PSY 7860 Capella Analyzing Research Methods And Its Implications Research Matrix Writing Assignment Help

PSY 7860 Capella Analyzing Research Methods And Its Implications Research Matrix Writing Assignment Help. PSY 7860 Capella Analyzing Research Methods And Its Implications Research Matrix Writing Assignment Help.

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This week, you were introduced to the purpose statement in a research study. In the last two weeks, we’ve also focused on ethical conduct in research and the introduction to research.

This assignment focuses on building a second research matrix similar to the one from Week 3. This matrix you will create includes research concepts that can be found and connected to the same five research articles related to the topic of first-generation college students and resilience at a four-year university.

Assignment Instructions

Fill out this provided Research Concepts Research Matrix Week 6 [DOCX] with research concepts that can be found and connected to these five articles related to the topic of first-generation college students and resilience at a four-year university. The first article has been completed for you as an example.

  1. Garriott, P. O., Hudyma, A., Keene, C., & Santiago, D. (2015). Social cognitive predictors of first and non-first-generation college students’ academic and life satisfaction. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(2), 253–263.
  2. Johnson, S. R., & Stage, F. K. (2018). Academic engagement and student success: Do high-impact practices mean higher graduation rates? Journal of Higher Education, 89(5), 753-781.
  3. Olive, T. (2014). Desire for higher education in first-generation Hispanic college students enrolled in a graduate counseling program. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 45(1), 72–91.
  4. Schelbe, L., Swanbrow Becker, M., Spinelli, C., & McCray, D. (2019). First generation college students perceptions of an academic retention program. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 19(5), 61–76.
  5. Smith, K. J., Emerson, D. J., Haight, T. D., Mauldin, S., & Wood, B. G. (2019). An examination of the psychometric properties of the Connor-Davidson resilience scale – 10 (CD-RISC10) among accounting and business students. Journal of Accounting Education, 47, 48–62.

    Competencies Measured

    By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Analyze the methodology used in scientific research.
      • Identify the purpose of the study.
      • Identify the statement of the problem.
    • Competency 2: Evaluate the characteristics, purposes, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses of research methods.
      • Explain the limitations/implications of the study.
      • Provide the future research possibilities.
    • Competency 3: Evaluate ethical issues in research studies.
      • Describe the ethical considerations in the chosen research.
    • Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members in the identified field of study.
      • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting.

PSY 7860 Capella Analyzing Research Methods And Its Implications Research Matrix Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GNED 1404 Miami Regional Anthropocene Human Epoch Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 1000-word argumentative essay about one of the documentaries listed below.

The essay should include a thesis that indicates your argument, answering these questions: Do you consider this a good documentary, a bad one, or good in some ways and bad in others? Why do you think so? Provide reasons for your position.

This essay is your own analysis. Beyond the course lectures and the course textbook, no further research is required and should be kept to a minimum.

However, the essay should provide evidence from the documentary, the textbook, or the lectures in the form of quotations, summary or paraphrase. Be sure to provide citations throughout your essay as well as a Works Cited page The essay should generally conform to MLA format.

Please submit your file as a PDF.


Grading criteria are listed below, in order of importance.

1. Analysis

a.The essay provides a discussion that is thoughtful and original.

b.The essay demonstrates knowledge of the course material so far.

c.The essay answers the assigned question(s).

2. Writing Quality

a.The writing is clear, direct and grammatically correct.

b.The essay is within 10% of the assigned word count.

3. Thesis/Organization

a.The essay includes a thesis that is arguable, specific, and that previews its points. (See the Power Points for more information on thesis statements).

b.The essay is organized in a clear and readable way, following from its thesis.

4. Evidence

a.The essay provides evidence for its points in the form of quotations, summary, or paraphrase from sources.

5. Formatting

a.The essay conforms to MLA style; it has an appropriate title, includes student identifying information, is double-spaced, is in 12-point font, has page numbers, provides in-text citations, and contains a Works Cited page.


OL 318 Southern New Hampshire University Unions and Negotiations Paper Writing Assignment Help


Students will provide a summary of the key lessons learned during the negotiating process of this course as well as a reflection on the other course outcomes. Below are specific points to include in the paper:

  • What is the role of management and unions in society today? How has this changed in the last 100 years?
  • How does the history of unions and the collective bargaining process impact negotiations today? What are some of the current trends or problems in labor relation practices?
  • Would this negotiation process differ if it involved a public compared to a private-sector union? Please explain.
  • How has this exercise increased your understanding of the collective bargaining process? What is your assessment of the value of mediation and arbitration in this process?
  • Explain the value of the various organizational leadership competencies (communication, problem solving, teamwork, analytical skills, legal and ethical practices, strategic approach, and research) that are important to be successful in this type of negotiating process.


Abraham Lincoln University Geertz Petzinger and Class Materials Reflection Writing Assignment Help

Please write in simple English, grammar, and vocabulary. here are the instructions on what you should do:

1. After reading Geertz’s essay “Religion as a Cultural System” and watching Von Petzinger’s short TED talk write a short (1-2 page) reflection on some point of intersection between these materials and the potential significance for our class.

Movie to watch:

2. for the “potential significance for our class”, please relate to the reading “three modes of relation” because this is what I have learned in class. Convergence, conflict, contrast is what will be covered in the reading.


NUR 320 Christ College Use of Informatics Technology in Nursing Practice Bibliography Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

NUR 320 – Annotated Bibliography
The Annotated Bibliography is a list of research articles published within the past seven
(7) years from professional health care journals that includes the complete article
information formatted in APA style with a summary paragraph following each entry. The
purpose of the Annotated Bibliography is for the student to demonstrate the ability to
summarize current research to support the use of informatics technology to improve
patient safety, care quality, or care efficiency in nursing practice.
B. Instructions:
1. Search for and find two (2) current research articles
that support the use of informatics technology to improve patient safety, care quality,
or care efficiency. The articles should be quantitative or qualitative research articles.
Editorials are not considered research articles. Informatics technology includes
electronic health records, telehealth, mobile health, monitoring, and other electronic
communication devices.
2. Construct an Annotated Bibliography by summarizing, in your own words, the
contents of each selected article utilizing current APA writing style and format.
a. Create a MS Word Document.
b. Include a title page. The title is ‘NUR 320 Annotated Bibliography’
c. List your sources alphabetically and according to APA format (similar to a
reference page listing)
d. Following each source using a hanging indented margin, write a minimum 200
word, double-spaced summary paragraph immediately following the entry on the
same line, in your own words. The summary should tell the reader how the
research supports the use of informatics technology to improve patient safety,
care quality, or care efficiency in nursing practice.
e. Do not copy the abstract within the article 3. Do not include a references page



SCSU Project Management Processes Management Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Activity I: Review your methodology used by your organization and provide at least one change that you would propose and the benefit of the change.

Your response should be at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


  • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
  • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
  • You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

SCSU Project Management Processes Management Question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

LEI 3707 University of Miami Global Review of Disability and Accessibility PPT Writing Assignment Help

This assignment addresses your Global Awareness Outcome, Students will be able to describe the interrelated dynamics (e.g. legislative, attitudinal, linguistic, sociocultural, globalization) that influence accessibility for individuals with disabilities in communities across the world.

Students will be in self-selected groups of 3 and each will assume a specific role in researching their selected country outside of the United States.

  • Role 1: An individual with a disability who is visiting this country for vacation.
  • Role 2: A leader in the selected country who is trying to increase tourism.
  • Role 3: A professor taking her students to this foreign country for a study abroad focused on the recreation and leisure resources provided for individuals with disabilities in that country.

Amongst yourselves you are to select a country outside of the United Stated that you are interested in researching pertaining to the specific laws and/or disability rights of that country. Within your role, you are to select and research which questions are most pertinent to your role. Each group will submit a PowerPoint presentation with voice recording and a 2-3-page APA formatted paper explaining your role and the particular questions you researched.


  1. Visit the following website Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (Links to an external site.) (DREDF) and as a group select a country you all are interested in researching and that provides one or more specific law(s)/act(s) on disability rights. (Do not choose the USA.)
  2. Also, review and read through the following websites to help you with your research and in writing the global review of the country and its comparison to the USA:
  1. Next, choose what role you will be assuming
  2. Select which questions you feel are most important in focusing on your role.
  3. Research your questions
  4. Combine all information regarding all questions and all 3 roles into a PowerPoint Presentation.
  5. Individually, submit an APA formatted 2-3 page paper explaining your role and questions you focused on.
    • Did anything surprise you in your role?
    • Did you have to change questions once you got into the research?
    • How did you feel about your chosen role?

Research and discuss the following questions regarding your selected country for your Global Review of Disability and Accessibility. All questions below need to be answered in a complete manner by whichever role you deem most appropriate.

  1. In your opinion, how did the Americans with Disabilities Act impact society the most and more specifically, people with disabilities?
  2. What current (within the last 2 years) legislation has been passed in the United States that would impact individuals with disabilities? Good or bad
  3. For the country that you chose from the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund-International Laws documents):
    • Provide a general overview of disability rights for your chosen country.
    • Discuss how the country compares to different areas you have read about and watched throughout the semester concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (i.e. compare the ADA titles/content from Chapter 6: Follow the Americans with Disabilities Act and compare this to similar titles/content from the law(s) for your chosen country).
    • How do you feel the country compares historically (are they ahead or behind the US and how)?
  4. In addition, describe what accomplishments society has made (across the world- inside and outside the USA) in overcoming barriers (attitudinal as well as architectural) for the rights of people with disabilities and on inclusion in general. On a global scale, what do you feel we still have yet to do?
  5. What role does recreation and sport services have in helping society (the USA and the world) overcome such barriers in the future and enhancing the rights, independence, and inclusion for people with disabilities around the world?
  6. Locate at least two accessible recreation sites in your selected country.
    • Provide an overview of the sites and what they offer.
    • Obtain pictures of the locaiton.
  7. What specific law would you enact in your selected country to help increase tourism and why?

PowerPoint Presentation (3.5 points)

  • Each group of 3 will submit 1 presentation with voice recording
  • Your presentation will focus on the research regarding the questions each person answered in their role
  • 10-15 slides maximum


Global Review of Disability and Accessibility Group Presentation

Global Review of Disability and Accessibility Group Presentation

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRole 1

1 pts


Role 1 was able to fully embrace their role and answered at least 2 necessary research questions pertaining to their selected country. Overall, presents thoroughly developed, intelligent ideas; sound and logical organization; supports an opinion with evidence using appropriate citations.

0.5 pts


Role 1 was able to fulfill the role and answers at least 1 question by showing some insight stating an opinion with inconsistent precision and clarity; lacks sound and logical organization; support opinion with evidence/examples.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

Role 1 is not embraced and gives no evidence of research or opinion.

1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRole 2

1 pts

Full Marks

Role 2 was able to fully embrace their role and answered at least 2 necessary research questions pertaining to their selected country. Overall, presents thoroughly developed, intelligent ideas; sound and logical organization; supports an opinion with evidence using appropriate citations.

0.5 pts


Role 2 was able to fulfill the role and answers at least 1 question by showing some insight stating an opinion with inconsistent precision and clarity; lacks sound and logical organization; support opinion with evidence/examples.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

Role 2 is not embraced and gives no evidence of research or opinion.

1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRole 3

1 pts

Full Marks

Role 3 was able to fully embrace their role and answered at least 2 necessary research questions pertaining to their selected country. Overall, presents thoroughly developed, intelligent ideas; sound and logical organization; supports an opinion with evidence using appropriate citations.

0.5 pts


Role 3 was able to fulfill the role and answers at least 1 question by showing some insight stating an opinion with inconsistent precision and clarity; lacks sound and logical organization; support opinion with evidence/examples.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

Role 3 is not embraced and gives no evidence of research or opinion.

1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization/Visual

0.25 pts


Presentation is well organized and visually pleasing with appropriate pictures, spacing, font. Voice recording is utilized.

0.13 pts

Needs Work

Presentation is mostly well organized. There is some disconnect between the overall theme of the presentation. 5+ spacing, pictures, font, visual stimulation errors.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

Presentation is disorganized and lack creativity and originality with few pictures an no voice recording. 10 +spacing, pictures, font, visual stimulation errors.

0.25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/APA/Person-First Language

0.25 pts


Adheres to the accepted standards and conventions of university ­level writing. Clear understading of APA format. May have 1-2 errors. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are mostly correct or does not affect the clear understanding of the paper. Person first language is used appropriately throughout.

0.13 pts

Needs Work

There may be lapses in correct diction, or citations but the essay is generally well­written and APA format is understood. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are somewhat correct (3 major types of errors noted).Person first language is used somewhat appropriately.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

Frequent and notable inconsistencies throughout the paper can include missing in-text citations; Reference list not in APA format; failure to meet all APA guidelines- margins/font/extra space. Many errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. (Errors >7). No clear understanding. Person first language is continually used inappropriately.

0.25 pts

Total Points: 3.5



SUNY Buffalo State College Assessments Reports Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

After taking the assessments (Chapter 3, are self assessment 1 and 2 and Chapter 4, are self assessment 3 and 4) tell us what you learned about yourself and your organization.

Please specify your scores from the assessments.

Ch. 3–Ethical Ideology–What is your ethical ideology? How does this impact your job and role as a student? What ethical dilemmas have you been faced with? How have you handled them?

Ch. 3–Corporate Social Responsibility–What is your stance on corporate social responsibility? Do you think it is important? Why or why not? Have you worked in an organization that promoted these practices? How did it impact you and the community?

Ch. 4–Global Management–What did you learn about yourself as a global manager? How could you improve your skills to work cross-culturally? Which GLOBE dimensions do you resonate with and why? How will this impact you in the workforce or in student life on Buff State campus?

your answers should be based on the four self assessments in the attachment


PSCI 103H University of California Irvine Health Care System Portugal Presentation Writing Assignment Help

“Health Abroad” Poster Activity (Individual Paper + Group Poster + Comments on Other Posters: The Health Abroad poster activity is worth (30% of your grade). This activity consists of three parts.

Part 1: Individual Part: Each student will write a 8-page (double-spaced, Arial 12-point font, 1-inch margins) paper about the assigned topic. These points are individual to each student and can differ between members of a group. You can find more detailed information about this assignment in the attachment to this syllabus. Two points will be deducted for every day the paper is submitted late.

My group country is

Portugal ( you must cited from textbook, see the rubric)

More details about this assignment are provided in the attachment and the rubric.

Health Abroad Individual Paper

Health Abroad Individual Paper

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOVERALL STRUCTURE: Paper is clear and has a logical flow

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT: Basic information (i.e. demographics, economic/political situation) about the country presented

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT: Information about health and disease in country

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT: Information about health care system and treatment in country

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT: Concludes with a comprehensive yet concise summary

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeREFERENCES: Cited references are appropriate to the topic

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeREFERENCES: A sufficient breadth of sources are cited (i.e. reference list includes the textbook, journal articles, national or international statistics)

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and spelling are correct

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat of paper (1 inch margin, 12 pt font, double-spaced, etc)

2 pts

Total Points: 40


University of Tampa Project Integration Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I will provide the book later that you supposed to read chapter (4,5)

Project Integration Management:

1. Project Charter:

i. General Project Information: Project Title, Brief Project Description, Sponsor, Date/ Version

ii. Project Objective: Explain the measurable objectives and success criteria of the project.

iii. Assumptions: List and describe the high-level requirements and known assumptions and constraints.

iv. Project Scope: Describe the scope of the project. The project scope establishes the boundaries of the project.

v. Project Milestones: List the major milestones and deliverables of the project.

vi. Example:…

2. Statement of Work

i. Project Name, Date Submitted, Prepared B

ii. Business Need and Benefits: Business Need, Benefits to be achieved, Scope of the Project, Summary of Work to be delivered

iii. Strategic Business Information for the Organization: Vision, Goals, Objectives, High-Level Mission Statement

iv. High-Level Schedule with Major Deliverable Milestones (Date and Milestone)

v. Example:…

3. Business Case: Captures the reasoning for initiating a project or task from a financial perspective, documents the investment needed to make the project successful, determine whether or not the deliverables from a project are worth the investment, contains business need and cost-benefit.

i. Project Name

ii. Project Purpose

iii. Project Description

iv. Known Risks

v. Cost-Benefit Analysis

1. Expected Cost

2. Expected Benefit

vi. Summary

Project Scope Management:

4. Project Scope Statement: Project Name, Department, Project Manager, Date

i. Prepared By: Document Owner and Project/ Organization Role

ii. Version History: Date, Version, Author, Change Description

iii. Project Description

iv. Goals of the Project

5. Requirements Traceability Matrix- CHART

i. Project Name, Cost Center, Project Description

ii. ID

1. For each sub associate ID: Requirements Description, Business Needs, Project Objectives, WBS Deliverables, Product Design, Product Development, Test Cases

iii. Example chart:

6. Decomposition: Break the WBS down into an organizational chart.

i. See the Tree Structure on the following document-…

7. Develop a Scope Management plan

8. Create a table of contents for this assignment

9. You can include an extra concept or process that you learn in this section to get extra credits. Make a note of any additional work in the table of content


PSY 7860 Capella Analyzing Research Methods And Its Implications Research Matrix Writing Assignment Help

PSY 7860 Capella Analyzing Research Methods And Its Implications Research Matrix Writing Assignment Help

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