Question feedback Writing Assignment Help. Question feedback Writing Assignment Help.
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Question 1. Read Chapter 20 in Argument Today then read Cruz’s “College Affordability: Damned If You Go, Damned If You Don’t” and Motoko’s “Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading?”
In your initial post, use the Argument Today reading concerning plain style and elevated style to provide examples from the articles. You should identify two specific passages from either text (Cruz or Motoko) that employ plain style and explain why they are exemplary of the point in Chapter 20. Then, do the same for elevated style. Both articles present plenty of examples; read closely!
feedback’s from question 1
1. Cruz:
Plain – “Colleges and universities need to control costs… Affordability, after all, depends not only on cost, but on students’ ability to pay — without foreclosing on their future because of unfathomable student loan debt. ” – This section of the paragraph contains good breathing length (pg. 434), with varying sentence lengths that are not too complicated to read.
Elevated – “are in the same boat,” – This is a dead metaphor (pg. 436)
Plain – “A 2006 survey by the Conference Board, which conducts research for business leaders,” – The “Doer”, which in this example is the “Conference Board”, is made the subject of the sentence; it is placed early on in the sentence, so it covers both step 2 and 3 of plain writing (pg. 432)
Elevated – “‘What the net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration'” – The Internet cannot literally chip away at someones capacity for concentration; therefore, this is personification (pg. 473) of the Internet.
Now you have to give feedback regards to their writing with examples or your own thoughts (5 complete sentences will be fine)
No plagiarism,citation or references will allow.
Question 2. In order to change our focus from finding meaning in words to finding meaning in images, your second discussion topic will be to describe a political cartoon based on the Cruz and Motoko readings. If you Google “political cartoon,” you’ll find plenty of examples of what these images do. They represent the heart of an idea or conflict in a way that someone working through the newspaper immediately sees the irony or satire that is being represented. While some are true masterpieces, their power comes from representing difficult ideas in a very accessible way. Think of the readings and choose one to “sketch” in words. Then, describe what the cartoon version of this article would look like using a detailed description. It should be about 100 words long and explain why it makes the concept accessible to the audience.
feedback’s from question 2
1. The car is all packed up with the student’s luggage and furniture for his dorm room as he gets ready to head off to college. The mom is hugging the son and sobbing, she looks like she is completely falling apart. Tears are rolling down her cheeks. The father is standing next to them, he is holding a bill. He says to the son, your mom is not upset you are going off to college, she just got a good look at the financial aid bill.
I chose this because of Cruz’s article about school tuition. While, we are going to school to better ourselves and to make more money at our jobs, one has to wonder if it is really worth it. We are going to be making more money but having to use it to pay our school tuition back.
2.The political cartoon I am using elaborates further on what Cruz wrote about in his article; college affordability. I believe colleges and universities have taken advantage of the modern-day middle-class worker by raising college prices to all-time highs. To my recollection, he also states that college loan debt is exceeding or has exceeded the amount of debt from credit cards.
My political cartoon would consist of students attending graduation. Students of all creeds and shades; with different types of degrees, would attend the graduation. A metal shackled chain wrapped around their feet with a huge cinder block attached to it stating in bold letters, DEBT. Also, I would have the big bankers and the different chairmen of the federal reserve in the audience, with twistedly weird grins on their faces; like a predator does to its prey.
Good Morning by Kanye West(ironically from his Graduation album) playing as they walk down the aisle.
Now you have to give feedback regards to their writing with examples. (5 complete sentences will be fine) indivijually
No plagiarism,citation or references will allow.
Question feedback Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
answer questions Economics Assignment Help
You know Ultra-Frame acquires lumber from sustainably-managed U.S. forests and turns it into wooden frames, complete with glass and backing, to be sold in shops across the country. Which of the following statements describe Ultra-Frame’s manufacturing situation? Check all that apply.
Must be in APA format Writing Assignment Help
- Read the Starbucks’ case study. This case study uses Porter’s Value Chain and Five Forces models and a SWOT (strengths-weaknesses-opportunities) analysis to develop strategic recommendations. On page 7 of the Starbuck’s case study there are 10 recommendations. Choose 3 of the recommendations and identify how IT could be used as part of the implementation of that recommendation. Research in the library how other companies have done something similar for each of your 3 recommendations. Your paper should be at least 3 pages, not counting the title and reference pages. The paper must include at least 3 references from peer-reviewed articles in academic journals. Make sure you have in-text citations and a reference page. You can include additional references from websites and books. The rubric for this assignment can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.Use the resources below to help you with this week’s assignment.Read the following chapters in the textbook:
- Chapter 6 – “Attracting Buyers with Search, Semantic, and Recommendation Technology” Chapter 6 – Attracting Buyers with Search, Semantic, and Recommendation Technology.pptx– This chapter discusses technology to make buying recommendations to customers. This technology may be applicable to the Starbucks’ case and will be referenced again on the week five discussion board.
- Chapter 7 – “Social Networking, Engagement, and Social Metrics” Chapter 7 – Social Networking, Engagement, and Social Metrics.pptx– This chapter discusses social networking technologies used by companies like Starbucks.
- Chapter 8 – “Retail, E-commerce, and Mobile Commerce Technology” Chapter 8 – Retail, E-commerce, and Mobile Commerce Technology.pptx– This chapter discusses e-commerce and mobile technologies that enable companies like Starbucks to expand their reach in the marketplace.
- Creating Conversations in the Cloud discusses cloud computing and its use in marketing.
- IT Business Value Video – This video discusses some strategic models that can be used to help identify how IT adds business value.
Watch VideoHow Smart, Connected Products are Transforming Competition – Harvard Business ReviewDuration: (4:32)
User: n/a – Added: 11/3/14
- By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
Pretend that you run Tesla company in China, just focus on premium segment
Write paper atleast 3 pages for Demographics of China and Target market of Tesla in China ( no need introduction and conclusion)
Instruction: +) Demographics and Target Market Definition: Define the target market and make a profile of the customers of the company. The target market definition of a company begins with segmentation. If the market is segmented then elaborate the basis for segmentation and define each segment and its characteristics. If the company does not have segmented markets then investigate and determine if segmentation is possible. Collect data for Table 1 and use it for the purpose.
+) This table below have 14 categories, you need to find and fill all data from Global Market Information Database (GMID), Census Bureau, Globaledge (Michigan State University), The World Bank, United Nations, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Heritage Foundation, Freedom House, Transparency International, IBIS World, LexisNexis, Wharton Research Services.
Any website for any data in table have to cite and if use any data number in paper must cite in-text citation carefully if not it doesnt meet a requirement.
All paper have to focus on 14 category in table, use all data ( include chart – have to cite in reference too) to analysis and compare from each year 2011-2016 in order to support your thesis
Table 1
Demographics and Target Market Definition
Year |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
1.Population: National Estimates of China at Jan. 1st, mn |
2.Households in US$ mn of China |
3.Urban households as % to total in China |
4.Household size-Occupants per household in China |
5.Percentage of households in China with an Annual Disposable Income over US$5,000 (???) |
6.Annual Disposable Income per household in China |
7.Average Annual Income of Households in China with a Disposable Income over US$5,000 (???) |
8.Consumer Expenditure on your product, US$ mn In China |
9.GDP Measured at Purchasing Power Parity, US$ mn in China |
10.Per capita PPP GDP in China |
11.Life Expectancy at Birth in years in China |
12.Adult Literacy Rate % of population- aged 15+ in China |
13.Savings Ratio in China |
14.Financial Cards in Circulation in China |
write 2 or 3 paper Business Finance Assignment Help
From your Book Principles of Marketing (Kotler), please read the following:
Part III. Designing a Customer-Driven Strategy and Mix
12. Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value
13. Retailing and Wholesaling
Write a three (3) page essay, using 1.5 spacing, Size font 12, Font type Arial or Times New Roman.
From this essay, I am most interested to read your definitions and real examples or experiences; you did fabulous in your past HW, so please keep your style.
Print this HW and bring a hard copy for next our class.
HW 2: Go to a store of your convenience and take photos of each products’ arrangement: Radial, Pyramid, Steps, Zig-Zag, Repetition. Copy paste them in this same essay.
Any doubt, please let me know.
It’s about finance questions. Writing Assignment Help
I will give you the background of the firm to help your work.(all in the WORD file, It’s pictures)
NOTE: I only need the answer of question1, question2 and question 12. So your job is not working on all questions.
I need the EXCEL and WORD form to explain it. So please give me the detail and the process how you work on it.
My requirements is that you should write like an analyze about the firm, not just answer the’s more like a report. (This is very important) And for the WORD part, I need at least 2 pages.
Ps: I don’t need the answer which download from any website, I need your own work.
After this, please do a PowerPoint when you finished all the above, 5 pages is fine.
Please make sure that you could finish it on time!
Thanks to watch this.
My best!
It’s about finance questions. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
EE 530 Cadence Assignment Humanities Assignment Help
A. Creating a new folder in your home directory
1. Make sure you are at your home directory by typing
2. At your home directory create a new directory named tsmc018 by typing
mkdir tsmc018
B. Copying files to the new folder
1. Change directory to the tsmc018 by typing
cd tsmc018
2. Copy the following three files: (a) .cdsinit, (b) display.drf, and (c) cds.lib by typing
a. cp $CDK_DIR/cdssetup/cdsinit .
b. cp ../../../usr/cadence/tsmc/CR018G1P6M/1P6M_4X1U/display.drf .
c. cp ../../../usr/cadence/tsmc/CR018G1P6M/1P6M_4X1U/cds.lib .
C. Opening Cadence and Modifying the Library
1. Open Cadence by typing
virtuoso &
2. Add the path of the TSMC018 Library in your Library Manager and then save
See the attachment below..
Financial Valuation Business Finance Assignment Help
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply the concepts of time value of money covered in Ch. 13 to integrated case studies.
Assignment Steps
Resources: Financial Valuation (Time-Value of Money) Cases Excel® Template
Save the Financial Valuation (Time-Value of Money) Cases Excel® Template to your computer.
Read the instructions on the first tab.
Complete the three cases located in the template.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Note: Grades are awarded based upon individual contributions to the Learning Team assignment. Each Learning Team member receives a grade based upon his/her contributions to the team assignment. Not all students may receive the same grade for the team assignment
What is the execution plan and measured format? Writing Assignment Help
Please review the Team Project Background, then the Organizational Strategy and Introduction, and lastly Goals and Recommendations prior to answering this question and statement:
Discuss the new strategy – social media platforms- and section it off by : Description of how strategy will be 1) EXECUTED (discuss the implementation (specifics around the social media platform and execution plan) and MEASURED, including 2) financing (can discuss many options of financing), 3) revenue and expense (revenue and expenses goes hand in hand- discuss measurement of revenue and expense). How will you pay for the changes you recommend? This is a critical part of the exercise. Please be as detailed oriented as possible especially around area #3! Please have references
Research Journal Synopsis Humanities Assignment Help
Research Journal Article Assignment is due on Friday @11:59 pm.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
Please make sure you read the directions thoroughly.
Make sure you select a professional psychological journal article, only; that pertains to the assignment week’s topics. **You will earn a zero (0) if it doesn’t.
1. Copy and paste all the questions, followed by each answer (all questions and answers for sections 1 & 2 must be submitted/included in the assignment.)
2. Your summary must consist of ALL the information from section 2, ONLY. (APA style format).
3. Simply copy and paste section 2 and remove the questions to complete the summary…
4. Then, add appropriate words within the summary to make the paragraph professionally readable.
5. This assignment generally can be completed in 1 or 2 pages.
This is a simple assignment geared to make you more familiar with pulling articles and what to look for.
DO NOT SUBMIT AS AN ATTACHMENT, you will forfeit points for not following directions.
Citation for the article: Bruno, F. (April 01, 2008). Sexual motivation and violent crime today. Sexologies, 17.
The instructions and article are included below. PLEASE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS TO THE LETTER!!!!! This needs to be completed in proper English and in APA style. I provide excellent reviews for excellent work.
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