PSY 2317 University of Houston Regression Equation of the Regression Model Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

PSY 2317 University of Houston Regression Equation of the Regression Model Questions Mathematics Assignment Help. PSY 2317 University of Houston Regression Equation of the Regression Model Questions Mathematics Assignment Help.

I’m working on a statistics multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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Goal Setting and GPA

Cetin (2015) was interested in individual differences in goal setting behavior and performance in college students. To investigate the hypothesized association between the two variables, Cetin collected goal setting and grade point average (GPA) data from 166 college students. Goal setting was measured with a subscale from the Academic Self-Regulated Learning Scale. Students’ GPA was measured via self-report. The goal_setting_gpa.csv data set simulates some of the data so that it corresponds to the results in the original study. We can use it to (a) the null hypothesis that there is no association between self-reported goal setting behavior and self-reported academic performance, and (b) construct a regression equation for predicting GPA from goal setting behavior.

Cetin, B. (2015). Academic motivation and self-regulated learning in predicting academic achievement in college. Journal of International Education Research, 11(2), 95-106.

(1) Download goal_setting_gpa.csv and open it in Jamovi.

(2) Make sure the measure type and data type of the variables are correct.

(3) From the Regression menu select Correlation Matrix.

(4) In the Analysis panel, move gpa into the Variables box first and then goal_setting. We do it in this order because gpa is the variable we want to predict, which means that on a scatterplot, it should appear on the Y axis.

(5) From the Correlation Coefficients menu select Pearson.

(6) From the Hypothesis menu select Correlated.This specifies the alternative hypothesis, that the two varoables are correlated.

(7) From the Additional Options menu select Report significance and N.

(8) From the Plot menu select Correlation Matrix.

(9) While still in the Analysis panel, from the Regression menu at the top, select Linear Regression.

(10) Move gpa to the Dependent Variable box and move goal-setting to the Covariates box.

(11) From the Model Fit menu select R, R2, and RMSE (which is the same thing as standard error of estimate).

(12) Save the Jamovi file as Ch14_YourLastName.omv and use it to answer the questions on the worksheet.

Instructions for submitting this assignment.

(1) Locate Ch14_YourLastName.omv, and Ch14 Homework.docx where you saved them on your computer.

(2) Click the title of this assignment (Ch14 Homework) to open the Upload Assignment page.

(3) In the ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION section, attach Ch14_YourLastName.omv and the Ch14 Homework file. Click Submit.

(4) If you submit this assignment early enough, I might have time to provide feedback that you can use to improve it and possibly improve your grade. So soon after you submit it, return to this assignment to see if I’ve given you any feedback. Click the assignment title and on the Review Submission History page you’ll see the details of your prior submissions. To revise a prior submission, click Start New, download and revise, be sure to save it, and upload it as previously.

PSY 2317 University of Houston Regression Equation of the Regression Model Questions Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Central Oklahoma Principles of Project Management Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a management writing question and need support to help me study.

#1 Back to basics to start this course:

    1. Define project.
    2. What are the five project process areas – give a short explanation of each.
    3. What are ten project knowledge areas – give a short explanation of each.
    4. Define Project Risk – list the major processes related to project risk – explain how risk remediation is a [part of every day of pur lives.
    5. What were the variables you were tracking related to quality? How would you define quality in this project?
    6. Why is risk a dynamic variable within a project?
    7. How can a risk be related to a desirable event?
    8. Did you anticipate any risks at the outset? Did the project experience any outside forces that caused a change in either the objectives or the approach to achieving those objectives?

#2 What is Agile?

How is risk handled within an Agile project approach such as Scrum?

What are the 10 project knowledge areas?

In what ways can the following activities be seen as projects?

In what ways do they resemble ongoing, routine business activities?

Feel free to add assumptions and details to describe how the activity might be a project in one context and routine in another.

  1. Reading the chapter before attending a university lecture.
  2. Taking the bus to work each day.
  3. Piloting an aircraft between Vancouver and Fiji.
  4. Teaching a course for the first time; teaching the same course every semester.


University of Central Oklahoma Managing Project Risks Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a management Discussion and need support to help me learn.

Textbook information:

Title: Managing Project Risks; 464 Pages

ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-119-48975-7

Authors: Peter J. Edwards, Paulo Vaz Serra, Michael Edwards

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Publication Date: 2019

Assigned Readings:

Chapter 1: Introductions

Chapter 2: An Overview of Risk

Chapter 3: Projects and Project Stakeholders

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. What are examples of project risks?
  2. How do you identify risks in a project?
  3. What are the 4 risk strategies for risk remediation?

[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!]

[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]


University of Central Oklahoma Activities of A Stakeholder Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a management writing question and need support to help me learn.

Who is a stakeholder and what activities do this person perform?

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to competitive strategy. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.


University of Central Oklahoma What Is a Stakeholder Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me study.

Assigned Readings:

Chapter 1 – What Is a Stakeholder?

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. How does the role of a stakeholder differ from other roles on a project team?

[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!]

[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]



Walden University Mathematics Applications of Differentiation Question Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a mathematics question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Math paper on either application of differentiation or the application of integration with two worked out examples. 500 words needed. Paper on application of differentiation or the application of integration. You should have two worked-out examples. For example, Maximize a profit function or Minimize a cost function or maximize a revenue function. These are applications of the derivative. Application of integration: find the average value of a function, find the volume of a solid of revolution, etc. You may choose other applications; it is up to you. I just stated some examples. In your project, first, you introduce the concept and describe it, then you will do the examples, that is, the application of the concept. Your paper should also have references. Your project should be typed.

Walden University Mathematics Applications of Differentiation Question Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GBA 334 Saint Leo University Business Writing Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Part 1

Give an example from your own experience where you used a break-even point analysis?

(If you are not in receipt of your textbook when this is due, use the course slides and/or the internet to publish your discussion.)

Part 2

How does human capital provide a basis for competitive advantage? What are the five characteristics of high-involvement management, and what evidence exists to support the effectiveness of this approach?

Include references such as your textbook, journals, trade articles, etc., to support your response. Properly cite any references using APA format.

Part 3

One of the challenges facing managers is the fact that organizations are no longer constrained by national borders. Go to the SHRM homepage ( and identify OB topics that relate to globalization. Find and list at least three OB topics


University of Connecticut Macro Economics Systems Questions Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a economics question and need an explanation to help me understand better.


I need a 4-5 pages essay about international finance economics according to a practice. Questions1-12 are in the pictures and only the answers with green mark are correct answers. There is the text book link:

Requirements :

1. Explaining each question1-12 solving process detailedly(why the answers with green marks are correct). Ignore my selected answers. Questions are in the pictures.

2. Summarizing the whole content of this course (International Finance Economics) shortly.

3.Format: a)Question1: Explanation

Question2: explanation


Question12: explanation

b)Summary of the course

4.Finishing before May 7th, 18:00pm EST please. Thank you!


ECON 620 SFSU Financial Crisis and Developing Countries Research Paper Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a economics project and need support to help me understand better.

One problem that many developing countries face is the risk of financial
shocks and financial crises. In this class we have studied several financial
a. What are the characteristics of most developing countries that make
them more susceptible to financial crises?
b. Describe the general process that occurs when a developing country
goes through a financial crisis. Please use at least two examples.
c. What policies would help developing countries be more resilient to
inevitable financial crises?
d. What similarities and differences are there between the financial
crises faced by developed countries and the crises faced by
developed countries.


HU Behavior & Welfare in Single & Mixed Species of Monkeys Article Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a anthropology report and need guidance to help me understand better.

Read the scientific journal article ” Living Together: Behavior and Welfare in Single and Mixed Species Groups of Capuchin (Cebus apella) and Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)” (attached in pdf version)

Then answer the following here as a file upload or text box submission. Your answers should be in your own words. They can either be numbered responses, or incorporated into a short essay. Lengthy quotations from the article are discouraged. However, your answers should be sufficiently detailed to make clear the scientific parameters and results of the study. Each question should be answered in around 200 words.

  1. Summarize the major goals of the study.
  2. What differences exist between Cebus apella and Saimiri scireus in the wild with regard to body size, locomotion, diet and group size? How do the two species interact in the wild?
  3. How long was the period of field observation?
  4. What sampling methods were used?
  5. What types of behaviors were the researchers especially interested in? Why were they interested in those behaviors?
  6. Summarize the results of the study.
  7. How are the study results relevant to the initial goals of the research?


PSY 2317 University of Houston Regression Equation of the Regression Model Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

PSY 2317 University of Houston Regression Equation of the Regression Model Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

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