Python Programming Programming Assignment Help

Python Programming Programming Assignment Help. Python Programming Programming Assignment Help.

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Description: Choose a popular movie you like and find the id of this movie at

  • Example:…
  • Movie id = “incredibles_2”
  • “Incredibles 2” has 17 pages of reviews. You need to collect reviews from all the pages
  • Create a list of lists [review, score], where “review” is the review text content and “score” is the rate given for each review. This score can be a nominal grade, fraction or can be missing – see picture
  • Rank reviews by score
  • Test your program with different movie ids.
  • Input: Data will be collected from the website User can be prompt to insert movie id, but it’s not required.
  • Output: Print the 10 better and 10 worst rated reviews. See details in the Procedure.

Python Programming Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Can you configure computer and network resources? Computer Science Assignment Help

Network technologies can be employed in various ways to meet business needs. Developing a solution begins with a set of requirements that must be understood and addressed. Following is a scenario that requires you to use a variety of network components and technologies to develop a networking solution. When working on developing a solution, all requirements may not be explicitly stated. When making assumptions, be sure to include them in your design document.

The construction industry has struggled over the past years due to the economy. Nearly a dozen companies, including builders and subcontractors, banned together to develop a strategy to increase their business in the greater Washington, D.C. area. This consortium of builders and subcontractors called themselves BLDRS-DC.

BLDRS-DC engaged a well-known marketing company that recommended that they a.) use a Web site to exhibit their services, capabilities, and availability. Other social media sites would be represented in the final solution as well. This site would tie together their sales and scheduling information. They also identified the need for the project managers to b.) have access to project details from the construction sites. This remote access would ensure tasks were completed correctly and decrease construction time considerably.

In addition to engaging a marketing firm, BLDRS-DC hired a company that develops and manages Web sites. The Web site management company would be responsible for developing the software to connect sales materials and scheduling information to the Web site. Fortunately, all the companies involved use the same scheduling software and database software for sales material.

As the network specialist selected to plan and coordinate all of the activities, you need to develop a design document that outlines the technologies needed at each company to connect their unique information to the Web site. Specify the necessary network components that each company would need to enable customer access and scheduling.

In addition, you need to identify a solution for allowing construction managers to securely access drawings and other pertinent construction details remotely.

Prepare a Word document that is approximately 3 pages in APA format. It should be professional in appearance and suitable for review by network novices. Present the information in laymen’s terms.

Be sure to include the following.

  • Title page
  • Introduction summarizing the problem being addressed and solution highlights
  • Description of the network technologies and components required to implement a Web site providing marketing materials and scheduling information.
  • List of the specific technologies and components needed to allow construction foremen remote access to project details.
  • Explanation of any challenges or considerations uncovered from the research conducted
  • Provide references in APA format as appropriate


Increasing Depths of Knowledge in Literary Analysis, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help

In this unit, you are, of course, you are expected to read each act of the three-act play, “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder. It is also recommended that you watch the play in some form, as that is how plays are meant to be enjoyed!

Increasing Depths of Knowledge in Literary Analysis

Subject of analysis: the play, “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder

In this unit, you are, of course, you are expected to read each act of the three-act play, “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder. It is also recommended that you watch the play in some form, as that is how plays are meant to be enjoyed!

ACT I—parts one & two


  • Which characters do we meet in this act? Of these characters, who seem to be the main characters?

  • In what settings (locations) are these characters found?

  • During what time period does the story take place?

  • What major events transpire during the course of the act?


  • Recalling which characters we see in this act, what are their relationships to one another? Be sure to answer in full sentences, and explain each character’s relationship to the other, as best you understand it.

  • Based on the events that occur in this scene, what do you predict will happen next? Use at least one quote from the play to explain your prediction.


Psychology Experience, psychology assignment help Humanities Assignment Help

Psychology Experience

Each student will complete five hours of “psychology experience” during the semester. Experience points are not graded, but are evaluated as pass/fail and must be completed. If not completed, 50 points will be deducted from final grade.

This requirement can be completed in a variety of ways:

  1. Lecture/Event Opportunities: as announced in class or in the community. You will receive 1 hour of credit for each hour of participation. You must provide a 500 word (minimum) summary of how the event relates to the course. You must clear any events ahead of time with the instructor.
  2. Experiment/Research participation: You may serve as a participant in research studies. You will receive 1 hour of credit for each hour of participation (to the nearest 15 minutes).
  3. HR2: You may serve as a participant for our counseling psychology graduate students. You will receive 1 hour of credit for each hour of participation. A program representative will attend class to give more information about the screening and enrollment process. The practicum coordinator will alert me (with your permission) only that you came attended the sessions (no content). At the end of your sessions, you will need to write a 1-2 page reflection paper about your experience.
  4. Paper Option: You may write papers—article summaries—of articles from peer-reviewed journals in the field of psychology. You will receive one hour of credit for each 1-page (double spaced) article summary (12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1” Margins, at least 1.5 pages long). Turn in hard copies of the articles you read along with the summaries.
  5. Book Review: You can earn all five hours through reading a book in the popular or specialized psychology literature (book title must be approved by me PRIOR to your report) and writing a 3 – page (double-spaced) summary and analysis.

You may “mix and match” these to earn 5 total points (e.g. 3 hours of practicum plus 2 hours of research participation). Written assignments may be submitted via Canvas in the “Psych Experience” folder. If you participate in practicum and/or research, you must verify that your counselor or graduate assistant has permission to let me know of your participation.


2 Assigments Humanities Assignment Help


Assignment A


Submit completed “But what do you mean?” DQ’s by Tannen – ( See attached file: But_What_do_you_mean_Reading 17 DQ-3.docx (13.7 KB) )


Assignment B


James M. Henslin – Essentials of Sociology (2016, Pearson).pdf (247.5 MB)


Nature vs. Nurture DB – What to Do

Refer to Henslin Essentials for this weeks Discussion. Read A Medical Accident on pages 301- 302, and answer the following:

How does the Bruce/Brenda case shed light on the Nature (biological) vs. Nurture (socialization) debate?

2) In this case, did nature or nurture prevail?

3) Is this always the case? Explain.

Length will vary; answer completely.




Thank You!



Convert a simple java file to C and add some extra functions Programming Assignment Help

This is the program requirements and the attached file is the java file they provided. I copy pasted it in docx.


The program will read all lines from a text (ascii) file using the
facilities of fgets for C (see "man fgets").

The program should do exactly what does in the text appendix,
except that you may (optionally) improve the appearance of the output.
You should be able to get the entire java program, including all
ADTs, libraries, whatever, from AppendixCode.tar in Handouts.
Probably the Java program will run correctly with no changes.

The above READING section tells you where to find documentation on
what does. Trying to figure it out from the code only is not

This assigned program will use data structures that are different from Only the observable behavior is to be mimicked.

Most of this handout is about how to go about the assignment.
It does not repeat what is in the text appendix and other sections
mentioned in READING above. It does not teach C.

We recommend that you work directly on your C program, using the
text and possibly the Java code as a guide to expected behavior.
Do not try to convert from java line by line.

We'll follow the C convention of lowercase file names, but type names
will remain capitalized.

Give your binary compiled C program the name graph01.
Your main source file should be named graph01.c.

Your source file that IMPLEMENTS the IntVec ADT should be named intVec.c.
The ADT header file is intVec.h, supplied in the class locker, a directory
named cmps101-avg. The complete path is given in the syllabus and on
the class web page and later in this handout.
The file standardVec.txt in Handouts/ and in the course locker
describes how "vector" ADTs are usually implemented in C.

( uses an IntList ADT, which is more flexible and simpler to
implement, compared to the "vector" idea, but experience shows that
the IntList approach is less efficient on modern hardware.)

Reading input in C is trickier than it sounds, so don't wait too long to
get started. As a C program, this is a pretty simple warm-up to get some
routines in place that you will need later. Also, there is a lot to do
besides write C code.



If your program receives no command-line arguments, it should print
a usage message on stderr using fprintf() and exit 0.

Note that the Unix convention is that an exit code of 0 means
"normal completion" and non-zero exit codes denote various errors.
The exit code of 0 is established by "return 0" from main() or by calling
exit(0) anywhere. Similarly, non-zero codes may be established.

Command-line arguments of the form "-something" are often called "flags",
and provide the means for varying the way the program runs,
or varying the form of the output. ("-" by itself denotes stdin.)
This assignment does not require flags.

The final command-line argument is the name of the input file,
and this name will not begin with a "-" unless it is "-" by itself.

If the program has command-line arguments but cannot get the file name
from the command line or cannot open the input file,
then a non-zero exit code should be returned.



Input consists of a sequence of lines on ``standard input'' or in
an ascii file (also called text file).
The line formats are as described in the text appendix for

Standard input is called stdin for C. stdin is of type FILE *.

End-of-file signals the end of input, and is typed on the keyboard
as cntl-D in Unix (Linux is Unix; maybe cntl-Z in DOS, Windows, etc.).
Disk files do not need an End-of-file character, though.

Part of the assignment is to create a set of useful test files on disk.
We do NOT supply a thorough set of test files.

In the course locker (see below) is an example input.
It contains:
6 1 2.2
1 2 1.0
4 3
1 3
4 5 1.2
2 4 0.0
5 2
6 6
3 4

Line 1 has a single positive int (8 in this case) that tells you the
input may contain vertices in the range 1-8 (not 0).

Each subsequent line defines one directed edge. The first two ints
are vertices usually named "from" and "to".
The third number, if present, states the weight or cost of that edge.
If there is no third number, the edge weight is 0.0. weights are doubles.



Running on example inputs is the easiest way to see the
expected output format. What is most important is that the correct NUMBERs
in the correct sequence appear on each line. The punctuation like commas
and brackets is for human readability.

A common convention in programming languages is that lists print as
[4, 5, 1] for a list whose first element is 4, etc. [] is the empty list.
For this assignment the entire list should print on a single line.

When you run you will notice that a number appears on each
line BEFORE the list. That is explained in the reading material.

When you run you will notice that weights do not appear in the
output. For this assignment the weights are read if present, and stored
temporarily, but are not stored in the permanent graph data structure.
Later assignments will use weights.

PRINT AN INFORMATIVE ERROR MESSAGE on stderr if the input contains a bad vertex
number, outside 1,...,n, or has the wrong number of words on a line.
This is for your own protection. It is not a grading issue and
submitting a lot of tests to check bad input is not asked or desired,

and does not gain credit.


This program (named graph02) will perform the same functions as pa01,
plus some new functions, once the input graph is loaded.

Give your binary compiled C program the name graph02.
Your main source file should be named graph02.c.
Your source file that IMPLEMENTS the IntVec ADT should be named intVec.c.
The ADT header file is intVec.h, supplied in the class locker, a directory
named cmps101-avg. The complete path is given in the syllabus and on
the class web page and in ho04.txt.

In this assignment, your intVec.o will be tested with
other students' programs and their intVec.o will be tested with
yours. So use the standard names in this class.

A starter intVec.h is in the course locker, but you should replace the
questions with your own comments. It is unchanged from pa01.

graph01.c, etc.,
can be used right from pa01, except that the "main" procedure
will be changed to check for some command-line flags and
call different procedures depending on whether the input file is to be
interpreted as a directed or undirected graph.
Thus, the loadGraph functionality will be separated if it has not
been separated in an earlier assignment. See HOW TO PROCEED below
for more details.

Allocating all the arrays in graph02.c makes it easier to pass them as
arguments to functions in other files, without making any global arrays.
However, if you already have working code that allocates and returns
an array from a different file (such as loadGraph.c),
it is okay to use and build upon that code.

Aside from intVec.h, intVec.c, graph02.c and graph02,
the names of files, functions and arrays should be understandable but

do not need to be strictly the same as this handout.

Convert a simple java file to C and add some extra functions Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Advance taxes, accounting homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

The owners of The Car Wash have asked you to prepare their tax return. Their financial statements are audited by a local certified public accountant (CPA) firm, and they have provided them to you as a reference. A copy of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet have been reproduced below. In your discussion, you obtained the following pieces of additional information to prepare the tax return:

Name of business owner: Tim Smith, SSN:123-45-6789

Tim Smith’s address: 8765 Warner Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92605

Name of business owner: Jack Dillard, SSN: 987-65-4321

Jack Dillard’s address: 4321 Courtyard Place, Huntington Beach, CA 92605

Business Name: The Car Wash

Business address: 1046 Broadway Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92605

Business description: Self-Service Car Wash

Employer Identification Number: 99-8877665

Date the business started: January 1, 2008

Business will file its return using the cash basis of accounting

Income Statement

December 31, 20XX


Service Revenue









Interest expense


Licenses and fees




Office expense


Salaries and wages


Payroll taxes


Employee benefits


Professional fees


Repairs and Maintenance








Net income before taxes


Balance Sheet

January 1, 20XX

December 31, 20XX





Buildings and other depreciable assets



Accumulated depreciation



Total assets



Liabilities and equity







Equity investment



Retained earnings



Total liabilities and equity



Deliverable Length: Prepare the tax return for your client, addressing the following 2 scenarios:

Scenario 1: The Car Wash is a corporation.

Scenario 2: The Car Wash is a limited liability company (LLC).

Obtain the appropriate tax return forms at the following Web site and save them to your computer:

Instructions for how to prepare the applicable forms are available at the same Web site. You may directly input text and numbers on to these forms using Reader. The forms do not self-calculate. Once complete, upload your tax return to the submitted assignments.

Complete all of the requested attachments for the applicable tax return.

Assume the following:

The initial investment for each owner was $80,000. Each owner has an equal interest in the business.

A $30,000 salary was paid to each owner. A part-time employee was paid $7,460.

The loans and mortgage are long-term obligations.

The annual tax depreciation on the car wash building is $47,453.

The $555,000, in its third year of service, property was depreciated for tax purposes using a 15-year recovery period, half-year convention (HY) and the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) depreciation method.

The organization does not have any carry forward net operating losses or tax credits.

The organization does not qualify for any current year tax credits.

Assume the following for a corporation:

The corporation made a total of $3,000 in estimated tax payments for the tax year.

Assume the business owners want to receive any applicable refunds.

Only common stock has been issued.

Assume the following for a partnership:

The salary paid to each owner is a guaranteed payment.

Partnership profit, losses, and capital are shared 50/50.

The loans and mortgage are both recourse debt.

The K-1 should reflect the partner’s capital account according to the United States’ Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP).

Please submit your assignment.


Domestic and International Terrorism Business Finance Assignment Help

Domestic and International Terrorism

Research the various definitions offered for domestic and international terrorism.

Choose one domestic terrorism incident and one international terrorism incident.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that compares international and domestic terrorist events.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Justification showing how each terrorism event meets the allocated definition (international or domestic terrorism).
  • The purpose and objectives of each incident.
  • The organization or group responsible for the event.
  • The methods used to carry out the terrorism event.
  • The impact and accuracy of media coverage.

Justify which type of terrorism presents a greater risk to national security.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

I need an intro and conclusion. I would like for the same person to help me out over the whole course that I have if at all possible. Plagiarism and using the correct citations is very important.


Criminal Justice Capstone Project Partial Draft Two Business Finance Assignment Help

In this unit, you will prepare your draft addressing the following competency based on your topic. Note: Use a library tool, such as RefWorks, to track your sources for the duration of your Criminal Justice Capstone Project.

Integrate theoretical, scientific, and practical methods in application to solve problems relevant to criminal justice.

  1. Integrate
    theory into your policy or program proposal (for example, to justify
    the need or to justify the approach) to solve the problem identified for
    your capstone focus.
  2. Integrate scientific methods into your policy or program proposal to solve the problem identified for your capstone focus.
  3. Integrate practical methods into your policy or program proposal to solve the problem identified for your capstone focus.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of References: 3–5 peer-reviewed references.
  • Length of paper: 4–5 typed double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Marketing. Strategic market plan Business Finance Assignment Help

Hey so I would like help making a strategic plan for Poppy Rose(File Attached). Should be done with Powerpoint including 12 slides. I need help with the Marketing Mix strategies. Down below I have posted some more info to make things easier

1- Product strategies to create value( for existing or new products)

  • The physical characteristics of the core product – features, attributes, and packaging
  • The intangible product properties – the value created for the target customer.
  • The augmented product – pre- and post-service support

2- Pricing strategies to create value:

  • Product line pricing – from premium to midpoint to low, the trade-off between price and product quality perceptions.
  • Penetration versus skimming pricing.
  • Use of sales promotion techniques and/or loyalty programs .

3- Integrated marketing communications strategies to communicate value:

  • Analysing the touchpoints each segment is likely to use, pre-purchase, during purchase, and post-purchase
  • The IMC mix – traditional and digital tools used for each segment to create awareness and knowledge of the brand’s value, encourage trial or purchase, engage, retain, and build relationship

4- Distribution strategies to deliver value:

  • Distribution channel length- the type and number of intermediaries used
  • Distribution intensity- from exclusive to selective intensive distribution
  • The distribution partner’s used and their roles for creating, communication and delivering value for the targeted segments in different stage of their decision making process


Instructions for how to prepare the applicable forms are available at the same Web site. You may directly input text and numbers on to these forms using Reader. The forms do not self-calculate. Once complete, upload your tax return to the submitted assignments.

Complete all of the requested attachments for the applicable tax return.

Assume the following:

The initial investment for each owner was $80,000. Each owner has an equal interest in the business.

A $30,000 salary was paid to each owner. A part-time employee was paid $7,460.

The loans and mortgage are long-term obligations.

The annual tax depreciation on the car wash building is $47,453.

The $555,000, in its third year of service, property was depreciated for tax purposes using a 15-year recovery period, half-year convention (HY) and the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) depreciation method.

The organization does not have any carry forward net operating losses or tax credits.

The organization does not qualify for any current year tax credits.

Assume the following for a corporation:

The corporation made a total of $3,000 in estimated tax payments for the tax year.

Assume the business owners want to receive any applicable refunds.

Only common stock has been issued.

Assume the following for a partnership:

The salary paid to each owner is a guaranteed payment.

Partnership profit, losses, and capital are shared 50/50.

The loans and mortgage are both recourse debt.

The K-1 should reflect the partner’s capital account according to the United States’ Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP).

Please submit your assignment.


Domestic and International Terrorism Business Finance Assignment Help

Domestic and International Terrorism

Research the various definitions offered for domestic and international terrorism.

Choose one domestic terrorism incident and one international terrorism incident.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that compares international and domestic terrorist events.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Justification showing how each terrorism event meets the allocated definition (international or domestic terrorism).
  • The purpose and objectives of each incident.
  • The organization or group responsible for the event.
  • The methods used to carry out the terrorism event.
  • The impact and accuracy of media coverage.

Justify which type of terrorism presents a greater risk to national security.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

I need an intro and conclusion. I would like for the same person to help me out over the whole course that I have if at all possible. Plagiarism and using the correct citations is very important.


Criminal Justice Capstone Project Partial Draft Two Business Finance Assignment Help

In this unit, you will prepare your draft addressing the following competency based on your topic. Note: Use a library tool, such as RefWorks, to track your sources for the duration of your Criminal Justice Capstone Project.

Integrate theoretical, scientific, and practical methods in application to solve problems relevant to criminal justice.

  1. Integrate
    theory into your policy or program proposal (for example, to justify
    the need or to justify the approach) to solve the problem identified for
    your capstone focus.
  2. Integrate scientific methods into your policy or program proposal to solve the problem identified for your capstone focus.
  3. Integrate practical methods into your policy or program proposal to solve the problem identified for your capstone focus.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of References: 3–5 peer-reviewed references.
  • Length of paper: 4–5 typed double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Marketing. Strategic market plan Business Finance Assignment Help

Hey so I would like help making a strategic plan for Poppy Rose(File Attached). Should be done with Powerpoint including 12 slides. I need help with the Marketing Mix strategies. Down below I have posted some more info to make things easier

1- Product strategies to create value( for existing or new products)

  • The physical characteristics of the core product – features, attributes, and packaging
  • The intangible product properties – the value created for the target customer.
  • The augmented product – pre- and post-service support

2- Pricing strategies to create value:

  • Product line pricing – from premium to midpoint to low, the trade-off between price and product quality perceptions.
  • Penetration versus skimming pricing.
  • Use of sales promotion techniques and/or loyalty programs .

3- Integrated marketing communications strategies to communicate value:

  • Analysing the touchpoints each segment is likely to use, pre-purchase, during purchase, and post-purchase
  • The IMC mix – traditional and digital tools used for each segment to create awareness and knowledge of the brand’s value, encourage trial or purchase, engage, retain, and build relationship

4- Distribution strategies to deliver value:

  • Distribution channel length- the type and number of intermediaries used
  • Distribution intensity- from exclusive to selective intensive distribution
  • The distribution partner’s used and their roles for creating, communication and delivering value for the targeted segments in different stage of their decision making process


Instructions for how to prepare the applicable forms are available at the same Web site. You may directly input text and numbers on to these forms using Reader. The forms do not self-calculate. Once complete, upload your tax return to the submitted assignments.

Complete all of the requested attachments for the applicable tax return.

Assume the following:

The initial investment for each owner was $80,000. Each owner has an equal interest in the business.

A $30,000 salary was paid to each owner. A part-time employee was paid $7,460.

The loans and mortgage are long-term obligations.

The annual tax depreciation on the car wash building is $47,453.

The $555,000, in its third year of service, property was depreciated for tax purposes using a 15-year recovery period, half-year convention (HY) and the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) depreciation method.

The organization does not have any carry forward net operating losses or tax credits.

The organization does not qualify for any current year tax credits.

Assume the following for a corporation:

The corporation made a total of $3,000 in estimated tax payments for the tax year.

Assume the business owners want to receive any applicable refunds.

Only common stock has been issued.

Assume the following for a partnership:

The salary paid to each owner is a guaranteed payment.

Partnership profit, losses, and capital are shared 50/50.

The loans and mortgage are both recourse debt.

The K-1 should reflect the partner’s capital account according to the United States’ Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP).

Please submit your assignment.


Domestic and International Terrorism Business Finance Assignment Help

Domestic and International Terrorism

Research the various definitions offered for domestic and international terrorism.

Choose one domestic terrorism incident and one international terrorism incident.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that compares international and domestic terrorist events.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Justification showing how each terrorism event meets the allocated definition (international or domestic terrorism).
  • The purpose and objectives of each incident.
  • The organization or group responsible for the event.
  • The methods used to carry out the terrorism event.
  • The impact and accuracy of media coverage.

Justify which type of terrorism presents a greater risk to national security.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

I need an intro and conclusion. I would like for the same person to help me out over the whole course that I have if at all possible. Plagiarism and using the correct citations is very important.


Criminal Justice Capstone Project Partial Draft Two Business Finance Assignment Help

In this unit, you will prepare your draft addressing the following competency based on your topic. Note: Use a library tool, such as RefWorks, to track your sources for the duration of your Criminal Justice Capstone Project.

Integrate theoretical, scientific, and practical methods in application to solve problems relevant to criminal justice.

  1. Integrate
    theory into your policy or program proposal (for example, to justify
    the need or to justify the approach) to solve the problem identified for
    your capstone focus.
  2. Integrate scientific methods into your policy or program proposal to solve the problem identified for your capstone focus.
  3. Integrate practical methods into your policy or program proposal to solve the problem identified for your capstone focus.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of References: 3–5 peer-reviewed references.
  • Length of paper: 4–5 typed double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Marketing. Strategic market plan Business Finance Assignment Help

Hey so I would like help making a strategic plan for Poppy Rose(File Attached). Should be done with Powerpoint including 12 slides. I need help with the Marketing Mix strategies. Down below I have posted some more info to make things easier

1- Product strategies to create value( for existing or new products)

  • The physical characteristics of the core product – features, attributes, and packaging
  • The intangible product properties – the value created for the target customer.
  • The augmented product – pre- and post-service support

2- Pricing strategies to create value:

  • Product line pricing – from premium to midpoint to low, the trade-off between price and product quality perceptions.
  • Penetration versus skimming pricing.
  • Use of sales promotion techniques and/or loyalty programs .

3- Integrated marketing communications strategies to communicate value:

  • Analysing the touchpoints each segment is likely to use, pre-purchase, during purchase, and post-purchase
  • The IMC mix – traditional and digital tools used for each segment to create awareness and knowledge of the brand’s value, encourage trial or purchase, engage, retain, and build relationship

4- Distribution strategies to deliver value:

  • Distribution channel length- the type and number of intermediaries used
  • Distribution intensity- from exclusive to selective intensive distribution
  • The distribution partner’s used and their roles for creating, communication and delivering value for the targeted segments in different stage of their decision making process


Instructions for how to prepare the applicable forms are available at the same Web site. You may directly input text and numbers on to these forms using Reader. The forms do not self-calculate. Once complete, upload your tax return to the submitted assignments.

Complete all of the requested attachments for the applicable tax return.

Assume the following:

The initial investment for each owner was $80,000. Each owner has an equal interest in the business.

A $30,000 salary was paid to each owner. A part-time employee was paid $7,460.

The loans and mortgage are long-term obligations.

The annual tax depreciation on the car wash building is $47,453.

The $555,000, in its third year of service, property was depreciated for tax purposes using a 15-year recovery period, half-year convention (HY) and the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) depreciation method.

The organization does not have any carry forward net operating losses or tax credits.

The organization does not qualify for any current year tax credits.

Assume the following for a corporation:

The corporation made a total of $3,000 in estimated tax payments for the tax year.

Assume the business owners want to receive any applicable refunds.

Only common stock has been issued.

Assume the following for a partnership:

The salary paid to each owner is a guaranteed payment.

Partnership profit, losses, and capital are shared 50/50.

The loans and mortgage are both recourse debt.

The K-1 should reflect the partner’s capital account according to the United States’ Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP).

Please submit your assignment.


Domestic and International Terrorism Business Finance Assignment Help

Domestic and International Terrorism

Research the various definitions offered for domestic and international terrorism.

Choose one domestic terrorism incident and one international terrorism incident.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that compares international and domestic terrorist events.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Justification showing how each terrorism event meets the allocated definition (international or domestic terrorism).
  • The purpose and objectives of each incident.
  • The organization or group responsible for the event.
  • The methods used to carry out the terrorism event.
  • The impact and accuracy of media coverage.

Justify which type of terrorism presents a greater risk to national security.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

I need an intro and conclusion. I would like for the same person to help me out over the whole course that I have if at all possible. Plagiarism and using the correct citations is very important.


Criminal Justice Capstone Project Partial Draft Two Business Finance Assignment Help

In this unit, you will prepare your draft addressing the following competency based on your topic. Note: Use a library tool, such as RefWorks, to track your sources for the duration of your Criminal Justice Capstone Project.

Integrate theoretical, scientific, and practical methods in application to solve problems relevant to criminal justice.

  1. Integrate
    theory into your policy or program proposal (for example, to justify
    the need or to justify the approach) to solve the problem identified for
    your capstone focus.
  2. Integrate scientific methods into your policy or program proposal to solve the problem identified for your capstone focus.
  3. Integrate practical methods into your policy or program proposal to solve the problem identified for your capstone focus.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of References: 3–5 peer-reviewed references.
  • Length of paper: 4–5 typed double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Marketing. Strategic market plan Business Finance Assignment Help

Hey so I would like help making a strategic plan for Poppy Rose(File Attached). Should be done with Powerpoint including 12 slides. I need help with the Marketing Mix strategies. Down below I have posted some more info to make things easier

1- Product strategies to create value( for existing or new products)

  • The physical characteristics of the core product – features, attributes, and packaging
  • The intangible product properties – the value created for the target customer.
  • The augmented product – pre- and post-service support

2- Pricing strategies to create value:

  • Product line pricing – from premium to midpoint to low, the trade-off between price and product quality perceptions.
  • Penetration versus skimming pricing.
  • Use of sales promotion techniques and/or loyalty programs .

3- Integrated marketing communications strategies to communicate value:

  • Analysing the touchpoints each segment is likely to use, pre-purchase, during purchase, and post-purchase
  • The IMC mix – traditional and digital tools used for each segment to create awareness and knowledge of the brand’s value, encourage trial or purchase, engage, retain, and build relationship

4- Distribution strategies to deliver value:

  • Distribution channel length- the type and number of intermediaries used
  • Distribution intensity- from exclusive to selective intensive distribution
  • The distribution partner’s used and their roles for creating, communication and delivering value for the targeted segments in different stage of their decision making process


Python Programming Programming Assignment Help

Python Programming Programming Assignment Help

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