public speaking Writing Assignment Help. public speaking Writing Assignment Help.
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Let’s focus a little more on strategic organization. In this case, let’s start with a subject and work back in the other direction. This chapter sets forth four types of strategic organizations: TIME LINE SPEECHES, PROCESS SPEECHES, SPATIAL SPEECHES, PROBLEM-SOLUTION SPEECHES.
Here is a definition of each:
TIME LINE: Usually associated with speeches on a historical event, this outline follows a time line to help the audience see how various components fit together.
PROCESS: This approach to an outline simply follows the steps involved in a building or developmental process.
SPATIAL: This strategic approach allows the audience to visualize actual 3-D dimensions or at least to see a space-related explanation of the topic.
PROBLEM-SOLUTION: This approach is often used by politicians and involves posing a problem and then offering a solution to it. It is one of the most commonly use types of speech today.
For each of the topics cited below, tell which of these four approaches would probably be the best strategy for developing the outline of the speech.
For this exercise, you are to put the content from Chapter 9 in your own words. Dr. Lucas mentions four types of connectives that make the flow of a speech smoother. For each of the four, write down a definition that shows your understanding of the idea.
Instead of looking in the text, do this one out of your own mind. There are any number of things that can make a speech seem jerky and disorganized. You may include something you learned by reading the chapter, but add to that. What else do you hear people do when speaking publically that makes the speech less than free flowing? Jot down at least six things that a speaker can do that create this lack of continuity in a speech.
Thinking back to the Tent Icon that we mentioned earlier, you will remember that the tent starts with a high mast, follows with four or five main points and then closes with an even higher mast. A speech needs to grab the audience quickly, maintain attention by giving a series of rich and textured points, then closing even higher with a summary or story. Here are a series of ideas for opening a speech that were shared earlier. They are repeated here for emphasis. They are tools you will want in your tool box when you stand up to present a speech. They will bring an audience to you almost every time. I encourage you to use them regularly in every speech you are privileged to give.
When it comes to getting the audience’s attention early, there are at least ten good techniques for helping that happen. Let me explain these one at a time then give you an example of each.
You are to complete this assignment by giving an example as well. Come up with an example of each and send me your examples as the answer to this assignment.
CLOSURE: In this technique for getting audience attention, you start your speech by reciting a familiar line or poem and letting the audience finish it. Any time the audience can close your quote, you have their attention.
For example, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick; Jack jumped over __________ ______________.
Not one of us said “his spotted Dalmatian.” We know that Jack jumped over “the candlestick.” Just to make sure you got it, start a quote or short poem of your own, making sure it is something familiar to the audience.
QUESTION: This technique has long been used to let the members of the audience turn suddenly to their own thoughts as to what they might say if called on to answer aloud. Ideally the question should be fresh and land on what people in the audience might wish for. You want to avoid overly used questions such as the one I mentioned in a previous Module, “What would you do if you won the lottery?” Many people are honestly turned off by that question; they have heard it too often with no good luck.
For example, “If I could give you five days and a pocket full of cash and tell you to go anywhere in the world for that week, where would you go and why?” That is a fresh question that we have likely not heard before.
STARTLING STATEMENT.: This technique gets attention by surprise. You want to be careful not to shock or anger the audience, but a good startling opening can draw an audience in.
For example, a student in one class began her speech on cancer with these words, “In this class of 24 students, statistics tell us that four or five of us will have some form of cancer during our lifetimes.” The statement caused all of us to glance around and sense the pain of a small group of us struggling later in life with this dreaded disease.
CLASSIC LINE FROM LITERATURE: This method taps the familiar. We share many bits of information in common with others. Any time you as a speaker can show an audience that you and they share common knowledge, they are drawn to you. For example, if I say, “Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again,” most people will easily remember that childhood ditty. And we smile and share a common thought.
Offer a classic childhood piece to see if I connect with you. What do you think you and I would know in common?
HISTORICAL QUOTE: This technique can be used with a more educated group who would enjoy hearing a line from John Kennedy or Ronald Reagan or Maya Angelou. To use it indicates that you have a knowledge of history and realize that many great things have been stated in the past. For example, when Pearl Harbor was bombed, President Roosevelt stood in the well of the senate on the following day and said, “December 7th is a day that will live in infamy.” Most of us remember the line. It is a surefire way to gain attention for most Americans.
I share these to reinforce the idea that you need to be connected with the audience really early in the speech, within 30-60 seconds, if you plan to have them with you. These approaches to a good attention-getting opening have been reliable for centuries and I am sure they will give you the audience’s attention as well.
For this exercise, you are to turn to speeches on YouTube and evaluate how well some of the speaker there do when it comes to getting off to a strong start. This will also give you a sense of how various people prefer to start a speech. You are to focus on their first sentences; what they use to get the audience’s attention.
You do not have to send the URL for the speeches you listen to, but do send a short summary of how well they did with their opening. Did they get your attention? Was it a rather average beginning without much pop? What made you feel that way? Watch the openings of at least five speeches—only the openings—and offer your evaluation below. If you will, at least provide the title of the speech and the speaker you are critiquing if the website gave that information.
You only need to watch five minutes of whatever speech you choose. If you choose something of personal interest to you, you may go longer if you want. But the first five minutes will help you complete this assignment.
In this chapter, Dr. Lucas offers five crucial tips for giving an attention-getting introduction. I wish I could circle them in red and highlight them in yellow. They are vital. For this assignment, please literally restate these by typing them in yourself. Just the first sentence of each one will do. But having done hundreds of speeches myself, I can tell you that these five need to be in your memory as permanently as possible. You will use them every single time you stand before a group.
At the end of the chapter, the author deals with conclusions. For this exercise, please write two sentences for each of the following statements as a way of summing up the content of these great guidelines. They follow the flow of the final section of the chapter. Share your summaries on each of these five and what they mean with me.
By far the biggest idea in this chapter is the importance of relating your speech topic to the audience in front of you. It is the same as finding common ground that we discussed earlier. But allow me a second hearing because of its benefit to every speech you share. Put in question form, it runs, “How does my topic relate to this particular audience?” And the follow-up question is a close second, “What can I say that will show that relationship?”
For example, if you were talking to a group of twenty year old college students on the topic of managing finances, one topic that is almost a given for them would be the cost of their education. If they do not receive a full ride to college, they have to find ways to fund the rather expensive venture we call education. Therefore, to start a speech on finances with references to the costs of college would no doubt draw their attention immediately.
For the following topics, let’s stay with twenty year old college students. For each of the topics, state how you might get started on a speech so that the college students connect with you right away. If we fail to show an audience how our topic relates to them, we may as well be talking to the wall. Place a couple of sentences after each of these topics to help me see how you would connect this topic with a coed class of college students.
Assignment 8:
I heard one man say, “That person had a pretty decent speech, but he didn’t know how to close it.” What do you think contributes to difficulty in closing a speech? Gosh, all of us have heard it, a person who gave a good presentation, but didn’t have a good way to “land it.” They kept circling the airport looking for a way to get the wheels on the runway.
What causes this? What may be happening if a person does a poor job of closing out a speech? Offer your thoughts on what may be going on when that happens.
public speaking Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Level Three Verbal message and non Verbal message Business Finance Assignment Help
Re-watch the movie from your Communication Practicum Project then
select three 10 minute scenes (different from the previous week, where
you looked at listening) and evaluate one 10 minute scene and focus on
the Verbal Messages. Then focus on the second 10 minute scene and focus
on the Non-Verbal Messages. Finally, evaluate the third scene and
compare and contract Verbal Messages vs. Non-Verbal Messages.
Use the following hints to help you organize your work:
- Briefly describe the scene, the characters and the situation.
- Using quotes from the movie, analyze the language used. Use material from the book to help you break down the use of language.
- Evaluate the body language, or non-verbal communication from the
characters. Utilize at least 3 non-verbal elements from the reading. - Cite each element, and then explain how the non-verbal behavior was either effective or ineffective. MY MOVIES IS FOREST GUMP.
Organizational Behavior Business Finance Assignment Help
Final Paper its about
(Monday Morning Mentoring book)
Students will present a three page typed paper, double space, Arial font summarizing what they learned from reading “Monday Morning Mentoring”.Students will identify specific concepts that “hit home” with them.Students will explain how the concepts peaked their interests and how they will use this learning in their future careers.This is not intended to be a summary of the text.It is to list specific examples from the book and how the student has gained valuable information that will assist them in their personal and professional life.Students will select 3 chapters that peaked their interests an then write one page on each chapter.
Expert Writers only Writing Assignment Help
URGENT Assignment.
must have 18 sources(Primary/Secondary)
one half to three quarters of the proposal will present your research ; the rest of the proposal will discuss the public project.
This is a complex assignment with many different pieces but will give you a good sense of the issues that public historians have to consider when presenting their work to the public.
This paper will be 20 pages long( not including bibliography, sample text and appendix.)
It will include a narrative story line based on your research. include a thesis; and a discussion of the reasons you have chosen to concentrate on the specific people,places,events. this will be the bulk of the paper .3/4
The rest of the paper will outline your public project and will discuss the budget(cost materials) materials to be used and why, ease of access durability.
In addition to the paper, you should include 2-3 examples of text that you would use in the final project. the sample text and other graphics will not count towards the page total for the paper itself; they will be placed in an appendix.
The paper will be double spaces, 12 times new roman font and standard margins, open parenthesis at least 1 inch , but not more than 1.25 inches. Paragraphs should be indented 5 spaces with only 1 double space between paragraphs.
Chicago Manual: Kate Turabian : A Manual for writers
Project Option: Bienville Square Commemoration
Bienville Square has long been at the civic center of mobile life. the events that occurred there and the people associated with those events have help define the city. For this project, you will research the history of the square (create thesis) and its immediate environs and choose 10 events or people to commemorate in small plaques set in the walkways.
The project will require primary and secondary source research into the park and events or people chosen as well as reading about the process of commemoration. why we commemorate certian events or people and how we choose who and what to commemorate.
You will also need to read about how best to present the information, the size of the plaques, the materials, the font, and other considerations. you will also need to investigate the cost and develop a budget for your project.
You will need to think carefully about your choices they do not have to be the most important events or people, but they do need to reflect the history and culture of mobile. ( 10 events/people need to be FROM MOBILE ONLY!) Public historians must strive to be inclusive, to represent the entire community. on the third hand , you must consider what is appropriate for this find of commemorative project. you will need to be able to justify for decision.
Powerpoint: 10 sides including thesis and 10 events/people in detail
Infectious Diseases in Children Health Medical Assignment Help
Using your course and textbook readings and the South University Online Library, perform research on the following:
- Assessment, diagnostic testing, and management of infectious conditions in a pediatric patient
- Differential diagnoses for presentation of symptoms involving infectious diseases in pediatric patients
After completing your research, consider this scenario:
An eighteen-month-old child, well-known to your practice, presents with a seven-day history of fever ranging from 101 to 104.7 degrees Fahrenheit. On the fourth day of the fever, the emergency department had performed the following tests:
- A blood and urine culture
- A complete blood count
- A comprehensive metabolic panel
The culture reports were found to be negative.
Today, the vitals of the child are the following:
- Temperature: 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit
- Heart rate: 120 beats/minute
- Respiratory rate: 20 breaths/minute
- Blood pressure: 90/40
Physical examination of the child indicates the following positive findings:
- Injected conjunctiva
- Palmar redness
- Magenta-colored lips
- Red macula
- Excoriating rashes in the diaper area
On the basis of the above information, respond to the following:
- What will be your differential diagnoses for this patient?
- What specific physical exam findings support these differential diagnoses?
- Of the differential diagnoses you listed, which would be the most concerning?
- What additional diagnostic tests will you recommend? Why?
- What would be your focus for caregiver education?
Evidence-based references must be no older than 5 years (2013 thru present). Please list the DOI or weblink where the references were found.As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Please be mindful of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Federal and state taxes are not the only items withheld from your paycheck. Writing Assignment Help
Part 1
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Federal and state taxes are not the only items withheld from your paycheck. There are other options such as benefits, the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and Social Security. Watch the videos A Primer on Social Security and A Primer on the FICA Tax located in this week’s M.U.S.E. to get a better understanding of both FICA and Social Security.
Please respond to the following questions:
- What role does Social Security play in employee retirement?
- What is the relationship between FICA, ERISA, and Social Security?
- What are some real world examples of retirement planning programs?
- What would be considered an example of fiduciary responsibility under ERISA?
Part 2
In the workplace, employers should create a safe and healthy environment. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created to ensure this environment. This week’s reading assignment and the M.U.S.E. item OSHA Standards may be helpful in completing this assignment.
For this assignment, you will create a report of at least 750 words. In your report, address the following:
- Summarize the history and purpose of OSHA
- Provide examples of three OSHA standards and how they are observed in the workplace.
- Describe a real-world example of an organization that violated OSHA standards and the consequences of the violation.
Please submit your assignment.
Federal and state taxes are not the only items withheld from your paycheck. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Star Wars Database Theme Park SQL Programming Assignment Help
Requirements: See PDF for detailed descriptions
Building upon your project 1 and project 2, the park will be a Star Wars themed park. You must design additional parts of the database and create the following SQL Script.
Step 1: Create table audits via triggers
The system must log any insertion, deletion, or updates to the following tables:
For each one of the table above, you will write the SQL Script to create their respective AUDIT table which is a table that contains the same columns as the original table, plus the additional columns Operation and DateTimeStamp.
For example, for the EMPLOYEE table with the given columns, you will create EMPLOYEEAUDIT:
Employee -> EmployeeAudit
Therefore, your assignment script will create the following 4 Audit tables:
– EmployeeAudit
– JobAudit
– ProjectMainAudit
– ActivityMainAudit
NOTE: You MUST use the above names for the audit tables
Information Governance Policy/Program for CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL Writing Assignment Help
Provide a research paper in APA format with detail description of the Information Governance
Policy/Program for CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL following the sample template provided below.
Information about the CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL is provided after the Sample Template
The remainder of this paper was reproduced for educational purposes in its
entirety from:
A Definition of Scope
The framework should begin by establishing the full extent of the Information Governance program.
An example of this could be:
“The Information Governance framework covers all staff that create, store, share and dispose of information.
It sets out the procedures for sharing information with stakeholders, partners and suppliers. It concerns the
management of all paper and electronic information and its associated systems within the organization, as
well as information held outside the organization that affects its regulatory and legal obligations.”
Roles and Responsibilities
The first major section of most frameworks clearly define key roles and their responsibilities,
Information Governance Committee
Information Governance Team
Information Risk Management
Information Asset Management
Records Manager
Line-of-Business Managers
Information Policies
Information Governance covers a wide range of policies. The framework should set out which
corporate policies are relevant to the Information Governance program. These may include:
▪ Information security policy
▪ Records management policy
▪ Retention and disposal schedules
▪ Archiving policy
▪ Data privacy policy
▪ ICT policy
▪ Information sharing policy
▪ Remote working policy
Information Procedures
A major part of the Information Governance framework should set out how the organization and its
employees work with information. This can be broken into separate sections covering:
▪ Legal and regulatory compliance
▪ Creating and receiving information
▪ Acceptable content types
▪ Managing the volume of information
▪ Managing personal information
▪ Storing and archiving information
▪ Collaboration and sharing information
▪ Disposing of information
Working with Third Parties
As more and more information that affects a business is created and stored elsewhere it is essential
to establish how the organization operates and shares information with stakeholders, partners and
suppliers. The framework should:
▪ Define the policies for sharing information with third parties
▪ Define how the organization can manage how third parties handle personal and confidential information
▪ Define how Information Governance fits within supplier relationships and contractual obligations
▪ Define measurement and metrics for third party meeting the organization’s Information Governance
Disaster Recovery, Contingency and Business
The framework should set out the organization’s approach to:
▪ Reporting information losses
▪ Reporting information security breaches
▪ Incident management and escalation
▪ Back up and disaster recovery
▪ Business continuity management
Auditing, Measurement and Review
Information Governance is a continuous improvement process so it must be underpinned by a
continuous monitoring procedure. The framework can set out the organization’s approach to:
▪ Monitoring information access and use
▪ Monitoring effectiveness of regulatory compliance
▪ Monitoring the effectiveness of information security policy and procedure
▪ Monitoring of ICT and storage infrastructure performance
▪ Risk assessment and auditing
▪ Information Governance review
Like many things in Information Governance, there is a balance to be achieved with the Information
Governance framework. The more comprehensive the document, the better. However, it shouldn’t
become so large and unwieldy that it ends up gathering dust on the shelf.
Information about the CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL
The importance of Information Governance is being realized across all industries. While
there are some common aspects of Information Governance that are common to all industries, still
information governance cannot be applied in a “cookie-cutter” fashion. That is, there are certain
characteristics or aspects of Information Governance that are unique to a given industry or
discipline. And even within the same industry, a good information governance program must be
tailored to fit the unique needs of each organization.
The health care industry is no different. It is undergoing comprehensive transformational
change. Consequently, health care professionals are faced with new regulations and requirements
that make effective information governance essential. Quick access to complete, comprehensive
and accurate information is essential to the goal of healthcare services, for today and tomorrow.
Healthcare providers are faced with the reality that information is a critical asset that must be
managed in a way that optimizes safe, cost-effective and high quality care to the patient, while at
the same time meeting the provider’s administrative and financial needs, reducing risk, and
increasing availability for business needs such as analytics and for use on the health information
exchange. Of course, the health care provider must do all of this while at the same time insuring
that it is operating ethically, will be able to quickly and completely respond to e-discovery requests
and holds, and that it is operating within the confines of both federal and state laws in all regards.
Information Governance initiates in the health care industry have been studied for more
than a decade by a number of organizations and associations. A few of these organizations that
have become industry leaders in advancing Information Governance in the healthcare industry in
the United States over the past decade.
Assume you are not a doctor and that you do not have “medical training” per se. Rather,
you have a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration. In addition, you have a degree in
Information Management. By coincidence, upon receiving your MBA you applied for and
received a job in the records department at your local hospital. Over the years, you have advanced
through the ranks, and have worked in various departments including finance, records
management, billing, accounting, marketing, and IT. Your employer, “CITY GENERAL
HOSPITAL”, has no “formal” information governance program, although it has been dabbling
with the idea of company-wide information governance.
You have just been named Chief Financial Officer at your organization. You have agreed
to chair the information governance committee that will be responsible for designing and
implementing a “formal” information governance program for the organization.
You have put together an Information Governance Committee (or “TEAM”) consists of
representatives from health information management, (HIM), human resources, staff from the
business office, accounting, risk management, legal, finance, IT, quality and compliance areas, as
well as representatives from clinical areas including nursing staff as well as physicians, radiology
and other diagnostic testing.
Your team has had only one organizational meeting. At that initial meeting, the team was
asked to do two things. One was to identify what each team member perceives as worthy goals of
the information governance program, and secondly, to identify areas that are in immediate need of
improvement, from their own background and perspective. They team returned the following:
The goal of the information governance program should include but not be limited to the
1. Developing processes to ensure better coordination of care throughout the entire
organization;2. Maintain a competitive advantage in the geographical regions served; 3. Ensuring that the organization is analytics-driven; 4. Improved performance and outcomes;
5. Becoming nimble enough to respond quickly and accurately to information requests
related to patient care and diagnosis, legal holds, e-discovery and litigation, and for
accountability and auditing;
6. Develop a viable retention and destruction schedule for active and inactive patient
7. Improve security and protect sensitive data while at the same time allowing necessary
access to eliminate impediments for staff that make it difficult to accomplish their job
duties; and,
8. Increase the accuracy of information related to outcomes, and financial leadership to
ensure the organization will meet or exceed its financial goals.
At its initial meeting, your newly formed Information Governance Committee, after some
brainstorming and collaboration produced the following list, which is by no means complete, but
which was identified by your team members as “high” on their list of problems facing the
organization which the team members believed could be resolved and/or minimized through
effective information governance:
1. A number of serious errors that adversely affect patient safely resulted from inadequate
user training on how to use the system, as well as laziness of staff in documenting and
2. Inability to capture information necessary for required reporting from the electronic
health records (HER);
3. Inaccurate and incomplete release of information for litigation and business purposes that
had resulted from poor systems integration and improper data retention policies;
4. Issues associated with a high rate of patient matching errors in master patient database;
5. Need for updating access controls that ensured appropriate security levels for those caring
for patients and those having access to patient records for purposes of billing, diagnostics
and reporting, and;
6. Need for better security of protected health information in order to comply with stricter
regulatory requirements.
illicit fentanyl research paper and mini presentation Writing Assignment Help
There is a proposal to base the report on, I do not expect a perfect written report (although needs to be error free, grammatically correct, formatted perfectly, and given alot of extra thought into a savory written report.) Better researched sources. cover letter title page and all that jazz shown in the attachment of poorly written directions, attaching audio of voice of how she also exactly want it
Report Assignment Identify an existing problem in your field of study or interest. Explain what the problem is, who it impacts, how it impacts this segment of the population (which you identified), why this problem is significant, and what the financial implications associated with it are. Once you analyze the problem you will have to research and propose a possible solution, and show how your solution makes sense and is an efficient and cost-effective answer to the problem. You will need to anticipate objections and complications, and to incorporate answers to questions readers will likely raise. The formal report must include the following items: transmittal letter or memo title page (which you must design) abstract table of contents executive summary visual aid (at least one) works cited page (apa) bibliographyThe report must utilize at least six credible outside sources peer reviewed sources (credible internet sources, trade journals, books or publications from the library, publications from government agencies, professional publications, etc.). Much of this work should have been done throughout the semester (via the eight summaries). The report should include internal heading and use appropriate formatting (margins, font, font size, spacing, etc.). The report will be graded on research/content (information gathered and logic applied), format/parts (professional look and adherence to instructions), writing (clarity, coherence, and correctness). The report must be a minimum of five pages, which does not include the front matter, executive summary, works cited, and back matter.PresentationsAs part of this project you will give a short 5-10 minute presentation on your report. You should have at least 5 PowerPoint slides to accompany your presentation, and should be prepared to answer questions.
some sources to use
Krenzelok, Edward P. “Abuse of fentanyl derivatives: history repeating itself.” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 74, no. 8, 2017, p. 556. Health Reference Center Academic, Accessed 20 Nov. 2018.
Creppage, K. E., Yohannan, J., Williams, K., Buchanich, J. M., Songer, T. J., Wisniewski, S. R., & Fabio, A. (2018). The Rapid Escalation of Fentanyl in Illicit Drug Evidence in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 2010-2016. Public Health Reports, 133(2), 142–146.
Essay typed. Business Finance Assignment Help
The Federal Mine Safety and Health Act requires the secretary of labor to develop detailed mandatory health and safety standards to govern the operation of the nation’s mines. The act provides that federal mine inspectors are to inspect underground mines at least four times a year and surface mines at least twice a year to ensure compliance with these standards and to make inspections to determine whether previously discovered violations have been corrected. The act also grants mine inspectors “a right of entry to, upon or through any coal or other mine” and states that “no advance notice of an inspection shall be provided to any person.”
A federal mine inspector attempted to inspect quarries owned by Waukesha Lime and Stone Company (Waukesha) to determine whether all 25 safety and health violations uncovered during a prior inspection had been corrected. Douglas Dewey, Waukesha’s president, refused to allow the inspector to inspect the premises without first obtaining a search warrant. Are the warrantless searches of stone quarries authorized by the Mine Safety and Health Act constitutional? Donovan, Secretary of Labor v. Dewey, 452 U.S. 594, 101 S.Ct. 2534, 1980 U.S. Lexis 58 (Supreme Court of the United States)
*word count needs to be at least 250 words*