POLI 101 Uuniversity of Southern The Theory of Moral Sentiments Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

POLI 101 Uuniversity of Southern The Theory of Moral Sentiments Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. POLI 101 Uuniversity of Southern The Theory of Moral Sentiments Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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An abstract is designed to summarize the paper. The abstract should discuss the theorist, the theory to be described, and the connection to modern society that will be described in the paper. The purpose of the abstract is to eliminate papers on the wrong topics, the abstract will not be graded, without the abstract the student runs the risk of receiving an F on the paper for writing on the wrong topic, points will be deducted from the paper if no abstract is turned in.

I will post what story you will be writing about.

POLI 101 Uuniversity of Southern The Theory of Moral Sentiments Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Diego State University International Trade Policy Questions Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a Economics multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

1 Measurement of Comparative Advantage and Trade Bar- riers

Trade barriers discourage trade and reduce trade flows. As a consequence, measures of comparative advantage might be distorted.

  1. 1.1. One measure of comparative advantage is to compute relative opportunity costs be- tween countries. How can one find (historic) measures of opportunity cost?
  2. 1.2. The Balassa measure of revealed comparative advantage. State the Balassa measure of comparative advantage. How might subsidies or tariffs distort the measure? Does it still reveal comparative advantage, or something else? If something else, how would you describe it?

2 Trade Interventions

Trade interventions can restrict or promote trade. A first-order effect of these interventions is to distort a country’s relative prices and, if the country is large, its terms of trade.

  1. 2.1. Supposethehomeeconomyislargeinatleastsomeexportandsomeimportmarkets. Explain why trade restrictions on the export side or the import side will improve a large country’s terms of trade.
  2. 2.2. Why do we not observe export tariffs as frequently as import tariffs?
  3. 2.3. In multilateral trade negotiations, it is important to compute the restrictiveness of quantitative non-tariff measures such as quotes in terms of their ad-valorem tariff equivalents. Explain how such as number can be computed using a partial-equilibrium approach.

3 Industry-level or General Equilibrium

We can analyze trade interventions and the consequence in industry-level (“partial”) equi- librium or general equilibrium.

3.1. In general-equilibrium analysis, we typically assume that production has constant returns to scale. In industry-level analysis, we typically assume that production has decreasing returns to scale. Which perspective do you consider more adequate for long-term and short-term analysis?


  1. 3.2. To infer a country’s overall welfare, which approach is more adequate? To make cost- benefit analysis by industry, which approach is more helpful?
  2. 3.3. Can we analyze the case of a small country (with no impact on world market prices) in either industry-level and general equilibrium? Can we analyze the case of a large country in either way?
  3. 3.4. To study the distribution of gains from an import tariff or an export subsidy between producers and consumers, which approach is more helpful? To study the distribution of gains between different factors of production in the long-term, which approach is more helpful?
  4. 3.5. Considering a large country, how does an import tariffs and how does an export subsidy affect welfare overall, the income of the relatively abundant factor if there are two factors of production, and the distribution of gains between producers and consumers in a single industry market?

4 External Economies

External economies of scale are a driving force of industrial clusters.

  1. 4.1. Give two examples of sources for external economies of scale. [You may try to avoid examples from class; as is generally the case, thinking of own examples helps solidify ideas.]
  2. 4.2. Supposeacountrywithalargeinternal(domestic)consumermarketwantstolaunch an electronics industry. No entry occurs although average production costs would be lower than anywhere else in the world at any given scale. The government hires you as a consultant. Explain why no domestic entry might occur. What policy options can you offer the government? What are their advantages and disadvantages? For how long should the policies remain in place? [You may use numeric examples, graphs, or clear verbal arguments for your answers.]
  3. 4.3. Explain why an export subsidy worsens a country’s terms of trade. Under what con- ditions may export promotion, such as East Asian economies used to pursue it, be preferable to import protection, such as other developing economies used to pursue it under Import Substitution Industrialization?

5 Trade and Growth

State three main sources of growth. Which of the three is arguably the most lasting source? There are several mechanisms by which trade may affect productivity change. [You

may use numeric examples, graphs, or clear verbal arguments for any of your answers.]

  1. 5.1. Suppose there are external economies of scale, driven by free entry into industrial clusters. Explain how comparative advantage changes over time as entrants join a cluster.
  2. 5.2. Suppose there is learning by doing in a model with multiple goods and productiv- ity differences across countries. Explain how the pattern of comparative advantage changes over time as each trading partner learns by doing.2
  1. 5.3. State the principal-agent problem when there is uncertainty over both a project’s return and an agent’s effort. In which ways can foreign trade affect competition, product-market shares and a project’s return? How can foreign trade therefore alter incentives for efficiency and innovation?
  2. 5.4. What is the impact of adjustment costs and temporarily idle production factors after trade reform on growth?


Grossmont College Three DNA Babies Project Poster & Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Hello there, I need help from a biology tutor on my biotechnology project. The project requires us to discuss a biotechnology topic, my topic is “Three DNA babies”. I have already started the research and have some recommended sources to use. I will b attaching the instructions to the project below, in addition to the document containing all the information I have ben gathering up until this point. But basically, the “project” requires us to include a short abstract, 4-6 subtopics regarding the discussed topic, and 3 images or graphs, data about the topic.

I will also be attaching an example of someone else’s work incase you need it.


University of California Irvine Intelligent Assistant Speech Paper Writing Assignment Help

Please write a speech for approximately 500 words following below instruction:

a 3-minute recording in which you discuss some of the main points that
Friedman brings up in chapter 8, “Turning AI into IA,” as well as your
thoughts about them. How does your own knowledge or experience compare
with some of the points that Friedman brings up? Also consider whether
any of his ideas might connect with your own research topic or some
aspect of your major or future career.

After posting your recording, comment on the submissions of five of your classmates.


PHYC 130 Cuyamaca College The Mythbusters Final Lab Project Report Writing Assignment Help

Introduction: For the last eleven weeks you have been doing other people experiments. Now, in these final three weeks of lab you will be designing, conducting, and documenting your own experiment. In this final laboratory project, you and your lab partner will pick a scientific myth, urban legend, or any old scientific curiosity you may have and create an experiment that attempts to test it. Preferably this question will deal with the content you learned this semester, but I will be open to other questions as long as they are strong and well-thought out. The framework that you will be using to explore your question will be the scientific method.

Instructions and material will be attached below



BUSI 1301 HCCS Module 3 Advantages of Ethical Behavior in Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

First, using the internet, find an example of a company that encourages ethical business behavior. Explain why you believe their actions are encouraging ethical behavior. Why do you think the company chose to act as they did?

Second, using the internet, find an example of a socially responsible business. Explain why you believe their actions are socially responsible. Why do you think the company chose to act as they did?

Provide a link to the websites utilized so we may view your choice.

Your posts in the discussion area should exhibit careful thought and logical reasoning and provide evidence for your position. Each post should be at least two well-developed paragraphs containing a minimum of 200 total words. Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Replying to fellow student’s posts is required. You must respond to at least one other person’s post. Your replies should offer new substantiated ideas or thoughtful questions. Your response should be a minimum of one solid paragraph containing a minimum of 100 words.

BUSI 1301 HCCS Module 3 Advantages of Ethical Behavior in Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Nairobi Trial Process and Discrimination Questions Writing Assignment Help

section 1:

Identify and briefly describe the steps in a trial (no need to include pretrial procedures). Start with jury selection.

Then tell us which step in the trial you believe is the greatest area of controversy with regard to discrimination. Why? Support your opinion with at least 2 research sources.

Respond to one other student who chose a different step than you. Remember to write at least 4 substantive sentences adding more to the conversation (research, examples, material from the book, etc.).

Section 2:

Watch the video and read this article then answer the following:


Supreme Court finds jury tainted by race in murder case:

The Supreme Court on Monday took a major step toward overturning the death sentence of a Georgia man convicted of murder by ruling that prosecutors unconstitutionally allowed racial considerations to taint the jury selection process.

Justice Clarence Thomas was the sole dissenter as the shorthanded court ruled, 7-1, in favor of Timothy Foster, who was convicted of murder after a trial in 1987.

Chief Justice John Roberts, who has been broadly critical of the high court’s jurisprudence on race, wrote the majority opinion (Links to an external site.) holding that prosecutors “were motivated in substantial part by race” when deciding whom to strike from the jury panel in advance of the trial.

Decades after the trial, Foster used the Georgia Open Records Act to obtain a copy of the prosecution’s file, which included numerous notes showing that prosecutors were keeping track of which jurors were African-American and that they seemed to be trying to minimize the number of blacks on the jury.

“The contents of the prosecution’s file … plainly belie the State’s claims that it exercised its strikes in a ‘color-blind’ manner,” Roberts wrote. “The sheer number of references to race in that file is arresting.”

Roberts’ opinion did not directly overturn Foster’s sentence or conviction, but it told the Georgia Supreme Court to revisit its decision denying the convict relief.

Justice Samuel Alito voted to reverse the Georgia court but did not join in the majority decision Monday. He wrote separately on procedural issues while adding that he agreed that “the totality of the evidence” Foster presented showed a taint of racial bias.

Thomas dissented, saying that the conclusions of the Georgia courts should have been respected and that Foster came forward with the evidence of bias too late.

Thomas said his colleagues’ “conclusion … rests mostly on arguments at Foster’s disposal decades ago.”

“The new evidence is no excuse for the Court’s reversal of the state court’s credibility determinations,” Thomas added.

It is unclear how broad an impact Monday’s ruling will have, in part because state public records laws vary and most inmates seem unlikely to be able to obtain copies of prosecutors’ files. In addition, defense attorneys suspect that many prosecutors are careful not to make written notes that could later support a claim that a juror was struck on the basis of race.

After watching the video for this week about racial discrimination in jury selection and reading the article about the Supreme Court’s decision, answer the following questions.

What did prosecutors do when the chose the jury in the Timothy Foster case? What was wrong with their actions? What do you believe was the prosecutor’s most egregious conduct?

How did The attorneys for Foster get the prosecutor’s notes years after the trial? What did they find in the notes?

What did Foster argue to the Supreme Court?

What was the Supreme Court’s decision?

The Supreme court made their decision in a 7 – 1 decision. Who was the dissenting justice and what did he say in his dissent?

Do you agree with the majority of the court or the lone dissenter? Why?

How can we be sure that prosecutors do not use race in their jury selection decisions?


FIN 330 Southern New Hampshire University Boeing Capital Structure Excel Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I really really need some help in not failing this class at SNHU FIN 330. I complete module 1, tab 1 (and word document) and most of the information for excel tab 2 for module two but I am having a rough time making sure the information is correct. I have not done the word document as I am not sure of the information. I need to ensure the capital funding amount and the cost of capital estimated for CAPITAL STRUCTURE is correct. I am submitting: milestone and rubric, the Excel spreadsheet with financial data. will not let me download the zip file from SEC.gov for Boeing’s 2019 10-K.


California State University San Marcos Korean War & Marshall Plan Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Follow guide attached!

Cold War assignment:

The conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union defined much of the late 20th

century. In this assignment, you will research events in the early decades of that conflict and

write about the ones you think had the greatest impact on the Cold War.

Part 1: Written

Assignment: Pick 2-3 events (from the list below*) and write a 2+ page paper covering the

following basic information for each selected Cold War event:

What was it?

When did it happen?

Who were the major countries/groups/individuals involved?

How was this event perceived by the other major powers?

How did this event shape global policies in the future?

*Events in the First 15 years of the Cold War: 1945-1960

Marshall Plan (1947)

Truman Doctrine (1947)

HUAC (1947-1954)

Berlin Blockade/Airlift (1948-49)

NATO (1949)

USSR successful test of Atomic Bomb (1949)

Cultural Revolution in China ends (1949)

Korean War (1950-1953)

US Tests Hydrogen Bomb (1952)

USSR test Hydrogen Bomb (1953)

Warsaw Pact (1955)

Sputnik Launched (1957)

Cuban Revolution (1959)

Grading Criteria:

  • Format: Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1” margins, proper citation, minimum 2 full
  • pages. (500+ words) 10 points

  • Content: Detailed description & explanation of the event, as well as an analysis of their
  • place in Cold War history. Good incorporation of research into paper (minimum 3

    sources). 30 points

  • Quality: Good organization: This includes a good introduction and conclusion, clear
  • transitions, avoidance of repetition, avoidance of packing multiple points in same

    paragraph, and clear argument. 20 points

  • Writing: This includes good prose in general, proofreading, grammar and sentence
  • structure. 10 points


    Incident 1 Break Down the Barrier Case Study Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

    • Case Study #5 – Please read the Case Study on Page #335 – Incident 1 – Break Down the Barrier – Please answer questions #11-24 to #11-26

    • Please make sure to review
      the syllabus for additional case study requirements.
      To be successful with the case
      studies, it is important that you be able to synthesize and analyze
      appropriately. It is suggested that you do the following to ensure greater comprehension
      – (1) Preview and read the case (2) Identify the problem (3) Determine the
      variables that are inclusive within the problem (4) Identify potential
      constraints and overall organization objectives (5) Differentiate the
      assumptions and develop a qualitative or quantitative technique that can be
      used to develop a solution (6) Analyze and critique the solution (7) Determine
      the most appropriate course of action, and formulate a plan for sustaining this

      Students are encouraged to bring outsides sources to
      case study homework assignments.

      three pages

      every thing already I sented to you, but I want three pages, becarful with
      grammar, dont take any thing from google because professor is not accept

      ok, and I sent to you 1 page from the book to read and
      answer the question, is this picture is clear?

      and please when you write the case, follow the steps
      that I sent to you because my professor is not eazy, and I do not want any

      Required Text:

      Martocchio. Human Resource Management, 15th Edition.
      Pearson Education, 2019 – ISBN – 9780134739724


    POLI 101 Uuniversity of Southern The Theory of Moral Sentiments Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    POLI 101 Uuniversity of Southern The Theory of Moral Sentiments Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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