Python project Computer Science Assignment Help

Python project Computer Science Assignment Help. Python project Computer Science Assignment Help.

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basically is read and understand the article and follow the step and
reproduce model by putting the data into the equation and model. Also
the same do check mark for excel sheet, and make the word doc for screen
shoot for each object you have demonstration.

Article site:…

Requirement from professor:

Final Project Details

What Am I Looking For?


  • break up your problem into sub-problems – outline!
  • some of the sub-problems could include:
    • implementing model on small part
    • getting/loading data sets
    • visualize parts of the data
    • clear about conclusions in literature
    • complete project on small part, then generalize

  • work on this every day (even just a little)
  • email me frequently!

What Is the Product?

  • Notebook as a tutorial on the subject matter
  • Length around 10 pages (arbitrary)

Python project Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Revision on Part B based on the comment provided below Business Finance Assignment Help

The final deliverable will be a technical report that includes:

A) a thorough review of scholarly, trade and news articles on guestroom technologies, digital assistants’ role in hotels, and skills sets of voice-assisted AI in a service setting,

B) an inventory of voice-enabled AI ‘skills’ needed in the guestroom


” Part B lacks the detail needed to adequately address the variety of skills needed. I was hoping to see a) if the skills are derived by what is covered in the research literature, b) that a more comprehensive outlook was provided for each area covered.


Writing Outline and Narrative Writing Assignment Help

This project provides an opportunity to continue to apply accessible and universal strategies to the conceptual design of a reception desk. The design will work in tandem with the commercial office project: “Not Your Mama’s Office Design.” Utilizing the floor and furniture plan created for the DF4 project, students will visualize a universally accessible reception desk that is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and meets code requirements.

Research: Expand on the knowledge you learned in the design of a universal home. How would these concepts apply to the creation of office furniture? Are there currently existing guidelines in place for furniture? What are the components of a typical reception desk? Consider how accessibility, function, materials, finishes, and anthropometrics combine to create a concept. Organize your research into a written outline. Use it to compose a 300 word narrative to describe your concept and how it fits within the overall design for Teresa’s office.

– I have uploaded what I have written but there are some points I need to work on, so when you open the desk narrative file, you will find feedback from my professor so follow her feedback to fix the outline and the narrative but if you can start writing your own or if you think you need to fix and add some points that’s fine too.

I uploaded two images to get the wright dimensions for the reception desk. Also, there is a picture of the desk that I am going to have, so just to help you to know what I am doing.

– there is a concept statement that would help you too. But first read the feedback of my professor to understand what she wants when take a look on the concept statement file.


Answering 2 HW quistions Business Finance Assignment Help

Answering 2 Q with only 400 words each with whats asked exactly.

1- How would you use technology creatively to motivate your employees? What type of employees? Be specific in your answer. Explain which theory (or theories) form(s) the basis for your strategies.

2- Suppose you are a manager who has been asked to transition all of your employees to remote work (like the current COVID-19 pandemic). What will you do keep them motivated and productive now that you no longer see each other in person? Compare and contrast how you will motivate workers and keep them productive remotely versus in-person. What will you do differently and what will you do the same? Be specific in your answer.


Health care project Writing Assignment Help

This is a project + paper + presentation. so it is 3 parts.


******** Everything you need to understand is attached in (the project explanation) word doc. ***********


– The project+paper+presentation explanation

– The company structure for the quick reference guide is attached which is the main thing you need for the project.

– Background info for the company to help you.

– an example of a paper and a presentation of a project before to help with the headings and structure of the paper and the presentation.

– random QRG



Project Topic Computer Science Assignment Help

Topic : Shared Technology Vulnerabilities in the Cloud Computing

1. 5 source annotated bibliography

2. slide presentation with 12 or more slides

3. Summary or Abstract containing at least 750 words.

Please write in APA format.

Following are few references


Khan, P. (2016). Group User Revocation and Integrity Auditing Of Shared Data in Cloud Environment. International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science. doi:10.18535/ijecs/v5i9.36

Pradhan, T., Patidar, M., Reddy, K., & Asha, A. (2012). Understanding Shared Technology in Cloud Computing and Data Recovery Vulnerability. IJCST Vol. 3. Retrieved from…

Wu, J., Wu, Y., Yang, M., Wu, Z., & Wang, Y. (2013). Vulnerability Detection of Android System in Fuzzing Cloud. 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Cloud Computing. doi:10.1109/cloud.2013.143

Project Topic Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

100 word response to discussion Writing Assignment Help

please respond to each one of these discussion board’s with 100 word response. related to the previous assignment you completed about Vijah’s experience

discussion #1:

William James explains mysticism in Lectures 16 and 17 as being an experience where one’s mind and body are overcome by something or someone bigger than oneself, which he calls “the One”. In this experience, the person is in a heightened state of being instead of in the conscious mind. Therefore, the mind is able to realize and feel things that would not be possible if one was not in this special state. Vijah’s religious experience fits into William Jame’s idea of religious experience because when Vijah is manifested by the Mother Goddess, he goes through an experience where he is healed and receives advice. William James also claims that in this experience it is not the person itself working but the One working through the person. This makes sense when looking at Vijah’s experience since “the goddess chose him as a medium… and he happily and humbly accepted, surrendering his body with complete trust each Sunday to the goddess’s healing mission” (Reich, Thomases). William James thought of religion as being the feelings, acts, and experiences of men and what hey consider the divine. Interesting enough, there is no mention of organization or rules in his definition. Vijah’s religious experience goes with Jame’s definition because it consists in experiencing something that is nearly inexplainable and incredibly emotional. The rules are all up to the Mother Goddess and whatever she wants done.

Discussion #2:

religious experience fits into William James’ idea of religious
experience, the four categories that James talked about. In the first
category, it’s ineffable. The fact that his experience is somehow hard
to describe, he had tried everything to conceive and no medicine was
working and only when he came to the mother goddess he and his wife were
able to conceive. Something that is hard to describe or tell most
people, that a manifestation of the goddess brought fertility to his
life. The second category is noetic. In which we see how Vijah blended
his worlds because he thought it brings a form of therapy to the people
that the mother goddess relays her messages too. In the third category,
transient we are able to see how the mother goddess manifests herself in
Vijah. I also think its important to note that it’s not possession. In
which she gives messages and heals those around her. The fourth category
is passive. In which are able to see how this seeped into Vijah’s life.
So much so that he came to be ahead priest and allowed the mother
goddess to manifest herself within him.


write a Statement of purpose/personal statement for two separate grad school applications. Writing Assignment Help

For project 4, I decided to pick the second option which is the grad school option. In this project I have to Identify two graduate programs that I’m considering applying for. Since I’m a pre-pharm student I am considering applying to UCSD pharmacy school and loma linda as my second option. I will approach this project by learning about how to write a statement of purpose for the two grad schools that I’m planning to apply for. Since I’m not familiar with the statement of purpose I will use the link provided in the prompt. This paper will include a page for each grad school that has their websites and a discussion of how each statement should be.( I go to sdsu, biology major)

make sure to follow the instuction provided in the two files below


Business Plan Development Business Finance Assignment Help

Country: Russia*****

  • Executive Summary including the purpose of the report, the opportunity you are proposing (where the opportunity is defined as starting a business in a country outside of the United States) and recommendations.
  • Business Model Proposal (derived logically from the country analysis) with details of the proposal (business model, how you are going to make money, value proposition of your product offering, quantitative and qualitative benefits of the project, entry mode, trade barriers, financing decisions, etc.).
  • SWOT Analysis based on your country analysis and the business you are planning to start.
  • Strategic Plan with a 3-5 year sequential implementation plan.
  • Projected 10-Year Cash Flow Analysis including investment and Return on Investment (ROI) target with cash flows brought back to present dollars. Use a discount rate of 10%. Also pick at least 1 parameter (e.g., volume, price, etc.) and show a sensitivity analysis.
  • Issues, Risks, Contingency Plans and Metrics Identify and describe what issues and associated business risks may arise from starting this business in your chosen country. Briefly describe contingency plans to address these. Also include what metrics should be assessed to understand whether the business is achieving plan and how often they should be assessed.

The document should be no more than 10 pages. The paper does not have to be in APA format. But it must follow APA guidelines for spacing, font, font size and reference formatting and citations The title page, reference pages and charts/graphs/tables pages are not included (counted) in the 10-page count.

Be sure to use the concepts and learnings from this course as you develop your proposal and write your report. Also, please prepare this report as if it will be given to your CEO or a Venture Capitalist for consideration. Good grammar, no misspellings, and logical flow are all very important!


How do I estimate sales?

Answer: Use market estimates, market growth rates and assume your market share for each year.

How do I do 10-year discounted cash flows and ROI?

Answer: Return on Investment ROI Metric Measures Profitability (Links to an external site.)

What is a Value Proposition? What is a SWOT analysis?

Answer: Value Proposition and SWOT Analysis-1.pptx

Business Plan Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

Executive Summary

15.0 pts

Distinguished: Executive Summary clearly covers key points and includes investment required, payback and recommendations demonstrating clear and motivational insight.

13.0 pts

Proficient; Executive Summary covers key points and includes investment required, payback but recommendation is vague or non-existent.

11.0 pts

Satisfactory: Executive Summary covers some key points in sufficient detail with some mention of investment required and payback.

9.0 pts

Emerging: Weak Executive Summary.

0.0 pts

Unsatisfactory: No Executive Summary.

15.0 pts

Business Model Proposed

20.0 pts

Exceptionally detailed description given with exceptionally keen and creative insight as to how the business will operate and make money.

18.0 pts

Sufficient detail given and clearly describes how the business will operate and make money.

16.0 pts

Sufficient detail given as to how the business will operate and make money but model lacks clarity and business logic.

14.0 pts

Attempted describing how the business will operate and make money providing some detail but model lacks clarity and business logic.

0.0 pts

Not present or demonstrates little understanding of business model concepts.

20.0 pts

SWOT Analysis

20.0 pts

SWOT Analysis demonstrates insightful, analytical thought insight with excellent detail and covers major issues Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are correctly focused and aligned.

18.0 pts

SWOT Analysis shows insight with sufficient detail and covers major issues but Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are not focused and aligned correctly.

16.0 pts

SWOT Analysis contains some detail but Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are not focused and aligned correctly.

14.0 pts

Rudimentary SWOT Analysis.

0.0 pts

No SWOT Analysis shown or very little detail in SWOT Analysis.

20.0 pts

Strategic Plan

20.0 pts

3-5 year plan shown demonstrating excellent insight with detailed implementation plan and timelines.

18.0 pts

3-5 year plan given with some detail of implementation steps and timelines.

16.0 pts

Some elements of a 3-5 year strategic plan are shown demonstrating a basic understanding regarding implementation.

14.0 pts

Rudimentary elements with little understanding demonstrated.

0.0 pts

No plan given.

20.0 pts

Projected 10-year cash flow and ROI

15.0 pts

Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate 10-year cash flows consistent with the strategic plan. Shows supporting start-up costs. ROI calculated with sensitivity analysis (2 or more inputs).

13.0 pts

Projected 10-year cash flow relatively congruent with strategic plan and market. ROI calculated including sensitivity analysis (1 input).

11.0 pts

Vague or incongruent projected cash flow and estimated start-up costs. Attempted ROI and sensitivity analysis.

9.0 pts

Projected cash flow is incongruent with strategic plan and market. No start-up costs. No ROI. No sensitivity analysis.

0.0 pts

No projected cash flow analysis.

15.0 pts

Issues, Risks, Contingency Plans and Metrics

10.0 pts

Shows an exceptionally clear understanding of the issues and risks with insightful, detailed contingency plans and clear, appropriate metrics.

9.0 pts

Shows clear understanding of the issues and risks with clear contingency plans developed. Some thoughts demonstrated on possible metrics.

7.0 pts

Demonstrates an overall understanding of the issues and risks with some thought to contingency plans and metrics.

5.0 pts

Vague issues and risks shown and no contingency plans or metrics.

0.0 pts

No issues, risks, contingency plans or metrics shown.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


Module Data Visualization :Jupyter Notebook Project Programming Assignment Help


Use online resources to learn how Jupyter notebook is used in a range
of fields, including the sciences, social sciences, finance, and
education. I recommend you visit A gallery of interesting Jupyter Notebooks( where a large collection of notebooks on a variety of topics are available for you to review and study.

Pick one of these notable notebooks from your research and use them as the foundation for your project.

Your project must be in one of these areas:

  • Biology/Health Science
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Science
  • Education
  • Finance
  • GIS (Geographic information system)
  • Social Sciences


1/ Once you selected a topic and notebook, you need to write up a
summary of how the author or authors are solving a specific problem
using the combinations of Python and Jupyter Notebook.

2/ Use the selected topic and notebook as the foundation of your
project. In particular, your project must solve a smaller problem set of
the notable workbook. For instance, if the Notebook’s main topic is
detecting general malware in cybersecurity, your project could focus on
identifying one specific instance of that malware or identifying only a
small portion of the classification algorithm used in the notebook. You
then implement the smaller problem set using Python and Jupyter
Notebook. You can come up with original code or modify the existing code
to solve your smaller problem set.

3/ Your project must use at least three of the following Python modules:

  • Matplotlib
  • Numpy
  • Requests
  • Pandas
  • Seaborn
  • bs4

4/ Submit your topic summary in text, including a link to the
reference Jupyter notebook you used. Also submit a Jupyter notebook
(.ipynb) file with your code.


Python project Computer Science Assignment Help

Python project Computer Science Assignment Help

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