Program of study Computer Science Assignment Help

Program of study Computer Science Assignment Help. Program of study Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Position: Software Engineer.

Please provide a brief explanation of how the position directly relates to your program of study and make sure it is in own words.


Thiscoursefocusesontheinformationtechnology leader’scollaborativeroles workingwithanorganization’s seniorleadership,includingaligningbusiness,strategywithITstrategy,actingasanequalcontributortotheformationoforganizational strategy, andintegratingethicalpoliciesandpractices, intoanorganization.Learnersevaluatemultidisciplinary researchandpractices relatedtoleadership,organizational structures, and culture.Throughthelens ofcomplexity/chaosandchangetheories,learners analyzeinformationtechnology’s rolein contributingtoorganizationalresiliency.

ITS832 InformationTechnologyinaGlobalEconomy(3hours)

Thiscoursecoverstheory,developmentandimpactsofnationalandinternationalpolicy onIT.Itexplores howfrequentshiftsin publicpolicyrequireITbusinessestoadjustrapidlytoadheretoregulations.Students willdevelopsophisticatedstrategies tobeabletoadapttothe changingenvironmentincludingnewtechnologies,global transferandanalysis

ITS833 InformationGovernance(3hours)Thiscoursepresentskeyissues relatedtothedisciplineofinformationgovernanceandhowitisbeingappliedtoelectronicdocumentandrecordsmanagement,email,socialmedia,cloudcomputing,mobile computing,and,infact,themanagementandoutputofinformationorganization-wide.IGleverages informationtechnologiestoenforcepolicies,proceduresandcontrolstomanageinformationriskincompliancewithlegalandlitigationdemands,externalregulatoryrequirements, andinternalgovernanceobjectives. InformationGovernance:Concepts,Strategies,and BestPracticesreveals how,andwhy,toutilizeIGandleverageinformationtechnologiestocontrol,monitor,andenforceinformationaccess andsecurity policies.


Thiscoursecovers security issuesandcurrentbestpractices inseveralapplicativedomains,rangingfromtheenterprisetothe military.Discusses emergingsecuritythreatsandavailable countermeasureswithrespecttothemostrecentnetworkandcomputingtechnologies,includingwireless networks,computer-controlledphysical systems,andsocialnetworks.Concludes bypresentingcurrenttrends andopenproblems.


Thiscoursegoesbeyondlookingatrisk managementfromtheconfinesofquantitativetopicstocoverthefull spectrumofrisksthatmayemergeinenterprises.Itcoversamoreholisticapproachthatincludesthedecisionsandactionsofemployees in anactiveenterprise.Itusescasestudies todemonstratetheissuesandchallenges intotalriskmanagement.Finally,the courseexploretechniquesforbalancingenterpriseriskandrewardtoenableperformanceoptimization.


Inthiscoursethestudentsexplorekeydataanalysis andmanagementtechniques,whichappliedtomassivedatasetsarethecornerstonethatenablesreal-timedecisionmakingin distributedenvironments,business intelligencein the Web,andscientificdiscovery atlargescale.Inparticular,studentsexaminethemap-reduceparallelcomputingparadigmandassociatedtechnologies suchasdistributedfilesystems,no-sqldatabases,andstreamcomputingengines.This highlyinteractivecourseis basedontheproblem-basedlearningphilosophy. Studentsareexpectedtomakeuseof technologiestodesignhighly scalablesystems that canprocessandanalyzeBig Dataforavariety ofscientific, social,andenvironmentalchallenges.

Program of study Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

I am in terrible danger of failing Uni and would really need some help on this assignment. It is not too difficult as its only a 1-2 page summary of a book on each chapter. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME. The deadline is day after tomorrow. Thank you so much. Writing Assignment Help

My lecturer has written me this. Please submit a 1-2 page summary of the chapter. In your own words, summarize the main points of the chapter and explain at least one main concept discussed by the author.I am attaching the pdf version of the book. I need Six Chapters summarized in total. Trust me its a very easy task. Please make sure what he wanted is there (summarizing in own words and the authors main concept (one of them) and honestly 1 page is finer as long as the writing and concept is good.PLEASE HELP ME OUT i am already failing the class. I am begging for help. I need it by the 8th in the morning, latest. Please he out. I have to mail the pdf of the book as soon as someone accepts the bid as the file is not fitting in here. PLEASE HELP ME OUT. Thank you.


Need some help with my home works Humanities Assignment Help

First Assignment : The world is moving through an unprecedented time as we navigate the realities of COVID-19. The virus has changed many parts of our lives. For this journal entry, in at least 500 words, tell me about your experience in the pandemic. How have you coped with the uncertainties and “new normals”? What do you think about how others are coping and what sorts of regulations are (or have been) in place? How are the regulations helpful or harmful? As always, the more specific details, examples, and anecdotes, the better.

Second home work: Each of the chapters you’ve read for this week has a section subtitled “A Flash Nonfiction Exercise” or “A Flash Nonfiction Prompt.” Choose one of these exercises/prompts as a jumping-off point for a flash nonfiction essay of no more than 500 words. This should not be a first draft but instead should be the culmination of a number of drafts as you craft the best essay you can by the due date. You will receive feedback on this draft from me and from other students in the class. Do the best job you can on it so that our feedback helps you further hone your writing. If you turn in a crappy draft that you haven’t spent time on, and we just tell you things you already know and would have changed if you’d taken the time to revise, then the feedback portion of the course is of little use. Write the author and chapter title of the exercise/prompt you chose in italics at the end of the essay.

Note that journals have to be at least 500 words and essays have to be no more than 500 words. This is to encourage a free-flow of ideas on the journal assignment (a first draft) and more careful editing on the essay.

Third one : Craft Group Responses (four per week) should be substantive and thoughtful, but they need not be formal. They should be in standard written English, though, not text-speak. Responses should expand on a point, disagree with a point, compare or contrast to another passage or text, or explore a new way to look at the craft point.

Each of your four responses for the week may be to a different prompt, or you may double-up or triple-up or quadruple-up your responses by engaging in a discussion with other students on one prompt.

The earlier you start responding to the prompts in a given week, the more likely that the discussion group will foster lively back-and-forth discussions among students instead of perfunctory answers to four different prompts just before the deadline.


week 3 discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Reviewing a Persuasive Speech

You have a choice of 3 Persuasive Speeches to watch (please see your Week 3 Lesson Folder for the videos, or access them in Connect). Please select ONLY one speech to view and complete the following after you watch the entire speech. For questions B and C, students are to respond with at least 1 paragraph.

  1. Complete the required rubric for this speech (no need to submit the rubric) and discuss your grading in a paragraph form ( you would just need to evaluate the speech depending on this chart:…
  2. What are two strengths of this speaker?
  3. What are two areas this speaker can improve?

Main posts are due by Thursday 23.



Resource Planning – Project Management Business Finance Assignment Help

Question 1: Reflect on the attached presentations(ppt) chapter 9 and then type a two page paper regarding what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Define and describe what you thought was worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is in project planning.

Attached also the project management text book for your reference.

Question 2: Earned-value analysis. A project budget calls for the following expenditures:



Budgeted Amount

Build forms

April 1


Pour foundation

April 1


May 1


Frame walls

May 1


June 1


Remaining tasks

July 1 and beyond


Define each term in your own words, calculate these values for the above project, and show your work:

  1. Budgeted cost baseline (make a graph illustrating this one)
  2. Budget at completion (BAC)
  3. Planned value (PV) as of May 1
  4. Earned value (EV) as of May 1 if the foundation work is only two-thirds complete. Everything else is on schedule.
  5. SV as of May 1.
  6. Actual cost as of May 1 is $160,000. Calculate the cost variance (CV) as of May 1.
  7. Schedule performance index (SPI)
  8. Cost performance index (CPI)
  9. Estimate to complete (ETC), assuming that the previous cost variances will not affect future costs
  10. Estimate at completion (EAC)



nag-assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

Information security uses administrative, technical (logical), and physical controls to mitigate risks related to organization’s assets. A policy is an administrative control.

If no policy exist in the IT department, research shows that employees will default to a defacto policy. A defacto policy means a policy that is in effect ,but not formally recognize. To stop this for happening, It is important for students to understand how to take the cloud best practices discussed throughout this course and use them to create a cloud security policy. Cloud security fundamentals and mechanisms is a huge part of the cloud security policy.

For this assignment, read the attached article: “Our Journey to the Cloud”. Use the SANS email policy template

to create a policy for the cloud. Please note, the SANS policy is a template you can use to structure your policy. If you are having trouble with the links above, these supporting documents can be found in the Cloud Policy Assignment Documents folder.

nag-assignment Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

need a 2 page reflection paper on directions below Law Assignment Help

Domestic and international terrorists are using social media and the Internet to promote propaganda and to recruit new individuals to join their organizations.

In a two-page reflection paper, complete the following:

Part I: Choose one domestic and one international terrorist organization and explain how they are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, and others to recruit individuals and promote propaganda. How are they using the Dark Web (i.e. Tor Internet browser) and encrypted chatrooms to further their agenda?

Part II: Choose one federal government law enforcement/intelligence agency that is responsible for countering the actions listed in Part I. Is this agencies current counterterrorism tactics working to prevent and stop terrorists’ online activities? Reflect on three recommendations that could be implemented to further the federal assist federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


PSY001 Signature Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

For your Signature Assignment, you will reflect upon your personal progress as a new graduate student in the field of child and adolescent development. This assignment will consist of two parts. You will combine both parts and submit only one document.

Part 1:

First, you will reflect upon the feedback your instructor has provided as well as review your personal progress and career interests (Child Psychiatrist) as a new graduate student. This assignment will guide you in your overall academic integrity and prepare you for your work in courses in the program. It may also help guide you to develop specific interests within the field of child and adolescent development and influence your future capstone or internship focus.

This is a self-assessment reflection and may be based on your work and feedback in this course.

Write a paper that assesses your understanding of course concepts. Focus on the following areas:

  • Your professional vision and professional aspirations. (Becoming a Child Psychiatrist is my aspiration)
  • Your current level and desired level of information literacy/research skills.
  • Your ability to make logical, persuasive arguments about course and discipline concepts and ideas. In other words, your ability to apply critical thinking skills.
  • Your consistency in applying proper APA formatting.
  • Your ability to use effective communications.
  • The level and consistency of your professionalism.
  • Your three most valuable strengths as a graduate student that will help you to succeed in your program. Discuss the evidence that you have to indicate that you possess these strengths.
  • The three most important areas you need to strengthen as a graduate student. Discuss the evidence that you have to indicate that you need to strengthen these three areas.
  • The challenges you will face strengthening these areas. Consider your personal setting and circumstances and how you think they will evolve over the next two years.

The strategies you can use to overcome these challenges. You may want to consider forming a support group, adjusting your circumstances as much as you are able, developing a schedule, and so on. Reviewing each activity from the previous weeks will help you to identify the strategies that will be the most valuable to you.

Length: 7-10 pages

Part 2:

For the second part of this assignment, you will imagine what you might do in your capstone project or your internship. While this is still a bit ahead, this task will approach you fast, and having a good idea of where you are headed with your education will be beneficial as you move through this program. Write a paper on a topic of interest to you in child and adolescent development (Becoming a child psychiatrist should be the topic of interest). Include the following in your paper:

  • Use references to discuss the theories, principles, or domains of development you are most interested in.
  • Discuss ideas and areas you would like to study further.
  • Describe the ethical issues related to your area(s) of interest

Include preliminary plans on how you will go about developing your interest area and assess what challenges you may have with this work.

Length: 3-5 pages

References: 4-6 resources

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards.


PSY002 Examining Test of Development Humanities Assignment Help

The assignment this week will have two parts. You will combine both parts into the same document and upload only one document as your assignment.

Part 1:

Read the three attached tests that measure infant and/or childhood development intelligence in infancy and early childhood. At least one of the tests should specifically measure cognitive, speech, or intellectual development. Then, prepare a chart which shows the name of the test, the author, what the test measures, and a summary of a review of the test. Include three tests in your list. Be sure to prepare the chart in your own words, in a way that would be useful for your use or that of a specific school or agency.


Part 2:

At this point you are halfway through the course. Add at least four peer-reviewed recent research articles or scholarly websites to support your Signature Assignment (due in Week 8). Prepare a list of these articles, including the bibliographical information for each article and a brief summary of the thesis, participants, methods, and findings of each of these four resources. Attached will be a paper discussing what the Signature Assignment will be about. Please read the paper so you can adequately choose 4 peer-reviewed recent research articles or scholarly websites.

Length: 2-3 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


​Choose any one (1) of the HE1 options and create, remediate, write, connect, historicize, or discuss. Remember, there are 4 of these types of assignments in the next 4 weeks and you have to do three different types of assignments, so make sure you do not Humanities Assignment Help

Choose any one (1) of the HE1 options and create, remediate, write, connect, historicize, or discuss. Remember, there are 4 of these types of assignments in the next 4 weeks and you have to do three different types of assignments, so make sure you do not want to “create” something MORE in another week (as an example, maybe you want to create a dance, or a poem, or a sculpture; that means do something other than create this week… like REMEDIATE instead)!

Some of the assignments require more than one submission. See rubric for this assignment, separate document in files.


to create a policy for the cloud. Please note, the SANS policy is a template you can use to structure your policy. If you are having trouble with the links above, these supporting documents can be found in the Cloud Policy Assignment Documents folder.

nag-assignment Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

need a 2 page reflection paper on directions below Law Assignment Help

Domestic and international terrorists are using social media and the Internet to promote propaganda and to recruit new individuals to join their organizations.

In a two-page reflection paper, complete the following:

Part I: Choose one domestic and one international terrorist organization and explain how they are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, and others to recruit individuals and promote propaganda. How are they using the Dark Web (i.e. Tor Internet browser) and encrypted chatrooms to further their agenda?

Part II: Choose one federal government law enforcement/intelligence agency that is responsible for countering the actions listed in Part I. Is this agencies current counterterrorism tactics working to prevent and stop terrorists’ online activities? Reflect on three recommendations that could be implemented to further the federal assist federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


PSY001 Signature Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

For your Signature Assignment, you will reflect upon your personal progress as a new graduate student in the field of child and adolescent development. This assignment will consist of two parts. You will combine both parts and submit only one document.

Part 1:

First, you will reflect upon the feedback your instructor has provided as well as review your personal progress and career interests (Child Psychiatrist) as a new graduate student. This assignment will guide you in your overall academic integrity and prepare you for your work in courses in the program. It may also help guide you to develop specific interests within the field of child and adolescent development and influence your future capstone or internship focus.

This is a self-assessment reflection and may be based on your work and feedback in this course.

Write a paper that assesses your understanding of course concepts. Focus on the following areas:

  • Your professional vision and professional aspirations. (Becoming a Child Psychiatrist is my aspiration)
  • Your current level and desired level of information literacy/research skills.
  • Your ability to make logical, persuasive arguments about course and discipline concepts and ideas. In other words, your ability to apply critical thinking skills.
  • Your consistency in applying proper APA formatting.
  • Your ability to use effective communications.
  • The level and consistency of your professionalism.
  • Your three most valuable strengths as a graduate student that will help you to succeed in your program. Discuss the evidence that you have to indicate that you possess these strengths.
  • The three most important areas you need to strengthen as a graduate student. Discuss the evidence that you have to indicate that you need to strengthen these three areas.
  • The challenges you will face strengthening these areas. Consider your personal setting and circumstances and how you think they will evolve over the next two years.

The strategies you can use to overcome these challenges. You may want to consider forming a support group, adjusting your circumstances as much as you are able, developing a schedule, and so on. Reviewing each activity from the previous weeks will help you to identify the strategies that will be the most valuable to you.

Length: 7-10 pages

Part 2:

For the second part of this assignment, you will imagine what you might do in your capstone project or your internship. While this is still a bit ahead, this task will approach you fast, and having a good idea of where you are headed with your education will be beneficial as you move through this program. Write a paper on a topic of interest to you in child and adolescent development (Becoming a child psychiatrist should be the topic of interest). Include the following in your paper:

  • Use references to discuss the theories, principles, or domains of development you are most interested in.
  • Discuss ideas and areas you would like to study further.
  • Describe the ethical issues related to your area(s) of interest

Include preliminary plans on how you will go about developing your interest area and assess what challenges you may have with this work.

Length: 3-5 pages

References: 4-6 resources

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards.


PSY002 Examining Test of Development Humanities Assignment Help

The assignment this week will have two parts. You will combine both parts into the same document and upload only one document as your assignment.

Part 1:

Read the three attached tests that measure infant and/or childhood development intelligence in infancy and early childhood. At least one of the tests should specifically measure cognitive, speech, or intellectual development. Then, prepare a chart which shows the name of the test, the author, what the test measures, and a summary of a review of the test. Include three tests in your list. Be sure to prepare the chart in your own words, in a way that would be useful for your use or that of a specific school or agency.


Part 2:

At this point you are halfway through the course. Add at least four peer-reviewed recent research articles or scholarly websites to support your Signature Assignment (due in Week 8). Prepare a list of these articles, including the bibliographical information for each article and a brief summary of the thesis, participants, methods, and findings of each of these four resources. Attached will be a paper discussing what the Signature Assignment will be about. Please read the paper so you can adequately choose 4 peer-reviewed recent research articles or scholarly websites.

Length: 2-3 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


​Choose any one (1) of the HE1 options and create, remediate, write, connect, historicize, or discuss. Remember, there are 4 of these types of assignments in the next 4 weeks and you have to do three different types of assignments, so make sure you do not Humanities Assignment Help

Choose any one (1) of the HE1 options and create, remediate, write, connect, historicize, or discuss. Remember, there are 4 of these types of assignments in the next 4 weeks and you have to do three different types of assignments, so make sure you do not want to “create” something MORE in another week (as an example, maybe you want to create a dance, or a poem, or a sculpture; that means do something other than create this week… like REMEDIATE instead)!

Some of the assignments require more than one submission. See rubric for this assignment, separate document in files.


to create a policy for the cloud. Please note, the SANS policy is a template you can use to structure your policy. If you are having trouble with the links above, these supporting documents can be found in the Cloud Policy Assignment Documents folder.

nag-assignment Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

need a 2 page reflection paper on directions below Law Assignment Help

Domestic and international terrorists are using social media and the Internet to promote propaganda and to recruit new individuals to join their organizations.

In a two-page reflection paper, complete the following:

Part I: Choose one domestic and one international terrorist organization and explain how they are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, and others to recruit individuals and promote propaganda. How are they using the Dark Web (i.e. Tor Internet browser) and encrypted chatrooms to further their agenda?

Part II: Choose one federal government law enforcement/intelligence agency that is responsible for countering the actions listed in Part I. Is this agencies current counterterrorism tactics working to prevent and stop terrorists’ online activities? Reflect on three recommendations that could be implemented to further the federal assist federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


PSY001 Signature Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

For your Signature Assignment, you will reflect upon your personal progress as a new graduate student in the field of child and adolescent development. This assignment will consist of two parts. You will combine both parts and submit only one document.

Part 1:

First, you will reflect upon the feedback your instructor has provided as well as review your personal progress and career interests (Child Psychiatrist) as a new graduate student. This assignment will guide you in your overall academic integrity and prepare you for your work in courses in the program. It may also help guide you to develop specific interests within the field of child and adolescent development and influence your future capstone or internship focus.

This is a self-assessment reflection and may be based on your work and feedback in this course.

Write a paper that assesses your understanding of course concepts. Focus on the following areas:

  • Your professional vision and professional aspirations. (Becoming a Child Psychiatrist is my aspiration)
  • Your current level and desired level of information literacy/research skills.
  • Your ability to make logical, persuasive arguments about course and discipline concepts and ideas. In other words, your ability to apply critical thinking skills.
  • Your consistency in applying proper APA formatting.
  • Your ability to use effective communications.
  • The level and consistency of your professionalism.
  • Your three most valuable strengths as a graduate student that will help you to succeed in your program. Discuss the evidence that you have to indicate that you possess these strengths.
  • The three most important areas you need to strengthen as a graduate student. Discuss the evidence that you have to indicate that you need to strengthen these three areas.
  • The challenges you will face strengthening these areas. Consider your personal setting and circumstances and how you think they will evolve over the next two years.

The strategies you can use to overcome these challenges. You may want to consider forming a support group, adjusting your circumstances as much as you are able, developing a schedule, and so on. Reviewing each activity from the previous weeks will help you to identify the strategies that will be the most valuable to you.

Length: 7-10 pages

Part 2:

For the second part of this assignment, you will imagine what you might do in your capstone project or your internship. While this is still a bit ahead, this task will approach you fast, and having a good idea of where you are headed with your education will be beneficial as you move through this program. Write a paper on a topic of interest to you in child and adolescent development (Becoming a child psychiatrist should be the topic of interest). Include the following in your paper:

  • Use references to discuss the theories, principles, or domains of development you are most interested in.
  • Discuss ideas and areas you would like to study further.
  • Describe the ethical issues related to your area(s) of interest

Include preliminary plans on how you will go about developing your interest area and assess what challenges you may have with this work.

Length: 3-5 pages

References: 4-6 resources

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards.


PSY002 Examining Test of Development Humanities Assignment Help

The assignment this week will have two parts. You will combine both parts into the same document and upload only one document as your assignment.

Part 1:

Read the three attached tests that measure infant and/or childhood development intelligence in infancy and early childhood. At least one of the tests should specifically measure cognitive, speech, or intellectual development. Then, prepare a chart which shows the name of the test, the author, what the test measures, and a summary of a review of the test. Include three tests in your list. Be sure to prepare the chart in your own words, in a way that would be useful for your use or that of a specific school or agency.


Part 2:

At this point you are halfway through the course. Add at least four peer-reviewed recent research articles or scholarly websites to support your Signature Assignment (due in Week 8). Prepare a list of these articles, including the bibliographical information for each article and a brief summary of the thesis, participants, methods, and findings of each of these four resources. Attached will be a paper discussing what the Signature Assignment will be about. Please read the paper so you can adequately choose 4 peer-reviewed recent research articles or scholarly websites.

Length: 2-3 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


​Choose any one (1) of the HE1 options and create, remediate, write, connect, historicize, or discuss. Remember, there are 4 of these types of assignments in the next 4 weeks and you have to do three different types of assignments, so make sure you do not Humanities Assignment Help

Choose any one (1) of the HE1 options and create, remediate, write, connect, historicize, or discuss. Remember, there are 4 of these types of assignments in the next 4 weeks and you have to do three different types of assignments, so make sure you do not want to “create” something MORE in another week (as an example, maybe you want to create a dance, or a poem, or a sculpture; that means do something other than create this week… like REMEDIATE instead)!

Some of the assignments require more than one submission. See rubric for this assignment, separate document in files.


to create a policy for the cloud. Please note, the SANS policy is a template you can use to structure your policy. If you are having trouble with the links above, these supporting documents can be found in the Cloud Policy Assignment Documents folder.

nag-assignment Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

need a 2 page reflection paper on directions below Law Assignment Help

Domestic and international terrorists are using social media and the Internet to promote propaganda and to recruit new individuals to join their organizations.

In a two-page reflection paper, complete the following:

Part I: Choose one domestic and one international terrorist organization and explain how they are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, and others to recruit individuals and promote propaganda. How are they using the Dark Web (i.e. Tor Internet browser) and encrypted chatrooms to further their agenda?

Part II: Choose one federal government law enforcement/intelligence agency that is responsible for countering the actions listed in Part I. Is this agencies current counterterrorism tactics working to prevent and stop terrorists’ online activities? Reflect on three recommendations that could be implemented to further the federal assist federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


PSY001 Signature Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

For your Signature Assignment, you will reflect upon your personal progress as a new graduate student in the field of child and adolescent development. This assignment will consist of two parts. You will combine both parts and submit only one document.

Part 1:

First, you will reflect upon the feedback your instructor has provided as well as review your personal progress and career interests (Child Psychiatrist) as a new graduate student. This assignment will guide you in your overall academic integrity and prepare you for your work in courses in the program. It may also help guide you to develop specific interests within the field of child and adolescent development and influence your future capstone or internship focus.

This is a self-assessment reflection and may be based on your work and feedback in this course.

Write a paper that assesses your understanding of course concepts. Focus on the following areas:

  • Your professional vision and professional aspirations. (Becoming a Child Psychiatrist is my aspiration)
  • Your current level and desired level of information literacy/research skills.
  • Your ability to make logical, persuasive arguments about course and discipline concepts and ideas. In other words, your ability to apply critical thinking skills.
  • Your consistency in applying proper APA formatting.
  • Your ability to use effective communications.
  • The level and consistency of your professionalism.
  • Your three most valuable strengths as a graduate student that will help you to succeed in your program. Discuss the evidence that you have to indicate that you possess these strengths.
  • The three most important areas you need to strengthen as a graduate student. Discuss the evidence that you have to indicate that you need to strengthen these three areas.
  • The challenges you will face strengthening these areas. Consider your personal setting and circumstances and how you think they will evolve over the next two years.

The strategies you can use to overcome these challenges. You may want to consider forming a support group, adjusting your circumstances as much as you are able, developing a schedule, and so on. Reviewing each activity from the previous weeks will help you to identify the strategies that will be the most valuable to you.

Length: 7-10 pages

Part 2:

For the second part of this assignment, you will imagine what you might do in your capstone project or your internship. While this is still a bit ahead, this task will approach you fast, and having a good idea of where you are headed with your education will be beneficial as you move through this program. Write a paper on a topic of interest to you in child and adolescent development (Becoming a child psychiatrist should be the topic of interest). Include the following in your paper:

  • Use references to discuss the theories, principles, or domains of development you are most interested in.
  • Discuss ideas and areas you would like to study further.
  • Describe the ethical issues related to your area(s) of interest

Include preliminary plans on how you will go about developing your interest area and assess what challenges you may have with this work.

Length: 3-5 pages

References: 4-6 resources

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards.


PSY002 Examining Test of Development Humanities Assignment Help

The assignment this week will have two parts. You will combine both parts into the same document and upload only one document as your assignment.

Part 1:

Read the three attached tests that measure infant and/or childhood development intelligence in infancy and early childhood. At least one of the tests should specifically measure cognitive, speech, or intellectual development. Then, prepare a chart which shows the name of the test, the author, what the test measures, and a summary of a review of the test. Include three tests in your list. Be sure to prepare the chart in your own words, in a way that would be useful for your use or that of a specific school or agency.


Part 2:

At this point you are halfway through the course. Add at least four peer-reviewed recent research articles or scholarly websites to support your Signature Assignment (due in Week 8). Prepare a list of these articles, including the bibliographical information for each article and a brief summary of the thesis, participants, methods, and findings of each of these four resources. Attached will be a paper discussing what the Signature Assignment will be about. Please read the paper so you can adequately choose 4 peer-reviewed recent research articles or scholarly websites.

Length: 2-3 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


​Choose any one (1) of the HE1 options and create, remediate, write, connect, historicize, or discuss. Remember, there are 4 of these types of assignments in the next 4 weeks and you have to do three different types of assignments, so make sure you do not Humanities Assignment Help

Choose any one (1) of the HE1 options and create, remediate, write, connect, historicize, or discuss. Remember, there are 4 of these types of assignments in the next 4 weeks and you have to do three different types of assignments, so make sure you do not want to “create” something MORE in another week (as an example, maybe you want to create a dance, or a poem, or a sculpture; that means do something other than create this week… like REMEDIATE instead)!

Some of the assignments require more than one submission. See rubric for this assignment, separate document in files.


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