Purdue University Amazon Innovative Company Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Purdue University Amazon Innovative Company Paper Humanities Assignment Help. Purdue University Amazon Innovative Company Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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write minimum 650 words based on the instructions – MLA format

I’m working on a English project and need an explanation to help me learn.

in this assignment, you will make note of the company that you are interested in writing your Academic Report about and then will identify several specific types of information that you could use in the Report as evidence.

There are different types of information available to you and your job is to identify each of the following that you could pursue:

A book

An academic journal article

A magazine article

A website article (something that only appears online, such as a news website, tech blog, etc.)

A social media account (for example, the Instagram account company that you are writing about)

A specific person that you could interview (someone who works there, an author who has written about the company, etc. – you do not need to know this person but it cannot be vague; it must be a real and specific person)

An audio/video resource (a podcast, news video, etc.)

Information from the company itself (press release, quarterly report, content on its website, etc.)

To clarify, you are not required to use all of these diverse types of information for your Academic Report. However, I need to see your ability to locate a variety of different sources of information that you could potential use.

To complete this assignment, include the following:

Specific information about each of the eight listed types of information above. Include a full description of the source and a brief description of the type of information and how it could be useful to you. You do not need to format each one in APA/MLA but you must include enough information for me to know what it is (title of the book, title of the article, name of the academic journal, name of the podcast, etc.) For example, if I were writing about Apple:

BOOK: A book that I am considering is Ken Kocienda’s Creative Selection: Inside Apple’s Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs. Kocienda was a software engineer at Apple for 15 years and was a part of the team that developed iOS. His insights into Apple’s design process and operations could prove helpful.

PERSON: A former colleague of mine, Kat Hash, worked for Apple for two years as a Project Manager in Apple’s Learning & Development and could serve as a potential interview resource. She would have insight into Apple’s education/training programs, which could prove helpful for this Report.

As you can see, these two examples provide enough detail for the reader to see the specifics of the source of information.

Purdue University Amazon Innovative Company Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Deanza College Nature of Creativity Ancient Greece & Qing China Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1. Select an individual – an artist, scientist, musician, writer, or other creative figure – and discuss his or her creative process. You should use primary materials, interviews, and secondary works to support your ideas. What factors contributed to their creative success? Can you identify any particular social or personal elements that may have been important?

2. Following the same format as above, select an artistic movement or group of individuals known for a distinctive style or type of creative work. This could also be an academic discipline. Describe the creative process as it applies to this group, discipline, or artistic movement.

3. Pick a historical period – Ancient Greece, Qing China, Modernism, the Renaissance – and describe the creative forces at work in that period. What factors helped to shape the creative production during that particular period?

4. Identify and discuss the latest research on creativity. What are the most recent ideas concerning the development and nature of creativity, and what are the implications of these findings?


The University of Tennessee Martin Green Technology Practices Research Project Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

hello friend,

first thanks for your effort in the first assignment. it looks good

now for this one, i have writing a research paper about a project under the subject “Green Software”

i need to go with you one by one to review it, add on it, finalize it in more than one session

first part, I will send you all the sources and structure, i have almost finish the first 3 parts of the research, i need you to review them and add one more thing in the third part:

I need an answer from the sources to this question…

“what is the practice that took a lot of energy?”

“BAD” and “GOOD” uses and practice in the energy in (design, implementation, programming, and testing…etc)

it has to talk about software not hardware in design and the others mentioned



Energy-aware Software Engineering

G. PINTO and F CASTOR (2017): Energy Efficiency: A New Concern for Application Software Developers, COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, DECEMBER 2017 | VOL. 60 | NO. 12.

K. Eder and J. P. Gallagher (2017): Energy-Aware Software Engineering, Chapter in Book, Intech, 2017.

A. Hindle (2016): Green Software Engineering: The Curse of Methodology, IEEE 23rd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, 2016.

S. GEORGIOU et al. (2019): Software Development Lifecycle for Energy Efficiency: Techniques and Tools, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52, No. 4, Article 81, August 2019.

J. Singh et al. (2015): Impact of Developer Choices on Energy Consumption of Software on Servers, Procedia Computer Science 62 ( 2015 ) 385 – 394

M.A. Beghoura et al. (2017): Green software requirements and measurement: random decision forests-based software energy consumption profiling, Requirements Eng (2017) 22:27–40

A. Banerjee et al. (2017): Future of Mobile Software for Smartphones and Drones: Energy and Performance, 2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft)

G Procaccianti et al. (2016): Empirical evaluation of two best practices for energy-efficient software development, The Journal of Systems and Software 117 (2016) 185–198

Ontologies and Metamodeling

B. Henderson-Sellers (2011): Bridging metamodels and ontologies in software engineering, The Journal of Systems and Software 84 (2011) 301–313

Edgar Serna M. et al. (2014): Ontology for knowledge management in software maintenance, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 34, Issue 5, October 2014, Pages 704-710.

L. Merino et al. (2019): VISON: An Ontology-Based Approach for Software Visualization Tool Discoverability, In VISSOFT’19: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, IEEE, 2019.

B. Henderson-Sellers et al. (2014): An ontology for ISO software engineering standards, Computer Standards & Interfaces 36 (2014) 563–576.

Z. Havlice et al. (2009): Knowledge in Software Life Cycle, 7th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 2009.


i give you the sources the template and my work in the first 3 chapter also i tried to write about the good and bad practice but not sure about it ” i attached it too”

I need an answer from the sources to this question…

“what is the practice that took a lot of energy?”

“BAD” and “GOOD” uses and practice in the energy in (design, implementation, programming, and testing…etc)

it has to talk about software not hardware in design and the others mentioned

it need to be added in chapter 3

any more questions let me know


Purdue University Economic Market Failures Paper Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Discussion board posts should be no more than 1000, and no less than 900 words

Discussion Board #1 Question:

Find the readings at this link: https://we.tl/t-kPmrX1hE8s

Part A

Based on our recent in-class discussion on market failures, present and discuss your understanding of the five (5) Market Failures:

  • Monopoly Power
  • Spillover or Externalities
  • Public Goods
  • Inadequate Information
  • Economic Inequality.

Part B

Discuss and present the different corrections for all five (5) Market Failures.

Part C

Consider the Market Failure of Economic Inequality and the argument presented by one of America’s most world-renowned and leading economists, Joseph Stiglitz, that too much economic inequality can be dangerous of the American economy and society. Present your understanding of his work.

In order to help you respond to this question, please refer to the readings: The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future by Joseph Stiglitz, Chapter 1 (attached), and the NY Times Article, Separate and Unequal by Thomas Edsall (link below), as well as the lecture slides, and textbook readings.


Role of Race in Specific Legal Cases Miderm Essays Humanities Assignment Help

Hello, thank you so much for taking this. This is the original assignment information -> and I will provide you the work that needs to be edited below in our conversation. Thank you :)!


The mid-term consists of
essay questions. Each essay should be between 5 to 6 pages minimum.
Citations and bibliography (MLA or APA style format) are required. Type,
double-space, times, 12-font. You are required to cite from Week #1 ~
Week #7 lectures, readings and discussions. You may cite outside sources
additionally. However, your essay will be evaluated based on your
understanding of the course materials so please incorporate and cite
your readings, lectures, discussions (and links embedded in the lectures
and discussions) . Please make sure you upload the follow file types:
doc., docx, pdf or pgs.

1) COMPOSITION: grammar, syntax, spelling, organization
2) CONTENT: information & data
3) CREATIVITY: originality of approach and ideas
4) CRITICAL ANALYSIS: sociological imagination
CITATION: sources; references of each textbook, each film clip, online
Canvas posts, class lectures/discussion, bibliography/works cited -page.

may cite the journals you’ve written & submitted (make sure you
cite them if you use them or quote them). You may cite discussion posts
submitted by you and by your classmates.

Extra Credit Points: If
you include additional films (extra credit films from the list
Professor León has provided) into your analysis per question, you will
earn extra credit points toward your exam.

answer both questions (#1 & #2) and upload them in one document
(please indicate when the first question ends and when the second
questions begins):

Question #1:

Choose three legal cases from the following list. Discuss
the role of “race” in how these specific legal cases were argued,
defended, and concretized into law. How did the legal frameworks and
court systems define, incorporate, and actualize “race” as it affected
APAs? Do you see how this history (from these two specific cases) still
have an effect on APAs today (in 2020)?

*People v. Hall

*Yick Wo v. Hopkins

*Chae Chan Ping v. United States

*Fong Yue Ting v. United States

*United States v. Wong Kim Ark

*Wong Wing v. United States

*United States v. Ju Toy

*Yamataya v. Fisher

*Tape v. Hurley

*Oyama v. California

*Sei Fujii v. California

*Gong Lum v. Rice

*Ozawa v. United States

*United States v. Thind

*Hirabayashi v. United States

*Korematsu v. United States

Question #2

have layers of social meaning, historical contexts, and political
orientation. It’s not a matter of just being “politically correct” or
“politically incorrect.” It’s about conveying a worldview and
theoretical framework, whether you were aware of it or not. . .

does the term “Oriental” socio historically signify? How has it been
employed and applied to Asian Americans? How have Pacific Islanders
figured into this label and social reality? What role has “race” and the
“racialization process” played in contributing to the proliferation of
this label and all of the layers of social meanings attached to this

Required lectures are provided in word doc!!!!



CMR 282 Miami University Mod 2 Visual Benchmark Performance Analytical Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

To Do:

  • Assessments 1, 2, 4, 5
  • Visual Benchmark 1
  • Performance Assessment 6
  • Analysis essay

CMR 282 Module 9 textbook assignments


Submit the following files:

(1) 4-NADQ1Fees-1.xlsx
(2) 4-PFSalesSum.xlsx
(3) 4-BillingSummary3Q-5.xlsx
(4) 4-HROctSales.xlsx
(5) U1-PreBulkSales.xlsx
(6) Analysis essay

For your essay:

  • Essay length – 200 words
  • What insights do you have about the data presented in the spreadsheet? Are there any anomalies or interesting facts you see?
  • What kinds of decisions can you make from the data, or what recommendations can you make to improve the business, process, etc. that is presented in the spreadsheet?
  • What can be changed to improve the worksheet? Why would your recommendation be an improvement?

CMR 282 Miami University Mod 2 Visual Benchmark Performance Analytical Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 201 SEU Demonstrate Overall Marketing Concepts Goals & Strategies Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Critical Thinking

Weightage: 5 Marks

Learning Outcomes:

Demonstrate a solid understanding of overall marketing concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies.(Lo 1.1)

Ability to carry out objective and scientific analysis of consumers’ needs and wants (Lo 2.3 & 2.6).

Explain issues pertaining to marketing environment both internally and externally (Lo 1.2)

Build a strong understanding of the social, economic, ethical and technological challenges facing marketers (Lo 3.1)

Assignment Questions:

1. There are four macro strategies to create and deliver value to customers and that can help a firm to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. Think of companies from the local market who you are very loyal to in many categories like (food, electronics, personal care etc.). Is it the product, location, operational, or customer excellence that you are loyal to that firm? Critically examine. (2.5 Marks)

2. You have read about the 4E Framework for Digital Marketing. You are required to choose a product category from your local market and critically examine how it uses the 4E framework for that product with the help of best social media elements. (2.5 Marks)


PHIL 202 Upper Iowa University Application to Career and Professional Goal Essay Humanities Assignment Help


Write a summary of at least 300 words in which you cover the following areas:

  1. Summary of Learning – Include major areas of content found in the lectures, reading materials, assignments, and discussion for the week.
  2. Personal Learning – Cover items that personally impacted your thinking.
  3. Application to Career and Professional Goals – Include information relevant to your current and/or future career.

Summaries should be detailed and thorough and refer to class discussion, course readings, and other course content. They should be in your own words and demonstrate an engagement with the content of the course. Include your own personal reflections on the material as well as summary of contents.


PHIL 202 Upper Iowa University Tax Reforms to Make the Situation Better Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Write a 300-500 word essay in which you answer the questions. Utilize ethical theories discussed in the course to frame your defense, as well as your own views.

The government frequently talks about the need for “tax reform,” that is, a changing of tax laws, arguably to make things better for the people. Many of us are concerned about taxes, for various reasons. Some people say that taxes are too high, and they should be lower. Of course, if the government has less revenue, they either have to cut spending or increase the national debt. Some people don’t like the idea of their taxes going to fund certain things, like the arts, or welfare, or wars that they don’t agree are just. Still others contend that the government wastes a lot of money. Some would argue that the “war on drugs” has been a waste of money, particularly as it applies to marijuana. Finally, libertarians say that most taxation is a form of theft, since the government takes our earnings without permission.

Using any and all ethical theory we have discussed during the course to weigh in on the issues raised above, as well as any other issues related to economic justice in general.


UCLA Module 9 Supplier Partnerships and Supply Chain Power Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 11 has sub-category sections on, “Benefits, Risks, Critical Success Factors, Power Commitment & Trust, and Power & Conflict.”

Reading the chapter made me think of stories from my career that fit into each sub-category. Synopses of these stories are below. After reading chapter 11, read each of these stories and answer the questions that follow each story.

In class, we will talk about your ideas and I will share the decisions that I made. I didn’t make the right decision in every case, but hindsight IS 20/20 and maybe you can learn from my successes AND my failures!


Purdue University Amazon Innovative Company Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Purdue University Amazon Innovative Company Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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