PS 3550 KU GPU Shortage Effects on Gamers & the Rest of The World Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

PS 3550 KU GPU Shortage Effects on Gamers & the Rest of The World Presentation Humanities Assignment Help. PS 3550 KU GPU Shortage Effects on Gamers & the Rest of The World Presentation Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a political science multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Make a PowerPoint based on the GPU shortage (make it easy for others to understand, also make it as if it’s more of a discussion not like just fact written on a slide.) (10 – 12 slides)

Make a questionnaire use google forms (make it simple for people to answer, people who don’t have a really good understanding of technology) (6-9 questions)

I will provide an example of what it’s supposed to look like, as well I will provide the report as a reference for the information.

Requirements: 10 – 12 slides

PS 3550 KU GPU Shortage Effects on Gamers & the Rest of The World Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Jose State University Political Economy Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Please review the lecture slides before writing the answers. As much as possible, please use your own language, and if you borrow language from the lecture slides, please provide the reference in your submission.

Answer the following questions:

1. (a) What do we mean by majority voting? In order for majority voting to consistently aggregate individual preferences, which three goals should it satisfy? ( 4 points)

(b) Explain any three assumptions of the median voter model in representative democracies and explain in your own words how these two assumptions may or may not apply to the context of the elections in the United States. (6 points).

2. (a) What is lobbying? Explain how lobbying could emerge as a potential problem in a representative democracy? (4 points)

(b) Clearly describe and explain three different types of government failure that could emerge in an economy (6 points)

3. (a) Clearly differentiate between vertical and horizontal equity. Could there be reasons why we may not be able to achieve horizontal equity in a society? (5 points)

(b) What is the third rule of tax incidence? Graphically explain how if demand is perfectly inelastic, then producers bear none of the tax burden. (5 points)

4. (a) What do we mean by deadweight loss from taxation? Explain with the help of graphs how the deadweight loss of any given tax is smaller when the demand is more inelastic. (5 points)

(b) What are the determinants of a deadweight loss (please provide a formula and explain it)? What does this say about how the marginal deadweight loss may change with the tax rate. (5 points)

5. (a) When it comes to corporate taxation or taxation on business income, explain how the true incidence of this taxation may not always stay on corporations (please provide insight from impacts on both the goods market and the factor markets). (6 points)

(b) Theoretically explain the policy implications of the effect of a corporate tax on business investments (i.e., explain the policies that are taken by the government to combat the effect of corporate taxes on investments). (4 points)

Additional Notes:

Please review the lecture slides!

  • Length of answers – is completely up to you but the questions need to answer as completely as possible. Longer answers will never be penalized!
  • Please number your answers according to the numbering of the questions provided above.


HIST 131 SU The Jesuit Relations by Paul Le Jeune & Jerome Lalemant Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

Directions: Read Paul Le Jeune & Jerome Lalemant’s “The Jesuit Relations,” found on pages 11-14 in For the Record, and then answer each question in a short paragraph (5 complete sentences minimum for each series of questions; this means you should have at least 25 sentences by the time you are complete). You may use the document, the editors’ italicized introduction to the document, For the Record, America, and any relevant sources I provided to you on Moodle but outside research is not permitted. Be sure to include specific examples from the selected document in your responses where relevant and explain your reasoning behind why you came to the conclusions that you did. When you use examples, paraphrase, or quote a source, make sure to cite your sources using MLA in-text citations and to include a works cited page. Upload your completed analysis to Moodle by 11:59 P.M. on Friday, March 19th.

1. Who created this document (don’t just list a name here – provide some background information on the person)? When and where did they write this document?

2. What type of document is this? What was the meaning of the document in its own time? Why was the document written (i.e. what motives prompted the author to write this document)? Who is the intended audience?

3. What are the main points of the document?

4. What does this document reveal about the particular society and period in question? What does this document indicate about racial views of Europeans and how those views affected relations with indigenous peoples? What does this document reveal about early colonization of the Americas?

5. How is this source a useful tool for learning about the past? What problems would historians confront in using this source?

All work should be uniquely your own. Students submitting responses with identical wording (excluding direct quotes) will earn a grade of 0 for cheating with no opportunity to make up the assignment. If you have trouble with the assignment, let me know as soon as possible.


History Question Humanities Assignment Help

  • Chose ONE question from part B to answer.
  • Your answers should be in complete sentences and be between two to three paragraphs.
  • You may only use information provided to you from your textbook or a reading in the module. (…)
  • Please use proper citation, and upload the document as a Microsoft Word attachment.

Plagiarism policy: In the case of plagiarism, there will be no rewrites. At a minimum, you will receive a “0” for the assignment and a referral to the Dean of Students.

Part B

  1. The West Experienced tremendous growth after the Civil War. Write an essay on the consequences of population growth on the western landscape, looking at farming, livelihoods, impact of the railroad, growth of Native American reservations and the subjugation of the Native Americans.
  2. Analyze the various roles women played during the era, from social reformer, to feminist, to suffragette. How did various women define freedom? Be sure to distinguish between different types of women and use specific examples in your answer.
  3. By 1900, who was entitled to fully enjoy the blessings of American liberty? Be sure to include African-Americans, women, labor, and immigrants in your answer.


Glendale Community College American Wood Products Greenhouse Windows Report Business Finance Assignment Help

As Bryan Mumm, operations manager, American Wood Products, you have a problem. Your firm manufactures quality precut and custom-built doors and frames. You have received a letter from Sue Ewerth (described in Activity 6.13), an interior designer. Her letter explained that the custom mahogany door (“Cape Cod”) she received was cut to the wrong dimensions. She ordered an oversized door measuring 12 feet 2 inches. The door that arrived was 11 feet 10 inches.

Ms. Ewerth kept the door because her client, an NBA basketball player, insisted that the front of the house be closed up. Therefore, she had her carpenter resize the door opening. He charged $940.50 for this corrective work. She claims that you should reimburse her for this amount since your company was responsible for the error. You check her May 17 order and find that the order was filled correctly. In a telephone order, Ms. Ewerth requested the Cape Cod double-entry door measuring 11 feet 10 inches, and that is what you sent. Now she says that the doors should have been 12 feet 2 inches.

Your policy forbids refunds or returns on custom orders. Yet, you remember that around May 15 you had two new people working the phones taking orders. It is possible that they did not hear or record the measurements correctly. You don’t know whether to grant this claim or refuse it. But you do know that you must look into the training of telephone order takers and be sure that they verify all custom order measurements. It might also be a good idea to confirm all phone orders by e-mail, IM, or text message.

Ms. Ewerth is a successful interior designer who has provided American Wood Products with a number of orders. You value her business but aren’t sure how to respond. You would like to remind her that American Wood Products has earned a reputation as a premier manufacturer of wood doors and frames. Your doors feature prime woods, meticulous craftsmanship, and award-winning designs. What’s more, engineering is ingenious. You also have a wide range of classic designs.

Your Task:

Decide how to treat this claim and then respond to Sue Ewerth at New Century Interiors, 4808 W Victoria Street, Chicago, IL 60646.


In the letter, you might mention that you have a new line of greenhouse windows that are available in three sizes. Include a brochure describing these windows. You may want to refer Ms. Ewerth to your website (, which features the new line of windows. Be as creative as you’d like and be mindful of ALL rules that pertain to writing a business letter.

Good luck!

– Professor Cardona




PHI 103 AU Wk 5 At Party Yesterday Did You Taste the Cake that Rachel Made Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The assignment for the Week 5 Discussion is as follows:

1. Sometimes, you hear or read a statement that has an ambiguous word or expression, and this ambiguity allows you to interpret the statement in two (or more) different ways. Think of an example of this and then imagine the ambiguous statement occurring as a premise in an argument.

For the first part of the prompt, provide an example of an argument with a premise that contains an ambiguous word or expression, where that ambiguity allows us to interpret the argument either charitably or uncharitably. Then offer both a charitable and an uncharitable interpretation of the argument. (It’s possible to have fun with this, but you may have to think for a bit about an ambiguous expression you’ve seen or heard recently).

Here’s an example:

A waitress in a diner asserts the following argument:

(P) “The ham sandwich left without paying.”

(C) “Somebody’s going to jail!”

Uncharitable reading: ‘That’s crazy. A ham sandwich can’t literally “leave,” much less leave without paying. There’s no reason to think anybody’s going to jail.’

Charitable reading: ‘The customer who ordered the ham sandwich left without paying. Technically, that’s theft. So, maybe somebody is going to jail.’

2. Second, raise an original question that occurred to you as you read Chapter 9

PHI 103 AU Wk 5 At Party Yesterday Did You Taste the Cake that Rachel Made Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ITEC 355 American University Managing and Estimating Delays Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Werizon’s customer call center schedules 13 call agents between 11am and 1pm to answer customer calls. On average, it takes 15 minutes to handle a call and customers call at the rate of 50 calls/hr on average during this period. The following performance measures are computed and provided for you.













a) (6 points) What is the capacity of the call center for this period in calls per hour?

b) (6 points) What is the minimum number of call agents to handle the demand for this period? Show your work!

c) (10 points) What is the average total number of customers at the call center either waiting or talking to call agent?

d) (10 points) What is the average time a customer spends in the system in minutes?

e) (6 points) What is the probability that a customer will wait before speaking with a call agent?

f) (12 points) At most, how many call agents should be scheduled for this period to keep the utilization of the call center at least at 75%?


UCF Employment Solutions the Hiring of Unworthy & Incompetent Employees Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

You’ve learned about a problem, gained empathy for those who experience the problem, and seen frustrations that arise from using alternative solutions. NOW IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO OFFER SOMETHING BETTER!

This assignment asks you to describe your solution. Rather than constrain your creativity with a template that requires you to answer OUR questions, we ask you to provide a brief description of your solution accompanied by a “pre-totype” (low fidelity prototype) drawing of your product or service offering.

Your written description should explain your solution’s features and the expected benefits it will provide (relative to currently available, frustrating solutions). Your illustration should be of your “object” if it is a product, or people interacting if it is a service (stick figures and speech bubbles are preferred). You will share these illustrations in class (either by holding them up to your camera or via screen sharing), so be sure that they are clear enough for others to see and serve as effective visual aids while you describe your solution to others.


  1. Write a description of your solution in a NEW Word file (we’re not providing a template for this assignment!) that includes an overview as well as a listing of features (attributes of the solution) and benefits (pain relievers and gain creators experienced by others). This MUST be between 100-150 words. You may include bullet lists of features and benefits (complete sentences are not necessary).
  2. Illustrate your solution any way you think will be effective when you describe it to others. This should fill an entire page.
  3. Paste an image of your illustration at the end of your Word document so it is a new page after your description.
  4. Save your Word file using the naming convention firstnamelastname–Step 8.docx.
  5. Upload your file to this assignment.


Your grade for this assignment will be assessed using the rubric below.


Starter Step Rubric (40 points)

Starter Step Rubric (40 points)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity

10 pts


Descriptions are exceptionally specific, vivid, and clear

9 pts


8 pts


Descriptions provide adequate clarity but lack detail and richness

7 pts


6 pts


Descriptions are below expectations, often vague or cryptic

5 pts

Slightly Below Average

4 pts

Below Average

Descriptions are far below expectations and difficult to understand

3 pts


2 pts

Very Poor

Descriptions are unclear, confusing, and inadequate

1 pts


10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThoroughness

20 pts


Descriptions are complete and very thorough and thoughtful

18 pts


16 pts


Descriptions are complete and somewhat thorough and thoughtful

14 pts


12 pts


Descriptions are complete but seldom thorough and thoughtful

10 pts

Slightly Below Average

8 pts

Below Average

Descriptions are partially incomplete

6 pts


4 pts

Very Poor

Descriptions are mostly incomplete

2 pts


20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity

10 pts


Descriptions often reflect creative ideas and proposals

9 pts


8 pts


Descriptions occasionally reflect creative ideas and proposals

7 pts


6 pts


Descriptions seldom reflect creative ideas and proposals

5 pts

Slightly Below Average

4 pts

Below Average

Descriptions never offer creative ideas and proposals

3 pts


2 pts

Very Poor

Descriptions are too poorly presented to assess creativity

1 pts


10 pts

Total Points: 40



Understanding Asthma Discussion Science Assignment Help

nderstanding Asthma – 360p [Animation]

Duration: (1:16)

Click here:

Type in the Subject line your TOPIC. This will make it easier for
other students not to repeat posts. Once an example has been used it
cannot be repeated for points.

You will be posting your
advertisement file ONLY. You can choose a topic now and enter it in a
subject line to reserve it; then go back and add your advertisement
later when it is completed. This way you won’t have to worry about
someone else working on the same topic and potentially having to start


DQ Initial Post: Choose a respiratory disease/illness/condition. Topics cannot be duplicated.


an advertisement to promote awareness. You will be submitting your post

as an attachment using one of the following file formats: doc, docx,

ppt, jpeg, or pdf. Rich text format cannot be used for this project

because it does not support graphics. You can create the advertisement

in Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, PhotoShop, or another software program.

There is no minimum word count for the advertisement. You could also use

paper and add pictures, captions, etc – just take a digital picture of

it and save it as a jpeg or scan it and save it as a pdf (or other

acceptable file format). You can copy facts for this assignment from

your source, but not entire sentences and paragraphs. Facts should be

short as a poster is meant to provide information quickly.

The Advertisement that you are posting for students should include the following:
Descriptive title
At least three pictures
At least two colors
At least three points of interest in text form (facts, statistics, etc)

Include the following information in an email to your instructor, DO NOT post these answers on the discussion board with your project file:
Title (can also include this in the project)
Intended audience (gender, age, ethnicity, etc)
Respiratory condition
Message being conveyed
Web source(s)

*An important note about images:

Many students break copyright laws during this discussion. Please be
aware that most internet images (including Facebook images) are not
free to use; you must get permission from the author who posted it. If
you want to use an image that is copyright protected, email the author
and ask for permission. Send the email response granting permission to
your professor. At the bottom of the image, type: “Courtesy of

You can also use images that are public domain and do not require
permission to use. You might search for “free access” images in
Google. You may also use one of the following URLs to find free access

Finally, you can come to any CSM campus and use a library computer to
access free images. On the library home page, click on Databases-On
Campus. Scroll down to find a link to the CSM subscription that reads:

ImageQuest from Britannica Digital Learning
to nearly 3 million rights-cleared images from many subject areas for
educational, non-commercial purposes. Possible uses include course
development, college web sites, campus newsletters, student
presentations, and faculty use.”

Please cite these free images so your professor knows where they were
obtained. To find out more about copyright laws, please visit


Requirements: 3 pictures


Florida International University Hootsuite Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Ryan Holmes is founder and CEO of Hootsuite, a Vancouver-based social media management platform company. Holmes realized that he needed to do more to improve communication within his company once it grew to over 1,000 employees. It wasn’t possible to count on effective communication happening automatically. He couldn’t even count on being able to talk with many coworkers in the hallway anymore since the company had become so large.

How did Hootsuite make changes to improve communication? The company set up a website that pairs employees from different departments to meet for a quick cup of coffee. Only employees who register to participate are involved in these “#RandomCoffee” matches. These chats over coffee have resulted in ideas for how to solve problems at work, sparked new projects, and increased communication in the company outside of the formal organizational chart. In fact, Holmes implemented an idea that he heard from a #RandomCoffee match: each week, Holmes records a five- to ten-minute selfie-style video on his phone and shares it only with employees within the company. These videos give employees the chance to hear directly from the CEO. As Homes puts it, “It allows the entire company to get aligned on top priorities and hear what’s important.” Employees are encouraged to comment on the videos or ask questions. Sometimes there are only a few comments from employees, while other videos have resulted in hundreds of employee posts. Hootsuite also now holds virtual town hall meetings each quarter allowing employees from around the world to hear what’s going on and weigh in. On top of that, Holmes is active on social media, which CEOs often avoid and delegate to others.

About every week or two, the company stops work at 4:00 p.m. and encourages everyone to socialize with each other in the company kitchens. In addition to socializing, they sometimes will have informal five-minute “Lightning Talks” offered by employees on topics that are usually not work related, such as “how to draw” or “Rubik’s Cube art.” Holmes says, “People stay for a few minutes or a few hours. It’s casual and unstructured. But I know for a fact that employees connect who otherwise would never cross paths—opening up new lines of communication and bringing the team closer.”

Case Questions

  1. In what ways do Hootsuite’s communication techniques illustrate the functions of communication discussed in this chapter?
  2. What barriers to effective communication could apply when Hootsuite employees experience the communication techniques described in this case?
  3. Which of the five ways of overcoming barriers do Hootsuite’s techniques do a good job of addressing? Which ways of overcoming barriers might need to be addressed further?
  4. Which directions of communication flow (downward, upward, lateral, diagonal) are addressed with Hootsuite’s techniques? Is there anything else they could do to be more comprehensive in addressing directions of communication flow?



PS 3550 KU GPU Shortage Effects on Gamers & the Rest of The World Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

PS 3550 KU GPU Shortage Effects on Gamers & the Rest of The World Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

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