Rasmussen College Predicting Success of Proposed Innovations Scenario Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. Rasmussen College Predicting Success of Proposed Innovations Scenario Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Grading Rubric Mastery=4=A
- Clearly stated, a detailed prediction which innovation will be successful including prediction supported with at least two reasons based on needs identified within local healthcare organization and community; two intrinsic and two extrinsic factors that impact successful innovation.
- Clearly stated, a detailed description of the projected sustainability of the innovation predicted to be most successful.
- Formal style reflected throughout the document, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present.
Determine traits of successful innovators.
You are considering returning to school to complete your MSN or DNP but are concerned about the amount of work. In your 1:1 meeting with your Manager you mention the desire to return to school for an advanced nursing degree and learn your Manager is currently working on completing a DNP in the Executive Leadership track. Currently, the Nurse Manager has enjoyed the courses completed but finds the current course a favorite, “Emerging Healthcare Innovations.” She suggests meeting for coffee and reviewing the most recent assignment to get an idea of the quality and quantity of work required to complete DNP coursework successfully. She supplies the guidelines for the current assignment and tells you to attempt the Assignment to get a feel for the workload involved in DNP level course work in three days.
The Assignment contains descriptions for four innovations in healthcare accessed via these websites.
Based on your research regarding the innovators and proposed innovations, answer these questions in a Word document:
- Predict which innovation will be successful in your local healthcare setting.
- Support the prediction with at least two reasons based on needs identified within your local healthcare organization and community.
- Support the prediction based on at least two intrinsic and two extrinsic factors that impact successful innovation.
- Describe the projected sustainability of the innovation you selected.
Rasmussen College Predicting Success of Proposed Innovations Scenario Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Morton College Facility for the Aging Community Service Project Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Students will complete a community service project that involves researching public resources for the aging. The content of this paper must include:
- Description of the facility/ center/resources that exist within your town, township, and county. In your research identify and include the resources mission and the target population.
- Description of the functioning of these resources including the physical layout and available activities. Identify the purpose behind these activities.
- Description of the staff roles that exist in support of the elderly. Identify the purpose of these roles. Include a minimum of three duties of 3 or more specific types of staff at these resources.
- A personal evaluation of the resources including positive and negatives of the resources, programs, staff, using the criteria developed in class discussions, readings, etc.
- A summary of your personal reaction to what you observed and learned about the resources available for the elderly.
APA format
Include citations and references. Incorporate support through journals. Minimum of five citations and sources.
Leadership Traits Research in the Public Sector Case Questions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Total words 550.
First, answer the following questions for a total of 300 words:
1. What methods have researchers used to investigate leadership traits?
2. Which traits are cited most often in research results?
3. What does the trait approach suggest about effective organizational leadership?
4. How might the trait approach be used for personal awareness and development?
Then, read the case in the attached document and respond to the following question in 250-words:
Based on the Mumford Skills Model, how would you assess Lt. Col. John Adams’s ability to meet the challenges of the base administration position?
Rasmussen College Design an Innovative Healthcare Proposal Health Medical Assignment Help
Grading Rubric Mastery=4=A
- A clearly written, detailed strategy for application and implementation of the proposed innovation was included.
- A clearly written, detailed description of at least two risks arising from the implementation of the innovative idea was included.
- A clearly written, detailed description of at least two benefits arising from the implementation of the innovative idea was included.
- A clearly written, detailed description of two facilitators for implementation of the innovative idea was included.
- A clearly written, detailed description of two barriers to implementation of the innovative idea was included.
- Formal style reflected throughout the document, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present.
Design an innovative proposal for healthcare that includes strategies for implementation.
After completing the first six months in your role as a BSN prepared registered nurse, you are meeting with your Preceptor to discuss your progress. During the conversation, the preceptor asked if you have any suggestions to improve current nursing practice in the facility. Once you describe your idea, the preceptor states, “That idea is very innovative. You should consider presenting at a conference.” You identify a professional nursing conference that is currently seeking submissions related to innovative proposals in healthcare.
Design the innovative healthcare idea and complete an executive summary for the conference including:
- A detailed description of innovative healthcare idea including strategies for implementation
- Strategies are realistic, time-oriented, and relevant to practice.
- Describe risks arising from the implementation of the innovative idea
- Describe benefits arising from the implementation of the innovative idea
- Describe facilitators for implementation of the innovative idea
- Describe barriers to implementation of the innovative idea
Los Angeles Pierce College Goblin Market Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help
Before you turn in your critical essay, you will need to turn in an annotated bibliography with at least five sources.This is a list of the sources you have been using as you research your topic.Use the library’s databases to find your sources. Websites are discouraged, but if you find a scholarly, reliable website, you may include it. You are limited to one website, however. The articles in the databases are not websites; they are digital versions of printed sources, so you can use as many of those as you like. The bibliography does not need to include all the sources you will use in your final paper, nor do you need to use every work you list in the bibliography in your paper.It is just a list of some of the works you have consulted up to this point.After each entry, you must include four to six sentences describing the source.These sentences may be a summary of the article, a critique of the article, a discussion of how the work might be useful for your topic, or all of the above.Below is a sample taken from a paper on the American writer Henry Miller.Be sure to use your MLA handbook to get the format correct (double-spaced, 12pt. font, one-inch margin, etc.).
Nurse Practitioners Professional Activities Personal Career Plan Reflection Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
The purpose of this paper is for students to research, learn and write about specific elements of a health care worker’s career. Students are recommended to choose the health care worker in the field they are planning to enter. Examples of paper topics include: Registered Nurse; Diagnostic Medical Sonographer; Physician Assistant; Pharmacy Technician; Massage Therapist or Radiographic Technologist. The Miami Dade College Campus’s (Medical Campus) Library has resources dedicated to these careers. Do not choose physicians or dentists as a topic as this paper is not designed for those careers.
- Describe the care/service provided by the healthcare professional, (used correct APA ciations)
- Describe the limits of authority and responsibility – legislated “scope of practice” for this health care career. (used correct APA citations)
- Describe the “Code of Ethics” for this health care occupation (used correct APA citations)
- Describe the educational requirements for the profession/occupation (using correct APA citations)
- Identify at least two different types of educational institutions/schools offering the program. (using correct APA citations)
- State how much time it takes to complete the program (using correct APA citations)
- Describe the approximate cost for each of the educational institutions required usingcorrect APA citations) (using correct APA citations)
- What degree or certification that can be earned for this health care career (usingcorrect APA citations)
- Identify the professional certification or registration required (using correct APA
- citations)
- What is the job availability for this profession? (using correct APA citations)
- Growth trends in the field (using correct APA citations)
- Number of jobs advertised locally for example in the Sunday Herald or otherpublication (using correct APA citations)
- Is experience required? How much? Explain. (using correct APA citations)
- Salaries – Entry level and with experience (using correct APA citations)
- Advancement Opportunities, with or without additional education (using correct APAcitations)
- Local, State or National Professional Organization and cost to join as a student. (using correct APA citations)
- Professional journal with publication address and cost. (using correct APA citations)
- Are Continuing Educational Units (CEUs) required for this profession? If so howmany and how often (using correct APA citations)
- Describe ways (not course subjects) that members of a professional organization can gaincontinuing education requirements and earn CEUs (using correct APA citations)
- Reflect on how you see yourself “fitting” into this profession. What are your attributes, experiences or influences?
- Describe a personal career plan for you to enter this field. Include goals, objectives and strategies.SOURCES,
- At least 6 substantial references are used. They may include: books; professional journal articles; and web sites.
- All references are correctly cited on the Reference page in correct APA 7th ed format.ORGANIZATION, FORMAT,
- Well organized, with each section containing appropriate content
- Double spaced, 12-pt font size, 1” margins.
- Body of paper 3 – 4 pages with separate cover page and reference page.
- Correct spelling and grammar.
*** 7 sources needed
Nurse Practitioners Professional Activities Personal Career Plan Reflection Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ART 101 LAVC Specific Observations Observing the Reindeer or Mammoth Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Observing the Reindeer or Mammoth
4-6 sentences
Time to practice making specific observations of an object! Use the notes you made while reading the last sections.
Because we are just getting used to working together, these instructions are long, but you do need to read them. All of them
I’ve replied to this post several times more, each time with a different photograph of the Swimming Reindeer or the Mammoth. What I want you to do is pick one photograph in which you can clearly see what MacGregor was pointing out about one of the sculptures.
Reply to that posting, quoting MacGregor (or one of his guests), and explain where you see what he’s pointing out.
Imagine that someone said to you, “I don’t get it. Where does he think that is visible?” Explain to that imaginary person just where you see it. You’ll need to be specific. “The way it’s carved” is not specific. “Sharp cuts on the head” is specific.
That’s it! I’m asking for one observation, of one photograph (or, replying to a classmate who has posted in the extra credit section as the very bottom, an observation clarifying what Harris and Zucker were pointing out.)
The challenges are these:
- You have to use your words. Make sure someone reading what you write can tell exactly what you are referring to.
- Don’t repeat what someone else has pointed out. That means you need to read what’s been posted before you. You might be able to add to what another student wrote, but don’t make the same observation.
- Stick to what I’m asking you to do–comparing what MacGregor and his guests say to what you see. I’m not asking for a report on Paleolithic art, or anything else you might find on the web. This comes from you.
Be careful to respond to the appropriate post below–not to this one. This introductory post is just for my instructions.
LINK TO THE PODCAST THAT NEEDS TO BE USED :https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/2FkcCqxz…
replying to the picture uploaded
International Business University Of West London Stategic Of A Consumer Spending Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a Economics case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Using supply and demand analysis, identify the main factors in determining the positive and
negative shifts linked to changes in consumer demand for retail goods and services, and the
response of retail supply on the market. Support your analysis with the use of at least four
supply and demand graphs, supported with factual information from only the approved
sources listed below.
Identify and explain the main UK governmental and economic policies that could be used to
influence consumer retail spending in the United Kingdom, providing factual policy examples
from only the approved data sources listed below.
Grossmont College Mitosis and Development Lab Worksheet Science Assignment Help
NOTE: Please use Basic English language/ Common language just like last time.
NOTE: Try to make your answers short and neat “no long answers because the professor will not approve”
Refer to the laboratory models and charts, your slides, or your textbook’s diagrams of the mitotic phases in plants. In the spaces below, make realistic rough sketches (not cartoons) of each stage of the cell cycle (including interphase) as one onion root tip cell divides into two daughter cells.
Make diagrams here: |
List the main actions that happen during this phase here. Use arrows and words to label important parts: |
Table 1. Number tally of onion root tip cells in different phases of the cell cycle |
Group Tally |
Other Group Counts |
Class Total |
Percent of Time |
Class Avg. |
Interphase |
X |
x |
x |
Prophase |
X |
X |
X |
Metaphase |
x |
x |
X |
Anaphase |
X |
X |
X |
Telophase |
x |
x |
X |
Total Cells |
X |
X |
X |
- Calculate the percent of the cells’ total cycle time spent in each phase using the following formula:
percent of time spent in phase =
- Record the values in Table 1 and in the class data table on the board.
Question 1. Based on your calculations which phase plant cells spend the most time. Be able to explain why.
Question 2. Why is a class average more likely (than your group’s data alone) to reflect the truepercentage of time spent in each phase?
Question 3. Using the class averages for each phase (Table 1, previous page), draw a “pie chart” to graphically demonstrate the relative amount of time an average onion root tip cell spends in each phase of mitosis:
Using the whole “pie” below to represent 100% of the cell cycle time, sketch in “wedges” which reflect the portion of the pie (relative percent of time) spent in the different phases by the cells in your onion root tips.
Figure 3. Pie Chart: Relative Amounts of Time
Spent in the Various Phases of Plant Mitosis
Question 4. Compare your chart with a general pie chart for plant mitosis found in your textbook or some other reference. Describe the similarities and differences.
Question 5. Speculate on why our class’ pie chart percentages may not agree exactly with those seen in your reference.
Question 6. Are the aboral (top side) and oral (under side) surfaces similar? If not, how do they differ?
Question 7. Closely observe the flat oral surface. Locate the main opening in the center, surrounded by the five-pointed star-like structure. The star-like structure is often difficult to see in a sand dollar as it covered by many of the moveable spines. However, this structure is much more easily seen in a relative of the sand dollar, an urchin. View the following video to observe this structure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLg4EbxWqNo (Links to an external site.) What is this structure’s function?
Question 8. Observe the following short video: Video”A Sea Biscuit’s Life) 3:36 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeIvSE5S2yQ (Links to an external site.)
Use the above Video to answer questions 8, 9, 10, and 12.
Above is a Sand Dollar Egg, notice the difference between it and the Sea Biscuit egg (35 seconds into the video). What do you see as the major differences between the two species?
Question 9. Describe the sperm movement (31 to 33 seconds in video). Does it appear to be directed or random?
Question 10. In the spaces below, briefly describe the form (shape) of an egg and a sperm. Then describe the mobility(movement), if any, of the two kinds of cells. Now compare the gametes’ sizes(make sure you are viewing them both at the same magnification).
Sperm |
Egg |
Form |
Mobility |
Size |
Suggest a possible explanation for the observed differences.
Question 11. Surrounding the egg cells, you will notice a protective gelatinous material containing colored granules. This material is outside the cell membrane of the egg. (Label this material in the image labeled Unfertilized Egg in Figure 4.)
- Fertilization
Question 12. It is usually not possible to observe fertilization (nuclear union) but you can tell when it has occurred, for a fertilization membrane (40seconds) will develop around each fertilized egg, inside the egg’s gelatinous cover. (Label this on the image of the Fertilized Egg in Figure 4.) This halo-appearing membrane emerges from the surface of the cell and signals the formation of the zygote. Draw a fertilized egg showing the fertilization membrane. What might be its function?
Question 13. Draw arrows between each of the stages in Figures 4 and 5. Then on the top of the arrow, label what process is happening (formation of fertilization membrane, first cleavage, etc.) based on what is listed in Table 2 below. On the bottom of the arrow, label how long the process takes (e.g. 2-5 minutes, etc.). See the example on Figure 4.
Question 14. On entering the egg, the sperm nucleus carrying the male chromosomes unites with the nucleus of the egg to produce a zygote with the chromosomes of both egg and sperm. What is the relative chromosome number of the zygote compared to the gametes? THINK!
Question 15. Were the photographs of all the stages up to gastrulation pictured in the video of the Sea Biscuit seen earlier taken at the same power magnification?
- Within individual stages in the early cleavage stages, how do the individual cell sizes compare?
- How does the size of the entire cell mass compare at these different stages?
Question 16. Find the mass of cells called a morula (1:22 in the Video) and on figure 5 Draw the morula. Be sure to label it as a solid sphere of cells.
Question 17. Draw a blastula (only seen in Figure 5). Be sure to label it as a hollow, fluid-filled sphere.
Question 18. Compare the size of a blastula to that of an unfertilized egg. Has the embryo actually grown? Estimate the number of cells the blastula contains:
Question 19. Describe how you tell if an embryo is a simple mass of cells (“morula“) or actually a blastula (fluid-filled sphere of cells).
Question 20. Draw a gastrula. Label the ectoderm and endoderm (using arrows to point to parts).
Question 20. A gastrula will develop into free-swimming “pluteus” larvae (1:34 minutes) in a day or two. In contrast a sea star forms a bipinnaria larva. What does gastro- (as in gastrointestinal tract) mean?
Questions 22. At what point in development would you logically expect the larvae to be capable of growth (growing in size)? Explain your answer.
- Review of Sand Dollar Development
Answer the following questions with reference to the letter designations in the chart below.
Processes |
Stages |
a. fertilization |
f. larva |
b. morphogenic migration |
g. gametes |
c. hatching |
h. blastula |
d. cleavage |
i. zygote |
e. metamorphosis |
j. gastrula |
Question 23. Which of the following represents the sequence of occurrence for the developmental processes?
- a, b, c, d, e
- a, d, b, c, e
- b, e, d, c, a
- e, d, b, a, c
- a, d, e, c, b
Question 24 . Which of the following represents the sequence of occurrence for the developmental stages?
- f, g, h, i, j
- j, h, i, f, g
- g, h, i, j, f
- g, i, h, j, f
- i, g, f, j, h
MDC Roe vs Wade and Pregnant Womans Liberty Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a Writing presentation and need support to help me study.
oe vs. Wade was a landmark decision of the US Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the US protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.
Write your argumentative essay on whether or not the Roe vs. Wade decision should be overturned; making abortion illegal and taking away the woman’s right to choose.
The same protocol as the first is required. 4-6 typed pages double-spaced. This essay will be due on Thursday, Nov. 12th. You can upload and submit your essay to the 2nd Essay submission link.