questions – 200 words or less per question Business Finance Assignment Help

questions – 200 words or less per question Business Finance Assignment Help. questions – 200 words or less per question Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Chapter 12 – Establishing a Pay Structure

1. Fairness, or equity, is an important concept in creating a company’s compensation system. Answer
the following questions dealing with establishing equity in a compensation system.

a. Why is equity important when creating a compensation system?

b. What happens if employees see the pay system as unfair?

c. Employees will try to determine if their compensation is fair by comparing their salary to
those within the company (i.e., internal equity) and those outside the company (external
equity). What two HR practices are used to help ensure that internal equity and external
equity exist?

Chapter 13 – Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay

2. Discuss the balanced scorecard as it applies to incentive pay for managers, including its purpose, its
four common perspectives, and sample performance measures for each perspective.

Chapter 14 – Providing Employee Benefits

3. Identify and describe three legally required benefits.

Chapter 15 – Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations

4. Labor contracts typically include clauses that explain the security arrangements the union has with
respect to when, and if, the workers must join the union.

a. Name and describe four types of security arrangements discussed in the text (three have the
word “shop” in them).

b. Which one is an illegal shop arrangement?

c. Which law made this shop arrangement illegal?

5. Describe the union organizing process. In other words . . .

a. What steps must typically take place for a union to be recognized by an employer as the
bargaining representative for a group of employees (i.e., from organizing effort through
election certification)? Describe each step in as much detail as possible.

b. Then explain the process of decertifying a union.

questions – 200 words or less per question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Week five discussion and student comments Writing Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, examine the relationship between cardiovascular health status and wellness by reading Chapter 10 in the course text.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States (American Heart Association, 2013). Many risk factors are associated with CVD. A risk factor is a variable which can increase a person’s risk of developing a disease such as family history, obesity, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, can have a direct impact on a person’s wellness. Making healthy lifestyle changes can decrease a person’s risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.

Carmen, from the Week 1 Dimensions of Wellness Case Study discussion and the Week 3 Weight and Body Composition Self-Check, did not heed your suggestions for improving her wellness. As a result, Carmen, now 58 years old, has developed cardiovascular disease. Due to her continued diet of fast food and sedentary behavior, she has gained 20 pounds and has a BMI of 28; her blood pressure is 152/80 mmHg; her total cholesterol level is 230 mg/dL, and she does not meet the physical activity guidelines for adults. Recently, she has also been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and is determined to make a behavior change.

For this discussion address the following in your response:

  • Summarize Carmen’s controllable risk factors for heart disease.
  • Discuss the relationship between the lifestyle factors of poor diet and sedentary behavior to heart disease (particularly discuss the formation of plaque within the arteries). Use a reference to support your explanation.
  • Explain the current recommendations for healthy levels of BMI, cholesterol, blood pressure, and physical activity.
  • Devise a plan for Carmen to reduce her risk factors. The plan should include detailed dietary guidelines (recommendations for specific amounts of fat, cholesterol, caloric intake, etc.) and physical activity guidelines to include each of the FITT principles.

Include the text and one additional scholarly reference correctly cited in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center to help support your response. See the Citing Within Your Paper and Formatting Your References List resources and the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sourcesdocument for additional guidance.

  • To assist you in completing the library research required for this assignment, view the How Do I Begin? tutorial, which provides an overview of conducting searches in the library, generating keywords, and understanding your assignment prompt.

Guided Response: Respond substantially to two classmates by Day 7. Compare and contrast your recommendations for Carmen with your classmates. Are your classmate’s recommendations specific enough? Are your recommendations specific enough? If not, what information can you provide to improve clarity? If they are specific, what other suggestions can you provide for Carmen to improve her health?

Kathryn- Carmen has several controllable risk factors. Carmen’s major controllable risk factors include her high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, and BMI. Carmen also has a contributory risk factor that can be controlled which is her fast food diet and lack of proper nutrition. There is also a non-controllable risk factor in her increasing age.

Two of Carmen’s lifestyle factors, poor diet and sedentary behavior, are major contributors to risk associated with heart disease. According to Sharifi et al. (2020), “a sedentary lifestyle increases insulin resistance, induces obesity, increases blood glucose levels, plasma lipids and prothrombotic factors” (p.4). Additionally a diet high in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) contributes to the risk of heart disease by promoting fatty plaque buildup in the arteries (Powers & Dodd, 2017). Both of these risk factors lead to additional health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. These additional health issues also increase Carmen’s risks of heart disease.

The American Heart Association (AHA) has published a set of healthy recommendations for reducing risks of heart disease for people that already have diabetes. The AHA (2015) recommends maintaining a BMI between 18.6 and 24.9 and blood pressure lower than 130/80 mm Hg. The AHA (2018) also recommends “at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week” (para. 3). Cholesterol levels should be monitored as well. Powers and Dodd (2017) suggests that healthy cholesterol levels include LDL levels below 100 mg/dl and HDL levels greater than 60 mg/dl. Considering Carmen’s high consumption of LDL rich fast food and total cholesterol of 230 mg/dl, it can be assumed that Carmen’s LDL levels are much higher than recommended.

For Carmen to reduce her risk factors, it is important that she adopt a healthier diet and begin an exercise prescription that will work for her. Taking into consideration that Carmen is 58 years old and has already developed cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes, she should first consult her doctor before beginning an exercise regimen. Once Carmen has consulted her doctor, she can begin setting goals that take into account her physical limitations. Carmen should work to incorporate a safe form of moderate intensity exercise, for at least 30 minutes a day, three or four days a week. Since Carmen has been sedentary for so long, a lower intensity workout will still benefit her. Aspects of her diet should also be changed.

Carmen’s BMI falls into the overweight category. Do determine her caloric needs, she should first determine her current needs. For this calculation, we will assume that Carmen weighs 160 lbs. To maintain her current weight with a sedentary lifestyle, she would need to consume approximately 2080 kcals a day. Since her current lifestyle is contributing to her poor health, Carmen needs to adjust her caloric intake. To loose one pound per week, Carmen would need to reduce her caloric intake to 1580 kcals a day. If Carmen achieves a moderate level of physical activity, then her daily caloric expenditure could increase to 2400 kcals a day and a reduction to 1900 to lose a pound a week.

To maintain balance in her diet, Carmen needs to pay attention to how her caloric needs are consumed. Powers and Dodd (2017) explains that 58% should be in the form of carbohydrates, 30% should be from fat, and 12% should be from protein. Carmen should avoid saturated and trans fat and consume less than 300mg of cholesterol. A simple guideline that Powers and Dodd (2017) offer is to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables.

American Heart Association. (2015). Know your health numbers.–treatment-of-diabetes/know-your-health-numbers

American Heart Association. (2018). American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults and Kids.

Powers, S. K., & Dodd, S. L. (2017). Total fitness & wellness, the Mastering Health edition (7th ed.). Retrieved from

Sharifi-Rad, J., Rodrigues, C. F., Sharopov, F., Docea, A. O., Can Karaca, A., Sharifi-Rad, M., Kahveci Karıncaoglu, D., Gülseren, G., Şenol, E., Demircan, E., Taheri, Y., Suleria, H. A. R., Özçelik, B., Nur Kasapoğlu, K., Gültekin-Özgüven, M., Daşkaya-Dikmen, C., Cho, W. C., Martins, N., & Calina, D. (2020). Diet, Lifestyle and Cardiovascular Diseases: Linking Pathophysiology to Cardioprotective Effects of Natural Bioactive Compounds. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 17(7), 2326


  • Summarize Carmen’s controllable risk factors for heart disease.

Carmen has control over high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, overweight/obesity, diabetes, stress diet/nutrition, and alcohol consumption (Powers & Dodd, 2017, p.230).

  • Discuss the relationship between the lifestyle factors of poor diet and sedentary behavior to heart disease (particularly discuss the formation of plaque within the arteries). Use a reference to support your explanation.

When exercise and diet are neglected, one of the consequences is heart disease. When a person’s diet consists only of processed, low nutrient dense, and salty foods, plaque begins to develop in the arteries around the heart. Eventually, this can stop blood flow to the heart causing a heart attack or could cause a blockage of arteries to the brain causing a stroke. Hypertension is another form of cardiovascular disease. “Chronic high blood pressure increases the workload on the heart, which may eventually damage heart muscle and reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively throughout the body. It damages the lining of arteries, resulting in atherosclerosis” (Powers & Dodd, 2017, p. 279). Physical exercise can help prevent CVD because it helps to maintain healthy body weight and blood pressure, is part of stress management, and overall is great for the heart and lungs. “A lack of physical activity and inadequate nutrition act synergistically and in part additively, and they operate largely through the same pathways”(Ignarro, 2007, para. 4).

  • Explain the current recommendations for healthy levels of BMI, cholesterol, blood pressure, and physical activity.

For Carmen’s age range, she needs to have a BMI of at least 24 or less (she will need to lose at least 20 lbs), she needs to have blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg. It is recommended that Carmen have a total cholesterol level of 200 mg/dL, and not the 230 she currently has. Lastly, Carmen needs to be including low impact physical exercise at least 3-4 days per week.

Devise a plan for Carmen to reduce her risk factors. The plan should include detailed dietary guidelines (recommendations for specific amounts of fat, cholesterol, caloric intake, etc.) and physical activity guidelines to include each of the FITT principles.

First Carmen will need to fill out the PAR-Q to determine if she can begin an exercise program of if she will need to consult her Physician first (Powers & Dodd, 2017,pg. 30). Due to her age and lack of physical activity I would start Carmen off doing low impact activities like swimming or biking for 20-30 mins, 3-5 times per week. I would ensure she is equipped with proper warm up and cool down exercises and stretches to prevent injury. I would also recommend strength training exercises that would include high resistance and low repetitions. After about five weeks of consistency, Carmen would be reevaluated to see if she needs to keep to her current program or if she is ready to progress.

Some guidelines that I would recommend to Carmen is to first set up an account at or to monitor her food and beverage intake as well as macro and micronutrients. That will let her see specifically in real time what is entering her body and keep goals more attainable. I would encourage her to replace soda and juices with flavored or seltzer water and consider adding fruit as a replacement for desserts after a meal. I think it is the gradual changes that make a big difference, one step at a time. The goal would be to reach a well balanced diet, to include fruits and vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. As stated by Powers & Dodd, Carmen should consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, 58% carbs, 30% fat, and 12% protein (pg.222).

Louis J. Ignarro, Maria Luisa Balestrieri, Claudio Napoli, Nutrition, physical activity, and cardiovascular disease: An update, Cardiovascular Research, Volume 73, Issue 2, January 2007, Pages 326–340,

Powers, S. K., & Dodd, S. L. (2017). Total fitness & wellness, the Mastering Health edition (7th ed.). Retrieved from

Danielle Belfon- Summarize Carmen’s controllable risk factors for heart disease. Carmen cannot control her age or her race/ethnicity, but she can control her diet and weight. Her blood pressure is 152/80 mmHg. Her high blood pressure has put her at risk for heart disease. I am concerned because with a blood pressure this high, she could have a stroke. This is mentioned in the journal, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism,

Hypertension has numerous effects upon the brain, notably, compromise of blood-brain barrier, distributed damage to the white matter, and post-stroke edema. Such physiologic changes create a different milieu for the ischemia-challenged brain. With the high prevalence of hypertension as both a risk factor and sequelae of stroke, it is an important consideration in acute stroke management. (O’Collins, 2017, p. 1146).

Carmen should cut out fast food out of her life and her kids’ lives. They will model after her because she is their mother. Fast food has a high concentration of salt and sugar. This is a risk factor for heart disease. Fast food also has a lot of saturated fats. Her body mass index shows that she is overweight and awfully close to being obese. Her gaining weight, has put her at risk for CVD and Type 2 diabetes. According to Powers and Dodd (2017),”Obesity increases the risk of developing at least 26 diseases. Cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney disease, arthritis, and diabetes among the most serious” (p. 161). She could have controlled her weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol by exercising and eating healthy meals.

Discuss the relationship between the lifestyle factors of poor diet and sedentary behavior to heart disease (particularly discuss the formation of plaque within the arteries). Use a reference to support your explanation. A poor diet and not being physically active, can lead to heart disease. The body needs to move and get rid of unnecessary fat. Essential fat is good because it cushions the organs. It is needed when a woman is pregnant and when she is giving birth. However, storage fat can lead to clogged blood vessels. “Hypertension follows closely behind lipids on a list of classical risk factors for atherosclerosis” and “Angiotensin II (AII), in addition to its vasoconstrictor properties, can instigate intimal inflammation” (Riccioni et al., 2003, p. 27). Plague builds up in the blood vessels which then reduces proper blood flow. (Lechner et al., 2020, p. 395-400).

Explain the current recommendations for healthy levels of BMI, cholesterol, blood pressure, and physical activity. The current recommendation for physical activity is 150 minutes per week. A person should exercise five days out of the week for 30 minutes. A normal blood pressure should be around 120/80 mmHg. The upper number (systolic) should always be higher than the lower number (diastolic). A person’s HDL cholesterol should be between 40 and 60 mg/dL. The LDL cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/dL. The triglyceride level should be less than 150 mg/dL. The non-HDL cholesterol level should be less than 130 mg/dL. The cholesterol level should be less than 200 mg/dL. A normal BMI is 18-25.

Devise a plan for Carmen to reduce her risk factors. The plan should include detailed dietary guidelines (recommendations for specific amounts of fat, cholesterol, caloric intake, etc.) and physical activity guidelines to include each of the FITT principles. Carmen should consume more vegetables and fruits. However, she has to remember that fruits have sugar in them, so it is best to not eat too much at a time. She should watch her dietary intake as well. Her diet should consist of carbohydrates such as complex sugars. Because she is diabetic, she must watch her carbohydrate and fat intake. If she is going to consume bread or pasta, it should be wheat pasta and multigrain bread. Multigrain bread is also great for fiber. She also must watch her portion and serving size. She should cut back on red meat such as burgers and steaks because those tend to have a high amount of saturated fats. She should cut back on the meat and poultry for now until she can get her cholesterol levels and A1C down. Fish is a great alternative because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. She should cut out most, if not all, simple sugars. Her calorie intake should be around 2,000 calories a day. Her carbohydrate intake should be 325 grams a day. Her fat intake should be 50 grams a day. Her fiber intake should be 25 grams a day. Her cholesterol intake should be less than 200 grams a day. Her protein intake should be 46 grams a day. Carmen needs to exercise, but she has to engage in a physical activity that makes her feel good physically and emotionally. For now, Carmen should exercise for about 30 minutes a day for 2-3 days. It is best to start out slow. She should warm up and cool down every time. She also has a heart condition which means that she should not over do it when it comes to her exercise regimen. She should start walking or she can go on a treadmill. She can also go bike riding with her daughters which would be a fun and healthy activity for all of them to enjoy.


Lechner, K, von Schacky, C., McKenzie, A. L., Worm, N., Nixdorff, U., Lechner, B., Kränkel, N., Halle, M., Krauss, R. M., & Scherr, J. Lifestyle factors and high risk atherosclerosis: Pathways and mechanisms beyond traditional risk factors. European Journal of PreventiveCardiology, 27(4), 394 – 406.

O’Collins, V. E., Donnan, G. A., Macleod, M. R., & Howells, D. W. (2013). Hypertension and experimental stroke therapies. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 33(8), 1141-1147.

Powers, S. K., & Dodd, S. L. (2017). Total fitness & wellness, the mastering health edition (7th edition). Pearson. Retrieved from

Riccioni, G., De Santis A., Cerasa, V., Menna, C., Di llio, C., Schiavone, C., Ballone, E., & D’Orazio, N. (2003). Atherosclerotic plaque formation and risk factors. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 25-31.


30 environmental policy questions Science Assignment Help

such as

Question #1: Pick one of the following questions to answer based on what was covered in the Discussion section: 1) How are ecosystem values socially constructed?, OR 2) How may ecosystem values be socially constructed to benefit a capitalist society? [10 points]

Question #2: Think back to last Thursday’s final Discussion. As COVID-19 is having an impact globally, climate change is set out to do the same. What are some social equity concerns that have been seen with COVID-19? Does it affect everyone equally? How does this relate to the impact of climate change? [8 points]

Question #13: What is the difference between weather and climate? [5 points]

Question #14: Describe the difference between model uncertainty and scenario uncertainty and explain how they relate specifically to climate change. [10 points]

Question #15: Why is it important to take into account the lifespan of a chemical compound when determining its impact on the climate? [8 points]

Question #16: In your own words, what is radiative forcing? Discuss how volcanoes, greenhouse gases, and albedo each impact radiative forcing. [8 points]


Finish essay on Honky need 3 more pages Writing Assignment Help

Please find the attached documents. Write essay about Honky by Dalton Conley. Use lots of quotes with support/explain according to instructions and rubic.

Of upmost importance to student: Please note that we should use the book and use quote from it. Write support, explain, or evidence after/before using quote. Use format APA. Thanks again:)

1- Please read the assignment and use quotes from the book (see attached).

2- write a thesis statement at last sentence of introduction to help reader understand.

3- always support (evidence from book) what you are explaining.
I need 5-6 pages

She wanted us to use quotes from the book ( not needed articles). She wants us to write at support quotes ( always support what I am explaining).

She wants us to review the essay ( if this is absolutely outstanding work and well-structured, analytically sophisticated, nuanced and insightful)

Use this book, no other version. Do not forget use quote with cite like ( author, year )

Also do not forget write thesis statements at the last sentence of introduction.
Write introduction, body, and conclusion.



Answer this four interview questions perfectly. Thank you Health Medical Assignment Help

  • With reference to your CV, can you tell me about yourself and why you wanted to become a Registered Nurse
  • I see that you studied through Charles Darwin University. How did Charles Darwin University’s undergraduate program prepare you to be a Registered Nurse?
  • Charles Darwin University Hospital has staff and patients from different backgrounds. What experience do you have working with culturally diverse people? How do you ensure that you are culturally safe?
  • Can you explain the term evidence based practice and can you give an example of how you ensure your practice is current?



Simple writing and one outline-03 Writing Assignment Help

Part 1:

Please answer each of these three questions in three paragraphs, 5-8 sentences per paragraph:

1. What does Parenti (see attached file) mean by the concept of so-called ‘failed states’? Explain this concept, and provide an example, explaining why this is a ‘failed state’. You may parenthetically cite Parenti as you deem necessary, however please put your explanation in your own words. Remember that throwing in a quotation and not explaining its significance or breaking it down further will not answer the question.

2. In what ways has neoliberal restructuring, in part driven by the state, led to the establishment of failed states? Explain what this process is and how it has occurred, in your own words. You may use examples of where this has occurred to help you. For example, I recommend that you begin with phrasing such as “Failed states are caused by neoliberal restructuring because…”. You will need to think about these ideas, and the cause and effect relationships based upon the knowledge you glean from the text and the other material for this week. You will have to understand and explain the idea of neoliberal restructuring as well to better answer this question, so there are several points here.

3. In your opinion, and based upon your reading of the material, are there issues with the label of the ‘failed state’? Does this help or hinder solving the inequalities that these countries experience? Explain your reasoning.

Part 2:

Write one a research paper outline, here is the research topics:

Your choices are (but are not necessarily limited to):

Coffee, Tea, Loaf of bread, Rice, Soy beans (you may choose tofu, whole soybeans for human consumption known as edamame, or for animal feed), Europium (rare earth metal), Timber (choose specific type), Chocolate, Natural gas, Avocados, Beef, Bottled Water (commodified water), or Coconut Water.

Step 2: Do some background research on the commodity, using sources like newspapers and academic articles (at least FIVE sources), and think about the following questions:

  • What is the issue/s with your commodity?
  • What are the main points of the articles?
  • What is the main issue or problem(s) being addressed?
  • What different “sides” of the issues are presented?
    • Who are the main stakeholders regarding the commodity?
  • What is the conclusion reached by the author?

Step 3: The significance of your research:

Ask yourself: Why did you choose this commodity? How is it related to globalization and development? How is it related to everyday life?

Step 4: Select a concept

Choose any one concept from the term. You are to choose the concept that you think relates the most to your commodity or that you feel is the most interesting. There is no ‘correct’ concept; you choose. Many of the course concepts will apply to your commodity. Your objective is to select one and explain how/why it is relevant for your commodity choice and how it helps to understand your commodity. This will require you to go beyond the sources provided from the course.

Simple writing and one outline-03 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Allied American University Goal of Operational Security Paper Writing Assignment Help

The primary goal of operational security is to protect & secure the operations of an enterprise, while securing the technologies needed to maintain network and resource availability. Write a five – seven (5 – 7) page paper in which you:

  1. Compare & Contrast access control in relations to risk, threat and vulnerability.
  2. Research and discuss how different auditing and monitoring techniques are used to identify & protect the system against network attacks.
  3. Explain the relationship between access control and its impact on CIA (maintaining network confidentiality, integrity and availability).
  4. Describe access control and its level of importance within operations security.
  5. Argue the need for organizations to implement access controls in relations to maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability (e.g., Is it a risky practice to store customer information for repeat visits?)
  6. Describe the necessary components within an organization’s access control metric.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Use at least eight – ten (8 – 12 ) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are NOT included in the required assignm


Encrypting the data when inserting to SQL DB Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a small assignment

Requirements are as follows

I have a SQL server 2016 table in which i have (ID, APP_ID, App_Name , P_Name, Date_Processed, and Encrypted_Data_Row) columns

Table structure:

USE [MasterInvDB]


/****** Object: Table [dbo].[MasterInv] Script Date: 7/31/2020 4:31:15 PM ******/





CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MasterInv](

[ID] [int] NOT NULL,

[APP_ID] [int] NOT NULL,

[App_Name] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,

[P_Name] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,

[Date_Processed] [datetime] NULL,

[Encrypted_Data_Row] [varbinary](max) NULL,







I get XML file from 15 unique applications and each application has its own PGP or public/private keys.

Sample XML.

<ns0:MasterRec xmlns:ns0=”“>






Requirement is we have to encrypt the xml using the application specific key and insert to Encrypted_Data_Row column. ID column is auto generated , AppID, App_Name, P_Name, Date_Processed should be taken from the XML and insert to the table unencrypted before encrypting the XML and insert to Encrypted_Data_Row column.

If required you can create lookup tables to store the keys.

we have SQL Server 2016 and .net framework 4.6 with VS 2015 environment.

I’m looking for a C# component to do this or a SQL Stored procedure or a function is also fine . I need program for both encryption and decryption.

I want the best solution which can scale up or down in future

I can provide 2 PGP keys for 2 applications respectively.

I need clear explanation

Please let me know so that i can share the keys with passphrase for testing or you can create your own keys.


essay writing in aml format Writing Assignment Help


Write an essay analyzing the rhetorical strategies of the author Kevin D. Williamson in the opinion piece “Justice and Neighborliness” (Links to an external site.) published in the National Review on June 2. Assume that the article is an effective argument and discuss why and how it accomplishes his purpose for his audience.

You may certainly Google National Review and his name to give yourself some context and information regarding audience, but do not quote, summarize, or paraphrase any of the source material you find. Analyze JUST this piece.


  • MLA formatting, including header, heading, 1″ margins, TNR type, etc.;
  • Introductory paragraph:
    • Summarizes the argument;
    • Provides context;
    • Has title of article in quotes and name of author;
    • Has some information about author’s qualifications;
    • Ends with a strong thesis.
  • Two or three fully developed body paragraphs–see Organizing Analysis;
  • Evidence, mostly in the form of quotes from the article;
  • Internal (in-text) citations;
  • Concluding paragraph;
  • 750-1,000 or more words;
  • Work Cited (Use ONLY one source, the article provided.)


Note: This is the first out-of-class major paper and is worth 20% of the overall grade. It is recommended that you write several drafts before submitting. Send an early draft to a tutor two days before the due date. Incorporate any appropriate tutor suggestions and revise. Submit a few hours early to check Turnitin for inadvertent plagiarism or too many quotes from source. Aim for about 20% or less.


Rhetorical Analysis (1)

Rhetorical Analysis (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMost evidence in the form of quotes from the piece. Imbeds quotes smoothly and cites them parenthetically. Citations connect directly to a Work Cited. Work Cited is on the last page, and correctly lists ONLY the source being analyzed.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper is set up according to MLA, including but not limited to heading, header, margins, type, and title, internal citations and Work Cited.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFree of grammar and mechanics errors, formal writing, avoids 1st & 2nd person. College level vocabulary, and words are used correctly. Refers to author respectfully by last name, first and last name, or title and last name.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction is strong and interesting. Mentions the author’s name and the title of the article. Mentions question at issue and writer’s core argument and strategies in the thesis. Provides context (why are we discussing the issue at this time?), and provides some information about publication or author from the article website to establish ethos.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvides strong topic sentences, generally examples of writer’s reasons rhetorical strategy, and provides evidence in the form of quotes of the writer’s strategies. Concluding sentences in each body paragraph successfully sum up what the student was attempting to prove about author’s strategies and effectiveness.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWeighs in on rational evidence or skewing or evidence, In other words, is there bias, and if so, why and is it reasonable considering the audience? Is there fair representation of the opposition, and is there refutation of the opposition’s argument?

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscusses and provides evidence of appeals to logos, pathos and ethos, and appeals are correctly labeled. Discusses and provides evidence of other rhetorical strategies. Avoids student bias on the issue at hand, particularly in the form of loaded language, and objectively and rationally analyzes, considering context, audience, and author, rather than arguing the issue or summarizing the issue. Meets required word count and has two or three fully-developed body paragraphs.

30.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

Please take your time to write this, add enough quotes and citation. please take your time to write a good essay


Legislative Resource Collection Humanities Assignment Help

This assignment has two parts

-Create legislative resource collection

– Respond to two peers

Legislative Resource Collection


The purpose of this assignment is to create a legislative media resource collection in which each student’s contribution adds to the growth and quality.


For this assignment, in select weeks, you are required to add any type of legislative resource, information, or news that you deem pertinent based on class content and material. The information posted can include:

  • information about city, state, national or international legislative/policy news;
  • information about resources related to legislative/policy research.

There is no limit on how many resources or news media you can
contribute, however, you are required to add at least one resource

Additionally, you are expected to briefly comment of the postings of two peers.


New $1,000 Stimulus Package Proposed: A Family Of Four Would Receive $4,000

Rob BergerJul 30, 2020,

With negotiations over another round of Covid-19 relief at a standstill, four Senate Republicans have introduced a bill to provide $1,000 stimulus checks to eligible adults and children. U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), Steve Daines (R-MT), Mitt Romney (R-UT), and Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced the bill, called the Coronavirus Assistance for American Families Act.

The $1,000 stimulus check proposal would give individuals $200 less than the first stimulus check and the current proposals under the HEROES Act and HEALS Act. But because it would also distribute $1,000 to eligible children, a family of four would receive $4,000, which is $600 more than they received under the CARES Act.

“As Congress continues to negotiate another economic response to the pandemic, we should prioritize direct assistance to those who need it most,” Senator Rubio said in a press release today. According to the press release, the proposal would:

  • Disburse Economic Impact Payments of $1,000 for both adults and children with SSNs equally, $2,000 if filing jointly. A family of four would receive $4,000.
  • Includes eligibility for adult dependents, including those with disabilities or college students.
  • Includes eligibility for US citizens married to foreign nationals but does not include eligibility for foreign nationals or ITIN filers.

As with the CARES Act, the stimulus payments would be reduced by 5% of a taxpayer’s adjusted gross income over certain thresholds:

  • $150,000 in the case of a joint return,
  • $112,500 in the case of a head of household, and
  • $75,000 for all other taxpayers.

In a one page summary of the bill, it was noted that the proposal provides greater assistance to single parents with multiple children than authorized by the CARES Act. Unlike the CARES Act, the stimulus payments would apply to dependents regardless of age.

The text of the bill can be found here.

It’s unclear how the bill will be received by Republicans and Democrats alike, as negotiations over further Covid-19 relief lurch forward.


Pfizer CEO says Trump’s executive orders overhauling U.S. drug pricing will cause ‘enormous destruction’

President Donald Trump’s executive orders aimed at lowering U.S. prescription drug costs will cause “enormous destruction” as the pharmaceutical industry races to develop vaccines and treatments for the coronavirus, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told investors Tuesday.

Trump on Friday signed four executive orders designed to bring U.S. drug prices at least on par with their costs overseas.

“Overall, I’m disappointed with this executive order,” Bourla said during a conference call discussing the company’s second-quarter earnings. “They pose enormous destruction in a time when the industry needs to be completely focused on developing a potential Covid-19 vaccine or treatment.”

Trump has made lowering drug costs one of his key health-care issues early in his term. But drug pricing has taken a backseat over the last year as the Trump administration has shifted its focus to other priorities such as the teen vaping epidemic and now the coronavirus. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America called the executive orders a “reckless distraction.”

The comment by Bourla came after the company reported better-than-expected second-quarter earnings and raised its outlook for 2020. The outlook was raised despite a 32% drop in profit. Pfizer said the coronavirus shaved about $500 million, or 4%, off its quarterly revenue as more people worked from home and got fewer new prescriptions and vaccinations.

Pfizer and German biotech company BioNTech said they began their late-stage human trial for a potential coronavirus vaccine on Monday.

The trial will include up to 30,000 participants ages 18 to 85 across 120 sites globally, including 39 U.S. states, the companies announced. If successful, they expect to submit it for final regulatory review as early as October. They plan to supply up to 100 million doses by the end of 2020 and approximately 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021.


Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BERKELEYJR

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