PSYC 220 ERAU Blind People Have Hearing That Is More Acute Than Others Discussion Writing Assignment Help. PSYC 220 ERAU Blind People Have Hearing That Is More Acute Than Others Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Post your answer to this question (minimum 300 words):
- Many people believe that when people lose one of their physical senses, their other senses become more sensitive to compensate for the missing sense. The idea that blind people have hearing that is more acute than others has been around for ages. Do you believe this? Why or why not?
Reference and cite at minimus two peer review publications, in addition to the course textbook. Reference list in accordance with APA 7th edition format.
No Tittle page required.
Course textbook: Gerrig, R. J. (2013). Psychology and Life. (20th ed). Pearson
PSYC 220 ERAU Blind People Have Hearing That Is More Acute Than Others Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SCMG 305 APUS Red Snapper Taken out Of Coastal Waters of Louisiana Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help
Download the Excel Template attached to this assignment onto your computer, open it up, and read through the “Red Snapper Scenario” at the top of the page. All of this week’s assignments focuses on historical Red Snapper Catches for 2015 through 2018 (by Quarter) off the coast of Louisiana. The last four rows of the table are empty as 2019 is what you are going to forecast using the historical data for 2015 through 2018. As you scroll down through the Spreadsheet, you will notice in the far left column, there are five tasks for you to complete this week. Every one of these tasks is mirrored in the three YouTube videos below. Although this project is about Red Snapper Catches (your faithful designer’s favorite fish to catch and eat out of the southern bays of Louisiana) and the videos forecast Car sales, the process for forecasting the future year (in our case 2019) is identical.
You will want to watch these videos as you complete each of the five tasks. Where you want to transition from video 1 to video 2 and from video 2 to video 3 is very easy to see. One easy way to get started is to have a video open on one side of your screen and the excel template on the other.
TU Zaras Strategic and Operational Approach & Consumers Interests Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
answer the questions below individually and mention clearly what question you are addressing. Do not use any additional sources of information other than the case itself. 1page max, Times New Roman, size 12, single space.
Some bullet points are alright but must be supplemented by brief explanations:
Q 1: Explain how Zara’s strategic and operational approach to the global retail market was untraditional and/or disruptive?
Q 2: How did Zara capture the consumers’ interests? How was Zara more competitive in marketing than other brands?
Q 3: Applying the case to the current COVID-19 situation, describe the challenges and implications to Zara’s global supply chain?
ENGL 1A De Anza College How Keys Connected with Bloom Hustle Essay Humanities Assignment Help
ESSAY 2 Choose three of the KEYS from DJ Khaled’s book and connect the keys to how Molly plays by the rules. How do the keys help connect the dots to Molly’s hustle?
DUE DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 4, 2020 BY 11:59PM
Background: Part Three “Playing the Rush” ends with Molly’s statement, “I was playing by the rules, but I had made the rules work in my favor” (Bloom 143).
Procedure: You will use the texts we have read in class and for homework to support your thesis for essay 2. Read for key ideas that relate to your thesis. You may also research outside sources for your essay to explain your thesis. One quote from the text Molly’s Game and one quote from the text The Keys are expected to be integrated into your essay
- Answer the essay prompt
- Essay length 4 pages required (not including the cover memo)
- Format the first page MLA style (look to the module MLA for an example)
- Include two in-text citations (two quotes), formatted MLA style
- Include cover memo to front of essay
- Become comfortable with the method of writing followed in the course. (knowledge)
- Write a five paragraph theme with at least seven to nine sentences in each paragraph, the thesis statement as the last sentence in the introduction, and the thesis statement restated in the conclusion. (synthesis)
- Write in chronological order. (comprehension)
- Support each main point with specific detail. (evaluation)
- Write in past tense. (knowledge)
- Write in third person. (comprehension) This will be a formal essay using 3rd person voice (they, them, him, her, she, he…).
- Do not write in 1st person (I, me, my…).
- Do not write in 2nd person (you, us, we…)
- Molly’s Game Part Three “Playing the Rush” chapters 13-19
- The Keys 88-128
Essay Prompt: Choose three of the KEYS from DJ Khaled’s book and connect the keys to how Molly plays by the rules. How do the keys help connect the dots to Molly’s hustle? (Your answer is your thesis. You are answering this question in the introduction) Paragraph 1- Intro and thesis/claim Paragraph 2- pick a key from DJ Khaled. Connect to Molly using logos (logic, make sense, ). Paragraph 3-pick a key from DJ Khaled. Connect to Molly using pathos (emotion, empathy). Paragraph 4-pick a key from DJ Khaled. Connect to Molly using ethos (ethics, credibility, believability, authenticity,… ask yourself do the two voices (Bloom and Khaled) appear authentic and believable?). Paragraph 5- Conclusion Cover Memo: · -What is the biggest strength in your essay? (What are you most proud of?) · -What still needs improvement in your essay? Write about what you’d still like to work on with your writing. · What was your biggest challenge with completing the task of writing the essay? |
Minimum Requirements (this will get you a C grade):
- The essay contains a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
- The essay supports your thesis with appropriate quotes and paraphrases the author’s ideas.
- Proofread, making sure that grammar errors don’t interfere with readability and comprehension and attempt to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
- Write a final draft answering the essay prompt (4 pages) and include a cover memo answering the three questions.
An “A” paper will meet all the minimum requirements AND…
- The essay contains a thesis statement that gives the readers a clear idea of what you are critiquing.
- Included are two quotes from texts and writing that shows you carefully unpacked and critiqued those quotes.
- Develop ideas completely and wrap it up to conclude strongly.
- Include Cover memo.
- Students should pay close attention to style and mechanics in all of your work by implementing the organization and writing skills introduced in this class.
- Careful proofreading together with correct grammar and punctuation usage is crucial in this class. Although the spellchecker is a valuable tool, one that students absolutely should use, students cannot simply run a spell-check without also proofreading a paper. As we know, spellcheckers do not flag everything, and may incorrectly flag some items. Only careful proofreading can find all the errors. In conjunction with the spellchecker, also enable the Microsoft Word grammar checker to run concurrently with the spellchecker. Lack of proofreading — formatting, punctuation, spelling and grammar mistakes — will result in an NP grade.
- Questions always arise regarding what constitutes a “page,” so to ensure we all use the same guidelines for essay length, a “page” for essays is a full 8 ½ x 11 inch page.
- Follow the standard MLA formatting guidelines.
-Essay is double-spaced. - -Use 12 pt. Times New Roman text running from the top margin to the bottom margin
- -All margins are one inch wide, no greater. The exception is the first page with the author block and essay title, in which the text runs from one line space below the title to the one-inch margin at the bottom.
- -Single space after period (or punctuation) at end of sentence.
- List last name and page # on every page, upper right corner;
- Capitalize words in the title except for articles and prepositions;
- Don’t underline the title;
- Only one return between title, paragraphs;
- Don’t use the essay question for a title;
- Use a creative title of your own;
- Move away from using 2nd person pronoun;
- Move away from using 1st person pronoun;
- Don’t bold the title;
- Use PIE in every paragraph;
- Include a cover memo;
- Always provide a thesis statement;
- Have at least five paragraphs;
- Be mindful of punctuation;
- *Students should always keep an electronic copy of work in case of loss (yours or mine).
- 4 full pages, double-spaced.
- MLA format.
—————————————Below is an example
Brad Pitt Prof. ENGL 1A 15 October 2020 Title of Your Own [Indent first line of each paragraph.] [Put thesis statement at the end of the INTRODUCTION] |
POINT: If a person wants to perform at a high level, then she needs to ____________________________.
INTRODUCE EXAMPLE: For example, let’s say a person desires _____________________.
RHETORICAL QUESTION: What should she do?
EXPLAIN EXAMPLE BY ANSWERING THE QUESTION: First, she should __________________________________________________________________________. She should also _____________________________________________________________. Most importantly, she should __________________________________________________. SHOW OUTCOME: By doing these things she will learn _______________________________. She will understand that _________________________________________.
RESTATE YOUR POINT: Therefore, understanding __________________________________ will lead to a person’s success in life. |
If a person wants to perform at a high academic level, then she needs to make it a priority to put herself in front of wise counsel. In other words, an individual should seek out fair witnesses, elders, or experienced friends that can give advice regarding school. For example, let’s say a young woman is nearing the end of her high school studies, and she hasn’t really done well. What should she do? Where should she go to know what she might do next? First, she should fix in her mind that she will find a few people that know something a little more than she does about doing well in school work. She should try to find someone in her immediate family whom she can trust to guide her choices. By doing these things, she makes herself more teachable and open to the experiences of others. She understands that the expertise of others can enlighten her own performance. Therefore, seeking out those with more experience ensures that an individual will gain clarity on what it takes to perform well in school.
John F. Kennedy University Demand and its Determinants Essay Economics Assignment Help
Write a 1-2 page report that explains the law of demand and the determinants of demand using the following example and set of scenarios:
A study found that lower airfares led some people to substitute flying for driving to their vacation destinations. This reduced the demand for car travel and led to reduced traffic fatalities, since air travel is safer per passenger mile than car travel. Using the logic suggested by that study, suggest how each of the following events would affect the number of highway fatalities in any one year as well as how each of the following would affect the demand curve for driving to vacation destinations.
- An increase in the price of gasoline
- A large reduction in rental rates for passenger vans
- An increase in airfares
Once you have considered the scenarios above, research another good or service that has a substitute. Imagine three different scenarios that could affect the demand curve for that good or service. Follow the same procedure as above, explaining how each scenario would affect the demand for the good or service.
Be sure to define demand and the determinants of demand in your response. Also address the question, how does a movement along the demand curve differ from a shift in the demand curve?
University of Miami Human Resource Management in the Public Sector Paper Humanities Assignment Help
From the references in that Human resource paper or from the public administration journals, you will find 12 other papers on the Human resource subject. After reading this set of papers, you will provide a literature review paper that is 8-10 pages long (double-spaced, 12 pt. font). The paper will identify three key themes of the literature,
Themes such as (protecting employment rights, performance improvement or turnover etc.)
- Introduction
- Theme 1
- Theme 2
- Theme 3
- Conclusion
APA style
Note: can you keep me updated on what themes and journals will choose.
University of Miami Human Resource Management in the Public Sector Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NUR 439 Chamberlain College of Nursing PICOT Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Discussion Questions
Professional nurses rely on research findings to inform practice decisions; they use critical thinking to apply research directly to specific patient care situations.
Think about an independent nursing practice problem you care passionately about and would be interested in searching for evidence.
The below problems should not be used:
*medical/doctor/physician problems such as medications, or medications administration or effects, diagnostics such as EKGs, labs, cardiac catherizations.
*staffing, nurse-to-patient ratios, workforce issues are organizational/system /political/administrative/multi-stakeholder problems which nursing cannot solve independently.
- Describe a significant nursing clinical issue, topic of interest, or practice problem that is important to you. Describe why you chose the problem/topic.
- Write your clinical question in the PICO(T) format for your nursing practice problem.
- *To write your clinical question in the PICO(T) format, use the NR439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples found in your required reading or access the following link:
NR439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples (Links to an external site.)
- List each of your PICOT elements.
Share why you care about this nursing practice problem and why you believe the problem would benefit from finding the best evidence.
Framing Thin Slice Business Articulation Critical Thinking Writing Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business multi-part question and need guidance to help me study.
1. Describe a real-world example where you’ve encountered an issue related to framing.
- Perhaps it’s in the political arena, or advertising. Or perhaps it’s a more specific, individual situation.
- Explain the framing, and how it affected you—or how you avoided it.
Use the topics/examples of political parties having control over media outlets like nbc, cnn, fox, etc. forcing broadcasters to frame events/news in the way they please
this should be No more than 250 words but should be around 250
2. Read the attachment reading of “Malcolm Gladwell’s model of “thin slicing.”
We all thin slice in certain situations. Consider two examples from your own life where you employ this type of thinking:
- One example of when you thin slice and it’s appropriate to do so.
- One example when you do (or did—perhaps it’s a specific instance) thin slice, but you shouldn’t have. A slower, analytical approach was called for. What steps do/should you take to avoid poor decision-making in this situation?
Make this about but no more than 200 words
San Diego State University Disability as A Means of Innovation Paper Humanities Assignment Help
There is great discussion and distress around the subject of societal responses to Covid-19 as it relates to people with disabilities. Whether it be people with medical disabilities/pre-existing conditions, or people with a mental health, developmental, intellectual, or sensory disabilities, the experience of quarantine, social distancing, and the question of receiving medical or other assistance, are daunting for many people with disabilities and their loved-ones. However, most nondisabled people remain unaware of how the Coronavirus is threatening the lives and life quality of people in the disability community. Your task is to learn about how Covid-19 is affecting people with disabilities and then write a thoughtful summary response using the criteria below.
GEOG UNO Difference Between Explicit Racism and Structural Racism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
In order to understand the human consequences of redlining and to connect the housing issues caused by redlining to present issues, please watch…
After watching the video and doing some brief internet research, answer the below questions:
- Explain each of the four color classifications shown in the exhibit’s redlining map and how those classifications impacted lending.
- Explain the difference between explicit racism and structural racism and give an example of each.
- How has redlining impacted generational wealth? (HINT: how is generational wealth commonly acquired?)
- What is a racial covenant?
- Discuss an consequences of redlining.
Optional: For additional information on the past discriminatory practice of redlining in Omaha, and the affects it has on today, read or watch:…