Power point for statistics of a research Mathematics Assignment Help

Power point for statistics of a research Mathematics Assignment Help. Power point for statistics of a research Mathematics Assignment Help.

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– Using your individually selected topic and research question, LOCATE a “population” that would be appropriate to use for your ‘theoretical’ study. Find a suitable source of demographic data (age, gender, education, occupation, income, access to medical care (insurance status), immunization status, etc.) and compare your class ‘survey’ sample demographic statistics to your chosen population. Be prepared to explain the logic behind any restrictions or bias in your chosen data source.

– You may find the dataset useful of Titanic document (attached below) to practice the measures of central tendency on.

My topic is about managing floods in Saudi Arabia (leteriture review about the topic attached below) you must read it to have a complete idea about it.

The research question is: What preventive methods should Saudi use to avoid the occurrence floods in the future?

Important notes:

– please fully read the requirements, and comprehensively read the articles I attached.

– Use APA format for citation.

– Just put brief points in the slides and the description in the comments below each slide, Imagine yourself the presenter, you would put the desertion in the comments of each slide using simple words so you can read read easily.

– Please fully cover the whole aspects of the question, its to confirm the full understanding of statistics

– Please go through the two videos in the two links below, to give more understanding of statistics:



Power point for statistics of a research Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

INFO331 Analysis Essay 2 Writing Assignment Help

Analysis Essay #2

In this essay, you will provide an overview of the server-side and client-side hardware and software requirements of your information system. You will then focus the bulk of your essay on analyzing the competitive advantage that your information system provides to users of the system (or to the company who created and maintains the system) and on proposing your own recommendations for improving and enhancing the information system with additional features and functionality.

Before you begin writing, download the attached file, AnalysisEssay2Template.docx, and very carefully read and follow all instructions contained in the file. Also, make sure you compose your essay in the provided template file, as it is already formatted with the correct margins, fonts, headings and sub-headings, etc.

Your essay will automatically be checked for plagiarism by TurnItIn

Please No Plagiarism

Use APA formatting and in text ci


Write one page and a half for a journal Science Assignment Help

For the journal assignments you will read a scientific study and a popular news article written about that study. Then you will write a report that explains how the scientific methods was used in the study, and how well the popular news article reported the study.

The scientific study and the article are in the files. Also there will be an example paper for the assignment and it shows how the journal should be.

Please make it a simple English, no plagiarism. Include in text citation.

**** important to read the below attached****


Demonstrate your professional passion and public health narrative! Health Medical Assignment Help

Your philosophy statement should be a 1-page, single-spaced professional paper that clearly articulates your

passion for community health education and what you would like to do in your professional life. In addition to

being an important component of your Public / Community Health Portfolio, having written your philosophy

statement will prepare you to respond in a number of situations. For example, your internship site may ask “Why

do you want this internship?”; A potential employer may ask in an interview “How does this job utilize your

strengths and passions?”; A health-related graduate program may require a “letter of intent” as part of the

application. Below is a guide that will help you write your philosophy. You do not need to address all of the

criteria (unless noted with required) or organize your philosophy exactly this way; it is a guide to help you.

Section 1: Public Health Passion and Narrative

. Public Health Passion: What population do you want to serve? What health topic do you want to improve?

What is or will be your public health focus?

. Public Health Narrative: Now, the tricky part… WHY? Where did this (your professional passion) come


¡ Tell us a short story. Link to your past. Consider something that happened to you or your family

(carefully), person in your life (carefully), professor / teacher /coach/ mentor, course, volunteer

experience, work experience, internship etc that shaped your vision and pointed you toward public


¡ WHILE maintaining professional norms and without over-sharing in highly formal and professional

setting (e.g., interview, application, etc).

Section 2: Demonstrate You are Grounded in the Field

• Segway into today. Tell us how your passion and past brought you to public health major (or minor) today.

• Tell us what this major (or minor) is to you.

o Show mature knowledge in field here. Bring in textbook / class concepts, but not simple definitions.

Consider themes that resonate with you such as CHES, behavioral theories, philosophical

foundations (e.g., empowerment, respect, power of education, equality, right to health), and or

ethics, etc.

o Ensure you fully understand concepts you discuss (see wellness ad eating healthy example from


Section 3: Demonstrate You are Prepared to SERVE and Meet Public Health Demands

. Now transition and tell us where you are going.

o Focus on your short-term (within 2 years) plans. (You may include one sentence MAX on long-term

plans – beyond 4-5 years from now).

. AND – importantly – describe how society benefits from you doing this. How will you help people or

society/state/country/world by meeting public health needs?

*You will be expected to improve your philosophy statement in assignment 6 and describe how you improved it. In

addition, you will continue to refine your philosophy throughout your program of study


Journal Reflection Writing Assignment Help

this is what the teacher want from us:

All students deserve the right to attend and receive high-quality education. As you navigate the world of special education, what are some things you will focus on to improve the outcomes for students with disabilities.

What are the challenges special educators are facing on a school and individual level? Make sure to include family collaboration in your reflection.

this is the instruction:

The Journal is a self-reflection tool for students to think critically about the assigned readings and class

students are to think critically about the issue, form and state an opinion, and create a coherent argument to support their perspectives. Responses should consider the questions asked as well as students’ thoughts on readings, especially: How do the readings relate to one’s own family experiences and/or the experiences of the families’ students work or interact? How do one’s cultural experiences influence the student’s work with families?



Please complete Question 2 in 12 hours and Question 3 in 24 hours Mathematics Assignment Help

As per our conversation, please find attached the data file bearing the following:

  • Part I [from column G to CA]– 413 respondents indicated their likelihood to purchase a particular shawarma sandwich profile that had been systematically varied on six attributes with two levels each. Of the total eight attributes, one was price, three were functional and four were social; whereby two social attributes were systematically varied and two were mirrored. The 64 possible combinations of the 6 attributes were developed and assigned to 8 sets of respondents in groups of 8. Therefore, each respondent evaluated 8 different shawarma sandwiches.

Question 1 – Do consumers of the Middle Eastern street food shawarma dish value social benefits?

  • Test the hypothesis that the likelihood of buyingincreases when there are social attributes offered in the shawarma sandwich profile. That is, identify the probability that an individual will choose a product based on whether or not a specific social feture is embedded in the product, every other feature – social and functional and price – held constant.
  • Measure the willingness to pay, or the marginal dollar value of the social attributes.
  • Classify the respondents as ethical or self-interested consumers. Those respondents whose choice for the social attributes were greater than any other variable should be classified as ethical consumer and the remaining respondents as self-interested.
  • Re-run Logit Regression for the two groups of consumers – ethical and self-interested – and test the above hypothesis (a) against each of the groups in order to understand the influence of the presence of social features on the likelihood of purchase for both ethical and self-interested consumers.
  • Identify the purchase intention for AED 7 and AED 15 sandwiches per consumer segment – ethical and self-interested.
  • Identify the most important attributes for ethical and self-interested consumers.
  • Part II [from column CB to CQ]– 413 respondents indicated their likelihood to purchase between two shawarma sandwich profiles that were each characterized as all good or all bad, socially and functionally. The functional and social attributes were the same used in Part I. The base prices were AED 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 24; prices were marked up when all social features are good (cells 1 and 2 – Product Feature Mix – Part II worksheet). The Part II of the questionnaire included eight sets of two product profiles. For each of the eight profiles, respondents were asked the following question: Select between Shawarma A, Shawarma B, or neither product. Hence, each respondent made a total of eight choices for each question. The pairs were constructed as shown in Product Feature Mix – Part II worksheet. This implies four possible pairs: some that required choices with no dilemma – both the social features and the functional features were the same (cells 1 and 4) – and some that required a trade-off between the functional and social features (cells 2 and 3).

Question 2 – What is the relationship between the consumers’ intention and their willingness to pay when faced with trade-offs against functional benefits?

  • Generate the equivalent of demand curves for the social features based on the price premium demanded for receiving a good social product. The price premium is equivalent to the average price between AED 7 and AED 15 (= AED 11). Therefore, any price level above AED 11 (i.e. 12, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 24) presents a premium of AED 1, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 13 respectively. The price axis is the premium associated with receiving the product with “good” social features, and the quantity axis is the probability that the respondent chose the product with the good social features.
  • Test the hypothesis that individuals will choose the product with positive social features when there is no sacrificing of functionality (the “no dilemma” case) but that any hint of poor functionality will cause demand to collapse.
  • Show on average, and over the entire price range, the percentage that the good social products were chosen of the time in the “no dilemma” case, as compared to the cases when there was a dilemma and functionality was compromised.
  • Show the percentage that the potential products are chosen when there is no price premium for the better social product.
  • Show the percentage that the potential products are chosen when the premium approaches 100 percent of the average price (= AED 22).

See below example for reference:

Question 3 – Will consumers of the Middle Eastern street food shawarma dish sacrifice function benefits for ethics?

What do people do when faced with the dilemma of bad functionality for good ethics? Show the percentage of the cases where individuals chose the product with good functional features despite the fact they were given the option of not making a choice (=neither product). Likewise, show the percentage of cases where individuals opted-out (chose “neither the product”) when they faced the dilemma of bad functionality for good ethics.

Please complete Question 2 in 12 hours and Question 3 in 24 hours Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Final Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

A frequent issue that organizations suffer from in current workplace environments is retaining employees and determining effective ways to motivate employees. For this assignment, you will act as a consultant that was hired by organization ABC (of your choice). As a consultant that retains an extensive background in Organizational Behavior, you have been tasked by the contracting organization to develop a proposal for an organizational retention and motivation action plan due to the high attrition rates and declining motivation currently occurring at the organization.

Your proposal is required to be submitted as a 10-14 page Word document, APA format is required. Title page and reference page are not counted in the 10-14 page count requirement.

  • You may select any organization to focus your proposal of an organizational retention and motivation action plan.
  • Please be certain to address the following;
    • Organizational behavior issues that impact retention
    • Organizational behavior issues that impact motivation
    • Detailed suggestions to overcome high attrition
    • Detailed suggestions to overcome low motivation
    • Identification of how beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions will impact this plan overall
    • Identification of how personalities, neuroscience, diversity, gender, generational impact, and corporate culture will impact this plan overall
    • How the plan will be communicated within organization
    • Detailed suggestions on how to implement change, such as implementing the proposed organizational retention and motivation action plan
Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points
Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40
Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20
Clearly present well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30
Mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling that affects clarity, and citation of sources as needed 10
Total 100


Teredo high-level diagram Computer Science Assignment Help

Case Project 10-2: Configuring Windows 7 Clients to Use Teredo

As an IPv4-to-IPv6 transition technology, ISATAP allows an ISATAP network node to send an IPv6 packet over an IPv4 network by encapsulating the packet in an IPv4 header without the need for a pre-established tunnel across the IPv4 domain. Once the sending node determines the end point of the ISATAP tunnel, the IPv6 packet is sent to the node’s ISATAP tunneling interface for encapsulation in the IPv4 header, setting the value in the Protocol field to 41, which indicates that the IPv4 header contains an IPv6 packet. When the device at the end point of the tunnel receives the packet, it reads the value of the Protocol field and knows to decapsulate the IPv6 packet from the IPv4 header prior to accessing the Transport layer protocol (TCP or UDP) and sending the application data up the OSI stack. Given this information, create a diagram of the ISATAP packet as it is sent across the tunnel from the source to destination nodes. Include individual cells in the diagram for the application data, the transport header, the IPv6 header, and the IPv4 header. Within the IPv6 and IPv4 headers, include information regarding the Next Header field, Source and Destination address fields, and the Protocol field. The illustration can be a high-level diagram, but it must show each of the fields at its correct location within each header.


Read and write. Writing Assignment Help

As a class, we will attend the Great American Smokeout in the Curris Center:

The Murray State University Health & Wellness Peer Educators are hosting a “Great American Smokeout” event on November 16, 2017 from 9am – 3pm in the Curris Center Dance Lounge. This event will provide health education about statistics related to tobacco use in Kentucky and the consequences of tobacco use as well as provide health promotion for those individuals who wish to quit their tobacco use by providing Quit Kits, information about tobacco cessation classes in Calloway County, and other useful resources to assist them in reaching their goal.

You will interview at least one health educator and use at least two sources of statistics provided during the event to write a story about the Great American Smokeout. Ideally, we would find two or three people to interview, but in this case, we will have to take what we get.

Your story should have these elements:

* Lede

* Background

* Mixture of indirect and direct quotations, properly attributed

The story should be between 350 to 500 words.

You can say fake 2 names and ask them questions and answer the answers and do the indirect and direct quotations.

I will attached some files and information about the event

Story exercise rubric

Story exercise rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDeadline and professionalism

10.0 pts

Met deadline and submitted correctly with the required elements.

0.0 pts

Nothing turned in.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLede

10.0 pts

Lede summarizes the information and gets attention.

5.0 pts

Lede only partially summarizes information and grabs attention.

0.0 pts

No lede.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure

10.0 pts

Story follows proper news structure with a lede, quotes, details, etc. Most important info first.

5.0 pts

Story somewhat follows proper news structure with a lede, quotes, details, etc. Information is jumbled.

0.0 pts

Nothing submitted.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAttribution

10.0 pts

All attribution is correctly placed.

6.0 pts

Attribution is incorrect.

0.0 pts

No submission.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


Assignment: Humanities Assignment Help

Answer each question for every reading. Answer it thoroughly in a paragraph (8-10 sentences minimum) using one cited quote from the text, Acting Out Culture, for support.

1) From Degrading to De-grading (Alfie Kohn)

Question: Kohn has some pointed things to say about the connection often pressumed to exist between traditional grading and student motivation. More specifically, he questions the longstanding educational norm that says students who do not receive grades have no incentive to work. What do you think of this claim?Is it valid? How does your own view compare to Kohn’s?

2) Blue Collar Brilliance (Mike Rose)

Question: Take a closer look at this essay’s title. How do you interpret the phrase “blue collar brilliance’ ? To what extent does this phrase challenge or rewrite the norms we are taught to use when thinking about blue-collar work? What alternative vision of such work does a phrase like this suggest?

3) Everything You’ve Heard About Failing School (Kristina Rizga)

Question: Rizga devotes a lot of attention in this essay to the experiences of students outside the classroom: their personal histories, family lives, economic circumstances. Why do you think Rizga chooses to include this information? In your view, is this helpful? How or how not?

4) Against School ( John Taylor Gatto)

Question: Gatto draws a distinction between helping children “take an education” and receive a schooling” (p.272). How do you understand the difference between the two? In your view, which of these phrases defines the superior model od education? Why?

5)Unconscious Plagiarism ( Rachel Toor)

Question: Toor draws a distinction between “stealing” and “imitating” How do you stand the difference? Do you agree with Toor that, when it comes to academic plagiarism, there is a valid line to be drawn between the two? Why or Why not?

6) Preparing minds and markets (Jonathan Kozol)

Question: What do you make of the phrase “school to work”? IN your view, does it suggest an approach to education that is legitimate or evel useful? Does it reflect the way we’re usually taught to think about education? Can you think of alternative term that would suggest an educational approach that is preferable?


Power point for statistics of a research Mathematics Assignment Help

Power point for statistics of a research Mathematics Assignment Help

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