PUB 550 Grand Canyon University Statistics Assignement Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

PUB 550 Grand Canyon University Statistics Assignement Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. PUB 550 Grand Canyon University Statistics Assignement Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.

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The purpose of this assignment is to practice calculating and interpreting the Pearson correlation coefficient and a chi-square test of independence.

For this assignment, complete Problems 13.132 and 15.88 in the textbook. Include your process for conducting the calculations. You can complete the calculations by hand or using Excel or SPSS. If you use Excel or SPSS, copy and paste your output results into a Word document.

When addressing each textbook problem, provide a response for each of the six steps of hypothesis testing listed below.

  1. Pick a test.
  2. Check the assumptions.
  3. List the hypotheses.
  4. Set the decision rule.
  5. Calculate the test statistic.
  6. Interpret the results. (What was done? What was found? What does it mean? What suggestions exist for future research?)

Submit a Word document with your problem answers to each of the six steps. If Excel or SPSS was used to complete the assignment, submit the second Word document containing the screenshots to the instructor.

13.132 A sociologist wanted to see if there was a relationship between a family’s educational status and the eliteness of the college that their oldest child attended. She measured educational status by counting how many years of education beyond high school the parents had received. In addition, she measured the eliteness of the school by its yearly tuition, in thousands (e.g., 5 = $5,000). She obtained a random sample of 10 families.

Families 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Years post-

HS education 0 7 8 8 4 5 12 17 8 2

Yearly tuition 12 26 3318 20 7 15 38 41 5

15.88 A political scientist developed a theory that after an election, supporters of the losing candi-date removed the bumper stickers from their cars faster than did supporters of the winning candidate. The day before a presidential election, he randomly selected parking lots, and at each selected parking lot, he randomly selected one car with a bumper sticker and recorded which candidate it supported. The day after the election, he followed the same procedure with a new sample of randomly selected parking lots. For both days, he then classified the bumper stickers as supporting the winning or losing candidate. Below are the results. Use hypothesis testing to see if a difference exists between how winners and losers behave.

Observed Frequencies

Winner Loser

Before 34 32

After 28 10

PUB 550 Grand Canyon University Statistics Assignement Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

JWI 530 Strayer University Cost System Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

please respond to the two peers:

Costing Systems and Analysis

Option 1

Discuss the usage and creation of standard costs by an operation. How are these costs developed? How can they be used in the creation of a forecast? How can these be used in an individual or organizational measurement system?

– OR –

Option 2

Discuss a current business activity that you or your department does that could be improved by leveraging Variance Analysis. Discuss the perspective you could gain, and what a “favorable price” and a “favorable quantity” variance mean in this application.

peer #1

2 days ago

Shaqcueal Jones

RE: Week 7 Discussion


Hi Professor and classmates,

This week we are looking at costing systems and Analysis

Option 1

Discuss the usage and creation of standard costs by an operation.

The discuss of standard cost is the Variable Cost Variances: Standard Variable Cost – Actual Variable Cost X Actual Volume = Cost Variance. Normal conditions are examples of material cost, labor cost (1). In my department, we see a lot of changes when it comes to standard cost as far as waste, downtime since. I work in dining services things are always changing we do a lot of serving food and products along with catering of parties.

How are these costs developed?

The standard costing system involves estimating the required cost of the production process. The average cost of all elements by purchasing products for our area it can become costly depending on the items needed. The use of coffee is the most profitable to me we have a shipment of at least five to 6 bulk boxes of Starbucks coffee beans. Each week we run through so many supplies of coffee the company spends. A lot since the prices have risen for the buying Starbucks beans at least $26 dollars or more for the bulk.

How can they be used in the creation of a forecast?

The demands and for services and use of good the cost of a single cup of coffee is $2 and for specialty drinks runs around $3-$4. Not even including the price for food items that are brought (2) CVP-cost volume cost includes Revenue, the variable cost, Fixed cost this all plays a big role in our company because we have to split part of our costs with the campus it’s at least half of what me make so for the company to see any profit the sales on foods and drinks have to be raised.

How can these be used in an individual or organizational measurement system?

The organization I work for the use of coffee sales and food sales are measured by how much we use Quantity Variances: (Actual Quantity- Standard Quantity) X Actual quantity. So, the company has to downsize on products brought if they can work on the sales on how it is begin used and buying not many supplies. I believe we can achieve higher goals and sales will be proficient and that way you will know which way to go.


  1. JWI 530 EOP Video: CVP-cost volume Profit
  2. Finance For Non-Financial Management ch.10

peer #2

2 days ago

Paul Weaver

RE: Week 7 Discussion


Hello Professor Miller and Classmates,

Option 1

Discuss the usage and creation of standard costs by an operation.

Standard or average costs are used instead of the actual cost of each item as an optional cost accounting approach. By using average costs, companies can more easily plan budgets and recognize cost irregularities as they occur (1).

Standard costs are created by an organization to simplify estimating and budgeting of costs by taking into consideration normal variations in cost (1).

How are these costs developed?

Standard costs are developed based on the budgeted direct (material and labor) and indirect (overhead) costs (3). These steps carefully examine the manufacturing process and material alternatives to meet product requirements and establish robust processes. Various manufacturing processes are considered based on volume, timing, and associated overhead costs.

From a development perspective, the budget costs or target costs are established very early in the process based on estimates for selling price, market strategy and planned profit margin. At every step along the way the target costs are closely reviewed.

How can they be used in the creation of a forecast?

The standard cost is a measure of how much one unit of product or service should cost to produce or deliver (3). The standard costs of a product will be made up of the components required to produce the product (3). The standard cost of 1 unit multiplied by the sales forecast for a given period of time would provide the cost of the product for that forecast period.

How can these be used in an individual or organizational measurement system?

In the standard costing system, the company can see the variances and make budgetary adjustments as needed. The goal is to improve operations (5).



  1. JWI520. 2020. Week 7, Lecture Notes: and EOP Videos
  2. Siciliano, B.(2015). Finance for Nonfinancial Managers. CWL Publishing Enterprises.
  3. Rapier D.(January 26, 1996). Standard Costs and Variance Analysis. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.
  4. Bragg S. (December 21, 2018). Variance Analysis. Accounting Tools:
  5. Shamsa. (n.d.).Standard Costs & Management by Exception. Accounting Details:


CMOS Technology Advancement Explained in Moore Law Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

tech story

IT Artifact & IS Architecture Assignment.

Rubric, Course Points, & Due Date via CNVS



  • Write a report in APA format to:
  • Identify a specific organizational/business IT/IS instance and report the characteristics of the artifact & architecture with respect to the timeline of development and managerial implications.
    • Draw from your text and class lectures including but not limited to: IT Artifact & IS Architecture including Moore’s Law, Technology Stack, Cumbie’s IS Model, & System Architectures.


  • Demonstrate understanding fundamental IT and IS concepts within an organizational context
  • Maps to the CIS Course Learning Objective #1: relate fundamental system development concepts and terminology
  • Litmus test: could this be a story that fits in the Art & Arc lectures?


  1. Find a story/source – Research news and business publications to identify a historical instance of an IT Artifact/IS System impacting a particular business or business, in general.
    • HINT: Dr. brown references many stories/cases in lectures; you may select one and research further.
  2. Apply Concepts – Note the association of this story with specific course content. Corroborate or refute any detail.
    Fully “appreciate” the artifact and system & describe all components. This may call for additional research and sources.
  1. Consider the managerial implications.
  1. Report your findings in a logical narrative with clearly marked sections and appropriate use of bullets and lists.

For example

An example for this assignment would be to chronicle the events & technology of AHSC replacing paper-based medical supplies and ordering forms by bringing in dedicated computers into hospitals for staff to directly interact with the company’s ordering system.

Vitale, M. R. (1985). American Hospital Supply Corp.: The ASAP System (A). Harvard Business School Cases, 1.


    1. APA Format, refer to Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) APA Sample Paper
    2. Use ONE font, one size. This includes the header and page numbers.
    3. Tips: Italicize software, system names, e.g., Canvas, Microsoft, Gmail.
    4. Use footnotes for software or web pages, e.g., would have a footnote with the URL, date accessed, and other pertinent information.
    5. Do not cite my lectures. Instead, track down a source to corroborate. As me if you can’t find anything.
    6. Do not use contractions, like I just did “can’t”
    7. Use sparingly: first person
    8. Refer to research in past tense: “Wiggum stated that…”
    9. Avoid passive, write direct: “This paper investigates” vs. “This paper will look into the…”
    10. Avoid non-contributory statement and superfluous language. “This is very important” is the same to me as “This is important.” Always, never..are wise to avoid.
    11. Do not relate or include company marketing language: “Our product is a game-changer for all business organizations and will transform your inventory…” If you are including it, make sure it is in context: The company purported the system to do the following:…
    1. Identify an appropriate story and sources. A general story without detail is hard to analyze for IS components.
    2. Includes all sections with expected content, e.g., conclusion with summary + judgement statement.
    1. Submit via TurnItIn: Originality Score < 17%
    2. Correctly identifies and reports events, concepts, and other facets in the report.
  4. TECH
    1. Defines and describes all include technology and concepts (big rule)
    2. Sufficient inclusion of tech terms, exhaustive and no major omissions.
    1. Overall completeness, logical and clear narrative.
    2. Sufficient to include as course content
    3. Relative to peer submissions


Gannon University Federal Debt Limit Case Study Analysis Economics Assignment Help

Directions: There are two mini-case discussion questions taken from your textbook and listed below. Your instructor will assign you one question. Respond to the assigned question. Your initial post should be approximately 200 words and reference the weekly instructional materials and assigned readings to support your discussion. Remember to cite your sources using APA style.

Question 2: Minicase: The Federal Debt Limit as a Constraint (Rubin, page 24)

Read this case and other updated materials (searched by yourself), please share your thinking with your peers about why the Federal Debt has been increasing. Do you feel that the Federal Debt has a limit or not? Why or why not?

respond to file 1 and File 2 in the attached peers. Your response to each peer should be at least 150 words. Your response should extend or add to the conversation. You may


TCC Diverse Communities Common Concerns Assessing Health Care Quality For Minority Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

A growing, profitable internal medicine practice of 10 physicians, 2 physician assistants, a physical therapist, and a massage therapist is located in a city of 150,000 people. The clinical personnel are mostly from the majority group in the area and consider themselves open-minded, altruistic, and culturally aware. The administrative support staff is representative of the makeup of the patient population—mostly minority groups in the local community. The patient population is growing and becoming more diverse from those newly arrived in the city. The practice is currently facing several challenges.

QuestIons 1. The practice manager wants to have the local hospital expert on cultural competency come talk to the staff. The administrative support staff does not feel that they need training. How should the practice manager proceed?

2. The practice needs to hire a new administrative assistant to work with the front desk staff. The practice wishes to hire someone from the local minority community rather than an equally qualified individual from another state. How should the practice manager proceed? Justify the rationale for this recommendation.

3. With the recent growth, the practice is considering relocating its office to another, larger office facility. Several options are being discussed. Should they relocate to a more affluent area of the city that is less diverse? Or should they stay in the same neighborhood, even if it is less profitable? What are the pros and cons of staying in this neighborhood versus moving to another area? If the rent is higher in the more diverse area, is that enough to justify not moving there? Or is diversity responsiveness a “cost of doing business?” How should the practice manager proceed?

4. The practice wants to maintain its good standing in the community. What initiatives could it undertake to remain connected to its local patient population?

5. The practice manager wants to complete a strategic plan as a guiding framework for the organization for the next five years. From whom should she get input to help shape this plan? Should cultural competency initiatives be included in this plan?

The length of the case analysis should be approximately 1,000 words (excluding the reference list at the end of the paper). The paper should also apply and cite at least three external references above and beyond the textbook. APA format is required.



Maryville University APRNs California Report Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


  • Please complete the questions listed below in the assignment.
    • Provide supporting Documentation and Resource Links.
    • This must be at least 2 pages paper, APA format.


State (California) ; APRN (Advanced practice Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner)

  1. Determine if your practice state is an independent practice state for APRNs using the AANP map.
  2. Look up the APRN prescribing regulations in your state.
  3. What are the safe prescribing recommendations for APRN’s in your state? This will vary depending on the level of practice authority.
  4. Does your state have a Prescriptions Drug Monitoring Program? If so, explain. If not, please describe current legislation regarding this topic.
  5. What are the barriers to APRN’s prescribing in your state?
  6. What local or national organizations are available for you to join to support the cause for advancing practice/prescribing for APRN’s?

Give a minimum of two (2) APA references to support your findings. Be sure to follow APA format.

Maryville University APRNs California Report Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BC Enhancement and Cheating Implications for Policy in Sport Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Pick one of the two articles attached below to answer this question

this responses should be 2-3 pages in length (no more than 750 words). One half of the response should be a summary while the other half should be a critical response to the article. A good critique not only points out an issue but explains why the issue is an important one. You should bring up at least 2 criticisms. You are required to respond to one article. You can do a second article response if you choose, I will count the highest grade toward your final grade! Your grade will be assessed using the following criteria:

(1) – clear writing. These are short responses so being too wordy or unclear will drastically affect your ability to meet the 3 page maximum. Lack of clarity also affects my ability to assess your criticisms.
(2) – accuracy of summary. Did you leave out any important points? Did you seem to understand the article?
(3) – quality of your criticism. Did you consider the best possible criticism or was your criticism easily handled by the original article itself or with a basic understanding of the thesis of the article?

(4) – explanation of why the criticisms are important. Did you explain your criticism sufficiently?


Rutgers Newark Paper Clothing & Love Self Expression Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

This week in your Three Objects in Focus video and the readings, you were introduced to paper clothing. Paper clothing, in the form of women’s dresses and other clothes made from disposable cellulose fabric, was a short-lived fashion novelty item in the United States in the 1960s. The paper dress captured the vibrant, youthful, optimistic and consumerist zeitgeist of 1960s America so precisely that the fashion press speculated about paper garments taking over the entire clothes market. But as the novelty appeal of paper clothes wore off, their downsides became more apparent: they were generally ill-fitting and uncomfortable to wear, their garish colors could rub off, they were often flammable, and of course they very soon ended up as waste. By 1968, paper clothing had disappeared from the market.

While no longer encountered in mass-market fashion, the cellulose fabrics once used to make paper clothes are still employed to make disposable garments for work environments, such as hospital gowns, scrubs, and coveralls. Contemporary designers interested in employing new and sustainable materials, are looking towards paper.

For this reflection assignment, I would like you to take on the role as paper clothing designer in the 1960s. You are trying to convince a leading department store to carry your line of paper clothing. What would your pitch be to the executives? Consider and reference the readings you did this week. You are also free to research on your own. What are some of the selling points? How do your designs capture the 1960s era? Remember, you are traveling back in your time machine to the 1960s. What was society and culture interested in then?

What needs to be included in the submission?

Submit a 5-7 sentence pitch of why the department store should carry your line of paper clothing. Consider the questions included in the assignment overview.


FIN 335 NYU The Truth About Lies Article Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

  • What group in Ariely’s classes did the best on their papers? (see the chapter on self-control and procrastination) Why did they do the best?
  • What is the endowment effect (the high price of ownership)? Why does it take place according to Ariely?
  • What were the results of the door game? (Chapter on “Keeping Door’s Open) Why are these results significant?
  • How do expectations change our behavior? In your answer explain the results of Ariely’s beer study with vinegar.
  • How does price influence the impact of placebos? Why does this happen?
  • According to Ariely, why is it that when people are able to cheat they only cheat a little bit? Use the film Dis(honesty):The Truth About Lies in your answer.
  • Again use the film Dis(honesty): The Truth About Lies in this answer. When people were first asked to recite the Ten Commandments, what happened to the cheating? Why? Why don’t we have a real honor code at Pace? It seem like it works in the research and we know that people need constant reminders of being honest.
  • In the film, Dis(Honesty): The Truth About Lies, Walt talks about the financial fraud he committed at MCI as simply moving numbers on a spreadsheet. How does DISTANCE FROM MONEY — and things like credit cards and electronic transactions — make it easier for us to misbehave financially?
  • Why is it that we would be generally happier if we wrote down our order for dinner (or beer) than announce it to the waiter?
  • Why are there free lunches in reality-based economics (behavioral) but not in standard economics?
  • How did you like Predictability Irrational? Explain.
  • I want you to watch the following movie: “Dis(Honesty): The Truth about Lies” (it is 2.99 on (it is 89 minutes long so it is full length film). I want you then to answer the following questions related to the film (some questions can be answered with just one sentence—some require a bit more):
    1. What is the fudge factor?
    2. Which story of lying was most compelling to you? Why?
    3. When you lie, what happens to the probability that you will lie again? Why?
    4. One of the issues that comes out in the film is that tiny interventions seem to work better in making people honest than extensive courses on morality. Why is this?
    5. Behavioral Insights team in England. Added one line of text to the tax statement. What happened?
    6. What did they find out about Scandinavian countries and trust? What did they find out about the relationship between African and South American countries and trust? How important is social trust to economic growth?
    7. In the video, Ariely states: “It is not about being bad, it is about being human” What does Ariely mean by this?
    8. How much cheating goes on at Pace in your opinion? Explain.
    9. Do you think cheating has gone up with all classes moving to online with the coronavirus? Why or Why not?
    10. How can we lessen cheating at Pace?


NSG 416 UP Week 4 Theory Guided Practice in A Clinical Setting Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

NSG/416: Theoretical Development And Conceptual Frameworks

Assignment Content

  1. Use the six criteria from this week’s readings from Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice (Chapters 5 and 7) as a guide for this assignment.
  2. Select a practice/clinical setting. (I would choose the Emergency Room)
  3. Use the following six criteria to select a theory appropriate for the setting you chose:
    • Clinical setting
    • Origin of the theory
    • Paradigms as a basis for choice
    • Simplicity
    • Patient’s needs
    • Understandability

    Explain what practice or clinical setting you chose, how the six criteria helped you choose, and why the selected theory is well suited to it.

  4. Cite a minimum of two in-text sources, and include a page or slide with APA-formatted references.
    Format your assignment as one of the following:

    • 1,050- to 1,225-word paper


PUB 550 Grand Canyon University Statistics Assignement Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

PUB 550 Grand Canyon University Statistics Assignement Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

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