Political science writing paper -01 Writing Assignment Help. Political science writing paper -01 Writing Assignment Help.
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- Find an example (article, image podcast, news coverage, YouTube video, etc) of any of the concepts of comparative politics we covered in this course that you come across in your daily life.
- Attach a copy of your example to the assignment. This can be a copy of an image or article, or if you use a film, tv show, lecture, or anything else that is not easily saved into document form, please attach a reasonable facsimile (i.e. For a movie, you could include a link to the cover IMDB-page, for a lecture you could include a link to the sponsoring department, for a song the lyrics or music, etc.)
- Write a 2-3-page (about 800 words) explanation of why it represents or links to class themes. See below for a more detailed description of what the paper should look like and the grading rubric.
- In your explanation of why it represents or links to class themes you must discuss at least one reading or video from the course.
Grading Rubric: The class-life-link is worth 10% of your grade.
I will be grading you on a scale of 100. Points will be determined as follows:
30 pts: Write up that is clear, copy-edited, and organized.
It should explain what the clipping is about (approx. 1 paragraph), how it relates to the themes in the class (approx. 1-3 paragraphs), and how it connects to a reading or video from the course (approx. 1-3 paragraphs).
20 pts: You include the copy of, or link to your example.
50 pts: You successfully link your example to the course.
The best papers will focus on only one reading or video and draw clear connections between the example and the reading/video. Using more than one reading/video tends to dilute the strength of your argument and prevents you from really examining and explaining how your example relates to the course.
Important Note:
-Proofread and edit your assignment before handing it in.
Political science writing paper -01 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Analysis Plan Mathematics Assignment Help
- In Module Three, you will submit your introduction and analysis plan, which are critical elements I and II of the final project. You will submit a 3- to 4-page paper that describes the scenario provided in the case study, identifies quantifiable factors that may affect operational performance, develops a problem statement, and proposes a strategy for resolving a company’s problem.
- Identify any quantifiable factors that may be affecting the performance of operational processes.
- Develop a problem statement that addresses the given problem in the scenario and contains quantifiable measures.
- Propose a strategy that addresses the problem of the organization in the given case study.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction to the problem:
A. Provide a concise description of the scenario that you will be analyzing. The following questions might help you describe the scenario: What is
the type of organization identified in the scenario? What is the organization’s history and problem identified in the scenario?
II.Create an analysis plan to guide your analysis and decision making: In this section you will review the data set to inform the statistical method that will be used. To inform your responses in this section, calculate the central tendency of the dependent variable, develop a histogram of the gift amount and develop scatterplots for the gift amount for each independent variable.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Answer the following questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Is it better if the U.S. dollar rises in value—or if the U.S. dollar falls in value against other countries’ currencies? The question is important because a government can intervene to raise or lower value of currency (Remember from Macro?) relative to other currencies. However, such interventions are controversial, it creates “consequences”. We often point figures at China for manipulating their currency (mainly keeping it low to help exports).
The answer to the question above is “Depends. Some will benefit and some will lose”. Of the list of groups mentioned below, who would potentially gain and who would potentially lose if USD value gets stronger against their currencies or Euro? Explain each answer to get full credits. (1 point each – 6 points total)
1) Henri, the French man exporting wine to the U.S.
2) Firms exporting computers from the U.S. to Belgium.
3) German students studying in US
4) American consumers
5) An Italian textile firm about to build a factory in South Carolina
6) I am in EU countries for a vacation
Now, let’s play with numbers to explain the concepts above.
8) Yesterday, 1 Euro was worth $1.22. What is the euro price of a dollar? (In other words, $1 USD is worth how much Euro?) 1 point
9) iPhone XS Max costs $1,449 USD. How much the phone will cost in following countries’ currencies based on the conversion rates given below? (1 point each x 5 = 5 points total)
Country |
Currency |
Conversion Rate |
CANADA (?) |
1 CAD = 0.787464 USD |
CHINA (?) |
1 CNY = 0.1593245 USD |
1 GBP = 1.3631 USD |
JAPAN (?) |
1 JPY = 0.0094313 USD |
MEXICO (?) |
1 MXN = 0.056506 USD |
10) If the USD (value) appreciates against the above foreign currencies, will that make the iPhone more expensive or cheaper for them to buy? 1 point
11) If a PlayStation 4 costs 30,000 yen in Japan, how much will it cost in U.S. dollars if the exchange rate is (2 points each x 3 = 6 points total)
(a) 110 yen = $1?
(b) 1 yen = $0.009?
(c) 100 yen = $1?
12) As you can see from your answers above, the cost of the PS4 didn’t change BUT your price to buy the PS4 changed just because the foreign exchange rate between the two countries changed. When you compare the prices between a and c, did it get cheaper or more expensive? 1 point
This is the second assignment of the phased group activity. The objective is to develop a draft BC/DR Plan according to researched industry standards and best practices. Business Finance Assignment Help
This is the second assignment of the phased group activity. The objective is to develop a draftBC/DR Plan according to researched industry standards and best practices.
Please use the detailed template provided as a separate attachment as an outline. Each group will complete all components of the assignment by the due date indicated in the syllabus schedule. Since this is a draft, you may only have some preliminary data in several sections. This is fine with the expectations that you will be maturing these sections. However, please strive to arrive at some preliminary information for each section.
There are five primary (or high level) sections to this draft plan that is detailed in the rubric:
- 1)Draft plan purpose and invoking the plan (sections 1-11 in template)
- 2)Response Scenarios (to map to risk area of your 1stgroup assignment) – Sections 12-20 in template
- 3)Draft plan review and maintenance, diagrams and plan checklist (Sections 13-15 in template)
- 4)Incident notification, COAs, and damage assessment (Sections 16-19 in template)
- 5)Business recovery phase & Appendix (Sections 20-21 in template with Appendix)
Please complete all areas of the plan realizing that you will be maturing these sections as you proceed through the course. Always keep in mind the business scenario (NewOptMarketing) and your group risk assessment exercise to complete the sections of the plan. You can tailor each of the sections as you deem appropriate.
Important:Because this is a draft plan, you need not provide graphics (i.e., charts, measures) or references. However, you do need to provide at least a preliminary outline of your flow diagrams for Section 14.These are not expected to be mature at this point, but there should be a basic set of diagrams provided. Any additional graphics, charts or measures you wish to provide should be included with your final product in phase 4.
Weekly conference discussions will highlight concepts related to incident-response handing, disaster-recovery planning, and business continuity planning and processes.
Please stay aligned to the sections.However, you may include a discussion of later technologies that may reside in the template. One example is section 11 – Emergency management standards. The Tape retention policies may be dated (or still appropriate for use). You can refresh this section as appropriate to address how NewOptMarketing would address this policy.
Assignment Consideration:
- Please ensure that the draft plan incorporates the key elements identified in Phase 1 (except for graphs and references), complete with mitigation strategies demonstrating an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
- Ensure that the draft plan contains response scenarios that align well with identified risks.
- Ensure that your paper is well organized and presented in a professional format.
Geography of Globalization -03 Writing Assignment Help
Critiques of Development Theory
Word length should be 450-500 words.
Does Rivoli believe in the development ladder? To what extent does she agree with Rostow that every country goes through the same stages of development? Does Rivoli believe that every country should go through the same stage of development?
- In two well-formulated paragraphs, analyze Rivoli’s perspective in relation to Rostow’s Modernization Theory. Respond to the prompt questions above in bold. Cite specific page numbers and passages.
- In two paragraphs, choose one of the week’s concepts (see week four’s module) that you believe best encapsulates this week’s Rivoli reading (You can choose any of those concepts, as long as you make a sound and clear argument). Clearly explain your concept of choice. You don’t need to use quotes in these two paragraphs, but be specific in your justification (no broad generalizations please). This means avoiding statements such as: “I think neoliberalism is the best concept because it clearly tells the story of the modern t-shirt industry.” Instead, explain how the characteristics of your chosen concept overlap with t-shirt markets. Convince your reader that Rivoli’s reading represents your concept through precise arguments.
I need a research Paper and PPT for Marketing You work for a large multinational technology organization. The company has determined they need to create an IT Strategy. Business Finance Assignment Help
Below are the details which i am looking for
Describe the services that your department receives from the IT department in your organization, the types of IT functions that will most affect your department, and what you and your department can do in collaboration with the IT department to increase IT value.Perform a limited risk analysis for your department (because any given department in an organization can be considered an organization on its own) for the purpose of evaluating the potential of IT value for your department.
After you conducted your limited risk analysis for your department, the company decided to make you the lead for your company’s initiative to improve the relationship between the business unit and IT department.You know that working together is important and therefore you’re trying to figure out how to build the relationship between the two entities. As a team, you should discuss why you need to create a strong relationship between your business unit and IT in support of improving IT value.You should be following the factors below to ensure that the business-IT relationship is improved
- ·
Clearly defined expectations, governance models,
and accountabilities.·
Trust between the two groups.·
Articulation and incorporation of corporate and client
values and priorities in all IT work.·
A blurred line between business and IT (i.e., no
“us vs them”).·
IT dedicated to business success.·
IT serving as a trusted advisor to the business.·
Mutual recognition of IT value.
Now that you have identified the desired IT value to be obtained you need to outline how the business unit and IT is to share in the budgeting process.
To conclude the project, you are going to describe the process you will use to organize the IT department and the techniques that can be employed when making decisions about your IT Strategy.
Prepare a report to address all aspects of the case study.This report should be no less than 20 pages of content and no more than 30 pages of content.You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources.You must have at least 10 references, 5 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles.In addition to the 20-30 pages of content, you will want a title page and a reference sheet.This report needs to be in proper APA format.
I need a research Paper and PPT for Marketing You work for a large multinational technology organization. The company has determined they need to create an IT Strategy. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
This assignment has to be solved using ETAP Engineering Assignment Help
Draw the oneline shown on the next page using ETAP
The length of all the cables is 500 ft. Chose a cable sized 750 kcmil at 15 kV rated voltage. Use the ETAP library feature to select the cables.
Short circuit rating of the source is 100 MVA and the source impedance is 0.42 Ω.
Analyze the oneline using load ow analysis.
Observe and correct (a) the bus undervoltages (b) cable overloads.
The bus undervoltage should be no lower than 97% of the nominal voltage.
Assignment Submission
Submit a printout of the final successful oneline diagram showing the power flows and bus voltage percentages generated by ETAP
Submit the final complete load ow report generated by ETAP.
The next part of the assignment consists of studying the impact of PV penetration on the bus voltages.
Hi, Below are the details which i am looking for Business Finance Assignment Help
Describe the services that your department receives from the IT department in your organization, the types of IT functions that will most affect your department, and what you and your department can do in collaboration with the IT department to increase IT value.Perform a limited risk analysis for your department (because any given department in an organization can be considered an organization on its own) for the purpose of evaluating the potential of IT value for your department.
After you conducted your limited risk analysis for your department, the company decided to make you the lead for your company’s initiative to improve the relationship between the business unit and IT department.You know that working together is important and therefore you’re trying to figure out how to build the relationship between the two entities. As a team, you should discuss why you need to create a strong relationship between your business unit and IT in support of improving IT value.You should be following the factors below to ensure that the business-IT relationship is improved
- · Clearly defined expectations, governance models, and accountabilities. · Trust between the two groups. · Articulation and incorporation of corporate and client values and priorities in all IT work. · A blurred line between business and IT (i.e., no “us vs them”). · IT dedicated to business success. · IT serving as a trusted advisor to the business. · Mutual recognition of IT value.
Now that you have identified the desired IT value to be obtained you need to outline how the business unit and IT is to share in the budgeting process.
To conclude the project, you are going to describe the process you will use to organize the IT department and the techniques that can be employed when making decisions about your IT Strategy.
Prepare a report to address all aspects of the case study.This report should be no less than 20 pages of content and no more than 30 pages of content.You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources.You must have at least 10 references, 5 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles.In addition to the 20-30 pages of content, you will want a title page and a reference sheet.This report needs to be in proper APA format.
Case Study Computer Science Assignment Help
Android as Mobile OS
Go through the below resources:
- Android Developer – Developer Guide – What is Android? (http://developer.android.com/guide/basics/what-is-android.html)
- Android Developer – Developer Guide – Application Fundamentals (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/fundamentals.html)
- Android Compatibility, Retrieved from: (http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/compatibility.html)
- Designing for Accessibility, Retrieved from: (http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/design/accessibility.html)
- Designing for Performance, Retrieved from: (http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/design/performance.html)
- Designing for Responsiveness, Retrieved from: (http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/design/responsiveness.html)
- Designing for Security, Retrieved from: (http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/security.html)
Android Development with Eclipse
Work your way through the tutorials below. So your main focus will be on first and second tutorials below. You are required to provide screen shots of your efforts in working through these tutorials. Include your screen shots with a 2- and 3-page paper describing your work and include it in a zip file.
- Hello World Tutorial, Retrieved from: (http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/hello-world.html)
- Hello Localization, Retrieved from: (http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/localization/index.html)
- Form Stuff, Retrieved from: (http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-formstuff.html)
- You are required to use Eclipse and the plug-in as mentioned below:
- Download the Android SDK (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)
- How to Configure Eclipse with the EclipseME plugin on a Windows Machine, retrieved from: (http://www.rosehulman.edu/class/csse/resources/csmobilegames/
Optional Tutorial:
- Android Development with Eclipse – Tutorial, Retrieved from: https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/android/docs/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html
SLP Assignment Expectations
LENGTH: 2-3 pages and double-spaced.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
- Whether you have followed through on the tutorial.
- Successfully running the tutorial code.
- A well written report thoroughly explaining what you did.
When your zip file is completed, send it in.
As per writer Writing Assignment Help
Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting.
In this assignment, you will study the characteristics that mark each leadership style.
Identify five leaders from the lists given in Appendix A.
You must select one leader’s name from List 7.
You must select one leader’s name from List 4.
Select the remaining three leaders from Lists 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6. Ensure you select only one name from a list.
Complete the following:
- Biographies of the chosen leaders
- Historical events associated with the chosen leaders
Based on your research and readings, compile a 7-to 8-page Microsoft Word that includes answers to the following questions:
- What were the characteristics of your chosen leaders?
- What were the factors that contributed to each individual rising to the role of leader?
- What was each selected leader’s leadership style? Support your
position with credible references with respect to the style, and include
an accurate biography and depiction of historical events. - Did the leaders’ leadership style shifted or evolved with time or the acquisition of power? Why?
- What tools did the leaders utilized to promote their influence and vision?
- What were each leader’s contingency and situational leadership
capabilities? Explain and support with examples where he or she
demonstrated those leadership capabilities. - What was the power base of the selected leaders? What
characteristics or traits allowed each individual to assume the position
of leadership power? - What role did the leaders assumed in resolving conflict? What was each leader’s apparent conflict resolution style?
- What was each leader’s iconic situation that gained him or her recognition as a leader?
- Did the environment and time lend to each leader’s rise or recognition? Why?
- Reflecting on leadership theory and style, would you consider certain traits and characteristics to be timeless? Why or why not?
- Why did others adopt or invest in them as individuals and leaders?
Submissions Details:
- To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also
use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite
your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in
APA format. - Your assignment should be addressed in an 8- to 10-page document.
5-6references with citations
APA format
need to pass it from Turnitin plagiarism checker and once done with the assignment need “turnitin report” as well
must check “spelling and grammar” errors free
“plagiarism free”