policies to prevent wastage of food products due to government rejections, the retail shop outlets should invest in order to cook policies.
Today food wastage is majorly caused by poor planning by the consumer. In most cases, people purchase more food without being sure about when and how they will prepare and eat the purchased food. Consequently, the contemporary work schedules and personal or job appointments makes people change their plans or may forget with the previously purchased excess food kinds of stuff. The trend continues which leads to the expiry of the food kinds of stuff due to delayed usage or poor storage. This rotten foodstuff is then thrown away as waste. Moreover, some people due to lack of proper preparation knowledge or job stress and poor planning find themselves making untasteful meals which ends up in the bin (Nari, 2017). Wastage of food in some cases is caused by purchasing excess or preparing an excess meal. Some perishable foodstuffs such as vegetables when purchased in excess or prepared more than what people can consume leads to food waste. Excess food served food is always regarded as leftovers that go to waste bin. Also, after purchasing excess food, other people always store food which ends up running out their expiry dates. Such foods kinds of stuff are always tasteless, odorless and end up as waste food (Aubrey, 2015). Also, the confusion by the packaging industry on labeling the food products have immensely contributed to food waste in the economy. Many consumers get confused into purchasing the unplanned foodstuff which ends up in the bin.
Some consumers with the knowledge of the effects of being wasteful causes to the United States, always plan before making their purchase or before preparing their meals. However, they are still forced to feel the effects of food insecurity as a result of errors by industrial processing companies. In the United States, there exist policies that manufacturing companies must adhere to before supplying the consumers with their end products. Errors and confusion during processing stages contribute to almost ten percent of food wastage in America. Failure to comply with food safety protocols leads to rejection of all produced food products and thus becomes waste products. Besides, mismanagement and financial contributions to a higher percentage of food wastage in third world countries. In developing countries, farmers lack the required knowledge of harvesting or the technology required for successful harvesting, storage, and packaging system. perishable foodstuffs such as vegetables require stable infrastructure for its success change of possession. Some countries lack proper infrastructure which makes the market not easily accessible. Their products become waste as they lack preservative machines or finance to transport their products to the market (Oliver, 2015)
Per the saying actions attracts reactions, so does causes of food waste. There are different solutions to the effect that food waste brings to the country. First, the government together with consumers and producers needs to control food productions.
Al-Toblany 4
Balancing of food production with what consumers are willing and able to purchase is an essential factor in reducing the problems of food wastage (Aubrey, 2015) Most of the restaurants and hotels need to balance what they prepare and the number of their consumers and so does the farmers especially those producing perishable food products such as vegetable. The hotels need to reinforce the policy of cook to order.
The government, especially in developing countries, needs to seek help from international bodies to help them acquire special devices or equipment which farmers can use to preserve delicate food products for a longer period without perishing. Also, the marketing system needs expansion by developing road networks in the country (Aubrey, 2015). Lastly, constant training should be organized in the country for farmers to help integrate unto them better methods of harvesting and when to prevent premature products which end up as waste. Government and NGO initiatives should come up and advise consumers on a proper plan of buying and preparing meals. Consumers should purchase food in the small purchase or as per the family orders and number and also prepare meals according to the number available at a given time for meals. This will prevent wastage due to running out expiry periods (Aubrey, 2015).
Al-Toblany 5
To conclude, It is important to note that the discussed causes above could be easily solved with solutions that everyone has to respect and use, for example, removing the labels from foods that don’t need it, stores should know how much they should order, consumers should know how much they need and not buy extra, farmers should be trained and given proper equipment to prevent wastage during harvesting, processing companies should comply with regulation safety policies to prevent wastage of food products due to government rejections, the retail shop outlets should invest in order to cook policies and lastly, government together with NGOs should invest in improving infrastructure in the country. Road networks need to be developed which expands the market system in the country for easy accessibility by farmers.
Work Cited
Aubrey, Allison. “It’s Time To Get Serious About Reducing Food Waste, Feds Say .” National Public Radio Inc, 16 Sept. 2015.
Oliver, John. “Food Waste.” Last Week Tonight. (Links to an external site.) 19 Jul. 2015. Web.
Royte, Elizabeth. “One-Third of Food Is Lost or Wasted: What Can Be Done.” National Geographic, 13 Oct. 2014.
Stuart, Tristan. “The Global Food Waste Scandal.” Ted Talk. TEDSalon, London. Sep 2012.Web.
Wasted: The Story of Food Waste. Directed by Anna Chai and Nari Kye. 2017.
essay revision Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Case study of Evan Miller Vs Alabama Writing Assignment Help
the case :
The paper should cover complete elements of the process of the criminal justice system. These items should be written in sections with the following titles and elements:
- Summarize the facts of the case (who, what, where and when)-Refrain from using bullets.
- Note whether the case was tried in adult court or adjudicated in juvenile court
- Describe the Court adjudication proceedings
- Prosecution & Defense
- Sentencing (address the sentence ordered by the Court)
Juvenile Detention
- Discuss the detention process for the offender
- Where were they designated if ordered detained (juvenile hall or/ prison)?
- Research facts about the institution
Discussion and Conclusion
- If you were the judge in this case what would be your decision?
- Explain your reasoning for your independent judicial decision.
The paper will be 3-5 pages in length to include (title page and the reference page are not included in the page count), typed and double-spaced with a font size of 12, and has a minimum of four references. Only the APA (American Psychological Association)
- presentation that includes major points from the paper:
- Facts of the Juvenile Case,
- Adjudication of the case (Legal Aspects Court Process/Trial)
* Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate the paper and presentation consistent with APA guidelines format
Very easy music listening assignment (300-350 words) Writing Assignment Help
the listening example you should listen to is : aerodynamic (remix) by Daft Punk.
here is the link of it :
– guidelines are :
Choose one of the selected listening examples from Blackboard, and
after listening, write a brief reflection essay (approximately 300-500
words) on your experience. You may wish to listen to the piece multiple
times as you write to help focus your discussion.
Format: Essays
should be in paragraph form with complete sentences. The format should
have one-inch margins, use Times New Roman 12-point font, and be
double-spaced. Include your name, the assignment title, the course and
section number, and the due date right-justified at the top of your
Content: Your essay should briefly describe your listening
experience for each of Copeland’s three phases of listening. Questions
you might consider at each level could include:
Stage I – Sensuous Plane:
listening to this musical example pleasurable? Does the music hold your
attention effectively? Does the selected example sound familiar – have
you heard it before or does it sound similar to other things you’ve
heard? Does it sound drastically different from anything you’ve
encountered musically?
Stage II – Expressive Plane:
How does
the music make you feel? Do you believe the music is trying to express
something in particular? What might it be expressing? Is your reaction
to the expressive quality of the music consistent throughout, or does it
change as the example progresses?
Stage III – Sheerly Musical Plane
are you hearing in this example? Does the form feature repetition,
contrast, or a combination of both? What do you hear in the melody –
contours, direction, smooth/jagged? Describe the texture – thick/thin.
Is the rhythm steady or irregular? Describe the harmony and dynamics –
major/minor, loud/soft. Try to describe the timbre – what instruments
are used, what is the quality of the sound? Apply the terminology
learned in class in your description.
Final Thoughts:
At the
end, briefly synthesize your thoughts from all three stages of
listening. Connect the specific elements of music to the expressive
quality of the music. For example, does the minor mode and descending
melody make you feel like the music expresses something sad? Take it a
step further – how does your reflection on Stages II and III impact your
experience at Stage I?
Your reflection should
be 3-4 paragraphs in length. The first paragraph should identify the
example selected and address Stage I and Stage II. The middle 1-2
paragraphs should address your description of Stage III (more detail is
better). The final paragraph should give final thoughts, reflect on the
experience, and describe connections between the Stage III and Stages I
and II.
revision of an essay Humanities Assignment Help
Mla format Essay
Revision essay for grammar mistakes and run ons
change the quote and explain after the quote, 2 quote each paragraph, please show the begin of the quote and the end and the pargraph #
add a counter argument paragraph
only use this resources, no other resources please
- Aubrey , Allison. “It’s Time To Get Serious About Reducing Food Waste, Feds Say .” National Public Radio Inc, 16 Sept. 2015.
- Wasted: The Story of Food Waste. Directed by Anna Chai and Nari Kye. 2017.
- Oliver, John. “Food Waste.” Last Week Tonight. (Links to an external site.)
19 Jul. 2015. Web.
- Royte , Elizabeth. “One-Third of Food Is Lost or Wasted: What Can Be Done.” National Geographic, 13 Oct. 2014.
- Stuart, Tristan. “The Global Food Waste Scandal.” Ted Talk. TEDSalon, London. Sep 2012.Web
American College of California Heart Attacks Data Analytics Essay Law Assignment Help
For this milestone, submit Sections A–D of the proposal portion of the final project (Part II).
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: II.
A. Goals: What are the goals of this initiative? How do they align with
the organizational mission? And how do you plan to measure success? Be
sure to consider the progress and pathway for data analytics projects of
the type you chose to propose.
B. Data Analytics Life Cycle:
Apply the data analytics life cycle to your proposed initiative, and
walk your audience (management) through the life cycle as it applies to
the initiative.
C. Value of Life Cycle: Based on your application
of the life cycle to the initiative, analyze how the life cycle will
help you infer predictability, performance, quality, and security of
your initiative and its results.
D. Data: Evaluate the existing or
desired data for its applicability to your proposed data analytics
initiative. In other words, what are the benefits and limitations of the
current data for the use you have in mind, including potential
collection and security implications?
pls use the instruction below..Use apple as the company Writing Assignment Help
pls use the instruction below..Use apple as the company Writing Assignment Help