Quickbooks Report Final Project Assignment Help. Quickbooks Report Final Project Assignment Help.
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For this Portfolio Project option, you must use a QuickBooks sample company and develop a report based on your review. Choose a sample QuickBooks company through QuickBooks and create the tasks following the outline. Include screenshots and descriptions as needed. Ensure that your analyses differ from those provided in Lynda.com or other online sites (conduct your own uniqueanalyses).
Section I: Overview
Provide a general overview of QuickBooks. Make sure the overview provides the reader with a general understanding of the application, including costs, functionality, and minimum system requirements. How does it track the primary information flows within a business?
Section II: Transactional Processing and Data Management
Describe how QuickBooks handles processing the accounting transactions and recording business activities for the revenue, expenditure and financing cycles. You should provide at least one detailed example of how one would record a specific accounting transaction/ business activity for each of the three transaction cycles. Complete each of the three sections:
- Revenue Cycle
- Create a new invoiced customer and create a new customer invoice.
- Create a new pre-paying customer (i.e., paying with credit card)
- Apply a customer payment.
- Run a customer report.
- Run reports to provide information regarding key revenue cycle information—sales, accounts receivable, cash.
- Take screenshot
- Expenditure Cycle
- Create two or more new vendors.
- Create an inventory item.
- Generate a payment to a vendor.
- Run a report to provide information regarding vendors and accounts payable.
- Run reports to provide information regarding key expenditure cycle information—purchases, inventory, and cash.
- Create two or more employees with after the fact payroll module in QuickBooks determine pay and federal income tax, Social security and Medicare deductions
- Run a monthly or weekly payroll report with all payroll related accounts.
- Take screenshot
- Financing Cycle
- Enter a new account in the chart of accounts.
- Post journal entries for rent, insurance, accounts receivable and accounts payable.
- Run the key financial statements that are available and relevant for your company and data. Explain the performance reports—what do they say about your company’s performance. Include the type of analysis meaningful for your company and data (vertical vs. horizontal).
- Run key reports to measure the firm’s financial performance.
- Take Screenshot
Section III: Internal Controls
- How can you as an accountant use QuickBooks enhance internal controls in the company you chose?
- How can you secure the system and files?
- What potential security weaknesses exist for QuickBooks?
Section IV: Charts and Graphs
- How are visualizations formatted and used?
- Create a chart.
- Create a data diagram.
Section V: Conclusion and Recommendation
Give your overall impression and recommendation for QuickBooks’ use in accounting.
- Assignment should follow APA guidelines with respect to use of subheadings, 1″ margins, and double-spaced. Use the CSU-Global APA Instructions (Links to an external site.).
- Prepare any 8-10 page report in length (excluding title page and reference page) References need to include your textbook plus two additional credible academic references. All sources used, including your textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Use of the CSU Global library is necessary.
- All explanations would be checked in TurnitIn for similarity score Similarity scores must be less than 30%.
Quickbooks Report Final Project Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Study the essay, “A Pat-Down Is Better Than a Blowup”-(see link below). Identify the conclusion and premises of the essay’s argument, and write a rebuttal to it. Writing Assignment Help
This essay must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs in length (introduction, body, & conclusion), Times Roman 12 point font size, and between 550 – 650 word…(1 page only). Essay must be written in formal sentences and have quotes from reputable articles aside from the one provided, to back up arguments. Don’t focus too much on the introduction and conclusion as this is a philosophy type paper and the professor asks us to be concise. That goes for the whole paper as well, short and concise is the key 🙂 I will be available for any questions. Thank you
Use the link provided below as well as the file uploaded to form a rebuttal to the articles.
Write a Literary Analysis about possibility of Evil Humanities Assignment Help
Write a Literary Analysis about possibility of Evil, i will attache it .
- MLA format
- 3-5 pages in length (minimum of 3 full pages of text)
Step 1: Find three literary tools the author utilizes in the story to examine. You will want to examine the three most often used or the three that have the most evidence.
Literary tools:
figurative language—metaphor, simile, etc.—this language is used to characterize the sensibility and understanding of characters as well as to establish the significance of theme and tone.
tone—what tone does the narrator or author use—is he preaching, sympathetic, humorous, etc.? Why does the author use this tone—what is gained by he or she using this tone? Would the story have the same meaning if another tone was used?
imagery—what examples of imagery does the author use—is it helpful to the story? If so, why? examples of imagery are—the five senses and sometimes six. What does the character or the author make the reader touch, see, hear, feel, smell, taste, etc.
symbolism—something said but meant to stand for something else. Allegory is also used within this category—things which stand for something on a one-by-one basis.
point-of-view—Who is telling the story and what do they know or don’t know? Is the tale told by an omniscient (all-knowing) narrator who doesn’t interact in the events, or is it presented by one of the characters within the story? Can the reader trust that person to give an objective account, or does that narrator color the story with his or her own biases and interests?
setting—is the context in which all of the actions take place. What is the time period, the location, the time of day, the season, the weather, the type of room or building? What is the general mood, and who is present? All of these elements can reflect on the story’s events, and though the setting of a story tends to be less conspicuous than plot and character, setting still colors everything that’s said and done within its context.
character—refers to the qualities assigned to the individual figures in the plot. Consider why the author assigns certain qualities to a character or characters and how any such qualities might relate to your topic.
allusion—Does the author use any allusions—references to a past literary source or event in history. Authors will use many Biblical allusions. Adam—would bring qualities of Adam from the Bible, without having to expressly state them, just by using the name infers or alludes to the Biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Step 2: Now that you have figured out which three literary tools or elements the author uses and that you will examine in your paper, take each tool and find at least three examples of the author’s use of the tool in the story (note the page number when you find the use).
Step 3: Write an outline using those tools and the examples:
I. Introduction paragraph
II. First tool you will discuss (1st body paragraph)
A. 1st piece of evidence supporting this tool
B. 2nd piece of evidence supporting this tool
C. 3rd piece of evidence supporting this tool
III. Second tool you will discuss (2nd body paragraph)
A. 1st piece of evidence supporting this tool
B. 2nd piece of evidence supporting this tool
C. 3rd piece of evidence supporting this tool
IV. Third tool you will discuss (3rd body paragraph)
A. 1st piece of evidence supporting this tool
B. 2nd piece of evidence supporting this tool
C. 3rd piece of evidence supporting this tool
V. Conclusion paragraph
Step 4: Write a thesis statement for your paper—Based on the evidence that relates to your topic—and what you anticipate you might say about those pieces of evidence—come up with a working thesis. Use the example below to plug in your own words:
Thesis statement: Dickens’ portrayal of the French Revolution and the love triangle depends mainly on his use of three artistic tools: character, figurative language, and theme.
Step 5: Write the introduction paragraph using the format below to plug in elements of your story:
Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat” is a short story illustrating the plight of a Southern Christian black woman in an abusive relationship with her husband. At the story’s heart is a masterful depiction of the protagonist, a woman who after many years of abuse finally refuses to subject herself to her philandering husband’s cruelty. Hurston achieves the greater theme of “Sweat,” the triumph of the oppressed, through her use of three basic Southern literary themes: folklore, oppression, and religion. A brief inspection of these three basic themes will reveal how “Sweat” achieves its inspiring effect.
Step 6: Write your body paragraphs following your outline and remembering to use the instructions on How to Write the Perfect 8 Sentence Paragraph.
Step 7: Write the concluding paragraph—remember to restate your thesis in this paragraph and then sum up the evidence that you used in your paper. Do not introduce any new ideas at this point. End with a profound statement.
Hurston masterfully utilizes three basic Southern literary themes to illustrate the plight of a woman in an abusive relationship in the 1920’s: folklore, oppression, and religion. The combination of the three themes utilized by Hurston in her short story “Sweat” bring about a much greater theme of the story—the triumph of the oppressed. Women are still being oppressed today and may be inspired to overcome their oppression after reading this inspirational work by Hurston.
Step 8: Revise―Read and revise for accuracy. Ensure you have supported your thesis statement.
Step 9: Edit―Check and edit your paper for spelling and grammatical errors.
Quickbooks Report Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help
For this Portfolio Project option, you must use a QuickBooks sample company and develop a report based on your review. Choose a sample QuickBooks company through QuickBooks and create the tasks following the outline. Include screenshots and descriptions as needed. Ensure that your analyses differ from those provided in Lynda.com or other online sites (conduct your own uniqueanalyses).
Section I: Overview
Provide a general overview of QuickBooks. Make sure the overview provides the reader with a general understanding of the application, including costs, functionality, and minimum system requirements. How does it track the primary information flows within a business?
Section II: Transactional Processing and Data Management
Describe how QuickBooks handles processing the accounting transactions and recording business activities for the revenue, expenditure and financing cycles. You should provide at least one detailed example of how one would record a specific accounting transaction/ business activity for each of the three transaction cycles. Complete each of the three sections:
- Revenue Cycle
- Create a new invoiced customer and create a new customer invoice.
- Create a new pre-paying customer (i.e., paying with credit card)
- Apply a customer payment.
- Run a customer report.
- Run reports to provide information regarding key revenue cycle information—sales, accounts receivable, cash.
- Take screenshot
- Expenditure Cycle
- Create two or more new vendors.
- Create an inventory item.
- Generate a payment to a vendor.
- Run a report to provide information regarding vendors and accounts payable.
- Run reports to provide information regarding key expenditure cycle information—purchases, inventory, and cash.
- Create two or more employees with after the fact payroll module in QuickBooks determine pay and federal income tax, Social security and Medicare deductions
- Run a monthly or weekly payroll report with all payroll related accounts.
- Take screenshot
- Financing Cycle
- Enter a new account in the chart of accounts.
- Post journal entries for rent, insurance, accounts receivable and accounts payable.
- Run the key financial statements that are available and relevant for your company and data. Explain the performance reports—what do they say about your company’s performance. Include the type of analysis meaningful for your company and data (vertical vs. horizontal).
- Run key reports to measure the firm’s financial performance.
- Take Screenshot
Section III: Internal Controls
- How can you as an accountant use QuickBooks enhance internal controls in the company you chose?
- How can you secure the system and files?
- What potential security weaknesses exist for QuickBooks?
Section IV: Charts and Graphs
- How are visualizations formatted and used?
- Create a chart.
- Create a data diagram.
Section V: Conclusion and Recommendation
Give your overall impression and recommendation for QuickBooks’ use in accounting.
- Assignment should follow APA guidelines with respect to use of subheadings, 1″ margins, and double-spaced. Use the CSU-Global APA Instructions (Links to an external site.).
- Prepare any 8-10 page report in length (excluding title page and reference page) References need to include your textbook plus two additional credible academic references. All sources used, including your textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Use of the CSU Global library is necessary.
- All explanations would be checked in TurnitIn for similarity score Similarity scores must be less than 30%.
Please select a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for any selected scenario. Computer Science Assignment Help
You can choose any organization’s plan or create your own.
1. Describe the key elements of the Disaster Recovery Plan to be used in case of a disaster and the plan for testing the DRP.
2. Briefly discuss the internal, external, and environmental risks, which might be likely to affect the business and result in loss of the facility, loss of life, or loss of assets. Threats could include weather, fire or chemical, earth movement, structural failure, energy, biological, or human.
3. Of the strategies of shared-site agreements, alternate sites, hot sites, cold sites, and warm sites, identify which of these recovery strategies is most appropriate for your selected scenario and why.
4. For each testing method listed, briefly describe each method and your rationale for why it will or will not be included in your DRP test plan.
• Include at least Four (4) reputable sources.
• Please make sure your submission is 3 pages in length and meet the APA formatting guidelines.
Taking sides: Were the 1920s an era of social and cultural rebellion? Writing Assignment Help
I have to read both Leuchtenberg and Shannon′s sides of the argument regarding whether the 1920s an era of social and cultural rebeliion. I need to take a side and write a 500 word essay to explain why I agree with that person. It is better to show why the person I disagree with is wrong. No outside sources other than the one I have attached, and provide historical evidence to support my claims. My professor is extremely harsh on grading papers, and I expect a concise, logical response to the essay question. Must be at college level.
Taking sides: Were the 1920s an era of social and cultural rebellion? Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Individual Projects 1-5 Computer Science Assignment Help
Throughout this course, you
will be working on several aspects of network security that will result
in a complete Network Security Plan Document for an organization of your
choosing. Providing security to the organization and protecting
valuable corporate assets requires careful planning. The alternative
could be disastrous for any organization. A properly designed network
security plan provides a methodology for evaluating and protecting the
organization’s assets. Each week, you will complete a part of your
Network Security Plan, with the final draft due at the end of the
You will select an organization and apply your research
to the analysis and development of a Network Security Plan document that
would be appropriate for the organization and the needs it has for
security. Additional information and the deliverables for each
Individual Project will be provided in the assignment descriptions each
week. This is the course’s Key Assignment that you will make
contributions to each week.
Challenges in Correctional Mental Health? Business Finance Assignment Help
Background: We have discussed some of the challenging issues that affect the corrections field today. Other challenges include illiteracy, sickness, mental illness, prison gangs, etc. Correctional leaders also need to prepare inmates to go home and be productive citizens and to reduce recidivism. As a result, correctional administrators have to spend their limited resources wisely and get the most value for their efforts.
Assignment: Select a corrections challenge that you would like to explore; research an example of an exemplary program that addresses this challenge.
Determine the elements of this program that makes it exemplary and would be considered a best practice in the correctional field.
Write up your findings in a paper that provides a description of the program, the elements that lead to the success of the program, and the program structure and design that provide for an effective and successful correctional program.
Possible topics for the paper include:
- Correctional Mental Health
Use correctional journals, correctional periodicals, various departments of corrections, and other resources to identify exemplary correction programs. Include at least three journal references.
The minimum length of the paper is five double spaced pages of 12-point font, not including the cover page or the reference page. Resources must be properly cited within the body of the text and listed on the reference page using APA citation rules.
Paper Formatting requirements:
- Cover Page: Include the title of the paper, your name, the class title and the date of submission.
- Section 1: Introduction: Make an introductory statement about the topic and explain the purpose of your paper.
- Section 2: Provide a complete description of the corrections challenge and the exemplary programs developed to address the challenge.
- Section 3: Discuss the key elements of the program that make it successful. Identify both advantages and disadvantages as well as empirical evidence that demonstrates effectiveness.
- Section 4: Conclusion: Provide a focused, concise conclusion based on your analysis of the articles, explaining why you think this program is effective and how it compliments other inmate programs.
- References Page: List at least three journal references on a separate page and provide complete citations in accordance with the APA style manual
The Police and Juvenile Delinquency Business Finance Assignment Help
The Police and Juvenile Delinquency
The police play a vital role in the juvenile justice system. Often, police officers are referred to as gatekeepers, as their discretionary abilities play an important role in deciding who will or will not be processed into the juvenile justice system.
Now, consider the following scenario:
You are a patrol police officer, and you have the following three encounters with three different youths on your shift:
- Sandra Miller, a fifteen-year-old girl walking home from a party at 2 a.m.
- Heather Goldberg, a sixteen-year-old girl spray-painting gang-related material on a freeway overpass
- John Morris, a seventeen-year-old boy who robs a liquor store, shooting and killing the store owner in the process
By using other scholarly articles, further research juvenile delinquency.
On the basis of your research, create a response on police discretion and their work with juveniles. In addition, your response should provide answers to the following questions:
- When considering your discretionary powers as a police officer, which case would you file as a formal petition to begin the process of the juvenile justice system? Why?
- Which of the three cases would you handle informally? How would you handle this case and why?
- Of the three cases, which is the most typical type of offense for a juvenile to be involved in? Provide a rationale for your response.
- Should the police have discretionary powers when it comes to juvenile offenders? Why or why not?
- What are some of the advantages and disadvantages when it comes to discretionary powers the police have when working with juvenile offenders?
write an 3000 words report with given proposal and make a PPT around 8mins Writing Assignment Help
1)Using the project proposal as the main idea and expand the proposal into a full-size report that should contain around 3000 words. Be sure to added data and graph to support the report in a logic way. When using data graph or other source be sure to using APA form citation to avoid plagiarize. Be sure to focus on the project plan that already list in the project proposal.
2)form a PPT for a 8 mins presentation that base on this report. The PPT should contains data graph and bullet points. Do not put a paragraph into slides which will be tough for both presenter and audience to get the point.