questions need with a case(will send later) Business Finance Assignment Help

questions need with a case(will send later) Business Finance Assignment Help. questions need with a case(will send later) Business Finance Assignment Help.

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One question: the following :

Use only the data in the case. You don’t need to use any external sources.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Perform an analysis of external factors presented in the case.

2. Conduct a company analysis for Bluntly.

3. Evaluate the potential acquirer.

4. When valuing a private company what special considerations you might need to use.

5. Value the private company using the data given in the case.

6. Discuss the assumptions made.

7. Which are the advantages and disadvantages of using different methodologies specifically for this case (be specific to this case).

If you make any assumptions, please be specific and justify your assumptions. Include a table with your assumptions specifying next to each assumption how you chose it. Show your formulas and calculations.

1. Perform an analysis of external factors presented in the case.

2. Conduct a company analysis for Bluntly.

3. Evaluate the potential acquirer.

4. When valuing a private company what special considerations you might need to use.

questions need with a case(will send later) Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

mat135a statistics Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a statistics practice test / quiz and need a reference to help me learn.

MAT 135 A — Luis RademacherMidterm 2 — December 11th — 50 minutesOpen book and open notes. Every student must write his or her own solutions; looking forsolutionsfrom external sources (the web, material from previous years, etc.) is prohibited.Justify or prove all your answers.1. Let (X,Y), (U,V) be a pair of independent random points in square [1,1]2. LetD= (XU)2+ (YV)2be the squared distance between them. Determine(a) E(D) and(b) var(D).1

2. LetNbe a Poisson random variable with parameterλ. LetX1,…,XNbeNiid.random variables following the standard Gaussian distribution. Determine E(X21+···+X2N).2

3. Letabe an unknown length that you are trying to measure. You take measure-mentsntimes with an instrument. Measurementihas valuea+Ei, that is, it hasmeasurement errorEi,i= 1,…,n.E1,…,Enare iid and each follows a standardGaussian distribution. You estimate the length by the average of the measurements,X= (1/n)ni=1a+Ei. Write Chebyshev’s inequality specialized toXto bound theprobability thatXis not in (a,a+).3

4. Let (X,Y) be a random point in the unit disk{(x,y)R2:x2+y21}.(a) Determine the marginal density ofX.(b) DetermineP(XY).(c) Determine the conditional density ofXgivenY=y.(d) AreX,Ymutually independent


Students will identify one key piece of the legislation that is currently making its way through a state legislative process in California as well as many other states, but that has not yet passed or been enacted (Active) Health Medical Assignment Help

California, as well as many other states maintain websites that follow proposed bills throughout the legislative process. You are to locate one bill during the current academic year. Students should select a bill that has been proposed in response to a perceived public health problem and write an 8-10-page paper (1” borders, 12 pt. font) which includes the following:


Overview of the health problem: An overview of the public health problem to be addressed. Discuss the severity of the problem and number of people affected by it and by the proposed bill. (20 points)

Severity of the health problem: Discuss the research & the background in relation to the health problem. Is there consensus among researchers regarding its severity and how-to best deal with it? What would realistically happen if no intervention was implemented. Please make sure to cite all references to support the stated statistics and data. (10 points)

Overview of the bill and Stakeholders: An overview of the proposed bill in terms of its specific provisions. Do not just discuss what the promoters promise and what will be accomplished. Make sure to read the fine print and see exactly what the bill will do. Describe who the stakeholders are that who are affected in any way by this bill. (10 points)

Promises/Expected Outcomes: Who are the promoters of the bill? Describe what the promoters of the bill believe that the bill will accomplish. Make sure to discuss what specific health outcomes the promoters state will occur if the bill is passed. (10 points)

Problems: Describe what individuals or groups are opposed to the bill and why they are opposed. Make sure to research special interest groups such as professional trade associations, industry groups, etc. to explore the types of lobbying efforts they are undertaking with respect to the bill. (15 points)

Unintended Consequences: Describe what unintended consequence(s) could arise resulting from passage of this bill. In this section you should discuss unanticipated outcomes or results that could have a negative impact (go wrong) if the bill was passed. (20 points)

Recommendations: What is your recommendation regarding this bill. Make sure to support your opinion with facts and with reference to class readings & other references. (15 points)In addition, please make sure to follow these guidelines in writing your paper:

Your paper should conform to APA style (if you are unfamiliar with APA consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, which is available in the bookstore or the CSUN library, or consult one of the many online APA reference guides available on the internet.

Please make sure to carefully proofread your paper for spelling and grammatical errors prior to submission. If spelling and grammar are not your strongest skill, seek help at the CSUN Writing Center ( Keep in mind that if I am unable to understand what you are trying to communicate, I cannot award points for the various categories, above.

Make sure to cite every source used in your paper and be sure you understand what constitutes plagiarism. If you are unclear what plagiarism is, please review:


Mythology Take home test Humanities Assignment Help

Just make sure you provide examples/support for what you say.

NB:this doesn’t mean you should include a bibliography or that you should cite items, only that you should give me specific details to support whatever you say.If you want to do those things, however, you’re more than welcome to.

Part I:Short Written Answers – 20 marks

Answer two of the following three questions, each of which is worth 10 marks.Use complete sentences.

1.You’ve moved to Toronto, and live on the 77th floor of the 78 floor Aura Tower, the tallest residential building in Canada.Although you love your condo, your upstairs neighbour is loud, obnoxious, and unfriendly.You don’t want to move, and your attempts to evict them through the building’s management company have failed, so you have decided to take matters into your own hands.You go on kijiji, or Facebook marketplace, to find “revenge” services; four stand out.They are:Medea’s revenge service; Eurystheus’ revenge service; Clytemnestra’s revenge service; and Herakles’ revenge service.Which one would you pick and why?Answer by explaining why you have chosen the individual, what their particular form of revenge would be, and why it suits your particular situation, all while staying true to the world of myth.You might also consider why you didn’t pick the other services.(10 marks)

2.What seems like a lifetime ago, Patrick Laine scored five goals in one game and the Winnipeg Jets seemed to be on the up and up.Flash forward to today:the Covid-19 crisis hasn’t happened, and the captain Blake Wheeler’s been injured and you as Paul Maurice, the Jets’ coach, need to find a quick replacement to prevent a precipitous slide to the bottom of the league.There are no minor or major league options available anywhere in the world, but five figures from myth have been transported to twenty-first century Winnipeg and are ready to take up a leadership position on the team (it turns out too that they are quick learners, at least when it comes to acquiring skating and stick skills).Those five potential players are:Atalanta, Gilgamesh, Jason, Odysseus, and Theseus.Who would you choose to be the Jets’ new captain and why?Your choices should be based on the characteristics and deeds of those known figures from myth, and you’re also welcome to explain why you didn’t select the other players.(10 marks)

3. In a parallel world, where the classical world included the Americas as well as much of Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia, you are the lesser known god of Winnipeg, “Golden Boy”, and pirates, far away, have sacked your temple in the very southern tip of the Peloponnesos.To get vengeance, you have decided to put together a group of elite heroes from classical myth who will be tasked with acting on your behalf.Which five figures would you choose and why?Note that those figures, though magically transported to Winnipeg from the ancient Mediterranean to meet with you at the start, will be setting out from Winnipeg itself the old-fashioned way, and so it might be worth considering those with some experience with long journeys using the available (in the world of classical myth) technology.Your choices should be based on the characteristics and deeds of those known figures from myth.(10 marks)

Part II:Short Description – 15 marks

Please provide a description and explanation of your plan (1.5-2 pages, single spaced – NO MORE) for one of the following two topics.Make sure to give specific examples from your course materials (textbooks, lecture notes/slides, videos) to do the descriptions.

1.You are the lead of a video game development company, and you’ve been tasked with coming up with a new 3-game series, with each game focused on the adventures of one Olympian deity.Provide the name of each of your three intended games and a very brief description of each one.Be sure your descriptions address the following questions:which three Olympians did you pick for each game and why?What tasks will the Olympians set for the player?What is their ultimate goal?Remember too that the three games have to tie into each other, so be sure to explain how each one flows into the other.

2.You have been hired as the writer for a new 6-part television series to be aired on Netflix centred on the lives and experiences of the Olympians.Provide the name of each episode and a very brief description of each one by addressing the following questions:which theme/s will run through the series?Will you leave scope for any spin-off series? Will you focus on any specific deities and why?Will humans play a part?You also need to assume that each episode will build on the previous one – in other words, they cannot be standalone episodes.

Part III:Short Essay – 20 marks

Please write one short essays (2.5-3 pages, single spaced – NO MORE) . Make sure to give specific examples from your course materials (textbooks, lecture notes/slides, videos) as you complete the essays.

1.Is Odysseus to blame for any of the bad things that happen to him in the Odyssey?Why or why not?


Please answer the multiple choice questions Computer Science Assignment Help

1-Complexity in modern software is attributed to the following reasons, except which one

Not selecting the right tools

Need for more capabilities to execute complex tasks

Lack of sufficient resources to fix all bugs

Not using the right software abstraction

2-Which of the following may be a great strategy for software testers to become camaraderie’s with software development teams?

Communicating bad news and often suggesting some solutions

Communicating bad news to the software development team all the time

Communicating bad news and not allowing the software development team to ask questions

Communication bad news and always criticizing the software development team for sloppy work

3-A software tester is given a test case that involves opening and closing file with in a newly designed custom text editor. When the software tester executes the test repeatedly for 10 times and gets the same outcome, he or she is trying to establish which of the following





Please see the attached file for all of the questions



For this assignment, please read the section in the textbook: Ch 2; Formal Elements, from Line…….all the way to Unity and Variety. For the hardcopy textbook: Reference Chapter 2, pages 24- 45. In addition to the video and blog link above. Humanities Assignment Help


Now that you have read the article and watched the video above, you are ready to create your own image! Be sure to read the requirements below:

The process:

1. First watch the video and read the article; they will help by giving some tips, who to enlist and how to frame the photograph.

2. Follow the steps that the article blog outlines.

3. You may choose an artwork from our text book OR from the Getty Museum.

4. Replicate it with yourself, your pets, family, or other household elements. Please to not attempt to draw or paint the artwork, remember that the idea is to create the same color layout or object re-creation.

5. Please do not upload a file of any sort; instead embed your images directly into the text of your assignment.

For your post:

The images. Your post should include your image and the image of the artwork that you are creating. Here’s an image form the Getty website:
Title, artist, medium, date: of the artwork that you are “re-creating”.
Describe your process on how you chose the art work, and then staged your “re-creation”. Please describe in detail. This description should be at least one paragraph.
Historical work of art recreated by an individual Self-Portrait, Yawning, by 1783, Joseph Ducreux. Oil on canvas, 46 3/8 x 35 3/4 in. The J. Paul Getty Museum, 71.PA.56. Re-creation on Instagram by Paul Morris with British redcoat and twisty towel

For this assignment, please read the section in the textbook: Ch 2; Formal Elements, from Line…….all the way to Unity and Variety. For the hardcopy textbook: Reference Chapter 2, pages 24- 45. In addition to the video and blog link above. Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

[1000 words] Current Event Paper on Gender Roles Humanities Assignment Help

write minimum 1000 words!

use the same work cited as the outline

please make sure the essay follow the requirement and Rubric

And if you can add the year 1877 and compare to the present day that would be perfect and then cite you can talk about housing, child care like the outline


You will be using the outline you did for me for the Gender roles to create the final paper

Required Sources:

  • 2 scholarly, library sources (journal articles, e-books, books)


What is your current event and why is it important/significant?

Things to consider when answering the prompt:

– Your argument/thesis statement is your answer to the prompt.

– You should have more than one reason for why it is important. Each of these reasons should be discussed in the body of the paper.

– Make sure the reasons listed in the argument/thesis statement are specific.

Unspecific argument: The Emancipation Proclamation is important because it helped African Americans.

Specific argument: The Emancipation Proclamation is important because it freed slaves in Confederate states, it allowed African American men to enlist in the Union Army, and it led to the passage of the the thirteenth amendment.

– Underline your argument so you and I both know what it is


Papers will be 3-5 pages in length and will follow standard formatting (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins). The paper needs to be written in an essay format, make an argument, and support that argument with evidence/examples from two library sources.

Students must complete the following steps:

  1. Use your 2-3 page outline as the foundation for writing your 3-5 page paper. Include 2 or more scholarly library sources (journal articles, e-books, books) in your paper. You can supplement your research with reliable internet sources (government websites, non-profits, museums, etc.), lecture material, or information from your textbook. Papers must be at least 3 FULL pages long and follow standard formatting (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins).
  2. Use and cite all of the library sources. All information needs to be cited including the library sources and any lecture material or information from the textbook. Cite sources in your paper using in-text MLA-style citations (Links to an external site.) e.g. (Jimenez 105) so I know where the information that you are discussing came from. In addition, to the 3 full pages of text, you need to have a Works Cited page (Links to an external site.) listing all of the sources used in the paper. Provide a full citation for each source including: author’s full name, source name, publisher’s name and location, and the publication date.


□ 3-5 page length, used standard formatting (3 full pages = down to the bottom of the 3rd page)

□ Essay format: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion

□ Clearly written, proofread, and spell-checked

□ Specifically answered all parts of the prompt

□ Underlined argument and supported it well with examples from sources

□ Used all required sources and cited them correctly

□ Submitted a Works Cited page with 2 or more library sources

□ Sources listed in Works Cited page were all used in the paper and cited


Current Event Paper Rubric (3-5 Page)

Current Event Paper Rubric (3-5 Page)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3-5 page length, used standard formatting (3 FULL pages minimum)

50.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssay format: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion

10.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClearly written, proofread, and spell-checked

10.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpecifically answered all parts of the prompt

20.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderlined argument and supported it well with examples from the sources

40.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFound 2 or more scholarly, library sources, used examples from each in the paper, and cited them correctly

50.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubmitted a Works Cited page with 2 or more library sources; all sources were used in the paper and cited

20.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

Total Points: 200.0


UCirvine Motivations for Advantaged Group Members Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Research Report – You may also write a review paper. Each 4-page paper (double- spaced; 1″ margins; Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman font) . For this paper, you need to choose an empirical article from one of the following journals: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Personality, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, or Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology. You must meet with the TA or with me to discuss the article prior to writing the paper. You can find articles published in these journals using Google Scholar or PsychInfo (search engines). Read the article and then write a paper that includes: a summary in your own words describing the study and a critique of the study (what you liked, what you did not like, the most interesting findings, whether you think the study should have been done differently). No plagiarism is allowed (you cannot lift sentences from the article and include them in your paper), and papers must be thoughtful and well-written. No cover page is required.

Remember give me the turnitin plagiarism report.

COURSE materials:…


One Page of Literature Review Writing Assignment Help

Please use the two attached documents to write one page as a part of literature review about the Significant Functions of Using Standardized Emergency Codes in Saudi Hospitals

Here are the references to cite them (use APA format):


1- Ashworth, I., El Dali, A., ElDeib, O., Altoub, A., Pasha, F., &
Butt, T. (2015). Variability of emergency color codes for critical
events between hospitals in Riyadh. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 35(6), 450-455.

2- Al-Aboud, D. M., & Al-Aboud, K. M. (2010). Hospital emergency codes. An appraisal. Saudi medical journal, 31(12).


HIEU 390 A1 BTC Emergence of the Modern Europe Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help


Research Paper Instructions – “HIEU 390 – Modern Europe”.


This course features a final project of a research paper. Many of the projects in this course lead and build to the research paper to build your confidence in researching like a historian. Your research paper will immerse you in what it will take to produce a good historical analysis. Follow the instructions and rubric to ensure your success on this assignment.


The traditional research monograph is a hallmark of the historian’s craft. This includes working off your research and individual research question that you have now turned into a thesis. To make a perfect research paper, you will need to follow the same principles you would for a research prospectus, except you are analyzing and integrating all of your work. You will still need a strong introduction detailing your thesis and how you will formulate your argument to support your thesis. Your paper will include a brief discussion of the historiography on the topic. This can be just a few paragraphs on the major thinkers and historians in the field. Finally, the bulk of your paper will be spent analyzing the thesis and supporting your main argument by including primary sources, secondary sources, and your interpretation of this information. You will need to tie everything then together and reiterate your thesis in your conclusion. Remember, you’re going to set up your argument, give your argument, then restate it. Ideally, this is the paper that you will write.

The purpose of a prospectus is to develop your ideas on a topic of your own individual thought process. As this is meant to be a class that develops your content knowledge, so the goal is to prepare you better to write and develop historical arguments while building your knowledge of the period. The prospectus can be used if you do not yet have access to the required primary sources to finish your paper. Note that often it is hard to do a research prospectus well as it is a technical document, but it can set you up for a future more in-depth research project.

For your research prospectus, you will give an introduction to your topic, include your thesis, and set up your background for your question. You will give a historiographical background, including some of the major researchers in the field you are studying and what they are saying about this topic. This does not have to be an in-depth discussion, just an overview. However, your discussion should be clear enough to add context to the rest of your research. Second, you will analyze your thesis and look at the parts that constitute the answers. This may be the bulk of your paper. You should provide a detailed description of your primary sources and how to use them in your paper. Evaluate them for trustworthiness and how they elucidate your topic. Finally, give a clear conclusion that clarifies your project. It would be best to reiterate what you did in your paper and provide a concise wrap up of your prospectus.

Note you will need to select which you will choose, the research clearly monograph or the research prospectus.

Whether you pick a traditional research paper or prospectus; your paper will be between 2,000 and 2,500 words, between 8-10 pages of content. Your word count will not include a bibliography, citations, or cover page. Your paper should conform to the 9th edition of Turabian. Find this style guide in your course to ensure you are making sure your information is properly formatted and structured. This includes at minimum 1” margins, Times New Roman 12 pt. Font.




The previous assignment was this “Research Prospectus Topic/Thesis Selection

You can view the submitted document for that one here, which got an “18/20”. (it’s attached)

HIEU 390 Research Prospectus Topic Thesis_Updated.Done.Edited_Removal.docx

This has nothing to do with the paper; this is already submitted for the class and your reference.


Please will tip for GOOD WORK! This is a final worth “150” points. – Please ask questions.

The only thing I could add to this is that it’s for “Modern Europe” so the topic would have to be from this area.

This course provides an in-depth study of Modern Europe’s development, from the turn of the 20th century to the political and social upheavals of the Cold War, focusing on political, military, intellectual, and economic developments.


questions need with a case(will send later) Business Finance Assignment Help

questions need with a case(will send later) Business Finance Assignment Help

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