Public Relations Business Finance Assignment Help

Public Relations Business Finance Assignment Help. Public Relations Business Finance Assignment Help.

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When it comes to news, if it isn’t “breaking news” that is being reported you can fairly sure the coverage began with some kind of press release. Public relations (PR) firms or specialists are often behind these press releases. A well written press release will catch the eye of an Assignment Editor or News Producer and they in turn decide whether or not to “cover” the event, product, etc…

This week I would like you to either watch a local newscast or read a local news paper and look for stories that you think may have originated from a public relations source.

1. Share the name of the story and tell us what it was about.

2. Share the news source you used.

3. Share why you think the story originated from a public relations firm or press release. Details please.

Public Relations Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business Memorandum Writing Assignment Help

Writing Requirements:

In this final deliverable, students will demonstrate an understanding of the problem and fully develop all required elements of the memorandum for this writing assignment. Refer back to the Business Memorandum Guidelines found in the reading part of this assignment to find the formatting of the memorandum, the elements required, and the content to be included. Review and revise your pre-writing document using the input from your classmate to assist your own revision process. Be sure to edit the document for grammar and spelling prior to turning it in. For convenient reference, the assignment is included below.

Step 1: Review Peer Review Feedback and Integrate Your Revisions

Give careful consideration to all of the feedback provided by your peers. Determine which feedback you believe suggests improvements that you can make to your document and make the needed revisions to your document. As this is your work, you may decide you disagree with some comments or agree with the comment but not the recommended action; you do not need to implement suggestions you disagree with.

Step 2: Return to the Memorandum Guide and Complete Missing Elements of Your Memorandum

The work you did in the pre-writing assignment did not produce the complete memorandum. That assignment was designed to get you thinking about important elements of the assignment, without having to produce the entire document. You will take what you started and have revised and with the use of the Business Memorandum Guidelines, you will complete all elements of the memorandum being careful to remember who you are writing to.

Problem Description:

You are a line manager in Superior Car Part’s Ellisville manufacturing facility. The company produces automotive parts, and you have responsibility for the line producing steel shafts for the gearbox manufactured in the Ellisville Plant. The acceptable dimension of the shaft is 2.5±0.05 inches in diameter with the most desirable product having a diameter of exactly 2.5 inches. The current equipment is approaching the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced. Two vendors are trying to sell your company, Superior Car Parts Incorporated, their machines for the shaft-machining task. You have been asked to assess the machines from each vendor, and to make a recommendation for a machine vendor supported by a justification for your decision.

You asked both vendors to supply data on the machining accuracy of their machines for the given task. Both vendors machined 100 shafts, collected data, plotted histograms, fitted the histograms with normal distributions and supplied you with their findings.

Let X= diameter in inches of the gearbox shaft

Abano Machines Inc.: X has a normal distribution with a mean of 2.49 and a standard deviation of 0.030

Li Equipment Corp.: X has a normal distribution with a mean of 2.53 and a standard deviation of 0.015

Audience: You are creating this document for the company’s Chief Operating Officer, (Links to an external site.) Lena George, and copying the Chief Financial Officer (Links to an external site.), Amita Kohli. Documents involved in major financial decisions like this may also be distributed by the addressees to other executives and the corporate board members.


P&S Writing Assignment 2.4 2019F

P&S Writing Assignment 2.4 2019F




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMemorandum header is completed

The layout and content follow Document/Memorandum header instructions in “How to Write a Business Memorandum”

3.0 pts

The memorandum header is complete

2.5 pts

The memorandum header is weak in one area

The Memorandum header is weak or incorrect in one element

2.0 pts

The memorandum header is very poorly done or missing

The Memorandum header is missing multiple elements, is substantially incomplete or incorrect,

0.0 pts

The memorandum header is missing

The memorandum header is weak in one area by otherwise well done.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary is included and complete

The Summary is included following the requirements in “How to Write a Business Memorandum” . The summary is clear, complete and consice.

4.0 pts

The summary is well done

The summary is complete, clear and concise

3.3 pts

The summary is weak in a part

The summary is weak in a part but otherwise well done.

2.6 pts

The summary is missing or extremely poorly done

0.0 pts

The summary is poorly done

The summary is missing multiple elements and/or is poorly written and/or unclear

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis section is included

An analysis section is included following the guidance in “How to Write a Business Memorandum”. The section is clear, complete and concise. (It is NOT a step-by-step presentation of the calculations.)

6.0 pts

The analysis is well done

The analysis is complete, clear, and concise.

5.0 pts

The analysis section is weak in a part

The analysis is weak in one part but otherwise well done.

4.0 pts

The analysis section is poorly done

The analysis is incomplete and/or unclear

0.0 pts

The analysis section is missing or not completed in plain language

The analysis section is missing or does not provide a plan language description, instead just walks through the calculations.

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGraphics are included to support the case you are making

Graphics are included to support the case you are making
The graphic(s) included must support your recommendation by making points more clearly than can be made in writing alone. They are clearly labeled including a figure or table label and number with a title that is located correctly. (review readings if needed)

3.0 pts

Graphic(s) is/are well done

Graphic(s) enhance the memorandum message, are clear, with all elements identified, accurately presented, and have a figure or table label with a number and title that is located correctly.

2.5 pts

Graphic(s) is/are weak in a part

raphic(s) is/are weak in one part but otherwise well done.

2.0 pts

The graphic(s) is/are poorly done

The graphics are unclear and/or unlabeled and do not enhance the memorandum clarity

0.0 pts

Graphics are missing

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Additional Considerations section is included

The additional Consideration section is included and well done.

4.0 pts

The additional considerations section is included

The additional considerations section is included, well thought out and well written.

3.3 pts

The additional considerations section is weak in one area

The additional consideration section is weak in one area by otherwise well done.

2.6 pts

The additional considerations section is poorly done

The additional considerations section is missing multiple elements or is substantially incomplete or incorrect

0.0 pts

The additional considerations section is missing

The additional considerations section is missing

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Additional Considerations section is exceptionally well thought out addressing a broad range of important business considerations

For a student completing this section exceptionally well up to 2 additional points may be given

0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion is included

A conclusion is included that meets the requirements in “How to Write a Business Memorandum”. Additionally, the conclusion is clear, complete, and concise.

4.0 pts

Conclusion is well done

The conclusion is s complete, clear, and concise.

3.3 pts

Conclusion is weak in one part

The conclusion is weak in one area but otherwise well done.

2.6 pts

The conclusion is poorly done

The conclusion is incomplete, confusing or wordy

0.0 pts

Conclusion is missing or very poorly done

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppendix is included

An appendix is included that presents your calculations (typewritten). The Statistical approach is and the outcome are correct.

2.0 pts

Appendix is included with the full calculations

1.5 pts

The Appendix is included but has an error

The appendix is included but is missing an element.

0.0 pts

The Appendix is missing

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment does not address the correct problem (minus 1 point)

0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

Problem is not addressed – minus 1 point

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe correct audience was not addressed (minus 1 point)

0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

The correct audience was not addressed (minus 1 point)

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Appendix included uses the statistical calculations using the correct approach and getting the correct answer

4.0 pts

Full Marks

3.7 pts

The Appendix includes a statistical calculation that uses the correct approach but has a minor calculation error

2.5 pts

The statistical approach is wrong or the calculations are wrong

0.0 pts

No statistical calculation was included

4.0 pts

Total Points: 30.0


​Week 5: Survey Questions: Survey Creation Health Medical Assignment Help

  1. Set up a Survey Monkey account ( Instructions Link Click Here )
  2. Create your Survey Monkey research survey using 4-6 Survey questions you created from Forum 4b: Survey Questions.
  3. In a word document, provide…

    The Class Topic
    Your Chosen Hypothesis and/or Research Problem
    The Survey Monkey Link to your created survey
    Each question posted in your Survey

  4. As a reminder be sure to list each question on your survey in this word document and title the document with your name.
  5. Review grader feedback on your created survey and make adjustments to your Survey Monkey research survey.
  6. Post and Hyperlink your edited and adjusted Survey Monkey Research Survey to the FORUM Week 6c.


I need 6 things covered in a research paper and writing it the key. Writing Assignment Help

This is the assignment but the ACTUAL directions are uploaded. PLEASE watch grammar errors and read thoroughly each element! EACH element must be detailed out in the paper!!!!


Regardless of the nature of your proposed project, it must fit within a structured framework that identifies a “situation” about which you want to know more, for which you want to present a solution, which you want to replicate, etc. The end product is something new—new knowledge, a new way of doing something in general or new for your organization–that contributes to the field, your organization, your future success, etc.

Your proposal will mirror the common elements that every research proposal must have. Some of the elements that you might find in other kinds of proposal, such as a budget, timeline and others, don’t apply to the current situation. So, here are the elements that do apply, and that you should included in your proposal.

A good proposal does not need to be lengthy, but it does need to cover all of the elements below, make a solid case for the need for and importance of the project, and be clear. It also needs to be well written and presented.

READ ELEMENTS OF A PROPOSAL –it is uploaded and must be followed in DETAIL. The other upload gives you a little background on what i want to talk about. Feel free to add as much as possible to make the paper outstanding.


Practicing an implementation of class and objects. File access is also implemented. Programming Assignment Help


Practicing an implementation of class and objects. File access is also implemented.

Refer to the slides posted on Blackboard. For better understanding on video lecture, please check out the video lecture from > Bluebox.

1) Define a class called Section

2) Declare variables of the class: student in dictionary, instructor in String, title in String. For these static variables, create a function __init__(), which can assign each value to a corresponding class variable.

3) Define the functions:

a) grading(pts): taking pts in number and returns a letter grade. Refer to the syllabus of this course.

b) posting(student, pts): update the student dictionary with the value list of points and letter grade. In this case, letter grade should be obtained from the method grading().

c) updating(student, pts): Consider a situation where the points earned by a student need to be update. That particular student’s points is updated and therefore the letter grade too.

4) At each step above, please display the states of variables.

For example, it runs as follows:

>>> (executing lines 1 to 64 of “”)

Python is taught by John





{‘Adam’: [81, ‘B’], ‘Sam’: [99, ‘A’], ‘Peter’: [82, ‘B’], ‘Chris’: [72, ‘C’]}

Enter any update request (name points): Chris 81

{‘Adam’: [81, ‘B’], ‘Sam’: [99, ‘A’], ‘Peter’: [82, ‘B’], ‘Chris’: [81, ‘B’]}

Note that the second dictionary shows that Chris’ grade was updated.

Another sample run:

>>> (executing lines 1 to 64 of “”)

Python is taught by John





{‘Adam’: [88, ‘B+’], ‘Sam’: [85, ‘B’], ‘Peter’: [77, ‘C+’], ‘Chris’: [72, ‘C’]}

Enter any update request (name points): jdkf 90

{‘Adam’: [88, ‘B+’], ‘Sam’: [85, ‘B’], ‘Peter’: [77, ‘C+’], ‘Chris’: [72, ‘C’], ‘jdkf’: [90, ‘B+’]}

Note that since the student name is new, it was added. If not realistic, you may improve it. Is that case, please express in your submission how you improved. Depending on improvement, a bonus point will be given.


1) Your source coding file. The file shows each every statement as shown the steps above, so the execution of the file shows the all print statements.

2) Screenshot(s) that may show the integrity of your work



Human resources management short tasks Business Finance Assignment Help

Please complete the following:



2. General HR Video/podcast:

The Videos to choose from:

Video 1: Cisco: The Future of Work (Links to an external site.)

Video 2: GlassDoor: The Future of Work (Links to an external site.)

Video 3: SAP: The Future of Work (Links to an external site.)

Video 6: Tony Petrucci “Experience as the Academic Director of Leadership Development” (Links to an external site.)

Video 7: Nick Braciszewski “Experiences in HR as the Senior Systems Administrator at Temple” (Links to an external site.)

Video 8: Jeff Ryckbost “Experiences in HR as Manager of the Client Services and Enrollment Teams at Exude Inc,” (Links to an external site.)

Video 9: Rebecca Cruz-Esteves “HR in the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce” (Links to an external site.)

Video 10: Twana Harris “Experience as Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Exude Inc.” (Links to an external site.)

Video 4: Udemy: The Future of Work (Links to an external site.)

Video 5: Pandora: The Future of Work


3. ES Focused Informational Interview :


4.ES Ted Talk or Podcast :

The Videos to choose from:

Video 1: Profits Not Always the Point (Links to an external site.)

Video 2: What’s The Right Thing To Do? (Links to an external site.)

Video 3: Let’s all go in on selling sustainability (Links to an external site.)

Video 4: Ethics under the burst of Invention (Links to an external site.)

Video 5: Ethics of Doing the Right Thing (Links to an external site.)

Video 6: Sustainability in the World


Human resources management short tasks Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Answer the following questions. Economics Assignment Help

(Explain your answers)

1. What is an SIC code? (You can google it.) Find the SIC code of any U.S. company (e.g., Coca-Cola, General Electric)

2. Are you an economic liberal or conservative with respect to antitrust and economic regulation? Explain.

3. Provide an example of product differentiation using any industry you want (e.g., fast food, shoes, clothing, etc.)

4. The population of Coukouville is 10,000. Of that number 2,000 are under 16 or institutionalized, 3,000 are not in the labor force, and 250 are currently unemployed. What is the unemployment rate in Coukouville?

5. Which problem do you believe is more serious: unemployment or inflation? Explain your answer

6. Consider the following data:

Year 1: CPI is 100

Year 2: CPI is 104

Year 3: CPI is 107

What is the inflation rate in Year 2 and in Year 3?

( I will provide you with answers for the same questions from chegg to help you answer them)


Emergency Operations Plan Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Class, this is the first of three EOP assignments. This first assignment is your venture into writing an all-hazards EOP utilizing the Basic Plan. Next week, you will dive into writing an Emergency Support Function annex that is normally included in an EOP, and you will wrap it up by completing an Incident-Specific annex that would be included in an EOP. These three assignments will give you a great amount of knowledge on three main areas of the Emergency Operations Plan.

Write an all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for the fictional location of Bobsville. Create only the “Basic Plan” section according to the examples in CPG101 v2 Chapter 3 and Appendix C. (Annexes will be created in other assignments and future classes as you progress through the program.)

As the basis for your basic all-hazards EOP, use the description of the town, the Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) you created in EDMG101, or if you have not taken EDMG101, use the sample provided here.

You are allowed to consult other sample EOPs as a reference to create yours but should be altering the details to fit the specific location you are addressing and doing the best you can to write in your own words. You will use this document in future classes and execute this plan so help yourself by being thorough.

As I said, it is fine to consult established EOP’s you find online if you have difficulty answering a section, but it is best not to copy and paste from that EOP directly into your EOP. You can easily reword the material to fit in your EOP without copying and pasting.

Click here for a Basic Plan Template. It does not need to be fancy like the one shown. It is just a template with information to help you with the assignment.

Also, it is common practice in the Emergency Management field to share and adopt proven documents and templates which are then tailored to account for local hazards and resources available. Because of that, you do not need to reference any sources you use to help in the development of your EOP.

The elements I want in your Basic Plan EOP are as follows. Do not provide any more information than what is provided below. I want everything neat and organized in your EOP:

Page 1 – Cover Page

Page 2 – Table of Contents

(You must number every page in the paper, either in the header or the footer and then in the Table of Contents, provide the section and page number for the major sections of the paper found in Bold font).

Page 3 – Approval and Implementation Plan

This section should include the information found in the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide as well as an answer to the two items below:

1. Whose buy-in and support you need to ensure the effectiveness of the plan and how you propose to secure it.

2. How to share this plan with city/county officials, response organizations, and the public. Would there be an opportunity for feedback?

Page 4 to the end of the paper as follows:

Purpose, Scope, Situation Overview, and Planning Assumptions

1. Purpose

2. Scope

3. Situation Overview to include the following three components:

1. Hazard Analysis Summary

2. Capability Assessment

3. Mitigation Overview

4. Planning Assumptions

Concept of Operations

Organization and Assignment Responsibilities

Direction, Control, and Coordination

Information Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination


Administration, Finance, and Logistics

Plan Development and Maintenance

Do not copy and paste from the supplied resources provided in the instructions. Instead, use the resources as an example to provide the necessary information on the Basic Plan EOP for the town of Bobsville.

See the CPG101 beginning on page 3-12 or Appendix C beginning on page C-5 for a detailed explanation of the above sections.

Please create your response in a Microsoft word document, and upload it as an attachment for submission. Pages are to be double-spaced utilizing Verdana 12 point font text and 1-inch margins.


4-week personal ambition Humanities Assignment Help

  1. Set a SMART personal ambition/goal for the next 4 weeks
  2. Start a Google doc titled “4-week personal ambition,” and write a paragraph that describes your SMART goal. Use the SMART goal questions I provided in class. You can use your QW1 ideas.
  3. Keep a detailed record of your progress for 4 weeks. Create a table, list, outline, diagram, etc. on your Google doc that clearly shows your progress.
  4. Write weekly progress updates in your Google doc.
  5. Each week, I’ll ask you for oral updates as well (group discussion).
  6. Finish the report by Mon, Dec. 2.
  1. My 4-week personal ambition (answer SMART goal questions in min. 250 words)
  2. Record Keeping (find a way to keep track of your progress, like charts, lists, outlines, tables, etc.). Keep specific notes
  3. Weekly updates: Min. 250-word paragraph per week will answer these 3 questions by Friday:Week 1 progress update + pictures Week 2 progress update + pictures Week 3 progress update + pictures Week 4 progress update + pictures
    1. What did I notice while tracking my learning strategies this past week? In other words, what worked, what didn’t, and why?
    2. How did my predictions about how, when, where, and what I would do match what actually happened?
    3. What strategies did I use to ensure my success? Are they working, or should I change something next week. Add a brief prediction of what you expect to happen next week.

    4.Looking ahead. This part is for week 6. Choose 3 questions for this paragraph, min. 300 words. Support your answers with specific details and examples.

    1. What learning abilities do I want to develop? And how will I go about learning them?
    2. In what ways will I take advantage of GE classes, especially if I am not necessarily interested in the topic?
    3. What is my plan to develop professional, productive relationships with my professors?
    4. What will I do when I find myself in a difficult or challenging learning situation?
    5. How will I evaluate my success in ways other than with my grades?
    6. What is my plan to improve my work ethic and integrity? 7) How will I deal with failures, setbacks, and obstacles?


Follow the instruction to draw a mindmap Writing Assignment Help

You may submit a picture (.jpg, .jpeg or .png) or PDF of your mindmap.

Purpose: to understand the importance of idea generation, organization design, product design, problem solving, etc. in the business development process. Mindmapping is a tool that you can use to let your mind loose on almost any issue your are addressing. Personally, I use it all the time when I am struggling to complete a project. There are numerous software programs available, but pen and paper works well, too. If you use pen and paper, all you have to do is submit a picture of it. If you use a specialized mindmapping program, make sure you export it as a picture or PDF. Or, you can also take a screenshot.

Assignment: Select any issue and complete a mindmap. This can be personal or business related. Some example topics:
career aspirations
vacation plans
entrepreneurial endeavors
new product ideas for a specific problem/solution

Mindmapping in Eight Easy Steps (Article by Joyce Wycoff)
Mindmapping is one of the simplest, yet most powerful, tools a person can have in his/her creativity toolbox. It is a nonlinear way of organizing information and a technique that allows you to capture the natural flow of your ideas. Here’s a quick explanation on how to use this flexible tool. Try it the next time you need to write a memo, prepare a meeting agenda, or try to get a bird’s-eye view of a complex project.

Step 1: Center First.
Our linear, left-brain education system has taught us to start in the upper left-hand corner of a page. However, our mind focuses on the center . . . so mindmapping begins with a word or image that symbolizes what you want to think about placed in the middle of the page.

Step 2: Lighten Up!
Let go of the idea of finding a cure for cancer, ending hunger, solving the problem, or writing a report that your boss will love. Mindmapping is simply a brain-dumping process that helps stimulate new ideas and connections. Start with an open, playful attitude . . . you can always get serious later.

Step 3: Free Associate.
As ideas emerge, print one or two word descriptions of the ideas on lines branching from the central focus. Allow the ideas to expand outward into branches and subbranches. Put down all ideas without judgment or evaluation.

Step 4: Think Fast.
Your brain works best in 5- to 7-minute bursts, so capture that explosion of ideas as rapidly as possible. Key words, symbols, and images provide a mental shorthand to help you record ideas as quickly as possible.

Step 5: Break Boundaries.
Break through the “8½ × 11 mentality” that says you have to write on white, letter-size paper with black ink or pencil. Use ledger paper or easel paper or cover an entire wall with butcher paper . . . the bigger the paper, the more ideas you’ll have. Use wild colors; fat, colored markers; crayons; or skinny, felt-tipped pens. You haven’t lived until you’ve mindmapped a business report with hot pink and dayglo orange crayons.

Step 6: Judge Not.
Put down everything that comes to mind, even if it is completely unrelated. If you’re brainstorming ideas for a report on the status of carrots in Texas and you suddenly remember you need to pick up your cleaning, put down “cleaning.” Otherwise your mind will get stuck like a record in that “cleaning” groove and you’ll never generate those great ideas.

Step 7: Keep Moving.
Keep your hand moving. If ideas slow down, draw empty lines, and watch your brain automatically find ideas to put on them. Or change colors to reenergize your mind. Stand up and mindmap on an easel pad to generate even more energy.

Step 8: Allow Organization.
Sometimes you see relationships and connections immediately and you can add subbranches to a main idea. Sometimes you don’t, so you just connect the ideas to the central focus. Organization can always come later; the first requirement is to get the ideas out of your head and onto the paper.

Article by Joyce Wycoff, Co-Founder, InnovationNetwork and author of
Mindmapping: Your Personal
Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem-Solving

I have attached some examples

[supanova_question] beginning on page 3-12 or Appendix C beginning on page C-5 for a detailed explanation of the above sections.

Please create your response in a Microsoft word document, and upload it as an attachment for submission. Pages are to be double-spaced utilizing Verdana 12 point font text and 1-inch margins.


4-week personal ambition Humanities Assignment Help

  1. Set a SMART personal ambition/goal for the next 4 weeks
  2. Start a Google doc titled “4-week personal ambition,” and write a paragraph that describes your SMART goal. Use the SMART goal questions I provided in class. You can use your QW1 ideas.
  3. Keep a detailed record of your progress for 4 weeks. Create a table, list, outline, diagram, etc. on your Google doc that clearly shows your progress.
  4. Write weekly progress updates in your Google doc.
  5. Each week, I’ll ask you for oral updates as well (group discussion).
  6. Finish the report by Mon, Dec. 2.
  1. My 4-week personal ambition (answer SMART goal questions in min. 250 words)
  2. Record Keeping (find a way to keep track of your progress, like charts, lists, outlines, tables, etc.). Keep specific notes
  3. Weekly updates: Min. 250-word paragraph per week will answer these 3 questions by Friday:Week 1 progress update + pictures Week 2 progress update + pictures Week 3 progress update + pictures Week 4 progress update + pictures
    1. What did I notice while tracking my learning strategies this past week? In other words, what worked, what didn’t, and why?
    2. How did my predictions about how, when, where, and what I would do match what actually happened?
    3. What strategies did I use to ensure my success? Are they working, or should I change something next week. Add a brief prediction of what you expect to happen next week.

    4.Looking ahead. This part is for week 6. Choose 3 questions for this paragraph, min. 300 words. Support your answers with specific details and examples.

    1. What learning abilities do I want to develop? And how will I go about learning them?
    2. In what ways will I take advantage of GE classes, especially if I am not necessarily interested in the topic?
    3. What is my plan to develop professional, productive relationships with my professors?
    4. What will I do when I find myself in a difficult or challenging learning situation?
    5. How will I evaluate my success in ways other than with my grades?
    6. What is my plan to improve my work ethic and integrity? 7) How will I deal with failures, setbacks, and obstacles?


Follow the instruction to draw a mindmap Writing Assignment Help

You may submit a picture (.jpg, .jpeg or .png) or PDF of your mindmap.

Purpose: to understand the importance of idea generation, organization design, product design, problem solving, etc. in the business development process. Mindmapping is a tool that you can use to let your mind loose on almost any issue your are addressing. Personally, I use it all the time when I am struggling to complete a project. There are numerous software programs available, but pen and paper works well, too. If you use pen and paper, all you have to do is submit a picture of it. If you use a specialized mindmapping program, make sure you export it as a picture or PDF. Or, you can also take a screenshot.

Assignment: Select any issue and complete a mindmap. This can be personal or business related. Some example topics:
career aspirations
vacation plans
entrepreneurial endeavors
new product ideas for a specific problem/solution

Mindmapping in Eight Easy Steps (Article by Joyce Wycoff)
Mindmapping is one of the simplest, yet most powerful, tools a person can have in his/her creativity toolbox. It is a nonlinear way of organizing information and a technique that allows you to capture the natural flow of your ideas. Here’s a quick explanation on how to use this flexible tool. Try it the next time you need to write a memo, prepare a meeting agenda, or try to get a bird’s-eye view of a complex project.

Step 1: Center First.
Our linear, left-brain education system has taught us to start in the upper left-hand corner of a page. However, our mind focuses on the center . . . so mindmapping begins with a word or image that symbolizes what you want to think about placed in the middle of the page.

Step 2: Lighten Up!
Let go of the idea of finding a cure for cancer, ending hunger, solving the problem, or writing a report that your boss will love. Mindmapping is simply a brain-dumping process that helps stimulate new ideas and connections. Start with an open, playful attitude . . . you can always get serious later.

Step 3: Free Associate.
As ideas emerge, print one or two word descriptions of the ideas on lines branching from the central focus. Allow the ideas to expand outward into branches and subbranches. Put down all ideas without judgment or evaluation.

Step 4: Think Fast.
Your brain works best in 5- to 7-minute bursts, so capture that explosion of ideas as rapidly as possible. Key words, symbols, and images provide a mental shorthand to help you record ideas as quickly as possible.

Step 5: Break Boundaries.
Break through the “8½ × 11 mentality” that says you have to write on white, letter-size paper with black ink or pencil. Use ledger paper or easel paper or cover an entire wall with butcher paper . . . the bigger the paper, the more ideas you’ll have. Use wild colors; fat, colored markers; crayons; or skinny, felt-tipped pens. You haven’t lived until you’ve mindmapped a business report with hot pink and dayglo orange crayons.

Step 6: Judge Not.
Put down everything that comes to mind, even if it is completely unrelated. If you’re brainstorming ideas for a report on the status of carrots in Texas and you suddenly remember you need to pick up your cleaning, put down “cleaning.” Otherwise your mind will get stuck like a record in that “cleaning” groove and you’ll never generate those great ideas.

Step 7: Keep Moving.
Keep your hand moving. If ideas slow down, draw empty lines, and watch your brain automatically find ideas to put on them. Or change colors to reenergize your mind. Stand up and mindmap on an easel pad to generate even more energy.

Step 8: Allow Organization.
Sometimes you see relationships and connections immediately and you can add subbranches to a main idea. Sometimes you don’t, so you just connect the ideas to the central focus. Organization can always come later; the first requirement is to get the ideas out of your head and onto the paper.

Article by Joyce Wycoff, Co-Founder, InnovationNetwork and author of
Mindmapping: Your Personal
Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem-Solving

I have attached some examples

[supanova_question] beginning on page 3-12 or Appendix C beginning on page C-5 for a detailed explanation of the above sections.

Please create your response in a Microsoft word document, and upload it as an attachment for submission. Pages are to be double-spaced utilizing Verdana 12 point font text and 1-inch margins.


4-week personal ambition Humanities Assignment Help

  1. Set a SMART personal ambition/goal for the next 4 weeks
  2. Start a Google doc titled “4-week personal ambition,” and write a paragraph that describes your SMART goal. Use the SMART goal questions I provided in class. You can use your QW1 ideas.
  3. Keep a detailed record of your progress for 4 weeks. Create a table, list, outline, diagram, etc. on your Google doc that clearly shows your progress.
  4. Write weekly progress updates in your Google doc.
  5. Each week, I’ll ask you for oral updates as well (group discussion).
  6. Finish the report by Mon, Dec. 2.
  1. My 4-week personal ambition (answer SMART goal questions in min. 250 words)
  2. Record Keeping (find a way to keep track of your progress, like charts, lists, outlines, tables, etc.). Keep specific notes
  3. Weekly updates: Min. 250-word paragraph per week will answer these 3 questions by Friday:Week 1 progress update + pictures Week 2 progress update + pictures Week 3 progress update + pictures Week 4 progress update + pictures
    1. What did I notice while tracking my learning strategies this past week? In other words, what worked, what didn’t, and why?
    2. How did my predictions about how, when, where, and what I would do match what actually happened?
    3. What strategies did I use to ensure my success? Are they working, or should I change something next week. Add a brief prediction of what you expect to happen next week.

    4.Looking ahead. This part is for week 6. Choose 3 questions for this paragraph, min. 300 words. Support your answers with specific details and examples.

    1. What learning abilities do I want to develop? And how will I go about learning them?
    2. In what ways will I take advantage of GE classes, especially if I am not necessarily interested in the topic?
    3. What is my plan to develop professional, productive relationships with my professors?
    4. What will I do when I find myself in a difficult or challenging learning situation?
    5. How will I evaluate my success in ways other than with my grades?
    6. What is my plan to improve my work ethic and integrity? 7) How will I deal with failures, setbacks, and obstacles?


Follow the instruction to draw a mindmap Writing Assignment Help

You may submit a picture (.jpg, .jpeg or .png) or PDF of your mindmap.

Purpose: to understand the importance of idea generation, organization design, product design, problem solving, etc. in the business development process. Mindmapping is a tool that you can use to let your mind loose on almost any issue your are addressing. Personally, I use it all the time when I am struggling to complete a project. There are numerous software programs available, but pen and paper works well, too. If you use pen and paper, all you have to do is submit a picture of it. If you use a specialized mindmapping program, make sure you export it as a picture or PDF. Or, you can also take a screenshot.

Assignment: Select any issue and complete a mindmap. This can be personal or business related. Some example topics:
career aspirations
vacation plans
entrepreneurial endeavors
new product ideas for a specific problem/solution

Mindmapping in Eight Easy Steps (Article by Joyce Wycoff)
Mindmapping is one of the simplest, yet most powerful, tools a person can have in his/her creativity toolbox. It is a nonlinear way of organizing information and a technique that allows you to capture the natural flow of your ideas. Here’s a quick explanation on how to use this flexible tool. Try it the next time you need to write a memo, prepare a meeting agenda, or try to get a bird’s-eye view of a complex project.

Step 1: Center First.
Our linear, left-brain education system has taught us to start in the upper left-hand corner of a page. However, our mind focuses on the center . . . so mindmapping begins with a word or image that symbolizes what you want to think about placed in the middle of the page.

Step 2: Lighten Up!
Let go of the idea of finding a cure for cancer, ending hunger, solving the problem, or writing a report that your boss will love. Mindmapping is simply a brain-dumping process that helps stimulate new ideas and connections. Start with an open, playful attitude . . . you can always get serious later.

Step 3: Free Associate.
As ideas emerge, print one or two word descriptions of the ideas on lines branching from the central focus. Allow the ideas to expand outward into branches and subbranches. Put down all ideas without judgment or evaluation.

Step 4: Think Fast.
Your brain works best in 5- to 7-minute bursts, so capture that explosion of ideas as rapidly as possible. Key words, symbols, and images provide a mental shorthand to help you record ideas as quickly as possible.

Step 5: Break Boundaries.
Break through the “8½ × 11 mentality” that says you have to write on white, letter-size paper with black ink or pencil. Use ledger paper or easel paper or cover an entire wall with butcher paper . . . the bigger the paper, the more ideas you’ll have. Use wild colors; fat, colored markers; crayons; or skinny, felt-tipped pens. You haven’t lived until you’ve mindmapped a business report with hot pink and dayglo orange crayons.

Step 6: Judge Not.
Put down everything that comes to mind, even if it is completely unrelated. If you’re brainstorming ideas for a report on the status of carrots in Texas and you suddenly remember you need to pick up your cleaning, put down “cleaning.” Otherwise your mind will get stuck like a record in that “cleaning” groove and you’ll never generate those great ideas.

Step 7: Keep Moving.
Keep your hand moving. If ideas slow down, draw empty lines, and watch your brain automatically find ideas to put on them. Or change colors to reenergize your mind. Stand up and mindmap on an easel pad to generate even more energy.

Step 8: Allow Organization.
Sometimes you see relationships and connections immediately and you can add subbranches to a main idea. Sometimes you don’t, so you just connect the ideas to the central focus. Organization can always come later; the first requirement is to get the ideas out of your head and onto the paper.

Article by Joyce Wycoff, Co-Founder, InnovationNetwork and author of
Mindmapping: Your Personal
Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem-Solving

I have attached some examples

[supanova_question] beginning on page 3-12 or Appendix C beginning on page C-5 for a detailed explanation of the above sections.

Please create your response in a Microsoft word document, and upload it as an attachment for submission. Pages are to be double-spaced utilizing Verdana 12 point font text and 1-inch margins.


4-week personal ambition Humanities Assignment Help

  1. Set a SMART personal ambition/goal for the next 4 weeks
  2. Start a Google doc titled “4-week personal ambition,” and write a paragraph that describes your SMART goal. Use the SMART goal questions I provided in class. You can use your QW1 ideas.
  3. Keep a detailed record of your progress for 4 weeks. Create a table, list, outline, diagram, etc. on your Google doc that clearly shows your progress.
  4. Write weekly progress updates in your Google doc.
  5. Each week, I’ll ask you for oral updates as well (group discussion).
  6. Finish the report by Mon, Dec. 2.
  1. My 4-week personal ambition (answer SMART goal questions in min. 250 words)
  2. Record Keeping (find a way to keep track of your progress, like charts, lists, outlines, tables, etc.). Keep specific notes
  3. Weekly updates: Min. 250-word paragraph per week will answer these 3 questions by Friday:Week 1 progress update + pictures Week 2 progress update + pictures Week 3 progress update + pictures Week 4 progress update + pictures
    1. What did I notice while tracking my learning strategies this past week? In other words, what worked, what didn’t, and why?
    2. How did my predictions about how, when, where, and what I would do match what actually happened?
    3. What strategies did I use to ensure my success? Are they working, or should I change something next week. Add a brief prediction of what you expect to happen next week.

    4.Looking ahead. This part is for week 6. Choose 3 questions for this paragraph, min. 300 words. Support your answers with specific details and examples.

    1. What learning abilities do I want to develop? And how will I go about learning them?
    2. In what ways will I take advantage of GE classes, especially if I am not necessarily interested in the topic?
    3. What is my plan to develop professional, productive relationships with my professors?
    4. What will I do when I find myself in a difficult or challenging learning situation?
    5. How will I evaluate my success in ways other than with my grades?
    6. What is my plan to improve my work ethic and integrity? 7) How will I deal with failures, setbacks, and obstacles?


Follow the instruction to draw a mindmap Writing Assignment Help

You may submit a picture (.jpg, .jpeg or .png) or PDF of your mindmap.

Purpose: to understand the importance of idea generation, organization design, product design, problem solving, etc. in the business development process. Mindmapping is a tool that you can use to let your mind loose on almost any issue your are addressing. Personally, I use it all the time when I am struggling to complete a project. There are numerous software programs available, but pen and paper works well, too. If you use pen and paper, all you have to do is submit a picture of it. If you use a specialized mindmapping program, make sure you export it as a picture or PDF. Or, you can also take a screenshot.

Assignment: Select any issue and complete a mindmap. This can be personal or business related. Some example topics:
career aspirations
vacation plans
entrepreneurial endeavors
new product ideas for a specific problem/solution

Mindmapping in Eight Easy Steps (Article by Joyce Wycoff)
Mindmapping is one of the simplest, yet most powerful, tools a person can have in his/her creativity toolbox. It is a nonlinear way of organizing information and a technique that allows you to capture the natural flow of your ideas. Here’s a quick explanation on how to use this flexible tool. Try it the next time you need to write a memo, prepare a meeting agenda, or try to get a bird’s-eye view of a complex project.

Step 1: Center First.
Our linear, left-brain education system has taught us to start in the upper left-hand corner of a page. However, our mind focuses on the center . . . so mindmapping begins with a word or image that symbolizes what you want to think about placed in the middle of the page.

Step 2: Lighten Up!
Let go of the idea of finding a cure for cancer, ending hunger, solving the problem, or writing a report that your boss will love. Mindmapping is simply a brain-dumping process that helps stimulate new ideas and connections. Start with an open, playful attitude . . . you can always get serious later.

Step 3: Free Associate.
As ideas emerge, print one or two word descriptions of the ideas on lines branching from the central focus. Allow the ideas to expand outward into branches and subbranches. Put down all ideas without judgment or evaluation.

Step 4: Think Fast.
Your brain works best in 5- to 7-minute bursts, so capture that explosion of ideas as rapidly as possible. Key words, symbols, and images provide a mental shorthand to help you record ideas as quickly as possible.

Step 5: Break Boundaries.
Break through the “8½ × 11 mentality” that says you have to write on white, letter-size paper with black ink or pencil. Use ledger paper or easel paper or cover an entire wall with butcher paper . . . the bigger the paper, the more ideas you’ll have. Use wild colors; fat, colored markers; crayons; or skinny, felt-tipped pens. You haven’t lived until you’ve mindmapped a business report with hot pink and dayglo orange crayons.

Step 6: Judge Not.
Put down everything that comes to mind, even if it is completely unrelated. If you’re brainstorming ideas for a report on the status of carrots in Texas and you suddenly remember you need to pick up your cleaning, put down “cleaning.” Otherwise your mind will get stuck like a record in that “cleaning” groove and you’ll never generate those great ideas.

Step 7: Keep Moving.
Keep your hand moving. If ideas slow down, draw empty lines, and watch your brain automatically find ideas to put on them. Or change colors to reenergize your mind. Stand up and mindmap on an easel pad to generate even more energy.

Step 8: Allow Organization.
Sometimes you see relationships and connections immediately and you can add subbranches to a main idea. Sometimes you don’t, so you just connect the ideas to the central focus. Organization can always come later; the first requirement is to get the ideas out of your head and onto the paper.

Article by Joyce Wycoff, Co-Founder, InnovationNetwork and author of
Mindmapping: Your Personal
Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem-Solving

I have attached some examples


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