Rasmussen College Challenges to Work as A Human Services Professional Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Rasmussen College Challenges to Work as A Human Services Professional Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Rasmussen College Challenges to Work as A Human Services Professional Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Human Services Professionals must engage with persons from all backgrounds through the initial development of a rapport. Some persons who are identified as being a part of a vulnerable population may appear to be distrustful when working with a Human Services Professional. Understanding that some clients may be more challenging to work with than others, we must understand that one’s cultural identification, language, and gender differences may potentially impact how well a Human Services Professional interacts with a client. Imagine you are meeting a client of the opposite sex for the first time and this client is intimidated by you. The client struggles to speak English well and has expressed experiencing long-term stressors relative to unemployment and feelings of being discriminated against because of language and other cultural barriers.

Address the following two bullets with your initial posting:

  • How would you empathize with this client as a Human Services Professional so that you exhibit an understanding of the language barriers and respectfully address the client so that s/he can begin to feel more comfortable engaging with you?
  • In culture acquisition, the foundational theme is sharing experiences. How can shared experiences between the Human Services Professional and the client bridge the communication gap so that assisting the client can occur?

Rasmussen College Challenges to Work as A Human Services Professional Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RC Culture Gender and Language Differences Client Needs Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of the assignment is to discuss and to sensitively address culture, gender, and language dynamics through the case of the hypothetical client, Abiha.

Course Competency: Summarize how culture, language, and gender differences can affect communication when working with vulnerable clients.


Allison, the Intake Coordinator at New Directions, LLC, completed an intake with Abiha. Abiha is a 35-year-old, mother of 2, and came to the United States from Saudi Arabia 2 years ago. Abiha stated to Allison that she has difficulty speaking in complete sentences in English and can understand the English language when it is spoken to her slowly. After completion of the intake process, Allison walks Allison to your office where you have been assigned to begin working with her, based upon her primary need for seeking general mental health services. You take the following notes when interacting with Abiha:

  • Client is having trouble adjusting to some aspects of American culture.
  • Client indicates that she understands that her Constitutional rights mean that she is equal to her male counterparts. The client states that, growing up in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, was difficult and that women are viewed as ‘second class’ citizens. The client states, “…the effects of being viewed as ‘less than’ continue to haunt me to this day.
  • At work, client states that she feels that Islamic beliefs are not parallel to that of many of her co-workers who appear to have Christian beliefs and sometimes shun away from her.

Directions: You are the Human Services Professional that will be working with Abiha and will be developing a plan of care with her at the next visit. In a two-page, double-spaced paper, discuss the following:

  • Explain how culture, language, and gender dynamics can impact communication when working with vulnerable clients, particularly those dealing with issues Abiha is dealing with.
  • What are Abiha’s needs and how would you address each of her needs in a culturally-appropriate manner?

Page length: 2 pages minimum


BSU San Francisco City in California Business Retailing Comparison Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

Use the website loopnet.com. At the homepage, select the lease tab. For the area enter a space use, students must determine office, retail, restaurant, or flex as a property type.

Students are to research three different commercial lease options.

Select a city, state (the leases can be in the same city and state- or it can be three different locations). Keep in mind you will be comparing all three. Only select commercials leases that have pricing.

Answer the following questions for each lease:

  • Location (city and state)
  • Which property type did you select? (office, retail, restaurant, or flex)
  • What is the square footage?
  • What is the cost for sf/yr?
  • Total cost for an annual lease?
  • What does the rate include? (utilities, building services, property expenses etc.)
  • What year was it built?
  • What’s included in the about the property section?
  • What is the center type?
  • Is there parking?
  • What are the features and amenities?
  • Who are the select tenants at this property?
  • What are the demographics and age distribution within 5 miles of the property? Both household income and age distribution.
  • Contact information (Company, names, phone number, website)

Out of the three lease options, which one did you select for your business location and why?

Is a new entrepreneur, is this attainable? Can you foresee this working for you?

What did you learn from this exercise?


UCLA Personal Productivity Traccking Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I uploaded my previous work with the data collection and hypotheses about the topic. You need to use them. Please follow the instructions in the pdf file uploaded, there is also an example.

At the top of your paper, please restate (in one single sentence) your hypothesis to clearly identify your independentand dependentvariables. If your hypothesis is not restated, you will receive a zero.

Please use the following 2 subheadingsto receive full credit:

1.ResultsMust Show 6 weeks of DATA:

oYou are expected to state your results of your selfexperiment in paragraph form

.oYour results must be presented in complete sentences. You must complete the following to receive full credit:

oAt least 1 paragraph regarding the results you found. This should not only present your data, but also any changes you found (if any) from before the preexperiment to after the postexperiment. You need to make sure to clearly define if you made any changes

.oAt least 2 visual representations of your data in the form of a graph, chart,or figure. The visual representations should enhance your written word, not replace it.


For this part of your project, you are expected to discuss your findings in relation to other published scientific literature on the topic. Think of this section as a “compare and contrast” of your work to published scientific literature.

oYou must use scholarly, scientific research articles published in peerreviewed academic journals. Websites, blog posts, and other nonacademic sources are not acceptable.

oRemember to CITE YOUR SOURCES/REFERENCES in proper APA format.

oBe careful of automated citation generators, as they often make mistakes in proper formatting. Please refer to this website for information on how to format your intext citations as well as your reference list: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/apacitationguide

oThere is no length requirement for this section, however a thorough, comprehensive evaluation and discussion of your findings is expected, and difficult to achieve in less than 1 page.

To receive full credit on this section, your paper should include the following:

All literature discussed must come from peerreviewed academic journals.

Information from other sources must be stated in your own words.

Using quotation marks to “give credit” to the author does not demonstrate your understanding of the material.Insightful comparisons should be made between your findings and at least 3 scientific journal articles

.All figures and tables should have descriptive titles and should include a legend explaining any symbols, abbreviations, or special methods used

.Figures and tables should be numbered separately and should be referred to in the text by number, for example:oFigure 1 shows that the activity decreased after five minutes.oThe activity decreased after five minutes (fig. 1)

.Discuss your findings in relation to your hypothesis .oDid your results reveal what you had predicted? Why or why not? oDiscussion must include whether your findings agree or disagree with your hypothesis. There should also be a brief commentary on where one could go from here with the experiment. oThis section of your report should concentrate on general trends and differences and not on trivial details.

Limitations of your experiment must be discussed (including # ofparticipants, time frame, confounding variables, difficulty with adherence, etc.)


Rassmussen Applying the Sociological Imagination on Obesity Essay Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this essay is to apply the Sociological Imagination concept to explain a personal situation. The essay will demonstrate the student’s ability to use sociological concepts & theories learned in the course, to describe a personal situation. The topic is left to the student’s discretion.

The Essay paper should have the following 5 content areas:

1. Introduction: In this first content area, write a paragraph introducing CW Mills’s concept of sociological imagination, and give a general overview of how you will be applying it to the personal situation that you will discuss in your paper.

2. Personal Explanation: In this second content area, describe your personal situation/topic. Based on whether the situation is a current one or a past one, describe how you dealt or are dealing with it. You can also pick a situation from a person’s life who is closely related to you or whose experience affected you. You should know the person well enough to write the essay.

Describe what caused the problem, who were involved, what were others’ and your roles in the situation, and if a resolution was reached. This section is all about your account of your situation and should be no longer than four paragraphs (3/4 – 1 page).

3. Sociological Imagination: In this third content area, analyze your personal situation by applying sociological imagination, i.e., examine how society and social forces affected your situation. This section should be the most substantial portion of your essay. You should use terms and concepts from at least 3 different chapters from the textbook, and one sociological theory.

4. Data/Stats: Utilize at least 2 statistics or research studies from the textbook or outside sources such as the Galen College online library. The references should be scholarly and should be relevant to your situation (E.g., Inclusion of divorce rates in the US if the topic is on Divorce; inclusion of poverty rates, crime and victimization rates, or suicide rates if the topic is either on Poverty or Crime). Citing at least one outside source is required.

5. Conclusion: Write a wrap-up conclusion summarizing the major finding/themes in your paper. This should be no more than a paragraph.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding the title page and the references page) and should be double-spaced. You will lose points if your essay is shorter than 4 full pages of content. The font should be 12-point Calibri or Times New Roman. Use APA format for your entire essay, including for references and in-text citations and edit your work carefully for spelling and grammar.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding the title page and the references page). It should be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5” x 11”) with a 1” margin on all sides. The font should be 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri. Use APA formatting throughout your essay and cite any sources you use.

For help with APA formatting and style, refer to the Purdue Owl website and the APA Style Central tool featured in Canvas.


Applying the Sociological Imagination Essay Grading Rubric

Applying the Sociological Imagination Essay Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionCSLO1

threshold: 10.0 pts

10.0 ptsNo issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied, and description of the topic

8.0 ptsOne or two issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

6.0 ptsMore than two issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

4.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

0.0 ptsIntroduction section is missing, or the assignment is not submitted.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal ExplanationCSLO1

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who were involved, roles in the situation, and the resolution, if any.

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution.

9.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological ImaginationCSLO1

threshold: 20.0 pts

20.0 ptsNo issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least three different chapters in the course text.

16.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least two different chapters in the course text.

12.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least one chapter in the course text.

8.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination, but no attempt to use terms and concepts from the course text.

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological TheoryCSLO2

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

9.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

0.0 ptsSociological theory not included, or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData / StatisticsCSLO3

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the application of data from at least two different sources or statistics relevant to the situation. At least one of the sources is from an outside source

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the application data from at least two different sources or statistics. Both the sources are from textbook.

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the application of at least of two different sources or statistics. Only one source is listed

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

5.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

No issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

4.0 pts

Achievement Level 4

Few/minor issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

3.0 pts

Achievement Level 3

Multiple issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

1.0 pts

Achievement Level 2

Significant issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

Section not included or assignment not submitted.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting & Writing

15.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

No issues present with spelling, grammar, and APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

13.0 pts

Achievement Level 4

Few/minor issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including the, in-text citations, and references.

11.0 pts

Achievement Level 3

Multiple issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

9.0 pts

Achievement Level 2

Significant issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

APA formatting not used or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePage Length

5.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

Submission is 4 to 6 pages, double-spaced, not including the title page and references.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

Submission has less than 4 pages of content, or no assignment was submitted.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0



RC Special Populations Impact of Culture Language & Gender Differences Essay Writing Assignment Help

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to review the vignette and to discuss the role of Human Services Professionals towards celebrating diversity, understanding perspectives, and how to implement cross-cultural communication.


You have just finished meeting with Dr. Rasmussen for your individual supervision this week. The theme of the session was focused on the relevance of understanding the impact of culture, language, and gender differences with communication when interacting with clients from a variety of vulnerable populations. Towards the end of the session with Dr. Rasmussen, he asked, “Do you mind if I read you a ‘Thank You’ card I received from a foreign exchange student I worked with several years ago”? You said, “Sure”. The note read as such:

17 January 1997

Hi Dr. Rasmussen,

I want to thank you for the opportunity you provided me with. It is one that I will never forget. Here in El Salvador, I struggled most of my life and never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to come to the United States to study for one year. That opportunity was unmeasurable, in which my gratitude could not be put into words. Most people in my community do not make it beyond 9th grade because, after that, education is not free and is difficult for most to pay for. Aside from that, living in poverty is a norm throughout the country due to corruption and the influx of gangs taking over and causing strife throughout the community. When I came there [to the United States], you along with several members of the university embraced me and provided me with opportunities to learn and to not be a negative statistic. I am graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in Human Services degree from Universidad de El Salvador in May. I want to eventually become a social worker so I can be like you and have some impact here in a community that is suffering, just as other communities are throughout the world. I want to thank you for believing in me and for giving me a chance. Please tell hello to everyone at New Directions.



Dr. Rasmussen then goes on to say Andres is now the director of a local social services agency in Honduras. In amazement, you thank Dr. Rasmussen for sharing this inspirational story and started to think of the many clients you are dealing with that are struggling to endure through many of life’s stressors. You think of Andre’, an African-American single father, who works minimum-wage jobs to make ends meet, but dreams of opening his own business one day. Ann then comes to mind. Ann is a biracial, middle-aged female, struggling with mental health issues partly due to a chronic domestic violence history. Nick then ‘pops’ into mind. Nick is transgendered, misunderstood by his family and most in his community, and seeks solace in talking about the impact of the constant discrimination that he faces. And, Maria, who was diagnosed with PTSD a few years ago, has been involved in many different programs at New Direction, LLC. At 8, she traveled with her family to the United States from Mexico and was an illegal immigrant that did not know any English. Immersed in these thoughts and having the feeling of wanting to be impactful at a community-level, you impulsively decide to pen your thoughts into a formal paper to the local newspaper-understanding that your paper may not get published. You decide to include this in your work-specific portfolio that you will be submitting.

Instructions: Write a three-page double-spaced paper that discusses the following bullet points:

  • Define your role as a Human Services Professional and how your role impacts the community.
  • Explain the role of celebrating diversity and cultural differences within the community.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding the perspectives of others-particularly as it relates to understanding differing cultural beliefs/customs, language differences, and gender differences.
  • Identify, at minimum, 5 strategies for effective cross-cultural communication and how it can be applicable for professionals working as change agents (to include Human Services Professionals).

RC Special Populations Impact of Culture Language & Gender Differences Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UOTC Financial Institutions Security & Machine Architecture for Banks Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Length:Minimum of 900 words

Total points: 250 points

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

Your work over the next 8 weeks will lead-up to your ability to represent an enterprise security architecture solution as a diagram or diagrams with annotations. The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses:

  • Financial (Bank, brokerage, Insurer, etc.)
  • Hospital/Medical Services
  • Pharmaceutical/Chemical
  • Social Media Company
  • Energy Company (Electrical Utility, Oil Company, Solar, Wind, etc.)
  • Manufacturer (Automobile, Computer, Consumer Electronics, etc.)

Respond to the following:

  • Identify the business type you have selected for your paper.
  • Provide a brief overview of the business
  • Provide the goals and approach to the project
  • Architectural diagrams and annotations


HR Development Management Class Assessment Costs and Benefits of Training Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Class Assessment: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Training

Please submit a response to the following questions:

1.Complete the end of chapter exercise at the end of Ch 7: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Training (page 255).

2.Think about a current or past situation that you were either part of or aware of. Briefly describe the situation. Based on the work environment, the situation at hand, and the resources available, which type of training design do you think would be (or would have been) most appropriate? Why?

Calculating the Cost Benefit of Training – Helpful Information

In your text, you will find the explanations for each of the items in the equation and some of the information to use in the calculation beginning on p. 244.


southern New Hampshire University American Compensation System Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Final Submission:

The final project is due at the end of Module Seven. This version will include all revisions based on feedback from your instructor to the Executive
Summary/Strategic Analysis, Section 1: Internally Consistent Job Structures, and Section 2: External Competitiveness. It should be prefaced with a 1–2-page
historical perspective on compensation and close with a 1–2-page summary of how you used strategic approach, research, communication, analytical skills, and
problem-solving to present a compensation package tailored for e-sonic. Each section of the final project should be 5–7 pages in length. This submission will be
graded with the Final Project Rubric (below).

Final Project Rubric
Requirements of submission: Each section of the final project must follow these formatting guidelines: 5–7 pages per section, double spacing, 12-point Times
New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.


BSTM 4113 ACC Interest of the Local Community Towards Tourism Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment includes:

Choose a destination from the below shown list, which you are comfortable with and develop a sustainable tourism development strategy for the same. You need to inform your course instructor about the chosen destination. Make sure, other students groups have not chosen the same destination (In a section, one destination can be chosen by one group of students only).

List of the Destinations:

Jabel Shams







Jabel Al Akhdar




Any other destination after consultation with your teacher.

Your assignment report should address the following:

  • Introduction and background
  • Elements of the destination
  • Attitude and interest of local community towards tourism.
  • The major stakeholders and their interests.
  • Develop a proper marketing mix (8 Ps) for the destination.
  • Suggest a suitable promotion mix to promote and market the selected destination at domestic and international markets.
  • Analyze overall current status of the destination (conduct a SWOT analysis from tourism industry point of view).
  • Discuss the type of tourism activities you would encourage to develop in the area.
  • Examine, how the destination can benefit local community and the government (Tourism impacts) and discuss the ways to control/minimize negative impacts of tourism.
  • In which way, a destination management company such as, Ministry of Tourism could be involved in your chosen destination?
  • Suggest policies and initiatives that could make the future of the chosen area more sustainable.

Attractions (cultural, natural, heritage, etc.), Activities (cultural, social, entertainment, religious, etc.), Amenities (infrastructure, superstructure, accommodation, food and beverage, etc.), Accessibility (modes of transportation) and Ancillary services (luggage, foreign exchange, car hire, luggage transportation, theatre and event tickets, tour guiding, etc.)

This assignment should not be less than 2,000 words. You will be expected to provide acknowledgement of sources used. Any such material should be adequately referenced.

the full details is in the attached files …

Please use at least 10 sources from academic research (journals, textbooks and theses), and balance from web sites. Provide strong evidence and statistical data to document and to validate your discussions.



oThere is no length requirement for this section, however a thorough, comprehensive evaluation and discussion of your findings is expected, and difficult to achieve in less than 1 page.

To receive full credit on this section, your paper should include the following:

All literature discussed must come from peerreviewed academic journals.

Information from other sources must be stated in your own words.

Using quotation marks to “give credit” to the author does not demonstrate your understanding of the material.Insightful comparisons should be made between your findings and at least 3 scientific journal articles

.All figures and tables should have descriptive titles and should include a legend explaining any symbols, abbreviations, or special methods used

.Figures and tables should be numbered separately and should be referred to in the text by number, for example:oFigure 1 shows that the activity decreased after five minutes.oThe activity decreased after five minutes (fig. 1)

.Discuss your findings in relation to your hypothesis .oDid your results reveal what you had predicted? Why or why not? oDiscussion must include whether your findings agree or disagree with your hypothesis. There should also be a brief commentary on where one could go from here with the experiment. oThis section of your report should concentrate on general trends and differences and not on trivial details.

Limitations of your experiment must be discussed (including # ofparticipants, time frame, confounding variables, difficulty with adherence, etc.)


Rassmussen Applying the Sociological Imagination on Obesity Essay Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this essay is to apply the Sociological Imagination concept to explain a personal situation. The essay will demonstrate the student’s ability to use sociological concepts & theories learned in the course, to describe a personal situation. The topic is left to the student’s discretion.

The Essay paper should have the following 5 content areas:

1. Introduction: In this first content area, write a paragraph introducing CW Mills’s concept of sociological imagination, and give a general overview of how you will be applying it to the personal situation that you will discuss in your paper.

2. Personal Explanation: In this second content area, describe your personal situation/topic. Based on whether the situation is a current one or a past one, describe how you dealt or are dealing with it. You can also pick a situation from a person’s life who is closely related to you or whose experience affected you. You should know the person well enough to write the essay.

Describe what caused the problem, who were involved, what were others’ and your roles in the situation, and if a resolution was reached. This section is all about your account of your situation and should be no longer than four paragraphs (3/4 – 1 page).

3. Sociological Imagination: In this third content area, analyze your personal situation by applying sociological imagination, i.e., examine how society and social forces affected your situation. This section should be the most substantial portion of your essay. You should use terms and concepts from at least 3 different chapters from the textbook, and one sociological theory.

4. Data/Stats: Utilize at least 2 statistics or research studies from the textbook or outside sources such as the Galen College online library. The references should be scholarly and should be relevant to your situation (E.g., Inclusion of divorce rates in the US if the topic is on Divorce; inclusion of poverty rates, crime and victimization rates, or suicide rates if the topic is either on Poverty or Crime). Citing at least one outside source is required.

5. Conclusion: Write a wrap-up conclusion summarizing the major finding/themes in your paper. This should be no more than a paragraph.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding the title page and the references page) and should be double-spaced. You will lose points if your essay is shorter than 4 full pages of content. The font should be 12-point Calibri or Times New Roman. Use APA format for your entire essay, including for references and in-text citations and edit your work carefully for spelling and grammar.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding the title page and the references page). It should be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5” x 11”) with a 1” margin on all sides. The font should be 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri. Use APA formatting throughout your essay and cite any sources you use.

For help with APA formatting and style, refer to the Purdue Owl website and the APA Style Central tool featured in Canvas.


Applying the Sociological Imagination Essay Grading Rubric

Applying the Sociological Imagination Essay Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionCSLO1

threshold: 10.0 pts

10.0 ptsNo issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied, and description of the topic

8.0 ptsOne or two issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

6.0 ptsMore than two issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

4.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

0.0 ptsIntroduction section is missing, or the assignment is not submitted.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal ExplanationCSLO1

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who were involved, roles in the situation, and the resolution, if any.

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution.

9.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological ImaginationCSLO1

threshold: 20.0 pts

20.0 ptsNo issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least three different chapters in the course text.

16.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least two different chapters in the course text.

12.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least one chapter in the course text.

8.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination, but no attempt to use terms and concepts from the course text.

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological TheoryCSLO2

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

9.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

0.0 ptsSociological theory not included, or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData / StatisticsCSLO3

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the application of data from at least two different sources or statistics relevant to the situation. At least one of the sources is from an outside source

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the application data from at least two different sources or statistics. Both the sources are from textbook.

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the application of at least of two different sources or statistics. Only one source is listed

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

5.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

No issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

4.0 pts

Achievement Level 4

Few/minor issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

3.0 pts

Achievement Level 3

Multiple issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

1.0 pts

Achievement Level 2

Significant issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

Section not included or assignment not submitted.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting & Writing

15.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

No issues present with spelling, grammar, and APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

13.0 pts

Achievement Level 4

Few/minor issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including the, in-text citations, and references.

11.0 pts

Achievement Level 3

Multiple issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

9.0 pts

Achievement Level 2

Significant issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

APA formatting not used or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePage Length

5.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

Submission is 4 to 6 pages, double-spaced, not including the title page and references.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

Submission has less than 4 pages of content, or no assignment was submitted.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0



RC Special Populations Impact of Culture Language & Gender Differences Essay Writing Assignment Help

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to review the vignette and to discuss the role of Human Services Professionals towards celebrating diversity, understanding perspectives, and how to implement cross-cultural communication.


You have just finished meeting with Dr. Rasmussen for your individual supervision this week. The theme of the session was focused on the relevance of understanding the impact of culture, language, and gender differences with communication when interacting with clients from a variety of vulnerable populations. Towards the end of the session with Dr. Rasmussen, he asked, “Do you mind if I read you a ‘Thank You’ card I received from a foreign exchange student I worked with several years ago”? You said, “Sure”. The note read as such:

17 January 1997

Hi Dr. Rasmussen,

I want to thank you for the opportunity you provided me with. It is one that I will never forget. Here in El Salvador, I struggled most of my life and never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to come to the United States to study for one year. That opportunity was unmeasurable, in which my gratitude could not be put into words. Most people in my community do not make it beyond 9th grade because, after that, education is not free and is difficult for most to pay for. Aside from that, living in poverty is a norm throughout the country due to corruption and the influx of gangs taking over and causing strife throughout the community. When I came there [to the United States], you along with several members of the university embraced me and provided me with opportunities to learn and to not be a negative statistic. I am graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in Human Services degree from Universidad de El Salvador in May. I want to eventually become a social worker so I can be like you and have some impact here in a community that is suffering, just as other communities are throughout the world. I want to thank you for believing in me and for giving me a chance. Please tell hello to everyone at New Directions.



Dr. Rasmussen then goes on to say Andres is now the director of a local social services agency in Honduras. In amazement, you thank Dr. Rasmussen for sharing this inspirational story and started to think of the many clients you are dealing with that are struggling to endure through many of life’s stressors. You think of Andre’, an African-American single father, who works minimum-wage jobs to make ends meet, but dreams of opening his own business one day. Ann then comes to mind. Ann is a biracial, middle-aged female, struggling with mental health issues partly due to a chronic domestic violence history. Nick then ‘pops’ into mind. Nick is transgendered, misunderstood by his family and most in his community, and seeks solace in talking about the impact of the constant discrimination that he faces. And, Maria, who was diagnosed with PTSD a few years ago, has been involved in many different programs at New Direction, LLC. At 8, she traveled with her family to the United States from Mexico and was an illegal immigrant that did not know any English. Immersed in these thoughts and having the feeling of wanting to be impactful at a community-level, you impulsively decide to pen your thoughts into a formal paper to the local newspaper-understanding that your paper may not get published. You decide to include this in your work-specific portfolio that you will be submitting.

Instructions: Write a three-page double-spaced paper that discusses the following bullet points:

  • Define your role as a Human Services Professional and how your role impacts the community.
  • Explain the role of celebrating diversity and cultural differences within the community.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding the perspectives of others-particularly as it relates to understanding differing cultural beliefs/customs, language differences, and gender differences.
  • Identify, at minimum, 5 strategies for effective cross-cultural communication and how it can be applicable for professionals working as change agents (to include Human Services Professionals).

RC Special Populations Impact of Culture Language & Gender Differences Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UOTC Financial Institutions Security & Machine Architecture for Banks Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Length:Minimum of 900 words

Total points: 250 points

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

Your work over the next 8 weeks will lead-up to your ability to represent an enterprise security architecture solution as a diagram or diagrams with annotations. The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses:

  • Financial (Bank, brokerage, Insurer, etc.)
  • Hospital/Medical Services
  • Pharmaceutical/Chemical
  • Social Media Company
  • Energy Company (Electrical Utility, Oil Company, Solar, Wind, etc.)
  • Manufacturer (Automobile, Computer, Consumer Electronics, etc.)

Respond to the following:

  • Identify the business type you have selected for your paper.
  • Provide a brief overview of the business
  • Provide the goals and approach to the project
  • Architectural diagrams and annotations


HR Development Management Class Assessment Costs and Benefits of Training Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Class Assessment: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Training

Please submit a response to the following questions:

1.Complete the end of chapter exercise at the end of Ch 7: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Training (page 255).

2.Think about a current or past situation that you were either part of or aware of. Briefly describe the situation. Based on the work environment, the situation at hand, and the resources available, which type of training design do you think would be (or would have been) most appropriate? Why?

Calculating the Cost Benefit of Training – Helpful Information

In your text, you will find the explanations for each of the items in the equation and some of the information to use in the calculation beginning on p. 244.


southern New Hampshire University American Compensation System Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Final Submission:

The final project is due at the end of Module Seven. This version will include all revisions based on feedback from your instructor to the Executive
Summary/Strategic Analysis, Section 1: Internally Consistent Job Structures, and Section 2: External Competitiveness. It should be prefaced with a 1–2-page
historical perspective on compensation and close with a 1–2-page summary of how you used strategic approach, research, communication, analytical skills, and
problem-solving to present a compensation package tailored for e-sonic. Each section of the final project should be 5–7 pages in length. This submission will be
graded with the Final Project Rubric (below).

Final Project Rubric
Requirements of submission: Each section of the final project must follow these formatting guidelines: 5–7 pages per section, double spacing, 12-point Times
New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.


BSTM 4113 ACC Interest of the Local Community Towards Tourism Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment includes:

Choose a destination from the below shown list, which you are comfortable with and develop a sustainable tourism development strategy for the same. You need to inform your course instructor about the chosen destination. Make sure, other students groups have not chosen the same destination (In a section, one destination can be chosen by one group of students only).

List of the Destinations:

Jabel Shams







Jabel Al Akhdar




Any other destination after consultation with your teacher.

Your assignment report should address the following:

  • Introduction and background
  • Elements of the destination
  • Attitude and interest of local community towards tourism.
  • The major stakeholders and their interests.
  • Develop a proper marketing mix (8 Ps) for the destination.
  • Suggest a suitable promotion mix to promote and market the selected destination at domestic and international markets.
  • Analyze overall current status of the destination (conduct a SWOT analysis from tourism industry point of view).
  • Discuss the type of tourism activities you would encourage to develop in the area.
  • Examine, how the destination can benefit local community and the government (Tourism impacts) and discuss the ways to control/minimize negative impacts of tourism.
  • In which way, a destination management company such as, Ministry of Tourism could be involved in your chosen destination?
  • Suggest policies and initiatives that could make the future of the chosen area more sustainable.

Attractions (cultural, natural, heritage, etc.), Activities (cultural, social, entertainment, religious, etc.), Amenities (infrastructure, superstructure, accommodation, food and beverage, etc.), Accessibility (modes of transportation) and Ancillary services (luggage, foreign exchange, car hire, luggage transportation, theatre and event tickets, tour guiding, etc.)

This assignment should not be less than 2,000 words. You will be expected to provide acknowledgement of sources used. Any such material should be adequately referenced.

the full details is in the attached files …

Please use at least 10 sources from academic research (journals, textbooks and theses), and balance from web sites. Provide strong evidence and statistical data to document and to validate your discussions.



oThere is no length requirement for this section, however a thorough, comprehensive evaluation and discussion of your findings is expected, and difficult to achieve in less than 1 page.

To receive full credit on this section, your paper should include the following:

All literature discussed must come from peerreviewed academic journals.

Information from other sources must be stated in your own words.

Using quotation marks to “give credit” to the author does not demonstrate your understanding of the material.Insightful comparisons should be made between your findings and at least 3 scientific journal articles

.All figures and tables should have descriptive titles and should include a legend explaining any symbols, abbreviations, or special methods used

.Figures and tables should be numbered separately and should be referred to in the text by number, for example:oFigure 1 shows that the activity decreased after five minutes.oThe activity decreased after five minutes (fig. 1)

.Discuss your findings in relation to your hypothesis .oDid your results reveal what you had predicted? Why or why not? oDiscussion must include whether your findings agree or disagree with your hypothesis. There should also be a brief commentary on where one could go from here with the experiment. oThis section of your report should concentrate on general trends and differences and not on trivial details.

Limitations of your experiment must be discussed (including # ofparticipants, time frame, confounding variables, difficulty with adherence, etc.)


Rassmussen Applying the Sociological Imagination on Obesity Essay Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this essay is to apply the Sociological Imagination concept to explain a personal situation. The essay will demonstrate the student’s ability to use sociological concepts & theories learned in the course, to describe a personal situation. The topic is left to the student’s discretion.

The Essay paper should have the following 5 content areas:

1. Introduction: In this first content area, write a paragraph introducing CW Mills’s concept of sociological imagination, and give a general overview of how you will be applying it to the personal situation that you will discuss in your paper.

2. Personal Explanation: In this second content area, describe your personal situation/topic. Based on whether the situation is a current one or a past one, describe how you dealt or are dealing with it. You can also pick a situation from a person’s life who is closely related to you or whose experience affected you. You should know the person well enough to write the essay.

Describe what caused the problem, who were involved, what were others’ and your roles in the situation, and if a resolution was reached. This section is all about your account of your situation and should be no longer than four paragraphs (3/4 – 1 page).

3. Sociological Imagination: In this third content area, analyze your personal situation by applying sociological imagination, i.e., examine how society and social forces affected your situation. This section should be the most substantial portion of your essay. You should use terms and concepts from at least 3 different chapters from the textbook, and one sociological theory.

4. Data/Stats: Utilize at least 2 statistics or research studies from the textbook or outside sources such as the Galen College online library. The references should be scholarly and should be relevant to your situation (E.g., Inclusion of divorce rates in the US if the topic is on Divorce; inclusion of poverty rates, crime and victimization rates, or suicide rates if the topic is either on Poverty or Crime). Citing at least one outside source is required.

5. Conclusion: Write a wrap-up conclusion summarizing the major finding/themes in your paper. This should be no more than a paragraph.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding the title page and the references page) and should be double-spaced. You will lose points if your essay is shorter than 4 full pages of content. The font should be 12-point Calibri or Times New Roman. Use APA format for your entire essay, including for references and in-text citations and edit your work carefully for spelling and grammar.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding the title page and the references page). It should be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5” x 11”) with a 1” margin on all sides. The font should be 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri. Use APA formatting throughout your essay and cite any sources you use.

For help with APA formatting and style, refer to the Purdue Owl website and the APA Style Central tool featured in Canvas.


Applying the Sociological Imagination Essay Grading Rubric

Applying the Sociological Imagination Essay Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionCSLO1

threshold: 10.0 pts

10.0 ptsNo issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied, and description of the topic

8.0 ptsOne or two issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

6.0 ptsMore than two issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

4.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

0.0 ptsIntroduction section is missing, or the assignment is not submitted.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal ExplanationCSLO1

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who were involved, roles in the situation, and the resolution, if any.

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution.

9.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological ImaginationCSLO1

threshold: 20.0 pts

20.0 ptsNo issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least three different chapters in the course text.

16.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least two different chapters in the course text.

12.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least one chapter in the course text.

8.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination, but no attempt to use terms and concepts from the course text.

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological TheoryCSLO2

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

9.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

0.0 ptsSociological theory not included, or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData / StatisticsCSLO3

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the application of data from at least two different sources or statistics relevant to the situation. At least one of the sources is from an outside source

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the application data from at least two different sources or statistics. Both the sources are from textbook.

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the application of at least of two different sources or statistics. Only one source is listed

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

5.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

No issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

4.0 pts

Achievement Level 4

Few/minor issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

3.0 pts

Achievement Level 3

Multiple issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

1.0 pts

Achievement Level 2

Significant issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

Section not included or assignment not submitted.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting & Writing

15.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

No issues present with spelling, grammar, and APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

13.0 pts

Achievement Level 4

Few/minor issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including the, in-text citations, and references.

11.0 pts

Achievement Level 3

Multiple issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

9.0 pts

Achievement Level 2

Significant issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

APA formatting not used or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePage Length

5.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

Submission is 4 to 6 pages, double-spaced, not including the title page and references.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

Submission has less than 4 pages of content, or no assignment was submitted.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0



RC Special Populations Impact of Culture Language & Gender Differences Essay Writing Assignment Help

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to review the vignette and to discuss the role of Human Services Professionals towards celebrating diversity, understanding perspectives, and how to implement cross-cultural communication.


You have just finished meeting with Dr. Rasmussen for your individual supervision this week. The theme of the session was focused on the relevance of understanding the impact of culture, language, and gender differences with communication when interacting with clients from a variety of vulnerable populations. Towards the end of the session with Dr. Rasmussen, he asked, “Do you mind if I read you a ‘Thank You’ card I received from a foreign exchange student I worked with several years ago”? You said, “Sure”. The note read as such:

17 January 1997

Hi Dr. Rasmussen,

I want to thank you for the opportunity you provided me with. It is one that I will never forget. Here in El Salvador, I struggled most of my life and never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to come to the United States to study for one year. That opportunity was unmeasurable, in which my gratitude could not be put into words. Most people in my community do not make it beyond 9th grade because, after that, education is not free and is difficult for most to pay for. Aside from that, living in poverty is a norm throughout the country due to corruption and the influx of gangs taking over and causing strife throughout the community. When I came there [to the United States], you along with several members of the university embraced me and provided me with opportunities to learn and to not be a negative statistic. I am graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in Human Services degree from Universidad de El Salvador in May. I want to eventually become a social worker so I can be like you and have some impact here in a community that is suffering, just as other communities are throughout the world. I want to thank you for believing in me and for giving me a chance. Please tell hello to everyone at New Directions.



Dr. Rasmussen then goes on to say Andres is now the director of a local social services agency in Honduras. In amazement, you thank Dr. Rasmussen for sharing this inspirational story and started to think of the many clients you are dealing with that are struggling to endure through many of life’s stressors. You think of Andre’, an African-American single father, who works minimum-wage jobs to make ends meet, but dreams of opening his own business one day. Ann then comes to mind. Ann is a biracial, middle-aged female, struggling with mental health issues partly due to a chronic domestic violence history. Nick then ‘pops’ into mind. Nick is transgendered, misunderstood by his family and most in his community, and seeks solace in talking about the impact of the constant discrimination that he faces. And, Maria, who was diagnosed with PTSD a few years ago, has been involved in many different programs at New Direction, LLC. At 8, she traveled with her family to the United States from Mexico and was an illegal immigrant that did not know any English. Immersed in these thoughts and having the feeling of wanting to be impactful at a community-level, you impulsively decide to pen your thoughts into a formal paper to the local newspaper-understanding that your paper may not get published. You decide to include this in your work-specific portfolio that you will be submitting.

Instructions: Write a three-page double-spaced paper that discusses the following bullet points:

  • Define your role as a Human Services Professional and how your role impacts the community.
  • Explain the role of celebrating diversity and cultural differences within the community.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding the perspectives of others-particularly as it relates to understanding differing cultural beliefs/customs, language differences, and gender differences.
  • Identify, at minimum, 5 strategies for effective cross-cultural communication and how it can be applicable for professionals working as change agents (to include Human Services Professionals).

RC Special Populations Impact of Culture Language & Gender Differences Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UOTC Financial Institutions Security & Machine Architecture for Banks Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Length:Minimum of 900 words

Total points: 250 points

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

Your work over the next 8 weeks will lead-up to your ability to represent an enterprise security architecture solution as a diagram or diagrams with annotations. The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses:

  • Financial (Bank, brokerage, Insurer, etc.)
  • Hospital/Medical Services
  • Pharmaceutical/Chemical
  • Social Media Company
  • Energy Company (Electrical Utility, Oil Company, Solar, Wind, etc.)
  • Manufacturer (Automobile, Computer, Consumer Electronics, etc.)

Respond to the following:

  • Identify the business type you have selected for your paper.
  • Provide a brief overview of the business
  • Provide the goals and approach to the project
  • Architectural diagrams and annotations


HR Development Management Class Assessment Costs and Benefits of Training Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Class Assessment: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Training

Please submit a response to the following questions:

1.Complete the end of chapter exercise at the end of Ch 7: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Training (page 255).

2.Think about a current or past situation that you were either part of or aware of. Briefly describe the situation. Based on the work environment, the situation at hand, and the resources available, which type of training design do you think would be (or would have been) most appropriate? Why?

Calculating the Cost Benefit of Training – Helpful Information

In your text, you will find the explanations for each of the items in the equation and some of the information to use in the calculation beginning on p. 244.


southern New Hampshire University American Compensation System Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Final Submission:

The final project is due at the end of Module Seven. This version will include all revisions based on feedback from your instructor to the Executive
Summary/Strategic Analysis, Section 1: Internally Consistent Job Structures, and Section 2: External Competitiveness. It should be prefaced with a 1–2-page
historical perspective on compensation and close with a 1–2-page summary of how you used strategic approach, research, communication, analytical skills, and
problem-solving to present a compensation package tailored for e-sonic. Each section of the final project should be 5–7 pages in length. This submission will be
graded with the Final Project Rubric (below).

Final Project Rubric
Requirements of submission: Each section of the final project must follow these formatting guidelines: 5–7 pages per section, double spacing, 12-point Times
New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.


BSTM 4113 ACC Interest of the Local Community Towards Tourism Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment includes:

Choose a destination from the below shown list, which you are comfortable with and develop a sustainable tourism development strategy for the same. You need to inform your course instructor about the chosen destination. Make sure, other students groups have not chosen the same destination (In a section, one destination can be chosen by one group of students only).

List of the Destinations:

Jabel Shams







Jabel Al Akhdar




Any other destination after consultation with your teacher.

Your assignment report should address the following:

  • Introduction and background
  • Elements of the destination
  • Attitude and interest of local community towards tourism.
  • The major stakeholders and their interests.
  • Develop a proper marketing mix (8 Ps) for the destination.
  • Suggest a suitable promotion mix to promote and market the selected destination at domestic and international markets.
  • Analyze overall current status of the destination (conduct a SWOT analysis from tourism industry point of view).
  • Discuss the type of tourism activities you would encourage to develop in the area.
  • Examine, how the destination can benefit local community and the government (Tourism impacts) and discuss the ways to control/minimize negative impacts of tourism.
  • In which way, a destination management company such as, Ministry of Tourism could be involved in your chosen destination?
  • Suggest policies and initiatives that could make the future of the chosen area more sustainable.

Attractions (cultural, natural, heritage, etc.), Activities (cultural, social, entertainment, religious, etc.), Amenities (infrastructure, superstructure, accommodation, food and beverage, etc.), Accessibility (modes of transportation) and Ancillary services (luggage, foreign exchange, car hire, luggage transportation, theatre and event tickets, tour guiding, etc.)

This assignment should not be less than 2,000 words. You will be expected to provide acknowledgement of sources used. Any such material should be adequately referenced.

the full details is in the attached files …

Please use at least 10 sources from academic research (journals, textbooks and theses), and balance from web sites. Provide strong evidence and statistical data to document and to validate your discussions.



oThere is no length requirement for this section, however a thorough, comprehensive evaluation and discussion of your findings is expected, and difficult to achieve in less than 1 page.

To receive full credit on this section, your paper should include the following:

All literature discussed must come from peerreviewed academic journals.

Information from other sources must be stated in your own words.

Using quotation marks to “give credit” to the author does not demonstrate your understanding of the material.Insightful comparisons should be made between your findings and at least 3 scientific journal articles

.All figures and tables should have descriptive titles and should include a legend explaining any symbols, abbreviations, or special methods used

.Figures and tables should be numbered separately and should be referred to in the text by number, for example:oFigure 1 shows that the activity decreased after five minutes.oThe activity decreased after five minutes (fig. 1)

.Discuss your findings in relation to your hypothesis .oDid your results reveal what you had predicted? Why or why not? oDiscussion must include whether your findings agree or disagree with your hypothesis. There should also be a brief commentary on where one could go from here with the experiment. oThis section of your report should concentrate on general trends and differences and not on trivial details.

Limitations of your experiment must be discussed (including # ofparticipants, time frame, confounding variables, difficulty with adherence, etc.)


Rassmussen Applying the Sociological Imagination on Obesity Essay Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this essay is to apply the Sociological Imagination concept to explain a personal situation. The essay will demonstrate the student’s ability to use sociological concepts & theories learned in the course, to describe a personal situation. The topic is left to the student’s discretion.

The Essay paper should have the following 5 content areas:

1. Introduction: In this first content area, write a paragraph introducing CW Mills’s concept of sociological imagination, and give a general overview of how you will be applying it to the personal situation that you will discuss in your paper.

2. Personal Explanation: In this second content area, describe your personal situation/topic. Based on whether the situation is a current one or a past one, describe how you dealt or are dealing with it. You can also pick a situation from a person’s life who is closely related to you or whose experience affected you. You should know the person well enough to write the essay.

Describe what caused the problem, who were involved, what were others’ and your roles in the situation, and if a resolution was reached. This section is all about your account of your situation and should be no longer than four paragraphs (3/4 – 1 page).

3. Sociological Imagination: In this third content area, analyze your personal situation by applying sociological imagination, i.e., examine how society and social forces affected your situation. This section should be the most substantial portion of your essay. You should use terms and concepts from at least 3 different chapters from the textbook, and one sociological theory.

4. Data/Stats: Utilize at least 2 statistics or research studies from the textbook or outside sources such as the Galen College online library. The references should be scholarly and should be relevant to your situation (E.g., Inclusion of divorce rates in the US if the topic is on Divorce; inclusion of poverty rates, crime and victimization rates, or suicide rates if the topic is either on Poverty or Crime). Citing at least one outside source is required.

5. Conclusion: Write a wrap-up conclusion summarizing the major finding/themes in your paper. This should be no more than a paragraph.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding the title page and the references page) and should be double-spaced. You will lose points if your essay is shorter than 4 full pages of content. The font should be 12-point Calibri or Times New Roman. Use APA format for your entire essay, including for references and in-text citations and edit your work carefully for spelling and grammar.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding the title page and the references page). It should be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5” x 11”) with a 1” margin on all sides. The font should be 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri. Use APA formatting throughout your essay and cite any sources you use.

For help with APA formatting and style, refer to the Purdue Owl website and the APA Style Central tool featured in Canvas.


Applying the Sociological Imagination Essay Grading Rubric

Applying the Sociological Imagination Essay Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionCSLO1

threshold: 10.0 pts

10.0 ptsNo issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied, and description of the topic

8.0 ptsOne or two issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

6.0 ptsMore than two issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

4.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the introduction to C.W. Mills’ concept of Sociological Imagination, overview of how the concept will be applied and/or description of the topic.

0.0 ptsIntroduction section is missing, or the assignment is not submitted.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal ExplanationCSLO1

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who were involved, roles in the situation, and the resolution, if any.

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution.

9.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the description of the personal situation/topic, how the situation was handled, who was involved, roles in the situation, and/or the resolution

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological ImaginationCSLO1

threshold: 20.0 pts

20.0 ptsNo issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least three different chapters in the course text.

16.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least two different chapters in the course text.

12.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using terms and concepts from at least one chapter in the course text.

8.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination, but no attempt to use terms and concepts from the course text.

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological TheoryCSLO2

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

9.0 ptsSignificant issues present with the explanation of the situation through the application of the sociological imagination using a sociological theory.

0.0 ptsSociological theory not included, or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData / StatisticsCSLO3

threshold: 15.0 pts

15.0 ptsNo issues present with the application of data from at least two different sources or statistics relevant to the situation. At least one of the sources is from an outside source

13.0 ptsFew/minor issues present with the application data from at least two different sources or statistics. Both the sources are from textbook.

11.0 ptsMultiple issues present with the application of at least of two different sources or statistics. Only one source is listed

0.0 ptsSection not included or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

5.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

No issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

4.0 pts

Achievement Level 4

Few/minor issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

3.0 pts

Achievement Level 3

Multiple issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

1.0 pts

Achievement Level 2

Significant issues present with the summary of the major findings and themes.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

Section not included or assignment not submitted.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting & Writing

15.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

No issues present with spelling, grammar, and APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

13.0 pts

Achievement Level 4

Few/minor issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including the, in-text citations, and references.

11.0 pts

Achievement Level 3

Multiple issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

9.0 pts

Achievement Level 2

Significant issues present with spelling, grammar, and/or APA formatting, including in-text citations, and references.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

APA formatting not used or assignment not submitted.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePage Length

5.0 pts

Achievement Level 5

Submission is 4 to 6 pages, double-spaced, not including the title page and references.

0.0 pts

Achievement Level 1

Submission has less than 4 pages of content, or no assignment was submitted.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0



RC Special Populations Impact of Culture Language & Gender Differences Essay Writing Assignment Help

Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to review the vignette and to discuss the role of Human Services Professionals towards celebrating diversity, understanding perspectives, and how to implement cross-cultural communication.


You have just finished meeting with Dr. Rasmussen for your individual supervision this week. The theme of the session was focused on the relevance of understanding the impact of culture, language, and gender differences with communication when interacting with clients from a variety of vulnerable populations. Towards the end of the session with Dr. Rasmussen, he asked, “Do you mind if I read you a ‘Thank You’ card I received from a foreign exchange student I worked with several years ago”? You said, “Sure”. The note read as such:

17 January 1997

Hi Dr. Rasmussen,

I want to thank you for the opportunity you provided me with. It is one that I will never forget. Here in El Salvador, I struggled most of my life and never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to come to the United States to study for one year. That opportunity was unmeasurable, in which my gratitude could not be put into words. Most people in my community do not make it beyond 9th grade because, after that, education is not free and is difficult for most to pay for. Aside from that, living in poverty is a norm throughout the country due to corruption and the influx of gangs taking over and causing strife throughout the community. When I came there [to the United States], you along with several members of the university embraced me and provided me with opportunities to learn and to not be a negative statistic. I am graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in Human Services degree from Universidad de El Salvador in May. I want to eventually become a social worker so I can be like you and have some impact here in a community that is suffering, just as other communities are throughout the world. I want to thank you for believing in me and for giving me a chance. Please tell hello to everyone at New Directions.



Dr. Rasmussen then goes on to say Andres is now the director of a local social services agency in Honduras. In amazement, you thank Dr. Rasmussen for sharing this inspirational story and started to think of the many clients you are dealing with that are struggling to endure through many of life’s stressors. You think of Andre’, an African-American single father, who works minimum-wage jobs to make ends meet, but dreams of opening his own business one day. Ann then comes to mind. Ann is a biracial, middle-aged female, struggling with mental health issues partly due to a chronic domestic violence history. Nick then ‘pops’ into mind. Nick is transgendered, misunderstood by his family and most in his community, and seeks solace in talking about the impact of the constant discrimination that he faces. And, Maria, who was diagnosed with PTSD a few years ago, has been involved in many different programs at New Direction, LLC. At 8, she traveled with her family to the United States from Mexico and was an illegal immigrant that did not know any English. Immersed in these thoughts and having the feeling of wanting to be impactful at a community-level, you impulsively decide to pen your thoughts into a formal paper to the local newspaper-understanding that your paper may not get published. You decide to include this in your work-specific portfolio that you will be submitting.

Instructions: Write a three-page double-spaced paper that discusses the following bullet points:

  • Define your role as a Human Services Professional and how your role impacts the community.
  • Explain the role of celebrating diversity and cultural differences within the community.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding the perspectives of others-particularly as it relates to understanding differing cultural beliefs/customs, language differences, and gender differences.
  • Identify, at minimum, 5 strategies for effective cross-cultural communication and how it can be applicable for professionals working as change agents (to include Human Services Professionals).

RC Special Populations Impact of Culture Language & Gender Differences Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UOTC Financial Institutions Security & Machine Architecture for Banks Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Length:Minimum of 900 words

Total points: 250 points

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

Your work over the next 8 weeks will lead-up to your ability to represent an enterprise security architecture solution as a diagram or diagrams with annotations. The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses:

  • Financial (Bank, brokerage, Insurer, etc.)
  • Hospital/Medical Services
  • Pharmaceutical/Chemical
  • Social Media Company
  • Energy Company (Electrical Utility, Oil Company, Solar, Wind, etc.)
  • Manufacturer (Automobile, Computer, Consumer Electronics, etc.)

Respond to the following:

  • Identify the business type you have selected for your paper.
  • Provide a brief overview of the business
  • Provide the goals and approach to the project
  • Architectural diagrams and annotations


HR Development Management Class Assessment Costs and Benefits of Training Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Class Assessment: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Training

Please submit a response to the following questions:

1.Complete the end of chapter exercise at the end of Ch 7: Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Training (page 255).

2.Think about a current or past situation that you were either part of or aware of. Briefly describe the situation. Based on the work environment, the situation at hand, and the resources available, which type of training design do you think would be (or would have been) most appropriate? Why?

Calculating the Cost Benefit of Training – Helpful Information

In your text, you will find the explanations for each of the items in the equation and some of the information to use in the calculation beginning on p. 244.


southern New Hampshire University American Compensation System Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Final Submission:

The final project is due at the end of Module Seven. This version will include all revisions based on feedback from your instructor to the Executive
Summary/Strategic Analysis, Section 1: Internally Consistent Job Structures, and Section 2: External Competitiveness. It should be prefaced with a 1–2-page
historical perspective on compensation and close with a 1–2-page summary of how you used strategic approach, research, communication, analytical skills, and
problem-solving to present a compensation package tailored for e-sonic. Each section of the final project should be 5–7 pages in length. This submission will be
graded with the Final Project Rubric (below).

Final Project Rubric
Requirements of submission: Each section of the final project must follow these formatting guidelines: 5–7 pages per section, double spacing, 12-point Times
New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.


BSTM 4113 ACC Interest of the Local Community Towards Tourism Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment includes:

Choose a destination from the below shown list, which you are comfortable with and develop a sustainable tourism development strategy for the same. You need to inform your course instructor about the chosen destination. Make sure, other students groups have not chosen the same destination (In a section, one destination can be chosen by one group of students only).

List of the Destinations:

Jabel Shams







Jabel Al Akhdar




Any other destination after consultation with your teacher.

Your assignment report should address the following:

  • Introduction and background
  • Elements of the destination
  • Attitude and interest of local community towards tourism.
  • The major stakeholders and their interests.
  • Develop a proper marketing mix (8 Ps) for the destination.
  • Suggest a suitable promotion mix to promote and market the selected destination at domestic and international markets.
  • Analyze overall current status of the destination (conduct a SWOT analysis from tourism industry point of view).
  • Discuss the type of tourism activities you would encourage to develop in the area.
  • Examine, how the destination can benefit local community and the government (Tourism impacts) and discuss the ways to control/minimize negative impacts of tourism.
  • In which way, a destination management company such as, Ministry of Tourism could be involved in your chosen destination?
  • Suggest policies and initiatives that could make the future of the chosen area more sustainable.

Attractions (cultural, natural, heritage, etc.), Activities (cultural, social, entertainment, religious, etc.), Amenities (infrastructure, superstructure, accommodation, food and beverage, etc.), Accessibility (modes of transportation) and Ancillary services (luggage, foreign exchange, car hire, luggage transportation, theatre and event tickets, tour guiding, etc.)

This assignment should not be less than 2,000 words. You will be expected to provide acknowledgement of sources used. Any such material should be adequately referenced.

the full details is in the attached files …

Please use at least 10 sources from academic research (journals, textbooks and theses), and balance from web sites. Provide strong evidence and statistical data to document and to validate your discussions.


Rasmussen College Challenges to Work as A Human Services Professional Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Rasmussen College Challenges to Work as A Human Services Professional Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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