PSY 338 Saint Leo University Communication Method Microsoft Case Study Writing Assignment Help

PSY 338 Saint Leo University Communication Method Microsoft Case Study Writing Assignment Help. PSY 338 Saint Leo University Communication Method Microsoft Case Study Writing Assignment Help.

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  1. Here’s what you should do:

    1. Explain how communication occurs in your organization. This should include upward, downward, and lateral communications. 
    2. What is your organization’s official policy on communication? 
    3. What really occurs? 
    4. How does the leadership at the top see the importance of organizational communication, and why? 
    5. What are the organizational leader’s thoughts on inclusion of employees in decision making?
    6. Explain the leadership philosophy of the organizational leader, and from where this philosophy develop
    7. As an appendix, include the following: 

      1. an example of a downward communication explaining the institution of merit-based pay for employees.
      2. an example of a downward communication explaining the need for an immediate reduction in force. 

    8. These should be professional business memoranda, and should include your organization’s logo

PSY 338 Saint Leo University Communication Method Microsoft Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HUMN 100 University of Maryland Forbidden Love Development of Topic Project Humanities Assignment Help

* Part 1 has already been completed and is attached for a reference for part 2 *

* Part 1 Instructions are  attached as a word document to provide additional clarity * 

Part 2: Development of your Topic.  

This part of the final project is a summary of your ongoing work on the final paper; it should include an introductory paragraph and three supporting paragraphs, one covering each selected work.

In an introduction, develop a hook to draw the reader into your work. Then, identify the theme you chose in Part 1, express how it is significant to the humanities and preview how appears in three different works. Then develop a paragraph for each piece — each from a different Humanities discipline (visual art, music, dance, poetry, prose, theater, film, opera) — outlining how the piece expresses the theme and providing one specific supporting example from the piece. For instance, you could choose a poem, a painting and a scene from a film, all of which express and represent the theme of brotherly love. Or, to be even more specific, you may choose to examine the theme of artificial intelligence by analyzing the play “R.U.R.” by Karel Capek, Stanley Kubrick’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey,” and the painting “The City Rises” by Boccioni. Or, you could delve into the theme of light & dark with the ballet “Swan Lake,” C.S. Lewis’s novel “The Last Battle,” and Caravaggio’s painting “Judith Beheading Holofernes.”

Write an introduction in which you:

  • employ a hook to draw the reader in
  • introduce the theme and its relation to the humanities
  • support the worth of studying the theme
  • preview the 3 expressions.

Write three supporting paragraphs — one paragraph (4-7 sentences) about each of your selections in which you:

  • Identify reliable and appropriate representations (published and established works of critical acclaim, an image from the gallery in which the original work is housed, recording of a play, video, etc.) of the theme.  Avoid self-published pieces. In order to research effectively for Part 3, you will need a published piece with published criticism/research.
  • Explain how each selection expresses the theme and provide one specific example from the piece to support.



AIUO Design Document for Famous Favorite Subs System Project Computer Science Assignment Help


At this point, you are ready to start developing Java code to ask questions on customer information and the sub sandwich that customers want to order. You are only concerned with the functionality to request and provide feedback on what the customer entered. Your main focus is on defining your classes and abstract classes and utilizing the concept of inheritance and polymorphism for the final sub the customer orders. You will first prompt for the customer name and delivery address, like in this sample that prompts for the customer name: 

Then, you will prompt for the beverage, sub bread, sub type, and sub size.

You should present a message echoing back all of the information that the customer entered, similar to the following example presenting the customer’s name with a message: 

Make sure you prompt for the four attributes (beverage, bread, type, and size) that you will need to request from the customer to define for the final sub and beverage selection. Also, be sure to comment all of your code to demonstrate that you understand what the code is doing. 


Howard Payne University Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan Report Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a research & summaries question and need guidance to help me study.

Provide a lesson plan, either the one you designed in course 5300 or another lesson plan you will use in your content area. The lesson plan should clearly state the grade level and content area for which it is intended.

For this lesson, describe how you could modify the lesson or provide accommodations for:

  • A student with dyslexia
  • A student with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
  • A student with visual impairment

Depending on the lesson, you may not need to make any modifications/accommodations. If this is the case, you must explain why the student would not need to do so. Please make sure all accommodations and modifications are provided in a RED FONT.

Grade level and content area are EC-6 and English Language Arts

I also provided the lesson plan but you can modify it as needed


AIUO Over Internet Protocol and Power Over Ethernet Project Computer Science Assignment Help


There are two parts to this assignment: a network architecture and design solution and the details explaining the network infrastructure needed to support the Social Media platform implementation. 

Designing a network involves data, voice, and power considerations. Creating a well-integrated social relationship platform involves interoperability with other technologies, such as customer relationship management (CRM). Assume you are designing a network infrastructure for Verbania. The company requires an efficient network that carries data, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and Power over Ethernet (PoE). It also requires the effective use of a CRM system to pull customers’ social media data for review and analysis to improve the user experience and generate profits. The networking solution and illustration must support these new requirements. You will execute the Unit 2 discussion, and the two parts of the Individual assignment below in pursuit of this effort. This free edraw application can be used to prepare the network illustration. 

Part 1 Capstone Project 

This part of the assignment is to contribute to the Capstone project and also to show the instructor that progress is being made on the Capstone project with regard to the intended network architecture and design needed to support the new requirements for the Social Media solution. Part 1 will illustrate the network architecture design and Part 2 will explain the details of the network infrastructure, cabling, and social media/CRM integration solution supporting the Part 1 illustration.

  • Each member must provide 1 of the following components, and submit this for grading to the Individual area, and the group area for inclusion into the overall group project. If there are 3 or 4 members in the group, then only 3-4 bullets need to be implemented. The “Virtual Private Network (VPN) devices needed for remote access” must be completed and is not optional regardless of the number of members on the team. Provide a detailed network diagram depicting the intended network architecture or deployment diagram with the following required components: 

    • 2 Firewall DMZ 
    • Switch devices 
    • Router devices 
    • Load balancing devices 
    • Firewall devices 
    • Virtual Private Network (VPN) devices needed for remote access 

  • Ensure the diagram showing the intended network architecture additionally identifies the network segments (physical or logical), the intended LAN/WAN solution, and the associated backbone all needed to support the system implementation and remote access solution. 

As part of the Unit 2 discussion requirements you will meet in the group area to collaborate and brainstorm ideas for all the individual deliverables, as they are also included as part of the overall group project, No group project is submitted this week, as each individual member will provide their solutions for Individual Project grading to their individual upload area. 

Continue using the template that was modified in Unit 1. Submit your Capstone project work to the Group submission area. Include the word “DRAFT” in the document title. Your second draft will then be available to share with your team. The second draft will also be available for your instructor to review the team’s progress. 

Use this company profile and scenario as the subject of your Systems Implementation Plan. 

Part 2: Capstone Project Activity – Unit 2

The project team must analyze the New Requirements. This section will specify what the company will need in the area of solution elements, such as networking, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and Power over Ethernet (PoE). Specifically, this section will answer the following questions (at a minimum):

  • Which type of cabling would you recommend? Why do you think this would be the best choice? 
  • How will the network infrastructure accommodate remote access? 
  • What solution would you propose to integrate the social media site with a CRM solution? 
  • What security considerations are involved? 

Collaborate and work together to integrate all individual network architecture and design products. Ensure the Unit 2 Part 2 content is also included in the overall group project in Section 2.

Overall the content from Unit 2 Part 1 and 2 should be inserted into the template document under Section Two.



Cuyamaca College Week 11 Racial Inequality Status Opportunities Discussion Writing Assignment Help




  • Think back to the three possible research topics you considered last week and select one you would like to proceed with. 
  • Narrow the focus of your research paper to a single social issue and argument about it. (Remember that simply writing about health care isn’t viable because we can write books and books about that topic. We want to narrow it down to something we can argue about in this paper, so what do we want to say about the topic/what small part of the topic do we want to focus on).
  • Think about your topic, problem, purpose statement, and research questions that will guide your research process
  • Use bullet points to fill in the following information:

    • Topic:
    • Problem:
    • Purpose Statement:
    • Research Questions: you should have 1-2research questions per section in the paper–remember, you’ll need to examine the root cause/origin, historical moments over time, reasons to support your stance, and solutions
    • Preliminary Thesis Statement: this will include your topic and your stance (opinion) on your social issue. The thesis will likely evolve as you move through the process, but it’s good to have a starting point. 

Here is an example of what I’m looking for:

  • Topic: Anti-Blackness (quite large so I will be narrowing it down in my thesis)
  • Problem: Anti-blackness sentiments have largely evident in the American education system and have permeated African-Americans’ educational experiences.
  • Purpose Statement: The purpose of the paper is to uncover the historical roots of systemic racism in education in order to present readers with the root cause of anti-blackness in schools in order to uncover solutions to move toward racial equity in education.
  • Research Questions:

    • When did anti-blackness originate? (this addresses the origin/root cause section)
    • What led to anti-blackness as we know it today? (this addresses the historical moments over time section)
    • What are the consequences of anti-blackness? (this addresses the argument section)
    • What are possible solutions that will move this country toward racial equity? (this addresses the solution section)

  • Preliminary Thesis Statement: Anti-blackness and white supremacy have created racial disparities our educational systems, which has negatively impacted African Americans’ experiences and resulted in resounding trauma. We must examine history in order to being repairing these inequities..





Cuyamaca College Week 11 Racial Inequality Status Opportunities Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of the Cumberlands Data Analytics New Product Effectiveness Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

  Your  firm just launched a new product and has solicited a large number of  potential customers to rate its effectiveness between 0 and 100. You are  particularly interested in how an individual’s rating of the new  depends on his/her age. To estimate this effect, you divide the  potential customers into age groups: under 25, 26 – 40, 41 – 55, and  over 55. You then assume the following data-generating process:  


  Ratingi = ? + ?1Age25i + ?2Age2640i + ?3Age4155i + ?4Age55i +Ui 


  Here, each Age variable is a dichotomous variable that equals 1 if individual i belong to that age group and 0 otherwise.  


  1. Create the dichotomous variables: Age25, Age22640, Age4155, Age55.
  2. Why are you unable to estimate the effect of each age group as listed?
  3. Estimate and interpret the effect of changing age groups on the Rating.


Question 2: 


  You’ve  decided to expand your analysis from Problem 1, and he would like to  learn how potential customers ratings depend on both age and income. To  perform this analysis, you decided to treat both Age and Income as  continuous, rather than categorical variables. Consequently, you assume  the following data-generating process:  


  Ratingi = ? + ?1Agei +?2Incomei +Ui   


  1. Regress Rating on Age and Income, and comment on the significance of each independent variable.
  2. Provide evidence that there is imperfect multicollinearity in your regression results and discuss the consequences.
  3. How might you remedy the imperfect multicollinearity that exists in this dataset?


Question 3: 


  Your  firm is attempting to determine the effect of sensitivity training on  employee behavior. To do so, it has collected data for each employee on  the number of times he/she has been reprimanded for insensitive behavior  in the past year (Reprimandsi) and whether that employee receives sensitivity training the prior year (Trainingi). When regressing Reprimands on Training, the estimated effective training is an average reduction in Reprimands of 0.21.  


  1. Argue why Training is likely endogenous in this regression.
  2. What is the likely sign of the bias in your estimated effect of Training on Reprimands?


HIM 650 Grand Canyon University R Programming Health Care Industry Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Introduction R Programming

Review the “Introduction to R Programming with DataCamp” video and the other study materials. Answer the R programming question related to the video and study materials (750 words minimum).

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of R programming language in the health care industry.
  • Discuss applications of R for data analysis and visualization.
  • Discuss three R statements used for decision making. Include three corresponding example statements.
  • Describe two data visualization options in R programming language. Provide an example of a health care data application for each of the visualization options selected (for example, histogram).
  • What is the purpose of the Microsoft Visual Studio? List the commands used to create a new R project in Visual Studio. What is your impression of the ease of use for this tool

Learners may gain additional practice in R by viewing the Microsoft Visual Studio website. There you will be able to practice using the Microsoft Visual Studio by using the interactive tool that allows you to create a new R project


View “Introduction to R Programming With DataCamp,” by General Assembly (2015), located on the YouTube website.


Read “Pros and Cons of R Programming Language – Unveil the Essential Aspects!” by the DataFlair Team (2019), located on the DataFlair website.


View “Health Care Analytics: Patient’s Visit Cycle Time (Using R),” by Social Research Insights (2018) , located on the YouTube website


Read “The Data Scientist’s Toolkit: R Programming Language,” by Campise (2020), located on the Discover Data Science website.


Read “Using R for Healthcare Data Analysis,” from the Data Science Blog (2020), located on the website.


Read Chapter 3, Lesson 1, “Data Structures in R Programming,” from the Computer Science 114: Programming in R online course, by Kypridemos (2018), located on the website.


Read “Why Clinical Laboratorians Should Embrace the R Programming Language,” by Haymond and Master, from Clinical Laboratory News (2020), located on the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) website.


Read “Control Flow Statements in R – Decision Making and Loops,” by Naveen (2020), located from the IntelliPaat website. 


 View “R Tools for Visual Studio 2017,” by Microsoft Visual Studio (2016), located on the YouTube website.


The free Microsoft Visual Studio website, “Get Started With R Tools for Visual Studio,” can be used by learners to learn about and practice R programming. Optional Practice: For additional practice, learners have the option to use the website tutorial to begin a new R project. To do this, first you must install R by clicking on Quickstart/Installation from the left side menu. Next, on the left side menu, click on Tutorials/Getting started with R


For additional information, the following is recommended:

If you choose to continue further studies in R programming, you can access free coursework through the Data Science: Foundations Using R page of the Coursera website. You have the option to earn a certificate upon course completion and add the certificate to your resume.



Does Tech Liberate or Enslave Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a reference to help me understand better.

We can all agree that tech in general terms is______________________-(your exp of how it has evolved to help all of us since you were born–or further…just write… (internet) a.

According to the dictionary, it is important to note (look up the definition). b.Knowledge of purposes…global purpose…

Clearly, as a civilization we wouldn’t have______________________________(determine how tech has allowed our species, your culture, generation Z to thrive taking into account the definition).

BACKGROUND: Look at your phone and consider the cool inventions that we have created in order to be here today…( all having to deal with communication to give a hint)…10 min. Google…Search Engine…Yahoo…

To be clear, I am not suggesting that technology is _(the awesome stuff at top)________(your position on the thesis, clarify thing) Rather, within the scope of the paper, technology is defined by (what all the readings have in common). There is the classic example of __what you just talked about in groups)_____________(the way you defined it)Thus, it’s important to note__________________(the differences from tech back then and tech now)Clearly, given the technological trend, one must be aware of___________________________-( a hint of your body paragraphs)


ACCT 220 University of Maryland SEC 10K Boeing Financial Report PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Part 1 of the assignment is attached to assist with the completion of the powerpoint


  1. You are also required to prepare a brief PowerPoint file of no more than 10 slides (do not exceed) for the SEC-10K Report.
  2. Make sure you include a reference list in APA format.

PowerPoint Requirements

  1. Post your PowerPoint file in the discussion area to Peer Review of SEC 10K Project: Post Your Draft (REQUIRED posting) .
  2. You are required to post comments on the work of at least one other student who does not yet have comments so everyone has at least one set of comments.
  3. Do not wait until the last day to post your PowerPoint file so everyone has a chance to review the files!
  4. After you read the comments you may wish to make changes to your PowerPoint file.



Does Tech Liberate or Enslave Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a reference to help me understand better.

We can all agree that tech in general terms is______________________-(your exp of how it has evolved to help all of us since you were born–or further…just write… (internet) a.

According to the dictionary, it is important to note (look up the definition). b.Knowledge of purposes…global purpose…

Clearly, as a civilization we wouldn’t have______________________________(determine how tech has allowed our species, your culture, generation Z to thrive taking into account the definition).

BACKGROUND: Look at your phone and consider the cool inventions that we have created in order to be here today…( all having to deal with communication to give a hint)…10 min. Google…Search Engine…Yahoo…

To be clear, I am not suggesting that technology is _(the awesome stuff at top)________(your position on the thesis, clarify thing) Rather, within the scope of the paper, technology is defined by (what all the readings have in common). There is the classic example of __what you just talked about in groups)_____________(the way you defined it)Thus, it’s important to note__________________(the differences from tech back then and tech now)Clearly, given the technological trend, one must be aware of___________________________-( a hint of your body paragraphs)


ACCT 220 University of Maryland SEC 10K Boeing Financial Report PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Part 1 of the assignment is attached to assist with the completion of the powerpoint


  1. You are also required to prepare a brief PowerPoint file of no more than 10 slides (do not exceed) for the SEC-10K Report.
  2. Make sure you include a reference list in APA format.

PowerPoint Requirements

  1. Post your PowerPoint file in the discussion area to Peer Review of SEC 10K Project: Post Your Draft (REQUIRED posting) .
  2. You are required to post comments on the work of at least one other student who does not yet have comments so everyone has at least one set of comments.
  3. Do not wait until the last day to post your PowerPoint file so everyone has a chance to review the files!
  4. After you read the comments you may wish to make changes to your PowerPoint file.



Does Tech Liberate or Enslave Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a reference to help me understand better.

We can all agree that tech in general terms is______________________-(your exp of how it has evolved to help all of us since you were born–or further…just write… (internet) a.

According to the dictionary, it is important to note (look up the definition). b.Knowledge of purposes…global purpose…

Clearly, as a civilization we wouldn’t have______________________________(determine how tech has allowed our species, your culture, generation Z to thrive taking into account the definition).

BACKGROUND: Look at your phone and consider the cool inventions that we have created in order to be here today…( all having to deal with communication to give a hint)…10 min. Google…Search Engine…Yahoo…

To be clear, I am not suggesting that technology is _(the awesome stuff at top)________(your position on the thesis, clarify thing) Rather, within the scope of the paper, technology is defined by (what all the readings have in common). There is the classic example of __what you just talked about in groups)_____________(the way you defined it)Thus, it’s important to note__________________(the differences from tech back then and tech now)Clearly, given the technological trend, one must be aware of___________________________-( a hint of your body paragraphs)


ACCT 220 University of Maryland SEC 10K Boeing Financial Report PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Part 1 of the assignment is attached to assist with the completion of the powerpoint


  1. You are also required to prepare a brief PowerPoint file of no more than 10 slides (do not exceed) for the SEC-10K Report.
  2. Make sure you include a reference list in APA format.

PowerPoint Requirements

  1. Post your PowerPoint file in the discussion area to Peer Review of SEC 10K Project: Post Your Draft (REQUIRED posting) .
  2. You are required to post comments on the work of at least one other student who does not yet have comments so everyone has at least one set of comments.
  3. Do not wait until the last day to post your PowerPoint file so everyone has a chance to review the files!
  4. After you read the comments you may wish to make changes to your PowerPoint file.



Does Tech Liberate or Enslave Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a reference to help me understand better.

We can all agree that tech in general terms is______________________-(your exp of how it has evolved to help all of us since you were born–or further…just write… (internet) a.

According to the dictionary, it is important to note (look up the definition). b.Knowledge of purposes…global purpose…

Clearly, as a civilization we wouldn’t have______________________________(determine how tech has allowed our species, your culture, generation Z to thrive taking into account the definition).

BACKGROUND: Look at your phone and consider the cool inventions that we have created in order to be here today…( all having to deal with communication to give a hint)…10 min. Google…Search Engine…Yahoo…

To be clear, I am not suggesting that technology is _(the awesome stuff at top)________(your position on the thesis, clarify thing) Rather, within the scope of the paper, technology is defined by (what all the readings have in common). There is the classic example of __what you just talked about in groups)_____________(the way you defined it)Thus, it’s important to note__________________(the differences from tech back then and tech now)Clearly, given the technological trend, one must be aware of___________________________-( a hint of your body paragraphs)


ACCT 220 University of Maryland SEC 10K Boeing Financial Report PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Part 1 of the assignment is attached to assist with the completion of the powerpoint


  1. You are also required to prepare a brief PowerPoint file of no more than 10 slides (do not exceed) for the SEC-10K Report.
  2. Make sure you include a reference list in APA format.

PowerPoint Requirements

  1. Post your PowerPoint file in the discussion area to Peer Review of SEC 10K Project: Post Your Draft (REQUIRED posting) .
  2. You are required to post comments on the work of at least one other student who does not yet have comments so everyone has at least one set of comments.
  3. Do not wait until the last day to post your PowerPoint file so everyone has a chance to review the files!
  4. After you read the comments you may wish to make changes to your PowerPoint file.


PSY 338 Saint Leo University Communication Method Microsoft Case Study Writing Assignment Help

PSY 338 Saint Leo University Communication Method Microsoft Case Study Writing Assignment Help

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