Purdue Global University Freud Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Purdue Global University Freud Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Purdue Global University Freud Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a business question and need support to help me study.
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Adler and Jung dissented from Freud’s psychoanalytical theories in important ways, as did many other post-Freudian theorists who bridged psychoanalytic and psychosocial theory in their views. Review the following:

  • Klein’s views of ego and superego
  • Horney’s views of gender differences
  • Erikson’s views of psychological developmental stages
  • Fromm’s views of a mother’s influence on personality

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Which of the theorists’ views from the list above is most similar to Freud’s theories? Which differs the most?
  • Which of these views is most similar to yours? Why?

Support your responses using information from this week’s learning activities.

Purdue Global University Freud Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Northeastern University Financial Regulation & Ethics Insider Trading Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Current Event Research Paper:

The current event research paper is about the Insider Trading and write a research paper describing what happened, the relevant law, and the significance of the story for the industry, the company, the law, and/or you.

What to include in the paper:

  • a detailed description of the current event
  • a detailed discussion of the relevant law – explain the law from the very beginning, as if your reader knows nothing about the topic; this is how you demonstrate your understanding of the law
  • an analysis of the current event
    • – Why is it important to the industry?
    • What companies will care about this news story?
    • What will its impact be?
    • Who will win? Why?
    • You can choose to answer any or all of these questions (or any other question). The goal is to demonstrate meaningful application of law to facts, and deep thinking about the issues presented by the news story


  • 8 pages, single spaced
  • Citation required anytime
  • The paper should be prepared using the APA writing style and guideline for references’ format. You must provide a bibliography, and all direct quotations and data sources must be properly cited.
  • Papers are to be RESEARCH PAPERS. Remember that work that you use from other authors MUST be referenced. It is expected that this paper is an overview of many different sources of information. Each of these must be attributed to the author using the APA format.

Case is attached (sec.gov)


Community College of Allegheny County The Joy of Cooking by Elaine Magarelli Essay Writing Assignment Help

write an explication essay, analyzing
the poem in terms of meaning (interpretation) and form (through such poetic
devices as metaphor, simile, symbolism, imagery, theme and aspects of sound
rhyme, rhythm, etc.). Once you have “torn the poem apart” through your analysis
of it, be sure to go on to “put it back together” (discuss what your explication has
led you to learn or say about the poem’s overall meaning and/or effect.) In
simpler terms, you are writing an essay here that answers the question, in detail, of
“how does the poem make its meaning?” (We have worked with poems in class and
in your short papers through this same process.)

2. The Joy of Cooking
I have prepared my sister’s tongue,
scrubbed and skinned it,
trimmed the roots, small bones, and gristle.
Carved through the hump it slices thin and neat.
Best with horseradish
and economical–it will probably grow back.
Next time perhaps a creole sauce
or mold of aspic?
I will have my brother’s heart
which is firm and rather dry,
slow cooked. It resembles muscle
more than organ meat
and needs an apple-onion stuffing
to make it interesting at all.
Although beef heart serves six
my brother’s heart barely feeds two.
I could also have it braised
and served in sour sauce.
–Elaine Magarrell


UCI Google Up Against Laws That Thwarted Microsoft Article Discussion Economics Assignment Help


To review a published article from a reputable media source, addressing economic theory and
policy topics that relate to the material we covered in Managerial Economics.

The topics are:
Market Structure (Perfectly Competitive, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly),
Game Theory, and Price Discrimination.


– Article should not be more than 2 years old, and should be from a reputable print media source,
such as The Economist, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times,
etc. Please check with me if you are not sure.

– Two students cannot review the same article. Therefore, once you have decided on an article,
post the article title, source and date on the Sakai/Courses forum that has been created for this
assignment. You will have the option to change the article, but make sure you update your post if
you do, so that everyone is aware.

– Length should be 1.5-2 pages double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 font, Time New Roman.

– Start with a summary of the article. Then analyze it from a theoretical point of view. Lastly,
express your opinion if applicable.

– You may use other articles and material to support your review but you must cite and list

– When you are done with the review, submit a PDF file with your name on it in Courses using the
Article Review Assignment link.


JPN 2101 University of Ottawa Introduction to Japanese Culture Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a asian studies writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.


James McClain’s Japan: A Modern History

This take-home essay exam serves as a course capstone, providing you with an

opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in this semester. In terms of

expectations, a take-home essay exam is between an in-class essay exam and a term

paper. However, it is better for you to treat it more like a paper than an in-class essay

Please do not circulate and post uOttawa


exam. You must have a clearly identifiable thesis statement that forms the basis of

your essay.

2. Note that you need to think about the course as a whole and to draw evidence from

lectures and readings of this course to support your argument (you may identify and

examine some additional critical studies related to your topic, but this is not required).

3. In your final take-home essay, all the topics must be related to the discussion of this


4. Bibliography: MLA recommended; or use one citation form consistently.

5. Academic honesty: my policies conform to the University of Ottawa’s policies



ART 100 CC Utility Box Street Art Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Many cities have developed ways in which to encourage public art and beautify their cities and streets. Often, utility/electric boxes around town are painted and decorated. At times, the artwork can be breathtaking, or provide some mind opening social commentary. The styles in which many of these boxes are painted and decorated is vast.

Find A Decorated Utility/Electric Box:

Taking some inspiration from Dave Van Patten, take a photo of a decorated utility/electric box from around town that you feel is inspiring. A photo that shows you standing besides it is preferred, but not required. Be sure to also mention where the utility/electric box is located in your thread.

Discussion Questions:

Tell us why you chose this utility/electric box.

What is it about the artwork that made an impression on you?

What do you feel makes it visually effective? Discussing a principle of design or two or anything from the visual toolbox could be helpful.

Tell us your interpretation of the imagery, including the theme you feel is covered.

Avoid going to Google for answers to the questions. Adding a little info from a source is OK, but I really want to hear your very own thoughts.


Your Discussion experience will come in two parts:

Part 1: Write a short essay that answers the above questions and provide comments about your own viewing experience. Additions to your thread resulting from any added research is fine. But remember to stay on topic and answer the questions.

Part 2: Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Posts.

Points will be distributed in this manner: Your initial Thread can earn you up to 10 points, and each response is worth up to 5 points max. Maximum points is 20. Extraordinary posts and responses will be rewarded with extra points, making totals larger than 20, but no more than 24 points. Poor spelling and grammar will result in the loss of points. Entries with any errors in spelling and grammar will receive no higher than 17/20. Be sure to make your entries perfect

ART 100 CC Utility Box Street Art Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GC Prehistoric Desert Footprints Are Evidence for HS on Arabian Peninsula Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a informatics question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

When we think of modern humans we often think of specific physical features along with cultural and linguistic attributes that define us. There are many things that we were not able to cover in this class that relate to our species. For this discussion board I would like you to look for a news article that specifically dealt with the prehistory of Homo sapiens. Your goal is to look for a news article that introduced a new discovery and for you to share it with the class.

You will receive points for the following items:

  1. Give a short summary of the news article.
  2. Briefly explain what the discovery was about.
  3. Cite your news article.
  4. Respond to two other student posts.


Grossmont College Electric Box Artwork Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Many cities have developed ways in which to encourage public art and beautify their cities and streets. Often, utility/electric boxes around town are painted and decorated. At times, the artwork can be breathtaking, or provide some mind opening social commentary. The styles in which many of these boxes are painted and decorated is vast.

Find A Decorated Utility/Electric Box:

Taking some inspiration from Dave Van Patten, take a photo of a decorated utility/electric box from around town that you feel is inspiring. A photo that shows you standing besides it is preferred, but not required. Be sure to also mention where the utility/electric box is located in your thread.

Discussion Questions:

Tell us why you chose this utility/electric box.

What is it about the artwork that made an impression on you?

What do you feel makes it visually effective? Discussing a principle of design or two or anything from the visual toolbox could be helpful.

Tell us your interpretation of the imagery, including the theme you feel is covered.

Avoid going to Google for answers to the questions. Adding a little info from a source is OK, but I really want to hear your very own thoughts.


Your Discussion experience will come in two parts:

Part 1: Write a short essay that answers the above questions and provide comments about your own viewing experience. Additions to your thread resulting from any added research is fine. But remember to stay on topic and answer the questions.

Part 2: Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Posts.

Points will be distributed in this manner: Your initial Thread can earn you up to 10 points, and each response is worth up to 5 points max. Maximum points is 20. Extraordinary posts and responses will be rewarded with extra points, making totals larger than 20, but no more than 24 points. Poor spelling and grammar will result in the loss of points. Entries with any errors in spelling and grammar will receive no higher than 17/20. Be sure to make your entries perfect


Grossmont College Infectious Disease and our Origins Reports Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a pharmacology question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Hi folks, if any of you would like to earn some extra credit you can view UCSD’s CARTA symposium that took place on May 16th.

What you will need to do for extra credit is to simply view the presentations and write a short report on each of them. You can do up to 2 short reports and each short report must be between 150 and 300 words long. Each report can be worth up to 3 points.

You will have to turn in your work by the Dec 1st to get extra credit.

Infectious Disease and our Origins: Robert Schooley-SARS CoV-2: A Third Coronavirus Takes to the Air

Infectious Disease and our Origins: Nissi Varki – Are There Human-Specific Infectious Diseases?

Infectious Disease and Human Origins: Sujan Shresta-Dengue and Zika: Mosquito-Borne Viral Infections


All American Career College Inventory Class Objects and Information Data File Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ question and need support to help me study.

  1. Create an Inventory class
  2. Create a text file with inventory items
  3. Open the text inventory file, create Inventory objects, and read inventory information into the class objects.
  4. For each inventory object print out the inventory data.

The inventory class will contain the following data:

  • Item Name (string)
  • Number of Items (integer)
  • Price Per Item (float)

The Inventory class should contain methods to set inventory data and get inventory data. There should also be a method to calculate the value of an inventory object by multiplying the number of items by the price per item.

The first line of the file should contain a number indicating how many inventory records are in the file. Each inventory element should be written one per line. For example:


The general logic is to read the first record, convert it to an integer, and use this as the counter in a loop to read in the rest of the data. Use the language data conversion methods to convert from Strings to Integers and Floats.

Turn in your source code and the file you used to run your program.




All American Career College Inventory Class Objects and Information Data File Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ question and need support to help me study.

  1. Create an Inventory class
  2. Create a text file with inventory items
  3. Open the text inventory file, create Inventory objects, and read inventory information into the class objects.
  4. For each inventory object print out the inventory data.

The inventory class will contain the following data:

  • Item Name (string)
  • Number of Items (integer)
  • Price Per Item (float)

The Inventory class should contain methods to set inventory data and get inventory data. There should also be a method to calculate the value of an inventory object by multiplying the number of items by the price per item.

The first line of the file should contain a number indicating how many inventory records are in the file. Each inventory element should be written one per line. For example:


The general logic is to read the first record, convert it to an integer, and use this as the counter in a loop to read in the rest of the data. Use the language data conversion methods to convert from Strings to Integers and Floats.

Turn in your source code and the file you used to run your program.




All American Career College Inventory Class Objects and Information Data File Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ question and need support to help me study.

  1. Create an Inventory class
  2. Create a text file with inventory items
  3. Open the text inventory file, create Inventory objects, and read inventory information into the class objects.
  4. For each inventory object print out the inventory data.

The inventory class will contain the following data:

  • Item Name (string)
  • Number of Items (integer)
  • Price Per Item (float)

The Inventory class should contain methods to set inventory data and get inventory data. There should also be a method to calculate the value of an inventory object by multiplying the number of items by the price per item.

The first line of the file should contain a number indicating how many inventory records are in the file. Each inventory element should be written one per line. For example:


The general logic is to read the first record, convert it to an integer, and use this as the counter in a loop to read in the rest of the data. Use the language data conversion methods to convert from Strings to Integers and Floats.

Turn in your source code and the file you used to run your program.




All American Career College Inventory Class Objects and Information Data File Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ question and need support to help me study.

  1. Create an Inventory class
  2. Create a text file with inventory items
  3. Open the text inventory file, create Inventory objects, and read inventory information into the class objects.
  4. For each inventory object print out the inventory data.

The inventory class will contain the following data:

  • Item Name (string)
  • Number of Items (integer)
  • Price Per Item (float)

The Inventory class should contain methods to set inventory data and get inventory data. There should also be a method to calculate the value of an inventory object by multiplying the number of items by the price per item.

The first line of the file should contain a number indicating how many inventory records are in the file. Each inventory element should be written one per line. For example:


The general logic is to read the first record, convert it to an integer, and use this as the counter in a loop to read in the rest of the data. Use the language data conversion methods to convert from Strings to Integers and Floats.

Turn in your source code and the file you used to run your program.


Purdue Global University Freud Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Purdue Global University Freud Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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