prepare the short report on U.S. stock market crash triggers fusing mechanism Business Finance Assignment Help. prepare the short report on U.S. stock market crash triggers fusing mechanism Business Finance Assignment Help.
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You are required to prepare and present one short report on
U.S. stock market crash triggers fusing mechanism, temporarily suspended trading
The article must come from a well-known and reputable news source.
The analysis should include the following:
An introduction to the topic and the report
What are the main points of the article?
What ethical, social, political, or economic issues are present and how do they relate to business and society?
Ask a question to stimulate discussion (must be in a Yes/No, True/False, or A,B,C,D format.)
[ Provide a citation to your article using APA Style ]
prepare the short report on U.S. stock market crash triggers fusing mechanism Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Project research Business Finance Assignment Help
Project research
- Write about vision 2030 and the quality life programe
- Description of the Riyadh projects and their link with vision 2030 and specifity each project
- How they are related “theoretically to the well-being social and psychological well-being for each project “what are the behaviours expected from Riyadh citizens
- Perceived value of each project by Riyadh citizens
- What are the factors that explain the possibility of adoption or positive attitude or behaviour of citizens toward the project of Riyadh
- Prepare methodology, questions, survey: based on the theoretical development
- Figures and tables are required
APA style
80-100 pages
Sources that can be used:
- My documents…
- Academic journalist
- Books
Riyadh projects is :
Riyadh Metro
Riyadh green
Riyadh Art
King Salman Park
Riyadh Almassar
Diriyadh Historical ( Albujairi + Turaif )
Create a Lesson Plan Humanities Assignment Help
- Create a semi-structured lesson plan to teach a reading lesson to a small-group of students with disabilities or learning difficulties. The lesson can take about 20-25 minutes to complete
- Lesson MUST address the following areas of reading skill: phonemic awareness/decoding, reading fluency and reading comprehension- and should reflect the use of evidence-based methods discussed in the course material. That is, you will have three (3) separate activities in your lesson- one for each of the required components.
- The lesson should feature an explicit instructional design (use template provided) for the teaching of these components AND/OR the teaching of a specific strategy (e.g., POSSE strategy for reading expository text)
- Lesson plan will include scripting of what you would say during lesson, activities that students will be engaged in, description of materials, procedures for eliciting student responses, providing feedback, and opportunities for practice. (Include what you will SAY and what you will DO during lesson)
- Use the lesson plan template provided in the documents below
- Be sure to review the reminder and tips document attached to ensure proper completion of the assignment.
- Feel free to review the sample lessons attached as well. These are for REFERENCE ONLY.
- I have attached everything including a sample mini lesson plan and all required guidelines
I need help with the research paper on LMS online discussion board. Computer Science Assignment Help
Hi there,
I need help with the research paper on LMS online discussion board.
I’ve attached the sample document which we got from the professor ??, please make sure to meet all the requirements ( for example below ).
• Abstract
• Introduction [ Purpose of Review and Research Questions & Key Concepts ]
• Methodology [ Inclusion Criteria, Search Strategy & Analytic Procedure ]
• Findings and Discussion [ Groups of Participants Studied, Methods Applied & Participants’ Interactions ]
• Summary
• Discussions [ Limitation, Strength & significance ]
• Conclusion
• References
Anthropology 130 Science Assignment Help
Why does Loring Brace oppose and George Gill support the concept of biological races in humans? Make sure to summarize the scientific evidence used by each scientist?
Quiz Instructions
Examine the content at the following links. Also, make sure to read the section on race in Chapter 5. Then, respond to the questions below. (Links to an external site.)
Article from Wired Magazine on Franz Boas’ research on variation in skull shape and recent challenges to his interpretations of the data. (Links to an external site.)
Essays from two physical anthropologists, one supporting and one opposed to the concept of biological race.
Can You Tell a Person’s Race from His or Her Skull? (Links to an external site.)
Article from Slate about the strengths and weaknesses of race identification in forensic anthropology.
Answer to this discussion prompt and I’ll send two comments to write replies my peers.. Humanities Assignment Help
Read the article “Sentence Variety” and then write a response that discusses the importance of using sentence variety when writing:
- Find an example of a simple sentence in your rough draft.
- Explain why a simple sentence was most effective in this case, or explain why it might need to be changed to a different sentence type.
- Look at the sentences before and after. Are they both simple sentences as well? If so, does sentence variety need to be addressed here? Why or why not?
- Find an example of a complex sentence in your rough draft.
- Explain why a complex sentence was most effective in this case, or explain why it might need to be changed to a different sentence type.
- Look at the sentences before and after. Are they both complex sentences as well? If so, does sentence variety need to be addressed here? Why or why not?
- Find an example of a compound sentence in your rough draft.
- Explain why a compound sentence was most effective in this case, or explain why it might need to be changed to a different sentence type.
- Look at the sentences before and after. Are they both compound sentences as well? If so, does sentence variety need to be addressed here? Why or why not?
- Check all three sentences to see if they are correctly punctuated, and if not, address what changes need to be made and why.
In addition to your main response, you must also post substantive responses to at least two of your classmates’ posts in this thread. Your responses should include such elements as follow up questions, further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made by the classmates.
Answer to this discussion prompt and I’ll send two comments to write replies my peers.. Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
read and critique the travel requests posted below Science Assignment Help
Date: March 14, 2020
To: CISO, Padgett-Beale Inc.
From: Jyotsna Pakhare
Subject: Travel Request- National Cyber Summit: Alabama, USA.
Attached please find my Travel request to attend the National Cyber Summit, that is being held in Huntsville, Alabama. I would like to attend this Conference, which is held annually, and the dates are June 2-4, 2020. This year the conference is being held at the Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
National Cyber Summit is the nation’s most innovative cyber security-technology event, that offer unique educational, collaborative and workforce development opportunities for industry visionaries and rising leaders. (NCS,2020) This Conference will be attended by government and commercial participants.
The event is hosted by the North Alabama Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association (NAC-ISSA) Cyber Huntsville Corporation (CHC), Auburn University Research, and University of Alabama in Huntsville. It is also Supported by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), a program of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the U.S. Department of Commerce, under Grant # 70NANB15H016.
The Summit will provide 4 days of educational training and have over 60 expert speakers, over 60 sessions (Advanced Manufacturing/SCADA/Supply Chain, Law Enforcement/Forensics, Redstone Arsenal Cyber Ecosystem, Research, and Technical), and over 70 cyber-focused exhibitors (including NIST, NSA, FBI, and the NICE Challenge Project). This Summit offers comprehensive, educational sessions covering critical security issues and emerging security issues for our organizations.
Attending this conference would be a great addition to my knowledge and expertise and help enhance my knowledge about Advanced Manufacturing, Social Engineering, Human Security, Cyber Skills Gap, Cyber Resilience, Forensics, Security Testing, Reverse Engineering, Information Security as Risk Management, Risk Analysis, Malware, Block chain, Policy, Cloud, and Latest Hacks which this summit will be offering. It will also give me a chance to meet experts in the field and share thoughts and ideas on the latest trends and firsthand information about actual end user experiences from participants and leaders.
The three days of dedicated time to knowledge and insight on networking, special events will give me a chance to meet leaders in the industry, share ideas, gain knowledge and increase our company profile. There will be product demos and engage with sponsors. Will also receive Continuing Professional Education Credits that will apply to maintaining current certifications (such as CISSP, CEH, Security+ CE, and many others). Given an opportunity to attend this Conference will be a great asset to the company and to my knowledge to serve the company better and utilize my knowledge to the betterment of PBI.
The approximate cost associated with the attendance if the Conferences is as follows:
Travel Costs (Flights & Transportation to and from Airport): $250- $350
Accommodations (4 Nights at $95-$150/night): $380 – $600(Special negotiated costs for attendees)
Meals (5 days at $51): $255
Conference Pass for 3 days: $510
Total cost to attend the National Cyber Summit at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama for 4 days and 4 nights from June 1-5 would be: $1600
I believe attending the National Cyber Summit and the knowledge gained through the experts in this field will better help myself and PBI to know about the looming cybersecurity risks facing our company in the near future, will make us aware of the upcoming threats and latest issues in cyber crime and security. Taking precautionary steps by using this knowledge will help PBI curtail and avoid any further costs which are much more compared to this travel cost, that may result from any unfortunate cyber related event occurring in PBI. Budget for the Conference is a small price to pay for a future loss that may cost us much more in reputation and finances.
My learning from the Conference will be shared with my department and IT teams to enhance their knowledge and by creating a presentation of my learning and new knowledge will only help and enhance security at PBI. Upon my return I plan on having a meeting and presenting my learning and details about the Conference to my colleagues.
Thank you for your consideration
Jyotsna Pakhare.
Cybersecurity Conferences 2020 – 2021 [Updated Hourly]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2020, from
National Cyber Summit 2020: InfoSec Conference Alabama. (2019, November 22). Retrieved March 12, 2020, from…
Project 4: Postmigration Activities with AWS lab Programming Assignment Help
The 10- to 12-page final document will consolidate the work that you have completed in the steps along with some additional elements (scope, executive summary, etc.) to create a comprehensive postmigration activity report
Step 1: Postmigration
Activities Overview
Step 2: Explore AWS
Cloud Formation
Step 3: Compare
Monitoring/Management Options in AWS
Step 4: Evaluate and
Configure AWS Trusted Advisor
Step 5: Evaluate and Configure AWS Systems Manager
Step 6: Discuss and Review Final Cutover/Rollback options
Step 7: Write Cloud Postmigration Activity Report
The 10- to 12-page final document will consolidate the work that you have completed in the steps along with some additional elements (scope, executive summary, etc.) to create a comprehensive postmigration activity report
Need lab reports done in AWS.
You will start with overviewing and discussing these activities in Step 1.
In Step 2, you will get acquainted with CloudFormation – AWS Infrastructure as Code (and as graphics) feature.
You will create a template for a web server setup. Follow the AWS guide carefully and click in proper places exactly, or your template will fail.
Step 3 is to compare monitoring and management options in AWS: Trusted Advisor and Systems Manager, and write a short report.
You will then configure these features in AWS, following AWS guides in Steps 4 and 5.
Step 6 is to review and discuss final cut-over and rollback options. In Step 7 you will write your final Postmigration Activity Report, as per the template provided.
Help write my history essay Humanities Assignment Help
Western civilization 2
I will upload the articles and textbook pages
No outside information only use information from articles and textbook must have evidence to back it up from the textbook or articles I’ll tell you the textbook name for bibliography page grammer is very important no plagiarism with plagiarism report
I’ll be checking to make sure information is only from the textbook and articles must use all articles in the assignment
Mla format is fine must use citations example is below and must cite properly in essay
• Using the documents, you are to accomplish the following tasks in a paper of 4-8 pages address the following 3 objectives:
For each 19th century ideology listed (liberalism, conservatism, feminism, Marxism, socialism, capitalism):
1. Identify the major ideas the ideology espouses.
2. Use the documents provided to support the ideas identified above. For example: if you are describing the main ideas of conservatism, you should read the documents about conservatism and quote from them to support the idea you are writing about.
3. Next you must connect the ideology to history. So answer the following question: Historically, how did the ideologies influence Western Civilization? (You can focus on the 19th century unless you know a bit about the last century). For example, clearly Marxism resulted from the Industrial Revolution. Explain how.
4. Decide which ideology you favor and explain why.
5. You must pull information from the documents. Quote directly and often.
Searching for alternative sources is frankly unnecessary. You may use the textbook to unnecessary. You may use the textbook to supplement your paper, but you must make copious use of the documents. This assessment requires students to read and use the words of the thinkers of the 19th century. Pure generalization without necessary evidence will result in a failing grade.
Standard 12-point font and double spaced. A bibliography is required but you need only list the documents that you utilized in the paper. Again, this should be obvious, as you will need to quote often from them to buttress your argument. Use internal citations when quoting a document. Example: Marx intimated that 19th century society was ready for revolutionary change when he stated “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle” (Marx p.1)
xavier-Data science homework Computer Science Assignment Help
Natural Language Processing
Q1 Review the python script in Q1 Folder –
Use text below to apply the same process
Text= “””Backgammon is one of the oldest known board games. Its history can be traced back nearly 5,000 years to archeological discoveries in the Middle East. It is a two player game where each player has fifteen checkers which move between twenty-four points according to the roll of two dice.”””
a. Text Analysis Operations using NLTK
b. Tokenization
c. Stopwords removal
d. Lexicon Normalization such as Stemming and Lemmatization
e. POS Tagging
Q2 Analyze the customer reviews in the file Restaurant_Reviews.tsv
Explain each step for the following text clean-up commands
a. Explain each step for the following text clean-up commands
review = dataset[‘Review’][0]
review = re.sub(‘[^a-zA-Z]’, ‘ ‘, dataset[‘Review’][0])
review = review.lower()
review = review.split()
ps = PorterStemmer()
review = [ps.stem(word) for word in review if not word in set(stopwords.words(‘english’))]
review = ‘ ‘.join(review)
b. What is the classification question?
c. The example uses the Naïve Bayes classifier to classify the sentiments. Calculate the confusion matrix:
TP = # True Positives,
TN = # True Negatives,
FP = # False Positives,
FN = # False Negatives):
Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
d. Apply the logistic regression classifier to the problem – recalculate “c” i.e. TP, TN, FP, FN, Accuracy
Q3 NLTK Corpus on Movie Reviews
Q3a Use the following reference analyze sentiment analysis on Movie Review “Q3 Movie”
Q3b – Explain how the Bag of Words model help in sentiment analysis…
Summarize the entire code in file as a part of the solution
Q4 Twitter Analysis sentiment140
Perform a Twitter sentiment analysis –
– who interact by retweeting and responding?
– Twitter employs a message size restriction of 280 characters or less
– forces the users to stay focused on the message they wish to disseminate.
– Twitter data is great for Machine Learning (ML) task of sentiment analysis.
– Sentiment Analysis falls under Natural Language Processing (NLP)
– made up of about 1.6 million random tweets
– with corresponding binary labels. 0 for Negative sentiment and 1 for Positive sentiment.…
Q5 Analyze Clothing Reviews…
A women’s Clothing E-Commerce site revolving around the reviews written by customers. This dataset includes 23486 rows and 10 feature variables. Each row corresponds to a customer review, and includes the variables:
Class Name: Categorical name of the product class name
a. Text extraction & creating a corpus
b. Text Pre-processing
c. Create the DTM & TDM from the corpus
d. Exploratory text analysis
e. Feature extraction by removing sparsity
f. Build the Classification Models and compare Logistic Regression to Random Forest regression…
Q6 Sentiment analysis on Trump and Hillary tweets (Optional)…
a. Import Data and Data manipulation
b. Percentage of retweets
c. Languages used in tweets
d. Original authors of retweets
e. tweets by month
f. import positive and negative words dictionaries
g. Scoring tweets & distribution
h. Sentiment distribution of tweets and correlation matrix
i. Popular hashtags & wordcloud – hashtags
j. Popular twitter account reference & wordcloud
k. popular words in tweets, word cloud – popular words
l. Popular positive and negative words used by trump
m. Hashtag references by twitter accounts & Account references by hashtag
n. Positive & Negative word references by Trump
o. Sentiment of tweets by hour of day
p. Favorite and retweets by sentiment, Average retweets and favorites by sentiment
Q7 Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews – Dataset available on Kaggle (Optional)…
Dataset has four columns PhraseId, SentenceId, Phrase, and Sentiment. This data has 5 sentiment labels: 0 – negative 1 – somewhat negative 2 – neutral 3 – somewhat positive 4 – positive
Perform Naïve Bayes Classification using scikit-learn.
Q8 Analyze state of the Union Address (Optional)…
The State of the Union is an annual address by the President of the United States before a joint session of congress. In it, the President reviews the previous year and lays out his legislative agenda for the coming year This dataset contains the full text of the State of the Union address from 1989 (Regan) to 2017 (Trump).
a. Topic modelling: Which topics have become more popular over time? Which have become less popular?
b. Sentiment analysis: Are there differences in tone between different Presidents? Presidents from different parties?
Q1 Review the python script in Q1 Folder –
Use text below to apply the same process
Text= “””Backgammon is one of the oldest known board games. Its history can be traced back nearly 5,000 years to archeological discoveries in the Middle East. It is a two player game where each player has fifteen checkers which move between twenty-four points according to the roll of two dice.”””
a. Text Analysis Operations using NLTK
b. Tokenization
c. Stopwords removal
d. Lexicon Normalization such as Stemming and Lemmatization
e. POS Tagging
Q2 Analyze the customer reviews in the file Restaurant_Reviews.tsv
Explain each step for the following text clean-up commands
a. Explain each step for the following text clean-up commands
review = dataset[‘Review’][0]
review = re.sub(‘[^a-zA-Z]’, ‘ ‘, dataset[‘Review’][0])
review = review.lower()
review = review.split()
ps = PorterStemmer()
review = [ps.stem(word) for word in review if not word in set(stopwords.words(‘english’))]
review = ‘ ‘.join(review)
b. What is the classification question?
c. The example uses the Naïve Bayes classifier to classify the sentiments. Calculate the confusion matrix:
TP = # True Positives,
TN = # True Negatives,
FP = # False Positives,
FN = # False Negatives):
Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
d. Apply the logistic regression classifier to the problem – recalculate “c” i.e. TP, TN, FP, FN, Accuracy
Q3 NLTK Corpus on Movie Reviews
Q3a Use the following reference analyze sentiment analysis on Movie Review “Q3 Movie”
Q3b – Explain how the Bag of Words model help in sentiment analysis…
Summarize the entire code in file as a part of the solution
Q4 Twitter Analysis sentiment140
Perform a Twitter sentiment analysis –
– who interact by retweeting and responding?
– Twitter employs a message size restriction of 280 characters or less
– forces the users to stay focused on the message they wish to disseminate.
– Twitter data is great for Machine Learning (ML) task of sentiment analysis.
– Sentiment Analysis falls under Natural Language Processing (NLP)
– made up of about 1.6 million random tweets
– with corresponding binary labels. 0 for Negative sentiment and 1 for Positive sentiment.…
Q5 Analyze Clothing Reviews…
A women’s Clothing E-Commerce site revolving around the reviews written by customers. This dataset includes 23486 rows and 10 feature variables. Each row corresponds to a customer review, and includes the variables:
Class Name: Categorical name of the product class name
a. Text extraction & creating a corpus
b. Text Pre-processing
c. Create the DTM & TDM from the corpus
d. Exploratory text analysis
e. Feature extraction by removing sparsity
f. Build the Classification Models and compare Logistic Regression to Random Forest regression…
Q6 Sentiment analysis on Trump and Hillary tweets (Optional)…
a. Import Data and Data manipulation
b. Percentage of retweets
c. Languages used in tweets
d. Original authors of retweets
e. tweets by month
f. import positive and negative words dictionaries
g. Scoring tweets & distribution
h. Sentiment distribution of tweets and correlation matrix
i. Popular hashtags & wordcloud – hashtags
j. Popular twitter account reference & wordcloud
k. popular words in tweets, word cloud – popular words
l. Popular positive and negative words used by trump
m. Hashtag references by twitter accounts & Account references by hashtag
n. Positive & Negative word references by Trump
o. Sentiment of tweets by hour of day
p. Favorite and retweets by sentiment, Average retweets and favorites by sentiment
Q7 Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews – Dataset available on Kaggle (Optional)…
Dataset has four columns PhraseId, SentenceId, Phrase, and Sentiment. This data has 5 sentiment labels: 0 – negative 1 – somewhat negative 2 – neutral 3 – somewhat positive 4 – positive
Perform Naïve Bayes Classification using scikit-learn.
Q8 Analyze state of the Union Address (Optional)…
The State of the Union is an annual address by the President of the United States before a joint session of congress. In it, the President reviews the previous year and lays out his legislative agenda for the coming year This dataset contains the full text of the State of the Union address from 1989 (Regan) to 2017 (Trump).
a. Topic modelling: Which topics have become more popular over time? Which have become less popular?
b. Sentiment analysis: Are there differences in tone between different Presidents? Presidents from different parties?
Q2 Restaurant
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