Quinnipiac University GreenSpace Organizational Leadership in Digital Era Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. Quinnipiac University GreenSpace Organizational Leadership in Digital Era Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Part I – For the organization/entity selection you are required to submit a two-page, double space, 12 point font with a nicely crafted title, a short description of the organization and its main business lines, and your reason for the selection of the organization, and articulate a business case for the need of a Digital Transformation Strategy. This is due at the end of the third week of class – July 26. Part II is due on August 23 and I will post it after this assignment is done.
Quinnipiac University GreenSpace Organizational Leadership in Digital Era Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Progressive Technological and Medical Science Improvements Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
For this assignment, use a total of 10 peer-reviewed research articles regarding nursing and Problem-Based Learning in general from the last five years to develop an initial synthesis of the related literature. Within this synthesis, be sure to include the following:
- Determine the commonalities among the research articles by group. For example, did the researchers use similar theoretical frameworks, sample participants, or methodologies (e.g., procedures, instruments) to collect data? How were the results similar?
- Determine the differences among the research articles by group. For example, did the researchers use different theoretical frameworks, sample participants, or methodologies (e.g., procedures, instruments) to collect data? How were the results different?
- Determine reoccurring concepts/themes in the overall findings and conclusions, and state whether any of these were indicated to be in need of further inquiry.
Do not include book sources, secondary summary sources, or sources older than five years, unless the source is a peer-reviewed, original, seminal study essential for the foundational synthesis of the related research. Your literature review draft should provide an objective discussion and synthesis of the related concepts from the previous research findings, any identified contradictory concepts, and underlying related theoretical framework(s) supported by APA formatted reference citations.
Length: 5-10 pages, not including title or reference pages.
International Business American College of California Samsung Financial Performance Analysis Law Assignment Help
- Review all three accounting statements and compare each of these statements to previous statements for the past three years.
- Describe
any positive or negative trends that emerge from the accounting
statement data and comparisons, providing a detailed explanation of the
factors that lead to these trends. - Assess potential weaknesses in the financial statements for your company.
- Describe
the specific data elements from your evaluation of Samsung’s financial
performance as a company that indicates the company’s performance - List
your observations from the balance sheet, the income statement, and the
cash flow statement that is unique to Samsung as a company and could be
indicative of any positive or negative trends
Must use at least two industry or scholarly sources in addition to the course text
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined
be five to six-spaced pages in length (not including title and
references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in
the university
University of South Florida Physician Assisted Suicide Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help
locate two original and current (published within the past ten years) journal articles, one that supports the argument that physician-assisted suicide should be legal and one that supports the argument that it should not. Your initial post should include three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, briefly describe how the article you chose favors legalizing physician-assisted suicide. In the second paragraph, briefly describe how the other article you chose supports the position that physician-assisted suicide should not be legal. In the third paragraph, briefly describe and defend your position on the issue (i.e., on what do you base your position on the controversial issue?). Please note that you must include appropriate APA in-text citations within your first and second paragraphs, and you also must include a complete APA-style reference for each journal article. For more information about APA style and for an example of an initial post that would receive full credit, please refer to the Getting Started module. Your initial post must be made by Thursday at 11:59 pm.
Northern Virginia Community College Classmate Essay Review Humanities Assignment Help
The professor posted:
Objective: To show you the difference the narrator makes (and to show me that you have understood the difference between narrators). How does the way a story is told (the ‘narrative’) influence our reactions to and understanding of a story
What you need to do: Take a long paragraph/page and switch the person of the narration. (This is relatively simple. You will also need to make sure that the verbs are properly conjugated.
Then reflect on the differences that this makes to our understanding and to the effect of the story. Does this alteration change our view of the story? Does it change our identification with the characters? How would the story you have chosen be less/more moving or convincing if narrated in a different person? (Minimum: 500 words.)
Remember: this is a very short essay. It should have a thesis. It should be organized into paragraphs. It should back up its thesis with evidence from the text. It should be written in clear, grammatical English. (If you have problems with grammar, keep your sentences short.)
Klosevin, U just helped me with this assignment. I do have two of my classmates’ essays here, and I need a review for them.
For your peer review: You want to help the person whose (short) paper you are reading and you want to show me that you have given your review some thought.
Here are the questions your should answer in your review of your parnter’s drafts:
- How pertinent to the thesis is each claim in the draft? Does everything fit? What doesn’t fit? Why?
- How pertinent to the thesis is each claim in the draft Does everything fit? What doesn’t fit? Why?
- How well does the author support each claim in the draft in terms of evidence? Is the evidence accurate?
- What might be done to improve the draft? (Do not rewrite the paper for your partner.)
You might do well to write your response as a letter.
California State University Los Angeles Life and Legacy Of Paul Robeson Essay Writing Assignment Help
1.Please write a short essay discussing the life and legacy of Paul Robeson or Hattie Mc Daniel.
Please include:
What were some of the unique issues that they faced, along with other Black Women and or Men, in Hollywood
Any films mentioned in the reading that they participated in.
Special accolades they received
How their social justice work, if any, played out in their lives.
2.Using the Race and Hollywood Latino Images clip, the Bordertown Clips, and the Assimilation Narrative (Links to an external site.) articles discuss why the film Bordertown is a flawed Latinx representation and how historical, political, and social issues in America impacted the film.
3.Discuss some of the Hardships that came with Richard Wright’s Native Son novel being turned into a film in 1951.
4.Discuss Sam Greenlee’s novel The Spook That Sat by the Door and how the novel and film were impacted by historical, political, and social events of the time.
5.What did you notice after watching the Foxy Brown clip about the Foxy Brown character? Considering what you learned in the first week of class, How did race and gender appear in the clip?
California State University Los Angeles Life and Legacy Of Paul Robeson Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BUS 308 Ashford University Week 4 Correlation Relationships Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Read Lecture 1. React to the material in the lecture. What is new? Is there anything you found to be unclear? How could you relate these ideas to issues and problems within your degree area?
Guided Response: A key element of discussions involves helping yourself and others understand and master the material. As you engage others in this discussion, please ask questions, probe for greater understanding, and offer suggestions to help others master the material. Please respond to at least two others in the class early enough in the week so that they can respond back to you.
ASA CMSC 430 Modifying the Attached Interpreter Project Computer Science Assignment Help
The third project involves modifying the attached interpreter so that it interprets programs for the complete language.
You may convert all values to double values, although you can maintain their individual types if you wish. When the program is run on the command line, the parameters to the function should be supplied as command line arguments. For example, for the following function header of a program in the file text.txt: function main a: integer, b: integer returns integer;
One would execute the program as follows: $ ./compile < test.txt 2 4
In this case, the parameter a would be initialized to 2 and the parameter b to 4. An example of a program execution is shown below:
$ ./compile < test.txt 2 4
1 function main a: integer, b: integer returns integer;
2 c: integer is
3 if a > b then
4 a rem b;
5 else
6 a ** 2;
7 endif;
8 begin
9 case a is
10 when 1 => c;
11 when 2 => (a + b / 2 – 4) * 3;
12 others => 4;
13 endcase;
14 end;
Compiled Successfully
Result = 0
After the compilation listing is output, the value of the expression which comprises the body of the function should be displayed as shown above. The existing code evaluates some of the arithmetic, relational and logical operators together with the reduction statement. You are to add the necessary code to include all of the following:
All additional arithmetic operators
All additional relational and logical operators
Both if and case statements
Functions with multiple variables
Functions with parameters
This project requires modification to the bison input file, so that it defines the additional the necessary computations for the above added features. You will need to add functions to the library of evaluation functions already provided in values.cc. You must also make some modifications to the functions already provided.
Skeleton Files:
// Compiler Theory and Design
// Dr. Duane J. Jarc
// This file contains the bodies of the functions that produces the compilation
// listing
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include “listing.h”
static int lineNumber;
static string error = “”;
static int totalErrors = 0;
static void displayErrors();
void firstLine()
lineNumber = 1;
printf(“n “,lineNumber);
void nextLine()
printf(” “,lineNumber);
int lastLine()
printf(” n”);
return totalErrors;
void appendError(ErrorCategories errorCategory, string message)
string messages[] = { “Lexical Error, Invalid Character “, “”,
“Semantic Error, “, “Semantic Error, Duplicate Identifier: “,
“Semantic Error, Undeclared ” };
error = messages[errorCategory] + message;
void displayErrors()
if (error != “”)
printf(“%sn”, error.c_str());
error = “”;
// Compiler Theory and Design
// Duane J. Jarc
// This file contains the function prototypes for the functions that produce the // compilation listing
void firstLine();
void nextLine();
int lastLine();
void appendError(ErrorCategories errorCategory, string message);
/* Compiler Theory and Design
Duane J. Jarc */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
#include “values.h”
#include “listing.h”
#include “symbols.h”
int yylex();
void yyerror(const char* message);
Symbols<int> symbols;
int result;
CharPtr iden;
Operators oper;
int value;
%token <iden> IDENTIFIER
%token <value> INT_LITERAL
%token <oper> ADDOP MULOP RELOP
%token ANDOP
%type <value> body statement_ statement reductions expression relation term
factor primary
%type <oper> operator
function_header optional_variable body {result = $3;} ;
variable |
IDENTIFIER ‘:’ type IS statement_ {symbols.insert($1, $5);} ;
BEGIN_ statement_ END ‘;’ {$$ = $2;} ;
statement ‘;’ |
error ‘;’ {$$ = 0;} ;
expression |
REDUCE operator reductions ENDREDUCE {$$ = $3;} ;
reductions statement_ {$$ = evaluateReduction($<oper>0, $1, $2);} |
{$$ = $<oper>0 == ADD ? 0 : 1;} ;
expression ANDOP relation {$$ = $1 && $3;} |
relation ;
relation RELOP term {$$ = evaluateRelational($1, $2, $3);} |
term ;
term ADDOP factor {$$ = evaluateArithmetic($1, $2, $3);} |
factor ;
factor MULOP primary {$$ = evaluateArithmetic($1, $2, $3);} |
primary ;
‘(‘ expression ‘)’ {$$ = $2;} |
IDENTIFIER {if (!symbols.find($1, $$)) appendError(UNDECLARED, $1);} ;
void yyerror(const char* message)
appendError(SYNTAX, message);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (lastLine() == 0)
cout << “Result = ” << result << endl;
return 0;
/* Compiler Theory and Design
Duane J. Jarc */
/* This file contains flex input file */
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include “values.h”
#include “listing.h”
#include “tokens.h”
%option noyywrap
ws [ tr]+
comment –.*n
line [n]
id [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*
digit [0-9]
int {digit}+
punc [(),:;]
{ws} { ECHO; }
{comment} { ECHO; nextLine();}
{line} { ECHO; nextLine();}
“<” { ECHO; yylval.oper = LESS; return(RELOP); }
“+” { ECHO; yylval.oper = ADD; return(ADDOP); }
“*” { ECHO; yylval.oper = MULTIPLY; return(MULOP); }
begin { ECHO; return(BEGIN_); }
boolean { ECHO; return(BOOLEAN); }
end { ECHO; return(END); }
endreduce { ECHO; return(ENDREDUCE); }
function { ECHO; return(FUNCTION); }
integer { ECHO; return(INTEGER); }
is { ECHO; return(IS); }
reduce { ECHO; return(REDUCE); }
returns { ECHO; return(RETURNS); }
and { ECHO; return(ANDOP); }
{id} { ECHO; yylval.iden = (CharPtr)malloc(yyleng + 1);
strcpy(yylval.iden, yytext); return(IDENTIFIER);}
{int} { ECHO; yylval.value = atoi(yytext); return(INT_LITERAL); }
{punc} { ECHO; return(yytext[0]); }
. { ECHO; appendError(LEXICAL, yytext); }
// Compiler Theory and Design
// Dr. Duane J. Jarc
template <typename T>
class Symbols
void insert(char* lexeme, T entry);
bool find(char* lexeme, T& entry);
map<string, T> symbols;
template <typename T>
void Symbols<T>::insert(char* lexeme, T entry)
string name(lexeme);
symbols[name] = entry;
template <typename T>
bool Symbols<T>::find(char* lexeme, T& entry)
string name(lexeme);
typedef typename map<string, T>::iterator Iterator;
Iterator iterator = symbols.find(name);
bool found = iterator != symbols.end();
if (found)
entry = iterator->second;
return found;
// CMSC 430
// Duane J. Jarc
// This file contains the bodies of the evaluation functions
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#include “values.h”
#include “listing.h”
int evaluateReduction(Operators operator_, int head, int tail)
if (operator_ == ADD)
return head + tail;
return head * tail;
int evaluateRelational(int left, Operators operator_, int right)
int result;
switch (operator_)
case LESS:
result = left < right;
return result;
int evaluateArithmetic(int left, Operators operator_, int right)
int result;
switch (operator_)
case ADD:
result = left + right;
result = left * right;
return result;
// CMSC 430
// Duane J. Jarc
// This file contains function definitions for the evaluation functions
typedef char* CharPtr;
enum Operators {LESS, ADD, MULTIPLY};
int evaluateReduction(Operators operator_, int head, int tail);
int evaluateRelational(int left, Operators operator_, int right);
int evaluateArithmetic(int left, Operators operator_, int right);
Walden University Intra and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice ?Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health in this week’s Learning Resources indicates there are 3 million members of the nursing profession in the United States, composing the largest segment of health care workers. As the health care field continues to evolve, nurses with advanced degrees are likely to fulfill leadership roles and work collaboratively with other health care professionals to improve access to care and promote quality. The AACN and the IOM stress the importance of intra- and interprofessional collaboration.
In this week’s media presentation, “The Professional Role of the DNP Prepared Nurse,” Dr. Stanley, Dr. Stefan, and Dr. Beechinor discuss the value of intra- and interprofessional collaboration across the spectrum of health care delivery. Dr. Beechinor also speaks about the benefits of engaging in collaboration during a doctoral program, and how this can aid students as they prepare for new professional roles. The experts also discuss why collaboration is essential for nursing research.
To prepare:
- With information from the Learning Resources in mind, consider the value of intra- and interprofessional collaborative practice in professional practice and as you engage in your doctoral studies. What opportunities do you see for engaging in intra- and interprofessional collaborative practice?
Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:
- Evaluate the value of intra- and interprofessional collaborative practice as a DNP or PhD prepared nurse and how it may impact your role as an Educator in nursing.
- Provide at least two detailed examples to support your response.
Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Chapter 2, “The Research Process and Ways of Knowing”
- Chapter 4, “Finding Problems and Writing Questions”
Read a selection of TWO of your colleagues’ postings and respond accordingly.
Discussion Response 1
Evaluate the value of intra- and interprofessional collaborative practice as a DNP or PhD prepared nurse and how it may impact your role.
According to (The Future of Nursing, 2011) in order to provider great quality of care we must first work on ensure that nurses can practice to the full extent of their education and training, improving nursing education, provide opportunities for nurses to assume leadership positions and to serve as full partners in health care redesign and improvement efforts and improve data collection for workforce planning and policy making.
According to (Bridges,Davidson, Odegard, Maki, & Tomkowiak, 2011) an Interprofessional collaborative practice consists of communication and decision-making, enabling a shared combination of different discipline and social expert knowledge and skills to derive at a process or goal to resolve or close gaps in care. Interprofessional collaboration is needed in health care due to the different complex conditions patients are presenting. This team approach ensures all areas of patient care was discussed by all discipline and expert recommendations are being utilized.
According to (Janssen, Sagasser, Laro, E., de Graaf, & Scherpbier-de Haan, 2017) intraprofessional collaboration is expert decisions being made by the same discipline. These decisions are not based on other disciplines, just the expert outcomes of one discipline; it is a review of the core competencies for that discipline and the patient is always incorporated. .
According to Laureate Education (Producer). (2011d), obtaining a Doctorate in Nursing (DNP) will provide Advance Practice Nurses with the education, tools, resources and expertise to lead the profession, collaborate with other disciplines to improve patient care and also teach them about the profession and also embarrass other professions.
Bridges, D. R., Davidson, R. A., Odegard, P. S., Maki, I. V., & Tomkowiak, J. (2011).
Interprofessional collaboration: three best practice models of interprofessional education. Medical education online, 16, 10.3402/meo.v16i0.6035. https://doi.org/10.3402/meo.v16i0.6035
The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, 2011 . Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press
Janssen, M., Sagasser, M. H., Laro, E., de Graaf, J., & Scherpbier-de Haan, N. D. (2017).
Learning intraprofessional collaboration by participating in a consultation programme: what and how did primary and secondary care trainees learn?. BMC medical education, 17(1), 125. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-017-0961-9
Laureate Education (Producer). (2011d). The professional role of the DNP-prepared
nurse [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu
Discussion Response 2
I am currently working in an environment where I have to collaborate with other healthcare professionals including the patient, family or significant others in order to help my patients achieve their goals for coming to the rehabilitation hospital. This is what we do inside the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility ( IRF ). Our patients must be able to tolerate and benefit from 15 hours of therapy weekly. The type of conditions we currently treat are stroke , spinal cord injury , congenital deformity , amputation , MVA , brain injury , Parkinson’s disease, arthritis and patients that recently undergone hip and joint surgery. In order for these patients to succeed in their rehabilitation program they need a good team of healthcare workers. “ Rehabilitation , as a specialty , has one of the longest histories of using teamwork to help meet client goals , but working as a member of a team is not always easy ” ( Vaughn , 2019 , p.29 ).
Dr. Joan Stanley explained why by saying “ And interprofessional communication is critical, and in order to lead teams, to work within systems, to make change, advanced practice nurses need to be able to communicate and understand, and it’s not just communicating, but it’s also understanding the other professionals’ perspective, knowing where they come from, understanding the background, and also being able to explain to others the nursing perspective “ .
“Success or failure of the team is dependent on the effectiveness of the communication process” (Zaccaginini & Pechacek, 2021, p.179).
As a DNP prepared nurse my responsibility towards my patients is broader. Dr Susan Stefan says “ As a nurse with a doctorate, we have the opportunity to be at the same level as other professionals. As a staff nurse, even though we probably know more about the care that patients need on some levels and certainly we’re in a role of coordinating patient care, we’re just not at that same level, and the DNP helps bring nurses to that level where our opinions and our skills are more recognized “.
I think the multidisciplinary team where I work welcomes my ideas and opinions with an open arms as i already established a good working relationship with them. My place of work is the perfect environment to put my learning into practice. In our hospital we are required by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ( CMS ) to have team meeting three times in a week to discuss about our patients condition , their progress and barriers for discharge. As a member of the team I have to make sure that the leadership on the team based upon patient needs.
The other way I can share my knowledge I gained as a DNP prepared nurse is through our daily nursing huddle or during our Town Hall meeting with the CEO.
At the moment I am not in the position of leading this meeting but I can set myself as a good example by participating in the nursing huddle using an SBAR.
Many successful teams utilize the SBAR process as a common language means to convey critical information to be shared. It provides clear expectations as for what and how information is to be communicated among the team members and by its use promotes patient safety ( Leonard et al., 2004 ; RWJF , 2015 ).
During the town hall ,meeting one of the most important agenda that our CEO would discuss to us are the patient outcome and patient experience. The DNP prepared nurse can play a role by joining with the team in sharing their concerns, offering ideas in solving a problem and be part of the discussion. To improve quality, maximize resources, and coordinate care , patents with complex health needs are best served by an interdisciplinary approach to care. To foster collaborative behaviours between professionals, reduce biases of other disciplines, and ultimately improve patient outcomes, nursing education needs to expand to include competencies in interprofessional teamwork and collaboration in clinical environment (IOM,2001).
Institute of Medicine(IOM).(2001). Crossing the quality of chasm : A new health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC: National Academic Press.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2011d). The professional role of the DNP-prepared nurse [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu
Vaughn , S. ( 2019 ). The specialty practice of rehabilitation nursing. Chicago , IL : Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
Zaccaginini , M. & Pechacek, J.M. ( 2020 ). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing. Burlington ,
MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Clinical Decision Making Needed for Nurses Literature Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
For this assignment, use a total of 10 peer-reviewed research articles regarding nursing students and clinical decision making from the last five years to develop an initial synthesis of the related literature. Within this synthesis, be sure to include the following:
- Determine the commonalities among the research articles by group. For example, did the researchers use similar theoretical frameworks, sample participants, or methodologies (e.g., procedures, instruments) to collect data? How were the results similar?
- Determine the differences among the research articles by group. For example, did the researchers use different theoretical frameworks, sample participants, or methodologies (e.g., procedures, instruments) to collect data? How were the results different?
- Determine reoccurring concepts/themes in the overall findings and conclusions, and state whether any of these were indicated to be in need of further inquiry.
Do not include book sources, secondary summary sources, or sources older than five years, unless the source is a peer-reviewed, original, seminal study essential for the foundational synthesis of the related research. Your literature review draft should provide an objective discussion and synthesis of the related concepts from the previous research findings, any identified contradictory concepts, and underlying related theoretical framework(s) supported by APA formatted reference citations.
Length: 5-10 pages, not including title or reference pages.