PUH 6302 CSU Law and Ethics In Public Health Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help. PUH 6302 CSU Law and Ethics In Public Health Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Whereas the protection and promotion of human rights stand out among the major purposes of the law, sometimes the law is viewed as a restriction to individual rights in the delivery of health care and public health.
Individuals are deeply impacted by law on a daily basis, and this fact is no less true when they navigate the healthcare system, or when an individual’s actions are measured against the broader interests of the public’s health. Over many decades, legal principles have been rejected, developed, and refined as the law continually struggles to define the appropriate relationship between individuals and the physicians, hospitals, managed care companies, and others they encounter in the healthcare delivery system, and between individuals and government agencies charged with protecting public health and welfare. (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2020, p. 113)
By completing this assignment, you will gain insight to the individual’s legal rights to health care and individual rights in the context of government/policy-initiated public health efforts.
Imagine you are a chief ethics and compliance officer for a local public health department, and prepare a 15- to 17-slide PowerPoint presentation (title and reference slides do not count towards the total slide requirement) for presenting at a national health ethics conference organized by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO).
In this presentation, you should:
- assess the conflicts of interest between individual rights and health care delivery and public health policies in the United States, focusing on a complex ethical issue of choice pertaining to public health policy; and
- compare the United States’ approach to health rights and that of other high-income countries.
Your assignment must be supported with evidence from a minimum of three published resources with one from the CSU Online Library. All sources used in this assignment, including your textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA standards found in the APA Style Guide located in your myCSU Student Portal. Ensure your presentation includes visuals such as images and graphics to supplement your message. These images or graphics must be cited according to APA standards as well.
As part of the presentation you are encouraged to use the speaker notes section for the content slides to reinforce your presentation.
Refer to this PowerPoint Basics tutorial for tips on building effective presentations. Upon accessing the tutorial, a transcript is available within the Notes tab.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
PUH 6302 CSU Law and Ethics In Public Health Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Rasmussen College Information Literacy and Data Analytics Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
6 Part Assignment:
Part 1:
Digital Fluency
Digital fluency is a skill you are probably well-versed in. This skill includes not only the use of technology but also the creation of items used in the digital world for both personal and business needs.
Consider how digital fluency will influence your future endeavors. Write at least three fully-formed scholarly paragraphs for your initial response that demonstrates your understanding of the question.
Part 2:
Information Literacy
Being able to locate and understand information that is relevant to your professional career is paramount to the successful fulfillment of your chosen or assigned duties. This is often referred to as information literacy. Ascertaining knowledge about the environment you are working in will help to ensure that you are creating a correct and relevant solution.
For your initial post, write at least three fully-formed scholarly paragraphs that demonstrate your understanding of information literacy.
Part 3:
Diversity and Teamwork
Whether you are working in an organization or individually as a data analyst you will undoubtedly find yourself working as a part of a team or multiple teams at the same time. Being able to function appropriately within a team is often crucial to an organization or individual’s successful endeavors. As a part of a team, you will also need to be able to work with persons from a diverse assortment of cultures and norms.
Write at least three fully-formed scholarly paragraphs that demonstrate your understanding of how to work with a team in order to achieve a common goal.
Part 4:
Exploring Brain-Computer Interfaces
What are the potential applications of this module’s technology (brain-computer interfaces) and when used, what are some potential legal consequences? Write at least one fully-formed scholarly paragraph that demonstrates your understanding of the question
Part 5:
Different Products and Uses From Smart Workspaces
How many different products and uses could be developed from Smart Workspaces? Write at least one fully-formed scholarly paragraph that demonstrates your understanding of the question.
Part 6:
How could Blockchain change the way that natural and human environments interact with humans? Write at least one fully-formed scholarly paragraph that demonstrates your understanding of the question.
Purdue Global University Homey Caterers Business Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Discussion Overview
As one of the four functions of management (see Henri Fayol), the control function involves projecting the costs of a business through budgeting and preparation of financial statements. Eventually the financial statements must be analyzed to reveal what is going on in a business.
Topic: Determining Costs
- Select your top five expenses. How have you determined your expenses? Be specific, and back up your assumptions with research. For example, if you will be renting, what are the going rates for rentals?
-How much will electricity and other utilities cost?
-What salaries will you pay and what perks will you give employees?
-What is your salary or intended draw from the company?
You will craft the heart of your financial projections by focusing on the financial area of LivePlan. Along with this, you will discuss the logic you used to estimate your sales, and your expenses.
Complete the expenses, net profit, and financing sections of LivePlan.
Access LivePlan by PaloAlto software®
Checklist: Go to the PLAN View/Edit tab and under Financial Plan and address the following:
- Complete expenses by month.
- Complete net profit by month.
- Complete the uses and sources of funds in LivePlan.
Columbia Southern University How Plastic Use Causes Environmental Degradation PPT Science Assignment Help
After learning about several ways in which our everyday actions impact climate change, choose one action to conduct more research on and create a PowerPoint presentation to tell us more.
Think about what you do every day, and how the activity uses energy or natural resources. Think about a product you buy—how it was made, what natural resources were used to make it? You can also do a quick google search of “everyday activities that effect the environment” and start reading some articles for more ideas.
Remember to use reliable sources from the Internet.The best sources of reference material for your presentation are scientific journals.
Your presentation must include:
- What everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why did you choose this activity or product? Why is it important?
- Connect the activity/product to its impact on the environment and climate change. How does doing the activity or making the product use natural resources, disrupt habitat, impact wildlife or other effects on the environment?
- Report data and statistics, with references, on how this activity/product effects the environment.
- What can people do to decrease the activity/product’s impact on the environment?
Be sure to follow the formatting and guidelines provided below:
- Include at least three visual aids.
- Include three reliable references, and at least one source must come from the library.
- Use bulleted information on slides (five lines or fewer).
- Include substantial and detailed speaker’s notes that include what you would say in an actual presentation. The speaker’s notes should also reflect the depth of your research.
- Include a separate title slide and separate reference slide.
- Use an appropriate font and background.
- Include at least 11 slides, but not more than 15 slides (not counting your title slide and reference slide).
- Use correct APA format for references and citations, and use correct grammar and spelling.
One source needs to come from the document attached.
Alabama Southern Community College Wk1 Project Management Basics Q&A Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Project Management Basics
Question 1
Analyze a project you have worked on. The project may have been at home, at work, or in other settings (for example, church or school). Answer the following questions when you describe the project:
- Explain how the project originated.
- Was the process used to initiate and manage the project formal or informal? Analyze how this affected the outcome.
- Describe the difficulties you encountered while completing your project. How did you overcome that?
- Evaluate the final outcome of the project.
- Evaluate how the project was managed. Provide recommendations on improving the system.
Question 2
Describe the roles of the following project stakeholders: Project manager, Project sponsor, Team members.
Question 3
Describe the relationship between a project manager and a project sponsor. Who is ultimately responsible for the success of a project, the project manager or the project sponsor? Explain.
Question 4 Define the following terms and explain how these terms are specific and unique to the practice of project management: Project, Program, Project management
Question 5 Discuss the various project management process groups (initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing) and explain how they relate to the phases of a PLC.
The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response. Justify your answers with examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings and views of at least two peers.
Your posting should be the equivalent of 1 to 2 pages (500–1000 words) in length.
PSYCH 305N CCON Writeups Taking Corrective Action Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
In the last chapter of the text, the difficult discussion of taking corrective action with employees whose performance is lacking is presented. For this assignment, write a 1-paragraph scenario in which you identity problem behavior in one of your direct reports. After you have written this scenario, follow the steps in the textbook on taking corrective action. Be certain that you integrate evidence from the text and outside sources to support your plan on action.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
- Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
- 1-inch margins
- Double spaced
- 12-point Times New Roman font
- Title page
- References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources, including the textbook)
Taking Corrective Action
The two central elements of caring leadership—caring about the work and caring about people—come together in the corrective action process. The effective leader knows that performance and behavior problems must be addressed. Taking corrective action can be unpleasant and unpopular, but it is necessary because people may make mistakes that should not be condoned. Examples include theft, equipment abuse, and safety violations.
Organizational justice has three related aspects: (1) interaction—are people treated with dignity and respect? (2) distribution—are rewards and punishments distributed fairly? and (3) procedure—is the process of how justice is enacted reasonable, timely, and consistent? Research shows perceived organizational justice has a positive impact on satisfaction with the leader and productive citizenship behavior.81 Use of the following principles will help provide effective discipline and corrective action and ensure a sense of organizational justice.82
- Establish just and reasonable rules based on core values. Think of civil rules that are just, reasonable, and necessary, such as not driving through a red light or not stealing. Employees need similar guidelines for behavior on the job. If corrective action is necessary, it should take the form of a caring confrontation based on core values of the organization.
Work rules should be established in such areas as attendance, safety, security, language, dress, and personal conduct. When possible, employees should be involved in establishing rules based on the core values of the organization—honesty, respect for others, and the like. Committees on safety and quality of work life help serve this purpose.
- Communicate rules to all employees. Rules should be thoroughly explained to new employees during orientation as well as published in an employee handbook or posted on a bulletin board. As few rules as possible should be made, and these should be reviewed annually. Changes in rules should be communicated in writing, since people can be held responsible only for rules they know about.
- Provide immediate corrective action. Some leaders postpone corrective action because carrying it out is uncomfortable or distasteful. The practice of storing up observations and complaints and then unloading on an employee in one angry session only alienates the subordinate. Immediate correction and penalties (if appropriate) are more acceptable to the offender, and thus more effective. If there is an association between misconduct and swift corrective action, repetition of the offense is less likely to occur.
- Create a system of progressive corrective measures for violation of rules. Fairness requires a progression of penalties—oral warning, written warning, suspension from the job, and discharge. The leader should be sure that a final warning has been issued Page 485
prior to actual discharge. This progression gives the leader a chance to help the employee improve. If a penalty is necessary, severity should depend on the offense, the employee’s previous record, and the corrective value of the penalty. Theft may justify immediate suspension; tardiness may not. - Provide an appeal process for corrective action. An appeal process helps ensure fair treatment for employees. If a mistake is made during the corrective process, a procedure for review can help correct a wrongful disciplinary action.
- Preserve human dignity. Corrective action should take place in private. This approach reduces defensiveness and the likelihood that other employees may become involved and create an even bigger problem. Meeting privately provides a better opportunity to discuss the problem and prevent it from happening again. Never reprimand an employee in public.
- When meeting with an employee, allow time to explain fully. Be a good listener. Ask questions that help the employee clarify actions. Allow for honest mistakes. Everybody makes a mistake sometime. Strike a balance between correcting the problem and developing the employee. Criticize the act, not the employee as a person. Be sure to look at all sides of the problem. If you are in error, admit it. It is possible that the employee is innocent of intentional wrongdoing. If this is so, do not take punitive action, but provide training if appropriate. End corrective action on a positive note. Emphasize cooperation and optimism for future performance.
- Do not charge a rule violation without first knowing the facts. In any situation involving disciplinary action, the burden of proof and fairness is on the accuser. Be sure that (1) the rule is enforced consistently and that this incident is not an isolated case; (2) the employee was informed of the rule; (3) the employee broke the rule; (4) it can be proved that the employee broke the rule; and (5) corrective measures are fair.
- There is no substitute for good preparation prior to a meeting on discipline. However, even in cases where you think you have all the facts, you might find otherwise once you begin discussion with the employee. If something new comes to light that should be investigated, suspend the meeting so that the facts can be determined. On those occasions when something new is presented, take time to confirm the facts before acting. Some leaders think, Well, I’ve come this far. I don’t like doing this anyway. I am just going to do what I planned from the beginning, regardless of these new facts. This approach is a mistake. Aside from taking action that may be wrong, you lose credibility with the employee and everyone else who knows the facts.
- Obtain agreement that a problem exists. If you cannot get agreement that a problem exists, the answer is to inform the employee that it is not likely that the employment arrangement will continue. If the employee will not acknowledge that a problem exists, how can steps be taken to correct it? If the problem is not corrected, the employee must be reassigned or terminated.
- Avoid negative emotions. Relax before meeting with your employee; remain calm. Never confront an employee in anger. It is difficult to think and to communicate clearly when you are upset or arguing. Never scold or talk down to the employee, and do not curse or strike the person. Once you have taken corrective action, start over with a clean slate. Do not hold grudges or stereotype the employee as a troublemaker.
- Remember the purpose of corrective action. The word discipline comes from the same root as disciple, which means to train or teach. The purpose is to prevent future problems, not to punish or obtain revenge. Be sure the employee
- understands what is wrong and why it is wrong. Be sure the employee understands the rules and the reasons they exist. Be clear. Also be fair. Ask yourself, Is this disciplinary action too severe? If a lesser measure will accomplish the same purpose, use it. Also ask, Did I clarify the problem, or did I blame the employee? Finally, ask, Does this corrective action provide a way to avoid the same situation in the future?
- Avoid double standards. Rules and standards of conduct should be the same for all people in the same occupation and organization, and they should be enforced equally. If this is not the case, disciplinary action is unfair, and when higher Page 486
management, union arbitrators, or governmental agencies review the decision, the action taken probably will be reversed. Consider the following case: - Sure, I had a crescent wrench in my lunch box, but I’m no thief. Everybody does it. I could give you dozens of examples, but I won’t. One thing I will say is that taking company property is not restricted to hourly employees. Look at the way management uses company cars and gasoline for personal trips. And in the shops, we’re always fixing something for management—using company labor, tools, and parts. I’m always hearing stories from the front office about how managers combine vacations and company-paid business trips, or use their expense accounts for personal entertainment. I’m willing to live by the same rules everybody else does, but I won’t sit still for being singled out. Let’s face it: the way most employees think is that as long as you don’t overdo it, taking company property is a form of employee benefits—like vacations and insurance.83
- Enforce rules consistently and firmly. Disciplinary measures should be taken only when they are fair, necessary, procedurally correct, immediate, and constructive. Once these conditions are met, if disciplinary action is in order, the leader should proceed with confidence and firmness and should stick to the decision. When a leader backs down on a rule violation, employees think the rule either is unimportant or is being applied unfairly. The only time backing down is advised is when a wrong decision has been made. If a mistake is made, the leader must correct the mistake.
- Follow the four-step method for solving performance problems. See Figure 19–5. Note that step 4 accomplishes two important purposes: (1) ensuring the correction is made and (2) building goodwill by recognizing improvement.
Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2019). The art of leadership (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.
PSYCH 305N CCON Writeups Taking Corrective Action Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Regis University American Airline Total Rewards Strategy Plan Case Study Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a business report and need a sample draft to help me study.
So for the Assignment. I’m looking for an opening paragraph discussion American Airlines Total Reward Strategy Plan. This is a group assignment so I’m only responsible for the opening summary tying things together and the Growth and Development section. Below you will see a more detail section of the actual course directions and who is actually in charge of doing what. I add that section so you could see how to tie in the topics into the opening summary when discussion the total rewards strategy plan. For my section, which is the Growth and Development section, please look at the competitors and what they are doing to add some recommendations to what American Airlines could do better to outsource the competition. American Airlines can really improve in Growth and Development when in comes to management and peer interaction and mentorship, rewards, development overall. Also they need improvement in Equal Opportunities Education, sexual assault, and bias training.
*********For the opening summary, please write a 1-3 paragraph discussing the overall Total Rewards Strategy as a Whole using all of the topics for American Airlines, and for Kristi section ONLY which is Growth and Development, it only needs to be a 1 page summary explaining the topics listed, strategies in a competitive standpoint and recommendations of for American Airlines Total Rewards Plan for those topics. Please use APA format and cite all references.*******
Direction Total Rewards Plan: In the previous topic, you have gained a deeper understanding of performance management. Pay for performance can be a powerful motivator and performance management tool in the workplace, especially for those who are in sales and work for a commission. Research presents three factors that are important to consider as both HR and leaders attempt to identify an organization’s total rewards strategy. Daniel Pink provides a fun animation that presents research on what motivates us.
Watch Daniel Pink’s video “The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” from his book Drive (transcript). As a team, develop a Total Rewards strategy for your organization and, if appropriate, include pay for performance components. As a team write a 3-5 page Executive Summary to senior leadership outlining your total rewards strategy. Your Executive Summary should include both the elements of your Total Rewards strategy along with as a discussion of the business case for your proposed Strategy.
- Benefits – Mary
- Flight Benefits
- Healthcare Benefits
- Wellness Program
- Compensation
- Work-life Balance- Cassandra
- Flexible Schedules (Flight Attendants & Pilots)
- Remote work (Admin)
- Community Volunteer Opportunities
- Performance & Recognition – Poms
- Monthly Rewards
- Flight Service Champion (Flight Attendants)
- Chairman’s Award
- Growth & Development- Kristi
- Educational Leaves
- Discounts with schools
- Professional Development
- Diversity Training
Cuyamaca College ?Aging Model System Discussion Science Assignment Help
Model System Discussion
Now that you have seen all of the presentation about the six model systems that are often used in biological research, use that information to think about the following scenario.
Checkout the Model Systems page for an overview of model systems.
Assume that you are a newly educated PhD scientist and you have just been hired by a company that is focused on coming up with products that could impact the longevity of humans. You have been hired by them to set up a new lab and to develop a research project that would answer fundamental questions about this topic.
Now your goal is to develop a proposal for the longevity project you would like to do. In addition to using the information about model systems that you have learned in this module, you can also go online and search out additional information to supplement your proposal. In your post you should address the following points:
- What is the longevity question that you would like to address?
- What is the model system you propose to use and why?
Your initial post should be about 150-200 words and should be posted no later than Sunday August 23 2020 .
Once you post your proposal, you will be able to see the proposals of others.
At this point, you should read through those proposals, and acting as if you were the person who was going to fund the project, comment on ONE of the proposals submitted by one of the other students.
Choose a proposal that has less than 4 responses; if the proposal already has 4 responses, find another one to respond to. Your response should thoroughly describe why you are or are not going to fund that proposal with at least two positive comments and one comment that point out weaknesses in the proposal. This response should be completed no later than (date).
Your initial proposal will be worth up to 10 points, and your response to another student will be worth up to 5 points.
Alabama Southern Community College Improving Marketing Departments Project Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Project Plan
The course project flows from Week 1 to Week 5. For the course project, you need to choose a project topic and submit it for your instructor’s approval. The instructor may assign a project scenario if the proposed project topic is not deemed adequate to meet the learning objectives of the course.
After the approval, you will submit specific project deliverables each week.
In Week 5, you need to submit a final written plan and a presentation of the project. You are encouraged to use Microsoft Project (or other project management software tools), but its use is not required for this introductory project.
The project deliverables for each week are as follows:
Week | Deliverables |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
For this week, identify an industry for the project and a 2-3 page synopsis of your chosen project. In your synopsis, provide a rationale for how the project will meet the course objectives and describe the anticipated scope and project outcomes.
You should carefully consider the scope of the project so that you can complete the necessary work in the compressed time frame of this course.
Submission Details:
- Submit your proposed project in 2 to 3 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
- Name your document SU_PMC6601_W1_ LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Columbia Southern University Creative and Critical Thinking in Organizations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Consider a professional, volunteer, school, or church organization with which you are currently affiliated. Discuss how critical and creative thinking could be employed to help achieve the organizational mission and to solve problems within the organization. Provide at least one tangible change that might be made.
The following are suggested topics to be covered. Not all of these need to be included, but be sure to include topics from the course:
- ethical or moral implications of proposed change, or current operations (possible justification for change)
- how to overcome barriers to creative thinking
- utilize persuasive arguments
- propose leadership approaches that support teamwork, and
- describe leadership strategies that can be taken to achieve the goals listed and create a culture embracing sustained creative thinking practices.
The reflection paper should be a minimum of two pages in length. Any sources used should be properly cited according to APA style.
https://anyessayhelp.com/ page for an overview of model systems.
Assume that you are a newly educated PhD scientist and you have just been hired by a company that is focused on coming up with products that could impact the longevity of humans. You have been hired by them to set up a new lab and to develop a research project that would answer fundamental questions about this topic.
Now your goal is to develop a proposal for the longevity project you would like to do. In addition to using the information about model systems that you have learned in this module, you can also go online and search out additional information to supplement your proposal. In your post you should address the following points:
- What is the longevity question that you would like to address?
- What is the model system you propose to use and why?
Your initial post should be about 150-200 words and should be posted no later than Sunday August 23 2020 .
Once you post your proposal, you will be able to see the proposals of others.
At this point, you should read through those proposals, and acting as if you were the person who was going to fund the project, comment on ONE of the proposals submitted by one of the other students.
Choose a proposal that has less than 4 responses; if the proposal already has 4 responses, find another one to respond to. Your response should thoroughly describe why you are or are not going to fund that proposal with at least two positive comments and one comment that point out weaknesses in the proposal. This response should be completed no later than (date).
Your initial proposal will be worth up to 10 points, and your response to another student will be worth up to 5 points.