Public Policy Management Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Public Policy Management Presentation Writing Assignment Help. Public Policy Management Presentation Writing Assignment Help.

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Public Policy and Management

1. Tutor must thoroughly read the assigned reading on: Shui-Yan Tang and Daniel A. Mazmanian (2010) “Understanding Collaborative Governance from the Structural Choice Politics, IAD, and Transaction Cost Perspectives,” Working Paper, USC Bedrosian Center on Governance, and the Public Enterprise. (Attached to this question).

2. Tutor MUST collectively decide on 5 to 7 key ideas from the reading. Once you have these
ideas, you should conduct research on a policy issue or public
organization that the ideas from the reading could apply to. Good places to find policy issues are
national newspapers (NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal etc.) or local newspapers
(LA Times, Orange County Register, etc.). Public organizations to consider are: Federal
government and agencies, state governments and agencies, county or local governments and
agencies, and national or local non-profits.

4. When linking the reading to the specific policy issue or public organization you choose, you
should keep the following in mind:

a. What key facets of the policy issues or public organization connect to the reading?

b. How does theory come to life in the policy issues or public organization you have chosen?

c. How can this policy issue or public organization help us learn the 3 to 5 key ideas from the
reading you have identified?

d. Are there any gaps, inaccuracies, or other problems you see in the reading? Is this reflected in
the real-world context you have chosen to examine?

5. When developing your 5 to 7 key ideas from the reading and how they link to your specific policy
issue or public organization, remember to avoid making your presentation a mechanical summary
of the reading. The goal of this exercise is to build your critical thinking skills and to develop
you understanding of how theory connects to the real world. You should make attempts at novel
insights and aim to join theory to practice. You MUST have a 3-10 PowerPoint slides to
accompany your presentation.

6. After presenting your 5 to 7 key ideas and how they connect to the policy issue or public
organization you have chosen, the team should raise 1 to 2 questions for class discussion. You are
encouraged to use creative ways to organize the discussion around your key ideas and related
real-world application.

7. Include a related video (3 min or less) from a news organization, think tank, or other
credible source that relates to your presentation.

8. The evaluation of presentation will be based on the following criteria:

a. Thoughtfulness: creativity, insights, etc. (the key is to go beyond any mechanical summary)
(5 points)

b. Delivery, i.e., whether each team member explain the ideas clearly and effectively; whether
presentation guidelines are followed (5 points)

c. Quality of the discussion questions, and whether they trigger fruitful discussion (5 points).

*** Ensure that all work is not plagiarized and meets the standards posed above, otherwise payment will not be remitted***

Public Policy Management Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Tag Team Pressure Washing Business Proposal and Executive Summary Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Need a business proposal for a company called Tag Team Pressure Washing – a company that specialize in top of the line professional pressure washing for homes, apartment communities and buildings. We are fully insured by first choice insurance company and licensed.

Qualifications are 18+ years working for Watson Power Wash and 8 years in management

Customer list includes Wal Mart, Cintas Coca-Cola and Zaxby’s

Pricing options- prices is industry standard competitive pricing for the area

Terms and conditions – once the job is completed we will do a visual inspection of the work performed with the customer, if everything is satisfactory payment is expected thereafter

Supplies used are sodium hypochlorite and sodium chloride and water

Professionally written, attention grabbing and professional


CJ 231 Park Unit 1 Describing the Wandering Officer Criminal Justice Paper Law Assignment Help

Please read The Below First

I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Heroetc.

Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.

Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.

I have word documents attached with the instructions.

Then let me know. 

Thank you.

Subjects are:

Criminal Justice

Text book for this class is Worrall, J., and Schmalleger, F. (2018). Policing. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN 139780134441924

Your answers will be original?

The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?

Please answer:

1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.

2. Your answers will be all original?

3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?

Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.


University of Oregon Narrative and Aesthetics Mise en Scene and Sound Discussion Writing Assignment Help

attention in this assignment you have to find and watch one of theseries: House,“Three Stories” or Hollywood, “Hooray for Hollywood”. (these will not be attached you have to find them).

This week is our introduction to the formal tenets of media analysis, beginning with mise-en-scene . Read through the assigned reading carefully to ensure that you understand the complexities of frame composition to the fullest extent. Then, choose one of the required screenings and answer the following questions

1- Identify the elements of the mise-en-scène that seem to be contributing the most to your experience and understanding of story and character in a scene or shot. Then, consider how the narrative would change if you were to remove or alter these elements.


2- Be alert to the composition of individual shots. Where are figures and other significant elements placed? Is the composition balanced or does it use compositional stress? What is the relationship among the figures in the foreground, middle ground, and background?

Required both readings: Jeremy Butler “Style and Setting: Mise-en-Scene” Excerpt from Television: Critical Methods, 101120

link: (only chapter 5 is required)

Amanda Lotz, “House: Narrative Complexity,” 2229 (file attached).

you MUST choose one of these screenings to watch and write about with one of the questions above and connect them with the readings:

1- House,“Three Stories” (Fox, 2004; 44 min) Season 1, Episode 21


2- Hollywood, “Hooray for Hollywood” (Netflix, 2020; 45 mins) Episode 1



UCSD Ottoman City Between East and West Aleppo Izmir and Istanbul Reaction Paper Humanities Assignment Help

(1 and a half page (two page MAX), double spaced)

  1. Begin with an introductory sentence or two to present the subject to the reader.
  2. Followed by a short summary of the subject.
  3. Explain and pinpoint the main arguments the authors/authors make, meaning their thesis, and how it/they were presented. Your ideas about the subject? Reactions to the paper.
  4. Your analysis of the paper/s- . Examples are how did the author tackle the subject? Was it believable? Well backed up, or not? Well written? Convincing? If so why? It is always important that you back your argument/comment with a quote from the article. your opionion on how it was written – Critic
  1. A short conclusion in which you tie everything together, and present your ideas in a short couple of sentences.

avoid using “I” as much as possible, and it should be written in an academic manner. There are many ways of expressing your ideas, without saying ‘I think” or in “my opinion.”

As mentioned above, always ensure that you back up any claim with an example.

if done very well, there will be a generous tip!!



MKTG 6320 St Edwards University Twitter Marketing Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Read the brief case about Twitter (below). The additional materials listed provide a historical picture of what has been happening with the social network. The last reference compares usage on the major social networks.

Answer the following questions:

1) How does Twitter create value for its customers versus other major social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr? Consider what makes Twitter unique among social networks. You could start by taking a strategic look by developing a perceptual map or SWOT analysis or another tool to understand the marketplace and the company.

2) What should be Twitter’s strategic direction? Make some concrete suggestions as to how Twitter can accelerate growth in users covering aspects of marketing such as product, price, promotion and place.

Mini Case: Saving Twitter

Twitter has been plagued in the past with flat growth and losing active users. In recent months the company has been growing in both users and revenue but still lags behind other social media platforms in terms of its share of digital ad revenue. The articles linked below chart some of Twitter’s history but you may want to consult additional resources in crafting your responses to the discussion questions.

Traditional marketing theory would hold that the company needs to work from its core competencies, that is, what makes it unique, and build from there to create an even stronger position in the marketplace. Therefore, consider the following question: what makes Twitter unique? Twitter is a short-format platform or microblog, at first limited to 140 characters (now 280). However, that limitation is a technical characteristic that can easily be imitated on another platform. What else makes Twitter unique and how can the company capitalize on that uniqueness?

Perhaps what Twitter has going for it is its customer base and what their interests are? For example, Lady Gaga has over 80 million Twitter followers and carefully manages interactions with her fan base of power users. Perhaps companies should think like Lady Gaga and find out where their best promoters reside on Twitter. Twitter might also make better use of its most influential “Tweeters” because they hold the key to the marketplace and better monetization of the platform.

Another thing Twitter is known for is trending news, a phenomenon that is led by its customer base. News reports from the Arab Spring to the Boston Marathon bombings to the engagement of Prince William have ‘broken’ on Twitter. However, if Twitter is not careful, they could lose this advantage. The market for those who seek trending news will go to other social media outlets. Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat are growing more quickly and are more visually-oriented than Twitter.

One particular problem in this situation is that Twitter is one of the only, if not THE only, social media platform where one has to use another platform to understand the tool! Twitter spawned Tweetdeck, Hootsuite and other tools to manage the stream of news events. Even Twitter analytics themselves are separate from the platform. The events scroll past endlessly and good Twitter users post the same content multiple times as they try to capture the viewers’ attention. The addition of the “while you were away” feature is in recognition of this problem.

Twitter recently turned a profit but its user growth and number of total users have lagged behind other, more popular, social networks. Some of these networks, like Instagram, launched after Twitter but have outpaced it in terms of usage. Facebook had close to two and a half billion active users, Instagram a billion and Twitter 330 million, as of 2019 figures.

In late 2017, Twitter increased the number of characters of its Tweets to 280 and also rolled out a product to promote Tweets automatically. The question for Twitter is: Can these changes help in the long run?

The decision to change what counts as a character for a Tweet to exclude media attachments and @names is a beginning, but more needs to be done to rejuvenate the stalled platform. Some recent changes include more control over conversation settings to protect users from spam and abuse in an increasingly belligerent social media atmosphere.

Must have 2-3 APA citations. Post must be 500 words.

The following are some additional materials about Twitter that provide an historical picture of what has been happening with the social network. The Statista reference compares usage on the major social networks.

  1. Xie, S, (2020, August 11). New Conversation Settings Coming to a Tweet Near You. Retrieved from
  2. Global social media ranking July 2020. Retrieved from
  3. Hernandez, D. (2017, July 24). Why can’t Twitter kill its bots? Retrieved from
  4. Koh, Y. (2016, February 10). Twitter Woes Mount as User Growth Stalls. Retrieved from
  5. Mishcastillo. (2017, October 26). Here’s how Twitter plans to become profitable for the first time. Retrieved from
  6. Ortiz-Ospina, E. The rise of social media. Retrieved December 9, 2019, from
  7. Tsukayama, H. (2019, April 8). Why Twitter is now profitable for the first time ever. Retrieved from
  8. Pickering, B. (2017, December 7). 10 Types of Twitter Users. Retrieved from
  9. Which social networks are more user friendly, Twitter or Facebook?”, by Brendan Dunne, Quora, September 28, 2012.

MKTG 6320 St Edwards University Twitter Marketing Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ITC0 425 AIU Online Unit 5 Implementation and Closeout Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

For this week’s assignment, you will provide detail on the final implementation and closeout plan.

  • New Content (Week 5)
    • System Integration Implementation Plan
      • Develop a detailed implementation plan that captures the following (address 4 of these):
        • Testing activities
        • Final migration activities
        • Training activities
        • Project closeout activities
        • Transition to operational support team
      • Address 2 of the following:
        • Start and completion dates
        • Required resources to support these activities
        • Lessons that you have learned from doing this project
  • Make sure that the document is in APA format.
  • Submit the document for grading.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Grading Rubric

Rubric Item



System Integration Implementation Plan (4 of 5)

Develop a detailed implementation plan that captures the following (4 of 5 required):

  • Testing activities
  • Final migration activities
  • Training activities
  • Project closeout activities Transition to operational support team


Additional Details (2 of 3)

  • Start and Completion Dates
  • Required resources to support these activities
  • A summary of the lessons you have learned from doing this capstone project.


Effective Communication

Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary application of written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates outstanding expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is addressed appropriately. Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are minimal. Organization is clear. Format is consistently appropriate to assignment. Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive (where applicable). The writing was of collegiate level with no errors in spelling or grammar.


Supporting Analysis

Analysis exceeded minimum requirements. Appropriate sources were used to support analysis and were properly referenced.


Total Points


Reading Assignment

Assignment Objectives

  • Analyze and apply an appropriate framework that facilitates the integration of components.

Other Information

There is no additional information to display at this time.


Extra Credit View Assignment Rubric

Assignment Details

Assignment Description

In this final week, you have one more major task. Develop a detailed project plan for all of the final implementation, acceptance confirmation, and closeout activities, and then transition it to the operations teams.

Assignment Guidelines

For this week’s assignment, you will provide detail on the final implementation and closeout plan.

  • New Content (Week 5)
    • System Integration Implementation Plan
      • Develop a detailed implementation plan that captures the following (address 4 of these):
        • Testing activities
        • Final migration activities
        • Training activities
        • Project closeout activities
        • Transition to operational support team
      • Address 2 of the following:
        • Start and completion dates
        • Required resources to support these activities
        • Lessons that you have learned from doing this project
  • Make sure that the document is in APA format.
  • Submit the document for grading.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Grading Rubric

Rubric Item



System Integration Implementation Plan (4 of 5)

Develop a detailed implementation plan that captures the following (4 of 5 required):

  • Testing activities
  • Final migration activities
  • Training activities
  • Project closeout activities Transition to operational support team


Additional Details (2 of 3)

  • Start and Completion Dates
  • Required resources to support these activities
  • A summary of the lessons you have learned from doing this capstone project.


Effective Communication

Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary application of written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates outstanding expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is addressed appropriately. Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are minimal. Organization is clear. Format is consistently appropriate to assignment. Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive (where applicable). The writing was of collegiate level with no errors in spelling or grammar.


Supporting Analysis

Analysis exceeded minimum requirements. Appropriate sources were used to support analysis and were properly referenced.


Total Points


Reading Assignment

Assignment Objectives

  • Analyze and apply an appropriate framework that facilitates the integration of components.

Other Information

There is no additional information to display at this time.


Extra CreditView Assignment Rubric


JNU Computer Security and Database Security Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help


Please submit below 2 questions in a separate WORD document

Course: Computer Security

1). In 350 Words, Using the Web or other resources, write a brief paper about RSA, its history, its methodology, and where it is used. It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, Cite 2 of your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Complete answers on a WORD Document please and ensure that you are following APA Format guidelines, using in-text citations and references.

2). Send a brief message (ten words minimum) using the Caesar Cypher.

Course: Database Security

1) Describe in 500 words the disaster recovery plan and who is responsible at your place of employment. Consider the critical business functions and your recovery point objectives and recovery time objectives.

Use at least three sources. Use the , not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. Proofread your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about. Please do not submit attachments unless requested.


Ashford University Intellectual Property and Counterfeiting Discussion Economics Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must use detailed statistical data, researched information and financial or economic theories to support the arguments that you will present in your text.

Research an issue related to international trade or of globalization which has negatively impacted the economy of a particular country or region of your choosing in the past or in the present.

You should include all of the following in your text, but can choose to incorporate more information so as to provide a more complete response:

  • Very briefly describe the country’s or region’s trade patterns with one or many of its important trade partner(s). You must use statistical data and factual information to address this question.
  • Briefly describe how trade has negatively or positively impacted the economy of the country or region that you chose.
  • You must integrate at least two economic concepts acquired in this class to explain the positive or negative impact(s) of international trade or globalization on the country or region that you chose. You can use graphs or equations to relate the theory that you chose.
  • Use the knowledge acquired in this class to make a normative assessment and propose a policy recommendation that you believe would help to mitigate the positive or adverse impact(s) of trade on the country or region that you chose. (This last question will account for a significant portion of your Discussion Forum grade)
  • 500 words, APA formate, be specific with guidlines


UCSD Trading Diasporas and Nations Genesis of National Identities in Ottoman Aleppo Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Hi for this reaction paper it should be no more than 1-2 pages. The topic for this paper is Trading Diasporas and ‘Nations’ : The Genesis of National Identities in Ottoman Aleppo. I have posted the PDF for this book down below. Also, there is a set guideline for writing this reaction paper here are the guidelines:

Guidelines for writing a reaction paper:

Begin with an introductory sentence or two to present the subject to the reader.

Followed by a short summary of the subject.

Explain and pinpoint the main arguments the authors/authors make, meaning their thesis, and how it/they were presented. Your ideas about the subject? Reactions to the paper.

Your analysis of the paper/s- . Examples are how did the author tackle the subject? Was it believable? Well backed up, or not? Well written? Convincing? If so why? It is always important that you back your argument/comment with a quote from the article.

A short conclusion in which you tie everything together, and present your ideas in a short couple of sentences.

Although this is a reaction paper, your should avoid using “I” as much as possible, and it should be written in an academic manner. There are many ways of expressing your ideas, without saying ‘I think” or in “my opinion.”

As mentioned above, always ensure that you back up any claim with an example.

The paper should be double spaced.

Remember 1-2 Pages Max

Message me if you are confused about anything.

[supanova_question] , not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. Proofread your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about. Please do not submit attachments unless requested.


Ashford University Intellectual Property and Counterfeiting Discussion Economics Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must use detailed statistical data, researched information and financial or economic theories to support the arguments that you will present in your text.

Research an issue related to international trade or of globalization which has negatively impacted the economy of a particular country or region of your choosing in the past or in the present.

You should include all of the following in your text, but can choose to incorporate more information so as to provide a more complete response:

  • Very briefly describe the country’s or region’s trade patterns with one or many of its important trade partner(s). You must use statistical data and factual information to address this question.
  • Briefly describe how trade has negatively or positively impacted the economy of the country or region that you chose.
  • You must integrate at least two economic concepts acquired in this class to explain the positive or negative impact(s) of international trade or globalization on the country or region that you chose. You can use graphs or equations to relate the theory that you chose.
  • Use the knowledge acquired in this class to make a normative assessment and propose a policy recommendation that you believe would help to mitigate the positive or adverse impact(s) of trade on the country or region that you chose. (This last question will account for a significant portion of your Discussion Forum grade)
  • 500 words, APA formate, be specific with guidlines


UCSD Trading Diasporas and Nations Genesis of National Identities in Ottoman Aleppo Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Hi for this reaction paper it should be no more than 1-2 pages. The topic for this paper is Trading Diasporas and ‘Nations’ : The Genesis of National Identities in Ottoman Aleppo. I have posted the PDF for this book down below. Also, there is a set guideline for writing this reaction paper here are the guidelines:

Guidelines for writing a reaction paper:

Begin with an introductory sentence or two to present the subject to the reader.

Followed by a short summary of the subject.

Explain and pinpoint the main arguments the authors/authors make, meaning their thesis, and how it/they were presented. Your ideas about the subject? Reactions to the paper.

Your analysis of the paper/s- . Examples are how did the author tackle the subject? Was it believable? Well backed up, or not? Well written? Convincing? If so why? It is always important that you back your argument/comment with a quote from the article.

A short conclusion in which you tie everything together, and present your ideas in a short couple of sentences.

Although this is a reaction paper, your should avoid using “I” as much as possible, and it should be written in an academic manner. There are many ways of expressing your ideas, without saying ‘I think” or in “my opinion.”

As mentioned above, always ensure that you back up any claim with an example.

The paper should be double spaced.

Remember 1-2 Pages Max

Message me if you are confused about anything.

[supanova_question] , not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. Proofread your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about. Please do not submit attachments unless requested.


Ashford University Intellectual Property and Counterfeiting Discussion Economics Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must use detailed statistical data, researched information and financial or economic theories to support the arguments that you will present in your text.

Research an issue related to international trade or of globalization which has negatively impacted the economy of a particular country or region of your choosing in the past or in the present.

You should include all of the following in your text, but can choose to incorporate more information so as to provide a more complete response:

  • Very briefly describe the country’s or region’s trade patterns with one or many of its important trade partner(s). You must use statistical data and factual information to address this question.
  • Briefly describe how trade has negatively or positively impacted the economy of the country or region that you chose.
  • You must integrate at least two economic concepts acquired in this class to explain the positive or negative impact(s) of international trade or globalization on the country or region that you chose. You can use graphs or equations to relate the theory that you chose.
  • Use the knowledge acquired in this class to make a normative assessment and propose a policy recommendation that you believe would help to mitigate the positive or adverse impact(s) of trade on the country or region that you chose. (This last question will account for a significant portion of your Discussion Forum grade)
  • 500 words, APA formate, be specific with guidlines


UCSD Trading Diasporas and Nations Genesis of National Identities in Ottoman Aleppo Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Hi for this reaction paper it should be no more than 1-2 pages. The topic for this paper is Trading Diasporas and ‘Nations’ : The Genesis of National Identities in Ottoman Aleppo. I have posted the PDF for this book down below. Also, there is a set guideline for writing this reaction paper here are the guidelines:

Guidelines for writing a reaction paper:

Begin with an introductory sentence or two to present the subject to the reader.

Followed by a short summary of the subject.

Explain and pinpoint the main arguments the authors/authors make, meaning their thesis, and how it/they were presented. Your ideas about the subject? Reactions to the paper.

Your analysis of the paper/s- . Examples are how did the author tackle the subject? Was it believable? Well backed up, or not? Well written? Convincing? If so why? It is always important that you back your argument/comment with a quote from the article.

A short conclusion in which you tie everything together, and present your ideas in a short couple of sentences.

Although this is a reaction paper, your should avoid using “I” as much as possible, and it should be written in an academic manner. There are many ways of expressing your ideas, without saying ‘I think” or in “my opinion.”

As mentioned above, always ensure that you back up any claim with an example.

The paper should be double spaced.

Remember 1-2 Pages Max

Message me if you are confused about anything.

[supanova_question] , not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. Proofread your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about. Please do not submit attachments unless requested.


Ashford University Intellectual Property and Counterfeiting Discussion Economics Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must use detailed statistical data, researched information and financial or economic theories to support the arguments that you will present in your text.

Research an issue related to international trade or of globalization which has negatively impacted the economy of a particular country or region of your choosing in the past or in the present.

You should include all of the following in your text, but can choose to incorporate more information so as to provide a more complete response:

  • Very briefly describe the country’s or region’s trade patterns with one or many of its important trade partner(s). You must use statistical data and factual information to address this question.
  • Briefly describe how trade has negatively or positively impacted the economy of the country or region that you chose.
  • You must integrate at least two economic concepts acquired in this class to explain the positive or negative impact(s) of international trade or globalization on the country or region that you chose. You can use graphs or equations to relate the theory that you chose.
  • Use the knowledge acquired in this class to make a normative assessment and propose a policy recommendation that you believe would help to mitigate the positive or adverse impact(s) of trade on the country or region that you chose. (This last question will account for a significant portion of your Discussion Forum grade)
  • 500 words, APA formate, be specific with guidlines


UCSD Trading Diasporas and Nations Genesis of National Identities in Ottoman Aleppo Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Hi for this reaction paper it should be no more than 1-2 pages. The topic for this paper is Trading Diasporas and ‘Nations’ : The Genesis of National Identities in Ottoman Aleppo. I have posted the PDF for this book down below. Also, there is a set guideline for writing this reaction paper here are the guidelines:

Guidelines for writing a reaction paper:

Begin with an introductory sentence or two to present the subject to the reader.

Followed by a short summary of the subject.

Explain and pinpoint the main arguments the authors/authors make, meaning their thesis, and how it/they were presented. Your ideas about the subject? Reactions to the paper.

Your analysis of the paper/s- . Examples are how did the author tackle the subject? Was it believable? Well backed up, or not? Well written? Convincing? If so why? It is always important that you back your argument/comment with a quote from the article.

A short conclusion in which you tie everything together, and present your ideas in a short couple of sentences.

Although this is a reaction paper, your should avoid using “I” as much as possible, and it should be written in an academic manner. There are many ways of expressing your ideas, without saying ‘I think” or in “my opinion.”

As mentioned above, always ensure that you back up any claim with an example.

The paper should be double spaced.

Remember 1-2 Pages Max

Message me if you are confused about anything.


Public Policy Management Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Public Policy Management Presentation Writing Assignment Help

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