Rasmussen College Suitability of An Investment Strategy in FedEx Research Report Economics Assignment Help

Rasmussen College Suitability of An Investment Strategy in FedEx Research Report Economics Assignment Help. Rasmussen College Suitability of An Investment Strategy in FedEx Research Report Economics Assignment Help.

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Imagine that you are a financial manager researching investments for your client. Think of a friend or a family member as a client. Define their characteristics and goals such as an employee or employer, relatively young (less than 40 years) or close to retirement, having some savings/property, a risk taker or risk averter, etc. Next, use Nexis Uni at the Strayer University library, located at Nexis Uni, click on “Company Dossier” to research the stock of any U.S. publicly traded company that you may consider as an investment opportunity for your client. Your investment should align with your client’s investment goals. (Note: Please ensure that you can find enough information about this company in order to complete this assignment. You will create an appendix, in which you will insert related information.)


Your final financial research report will be 6–8 pages long and be completed in two parts. This assignment only covers the first part. This assignment requires you to use at least five quality academic resources and cover the following topics:

  • Rationale for choosing the company in which to invest.
  • Ratio analysis.
  • Stock price analysis.
  • Recommendations.

Refer to the following resources to assist with completing your assignment:

Stock Selection

Market and Company Information

  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Market Structure.
  • Yahoo! Finance.
  • Seeking Alpha (Note: This is also available through the Android or iTunes App store.)
  • Morningstar (Note: You can create a no-cost Basic Access account.)
  • Research Hub, located in the left menu of your course in Blackboard.

Part 1 (1–2 pages)

  1. Provide a rationale for the stock that you selected, indicating the significant economic, financial, and other factors that led you to consider this stock.
  2. Suggest the primary reasons why the selected stock is a suitable investment for your client. Include a description of your client’s profile.
  3. List five resources you’ll use to complete this assignment and begin to build your reference list. Remember you must use at least five quality academic resources for the final assignment.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

  • Determine the suitability of an investment strategy that considers external risk factors and a literature review.

Rasmussen College Suitability of An Investment Strategy in FedEx Research Report Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SYG 2000 Florida International University Social Science Discussion Post Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

1. Based on the article “If Hitler asked you” analyze the

power/influence of social groups in your life. Try to think of a

situation in which you felt uncomfortable that the group had as much

influence over you as it did. Analyze your resistance or other reactions to that influence or power.

2. If you have ever been a victim of police violence, know someone who

has been, or seen such an event, analyze it from the framework of the

article “Police Accounts of Normal Force”. If not, read an account of

the Rodney King beating and analyze that event from the framework of

this article.

Each of your answers should be around 300 words for a total of

approximately 600 words. After posting your answer you are to enter into a discussion.



Florida International University Globalization and Inequalities Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Submit a one-page reflection on the readings below . The one-page document should demonstrate not only an understanding of the readings (content) but also good prose (writing). The one-page reflection should not be written as a laundry list summary of the readings but rather a thought through written document where ideas connect. In addition to being assessed on your writing and content, you will be assessed on the number of assigned readings you incorporate. Your goal should be to incorporate all assigned readings (referencing those readings or their authors in the actual reflection). Font size shall be 11.5 Times New Roman single spaced.

Use 3 or more readings. Compare an contrast. Ensure you have a thesis statement fir each reading.


Anthropocene: The Human Epoch Documentary Question Writing Assignment Help

I don’t understand this Writing question and need help to study.

Write a 1000-word argumentative essay about one of the documentaries listed below.

The essay should include a thesis that indicates your argument, answering these questions: Do you consider this a good documentary, a bad one, or good in some ways and bad in others? Why do you think so? Provide reasons for your position.

This essay is your own analysis. Beyond the course lectures and the course textbook, no further research is required and should be kept to a minimum.

However, the essay should provide evidence from the documentary, the textbook, or the lectures in the form of quotations, summary or paraphrase. Be sure to provide citations throughout your essay as well as a Works Cited page The essay should generally conform to MLA format.

Please submit your file as a PDF.


Grading criteria are listed below, in order of importance.

1. Analysis

a.The essay provides a discussion that is thoughtful and original.

b.The essay demonstrates knowledge of the course material so far.

c.The essay answers the assigned question(s).

2. Writing Quality

a.The writing is clear, direct and grammatically correct.

b.The essay is within 10% of the assigned word count.

3. Thesis/Organization

a.The essay includes a thesis that is arguable, specific, and that previews its points. (See the Power Points for more information on thesis statements).

b.The essay is organized in a clear and readable way, following from its thesis.

4. Evidence

a.The essay provides evidence for its points in the form of quotations, summary, or paraphrase from sources.

5. Formatting

a.The essay conforms to MLA style; it has an appropriate title, includes student identifying information, is double-spaced, is in 12-point font, has page numbers, provides in-text citations, and contains a Works Cited page.

Requirements: 1000 words | .doc file


EN 106 Park University Challenges of College Life and How to Overcome Them Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Essay #5: Adding Research

The purpose of this assignment is to create a substantial revision of Essay #4 by adding information or arguments from additional sources to last unit’s essay..

As you search for sources, consider these higher-order concerns.

  • Focus: Is your main claim, thesis, or central message clear? Does every element of your essay consistently support your thesis? Do your minor claims support your major claims? Have you defined the issue at hand? What can you do to further emphasize your focus?
  • Development: What evidence does your essay provide to support your focus? Have you included examples, explanations, details, and descriptions that help persuade your readers of your position? Have you anticipated and answered your readers’ objections or counterarguments? Have you considered alternate perspectives?
  • Rhetorical Strategies: Have you identified a target audience for your essay? What do you do to appeal to that audience? Does your essay rely primarily on emotional appeals or logical appeals? What do you do in the essay to establish your credibility as a writer?
  • Additional Outside Sources: How could adding outside perspectives strengthen your argument? Have other writers, scholars, or researchers addressed the issue at hand? Are your claims backed by a consistent pattern of reliable evidence? Are basic factual claims backed with evidence or sources? How does your essay engage with counterarguments or alternate perspectives on the issue?
  • Organization: How does the structure of your essay support its message? Could the essay be re-structured or re-ordered to better support your arguments? Are paragraphs and transitions used to guide readers through your ideas?

Before you turn in this assignment, create a bullet list of the changes and revisions you made. Include this list either as a second file or an additional page. Failure to submit this required information will result in a grade deduction for this assignment.

After you turn in this revision, your instructor will provide further guidance for revising this piece for your portfolio. Your instructor will probably also provide pointers for revisions for the second essay you will revise for the portfolio in Unit 7.

Guidelines for Essay #5

Length/Due Date: approximately 1,000-1,400 words, due Sunday midnight Central Standard Time (CST).

Style/Format: This, as all essays in EN106, should be formatted in a standard scholarly format. (Most students follow MLA or APA guidelines, which are outlined in Easy Writer.) No matter what format you follow, be sure to do the following:

  • Use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
  • Use 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.
  • Although no cover page is needed, you should include your name, my name, the course number/title, and date at the upper left-hand corner of the manuscript.

Research & Documentation: Include at least two additional sources beyond the sources cited in Essay #4. Your essay must include formal references to all sources. Be sure to provide in-text citations using a standard scholarly style, such as MLA or APA. And, of course, you must also provide appropriate documentation for any other sources you cite.

File format: Please submit your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. These formats are available in most word processors, including Google Docs and Open Office, and will ensure that your instructor is able to comment on your work.

Works Cited/References: Your essay should include an appropriate bibliography, with an entry for each individual source you reference in the body of the essay.

Titles: Include a descriptive title at the beginning of your essay that tips your readers off to your thesis. Do not format your title with quotation marks, boldface, underlining or italics. Quotation marks or underlining are only appropriate if the title borrows words from another source.

Cover pages: Please do not format your essay to include a cover page.

Deadline: Submit your final draft essay no later than Midnight CST on Sunday at the end of this unit.

Use of essays for future courses: Please understand that your essay may be used— anonymously—as a sample for future EN106 students and instructors unless you expressly request that it not be used. Your work, of course, will only be used for educational purposes.

Assessment: See the Grading and Assessment content item under Course Information.

Why Is This Assignment Important?

By completing this assignment, you will further strengthen your revisions skills, and you will gain a head start on your Writing Portfolio, due next unit. The essay you revise for this assignment will be one of the two final-draft essays included in next unit’s portfolio. (The portfolio also must include an in-depth reflective essay and artifacts of your writing process.) So, think of this assignment as a chance to get started early on the revisions necessary for the portfolio.

Remember that effective revision is focused on higher-order concerns, such as focus, development, argument, rhetorical strategies, and organization. Lower-order concerns, such as editing for syntax, diction, punctuation, and other elements of grammar and mechanics, should be saved for later in your writing process — for instance, in the next unit. Writing research reveals that most writers can only focus on one or two elements of revision at a time, and that effective writers focus first on higher-order concerns.

As you determine your priorities for revision, review your instructors’ feedback on your previous assignments. Note any patterns or repeated comments. Also, make sure to use your peer reviewers’ advice and feedback as a guide to revision this unit.

Good luck as you revise!



Future University in Egypt Financial Risk Management Study Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help

1 Overview

In this memo you summarize the assessment of risk for the firm. Your assessment should comment on the results you obtained from your research throughout the semester. Your success in the real world will depend on your ability to assess and analyze a problem and second, to successfully communicate your ideas. This is an opportunity to practice this.

2 Memo

Your final memo may be up to 4 pages of double spaced text, 1 inch margins, with a 11pt font size, excluding figures, tables, and references that will be attached to the end of the document. The memo consists of a summary (abstract), introduction and interpretation of your results, and a conclusion. Tables and figures should be self-explanatory. That is, you should use captions so the reader can broadly understand what a table or figure reports without referring to the text


We evaluate the risks of company A and develop a framework to understand and compare … The rest of this memo explains the basis of our conclusions. The first section describes … The next section … The following section… The last section includes our conclusion and recommendations.

  1. 1 Introduction
  2. 2 Data
  3. 3 Analysis
  4. 4 Conclusion


– Present your figures with complete captions following references. – Present your tables with complete captions following figures.

Future University in Egypt Financial Risk Management Study Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Dominican University Covid Statistics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please read the question below:

The recent COVID-19 pandemic is scary and worrisome but the importance of statistics is at the forefront of everything related to the pandemic. This week I will ask each one of you to report on an interesting statistic about the pandemic. The request is broad in the sense that, it may be related to one variable from one country, it may be some comparative between countries, or it may be reporting on progression of the disease. In your report you will post the link to your source, and write a short 50-100 word summary for your classmates.

Here is an example from March 2020: The positive test ratio in the state of New York which is the epicenter in the United States as of March 25th is 0.3. So out of 100 people tested, 30 have contracted the virus. Strikingly in Michigan, this rate is 0.53. So out of 100 people tested, 53 have contracted the virus. The anomaly here most likely stems from the fact that Michigan has a very selective testing criteria and that the number of tests administered is 5 percent of the tests administered in New York.

Please make sure to provide sources.


Grossmont College Number of Founding Populations Discussion Science Assignment Help

What you have to do for points

All of the assigned world regions are composed of multiple Homo sapiens populations that arrived at different times to the current world region that you are exploring. What do genomic studies of ancient fossils and modern populations give us in reference to the number of founding populations of your chosen world region and what does the data say about when the different populations arrived?

Make sure you give citations

Grading rubric

Click on the “Gear icon” located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.

Tips for success

Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.

I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!

I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.


University of Wisconsin Madison Death and the Maiden Play Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Read sc. 2, pp. 42-49 of Death and the Maiden.

The questions:

1-finishing act I, sc 2, are we, the readers, to believe that Dr. Miranda is the man who tortured Paulina? Does Gerardo believe this? Provide evidence for or against.

2-what sets off Gerardo on the end of p. 47? He threatens to kill Miranda; why does he change? Quote any evidence in this short scene that may possibly trigger his anger towards Dr. Miranda.

3-how does Sc. 2 in some ways parallel what happened to Paulina (mentioned top of p. 30) after she was arrested, or for that matter, Lelia Pérez, in the Amnesty International handout? In what ways would Gerardo’s words and actions in this scene be an improper trial or as we might imagine, the opposite of what he wants to create with the Investigation Commission? Cite evidence.


NSG 5101 NSEU Integration of Theory Research and Practice in Nursing PPT Writing Assignment Help

Assignment 5: Final PowerPoint Presentation (15 points)Course Instructions: The focus of this course has been the integration of theory, research, and practice. This assignment is to show case the scholarly concepts learned from each of these content areas using Power Point and Kaltura. Please remember, this is not a reflective paper (“I, we, me”), but a scholarly assessment of the learned concepts of the course. Assignment Criteria:1) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to theory.a. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing.2) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to research. page, introduction, purpose statement, level heading, conclusion, references, citations, and format], spelling, and/or grammar. Final Total Nova Southeastern University Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing24NSG 5101: Theory and Research Activities and Assignments5.2.19: 2/3/2020LS 9.10.2020 DSa. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing3) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to practice. a. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing and advanced practice nursing.4) Formulate three strategies that will facilitate the future success of nursing research.5) Develop a recorded PowerPoint presentation/PPT using Kaltura in the form of a scholarly presentation. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura located in Canvas under Modules and APA Documents/Resources.6) Once the PPT is created, utilize Kaltura media to present the PPT with voice over (use computer and microphone).7) The PowerPoint (PPT) presentation should not be more than 10-12 slides (excluding the title slide and reference slide) and 8-10 minutes in length. Be complete and concise. Use bulleted statements not complete sentences or paragraphs.8) Use APA format for PPT, which always includes a title slide, a reference slide, and APA requirements. Resources found in APA Documents/Resources.9) A minimum of three (3) references will be required for this assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (check Ulrich’s Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.10) Comment and critique one classmate’s presentations by Friday of Week 8. 11) Submit both the PPT and the Kaltura presentation by posted due date 12) Include the following information in the slides:1. Slide 1: Title-develop a title slide. This should include the title of the presentation, student name, and the university name. 2. Slide 2: Introduction-Brief overview of the PPT. Use key bulleted points not paragraphs3. Slide 3: Purpose Statement-Develop the purpose statement utilizing the instructions above (use bulleted points)4. Slide 4: Learned Concepts Related to Theory. 5. Slide 5: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.6. Slide 6: Learned Concepts Related to Research. 7. Slide 7: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.8. Slide 8: Learned Concepts Related to Practice. 9. Slide 9: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.10. Slide 10: Formulate three strategies that could facilitate the future success of nursing research.11. Slide 11: Conclusion12. Slide 12: Reference list in APA format


https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

  • Capital in the Twenty-First Century (on Netflix)
  • The essay should include a thesis that indicates your argument, answering these questions: Do you consider this a good documentary, a bad one, or good in some ways and bad in others? Why do you think so? Provide reasons for your position.

    This essay is your own analysis. Beyond the course lectures and the course textbook, no further research is required and should be kept to a minimum.

    However, the essay should provide evidence from the documentary, the textbook, or the lectures in the form of quotations, summary or paraphrase. Be sure to provide citations throughout your essay as well as a Works Cited page The essay should generally conform to MLA format.

    Please submit your file as a PDF.


    Grading criteria are listed below, in order of importance.

    1. Analysis

    a.The essay provides a discussion that is thoughtful and original.

    b.The essay demonstrates knowledge of the course material so far.

    c.The essay answers the assigned question(s).

    2. Writing Quality

    a.The writing is clear, direct and grammatically correct.

    b.The essay is within 10% of the assigned word count.

    3. Thesis/Organization

    a.The essay includes a thesis that is arguable, specific, and that previews its points. (See the Power Points for more information on thesis statements).

    b.The essay is organized in a clear and readable way, following from its thesis.

    4. Evidence

    a.The essay provides evidence for its points in the form of quotations, summary, or paraphrase from sources.

    5. Formatting

    a.The essay conforms to MLA style; it has an appropriate title, includes student identifying information, is double-spaced, is in 12-point font, has page numbers, provides in-text citations, and contains a Works Cited page.

    Requirements: 1000 words | .doc file


    EN 106 Park University Challenges of College Life and How to Overcome Them Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Essay #5: Adding Research

    The purpose of this assignment is to create a substantial revision of Essay #4 by adding information or arguments from additional sources to last unit’s essay..

    As you search for sources, consider these higher-order concerns.

    • Focus: Is your main claim, thesis, or central message clear? Does every element of your essay consistently support your thesis? Do your minor claims support your major claims? Have you defined the issue at hand? What can you do to further emphasize your focus?
    • Development: What evidence does your essay provide to support your focus? Have you included examples, explanations, details, and descriptions that help persuade your readers of your position? Have you anticipated and answered your readers’ objections or counterarguments? Have you considered alternate perspectives?
    • Rhetorical Strategies: Have you identified a target audience for your essay? What do you do to appeal to that audience? Does your essay rely primarily on emotional appeals or logical appeals? What do you do in the essay to establish your credibility as a writer?
    • Additional Outside Sources: How could adding outside perspectives strengthen your argument? Have other writers, scholars, or researchers addressed the issue at hand? Are your claims backed by a consistent pattern of reliable evidence? Are basic factual claims backed with evidence or sources? How does your essay engage with counterarguments or alternate perspectives on the issue?
    • Organization: How does the structure of your essay support its message? Could the essay be re-structured or re-ordered to better support your arguments? Are paragraphs and transitions used to guide readers through your ideas?

    Before you turn in this assignment, create a bullet list of the changes and revisions you made. Include this list either as a second file or an additional page. Failure to submit this required information will result in a grade deduction for this assignment.

    After you turn in this revision, your instructor will provide further guidance for revising this piece for your portfolio. Your instructor will probably also provide pointers for revisions for the second essay you will revise for the portfolio in Unit 7.

    Guidelines for Essay #5

    Length/Due Date: approximately 1,000-1,400 words, due Sunday midnight Central Standard Time (CST).

    Style/Format: This, as all essays in EN106, should be formatted in a standard scholarly format. (Most students follow MLA or APA guidelines, which are outlined in Easy Writer.) No matter what format you follow, be sure to do the following:

    • Use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
    • Use 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.
    • Although no cover page is needed, you should include your name, my name, the course number/title, and date at the upper left-hand corner of the manuscript.

    Research & Documentation: Include at least two additional sources beyond the sources cited in Essay #4. Your essay must include formal references to all sources. Be sure to provide in-text citations using a standard scholarly style, such as MLA or APA. And, of course, you must also provide appropriate documentation for any other sources you cite.

    File format: Please submit your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. These formats are available in most word processors, including Google Docs and Open Office, and will ensure that your instructor is able to comment on your work.

    Works Cited/References: Your essay should include an appropriate bibliography, with an entry for each individual source you reference in the body of the essay.

    Titles: Include a descriptive title at the beginning of your essay that tips your readers off to your thesis. Do not format your title with quotation marks, boldface, underlining or italics. Quotation marks or underlining are only appropriate if the title borrows words from another source.

    Cover pages: Please do not format your essay to include a cover page.

    Deadline: Submit your final draft essay no later than Midnight CST on Sunday at the end of this unit.

    Use of essays for future courses: Please understand that your essay may be used— anonymously—as a sample for future EN106 students and instructors unless you expressly request that it not be used. Your work, of course, will only be used for educational purposes.

    Assessment: See the Grading and Assessment content item under Course Information.

    Why Is This Assignment Important?

    By completing this assignment, you will further strengthen your revisions skills, and you will gain a head start on your Writing Portfolio, due next unit. The essay you revise for this assignment will be one of the two final-draft essays included in next unit’s portfolio. (The portfolio also must include an in-depth reflective essay and artifacts of your writing process.) So, think of this assignment as a chance to get started early on the revisions necessary for the portfolio.

    Remember that effective revision is focused on higher-order concerns, such as focus, development, argument, rhetorical strategies, and organization. Lower-order concerns, such as editing for syntax, diction, punctuation, and other elements of grammar and mechanics, should be saved for later in your writing process — for instance, in the next unit. Writing research reveals that most writers can only focus on one or two elements of revision at a time, and that effective writers focus first on higher-order concerns.

    As you determine your priorities for revision, review your instructors’ feedback on your previous assignments. Note any patterns or repeated comments. Also, make sure to use your peer reviewers’ advice and feedback as a guide to revision this unit.

    Good luck as you revise!



    Future University in Egypt Financial Risk Management Study Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help

    1 Overview

    In this memo you summarize the assessment of risk for the firm. Your assessment should comment on the results you obtained from your research throughout the semester. Your success in the real world will depend on your ability to assess and analyze a problem and second, to successfully communicate your ideas. This is an opportunity to practice this.

    2 Memo

    Your final memo may be up to 4 pages of double spaced text, 1 inch margins, with a 11pt font size, excluding figures, tables, and references that will be attached to the end of the document. The memo consists of a summary (abstract), introduction and interpretation of your results, and a conclusion. Tables and figures should be self-explanatory. That is, you should use captions so the reader can broadly understand what a table or figure reports without referring to the text


    We evaluate the risks of company A and develop a framework to understand and compare … The rest of this memo explains the basis of our conclusions. The first section describes … The next section … The following section… The last section includes our conclusion and recommendations.

    1. 1 Introduction
    2. 2 Data
    3. 3 Analysis
    4. 4 Conclusion


    – Present your figures with complete captions following references. – Present your tables with complete captions following figures.

    Future University in Egypt Financial Risk Management Study Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Dominican University Covid Statistics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Please read the question below:

    The recent COVID-19 pandemic is scary and worrisome but the importance of statistics is at the forefront of everything related to the pandemic. This week I will ask each one of you to report on an interesting statistic about the pandemic. The request is broad in the sense that, it may be related to one variable from one country, it may be some comparative between countries, or it may be reporting on progression of the disease. In your report you will post the link to your source, and write a short 50-100 word summary for your classmates.

    Here is an example from March 2020: The positive test ratio in the state of New York which is the epicenter in the United States as of March 25th is 0.3. So out of 100 people tested, 30 have contracted the virus. Strikingly in Michigan, this rate is 0.53. So out of 100 people tested, 53 have contracted the virus. The anomaly here most likely stems from the fact that Michigan has a very selective testing criteria and that the number of tests administered is 5 percent of the tests administered in New York.

    Please make sure to provide sources.


    Grossmont College Number of Founding Populations Discussion Science Assignment Help

    What you have to do for points

    All of the assigned world regions are composed of multiple Homo sapiens populations that arrived at different times to the current world region that you are exploring. What do genomic studies of ancient fossils and modern populations give us in reference to the number of founding populations of your chosen world region and what does the data say about when the different populations arrived?

    Make sure you give citations

    Grading rubric

    Click on the “Gear icon” located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.

    Tips for success

    Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.

    I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!

    I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.


    University of Wisconsin Madison Death and the Maiden Play Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Read sc. 2, pp. 42-49 of Death and the Maiden.

    The questions:

    1-finishing act I, sc 2, are we, the readers, to believe that Dr. Miranda is the man who tortured Paulina? Does Gerardo believe this? Provide evidence for or against.

    2-what sets off Gerardo on the end of p. 47? He threatens to kill Miranda; why does he change? Quote any evidence in this short scene that may possibly trigger his anger towards Dr. Miranda.

    3-how does Sc. 2 in some ways parallel what happened to Paulina (mentioned top of p. 30) after she was arrested, or for that matter, Lelia Pérez, in the Amnesty International handout? In what ways would Gerardo’s words and actions in this scene be an improper trial or as we might imagine, the opposite of what he wants to create with the Investigation Commission? Cite evidence.


    NSG 5101 NSEU Integration of Theory Research and Practice in Nursing PPT Writing Assignment Help

    Assignment 5: Final PowerPoint Presentation (15 points)Course Instructions: The focus of this course has been the integration of theory, research, and practice. This assignment is to show case the scholarly concepts learned from each of these content areas using Power Point and Kaltura. Please remember, this is not a reflective paper (“I, we, me”), but a scholarly assessment of the learned concepts of the course. Assignment Criteria:1) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to theory.a. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing.2) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to research. page, introduction, purpose statement, level heading, conclusion, references, citations, and format], spelling, and/or grammar. Final Total Nova Southeastern University Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing24NSG 5101: Theory and Research Activities and Assignments5.2.19: 2/3/2020LS 9.10.2020 DSa. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing3) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to practice. a. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing and advanced practice nursing.4) Formulate three strategies that will facilitate the future success of nursing research.5) Develop a recorded PowerPoint presentation/PPT using Kaltura in the form of a scholarly presentation. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura located in Canvas under Modules and APA Documents/Resources.6) Once the PPT is created, utilize Kaltura media to present the PPT with voice over (use computer and microphone).7) The PowerPoint (PPT) presentation should not be more than 10-12 slides (excluding the title slide and reference slide) and 8-10 minutes in length. Be complete and concise. Use bulleted statements not complete sentences or paragraphs.8) Use APA format for PPT, which always includes a title slide, a reference slide, and APA requirements. Resources found in APA Documents/Resources.9) A minimum of three (3) references will be required for this assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (check Ulrich’s Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.10) Comment and critique one classmate’s presentations by Friday of Week 8. 11) Submit both the PPT and the Kaltura presentation by posted due date 12) Include the following information in the slides:1. Slide 1: Title-develop a title slide. This should include the title of the presentation, student name, and the university name. 2. Slide 2: Introduction-Brief overview of the PPT. Use key bulleted points not paragraphs3. Slide 3: Purpose Statement-Develop the purpose statement utilizing the instructions above (use bulleted points)4. Slide 4: Learned Concepts Related to Theory. 5. Slide 5: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.6. Slide 6: Learned Concepts Related to Research. 7. Slide 7: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.8. Slide 8: Learned Concepts Related to Practice. 9. Slide 9: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.10. Slide 10: Formulate three strategies that could facilitate the future success of nursing research.11. Slide 11: Conclusion12. Slide 12: Reference list in APA format


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

  • Capital in the Twenty-First Century (on Netflix)
  • The essay should include a thesis that indicates your argument, answering these questions: Do you consider this a good documentary, a bad one, or good in some ways and bad in others? Why do you think so? Provide reasons for your position.

    This essay is your own analysis. Beyond the course lectures and the course textbook, no further research is required and should be kept to a minimum.

    However, the essay should provide evidence from the documentary, the textbook, or the lectures in the form of quotations, summary or paraphrase. Be sure to provide citations throughout your essay as well as a Works Cited page The essay should generally conform to MLA format.

    Please submit your file as a PDF.


    Grading criteria are listed below, in order of importance.

    1. Analysis

    a.The essay provides a discussion that is thoughtful and original.

    b.The essay demonstrates knowledge of the course material so far.

    c.The essay answers the assigned question(s).

    2. Writing Quality

    a.The writing is clear, direct and grammatically correct.

    b.The essay is within 10% of the assigned word count.

    3. Thesis/Organization

    a.The essay includes a thesis that is arguable, specific, and that previews its points. (See the Power Points for more information on thesis statements).

    b.The essay is organized in a clear and readable way, following from its thesis.

    4. Evidence

    a.The essay provides evidence for its points in the form of quotations, summary, or paraphrase from sources.

    5. Formatting

    a.The essay conforms to MLA style; it has an appropriate title, includes student identifying information, is double-spaced, is in 12-point font, has page numbers, provides in-text citations, and contains a Works Cited page.

    Requirements: 1000 words | .doc file


    EN 106 Park University Challenges of College Life and How to Overcome Them Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Essay #5: Adding Research

    The purpose of this assignment is to create a substantial revision of Essay #4 by adding information or arguments from additional sources to last unit’s essay..

    As you search for sources, consider these higher-order concerns.

    • Focus: Is your main claim, thesis, or central message clear? Does every element of your essay consistently support your thesis? Do your minor claims support your major claims? Have you defined the issue at hand? What can you do to further emphasize your focus?
    • Development: What evidence does your essay provide to support your focus? Have you included examples, explanations, details, and descriptions that help persuade your readers of your position? Have you anticipated and answered your readers’ objections or counterarguments? Have you considered alternate perspectives?
    • Rhetorical Strategies: Have you identified a target audience for your essay? What do you do to appeal to that audience? Does your essay rely primarily on emotional appeals or logical appeals? What do you do in the essay to establish your credibility as a writer?
    • Additional Outside Sources: How could adding outside perspectives strengthen your argument? Have other writers, scholars, or researchers addressed the issue at hand? Are your claims backed by a consistent pattern of reliable evidence? Are basic factual claims backed with evidence or sources? How does your essay engage with counterarguments or alternate perspectives on the issue?
    • Organization: How does the structure of your essay support its message? Could the essay be re-structured or re-ordered to better support your arguments? Are paragraphs and transitions used to guide readers through your ideas?

    Before you turn in this assignment, create a bullet list of the changes and revisions you made. Include this list either as a second file or an additional page. Failure to submit this required information will result in a grade deduction for this assignment.

    After you turn in this revision, your instructor will provide further guidance for revising this piece for your portfolio. Your instructor will probably also provide pointers for revisions for the second essay you will revise for the portfolio in Unit 7.

    Guidelines for Essay #5

    Length/Due Date: approximately 1,000-1,400 words, due Sunday midnight Central Standard Time (CST).

    Style/Format: This, as all essays in EN106, should be formatted in a standard scholarly format. (Most students follow MLA or APA guidelines, which are outlined in Easy Writer.) No matter what format you follow, be sure to do the following:

    • Use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
    • Use 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.
    • Although no cover page is needed, you should include your name, my name, the course number/title, and date at the upper left-hand corner of the manuscript.

    Research & Documentation: Include at least two additional sources beyond the sources cited in Essay #4. Your essay must include formal references to all sources. Be sure to provide in-text citations using a standard scholarly style, such as MLA or APA. And, of course, you must also provide appropriate documentation for any other sources you cite.

    File format: Please submit your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. These formats are available in most word processors, including Google Docs and Open Office, and will ensure that your instructor is able to comment on your work.

    Works Cited/References: Your essay should include an appropriate bibliography, with an entry for each individual source you reference in the body of the essay.

    Titles: Include a descriptive title at the beginning of your essay that tips your readers off to your thesis. Do not format your title with quotation marks, boldface, underlining or italics. Quotation marks or underlining are only appropriate if the title borrows words from another source.

    Cover pages: Please do not format your essay to include a cover page.

    Deadline: Submit your final draft essay no later than Midnight CST on Sunday at the end of this unit.

    Use of essays for future courses: Please understand that your essay may be used— anonymously—as a sample for future EN106 students and instructors unless you expressly request that it not be used. Your work, of course, will only be used for educational purposes.

    Assessment: See the Grading and Assessment content item under Course Information.

    Why Is This Assignment Important?

    By completing this assignment, you will further strengthen your revisions skills, and you will gain a head start on your Writing Portfolio, due next unit. The essay you revise for this assignment will be one of the two final-draft essays included in next unit’s portfolio. (The portfolio also must include an in-depth reflective essay and artifacts of your writing process.) So, think of this assignment as a chance to get started early on the revisions necessary for the portfolio.

    Remember that effective revision is focused on higher-order concerns, such as focus, development, argument, rhetorical strategies, and organization. Lower-order concerns, such as editing for syntax, diction, punctuation, and other elements of grammar and mechanics, should be saved for later in your writing process — for instance, in the next unit. Writing research reveals that most writers can only focus on one or two elements of revision at a time, and that effective writers focus first on higher-order concerns.

    As you determine your priorities for revision, review your instructors’ feedback on your previous assignments. Note any patterns or repeated comments. Also, make sure to use your peer reviewers’ advice and feedback as a guide to revision this unit.

    Good luck as you revise!



    Future University in Egypt Financial Risk Management Study Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help

    1 Overview

    In this memo you summarize the assessment of risk for the firm. Your assessment should comment on the results you obtained from your research throughout the semester. Your success in the real world will depend on your ability to assess and analyze a problem and second, to successfully communicate your ideas. This is an opportunity to practice this.

    2 Memo

    Your final memo may be up to 4 pages of double spaced text, 1 inch margins, with a 11pt font size, excluding figures, tables, and references that will be attached to the end of the document. The memo consists of a summary (abstract), introduction and interpretation of your results, and a conclusion. Tables and figures should be self-explanatory. That is, you should use captions so the reader can broadly understand what a table or figure reports without referring to the text


    We evaluate the risks of company A and develop a framework to understand and compare … The rest of this memo explains the basis of our conclusions. The first section describes … The next section … The following section… The last section includes our conclusion and recommendations.

    1. 1 Introduction
    2. 2 Data
    3. 3 Analysis
    4. 4 Conclusion


    – Present your figures with complete captions following references. – Present your tables with complete captions following figures.

    Future University in Egypt Financial Risk Management Study Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Dominican University Covid Statistics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Please read the question below:

    The recent COVID-19 pandemic is scary and worrisome but the importance of statistics is at the forefront of everything related to the pandemic. This week I will ask each one of you to report on an interesting statistic about the pandemic. The request is broad in the sense that, it may be related to one variable from one country, it may be some comparative between countries, or it may be reporting on progression of the disease. In your report you will post the link to your source, and write a short 50-100 word summary for your classmates.

    Here is an example from March 2020: The positive test ratio in the state of New York which is the epicenter in the United States as of March 25th is 0.3. So out of 100 people tested, 30 have contracted the virus. Strikingly in Michigan, this rate is 0.53. So out of 100 people tested, 53 have contracted the virus. The anomaly here most likely stems from the fact that Michigan has a very selective testing criteria and that the number of tests administered is 5 percent of the tests administered in New York.

    Please make sure to provide sources.


    Grossmont College Number of Founding Populations Discussion Science Assignment Help

    What you have to do for points

    All of the assigned world regions are composed of multiple Homo sapiens populations that arrived at different times to the current world region that you are exploring. What do genomic studies of ancient fossils and modern populations give us in reference to the number of founding populations of your chosen world region and what does the data say about when the different populations arrived?

    Make sure you give citations

    Grading rubric

    Click on the “Gear icon” located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.

    Tips for success

    Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.

    I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!

    I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.


    University of Wisconsin Madison Death and the Maiden Play Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Read sc. 2, pp. 42-49 of Death and the Maiden.

    The questions:

    1-finishing act I, sc 2, are we, the readers, to believe that Dr. Miranda is the man who tortured Paulina? Does Gerardo believe this? Provide evidence for or against.

    2-what sets off Gerardo on the end of p. 47? He threatens to kill Miranda; why does he change? Quote any evidence in this short scene that may possibly trigger his anger towards Dr. Miranda.

    3-how does Sc. 2 in some ways parallel what happened to Paulina (mentioned top of p. 30) after she was arrested, or for that matter, Lelia Pérez, in the Amnesty International handout? In what ways would Gerardo’s words and actions in this scene be an improper trial or as we might imagine, the opposite of what he wants to create with the Investigation Commission? Cite evidence.


    NSG 5101 NSEU Integration of Theory Research and Practice in Nursing PPT Writing Assignment Help

    Assignment 5: Final PowerPoint Presentation (15 points)Course Instructions: The focus of this course has been the integration of theory, research, and practice. This assignment is to show case the scholarly concepts learned from each of these content areas using Power Point and Kaltura. Please remember, this is not a reflective paper (“I, we, me”), but a scholarly assessment of the learned concepts of the course. Assignment Criteria:1) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to theory.a. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing.2) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to research. page, introduction, purpose statement, level heading, conclusion, references, citations, and format], spelling, and/or grammar. Final Total Nova Southeastern University Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing24NSG 5101: Theory and Research Activities and Assignments5.2.19: 2/3/2020LS 9.10.2020 DSa. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing3) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to practice. a. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing and advanced practice nursing.4) Formulate three strategies that will facilitate the future success of nursing research.5) Develop a recorded PowerPoint presentation/PPT using Kaltura in the form of a scholarly presentation. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura located in Canvas under Modules and APA Documents/Resources.6) Once the PPT is created, utilize Kaltura media to present the PPT with voice over (use computer and microphone).7) The PowerPoint (PPT) presentation should not be more than 10-12 slides (excluding the title slide and reference slide) and 8-10 minutes in length. Be complete and concise. Use bulleted statements not complete sentences or paragraphs.8) Use APA format for PPT, which always includes a title slide, a reference slide, and APA requirements. Resources found in APA Documents/Resources.9) A minimum of three (3) references will be required for this assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (check Ulrich’s Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.10) Comment and critique one classmate’s presentations by Friday of Week 8. 11) Submit both the PPT and the Kaltura presentation by posted due date 12) Include the following information in the slides:1. Slide 1: Title-develop a title slide. This should include the title of the presentation, student name, and the university name. 2. Slide 2: Introduction-Brief overview of the PPT. Use key bulleted points not paragraphs3. Slide 3: Purpose Statement-Develop the purpose statement utilizing the instructions above (use bulleted points)4. Slide 4: Learned Concepts Related to Theory. 5. Slide 5: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.6. Slide 6: Learned Concepts Related to Research. 7. Slide 7: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.8. Slide 8: Learned Concepts Related to Practice. 9. Slide 9: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.10. Slide 10: Formulate three strategies that could facilitate the future success of nursing research.11. Slide 11: Conclusion12. Slide 12: Reference list in APA format


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

  • Capital in the Twenty-First Century (on Netflix)
  • The essay should include a thesis that indicates your argument, answering these questions: Do you consider this a good documentary, a bad one, or good in some ways and bad in others? Why do you think so? Provide reasons for your position.

    This essay is your own analysis. Beyond the course lectures and the course textbook, no further research is required and should be kept to a minimum.

    However, the essay should provide evidence from the documentary, the textbook, or the lectures in the form of quotations, summary or paraphrase. Be sure to provide citations throughout your essay as well as a Works Cited page The essay should generally conform to MLA format.

    Please submit your file as a PDF.


    Grading criteria are listed below, in order of importance.

    1. Analysis

    a.The essay provides a discussion that is thoughtful and original.

    b.The essay demonstrates knowledge of the course material so far.

    c.The essay answers the assigned question(s).

    2. Writing Quality

    a.The writing is clear, direct and grammatically correct.

    b.The essay is within 10% of the assigned word count.

    3. Thesis/Organization

    a.The essay includes a thesis that is arguable, specific, and that previews its points. (See the Power Points for more information on thesis statements).

    b.The essay is organized in a clear and readable way, following from its thesis.

    4. Evidence

    a.The essay provides evidence for its points in the form of quotations, summary, or paraphrase from sources.

    5. Formatting

    a.The essay conforms to MLA style; it has an appropriate title, includes student identifying information, is double-spaced, is in 12-point font, has page numbers, provides in-text citations, and contains a Works Cited page.

    Requirements: 1000 words | .doc file


    EN 106 Park University Challenges of College Life and How to Overcome Them Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Essay #5: Adding Research

    The purpose of this assignment is to create a substantial revision of Essay #4 by adding information or arguments from additional sources to last unit’s essay..

    As you search for sources, consider these higher-order concerns.

    • Focus: Is your main claim, thesis, or central message clear? Does every element of your essay consistently support your thesis? Do your minor claims support your major claims? Have you defined the issue at hand? What can you do to further emphasize your focus?
    • Development: What evidence does your essay provide to support your focus? Have you included examples, explanations, details, and descriptions that help persuade your readers of your position? Have you anticipated and answered your readers’ objections or counterarguments? Have you considered alternate perspectives?
    • Rhetorical Strategies: Have you identified a target audience for your essay? What do you do to appeal to that audience? Does your essay rely primarily on emotional appeals or logical appeals? What do you do in the essay to establish your credibility as a writer?
    • Additional Outside Sources: How could adding outside perspectives strengthen your argument? Have other writers, scholars, or researchers addressed the issue at hand? Are your claims backed by a consistent pattern of reliable evidence? Are basic factual claims backed with evidence or sources? How does your essay engage with counterarguments or alternate perspectives on the issue?
    • Organization: How does the structure of your essay support its message? Could the essay be re-structured or re-ordered to better support your arguments? Are paragraphs and transitions used to guide readers through your ideas?

    Before you turn in this assignment, create a bullet list of the changes and revisions you made. Include this list either as a second file or an additional page. Failure to submit this required information will result in a grade deduction for this assignment.

    After you turn in this revision, your instructor will provide further guidance for revising this piece for your portfolio. Your instructor will probably also provide pointers for revisions for the second essay you will revise for the portfolio in Unit 7.

    Guidelines for Essay #5

    Length/Due Date: approximately 1,000-1,400 words, due Sunday midnight Central Standard Time (CST).

    Style/Format: This, as all essays in EN106, should be formatted in a standard scholarly format. (Most students follow MLA or APA guidelines, which are outlined in Easy Writer.) No matter what format you follow, be sure to do the following:

    • Use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
    • Use 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.
    • Although no cover page is needed, you should include your name, my name, the course number/title, and date at the upper left-hand corner of the manuscript.

    Research & Documentation: Include at least two additional sources beyond the sources cited in Essay #4. Your essay must include formal references to all sources. Be sure to provide in-text citations using a standard scholarly style, such as MLA or APA. And, of course, you must also provide appropriate documentation for any other sources you cite.

    File format: Please submit your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. These formats are available in most word processors, including Google Docs and Open Office, and will ensure that your instructor is able to comment on your work.

    Works Cited/References: Your essay should include an appropriate bibliography, with an entry for each individual source you reference in the body of the essay.

    Titles: Include a descriptive title at the beginning of your essay that tips your readers off to your thesis. Do not format your title with quotation marks, boldface, underlining or italics. Quotation marks or underlining are only appropriate if the title borrows words from another source.

    Cover pages: Please do not format your essay to include a cover page.

    Deadline: Submit your final draft essay no later than Midnight CST on Sunday at the end of this unit.

    Use of essays for future courses: Please understand that your essay may be used— anonymously—as a sample for future EN106 students and instructors unless you expressly request that it not be used. Your work, of course, will only be used for educational purposes.

    Assessment: See the Grading and Assessment content item under Course Information.

    Why Is This Assignment Important?

    By completing this assignment, you will further strengthen your revisions skills, and you will gain a head start on your Writing Portfolio, due next unit. The essay you revise for this assignment will be one of the two final-draft essays included in next unit’s portfolio. (The portfolio also must include an in-depth reflective essay and artifacts of your writing process.) So, think of this assignment as a chance to get started early on the revisions necessary for the portfolio.

    Remember that effective revision is focused on higher-order concerns, such as focus, development, argument, rhetorical strategies, and organization. Lower-order concerns, such as editing for syntax, diction, punctuation, and other elements of grammar and mechanics, should be saved for later in your writing process — for instance, in the next unit. Writing research reveals that most writers can only focus on one or two elements of revision at a time, and that effective writers focus first on higher-order concerns.

    As you determine your priorities for revision, review your instructors’ feedback on your previous assignments. Note any patterns or repeated comments. Also, make sure to use your peer reviewers’ advice and feedback as a guide to revision this unit.

    Good luck as you revise!



    Future University in Egypt Financial Risk Management Study Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help

    1 Overview

    In this memo you summarize the assessment of risk for the firm. Your assessment should comment on the results you obtained from your research throughout the semester. Your success in the real world will depend on your ability to assess and analyze a problem and second, to successfully communicate your ideas. This is an opportunity to practice this.

    2 Memo

    Your final memo may be up to 4 pages of double spaced text, 1 inch margins, with a 11pt font size, excluding figures, tables, and references that will be attached to the end of the document. The memo consists of a summary (abstract), introduction and interpretation of your results, and a conclusion. Tables and figures should be self-explanatory. That is, you should use captions so the reader can broadly understand what a table or figure reports without referring to the text


    We evaluate the risks of company A and develop a framework to understand and compare … The rest of this memo explains the basis of our conclusions. The first section describes … The next section … The following section… The last section includes our conclusion and recommendations.

    1. 1 Introduction
    2. 2 Data
    3. 3 Analysis
    4. 4 Conclusion


    – Present your figures with complete captions following references. – Present your tables with complete captions following figures.

    Future University in Egypt Financial Risk Management Study Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Dominican University Covid Statistics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Please read the question below:

    The recent COVID-19 pandemic is scary and worrisome but the importance of statistics is at the forefront of everything related to the pandemic. This week I will ask each one of you to report on an interesting statistic about the pandemic. The request is broad in the sense that, it may be related to one variable from one country, it may be some comparative between countries, or it may be reporting on progression of the disease. In your report you will post the link to your source, and write a short 50-100 word summary for your classmates.

    Here is an example from March 2020: The positive test ratio in the state of New York which is the epicenter in the United States as of March 25th is 0.3. So out of 100 people tested, 30 have contracted the virus. Strikingly in Michigan, this rate is 0.53. So out of 100 people tested, 53 have contracted the virus. The anomaly here most likely stems from the fact that Michigan has a very selective testing criteria and that the number of tests administered is 5 percent of the tests administered in New York.

    Please make sure to provide sources.


    Grossmont College Number of Founding Populations Discussion Science Assignment Help

    What you have to do for points

    All of the assigned world regions are composed of multiple Homo sapiens populations that arrived at different times to the current world region that you are exploring. What do genomic studies of ancient fossils and modern populations give us in reference to the number of founding populations of your chosen world region and what does the data say about when the different populations arrived?

    Make sure you give citations

    Grading rubric

    Click on the “Gear icon” located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.

    Tips for success

    Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.

    I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!

    I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.


    University of Wisconsin Madison Death and the Maiden Play Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Read sc. 2, pp. 42-49 of Death and the Maiden.

    The questions:

    1-finishing act I, sc 2, are we, the readers, to believe that Dr. Miranda is the man who tortured Paulina? Does Gerardo believe this? Provide evidence for or against.

    2-what sets off Gerardo on the end of p. 47? He threatens to kill Miranda; why does he change? Quote any evidence in this short scene that may possibly trigger his anger towards Dr. Miranda.

    3-how does Sc. 2 in some ways parallel what happened to Paulina (mentioned top of p. 30) after she was arrested, or for that matter, Lelia Pérez, in the Amnesty International handout? In what ways would Gerardo’s words and actions in this scene be an improper trial or as we might imagine, the opposite of what he wants to create with the Investigation Commission? Cite evidence.


    NSG 5101 NSEU Integration of Theory Research and Practice in Nursing PPT Writing Assignment Help

    Assignment 5: Final PowerPoint Presentation (15 points)Course Instructions: The focus of this course has been the integration of theory, research, and practice. This assignment is to show case the scholarly concepts learned from each of these content areas using Power Point and Kaltura. Please remember, this is not a reflective paper (“I, we, me”), but a scholarly assessment of the learned concepts of the course. Assignment Criteria:1) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to theory.a. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing.2) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to research. page, introduction, purpose statement, level heading, conclusion, references, citations, and format], spelling, and/or grammar. Final Total Nova Southeastern University Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing24NSG 5101: Theory and Research Activities and Assignments5.2.19: 2/3/2020LS 9.10.2020 DSa. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing3) Explain three (3) important concepts learned throughout the course that relate to practice. a. Propose two (2) reasons how the chosen concepts will impact the future of nursing and advanced practice nursing.4) Formulate three strategies that will facilitate the future success of nursing research.5) Develop a recorded PowerPoint presentation/PPT using Kaltura in the form of a scholarly presentation. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura located in Canvas under Modules and APA Documents/Resources.6) Once the PPT is created, utilize Kaltura media to present the PPT with voice over (use computer and microphone).7) The PowerPoint (PPT) presentation should not be more than 10-12 slides (excluding the title slide and reference slide) and 8-10 minutes in length. Be complete and concise. Use bulleted statements not complete sentences or paragraphs.8) Use APA format for PPT, which always includes a title slide, a reference slide, and APA requirements. Resources found in APA Documents/Resources.9) A minimum of three (3) references will be required for this assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (check Ulrich’s Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.10) Comment and critique one classmate’s presentations by Friday of Week 8. 11) Submit both the PPT and the Kaltura presentation by posted due date 12) Include the following information in the slides:1. Slide 1: Title-develop a title slide. This should include the title of the presentation, student name, and the university name. 2. Slide 2: Introduction-Brief overview of the PPT. Use key bulleted points not paragraphs3. Slide 3: Purpose Statement-Develop the purpose statement utilizing the instructions above (use bulleted points)4. Slide 4: Learned Concepts Related to Theory. 5. Slide 5: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.6. Slide 6: Learned Concepts Related to Research. 7. Slide 7: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.8. Slide 8: Learned Concepts Related to Practice. 9. Slide 9: Discuss the impact on the future of nursing research and advance practice nursing.10. Slide 10: Formulate three strategies that could facilitate the future success of nursing research.11. Slide 11: Conclusion12. Slide 12: Reference list in APA format


    Rasmussen College Suitability of An Investment Strategy in FedEx Research Report Economics Assignment Help

    Rasmussen College Suitability of An Investment Strategy in FedEx Research Report Economics Assignment Help

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