R: Classification Using Decision Tree and Rules Computer Science Assignment Help

R: Classification Using Decision Tree and Rules Computer Science Assignment Help. R: Classification Using Decision Tree and Rules Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Part A on Decision Trees:

  1. Please work on the same Example ” identifying risky bank loans using C5.0 decision trees” (See Ch. 5 of Machine Learning with R – Second Edition, in pp. 136-149), using the same dataset which can be found at UCI Machine Learning Data Repository (http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml) by Hans Hofmann of the University of Hamburg. The dataset contains information on loans obtained from a credit agency in Germany.
  1. Follow the same five steps to get the same results as in the text.
  2. Give a good summary and conclusion of your findings with insight.

Part B on the Decision Rules:

  1. Please work on the Example – identifying poisonous mushrooms with rule learners, in pp. 160-168 in Ch. 5. Utilize the Mushroom dataset by Jeff Schlimmer of Carnegie Mellon University. The raw dataset is available freely at the UCI Machine Learning Repository (http://archive.ics. uci.edu/ml).
  2. Follow the same five steps as in the example to get similar results as in the text.
  3. Give a good summary and conclusion of your findings with insight.

The project should have cover page, following APA format with at least 1000 words (excluding title page and references page) and references page. Please use subtitles to make your assignment reader friendly.


  1. Machine Learning with R Second Edition by Brett Lantz (2015). (Ch5 Page 136-149)
  2. APA format https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/


There is a glitch in one of the statement of Week 3 assignment from page 141.

Below statement will not work as C5.0 package now only accepts factor outcome.
credit_model <- C5.0(credit_train[-17], credit_train$default)

Changed it to below statement which should work.

R: Classification Using Decision Tree and Rules Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Article review (4 paragraphs) Humanities Assignment Help

Please choose ONE of the two attached article and then do as below:

Assignment Purpose: To practice clear understanding of an author’s argument before critically analyzing it.

Style: MLA

No references

Your assignments will be checked for originality by Turnitin.

The paper will be given a title and will consist of only four paragraphs:

  • The first paragraph will briefly summarize what you take to be the author’s main idea. This should be the author’s philosophical idea(s)—there is no need for biographical or other information about the author.
  • The second paragraph will explain some portion of the author’s argument that you agree with. You should give several reasons why you think the author is right.
  • The third paragraph will raise a specific problem with the assigned reading and give reasons to show that the specific problem is serious. Be careful not to discuss a question that the author answers explicitly.
  • The fourth paragraph will offer evidence from the reading to show how the author might answer the question. (Again, do not discuss a question that the text answers explicitly.)


Omni retailing strategy to better serve the millennial consumer of the future Business Finance Assignment Help

Must be creative- Great visuals

no plagiarism please

please read the rubric

“Omni retailing strategy to better serve the millennial consumer of the future”


1. Utilize critical thinking skills to research, analyze and develop an improved strategy of ecommerce (including mcommerce and other devices) digital marketing and social media for a specific retailer that can be implemented to maximize growth and profit.

2. Demonstrate the ability to synthesize the knowledge gained from the course with research findings into a well thought out strategy for the retailer.

3. Look beyond present customer experiences and utilize your imagination (supported by research) to create an effective strategy that will serve the millennial customer of the future. (Think 5 years out).

The Procedure:

Each student chooses a retailer from the list that follows. The retailer must be chosen by the start of Unit 2 and the choice emailed to the professor. The student should start researching, visiting the retailer in the brick and mortar location and online environment from the start of Unit 2 to adequately complete this assignment by the due date in Unit 7. I strongly recommend visiting the ecommerce and social media sites of your chosen retailer and their competitors daily to properly asses your retailer strengths and weaknesses.

1. Bloomingdale’s- Contemporary departments ONLY.

Anyone who chose Bloomingdale’s – Please use only the Contemporary departments when you do the project. Meaning,think about the term contemporary, ( remember back to FM 114 if you do not know what that means), look at the brands the retailer carries and make sure you are looking at the contemporary area of the store when you determine what solutions they have now for he customer and what they are lacking and need to incorporate in the future in regards to omni retailing. Do not use the entire store mix — only the contemporary department.

2. I value critical thinking so make sure you properly analyze and identify your target customer and state who she is and how old she is now and will be in 5 years. Millenials are now 22 – 38. So choose the customer at the lower or middle end and focus on her /him in 5 years from now.

3. Remember to address all aspects of omni retailing as stated in the assignment. Remember we are dealing with omni retailing – not merchandising. Merchandising strategies is what you do in FM 422. So, please do not suggest to me that the retailer incorporate more plus sizes, or change the price of their merchandise or the retail mix. If you are in any doubt about this go back to the syllabus and look at the Course Objectives — there are 7 of them. That is what this course deals with.

Please be sure to submit as a PDF with one with one page to a slide. I had some difficulty opening some of the video links in your work last time. Submitting as a PDF should help.

The report will include the critique of current practices and the development of multiple new omni channel strategies in the categories of:

The Deliverable:

Each student will prepare a Power Point presentation with visuals to convey this information.

The Power Point should be divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction in which you identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current retailer and illustrate this in relation to a competitor in their business segment or best practices in the industry. Think carefully about who your competitors are and use international competitors as well.
  • Ecommerce – current and future strategy (concentrate on future strategy)
  • Mobile commerce
  • Marketing ( the use of analytics should be incorporated in this section)
  • Social Media
  • Brick and Mortar should be discussed briefly with findings incorporated from Assignment 1.
  • Conclusion
  • The Power Point presentation is limited to 15 slides. There should be a separate Works Cited page in a Word Document that is properly documented according to APA format with live hyper-links.

Text and visuals should be incorporated to properly explain the student’s strategy. Short statements of text supported with research should be combined with appropriate visuals to explain the strategy chosen for improvement. The written word must be presented in a grammatically correct manner. The professionalism of the report will be considered.

See the Grading Rubric included in Assessment in Couse Information to understand how you will be evaluated. Please read the grading rubric before beginning the project.

Please submit the Power Point as a PDF. It will make it easier for me to download and view. Only one slide to a page in the PDF.


Culture country of your choice Humanities Assignment Help

Be creative

Make presentation introducing the class to the culture of a country of your choice. Think about a country that your career might take you to in the future and what you will need to know about the culture of that country before you visit.

To correctly frame this presentation you should pretend that you are responsible for teaching an FIT student Summer intern to visit the country for three months. What should they know about the culture in order to make their visit productive, safe, meaningful and enjoyable? It is your job to make sure they have the right information!

Countries to choose from






1. Your presentation may be in any digital format (Powerpoint, Prezi, SlideRocket, Prezentit, etc). Alternatively, you may produce an original video presentation. The format is entirely up to you but it must be in a format that can be uploaded into this Discussion as a link in the THREAD you create here.

2. Whatever format you choose, your presentation should be timed to last between 10 and 15 minutes (this does NOT include any non-original video that you REPLACE INTO your presentation. Incorporating non-original video may enhance the quality and depth of the presentation but will not count towards the total minimum time of 10 minutes). Presentation digital formatssuch asPowerpointmust be auto-timed, run automatically from launch and last the required amount of time.

3. BE CREATIVE, ORIGINAL and INTERESTING. Video, audio and other special features beyond the basic slide presentation will receive extra weight.

4. Your final presentation must be submitted in TWO locations: First create a THREAD in the WEEK 14 Discussion “Crossing Cultures Presentation”. Upload your presentation as a file ATTACHMENT and give your presentation a title in the subject line. Second, upload your presentation as a file ATTACHMENT in COURSE MATERIALS > WEEK 14 –Crossing Cultures Presentation link. There will be a 5% (1/4 point) penalty if your presentation is not properly submitted in both locations.

5. Your Powerpoint will be scanned in SAFEASSIGN for plagiarism – ALL WORDING ON YOUR SLIDES MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS – NO CUT/PASTING FROM ANY RESOURCE! Presentations with plagiarized wording will receive zero credit.

GRADING CRITERIA– Maximum 5 points

1. Appropriate Information (Relevant for a three-month Summer intern) – 1.5 points

2.Depth of information and effort – 2 points

3. Creative and Original – 1.5 points


Formal Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Formal Analysis of “Worst Work of Art”

* I have uploaded the first draft with the professor comment as well as the two chapter from the book that needed to be include in the paper.

Description: A formal analysis includes an analysis of the formal elements appearing in the work you have chosen. These formal elements give the work its expression, message, or meaning. To aid in writing a formal analysis, you should think as if you were describing the work of art to someone who has never seen it before. When your reader finishes reading your analysis, she/he should have a complete mental picture of what the work looks like. Yet, the formal analysis is more than just a description of the work. It should also include a thesis statement that reflects your conclusions about the work.The thesis statement may, in general, answer a question like these:What do I think is the meaning of this work? What is the message that this work or artist sends to the viewer? What is this work all about? The thesis statement is an important element. It sets the tone for the entire paper and sets it apart from being a merely descriptive paper.

In the first paragraph, called the introduction, you will include: the name of the artist (if known), title of the work (which is italicized every time you use the title in your paper), date, and medium (if known) what you think is the subject a very brief description of the work thesis statement – usually the last line or so of your first paragraph.

From this point on, the rest of the formal analysis should include not only a description of the piece, but especially those details of the work that have led you to come to your thesis. Yet, your paper should not be a random flow of ideas about the work (i.e. stream of consciousness writing). Rather, your paper should have a sense of order, moving purposefully through your description with regard to specific elements.

Final Draft

After turning in a first, rough drafted based on visual analysis alone, you will revise your paper and use material that is referenced in the first two chapters of your textbook: Iconology and Form. You must reference both of these chapters of the text:

Panofsky’s iconological analysis

Fry’s five elements of “emotional design”

It is important to remember that your interest here is strictly formal; NO RESEARCH IS TO BE USED IN THIS PAPER. In other words, you are strictly relying on your ability to visually ‘read’ a work of art and make interpretations about it based on your analysis of it. Remember too that your analysis should not be just a mechanical and physical descriptions, remember that Fry uses the term “emotional” when discussing his design elements. Please use descriptive language and adjectives to describe your work. Begin with a general description of the work, and then move on to the more specific elements presented in the text.Finally, in your conclusion (the final paragraph) you should end your paper with broad summary of your ideas, and a restatement of your thesis.

Helpful things to consider when writing a formal analysis (in no particular order):

1. Record your first impression(s) of the artwork.What stands out?Is there a focal point (an area to which the artist wants your eye to be drawn)? If so, what formal elements led you to this conclusion? Your impressions can help you reach your thesis.

2.What is the subject of the artwork?

3. Composition: How are the parts of the work arranged? Is there a stable or unstable composition? Is it dynamic? Full of movement? Or is it static?

4. Pose: If the work has figures, are the proportions believable? Realistic? Describe the pose(s).Is the figure active, calm, graceful, stiff, tense, or relaxed?Does the figure convey a mood? If there are several figures, how do they relate to each other (do they interact? not?)?

5. Proportions:Does the whole or even individual parts of the figure(s) or natural objects in the work look natural? Why did you come to this conclusion?

6.Line: Are the outlines (whether perceived or actual) smooth, fuzzy, clear?Are the main lines vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved, or a combination of any of these?Are the lines jagged and full of energy? Sketchy? Geometric? Curvilinear? Bold? Subtle?

7.Space: If the artist conveys space, what type of space is used? What is the relation of the main figure to the space around it?Are the main figures entirely within the space (if the artwork is a painting), or are parts of the bodies cut off by the edge of the artwork? Is the setting illusionistic, as if one could enter the space of the painting, or is it flat and two-dimensional, a space that one could not possibly enter?

8.Texture: If a sculpture, is the surface smooth and polished or rough? Are there several textures conveyed? Where and How? If a painting, is there any texture to the paint surface? Are the brushstrokes invisible? Brushy? Sketchy? Loose and flowing? Or tight and controlled?

9. Light and Shadow: Are shadows visible?Where?Are there dark shadows, light shadows, or both? How do the shadows affect the work?

10.Size: How big is the artwork?Are the figures or objects in the work life-sized, larger or smaller than life? How does the size affect the work?

11. Color: What type of colors are used in the work? Bright? Dull? Complimentary? Does the artist use colors to draw your attention to specific areas of the work? How? If a sculpture, examine the color(s) of the medium and how it affects the work.

12. Mood: Do you sense an overall mood in the artwork? Perhaps several different moods? If so, describe them. How does the mood interpret how you view the work?

Once you have spent some time analyzing your work, notice if your first impression of the work has changed, now that you have taken a closer look? How? If you came up with a thesis statement before doing this in-depth analysis, you may want to change it if your impression of the work has changed. Your thesis statement should reflect your view of the object.





Legal Regulations, Compliance and Investigation Computer Science Assignment Help

Your fictitious company must create a privacy policy document between three and five total pages (all pages in your file will count toward the limit). The document shall include an introductory section, such as an “Executive Summary,” a “Preamble,” or an “Introduction.”

The document shall also include the policy statements. The policies need to focus on governing your company and its employees. This is where the work comes in. Your team needs to give evidence in the policy section of your knowledge gained in this course. In the assignment attachment, I describe the Course Paper requirements in a little more detail by using an acceptable format for your policy document. That attachment is not meant to be your template. Rather, it is designed merely to reflect what a successful policy document might look like in any given workplace. You will see in that document that I simply tried to explain more about what the Course Paper should include by using a format that may help you understand how to organize your paper, and understand what features this governance document should include.

The Course Paper is worth 100 points. I will give up to ten points for the submission’s form and format. That includes its organization, page count and team size, and grammar and spelling. The form and format is important because if a policy document is disorganized, contains typographical errors, or is hard to read otherwise, employees will not respect or even use it as the guidance it is meant to be. Consider a numbering or another outline styled structure to identify policy clauses.

Legal Regulations, Compliance and Investigation Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Chem Lab Questions Science Assignment Help

Hello there, this was a lab experiment. I have the data from the experiment which will be send you. However, due to time restraints I can’t complete the lab. I need someone to carefully go over each step. Answer questions 13-19 starting on pg 78 and 1-4 on 80, make sure every question and point is answered. Please put the number and letter designation next to each answer. Again! Please make sure all questions are answered. Please use word document (nothing handwritten). If you have any question let me know! I will send you the data from the experiment after I pick you! Please check to see if the link is working! http://www.ars-chemia.net/Classes/102/manual/102_manual.pdf and the data from the experiment https://www.freepdfconvert.com/d/PKGEFJ51NP/4D0363BD-18AF-4C48-9B52-266D04BBFF09.pdf I am paying $100 for this assignemnt. Please do not include purpose or objective. I just need the questions answered.

Please make sure to put part’s letter designation and question number.


Making Acquaintances: Differences and Similarities Writing Assignment Help

Making Acquaintances: Differences and Similarities (75 points)

1. Each student will provide a brief two-page cultural write-up relating to his/her representative country (chosen for Making Acquaintances Part 1: Do’s and Don’ts): (20 points) I will send you part 1: Do’s and Don’ts once I select you.

  • Historical background
  • Communication styles (language, both verbal and non-verbal)
  • Beliefs (religion, family, nature, etc.)
  • Society structure (gender equality, role of children, family, ethnic groups, leaders, government, political
  • ideologies, hierarchies)

VERY IMPORTANT – your final score will greatly depend on this.

In the next two sections, associations SHOULD be made with the value orientations addressed in the Values portion of this course:

  • – Human Nature (Universalism-Particularism, Good/Evil, High-Context/Low-Context, Uncertainty Avoidance)
  • – Relation to Nature (Subjugation, Harmony, Mastery, Inner-/Outer-Directed)
  • – Activity Orientation (Achievement/Ascription, Doing-Being-Being-Becoming)
  • – Human Relationships (Affectivity/Affective Neutrality, Instrumental/Expressive, Self
  • (Individualistic)/Collective (Collateral)/Linear, Egalitarian/Hierarchical, Power Distance)
  • – Relation to Time (Past-Present-Future, Monochronic/Polychronic, Low-Context/High-
  • Context

2. Each student will provide a two-page list of ‘Reasons for Codes of Cultural Behavior’ for tourists visiting his/her representative country. This list will explain to tourists why it is important that they follow each of the Do’s and Don’ts (that you listed in your Making Acquaintances: Do’s and Don’t’s assignment), from the hosts’ cultural (values of the culture) perspective, and should include the following: (40 points)

a. Five major ‘Do’s’ for tourists

i. At least one appropriate value orientation of the culture for each ‘Do’ (20 points) (Describe in detail

one distinct value orientation for each Do. Do not repeat value orientations for the items on the list of


b. Five major ‘Don’ts’ for tourists

i. At least one appropriate value orientation of the culture for each ‘Don’t’ (20 points) (Describe in detail one distinct value orientation for each Don’t. Do not repeat value orientations for the items on the list of Don’t’s.)

  1. Each student will provide APA-style citations within the text whenever applicable and compile a list of APA-style references (reference page) for all resources used in his/her write-up (5 points)
  2. On the ‘Making Acquaintances Part 2’ discussion forum, each student will post his/her findings about the representative country in a thread by the Submit ‘Making Acquaintances: Differences and Similarities’ due date,December 4, 2018.
  3. Each student is required to read the findings of one other student and reply to the posting of the other student by identifying the following, on or before the Submit Reply to ‘Making Acquaintances: Differences and Similarities’ due date, December 7, 2018: (10 points):
    • One major cultural value commonality between his/her country and the other country (5 points)
    • One major cultural value difference between his/her country and the other country (5 points)
    • NOTE: Students’ responses to the postings should consist of complete sentences. In the response, each student should compare the other country with their country in terms of value orientations mentioned above (Section 2) as well.


Legal Regulations, Compliance and Investigation Computer Science Assignment Help

Your fictitious company must create a privacy policy document between three and five total pages (all pages in your file will count toward the limit). The document shall include an introductory section, such as an “Executive Summary,” a “Preamble,” or an “Introduction.”

The document shall also include the policy statements. The policies need to focus on governing your company and its employees. This is where the work comes in. Your team needs to give evidence in the policy section of your knowledge gained in this course. In the assignment attachment, I describe the Course Paper requirements in a little more detail by using an acceptable format for your policy document. That attachment is not meant to be your template. Rather, it is designed merely to reflect what a successful policy document might look like in any given workplace. You will see in that document that I simply tried to explain more about what the Course Paper should include by using a format that may help you understand how to organize your paper, and understand what features this governance document should include.

The Course Paper is worth 100 points. I will give up to ten points for the submission’s form and format. That includes its organization, page count and team size, and grammar and spelling. The form and format is important because if a policy document is disorganized, contains typographical errors, or is hard to read otherwise, employees will not respect or even use it as the guidance it is meant to be. Consider a numbering or another outline styled structure to identify policy clauses.


Historical, Humanities Assignment Help

Select ONE source from the attached Primary Source Documents TWO.

Use the Historical Thinking Chart.pdf to write an assessment of the document you chose.

  • An
    easy way to structure your essay and to ensure you respond to each of
    the categories in the chart is to write a brief paragraph for each
  • Your response should be between 400-600 words.
  • SELECT “Upload Submission” (Do not “Type Submission”…Blackboard has a way of “eating” these submissions.”)
  • E-mailed responses will not be accepted.
  • Ensure your submission is in one of the acceptable formats. If I can’t open it, I can’t grade it…


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to write an assessment of the document you chose.

  • An
    easy way to structure your essay and to ensure you respond to each of
    the categories in the chart is to write a brief paragraph for each
  • Your response should be between 400-600 words.
  • SELECT “Upload Submission” (Do not “Type Submission”…Blackboard has a way of “eating” these submissions.”)
  • E-mailed responses will not be accepted.
  • Ensure your submission is in one of the acceptable formats. If I can’t open it, I can’t grade it…


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to write an assessment of the document you chose.

  • An
    easy way to structure your essay and to ensure you respond to each of
    the categories in the chart is to write a brief paragraph for each
  • Your response should be between 400-600 words.
  • SELECT “Upload Submission” (Do not “Type Submission”…Blackboard has a way of “eating” these submissions.”)
  • E-mailed responses will not be accepted.
  • Ensure your submission is in one of the acceptable formats. If I can’t open it, I can’t grade it…


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to write an assessment of the document you chose.

  • An
    easy way to structure your essay and to ensure you respond to each of
    the categories in the chart is to write a brief paragraph for each
  • Your response should be between 400-600 words.
  • SELECT “Upload Submission” (Do not “Type Submission”…Blackboard has a way of “eating” these submissions.”)
  • E-mailed responses will not be accepted.
  • Ensure your submission is in one of the acceptable formats. If I can’t open it, I can’t grade it…


R: Classification Using Decision Tree and Rules Computer Science Assignment Help

R: Classification Using Decision Tree and Rules Computer Science Assignment Help

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