Rasmussen College Module 1 Capstone for Finance Splunk Technology Calculations Economics Assignment Help. Rasmussen College Module 1 Capstone for Finance Splunk Technology Calculations Economics Assignment Help.
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An organization cannot effectively design or implement strategic initiatives without an excellent understanding of their financial health. This understanding can only be determined by properly analyzing financial statements. In this assignment, you will evaluate the financial health of three organizations by examining the organizations’ financial statements which document their assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, and expenses.
A company’s financial performance is broken down into four main performance categories: profitability, liquidity, asset utilization, and debt/leverage. The most effective way to analyze financial statements and measure performance in these critical areas is to compute and interpret financial ratios.
You are a senior financial analyst for Capital Financial, a fictitious investment firm based in Dallas, TX. Capital Financial would like to allocate at least $500,000 of their capital to purchase shares in a firm in the software section within the technology sector. As the analyst, you must make an informed recommendation to the senior leadership team in a report that addresses the following:
- Identify three similarly sized firms (small to mid-cap) in the software section of the technology sector.
- For each of the three firms, calculate three ratios from each of the four performance categories (12 ratios for each company) and incorporate them into the body of your report.
- Select the ratio from each performance category that you feel is essential to use when comparing the firms. Use the ratio selected from each category to create a bar chart that illustrates the firms’ performance relative to one another. Click here to see an example chart.
- Explain why the ratios you selected are the best for determining the strength of the three firms.
- Use your ratio computations to describe each firm’s level of strength in each performance category.
- Provide a final recommendation indicating which of the three firms Capital Financial should purchase shares in.
Rasmussen College Module 1 Capstone for Finance Splunk Technology Calculations Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BUS 519 Strayer Univeristy Risk Workshop and Risk Register Päper Business Finance Assignment Help
Risk Workshop and Risk Register
Write an 8–10 page paper in which you:
- Identify the required pre-workshop activities.
- Prepare a risk workshop agenda based on the Sample Agenda for a First Risk Assessment/Two-Day Risk Workshop (Figure B-8 in Practical Project Risk Management). Include suggested time intervals for each activity and justify why each agenda item is relevant for this case.
- Determine the top five threats in a risk register following the Sample Simplified Risk Register Format (Figure B-11 in Practical Project Risk Management). Include information from the case for each threat.
- Justify the assignment of probability and impacts for each threat identified.
- Document the top three opportunities in a risk register following the Sample Simplified Risk Register Format (Figure B-11 in Practical Project Risk Management). Include information from the case for each opportunity.
- Justify the assignment of probability and impacts for each opportunity identified.
- Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For
assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing
Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create a risk register that assesses the probability of
impacts for threats and opportunities and is informed by a risk
Wayne State University Managerial Economics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Write a two page paper regarding attached chapters and what was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
- Describe a decision that you or your company made that involved opportunity costs that should have been considered. Why did your company make the decision? What should it have done? Compute the profit consequences of the change.
Strict APA Format with in text citation and 2 references. No plagiarism
Also, need to reply for 2 other discussions with minimum of 100 words. (I will post the discussions of other students once I get it.)
Please refer to the below attachment to complete the assignment
COM 475 GCU Running for Republican Governor of Illinois Paper Writing Assignment Help
Public address (giving speeches) is a major part of communication campaigns. Pretend you have just been hired by a local politician who is running for governor of your state and plans to speak at multiple college campuses across the state. She wants you to write a speech that will help gain attention from young voters.
- Write a speech that when delivered is between 3-5 minutes (400-600 words). The speech should be designed to help the candidate launch a new direction for her/his campaign. Choose TWO platforms to run on (education, economy, environment, public safety, immigration, etc.).
- Along with the speech, in 250-300 words identify two additional methods (television, radio, newspaper, magazine, billboards, social media, podcast, Jumbotron in a sports stadium, campus website, etc.) for distributing the speech to campuses, not on the campaign trail.
- Use a minimum of three sources (academic in nature) to support your decision. APA format utlizing in text citations.
I have included a sample speech construction. This will be submitted to LopesWrite.
GB 591 Purdue University Global Time Value of Money as ROI Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
As a newly hired Project Manager, you have been assigned to prepare a bid proposal for a project
that your organization is interested in bidding on to possibly obtain a new contract. The assigned
project is estimated to cost on the magnitude of $20 million over the course of 5-years. Your
organization intends to borrow the entire amount upfront to meet customer requirements and pay the
debt off over the 5-year life of the project at an interest rate of 10% compounded annually. Including
the principal and interest, what is the total cost of your project at the end of the 5-year life cycle? How
much do you need to bid or earn from the work in terms of dollars to pay back the loan and still make
some profit and cover operating expenses? Show all work and calculations to include selected
formulae. Based on your calculations, what is the minimum estimate your organization should bid on
your proposal, and why this is the case?
The Assignment should include a written narrative to explain your calculation and what it means,
including commentary and analysis on how the organization should plan their activities and discuss
covering costs and profit margins (use your project management skills and think like a Project
Manager). As the project manager, you must be able to calculate the minimum estimate your
organization should bid on the proposal. Of course, it’s imperative that the customer’s requirements
are met. Your explanation should demonstrate sound analysis and critical thinking.
In completing this Assignment, please recall that you should calculate the future value. Please make
sure to calculate future value for the initial $20M investment for each year up to 5 years. As a
reminder, the future value calculation is as follows: FV=PV(1+i)5
To simplify this Assignment, think of making annual payments on the 5-year loan. Keep it simple and
clear. You must earn enough to repay the loan, cover operating costs, and make a profit.
The Assignment (should be similar in format as all of your GM591 assignments week 1–6) must be
submitted as an MS Word document. You are free to use an MS Excel spreadsheet for your personal
calculations, but you must transfer the calculation detail to the paper (as an annex after your
conclusion) and you must discuss all the components of the Assignment in the document. Please do
not submit your spreadsheet, only the MS Word document.
Criteria for the Assignment
● How much do you need to bid or earn from the project in terms of dollars to pay back the loan
(principal and interest)?
● How much do you need to add to the bid for profit and to cover operating expenses? Make
sure you analyze the ROI and other relevant factors.
● You should conclude your discussion with the final recommended bid amount and why you
arrived at your conclusion.
● Include references to validate key points, factual claims and counter arguments.
● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to project management strategy.
Unit 5 [GM591]
V2.1801D Page 2 of 3
● Title page formatted in APA 6
th edition style with the following information: Title of the paper,
your name, course number and section number, and date.
Include a table of contents using the following headers: Executive Summary, Introduction (3–5
sentences including thesis statement), Project Overview, Analysis of Project (Assess the core
project concept. Determine the costs and benefits of the project. Assess if the project scope,
risk, and strategy was defined clearly.), Recommendation and Course of Action, Conclusion
(4–8 sentences stating your recommended solutions in terms of project management
techniques and tools), and References.
● A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited
according to APA 6
th edition formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations.
● The paper should be focused and to the point, containing between 600–800 words from the
Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion.
Reciprocity and Capitalism William Robinson Essay Economics Assignment Help
Write a 6 page double spaced paper on the following topic.
We have discussed varying models of human nature and have reflected on basic concepts like reciprocity, exchange and redistribution. We have also provided some alternatives to capitalism as it is practiced in the US currently. For this essay, please address how global capitalism is at odds with or in-line with particular elements of human nature, which we have discussed. For example, how does reciprocity between humans (in our personal lives) and reciprocity as it functions under capitalism differ? How can this help us understand the impact of capitalism on human beings?
Please use in text citations when paraphrasing or using a direct quote, which include the name of the author and the page number (Wilk and Cliggett, 155). You are welcome to use some other readings in your paper, but be sure to include them in a bibliography, as well as in-text citations.
use the attached reading.
Reciprocity and Capitalism William Robinson Essay Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Boston University Felipe Communication Coaching Case Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Felipe is concerned about the factory conditions in China and
would like changes to be made. He knows that to do this he needs to gain
support from his company’s management in Spain.
A few days after his last conversation with Felipe, Felipe’s
manager emails him. He tells him that he has arranged for Felipe to attend a
company management meeting scheduled for next week. All the top managers in the
company will be present. Felipe will be allowed 15 minutes to speak at this
You are Felipe’s communication coach. Help him prepare for the
1. What are three possible reasons or rationalizations against
making changes that his top managers are likely to have?
2. What would be Felipe’s most persuasive response to each of
the three?
3. What do you think Felipe’s communication goal for the meeting
should be? In other words, what should he hope to accomplish at the end of his
15 minutes?
4. What can Felipe do to present his message most effectively?
Week 2 Philosophy Technique of Investigation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1. I need two responses to two of my classmate. Each responses need 200-250 words.
Discussion Responses Instruction: In your response to other people, if you agree with that they said, try to strengthen their argument. Do this, for instance, by thinking of potential counterarguments to what they said, and rebutting them. If you disagree with their argument, provide a counterargument. It is okay to disagree with someone in a firm (but friendly!) manner.
Classmate A post: Conceptual Analysis is a method, at its core, of analysis, predicated (see what I did there?) on the disassembly of a concept into its constituent parts. In our notes, such an example is Vixen, conceptually composed of the separate concepts of “Female” and “Fox.” Perhaps controversially for this course, I dislike this method of philosophizing in general. Taking this example, consider an example in which Conceptual Analysis fails. What is a Vixen? A Female Fox? Yes. It is also an informal word for a woman, generally with a sexual and seductive connotation. Conceptual Analysis would not have a yield that definition of that word. Unless , that is, I had broken Vixen down as “Female (human) and Sexual” but even then, this fails to capture much of the meaning of the word. Saying that it did though, could I not have instead meant a Fox and, again, the conceptual analysis failed to determine my meaning? In short, Conceptual Analysis is unable to account for the incredibly varied usage and meanings of language. I find it to be a cumbersome method of philosophizing, overly rigid and weak in its very purpose, analysis.
Classmate B post: Conceptual analysis is a method to analyze a concept by breaking it down into separate pieces to reveal its parts that differentiate what it is from what it is not. I feel that conceptual analysis is a fruitful way of making sense of the world because by breaking down a concept (analyzing it) one is able to recognize and differentiate the concept and reveal one’s conceptual framework of the world. For example, a car is a vehicle for transportation. In that context, the use of analysis helps clarify what a car is and what its purpose is in the world. In comparison, the statement A car is a car. is a factual statement because it is what it is but there isn’t information that helps clarify what a car is. One would just know that a car is a car.
2. I need one short paragraph and all instructions are below:
-In a concise—1-page—yet nevertheless coherent and well-structured essay, respond to the following prompt: Present and briefly discuss the (first) paradox of analysis.
-You will be asked to write a concise (i.e., 1-page) essay based on some issue from the readings and lectures notes
-The essays should be presented in a page, that is, in about 350-400 words.
-Please read through all articles and notes that I have uploaded and try your best to work on this assignment.
Future University in Egypt American Government Essay Humanities Assignment Help
- the five (5) principles of the Declaration of Independence;
- examples of how the Articles of Confederation, the first national government of the United States, established a weak and ineffective national government and examples of how the Constitution , which eventually replaced the Articles of Confederation, set up a stronger and more effective national government;
- the Great Compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention;
- the debate between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists over the ratification of the Constitution and why the Bill of Rights were added to the Constitution;
- what the authors of our textbook mean by “conservative revolution” and the conservative revolutions of presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt; and
- the meaning of federalism as a principle of government in the United States and examples of how the power of the federal (or national) government has grown relative to the power of state governments.
Juan Seguin High School Personal Experience Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Introduction: Create a hook that grabs the reader’s attention. Describe the setting. Write a thesis that tells your reader the experience/event and what you learned from it.
How it began: Use your plan to write about the beginning context, key details, and how the detail(s) connect to the purpose and/or relate to the audience.
What happened: Use your plan to write about the middle context, key details, and how the detail(s) connect to the purpose and/or relate to the audience.
How it ended: Use your plan to write about the ending context, key details, and how the detail(s) connect to the purpose and/or relate to the audience.
Conclusion: Reflection on the event’s significance by describing what you learned from your experience/event and how that connects to your purpose and audience.
( please use the plan I am providing and please make sure to provide how I interacted with others during the event, like I met new people and made new friends that helped me get through difficulties.)