Rasmussen College Management Capstone SEARS Co Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help. Rasmussen College Management Capstone SEARS Co Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Before you submit the final version of your Strategic Management Plan,
the last piece you need to create is an Executive Summary. This should
be the first page in the final version of your plan. It’s meant to be
something that an executive could quickly read in order to get a basic
understanding of the overall strategic management plan. Due to its
purpose, the executive summary should be a thorough and concise summary
clearly depicting the content of the plan. Give an overview of the goal
you’re trying to accomplish, any major findings in your research, the
reasoning behind the goal, and any major obstacles you foresee. It
should be treated as a document ready to be turned into an executive
director, board of advisors, investor, etc. Therefore, format and style
(presentation) is very important.
Rasmussen College Management Capstone SEARS Co Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UCirvine Reflective E-Portfolio Introduction Writing Assignment Help
- The Basics
Required Elements:
-Reflective Introduction (5-8 pages, approx. 1500 words minimum, multimodal)
-multiple “pages” of various assignments or portions of assignments to which your Reflective Introduction hyperlinks and that you discuss in more detail
While the required elements will give a basic shape to your ePortfolio, the specific details of its organization are yours to construct. Think of your portfolio as a growing archive that will become full of interesting pieces of evidence as the quarter progresses. You will quickly accumulate artifacts that document your learning. Some of these artifacts will become particularly meaningful. Use them—things like drafts, instructor or peer comments, organizational notes, before and after versions of sentences and paragraphs, final versions of your compositions, for example—to document the work you have done, demonstrate your role in your learning, and articulate your intellectual strategies as they pertain to college level rhetoric, composition, and communication.
Be creative and attentive when making choices about organizing the sections and pages in your portfolio. For example, are the compositions going to serve as major organizational elements by following the reflective introduction in sequential order? Or, are you going to place the compositions and other examples of your best writing together in one “Showcase Writing Section” and organize the other elements of your portfolio in a different manner, along thematic lines, (“Revision Strategies,” “Productive Mistakes”), or in terms of notable developments in your writing (“My Breakthroughs”)?
- Reflective Introduction (5-8 pages, double-spaced, approx. 1500 words minimum, 10 pages max)
This document introduces you as a college-level writer, thinker, and communicator to a community of your peers. Its fundamental purpose is to illustrate the role you have played in your learning over the course of the quarter in 39C. You take responsibility for the quality of your work in this document (and in your ePortfolio) by assessing your performance. The reflective introduction is an analytically incisive, multi-modal composition that delivers arguments about your learning and supports them with carefully selected pieces of evidence.
Guiding Suggestions for Writing the Reflective Introduction
- The reflective introduction should be an analytically rigorous multimodal composition that documents the rich textures of your learning this quarter and perhaps throughout the WR39 sequence of courses (39A, 39B, and 39C).
- Think of the rest of your ePortfolio as an archive of evidence that you will use in support of the arguments put forward in the introduction.
- Refer to the various pieces of evidence from the archival portion of the portfolio in the introduction. Guide the reader to them and clearly explain your artifacts.
The reflective introduction should address and analyze your learning in the following four areas:
- Transferring What You Know
Guiding Prompts: You do not need to answer all of the following questions, select those you find useful.
-(Week 1, Self-Assessment) Can you describe the central strategies you use when writing and when arguing in writing? How did you learn them? How have they changed over time? How have your experiences in your writing classes at UCI influenced your personal history as a writer in academic contexts? Please explain and use examples.
-(Week 1, Self-Assessment) Have you already applied what you learned in the WR 39 series to writing assignments in other classes? Explain using specific examples, if possible.
-(Week 1, Self-Assessment) Are you using a variety of strategies to approach your writing assignments in all of your classes? If so, please explain them. Has the WR39 series of courses influenced your ability to make effective choices about how to approach other writing assignments such as lab reports, memos, blue book exams, short response papers, and any other examples of writing you have been assigned in here at UCI? Has the WR39 series of courses influenced the ways in which you communicate when you write or communicate outside of school, perhaps in your communities or in your extra-curricular activities? Are you using the same strategies in different contexts as you consider the demands of different situations, both in school and out? If so, please explain why, and give examples.
-Over the course of this quarter, while you were in WR39C, did you bring any of the strategies you were learning in 39C into the other classes you were taking this quarter to help you with writing assignments in these other classes? Please explain, and use examples.
-Did you bring strategies you learned in your other classes this quarter into 39C? Please explain, and use examples.
-Now that you have completed the sequence of courses that fulfills the Lower Division Writing Requirement, look back to where you were at the beginning of the quarter, or even at the beginning of your college-writing experience, and analyze how your practices and habits of researching, writing, and organizing have changed and evolved.
-Use specific examples from your portfolio.
- Your Composing Process
Guiding Prompts: You do not need to answer all of the following questions, select those you find useful.
-Have you experienced moments when the light bulb suddenly illuminated? Can you explain why and how this happened?
-Explain what you have learned about the process of generating a research-based composition.
-What have you learned about arranging the elements of your compositions? Have you become more skillful and able to control your presentation of evidence and integrate various pieces of evidence into a coherent and meaningful argument?
-How did conducting research all throughout the drafting process help you to make decisions about the organizational logic of your compositions? In what ways, specifically, did you formulate and reformulate research strategies, framing questions, and guiding claims/arguments by using research?
-Did you carefully select multimodal pieces of evidence? Why did you choose such examples? Did making your argument visible by using multimodality help you to clarify your thesis?
-Explain how your process of writing drafts, source evaluations, and annotations evolved over the course of the quarter. Did you become more effective at pre-writing tasks?
-Use specific examples from your portfolio.
- Rhetoric, Argumentation, & Multi-modal Communication
Guiding Prompts: You do not need to answer all of the following questions, select those you find useful.
-What have you learned about argumentation and persuasion through the process of generating two multi- modal compositions?
-Explain how creating a multi-modal composition helped you to articulate your arguments and understand your ethos as the author.
-How did conducting research all throughout the drafting process help you to make decisions about the organizational logic of your compositions? In what ways, specifically, did you formulate and reformulate research strategies, framing questions, and guiding claims/arguments by using research?
-Did you carefully select multimodal pieces of evidence? Why did you choose such examples? Did making your argument visible by using multimodality help you to clarify your thesis?
-Can you explain how you arrived at the solutions you chose to analyze in your advocacy composition?
-Was there a specific moment when your thesis became clear to you, and can you explain what you did to arrive at such a moment of clear insight?
-Did using multimodal elements help you figure out how to arrange your evidence and deliver your argument in a well-put together narrative?
-Explain and demonstrate why and how you used various arguments and counter-arguments and numerous and different sources to strengthen your claims.
-Use specific examples from your portfolio.
- Revision
Guiding Prompts: You do not need to answer all of the following questions, select those you find useful.
-Explain your process of revision. How big of a role does revision play in the process of generating and discovering arguments?
-Explain how you benefitted from feedback from your teacher and from your peers both in workshops and in office hours. How do you respond to criticism? What sort of critic are you becoming? Use examples of feedback you received on your work-in-progress, your final versions, and in workshops, as well as advice you gave to your peers to address these questions.
-Analyze how you benefit from writing multiple drafts in terms of argumentative presentation, evidentiary support, and narrative development.
-Explain and analyze the types of revisions that benefit you. Do you make broad, conceptual revisions? Do you make structural revisions and reorganize paragraphs? Do you rewrite sentences? Do you make fine word choices? Do you alter your body of evidence through research or omission?
-Use specific examples from your portfolio.
Central Michigan Brief Integrative TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward Case 1.2 Law Assignment Help
Police received a tip that a man has been selling drugs out of his house and that there are several teenagers who work for him as peddlers. Two officers stopped him outside his house and asked if he would accompany them to the station to answer some questions. He agreed to come along.
On the way to the station, the officers pointed to children walking around and mentioned that penalty is heavy for those who sell drugs to children, or involve them in selling drugs. The suspect said, “Hey, I may have dealt some drugs, but I have never sold to kids or dealt with kids.“
When they arrived at the station, the officers arrested him and read him his rights, based on the tip they had received initially, and his admission to selling drugs. Then he was taken to a room and confronted with being the center of a drug ring that uses teenagers to distribute drugs. He asked, “Maybe I should call my lawyer?“ The officers replied, “Telling us the truth will do much more for you than seeing a lawyer.“ The man admitted to his involvement and called his lawyer afterward.
Based on the case study for this week, submit a 6- to 8-page case analysis using Microsoft Word that answers the following questions:
- Assume that you are the judge on this case. What motions to dismiss would you expect to hear from the defense in the case? How would the prosecution counter these motions?
- What are the key issues arising from the defendant’s admission made while in the police car? Is the case within the ambit of Miranda, or outside it? Why do you think so?
- Should the defendant’s admission in the police car be admissible? Why or why not? Discuss with reference to United States v. Patane (2004).
- What are the key issues surrounding the defendant’s admission while at the police station? Explain in detail with reference to the Miranda warnings and the fact that during interrogation the defendant had mentioned, not demanded, a lawyer.
- Should the admission made at the station be admissible? Why or why not?
- What would have been the effect on this case if the suspect had not asked for his lawyer? Discuss with reference to Escobedo v. Illinois.
- What evidence could be added to the scenario to strengthen a defense attorney’s motion to dismiss the evidence? What evidence could be added to weaken it?
NVCC Justification of Private Property by John Locke Discussion Writing Assignment Help
we consider John Locke’s justification of a free-market capitalist economic system. Locke offers a justification for private property rights, which can be used to argue that a free-market capitalist system is the morally justified form of economic system, because it is based on and respects private property rights. Furthermore, we can see that Locke essentially offers a Kantian/Deontological moral justification for a free-market capitalist economy system. This is because Locke appeals to rights. Recall Kant’s “Formula of Universal Law,” which states that we should act only on principles that we can will to be a universal law. Rights can be understood as one type of universal law, because they are principles that we can will everyone to follow (or respect) at all times.
Please consider and respond to the following issues:
1) Locke offers a very influential theory of how an individual can come to own private property. Do you find this justification convincing? In the lecture, I mention a potential problem with this justification. Does Locke have a way of responding to or overcoming that problem?
2) In the textbook and lecture notes, there is a general objection raised against the claim that private property rights will justify a free-market capitalist system. The objection is based on the following idea: Whatever justification is offered for property rights themselves, that justification will also constrain (or limit) the ways in which the property right can be appropriately exercised. It is then argued that the three most significant ways of justifying property rights require more limits on the exercise of property rights than a free-market capitalist system demands. Therefore, property rights do not justify a free-market capitalist economic system, and instead a more regulated economic system is morally required. Are you convinced by this objection? Why or why not?
3) Last week and this week we examined attempts to justify a free-market capitalist system from the perspectives of the two dominant ethical theories: Utilitarianism and Kantianism/Deontology. It has been argued that both approaches fail to morally justify a free-market capitalist system. This suggest that ethics or morality requires a more regulated form of economic system. Are you convinced that this is true? Why or why not? (Recall the definition of a free-market capitalist system provided in the textbook and PowerPoint notes. Do not assume an incorrect, or popular notion, of what this term means.)
HIS105 Strayer University Domestic Matters in US History Paper Writing Assignment Help
please read entire thing!!— I will send examples of what paper should look like as well…. but you must use the sources provided- no outside sources are allowed… and lots of examples.
BACKGROUND FOR THE PAPER: This is a 5-paragraph paper based on research in designated sources. It is a position paper in which you support a thesis statement by reason and historical examples. By the mid-20th century, the United States had become the dominant force in international relations. Some have argued that the United States’ military functions as the world’s “police.” This assignment covers the manner in which this shift occurred and the consequences the United States faces as a result of its status as “policeman of the world.” One can identify early steps this direction well before World War II, but in this paper focus on the period from 1950 to the present. The American international “policing” role developed because of the Cold War, but now terrorists or any power having or trying to get weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are the potential targets of such a role. Your paper will use specific examples—two from the Cold War years (roughly 1950-1990) and two from the past three decades (1991-2019). Examine the two statements below and drawing from provided sources and the university’s online library, present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position. [Don’t use this background paragraph in your paper.]
NOTE: The word “policing” here has nothing to do with traditional law enforcement agencies. It is more about trying to manage parts of the globe—usually by use of military force or the threat of it. The aim of this management may be to maintain stability, remove threats of “rogue” forces or terrorists or weapons, prevent the expansion of autocratic rule, protect a fledgling democracy, etc.
Choose one of these thesis statements as your position (make it the last sentence of your introductory paragraph):
THESIS STATEMENT 1: By examples from different decades since 1950, it is clear that the international policing role and strategy of the United States was once essential, but should now be discarded as ineffective and counterproductive.
THESIS STATEMENT 2: By examples from different decades since 1950, it is clear that the international policing role and strategy of the United States during the Cold War has become even more necessary in this period of terrorism and instability.
- Whichever thesis statement you choose, plan to make that thesis statement the last sentence in your introductory paragraph. The general subject is America’s international “policing” role as a superpower for the last 70-plus years. You may modify the wording slightly to fit more precisely the position you wish to take. This is NOT a simple statement of a topic; it is a statement of a position you are taking about that topic. p.s.—Valid arguments and “A” papers can be made with either thesis. So, you choose the one you think is the stronger position.
In your paper, use specific examples—two from the Cold War years (roughly 1950-1990) and two from post Cold War years (the past three decades, roughly 1991-2019). After giving general consideration to your readings and your research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.) Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues with this FOUR-PART organization (see Template also):
- Part One—one paragraph. INTRODUCTION AND THESIS STATEMENT. The position you choose will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph; make it the last sentence of the paragraph.
- Part Two—two paragraphs normally. FOUR EXAMPLES. To support your thesis, use four specific examples, two from the Cold War years (1950-1990) and two from the post-Cold War period (1991-2019). The examples should be specific and clearly support your thesis. In these paragraphs one generally must have in-text citations to support your specific examples and to show where the information was found. Make the examples SPECIFIC. The FORMAT SAMPLE paper can also help on this part.
- Part Three—one paragraph normally. DEALING WITH THE OPPOSING VIEW. The opposing view is the thesis statement you did NOT choose. Identify that opposing view and explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours. No new research needed; just one paragraph of critical thinking suggesting why your thesis/position is stronger than a different view. Approach it this way: You adopted a thesis statement. The opposing view is the thesis statement you did NOT adopt. You might start this paragraph by saying “Some may disagree with my thesis and argue that ——- .” THEN—you spend 3 to 5 sentences giving a reasoned argument why your thesis is stronger than the opposing view.
- Part Four—one paragraph: LEGACY TODAY AND CONCLUSION: Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession? This might be unclear at first since it is foreign policy. (But, super-power status does inevitably provide advantages in a global economy.) This might be easy if you work in cyber security, criminal justice, IT, etc. You can consider the legal impact of terrorism on the justice system, privacy issues, etc. Even a business must now plan accordingly. Every profession now must have security safeguards, have emergency incident preparations, plan what to do with data, etc. A few comments on these things for your profession—and some comments on how this impacts our lives in general. The FORMAT SAMPLE PAPER also has good suggestions for this part.
After the fourth part concluding the paper, be sure you have the numbered list of sources at the end. And be sure each source listed is also used and cited clearly in the body of the paper. The FORMAT SAMPLE paper illustrates this.
Length: The paper should be 500-to-750 words in length. 500 is a minimum. 750 is a guideline as a maximum. This word-count does not include any title page or sources list.
Research and References: You must use a MINIMUM of four quality academic sources; the Schultz textbook must be one of them. The other three may be from the list below or from other quality sources you find in the university’s online library. (Sticking with the list is a safe strategy; using other quality sources from the university’s online library is permitted.) This is guided research, not Googling.
Source list for Assignment 3: Some sources are “primary” sources from the time period being studied. Some sources below can be accessed via direct link. For others, they are accessible through the permalink to the source in our online library: Sources below having libdatab.strayer.edu as part of the URL have a permalink to that source in our university’s online library. (The link takes you to the library log-in; you then log in, and then the source appears for you right away). Each source below is shown in SWS form, so if you use it, you may easily copy the entire entry onto your paper’s sources list. (On a paper, never list an item as URL only.)
SWS Form for the textbook:
Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.
Choose sources relevant to the topic and position you are taking:
G. H. W. Bush. March 6, 1991. Address before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Cessation of the Persian Gulf Conflict. http://college.cengage.com/history/wadsworth_9781133309888/unprotected/ps/bushnwo.html
S. Chace. Summer, 2015. The Cuban Missile Crisis: Leadership as Disturbance, Informed by History. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=110092272&site=eds-live&scope=site
J. F. Dulles. Jan. 2, 1954. Secretary Dulles’ Strategy of Massive Retaliation. http://college.cengage.com/history/wadsworth_9781133309888/unprotected/ps/dulles.html
M. Klare. July 15, 2002. Endless Military Superiority. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=6926412&site=eds-live&scope=site
T. McCrisken. April/May, 2013. Obama’s Drone War. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=86689166&site=eds-live&scope=site
C. Paul. 2008. Marines on the Beach: The Politics of U.S. Military Intervention Decision Making. eBook. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=275009&site=eds-live&scope=site
C. Powell. Feb. 6, 2003. Transcript of Powell’s UN Presentation. http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/02/05/sprj.irq.powell.transcript/
R. Reagan. March, 1983. Remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals. http://college.cengage.com/history/wadsworth_9781133309888/unprotected/ps/evilemp.html
Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.
S. M. Tarzi. Sept. 2014. The Folly of a Grand Strategy of Coercive Global Primacy: A Fresh Perspective on the Post-9/11 Bush Doctrine. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=98323177&site=eds-live&scope=site
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements below:
- This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
- If you use ECREE as a rough draft tool, the document of the rough draft that you download will be single-spaced. Once you download and save that, use your Word or other program to double space between lines and to make other edits and additions as necessary.
- Your final Assignment 3 paper must be typed, double spaced between lines, and use one of these font styles: Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, or Calibri. Font size must be between 10 and 12. Try to use one-inch margins on all sides, but don’t justify the right margin. In-text citations (in the body of the paper) and a numbered Sources list at the end are required, and they should follow SWS format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a title page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date you completed the paper. (Please—on the title page—keep it fairly plain, no fancy colors, boxes, etc.)
- The title page and the Sources list are not included in the required assignment length.
Miami Dade College Moral Issues Personal Paper Writing Assignment Help
Why do you think people are tempted to use the straw man fallacy in disagreements on moral issues? How do you feel when someone uses this fallacy against you? To demonstrate your understanding and to teach the idea to the rest of the class, provide a relevant real-life example of the logical mistake. (You MAY use an outside source to help you present your example; be sure to summarize or paraphrase, cite, and use announcing verbs.) Choose carefully—consider whether your example does a good job of illustrating a Straw Man. Compare it to similar fallacies, and show why your example is a Straw Man rather than another fallacy like an Appeal to the Person. The discussion of your example should be detailed so that readers can evaluate the fallacy. Argue the case for why your example is an example of Straw Man.
You are discouraged from using additional sources. If you do choose to use an outside source, be sure to cite your source, just as you do when you use the course texts. If you use a quotation or an example from a website, cite the website’s URL and the date accessed. 350-500 words
Miami Dade College Moral Issues Personal Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Iglobal University E Marketing Database Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
1- Why is it important to learn SQL? In which jobs you need to know SQL?
2- What is the definition of DML and DDL? Give examples in each case.
In chapter 10 of your text book, you will read that mined data can be divided into three sources.
List these three sources and in your own words describe them.
B. You are part of the data analytics team in your company. Your company is toying with the idea of developing a new product for a niche market. You have been tasked with conducting market research to determine if this new product idea is a “go” or a “no-go” idea.
Discuss which data source(s) you will utilize and why.
C. Identify your new product. Which data elements (discuss at least 5 of them) will be of interest to you? Why? Keep in mind that this is a niche market.
1. Explain the purpose and functioning of a computer’s operating system.
2. Describe the command line in in a Windows operating system. Give examples of two commands and explain what they do. in APA style.
Cleopatra a Strong Leader Making Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Research Paper Description: You must use at least three sources for your project. Each should be of article length (10-
30 roughly). You can use articles from journals or chapters of books, but please don’t use
three chapters of the same book. You cannot count your textbook as one of the required
sources. You ARE NOT ALLOWED to use internet websites as sources. To find sources
you should go to the Diotima website (listed in your syllabus), which under
BIBLIOGRAPHY, has lists of articles and books. You then will have to find those
sources either in a library or through the MSU library website. The length of your paper
should be no more than 4 pages double spaced. I will stop reading after page #4.
FIN655 Grand Canyon PizzaPalace Financial Management Mini Case 6 Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to explain core concepts related to business risk and recommend sound financial decisions based on analysis of a firm’s capital structure and capital budgeting techniques.
Read the Chapter 15 Mini Case on page 651-652 in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Using complete sentences and academic vocabulary, please answer questions .
Using the mini case information, write a 250-500 word recommendation of the financial decisions you propose for this company based on an analysis of its capital structure and capital budgeting techniques. Explain why you chose this recommendation.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Troy University Issue of Ethics in Research Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
- Chapter 3B discusses the issue of ethics in research. This is an extremely important issue when designing a research study, and poor ethical decisions in the past have heavily shaped research techniques today, including the institution of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at colleges and universities across the country. Read the two linked articles below concerning research studies and ethics.
Stanley Milgrim – Obedience to Authority (Links to an external site.) (right click and choose “open link in new tab”)
Food Poisoning? (Links to an external site.)
The Milgirm experiment was quite famous; I remember discussing it when I took a class in college regarding the Holocaust. There was a lot of reform afterward, but it nevertheless did add quite a lot to the Psychology literature.
1.) What are your thoughts on these two experiments?
2.) Why is discussing ethics important when planning research?
3.) How can the unintended consequences of a research study affect people in real life?**This one is just funny: Stanford Marshmallow Experiment (Links to an external site.).
- Chapter 4 discusses sampling and generalizability.
- How is generalizability affected by the sampling procedure used in a study? In other words, how do probability and nonprobability sampling techniques impact generalizability?
- Why would a researcher want to increase sample size when sending out a survey instrument as a part of a study?
- How is generalizability affected by the sampling procedure used in a study? In other words, how do probability and nonprobability sampling techniques impact generalizability?
- Why would a researcher want to increase sample size when sending out a survey instrument as a part of a study?