PSY 2317 University of Houston Downtown Psychology Satistics Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

PSY 2317 University of Houston Downtown Psychology Satistics Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help. PSY 2317 University of Houston Downtown Psychology Satistics Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help.

I’m working on a statistics multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.
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PSY 2317 University of Houston Downtown Psychology Satistics Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AU Sale Before Tax Discount Rate & Tax Amount Python Programming Exercise Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a python question and need guidance to help me learn.

· Sale before tax

· Discount Rate

If sale before tax > 1000 discount rate is 12%

If sale before tax > 500 and <1000 discount rate is 10%

If sale before tax > 300 and <500 discount rate is 8%

If sale before tax > 100 discount rate is 12%

If sale before tax < 100 no discount

· Tax Rate

Print the following:

1. Sale before tax

2. Discount amount

3. Sub-total

4. Tax Amount

5. Total Sale

Test it several times.

Provide the code.


FSU Psychology First Date Success Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

evaluate an article about online dating. Sharabi and Caughlin (2017) “What predicts first date success? A longitudinal
study of modality switching in online dating”

  1. Based on the content of the article, what type of claim is the researcher trying to make (frequency, association, or causal)? Explain your answer. What did they write that makes you think so? (8 points)
  2. Was the research method correlational or experimental? Explain your choice. (8 points)
  3. What hypothesis or hypotheses did the study attempt to test? Hint: only consider the variables that we listed at the top of this instruction sheet. (8 points)
  4. What was/were the primary conceptual independent variable(s) of the study? How was/were the primary IV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  5. What was/were the primary conceptual dependent variable(s)? How was/were the DV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  6. Describe the participants. If available, provide the total number of participants, their sex, age, ethnicity, and other defining features. How were they recruited? How many were in each group in the end? Hint: This information can be found in the methods section. (6 points)
  7. What did the participants in the study do? For example, did they fill out a survey, receive an intervention, perform a task, or something else? Did all of the participants do the same thing or did they do different things? Hint: This information can often be found in the procedure section. Try to be as specific as possible. (8 points)
  8. Describe the main results; i.e., those bearing on the hypotheses tested. Was each hypothesis supported or not? What did the author(s) conclude? Hint: Re-write each of the hypotheses being tested and summarize the findings for each. (8 points)
  9. Was reliability mentioned in the research (e.g., test-retest, interrater, or internal)? What data were provided for the tests or measures used in the research (if no data were provided, please explain what would be appropriate)? (4 points)
  10. Considering the operational definitions of the variables (IVs as well as DV) and the various ways to assess construct validity (Hint: Ch. 5 & 6), do you think the research variables have strong or weak construct validity? Explain your answers. (8 points)
  11. Do you think the research has strong or weak external validity? Explain your answer. (8 points)
  12. Does the study establish covariance? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  13. Does the study establish temporal precedence? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  14. Does the study have a third-variable problem? If so, explain why you think so and provide one possible third-variable. If not, why not? (8 points)
  15. Do the conclusions by the author(s) match the research method? Why or why not (we are asking for reasons related to the materials covered in the course rather than your personal opinion)? (8 points)
  16. Considering your answers to the above questions, discuss two things that you would change to improve this research, or include in future research. How would your proposal resolve these issues? (8 points)
  17. Using your ability to search for information, what evidence (empirical) supports the claims made in the assigned research article (e.g., What have other authors found that would support or refute the main claim by the authors?)? Find three relevant sources. All three must be peer-reviewed empirical research articles. Summarize the salient points from each, whether they would support the claim made in the assigned research article, and explain how credible they are and why (based on credibility as explained by the textbook). You should be able to accomplish this in two paragraphs (one for summaries and one for credibility). Include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper (APA format). FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU MUST USE ONLY PEER-REVIEWED EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ARTICLES. (12 pts – 4 pts for each source)


Carleton University Literature The Lords of Isolation in Macbeth Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature report and need support to help me learn.

  1. You should avoid writing an essay answer that supports its thesis merely by means of a simple plot summary.
  2. Your essay will be evaluated according to the rubric that has been posted to Unit 3 and that also accompanies this Essay Writing Task.
  3. You are to base your literary essay (introduction, 2 – 3 body paragraphs, conclusion) on William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Aim for approximately 800 – 1000 words.
  4. Prompt #2 In great literature, no scene of violence exists for its own sake. Choose a work of literary merit that confronts the reader or audience with a scene(s) of violence. In a well-organized essay, explain how the scene or scenes contribute to the meaning of the complete work. Avoid plot summary.


CJ 130 GCU Intoduction to Corrections Professional Officers Discussion Law Assignment Help


One important aspect to explore for the future of the correctional system is professionalism. Presently, the correctional field does not meet all characteristics that typically define a profession. Of the five characteristics, corrections as a whole may meet two, at most. Individually, there are some institutions that employee officers who may possess more of the characteristics. If the correctional field as a whole is going to advance, this aspect of the correctional system will have to be examined.

For this discussion, assume you are a high-ranking commander in a minimum security facility housing 500 inmates. The majority of these inmates have committed crimes such as theft, vandalism, domestic violence, and small drug offenses. You have worked at this facility for 20 years, having begun your career as a civilian counselor. Since then, you have obtained your officer certification and have been promoted to your high rank. Also, during this time, you went back to school and obtained your college degree in criminal justice.

Not all of the officers and staff share your ambition. Many lack any college courses or extra training. During the course of your career and while obtaining your degree, you have heard the whispers and read articles about corrections staff not being professional employees. This has bothered you throughout your career because you have always tried to be professional in all the work you have performed. Now that you are a high-ranking officer, you would like to make the staff under your command more professional because you believe it will help move your facility into the 21st century. You decide to take up this issue with the prison warden.

In your initial post:

  • Explore two characteristics you feel professional correctional staff should possess.
  • Lay out your plan to accomplish getting all correctional staff to meet the characteristics you discussed above.
  • Explain one resource that could assist you with your plan.
  • Evaluate how your plan would lead to an orderly running institution.



LCCC Algebra Math Pay Off the Interest Question Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a algebra multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.

1) A boy takes out a student loan for $2100. After a year, the boy decides to pay off the interest, which is 6.93. 6.93% of $2100. How much will he pay?

2)24 less than 7 times a number is 116. What is the number?

3)Four times the sum of 5 and some number is 76. What is the number?

4)the ages of Edna, Ellie, and Elsa are consecutive integers. The sum of their ages is 111.What are their ages?

Four times the sum of 5 and some number is 76. What is the number?

The sum of the page numbers on the facing pages of a book is 81. What are the page numbers?

The perimeter of a playing field for a certain sport is 180 ft. The field is a rectangle, and the length is 40 ft longer than the idth. Find the dimensions.

LCCC Algebra Math Pay Off the Interest Question Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PUAD 790 OSU Wk 3 Ohio State University Staff Relationships Improvement Report Business Finance Assignment Help


This assignment will help you learn to do the following:

  • Perform quantitative analysis for understanding and decision making.
  • Present data and quantitative analysis in a clear and visually appealing manner.


Leaders and managers are faced with all kinds of data about their organizations and the challenges they face. To make informed decisions and communicate those decisions effectively, a public administrator must be able to analyze and make sense of key data. In this assignment, you will have to analyze and clearly present some data that is directly relevant to your problem or project.


  1. Collect and analyze quantitative data on your problem and/or organization that is relevant for your project or study. Your analysis must include some financial data and at least one other type of data that is relevant for your problem or project. Your analysis must include applying a statistical technique (for example, mean, median, standard deviation) and presenting data or analysis results visually.
  2. Write a 5-to 10-page paper in which you present, analyze, and interpret the significance or relevance of the analysis for your problem or project. You must include at least two visual presentations of the data. The report should be written so that a general, non-expert audience could understand the analysis and its implications for your problem or project


Strayer University Week 10 Designing with Best Practices in Target Inc Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

AIS and XBRL – Designing With Best Practices


Shah presents 23 best practices to implement and examine how the shape of regulatory data collection process may change in the future through using extensible business reporting language (XBRL).

Read this article before you begin your assignment:


Write a 4–5-page paper in which you:

  1. Research an existing small to medium-sized business that does not have an established accounting information system (AIS). Make sure you clearly identify what business line, product type, and market position.
  2. Implement at least 5 of the 23 best practices in the reporting process within the organization. Provide details to either enforce existing practices or introduce them if they do not exist. You can select any practices you like.
  3. Explain the impact of the best practices you selected on the reporting process. Describe how the best practices align with the XBRL application.
  4. Explain how the best practices would impact the business’s operations and decision-making processes.
  5. Use at least five quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment is:

  • Propose recommendations for implementing XBRL to benefit a company’s financial reporting.


CSN Elements of Contract Law Voluntary Arrangement & Reciprocal Commitment Essay Writing Assignment Help

There are SIX (6) elements of a valid contract:

1) Mutuality

2) Consideration

3) Genuine Assent

4) Proper Form

5) Capacity

6) Legality

You’ll need to conduct your own research into EACH of these contractual elements so that you understand what they mean and how they relate to one another. Use the internet…it is a good source of information. Take very good notes. As the Module makes clear, you’ll also need to study “course of dealing” in contractual relationships, because the Module requires you to address “course of dealing” in your answer. 


Strayer University Wk 10 FMIS Project Execution and Performance Evaluation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Project Execution, Control, and Closure Proposal


This is the final of three assignments that, as a whole, willcover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project.

At this point, your project sponsor has approved your project proposal and has asked you to come up with a proposal for the execution, control, and closure for the project.


Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:

• Provide a brief summary of your project.

• Identify and discuss your project’s greatest challenges (at least three) and provide a recommendation for addressing each of the challenges.

• Examine how you manage your project performance via earned value management (EVM).

• Identify at least three key EVM metrics you will use for your project.

• Discuss your plan to properly close your project when it is over.

Use at least three academic resources for this assignment. Use the Strayer Library to conduct your research. These resources should be related to your chosen project and the content you provide in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality references

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Develop a proposal to communicate project execution, control, and closure strategies to a specified audience.

[supanova_question] to conduct your research. These resources should be related to your chosen project and the content you provide in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality references

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Develop a proposal to communicate project execution, control, and closure strategies to a specified audience.

[supanova_question] to conduct your research. These resources should be related to your chosen project and the content you provide in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality references

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Develop a proposal to communicate project execution, control, and closure strategies to a specified audience.

[supanova_question] to conduct your research. These resources should be related to your chosen project and the content you provide in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality references

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Develop a proposal to communicate project execution, control, and closure strategies to a specified audience.


PSY 2317 University of Houston Downtown Psychology Satistics Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

PSY 2317 University of Houston Downtown Psychology Satistics Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

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