PSYC 325 Colorado Technical University Technology of Social Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

PSYC 325 Colorado Technical University Technology of Social Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. PSYC 325 Colorado Technical University Technology of Social Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 500–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

You are at a social media conference and attending a panel discussion on current trends.

  • What types of questions would you ask? Why?
  • What types of information would you seek? Why?

The discussion must be written in an integrative manner that fully discusses each discussion point in full, providing complete analysis and utilizing your research. All research must be cited in the discussion and listed at the end of your post. A minimum of 3 scholarly or professional business references for support are required. APA Style

Please read the attached file for additional guidelines.

PSYC 325 Colorado Technical University Technology of Social Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of the District of Columbia Patagonia Case Study Writing Assignment Help

1- State the extent to which you agree with the following: Patagonia should build the proposed used clothing market with Ebay. Choose One!

-Agree .  -Strongly Agree .  -Neither Disagree or Agree .  – Disagree .  -Strongly Disagree 

2- What is the #1 way in which Patagonia’s CSR (corporate social responsibility) aims support their  goals?business strategy

3- Milton Friedman, the famous economist said, “The business of business is business” meaning that companies don’t have social responsibilities beyond maximizing profit (within the law). In what business types or industries are effective CSR efforts *least* likely to contribute to firm profits? Why?

4- Consider the company or organization that you work for and then state the extent to which you agree with the following:             “Our CSR program is aligned with our overall business strategy.”  Choose One!

-Agree .  -Strongly Agree .  -Neither Disagree or Agree .  – Disagree .  -Strongly Disagree .  -N/A


Corporate Social Responsibilities:…

Triple Bottom Line:…


PSY 103 University of Phoenix? W 2 Individual Learning Experience Paper Humanities Assignment Help

PSY/103: Introduction To Psychology

Wk 2 Individual: Learning Experience Paper [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Learning Experience Paper Grading Guide Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing an informal learning experience you have had. You may describe, for example, how you became afraid of heights, why a particular food or smell moves you emotionally, or why you dislike elevators. The experience must be concrete and can be singular or an experience that occurred over a longer period.Describe the experience by applying learning theories from this week’s readings to the steps involved. Include the following:

    • Identify what you learned from the experience.
    • Describe how your learning could have occurred through classical conditioning. Identify the unconditioned stimulus, the unconditioned response, the conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response.
    • Explain how your learning could have occurred through operant conditioning. Describe the behavior, consequence, and reinforcement. Indicate the schedule of reinforcement, if applicable.
    • Address how your learning could have occurred through cognitive-social learning.
    • Conclude by comparing classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive-social learning.

    Include at least two references from the University Library.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Submit your assignment.



Sofia University The Leadership Challenge Essay Business Finance Assignment Help


  • Read pages 1 thru 115 of The Leadership Challenge, by James M. Kouzes and Barry M. Posner, © 2017 and then write a short reflection piece sharing the most significant learnings you got out of the reading.Maximum length of your essay should be no more than three pages.
  • In your essay, please put the date you completed the assignment, your name, and your student ID number in the top left corner of your paper.

Key Topics:

  • The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
  • The Ten Commitments of Leadership


Upon completing this assignment, students will:

  • Be able to identify the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership and provide examples of each.
  • Be able to list the Ten Commitments and explain their basic meaning.
  • Be able to show the alignment or mapping of the Ten Commitments to the Five Practices.


UC Irvine Relationship Between Guns and Street Gangs Paper Writing Assignment Help

1.What makes a “prison gang” different from a street gang or a disruptive group? Discuss how/why the Mexican Mafia emerged as the first U.S. prison gang and how they have evolved since the 1960’s. Who are La Eme’s main allies and rivals? Finally, what is the relationship between La Eme and the Sureños, and what influence does the Mexican Mafia continue to exert today? .

2.What is the relationship between guns, street gangs, and drug trafficking organizations? Why do you think guns are such a significant part of the gang culture? What value does a gun have for a gang member? Explain why and how violence can change a person, from all three of the perspectives: victim, witness, and perpetrator.

As an online course, students cannot physically hand in assignments, so they are required to participate in the Forums. Check the discussion forums each week to see the topics. For each week, students must choose one FORUM question to answer and post once: the post is due on that week’s Thursday by 11:30pm PDT. The post must consist of a short-essay with course citations and be a minimum of 6-8 FULL paragraphs long. Each full post is worth 20 points, short posts (short paragraphs-ones with a few sentences) will be worth 5 to 10 points. EACH WEEKS FORUM POST IS WORTH a total of 20 POINTS, for a total of 100 points (17% of your grade). POST your forum response on the class web site AND email a copy of your posts directly to your group leader, see above for details!!! If you do not email your posts to your group leader on time you will not receive credit for them.

Students should respond to one of the topics presented for each week. Posts should reflect well-thought-out, intelligent points of discussion and thinking/analytical skills are required. You must provide answers that represent upper-division-level work. Make sure that your ideas relate to the subject at hand and include properly cited information taken from the course materials, lectures or text! (APA/MLA). Opinions matter, but posts should draw from, and properly cite, the course materials too. Students must apply what they learned to their posts in order to support arguments, offer examples, or provide statistical facts. Please cite materials you quote, and refrain from (or at least be very careful) when using any outside sources. A lot of information on the internet is inaccurate, and we do not want to confuse or misinform others.



University of Florida Hydroponic Cultivation Persuasive Speech Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this speech is to persuade (hydroponic cultivation is the best sustainable option to provide fresh food to growing population) your audience to take specific action on your issue.Use at least three credible sources to which you can refer during your speech.

Organize the speech as discussed in class, with an effective introduction, body, and conclusion. As discussed in the lecture on science communication, the introduction should use an interest approach featuring the “bottom line,” or main conclusion, of your speech as well as previewing the three main points. The body should elaborate on the three main points with supporting information. The conclusion should include a call to action. Cite your sources in APA style. Also, the duration of the presentation is 7-8 minutes.

University of Florida Hydroponic Cultivation Persuasive Speech Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 420 Embry Riddle Aeronautical Under Armour Aggregated Planning Strategy HW Business Finance Assignment Help

When producing an aggregate plan for a firm, managers have several

strategies that they can use. In general, there are two groups of plans;

ones that attempt to alter capacity and the other that attempts to

smooth out demand patterns. Picking the right one is an art, not

science. Many variables must be considered to find the right fit for

your operation.

Find an example of a company’s aggregate planning strategy. You can
use the strategy from the firm where you currently work or where you
have worked in the past; you can conduct an Internet search or use the
Hunt Library resources.

Analyze the company’s aggregate planning strategy and then provide the following in your discussion.

  • Background on the company processes
  • Outline their aggregate planning strategy, relating the strategy to the textbook
  • Your opinion on whether the company is using the best aggregate planning strategy
  • An alternate strategy that might also work for the company
  • Advantages or disadvantages to the current and alternative strategies


NURS 6003 Walden Wk 7 Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help

The Directions are below…

Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan
Part 4: Research Analysis

Architect Daniel Libeskind is credited with saying “To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history, but to articulate it.” The suggestion is that his work does not copy the efforts of others but relies on it.

Understanding the work of others is critically important to new work. Contributions to the nursing body of knowledge can happen when you are able to analyze and articulate the efforts of previous research. Research analysis skills are therefore critical tools for your toolbox.

In this Assignment, you will locate relevant existing research. You also will analyze this research using a tool helpful for analysis.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources this Module’s Learning Resources in support of locating and analyzing research.
  • Use the Walden Library to identify and read one peer-reviewed research article focused on a topic in your specialty field that interests you.
  • Review the article you selected and reflect on the professional practice use of theories/concepts described by the article.

The Assignment:

Using the “Module 4 | Part 4” section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following:

  • Your topic of interest.
  • A correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details.
  • Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.
  • Analysis of the article using the “Research Analysis Matrix” section of the template
  • Write a 1-paragraph justification stating whether you would recommend this article to inform professional practice.
  • Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:
    • Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.
    • Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.
    • Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.


Sofia University Macro Conditions and Environmental Contexts Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


  • Read the following articles to get a sense of the many macro conditions and environmental contexts in which leaders must guide their followers in the modern world.
    • “2020 Leadership Trends that Shape the World of Work,” Flashpoint Leadership Consulting, January 21, 2020.
    • “Workforce Strategies for Post COVID-19 Recovery,” Deloitte (2020).
  • Other macro conditions that leaders need to be aware of and that will affect their leadership:
    • COVID 19 pandemic
    • The 4th Industrial Revolution
    • Climate change
    • Natural environment sustainability
    • The need for digital adaptation and transformation
    • “Software is eating the world”
    • The impact of artificial intelligence on business
    • Automation
    • Big data:The most important asset in the 21st Century
    • Workforce diversity
    • Reskilling and upskilling / Workforce of the Future / The Future of Work
    • Need for agile, collaborative organizational culture


  • To complete this assignment, you will need to not only read the two articles provided, but also carry out a small amount of independent research on the types of macro conditions identified above and listed as “a” through “l.”
  • Overall, your task is to write up to a three-page reflection piece on the significance of the macro conditions that make up the environment in which modern business is conducted.
  • To help you work through this assignment, I recommend that you study a number of the topics listed, such as artificial intelligence, automation, COVID-19, or the 4th Industrial Revolution to consider why these topics are important.
  • Then, after you have studied these subjects, give me your opinion about which ideas or issues made the biggest impression on you, and why this was so.


PHIL 101 Southwestern College Who Are You Physicalism View Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Answer all the questions 3-5 sentences.

Most questions will be based on the Chapter material and their individual articles. These are many great questions. Again some will prompt you to answer based on the Chapter readings and other questions will prompt you on your own personal insights and reflections. All students are expected to read these articles before you begin your homework assignments.

Pease take each homework assignment seriously. Please take the time to complete all homework assignments. I expected to see time and effort dedicated to your homework assignments. Homework assignments are based on the chapter readings and your own personal perspectives and understandings of the questions.

Please expect to write out at least 3-5 sentences for each question. If you write less, then you will not earn as much points. If you write more than you may be awarded extra points.

The homework assignments are there for you as students to better understand the material and are ways for you to present the material in YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not copy word for word from the textbook.

I have the book and I have read the material. By reading and answering the questions in your own words, you can gain a better understanding of the material.



  • To complete this assignment, you will need to not only read the two articles provided, but also carry out a small amount of independent research on the types of macro conditions identified above and listed as “a” through “l.”
  • Overall, your task is to write up to a three-page reflection piece on the significance of the macro conditions that make up the environment in which modern business is conducted.
  • To help you work through this assignment, I recommend that you study a number of the topics listed, such as artificial intelligence, automation, COVID-19, or the 4th Industrial Revolution to consider why these topics are important.
  • Then, after you have studied these subjects, give me your opinion about which ideas or issues made the biggest impression on you, and why this was so.


PHIL 101 Southwestern College Who Are You Physicalism View Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Answer all the questions 3-5 sentences.

Most questions will be based on the Chapter material and their individual articles. These are many great questions. Again some will prompt you to answer based on the Chapter readings and other questions will prompt you on your own personal insights and reflections. All students are expected to read these articles before you begin your homework assignments.

Pease take each homework assignment seriously. Please take the time to complete all homework assignments. I expected to see time and effort dedicated to your homework assignments. Homework assignments are based on the chapter readings and your own personal perspectives and understandings of the questions.

Please expect to write out at least 3-5 sentences for each question. If you write less, then you will not earn as much points. If you write more than you may be awarded extra points.

The homework assignments are there for you as students to better understand the material and are ways for you to present the material in YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not copy word for word from the textbook.

I have the book and I have read the material. By reading and answering the questions in your own words, you can gain a better understanding of the material.



  • To complete this assignment, you will need to not only read the two articles provided, but also carry out a small amount of independent research on the types of macro conditions identified above and listed as “a” through “l.”
  • Overall, your task is to write up to a three-page reflection piece on the significance of the macro conditions that make up the environment in which modern business is conducted.
  • To help you work through this assignment, I recommend that you study a number of the topics listed, such as artificial intelligence, automation, COVID-19, or the 4th Industrial Revolution to consider why these topics are important.
  • Then, after you have studied these subjects, give me your opinion about which ideas or issues made the biggest impression on you, and why this was so.


PHIL 101 Southwestern College Who Are You Physicalism View Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Answer all the questions 3-5 sentences.

Most questions will be based on the Chapter material and their individual articles. These are many great questions. Again some will prompt you to answer based on the Chapter readings and other questions will prompt you on your own personal insights and reflections. All students are expected to read these articles before you begin your homework assignments.

Pease take each homework assignment seriously. Please take the time to complete all homework assignments. I expected to see time and effort dedicated to your homework assignments. Homework assignments are based on the chapter readings and your own personal perspectives and understandings of the questions.

Please expect to write out at least 3-5 sentences for each question. If you write less, then you will not earn as much points. If you write more than you may be awarded extra points.

The homework assignments are there for you as students to better understand the material and are ways for you to present the material in YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not copy word for word from the textbook.

I have the book and I have read the material. By reading and answering the questions in your own words, you can gain a better understanding of the material.



  • To complete this assignment, you will need to not only read the two articles provided, but also carry out a small amount of independent research on the types of macro conditions identified above and listed as “a” through “l.”
  • Overall, your task is to write up to a three-page reflection piece on the significance of the macro conditions that make up the environment in which modern business is conducted.
  • To help you work through this assignment, I recommend that you study a number of the topics listed, such as artificial intelligence, automation, COVID-19, or the 4th Industrial Revolution to consider why these topics are important.
  • Then, after you have studied these subjects, give me your opinion about which ideas or issues made the biggest impression on you, and why this was so.


PHIL 101 Southwestern College Who Are You Physicalism View Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Answer all the questions 3-5 sentences.

Most questions will be based on the Chapter material and their individual articles. These are many great questions. Again some will prompt you to answer based on the Chapter readings and other questions will prompt you on your own personal insights and reflections. All students are expected to read these articles before you begin your homework assignments.

Pease take each homework assignment seriously. Please take the time to complete all homework assignments. I expected to see time and effort dedicated to your homework assignments. Homework assignments are based on the chapter readings and your own personal perspectives and understandings of the questions.

Please expect to write out at least 3-5 sentences for each question. If you write less, then you will not earn as much points. If you write more than you may be awarded extra points.

The homework assignments are there for you as students to better understand the material and are ways for you to present the material in YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not copy word for word from the textbook.

I have the book and I have read the material. By reading and answering the questions in your own words, you can gain a better understanding of the material.


PSYC 325 Colorado Technical University Technology of Social Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

PSYC 325 Colorado Technical University Technology of Social Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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