Rasmussen College Criteria Led Discharge Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. Rasmussen College Criteria Led Discharge Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Grading Rubric Mastery=4=A
- The presentation included a unique title of the proposed innovative idea to catch the viewer’s attention.
- A clearly stated, detailed description of the innovative idea was included in the notes section of the PowerPoint and included a vision of how the innovative idea will perform.
- A clearly stated, detailed description of the relevance of the innovative idea was included in the notes of the PowerPoint and included a description of the possible impacts of this innovative idea relevant to the proposed setting.
- Included at least one reference from original research or evidence-based findings to support the innovative idea.
- Formal style in presentation throughout with in-depth and detailed slides utilizes the notes sections to include details. Cites sources where appropriate. The narration is professional throughout the recording.
Disseminate key components of an innovative proposal for a target audience.
At work in the medical, surgical post-operative unit, frustrated with the flow of client information before discharge, you state, “I wish I did not have to wait for a physician to call to get discharge orders for a patient. Often the client has to sit in the unit all day waiting to go home until a physician rounds. Then the client is are usually leaving around the change of shift creating a backlog of discharges and admits increasing the chance for errors as information is missed.”
You have an innovative idea of how to solve this communication issue. The Nurse Manager asks you to prepare a presentation and share your idea with the nursing team in one week at the monthly staff meeting.
Record a presentation and summarize the key components of your proposed innovative idea. The purpose of this presentation is to convince the nursing staff your innovative idea is relevant.
Using no more than four slides in PowerPoint® include:
- Title of the proposed innovative idea
- Description of the innovative idea
- In the notes, include a description of how you envision the innovation functioning
- The relevance of the innovative idea
- In the notes, include a description of the possible impacts of this innovative idea relevant to the proposed setting
- At least one reference from original research or evidence based findings supporting your idea
Rasmussen College Criteria Led Discharge Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
POLSC 111 SUNYWCC Cuban Missile Crisis and The Categorizations of War Essay Humanities Assignment Help
1. Please read chapter 6 on War and Security, and watch the PBS documentary, the Cuban Missile Crisis (enter your WCC user name and id to access the film from the Library).
2. What is war and how do scholars categorize wars (types of war)? Summarize your response, using relevant examples, in one page.
3. Using Realist, Liberals, and Constructivist approaches to preventing war (chapter 6, pp. 212 – 230), analyze the actions of the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the United States as presented in the documentary in two to three pages.
4. Provide a reference page (include the textbook).
The textbook which can be reached at: https://wwnorton.com/books/9780393675191
Using the following login information:
Username: jsattler@udel.edu
Password: Bethany416!
As for the documentary –
Cuban Misslie Crisis documentary link on Amazon Prime: https://www.amazon.com/Cuban-Missile-Crisis-Three-…
Must have and use amazon prime account to answer questions using that documentary as well as the textbook, site at the end. Double space.
University of Missouri Kansas City Marketing Plan Research Report Business Finance Assignment Help
For this project, you will complete a 5-page, double-spaced marketing research report. Before you begin, I would strongly recommend that you review feedback you received on your Business Model Canvas project (Attached with feedback on BMC project #1). I have uploaded a marketing plan template in this week’s module, which provides a description of the sections one would normally expect to find in a marketing plan. You don’t necessarily need to have every section from the template in your submission, but I would expect to see the following at a minimum:
1)Secondary market research- this is the research you do using existing sources. You should estimate the size of your market, check customer prices/offerings, identify costs associated with your venture idea, etc.
2)Primary market research for this class, we do not ask you to gather primary data, but you will need to provide an example of what you would use if you were going to collect primary data (for instance, an example of a survey with the questions you would want to ask potential customers). I have uploaded two extra about primary market research titled “Market Research Basics” and “Surveys and Focus Groups” that should be helpful (You will find it Attached).
3)Competition- this is a great place for a visual aid. You want to map out your competitor’s prices and offerings and show where you fall in the competitive landscape.
4)Advertising/promotion mix- how are you going to market your product/service? How much is it going to cost to do so? Before you say, “we’re going to have a Facebook page so our marketing is going to be free”, ask yourself how many times you have purchased a product through a company’s Facebook page!
5)Pricing- you may want to refer back to the Chapter 9 lecture as you consider internal and external factors and set your prices. (Attached)
6)Sales forecast- we won’t be creating any pro-forma financial statements in this class, but I do want you to wrap up your marketing report by using the information about your market size, the percentage of the market that you think might buy your product/service, and your price(s), to estimate sales. This would be another great place for a visual aid (perhaps showing the first 12 months, or first 3 years, or some meaningful sales forecast). I know you have to do a lot of guessing here, but that’s the nature of starting a new venture!
Kennesaw State University Ethical Leadership in Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Debate Discussion assignment in this class relates to the HR Ethics box in Chapter 10 (p. 382):
HR Ethics: Building Ethics with Multisource Appraisals and Coaching
As business leaders get promoted, evidence suggests that there are more opportunities for ethical transgressions. Companies can do several things to help prevent ethical lapses. (1) Promote an ethical culture. (2) Use 360-degree evaluations. (3) Apply coaching. (4) Discuss the importance of ethical leadership.
- What kinds of approaches might you use to help leaders be more ethical? How could performance management processes be used to facilitate this aim?
- Besides some of the ideas already discussed, what do you think companies can do to reduce the likelihood of leaders acting unethically?
Your assignment is to 1) read the information in the box content, 2) answer these questions, 3) present/defend your ideas with thoughtful logic or relevant evidence, and 4) respond to at least two other students’ posts with other thoughtful analyses. Your posts should be comprehensive (multiple lengthy paragraphs), as well as concise and detailed.
Grades are assigned using a rubric with the following dimensions: 1) logic/support, 2) clarity/conciseness, 3) depth, 4) length, 5) contains multiple postings/responses.
PSY 638 SNHU Discussion Socialization & Cultural Perspectives Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Considering Module Four’s readings, discuss the importance of positive socialization and how different cultural and ethical perspectives influence different aspects of development, self-concept, and identity.
Evaluate environmental influences such as geographical variance, religious beliefs, and the construction of the school setting (e.g., boarding school versus public school, traditional versus experiential learning) for cultural and ethical differences on development.
In response to your peers, assume an opposing stance to their post and challenge their answer with your rationale, real-world examples, and scholarly research. Point out any potential negative consequences to their viewpoint.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.
The process of inducting an individual into the social world is socialization. It is how human infants will gain the necessary skills to perform as functioning members of society. There are many effects on the individual’s behavior and personality from socialization and is an integral part of forming personalities in children. It is the nature of socialization that dictates some attitudes and beliefs are reinforced and there is selective exposure to other possible attitudes. Connecting socially is important to health, happiness, and overall feelings of connectivity to society. The lack of such connections can lead to lowered self-esteem, isolation, and a shorter lifespan. A web-based survey studied 82 adult international adoptees and examined the relationship of parental support for cultural socialization and the effect on the adoptee’s self-esteem. The socialization of adopted children to their birth culture has become important to professionals, researchers, and adoptive parents as the number of international adoptions has increased. It has been suggested by studies that the cultural competence and the way adopted children are exposed to their cultural origins are positively linked to the adoptee’s ethnic identity and self-esteem (Mohanty, Keoske & Sales, n.d).
Mohanty, J. (n.d.). Family Cultural Socialization, Ethnic Identity, and Self-Esteem: Web-Based Survey of International Adult Adoptees. Retrieved July 16, 2020, fromhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jayashree_Mohanty/publication/254362340_Family_Cultural_Socialization_Ethnic_Identity_and_Self-Esteem/links/5af1c5b50f7e9ba36645d1e6/Family-Cultural-Socialization-Ethnic-Identity-and-Self-Esteem.pdf
Socialization in children is of particular importance. Every culture, religion and nationality has a different way of teaching children how to socialize, which in turn determines how they act and react as they grow older. Jirata (2014) discusses how the Guji-Oromo in southern Ethiopia teach their children. The Guji-Oromo use storytelling as a way to learn to socialize. This method teaches children how to learn from adults, respect their elders and value adult supervision. In a summer camp setting children are taught how to socialize in a very different method, teaching children how to socialize among themselves, without parental influence. Additionally, summer camps are usually a very cultural affair and this teaches children social and cultural norms (Demakova and associates, 2016). In a school setting children learn about different social, cultural and ethical norms. Religious based schools teach their religious ethical and cultural beliefs, which may differ from other religions.
This wide variety of perspectives that exist in regards to culture, religion, and ethnicity can have an impact on the development, self-concept and identity of children. Different cultures place emphasis on different facets of development; this in turn can have an impact on what the child will see as the important part of their lives. The research of Jerf and associates (2014) found that family religious belief had an effect on how effective parenting was. Furthermore, religious belief also had an effect on child outcome, both socially and psychologically. If a child’s religion forbids something, and they have been told this their entire childhood, it will be hard for them to change their viewpoint as it is ingrained in them.
Demakova, I. D., Valeeva, R. A., & Shipova, A. V. (2016). Socialization of Adolescents: Cultural Practices in Children’s Summer Camp. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(7), 1631–1640.
Jirata, T. J. (2014). Positive Parenting: An Ethnographic Study of Storytelling for Socialization of Children in Ethiopia. Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies, 10(2), 156–176. https://doi-org.ezproxy.snhu.edu/10.13110/storselfsoci.10.2.0156
Jerf W. K. Yeung, & Yuk-Chung Chan. (2014). Parents’ Religious Involvement, Family Socialization and Development of Their Children in a Chinese Sample of Hong Kong. Social Indicators Research, 117(3), 987.
Rasmussen Improving Staffing of Hospital Through Partnership with available Nursing Schools Poster Business Finance Assignment Help
Grading Rubric Mastery=4=A
- Clearly stated, detailed description of the innovation including Purpose of innovation based on needs assessment; Detailed outline of proposed innovation; Relevancy of innovation including at least one resource to support the innovative proposal.
- Clearly stated detailed descriptions of at least two risks and two benefits from implementation of the proposed innovation.
- Clearly stated detailed descriptions of barriers and facilitators to implementation of the innovation including two barriers to implementing the proposal; and two facilitators for implementing the proposal.
- Clearly stated, detailed descriptions of sustainability of the innovation including two strategies to support current sustainability; and two strategies to maintain future sustainability.
- Formal style reflected throughout the poster presentation, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present.
- Describe a culture of excellence in nursing.
- Analyze an innovation that led to a redesigned process or product.
- Identify sources for innovative ideas.
- Determine traits of successful innovators.
- Design an innovative proposal for healthcare that includes strategies for implementation.
- Disseminate key components of an innovative proposal for a target audience.
You, a Nurse Manager on a Progressive Care Unit in an 800 bed privately owned Magnet Hospital, were asked to join a Project Innovation Committee as the nursing representative. Members of the Committee include CEO of the Hospital, CNO for the Hospital, Director of Medical Services, Director of Pharmacy Service, Custodial Staff Supervisor and an at large member of the public from the surrounding community. The purpose of the Committee is to share innovative practice ideas to keep the facility on the cutting edge of advances within healthcare while increasing the number and quality of services provided to the surrounding community. Each member performs a quarterly needs assessment within their department and shares a poster presentation of a priority innovative practice proposal at the annual shareholder meeting.
In two months you will present the innovative practice proposal based on the following data. Design the innovative proposal based on your assessment of the priority area of need.
- Quarterly retention rates for graduate nurses within a six month period from hire is down 6%.
- Nurses positions open = 180, applicants for open positions 28.
- Nursing satisfaction with job decreased 8%.
- Number of nurses projected to retire within six months = 47.
- Increase of 18% in medication errors.
- The overall average for readmission rates have increased by 5%.
- Overall client satisfaction with nursing care, decreased 7%.
- Option for tuition reimbursement to obtain BSN or advanced nursing degree tabled for consideration in the next fiscal year.
The Innovative Practice Proposal must be included as a Poster on a PowerPoint Slide and include:
- Description of the innovation
- Purpose of innovation based on needs assessment
- A detailed outline of the proposed innovation
- Relevancy of innovation including at least one resource to support the innovative proposal
- Description of risks and benefits of the implementation
- Barriers and Facilitators to the implementation of the innovation
- Sustainability of the innovation
Rasmussen Improving Staffing of Hospital Through Partnership with available Nursing Schools Poster Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HRM 522 Capella University Week 1 Business Code of Ethics and Stakeholders Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
HRM 522 Discussion Week 1 Ethics and Advocacy for Human Resource Business Ethics and Stakeholder Theory
Business Ethics and Stakeholder Theory Please respond to the following:
- Watch the video titled, “The Case for Business Ethics” (also available below). Next, go to the Society for Human Resource Managers’ (SHRM) Website and read the “SHRM Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in Human Resources Management,” located at http://www.shrm.org/about/pages/code-of-ethics.aspx. Then, assess the importance of business ethics to today’s organizations. Suggest two (2) actions that human resources can take in order to influence positive ethics in an organization. Provide a rationale for your response.
- From the case study, give your opinion on which theory you believe dominates business today, and explain why. Take a position as to whether or not you believe Monsanto was successful in its effort to meet stakeholder interests. Provide one (1) example of Monsanto’s effort to meet stakeholder interests to support your position.
Capella University Immunization Hypothetical Health Promotion Plan PPT Health Medical Assignment Help
Build a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in the first assessment. Then, implement your health promotion plan by conducting a hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected group. How would you set goals for the session, evaluate session outcomes, and suggest possible revisions to improve future sessions?
As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.
Note: All assignments in the course are based upon hypothetical individuals or groups.
Professional Context
Health education is any combination of learning experiences designed to help community individuals, families, and aggregates improve their health by increasing knowledge or influencing attitudes (WHO, 2018). Education is key to health promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness. The health indicator framework identified in Healthy People 2020 helps motivate action in such areas as health service access, clinical preventive services, environmental quality, injury or violence, maternal, infant and child health, mental health, nutrition, substance abuse, and tobacco use.
Nurses provide accurate evidence-based information and education in various formal and informal settings. They draw upon evidence-based practice to provide health promotion and disease prevention activities to create social and physical environments conducive to improving and maintaining community health. When provided with the tools to be successful, people demonstrate lifestyle changes (self-care) that promote health and help reduce readmissions. They are better able to tolerate stressors, including environmental changes, and enjoy a better quality of life. In times of crisis, a resilient community is a safer community (ODPHP, n.d.; Flanders, 2018).
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply teaching and learning concepts to the presentation of a health promotion plan.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
- Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.
- Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.
- Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
- Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
- Present a health promotion plan to an individual or group within a community.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). (n.d.). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/
Flanders, S. A. (2018). Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58.
Note: This is the second part of a two-part assessment. You must complete Assessment 1 before completing this assessment.
This assessment builds upon Assessment 1 where you developed a health promotion plan for a hypothetical individual or group based on a topic list. You will resume the role of a community nurse tasked with addressing the specific health concern in your community. This time, you will present, via educational outreach, the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1 to your chosen individual or group. In this hypothetical scenario, the presentation would be live and face-to-face. You must determine an effective teaching strategy, communicate the plan with professionalism and cultural sensitivity, obtain input on the value of the plan to the individual or group, and revise the plan, as applicable, to improve future educational sessions. To engage your audience, you decide to develop a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over and speaker notes to communicate your plan.
Remember that your first assessment (Assessment 1) MUST be satisfactorily completed to initiate this assessment (Assessment 4).
Please review the assessment scoring guide for more information.
To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session simulation. You may also wish to review the health promotion plan presentation assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand all requirements.
Complete the following:
- Hypothesize what a face-to-face educational session would consist of, addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected community member, friend, family member, or group. Imagine collaborating with the hypothetical participant(s) in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions.
- Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, which should include audio-recorded voice over, of the health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1, with detailed speaker’s notes that include your evaluation of session outcomes. Speaker notes should reflect what you would actually say were you to conduct the presentation with an actual audience.
As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.
You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your presentation. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.
The number of content slides in your presentation is dictated by nature and scope of your health promotion plan. Be sure to include title and references slides per the following:
- Title slide:
- Health promotion plan title.
- Your name.
- Date.
- Course number and title.
- References (at the end of your presentation).
- Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to your references.
Support your plan with at least three professional or scholarly references, published within the last 5 years, which may include peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources.
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
- Present your health promotion plan to your hypothetical audience.
- Tailor the presentation to the needs of your hypothetical audience.
- Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.
- Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
- Which aspects of the session would you change?
- How might those changes improve future outcomes?
- Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.
- What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators?
Governors State University Community Service Project for The Elderly Humanities Assignment Help
Students will complete a community service project that involves researching public resources for the aging.The content of this paper must include:
- Description of the facility/ center/resources that exist within your town, township, and county. In your research identify and include the resources mission and the target population.
- Description of the functioning of these resources including the physical layout and available activities. Identify the purpose behind these activities.
- Description of the staff roles that exist in support of the elderly. Identify the purpose of these roles. Include a minimum of three duties of 3 or more specific types of staff at these resources.
- A personal evaluation of the resources including positive and negatives of the resources, programs, staff, using the criteria developed in class discussions, readings, etc.
- A summary of your personal reaction to what you observed and learned about the resources available for the elderly.
Must be at least 4 pages or more- Apa
The facilitycenterresources must be for the elderly. (Pick one specific place, preferably in Illinois)
I have attached the rubric below.
NRS 433V GCU Effectiveness of Hourly Nurse Rounding in Preventing Rates of Falls in In Patient Settings Research Health Medical Assignment Help
Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.
Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.
In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Flanders, S. A. (2018). Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58.
Note: This is the second part of a two-part assessment. You must complete Assessment 1 before completing this assessment.
This assessment builds upon Assessment 1 where you developed a health promotion plan for a hypothetical individual or group based on a topic list. You will resume the role of a community nurse tasked with addressing the specific health concern in your community. This time, you will present, via educational outreach, the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1 to your chosen individual or group. In this hypothetical scenario, the presentation would be live and face-to-face. You must determine an effective teaching strategy, communicate the plan with professionalism and cultural sensitivity, obtain input on the value of the plan to the individual or group, and revise the plan, as applicable, to improve future educational sessions. To engage your audience, you decide to develop a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over and speaker notes to communicate your plan.
Remember that your first assessment (Assessment 1) MUST be satisfactorily completed to initiate this assessment (Assessment 4).
Please review the assessment scoring guide for more information.
To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session simulation. You may also wish to review the health promotion plan presentation assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand all requirements.
Complete the following:
- Hypothesize what a face-to-face educational session would consist of, addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected community member, friend, family member, or group. Imagine collaborating with the hypothetical participant(s) in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions.
- Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, which should include audio-recorded voice over, of the health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1, with detailed speaker’s notes that include your evaluation of session outcomes. Speaker notes should reflect what you would actually say were you to conduct the presentation with an actual audience.
As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.
You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your presentation. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.
The number of content slides in your presentation is dictated by nature and scope of your health promotion plan. Be sure to include title and references slides per the following:
- Title slide:
- Health promotion plan title.
- Your name.
- Date.
- Course number and title.
- References (at the end of your presentation).
- Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to your references.
Support your plan with at least three professional or scholarly references, published within the last 5 years, which may include peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources.
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
- Present your health promotion plan to your hypothetical audience.
- Tailor the presentation to the needs of your hypothetical audience.
- Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.
- Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
- Which aspects of the session would you change?
- How might those changes improve future outcomes?
- Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.
- What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators?