Programming and algorithm assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

Programming and algorithm assignment Computer Science Assignment Help. Programming and algorithm assignment Computer Science Assignment Help.

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1. PA3 file: contain a programming assignment. Need to write a run able pseudo code in Java. With sample input and output. Make a note for any special instruction, configuration and how to run the program (preferred ide is eclipse).

2. TicTacToe_03 : contain startup code for programming assignment problem 2. Check the question for Programming assignment 2 and you will need this file to start up.

3. HW_5 & HW_04: is a algorithm assignment. Check the plagiarism once you have the solution.

4. PA2 file: contain a programming assignment. Need to write a run able pseudo code in Java. With sample input and output. Make a note for any special instruction, configuration and how to run the program (preferred ide is eclipse).

5. HW_3_sol: is a algorithm assignment. it already contain the solution. Need an alternative or plagiarism free solution.

6. TicTacToe_03 : is for programming assignment 2 (for both PA3 and PA2). Check the question for Programming assignment 2 and you will need this file to start up.

Programming and algorithm assignment Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Designing the Network Infrastructure Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Designing the Network Infrastructure:

Bacon Institute is an organization that provides educational offerings to nontraditional students.

The organization has different offerings depending on the group:

  • Bacon Branded – This offering focuses on the general public and provides services directly to its student.
  • Co-Branded – This offering provides the same services as the Bacon Branded; however, they are resold by a third party and labeled as “….powered by Bacon.”
  • White Label – While the service offering is the same, these services are labeled solely with the third parties’ information.

Due to the security and regulatory requirements as well as the concern of corporate espionage, many security concerns must be addressed.

Your task is to develop a network infrastructure design that meets the requirements above for the Orlando, Phoenix, and Toronto sites and create a network drawing using Visio or, specific to Bacon Institute, listing the network’s topology.

The design is to be based on the following:

  • There is constant connection between the three locations, carrying at least 75 Mbps of data.
  • Each facility has three floors, rectangular with dimensions of 250 feet by 400 feet.
  • There needs to be 150 network connections on the first and second floor of each building. The data center in each building is located on the third floor and requires 75 network connections. Additionally, the Phoenix location will require additional network connections for failover.
  • The primary data center is located at the Orlando location.
  • A failover data center is located at the Phoenix facility.
  • Protection from intrusions should be detailed.
  • The primary web servers (including primary application and primary database servers) are located at the Orlando location.
  • Redundant database servers are located at the Toronto location.
  • All servers must have redundancy.
  • A plan to verify security and failover measures will be required.

Use the attached Network Infrastructure Design template to complete the assignment. When you are finished, upload your work to the dropbox below.

2. Simulating and Testing Network Configurations

As a network administrator for Bacon Institute, you will need to become familiar with the Packet Tracer simulation tool from Cisco. Packet Tracer is used to simulate and test network configurations. This allows you to work out and improve upon the settings before implementing them.

Using the diagram and configuration information from your first task, create a Packet Tracer simulation.

Submit your .pkt (Packet Tracer) file to the box below.


Designing a Network Infrastructure Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Designing the Network Infrastructure:

Bacon Institute is an organization that provides educational offerings to nontraditional students.

The organization has different offerings depending on the group:

  • Bacon Branded – This offering focuses on the general public and provides services directly to its student.
  • Co-Branded – This offering provides the same services as the Bacon Branded; however, they are resold by a third party and labeled as “….powered by Bacon.”
  • White Label – While the service offering is the same, these services are labeled solely with the third parties’ information.

Due to the security and regulatory requirements as well as the concern of corporate espionage, many security concerns must be addressed.

Your task is to develop a network infrastructure design that meets the requirements above for the Orlando, Phoenix, and Toronto sites and create a network drawing using Visio or, specific to Bacon Institute, listing the network’s topology.

The design is to be based on the following:

  • There is constant connection between the three locations, carrying at least 75 Mbps of data.
  • Each facility has three floors, rectangular with dimensions of 250 feet by 400 feet.
  • There needs to be 150 network connections on the first and second floor of each building. The data center in each building is located on the third floor and requires 75 network connections. Additionally, the Phoenix location will require additional network connections for failover.
  • The primary data center is located at the Orlando location.
  • A failover data center is located at the Phoenix facility.
  • Protection from intrusions should be detailed.
  • The primary web servers (including primary application and primary database servers) are located at the Orlando location.
  • Redundant database servers are located at the Toronto location.
  • All servers must have redundancy.
  • A plan to verify security and failover measures will be required.

Use the attached Network Infrastructure Design template to complete the assignment. When you are finished, upload your work to the dropbox below.

2. Simulating and Testing Network Configurations

As a network administrator for Bacon Institute, you will need to become familiar with the Packet Tracer simulation tool from Cisco. Packet Tracer is used to simulate and test network configurations. This allows you to work out and improve upon the settings before implementing them.

Using the diagram and configuration information from your first task, create a Packet Tracer simulation.

Submit your .pkt (Packet Tracer) file to the box below.


B2B Marketing Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the attached article from Marketing Profs on The Most Important B2B Digital Marketing Trends and Stats in 2017. For this weeks assignment, please review the statistics and trends and choose the two that you feel need to be considered as digital marketers develop their strategies for attracting business professionals on their choice(s) of communication platforms. Comment on your choices and why you think these are the most important for marketing success.

Marketing Analysis Short Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

Primary Issue Identified

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Primary issue as presented in the assigned reading is clearly identified, defined and explained. The student substantially and fully examines all of the issues, problems, and aspects of the facts as outlined in the topic or issue assigned.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Succinct Analysis of Data

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Succinctly analyzes the data that is presented in the reading/article and these facts are communicated in a concise manner to the reader. The student demonstrates that topics from the textbook can be related back to the questions or issues being presented in the assignment.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Understanding and Communication of the Topic

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Student is able to relate their understanding of assigned topic and can communicate it’s relevance to the textbook. The paper demonstrates a thorough understanding relevant facts, figures, assumptions, recommendations, and strategies in the topic or issue assigned.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation

10.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Flawless spelling, punctuation, grammar; Graduate level, concise business-style writing. Student avoids the use of first person, personal style writing.

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


A 6-7 pg paper that argues a specific but not universal stance based off of the choice of one of 3 novels. The paper description is in the requirements as well as the names of the novels Humanities Assignment Help

Your second assignment is to produce a 5-7-page close reading focused on a limited number of examples
that makes an argument about a similarity and/or difference between two of the works we have read this
semester. I suggest, but do not require, that you do not write about the same novel you chose for your first
paper assignment. If you do write about the same novel, you cannot take up the same topic you did in the
first paper. To create an interesting and compelling thesis, you might argue that there is a significant
similarity between two apparently different texts (e.g. a middlebrow and a modernist work) or an
important point of difference between apparently similar texts (e.g. two middlebrow works).
This assignment also requires that you use at least one secondary source: a journal article, book chapter,
biography, history of the period, etc. You may use this source to add color to your introduction or
conclusion; in support of your argument; or to state a counter-argument you will refute. If you have
difficulty finding such a source, please consult me.
To succeed in this assignment, you must select a narrow point of comparison or contrast—do not choose
something very general (i.e. the style of two works) or your essay will not make a forceful argument.
Instead, you want to pick an aspect of form or content that you can persuasively address. Here are some
possible topics, but feel free to pick your own:
• Treatment of sex/gender, class, or race
• Representation of the impact of WWI
• Attitudes toward popularity/commercial success
• One aspect of style (closure; parody; characterization; self-reflexivity; etc.)
• Transportation or other new technologies
• The role of tradition or the past
• Specific values
• Time (clock time versus psychological time)
Your goal is to come up with your own argument, preferably one that does not simply echo our class
discussions. Once you have chosen your texts, take some time to reread and take careful notes. See if an
argument or approach emerges out of these activities. If not, consider discussing your ideas with an
instructor or classmate. Once you have arrived at a tentative argument, choose a few main points, look for
your secondary source, and begin writing. Do not attempt to fulfill this assignment by summarizing. You
want to display your ability to interpret the specific language of the works you have chosen.
In addition to an original argument and careful use of evidence, good responses to this assignment will do
four things. First, they will begin with an introduction that tastefully gets the reader’s attention. Second,
they will include a clearly written thesis statement to guide the reader through the paper. Third, they will
conclude in some way that indicates how the argument might alter other readers’ understanding of the
texts. Finally, they will be carefully organized, revised and proofread so that the argument shines through
without needless distractions for the reader. All papers should be double-spaced with standard margins
and a 12-point font. Please number the pages.

I would Prefer that you have read the novel that the paper is based off of. this is a list of the novels, the paper should be based off of one or comparative of no more than two of the novels.

The Inimitable Jeeves

Cold Comfort Farm

Lady Chatterley’s Lover



Applied Research Process for Data Analytics: Augmented view and Automated vehicles Computer Science Assignment Help

The following is the assignment as set out for the module of Applied Research Process for Data Analytics.

Topic : Augmented view and Automated vehicles

The goal of this assessment is to give learners the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to research, plan and develop a research proposal by using the following skills:

  • Research and select a problem domain: (15 Marks)
    • A well structured and relevant Research Question or Hypothesis
  • Choose a research Topic: (15 Marks)
    • Focused on a single problem or issue
    • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
    • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
    • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
    • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
    • Relevant to field of study and/or society more broadly
  • Develop a literature review: (20 Marks)
    • Current
    • Relevant
    • Authority/Accuracy
  • Formulate a Research Plan: (20 Marks)
    • Identify an appropriate research methodology
    • Future research / Potential Artefact
  • Provide and appropriate Bibliography/References: (15 Marks)
    • using IEEE or Harvard Referencing in a consistent way
  • Appropriately formatted using the agreed format: (15 Marks)
    • Correct format
    • Correct length
    • Correct language and grammar

Applied Research Process for Data Analytics: Augmented view and Automated vehicles Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Anth homework Science Assignment Help

Your friend Alex calls you excitedly to tell you he is going to be on the Expanse Variety show, hosted by Minister Springer. You tell him this cannot ever be a good thing and that you have a bad feeling about this. As you suspected, once when he comes out on the stage, there sits one of his former girlfriends, Julie Mao, and a 3 year-old daughter (Mei), and four guys he has never met before. Minister

Springer provides the results from the DNA testing laboratory. Alex and all four other men, Julie and Mei had each been tested for five different STR loci (locus names are in the top row). The numbers in each column are the numbers of repeats for each person tested. Is Alex the Dad? If not, can any of the others be dad, and if so, which one(s)? To get the full points you need to explain precisely why each potential deadbeat dad is excluded. So which Dads are off the hook and why? Who has to pony up for young Mei’s child support?

Loci à


Eros 2

Bltr 5














































What did Raymond Dart hypothesize that our early ancestor’s were doing with jawbones with shart canines and feet with talon claws that he found in caves in South Africa? What role did porcupines play in this story?


2***Introduction to Confidence Intervals (about 100 words ) Writing Assignment Help


A Gallup poll conducted in November of 2011 asked the following question, “What would you say is the most urgent health problem facing this country at the present time?” The choices were access, cost, obesity, cancer, government interference, or the flu. The responses were access (27%), cost (20%), obesity (14%), cancer (13%), government interference (3%), or the flu (less than 0.5%).

The following is an excerpt from the Survey Methods section. “Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Nov. 3-6, 2011, with a random sample of 1,012 adults ages 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on a total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points.”


If we accept the maximum margin of sampling error provided above, find a 95% confidence interval to estimate the percentage of U.S. adults who feel that access to healthcare is the most urgent health problem facing this country. Interpret your interval in context.

ANSWER(S){ Hint }

Answers will vary (a little). But we expect 95% (19 out of 20) of the intervals to contain the population proportion. So we expect 5% (1 out of 20) will not contain the population proportion.

Of course, the confidence level is a long run probability, so we may not get exactly these results. But in the long run with many, many repetitions, we expect 95% of the confidence intervals to contain the population proportion.

another example :

5% (1 out of 20) of the random samples do not contain the population proportion and also since only 1 out of 2 did not contain it, we expect that only 95% ( 19/20) to contain the sample proportion. Yes, this is what I expected because every time you select a random sample it is not always going to be within 2 standard error, it has to shift one way or another.


Please Write an 8 page paper for below Humanities Assignment Help

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.


listen to OPERA/Ans.Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Listen to or view an opera by one of the following composers: Rossini, Mozart, Verdi or Wagner.It is possible to see an opera live, through the special events at AMC or through a full performance on youtube.

After viewing the opera, answer the following:

  • List the opera and your source of viewing.(10 Pts)
  • List the performance cast and give a plot summary of the opera (Do NOT copy and paste.Please describe the plot in your own words)(20 pts)
  • Why did you choose this particular event? (5 pts)
  • What was the best element of this event? (10 pts)
  • What was the worst element of this event? (10 pts)
  • How did your previewing concept of this experience affect your actual a experience? (5 pts)
  • Would you recommend this event to a friend?Why or why not? (10 pts)
  • Give a detailed critique of the performance.(325 – 350 word response) (30 pts)

[supanova_question] For this weeks assignment, please review the statistics and trends and choose the two that you feel need to be considered as digital marketers develop their strategies for attracting business professionals on their choice(s) of communication platforms. Comment on your choices and why you think these are the most important for marketing success.

Marketing Analysis Short Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

Primary Issue Identified

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Primary issue as presented in the assigned reading is clearly identified, defined and explained. The student substantially and fully examines all of the issues, problems, and aspects of the facts as outlined in the topic or issue assigned.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Succinct Analysis of Data

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Succinctly analyzes the data that is presented in the reading/article and these facts are communicated in a concise manner to the reader. The student demonstrates that topics from the textbook can be related back to the questions or issues being presented in the assignment.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Understanding and Communication of the Topic

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Student is able to relate their understanding of assigned topic and can communicate it’s relevance to the textbook. The paper demonstrates a thorough understanding relevant facts, figures, assumptions, recommendations, and strategies in the topic or issue assigned.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation

10.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Flawless spelling, punctuation, grammar; Graduate level, concise business-style writing. Student avoids the use of first person, personal style writing.

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


A 6-7 pg paper that argues a specific but not universal stance based off of the choice of one of 3 novels. The paper description is in the requirements as well as the names of the novels Humanities Assignment Help

Your second assignment is to produce a 5-7-page close reading focused on a limited number of examples
that makes an argument about a similarity and/or difference between two of the works we have read this
semester. I suggest, but do not require, that you do not write about the same novel you chose for your first
paper assignment. If you do write about the same novel, you cannot take up the same topic you did in the
first paper. To create an interesting and compelling thesis, you might argue that there is a significant
similarity between two apparently different texts (e.g. a middlebrow and a modernist work) or an
important point of difference between apparently similar texts (e.g. two middlebrow works).
This assignment also requires that you use at least one secondary source: a journal article, book chapter,
biography, history of the period, etc. You may use this source to add color to your introduction or
conclusion; in support of your argument; or to state a counter-argument you will refute. If you have
difficulty finding such a source, please consult me.
To succeed in this assignment, you must select a narrow point of comparison or contrast—do not choose
something very general (i.e. the style of two works) or your essay will not make a forceful argument.
Instead, you want to pick an aspect of form or content that you can persuasively address. Here are some
possible topics, but feel free to pick your own:
• Treatment of sex/gender, class, or race
• Representation of the impact of WWI
• Attitudes toward popularity/commercial success
• One aspect of style (closure; parody; characterization; self-reflexivity; etc.)
• Transportation or other new technologies
• The role of tradition or the past
• Specific values
• Time (clock time versus psychological time)
Your goal is to come up with your own argument, preferably one that does not simply echo our class
discussions. Once you have chosen your texts, take some time to reread and take careful notes. See if an
argument or approach emerges out of these activities. If not, consider discussing your ideas with an
instructor or classmate. Once you have arrived at a tentative argument, choose a few main points, look for
your secondary source, and begin writing. Do not attempt to fulfill this assignment by summarizing. You
want to display your ability to interpret the specific language of the works you have chosen.
In addition to an original argument and careful use of evidence, good responses to this assignment will do
four things. First, they will begin with an introduction that tastefully gets the reader’s attention. Second,
they will include a clearly written thesis statement to guide the reader through the paper. Third, they will
conclude in some way that indicates how the argument might alter other readers’ understanding of the
texts. Finally, they will be carefully organized, revised and proofread so that the argument shines through
without needless distractions for the reader. All papers should be double-spaced with standard margins
and a 12-point font. Please number the pages.

I would Prefer that you have read the novel that the paper is based off of. this is a list of the novels, the paper should be based off of one or comparative of no more than two of the novels.

The Inimitable Jeeves

Cold Comfort Farm

Lady Chatterley’s Lover



Applied Research Process for Data Analytics: Augmented view and Automated vehicles Computer Science Assignment Help

The following is the assignment as set out for the module of Applied Research Process for Data Analytics.

Topic : Augmented view and Automated vehicles

The goal of this assessment is to give learners the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to research, plan and develop a research proposal by using the following skills:

  • Research and select a problem domain: (15 Marks)
    • A well structured and relevant Research Question or Hypothesis
  • Choose a research Topic: (15 Marks)
    • Focused on a single problem or issue
    • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
    • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
    • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
    • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
    • Relevant to field of study and/or society more broadly
  • Develop a literature review: (20 Marks)
    • Current
    • Relevant
    • Authority/Accuracy
  • Formulate a Research Plan: (20 Marks)
    • Identify an appropriate research methodology
    • Future research / Potential Artefact
  • Provide and appropriate Bibliography/References: (15 Marks)
    • using IEEE or Harvard Referencing in a consistent way
  • Appropriately formatted using the agreed format: (15 Marks)
    • Correct format
    • Correct length
    • Correct language and grammar

Applied Research Process for Data Analytics: Augmented view and Automated vehicles Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Anth homework Science Assignment Help

Your friend Alex calls you excitedly to tell you he is going to be on the Expanse Variety show, hosted by Minister Springer. You tell him this cannot ever be a good thing and that you have a bad feeling about this. As you suspected, once when he comes out on the stage, there sits one of his former girlfriends, Julie Mao, and a 3 year-old daughter (Mei), and four guys he has never met before. Minister

Springer provides the results from the DNA testing laboratory. Alex and all four other men, Julie and Mei had each been tested for five different STR loci (locus names are in the top row). The numbers in each column are the numbers of repeats for each person tested. Is Alex the Dad? If not, can any of the others be dad, and if so, which one(s)? To get the full points you need to explain precisely why each potential deadbeat dad is excluded. So which Dads are off the hook and why? Who has to pony up for young Mei’s child support?

Loci à


Eros 2

Bltr 5














































What did Raymond Dart hypothesize that our early ancestor’s were doing with jawbones with shart canines and feet with talon claws that he found in caves in South Africa? What role did porcupines play in this story?


2***Introduction to Confidence Intervals (about 100 words ) Writing Assignment Help


A Gallup poll conducted in November of 2011 asked the following question, “What would you say is the most urgent health problem facing this country at the present time?” The choices were access, cost, obesity, cancer, government interference, or the flu. The responses were access (27%), cost (20%), obesity (14%), cancer (13%), government interference (3%), or the flu (less than 0.5%).

The following is an excerpt from the Survey Methods section. “Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Nov. 3-6, 2011, with a random sample of 1,012 adults ages 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on a total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points.”


If we accept the maximum margin of sampling error provided above, find a 95% confidence interval to estimate the percentage of U.S. adults who feel that access to healthcare is the most urgent health problem facing this country. Interpret your interval in context.

ANSWER(S){ Hint }

Answers will vary (a little). But we expect 95% (19 out of 20) of the intervals to contain the population proportion. So we expect 5% (1 out of 20) will not contain the population proportion.

Of course, the confidence level is a long run probability, so we may not get exactly these results. But in the long run with many, many repetitions, we expect 95% of the confidence intervals to contain the population proportion.

another example :

5% (1 out of 20) of the random samples do not contain the population proportion and also since only 1 out of 2 did not contain it, we expect that only 95% ( 19/20) to contain the sample proportion. Yes, this is what I expected because every time you select a random sample it is not always going to be within 2 standard error, it has to shift one way or another.


Please Write an 8 page paper for below Humanities Assignment Help

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.


listen to OPERA/Ans.Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Listen to or view an opera by one of the following composers: Rossini, Mozart, Verdi or Wagner.It is possible to see an opera live, through the special events at AMC or through a full performance on youtube.

After viewing the opera, answer the following:

  • List the opera and your source of viewing.(10 Pts)
  • List the performance cast and give a plot summary of the opera (Do NOT copy and paste.Please describe the plot in your own words)(20 pts)
  • Why did you choose this particular event? (5 pts)
  • What was the best element of this event? (10 pts)
  • What was the worst element of this event? (10 pts)
  • How did your previewing concept of this experience affect your actual a experience? (5 pts)
  • Would you recommend this event to a friend?Why or why not? (10 pts)
  • Give a detailed critique of the performance.(325 – 350 word response) (30 pts)

[supanova_question] For this weeks assignment, please review the statistics and trends and choose the two that you feel need to be considered as digital marketers develop their strategies for attracting business professionals on their choice(s) of communication platforms. Comment on your choices and why you think these are the most important for marketing success.

Marketing Analysis Short Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

Primary Issue Identified

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Primary issue as presented in the assigned reading is clearly identified, defined and explained. The student substantially and fully examines all of the issues, problems, and aspects of the facts as outlined in the topic or issue assigned.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Succinct Analysis of Data

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Succinctly analyzes the data that is presented in the reading/article and these facts are communicated in a concise manner to the reader. The student demonstrates that topics from the textbook can be related back to the questions or issues being presented in the assignment.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Understanding and Communication of the Topic

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Student is able to relate their understanding of assigned topic and can communicate it’s relevance to the textbook. The paper demonstrates a thorough understanding relevant facts, figures, assumptions, recommendations, and strategies in the topic or issue assigned.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation

10.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Flawless spelling, punctuation, grammar; Graduate level, concise business-style writing. Student avoids the use of first person, personal style writing.

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


A 6-7 pg paper that argues a specific but not universal stance based off of the choice of one of 3 novels. The paper description is in the requirements as well as the names of the novels Humanities Assignment Help

Your second assignment is to produce a 5-7-page close reading focused on a limited number of examples
that makes an argument about a similarity and/or difference between two of the works we have read this
semester. I suggest, but do not require, that you do not write about the same novel you chose for your first
paper assignment. If you do write about the same novel, you cannot take up the same topic you did in the
first paper. To create an interesting and compelling thesis, you might argue that there is a significant
similarity between two apparently different texts (e.g. a middlebrow and a modernist work) or an
important point of difference between apparently similar texts (e.g. two middlebrow works).
This assignment also requires that you use at least one secondary source: a journal article, book chapter,
biography, history of the period, etc. You may use this source to add color to your introduction or
conclusion; in support of your argument; or to state a counter-argument you will refute. If you have
difficulty finding such a source, please consult me.
To succeed in this assignment, you must select a narrow point of comparison or contrast—do not choose
something very general (i.e. the style of two works) or your essay will not make a forceful argument.
Instead, you want to pick an aspect of form or content that you can persuasively address. Here are some
possible topics, but feel free to pick your own:
• Treatment of sex/gender, class, or race
• Representation of the impact of WWI
• Attitudes toward popularity/commercial success
• One aspect of style (closure; parody; characterization; self-reflexivity; etc.)
• Transportation or other new technologies
• The role of tradition or the past
• Specific values
• Time (clock time versus psychological time)
Your goal is to come up with your own argument, preferably one that does not simply echo our class
discussions. Once you have chosen your texts, take some time to reread and take careful notes. See if an
argument or approach emerges out of these activities. If not, consider discussing your ideas with an
instructor or classmate. Once you have arrived at a tentative argument, choose a few main points, look for
your secondary source, and begin writing. Do not attempt to fulfill this assignment by summarizing. You
want to display your ability to interpret the specific language of the works you have chosen.
In addition to an original argument and careful use of evidence, good responses to this assignment will do
four things. First, they will begin with an introduction that tastefully gets the reader’s attention. Second,
they will include a clearly written thesis statement to guide the reader through the paper. Third, they will
conclude in some way that indicates how the argument might alter other readers’ understanding of the
texts. Finally, they will be carefully organized, revised and proofread so that the argument shines through
without needless distractions for the reader. All papers should be double-spaced with standard margins
and a 12-point font. Please number the pages.

I would Prefer that you have read the novel that the paper is based off of. this is a list of the novels, the paper should be based off of one or comparative of no more than two of the novels.

The Inimitable Jeeves

Cold Comfort Farm

Lady Chatterley’s Lover



Applied Research Process for Data Analytics: Augmented view and Automated vehicles Computer Science Assignment Help

The following is the assignment as set out for the module of Applied Research Process for Data Analytics.

Topic : Augmented view and Automated vehicles

The goal of this assessment is to give learners the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to research, plan and develop a research proposal by using the following skills:

  • Research and select a problem domain: (15 Marks)
    • A well structured and relevant Research Question or Hypothesis
  • Choose a research Topic: (15 Marks)
    • Focused on a single problem or issue
    • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
    • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
    • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
    • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
    • Relevant to field of study and/or society more broadly
  • Develop a literature review: (20 Marks)
    • Current
    • Relevant
    • Authority/Accuracy
  • Formulate a Research Plan: (20 Marks)
    • Identify an appropriate research methodology
    • Future research / Potential Artefact
  • Provide and appropriate Bibliography/References: (15 Marks)
    • using IEEE or Harvard Referencing in a consistent way
  • Appropriately formatted using the agreed format: (15 Marks)
    • Correct format
    • Correct length
    • Correct language and grammar

Applied Research Process for Data Analytics: Augmented view and Automated vehicles Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Anth homework Science Assignment Help

Your friend Alex calls you excitedly to tell you he is going to be on the Expanse Variety show, hosted by Minister Springer. You tell him this cannot ever be a good thing and that you have a bad feeling about this. As you suspected, once when he comes out on the stage, there sits one of his former girlfriends, Julie Mao, and a 3 year-old daughter (Mei), and four guys he has never met before. Minister

Springer provides the results from the DNA testing laboratory. Alex and all four other men, Julie and Mei had each been tested for five different STR loci (locus names are in the top row). The numbers in each column are the numbers of repeats for each person tested. Is Alex the Dad? If not, can any of the others be dad, and if so, which one(s)? To get the full points you need to explain precisely why each potential deadbeat dad is excluded. So which Dads are off the hook and why? Who has to pony up for young Mei’s child support?

Loci à


Eros 2

Bltr 5














































What did Raymond Dart hypothesize that our early ancestor’s were doing with jawbones with shart canines and feet with talon claws that he found in caves in South Africa? What role did porcupines play in this story?


2***Introduction to Confidence Intervals (about 100 words ) Writing Assignment Help


A Gallup poll conducted in November of 2011 asked the following question, “What would you say is the most urgent health problem facing this country at the present time?” The choices were access, cost, obesity, cancer, government interference, or the flu. The responses were access (27%), cost (20%), obesity (14%), cancer (13%), government interference (3%), or the flu (less than 0.5%).

The following is an excerpt from the Survey Methods section. “Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Nov. 3-6, 2011, with a random sample of 1,012 adults ages 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on a total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points.”


If we accept the maximum margin of sampling error provided above, find a 95% confidence interval to estimate the percentage of U.S. adults who feel that access to healthcare is the most urgent health problem facing this country. Interpret your interval in context.

ANSWER(S){ Hint }

Answers will vary (a little). But we expect 95% (19 out of 20) of the intervals to contain the population proportion. So we expect 5% (1 out of 20) will not contain the population proportion.

Of course, the confidence level is a long run probability, so we may not get exactly these results. But in the long run with many, many repetitions, we expect 95% of the confidence intervals to contain the population proportion.

another example :

5% (1 out of 20) of the random samples do not contain the population proportion and also since only 1 out of 2 did not contain it, we expect that only 95% ( 19/20) to contain the sample proportion. Yes, this is what I expected because every time you select a random sample it is not always going to be within 2 standard error, it has to shift one way or another.


Please Write an 8 page paper for below Humanities Assignment Help

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.


listen to OPERA/Ans.Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Listen to or view an opera by one of the following composers: Rossini, Mozart, Verdi or Wagner.It is possible to see an opera live, through the special events at AMC or through a full performance on youtube.

After viewing the opera, answer the following:

  • List the opera and your source of viewing.(10 Pts)
  • List the performance cast and give a plot summary of the opera (Do NOT copy and paste.Please describe the plot in your own words)(20 pts)
  • Why did you choose this particular event? (5 pts)
  • What was the best element of this event? (10 pts)
  • What was the worst element of this event? (10 pts)
  • How did your previewing concept of this experience affect your actual a experience? (5 pts)
  • Would you recommend this event to a friend?Why or why not? (10 pts)
  • Give a detailed critique of the performance.(325 – 350 word response) (30 pts)

[supanova_question] For this weeks assignment, please review the statistics and trends and choose the two that you feel need to be considered as digital marketers develop their strategies for attracting business professionals on their choice(s) of communication platforms. Comment on your choices and why you think these are the most important for marketing success.

Marketing Analysis Short Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

Primary Issue Identified

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Primary issue as presented in the assigned reading is clearly identified, defined and explained. The student substantially and fully examines all of the issues, problems, and aspects of the facts as outlined in the topic or issue assigned.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Succinct Analysis of Data

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Succinctly analyzes the data that is presented in the reading/article and these facts are communicated in a concise manner to the reader. The student demonstrates that topics from the textbook can be related back to the questions or issues being presented in the assignment.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Understanding and Communication of the Topic

30.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Student is able to relate their understanding of assigned topic and can communicate it’s relevance to the textbook. The paper demonstrates a thorough understanding relevant facts, figures, assumptions, recommendations, and strategies in the topic or issue assigned.

0.0 pts

No Marks

30.0 pts

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation

10.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

Flawless spelling, punctuation, grammar; Graduate level, concise business-style writing. Student avoids the use of first person, personal style writing.

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


A 6-7 pg paper that argues a specific but not universal stance based off of the choice of one of 3 novels. The paper description is in the requirements as well as the names of the novels Humanities Assignment Help

Your second assignment is to produce a 5-7-page close reading focused on a limited number of examples
that makes an argument about a similarity and/or difference between two of the works we have read this
semester. I suggest, but do not require, that you do not write about the same novel you chose for your first
paper assignment. If you do write about the same novel, you cannot take up the same topic you did in the
first paper. To create an interesting and compelling thesis, you might argue that there is a significant
similarity between two apparently different texts (e.g. a middlebrow and a modernist work) or an
important point of difference between apparently similar texts (e.g. two middlebrow works).
This assignment also requires that you use at least one secondary source: a journal article, book chapter,
biography, history of the period, etc. You may use this source to add color to your introduction or
conclusion; in support of your argument; or to state a counter-argument you will refute. If you have
difficulty finding such a source, please consult me.
To succeed in this assignment, you must select a narrow point of comparison or contrast—do not choose
something very general (i.e. the style of two works) or your essay will not make a forceful argument.
Instead, you want to pick an aspect of form or content that you can persuasively address. Here are some
possible topics, but feel free to pick your own:
• Treatment of sex/gender, class, or race
• Representation of the impact of WWI
• Attitudes toward popularity/commercial success
• One aspect of style (closure; parody; characterization; self-reflexivity; etc.)
• Transportation or other new technologies
• The role of tradition or the past
• Specific values
• Time (clock time versus psychological time)
Your goal is to come up with your own argument, preferably one that does not simply echo our class
discussions. Once you have chosen your texts, take some time to reread and take careful notes. See if an
argument or approach emerges out of these activities. If not, consider discussing your ideas with an
instructor or classmate. Once you have arrived at a tentative argument, choose a few main points, look for
your secondary source, and begin writing. Do not attempt to fulfill this assignment by summarizing. You
want to display your ability to interpret the specific language of the works you have chosen.
In addition to an original argument and careful use of evidence, good responses to this assignment will do
four things. First, they will begin with an introduction that tastefully gets the reader’s attention. Second,
they will include a clearly written thesis statement to guide the reader through the paper. Third, they will
conclude in some way that indicates how the argument might alter other readers’ understanding of the
texts. Finally, they will be carefully organized, revised and proofread so that the argument shines through
without needless distractions for the reader. All papers should be double-spaced with standard margins
and a 12-point font. Please number the pages.

I would Prefer that you have read the novel that the paper is based off of. this is a list of the novels, the paper should be based off of one or comparative of no more than two of the novels.

The Inimitable Jeeves

Cold Comfort Farm

Lady Chatterley’s Lover



Applied Research Process for Data Analytics: Augmented view and Automated vehicles Computer Science Assignment Help

The following is the assignment as set out for the module of Applied Research Process for Data Analytics.

Topic : Augmented view and Automated vehicles

The goal of this assessment is to give learners the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to research, plan and develop a research proposal by using the following skills:

  • Research and select a problem domain: (15 Marks)
    • A well structured and relevant Research Question or Hypothesis
  • Choose a research Topic: (15 Marks)
    • Focused on a single problem or issue
    • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
    • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
    • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
    • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
    • Relevant to field of study and/or society more broadly
  • Develop a literature review: (20 Marks)
    • Current
    • Relevant
    • Authority/Accuracy
  • Formulate a Research Plan: (20 Marks)
    • Identify an appropriate research methodology
    • Future research / Potential Artefact
  • Provide and appropriate Bibliography/References: (15 Marks)
    • using IEEE or Harvard Referencing in a consistent way
  • Appropriately formatted using the agreed format: (15 Marks)
    • Correct format
    • Correct length
    • Correct language and grammar

Applied Research Process for Data Analytics: Augmented view and Automated vehicles Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Anth homework Science Assignment Help

Your friend Alex calls you excitedly to tell you he is going to be on the Expanse Variety show, hosted by Minister Springer. You tell him this cannot ever be a good thing and that you have a bad feeling about this. As you suspected, once when he comes out on the stage, there sits one of his former girlfriends, Julie Mao, and a 3 year-old daughter (Mei), and four guys he has never met before. Minister

Springer provides the results from the DNA testing laboratory. Alex and all four other men, Julie and Mei had each been tested for five different STR loci (locus names are in the top row). The numbers in each column are the numbers of repeats for each person tested. Is Alex the Dad? If not, can any of the others be dad, and if so, which one(s)? To get the full points you need to explain precisely why each potential deadbeat dad is excluded. So which Dads are off the hook and why? Who has to pony up for young Mei’s child support?

Loci à


Eros 2

Bltr 5














































What did Raymond Dart hypothesize that our early ancestor’s were doing with jawbones with shart canines and feet with talon claws that he found in caves in South Africa? What role did porcupines play in this story?


2***Introduction to Confidence Intervals (about 100 words ) Writing Assignment Help


A Gallup poll conducted in November of 2011 asked the following question, “What would you say is the most urgent health problem facing this country at the present time?” The choices were access, cost, obesity, cancer, government interference, or the flu. The responses were access (27%), cost (20%), obesity (14%), cancer (13%), government interference (3%), or the flu (less than 0.5%).

The following is an excerpt from the Survey Methods section. “Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Nov. 3-6, 2011, with a random sample of 1,012 adults ages 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on a total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points.”


If we accept the maximum margin of sampling error provided above, find a 95% confidence interval to estimate the percentage of U.S. adults who feel that access to healthcare is the most urgent health problem facing this country. Interpret your interval in context.

ANSWER(S){ Hint }

Answers will vary (a little). But we expect 95% (19 out of 20) of the intervals to contain the population proportion. So we expect 5% (1 out of 20) will not contain the population proportion.

Of course, the confidence level is a long run probability, so we may not get exactly these results. But in the long run with many, many repetitions, we expect 95% of the confidence intervals to contain the population proportion.

another example :

5% (1 out of 20) of the random samples do not contain the population proportion and also since only 1 out of 2 did not contain it, we expect that only 95% ( 19/20) to contain the sample proportion. Yes, this is what I expected because every time you select a random sample it is not always going to be within 2 standard error, it has to shift one way or another.


Please Write an 8 page paper for below Humanities Assignment Help

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.

Write an 8 page paper double space MLA style.You can choose any topic you want but it has to be related to psychology. Please check out the PDF file it has more information.


listen to OPERA/Ans.Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Listen to or view an opera by one of the following composers: Rossini, Mozart, Verdi or Wagner.It is possible to see an opera live, through the special events at AMC or through a full performance on youtube.

After viewing the opera, answer the following:

  • List the opera and your source of viewing.(10 Pts)
  • List the performance cast and give a plot summary of the opera (Do NOT copy and paste.Please describe the plot in your own words)(20 pts)
  • Why did you choose this particular event? (5 pts)
  • What was the best element of this event? (10 pts)
  • What was the worst element of this event? (10 pts)
  • How did your previewing concept of this experience affect your actual a experience? (5 pts)
  • Would you recommend this event to a friend?Why or why not? (10 pts)
  • Give a detailed critique of the performance.(325 – 350 word response) (30 pts)


Programming and algorithm assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

Programming and algorithm assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

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