RC Public Health Policy Summary on Women Infants and Children Program Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

RC Public Health Policy Summary on Women Infants and Children Program Essay Health Medical Assignment Help. RC Public Health Policy Summary on Women Infants and Children Program Essay Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Evaluate the impact of local, state, and national policy on public health.


As a public health nurse, you have been asked to put together an executive summary of the impact of the Federal Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program on the health of pregnant women, infants, and children in your state (Florida).

This executive summary will be used by the agency director to provide the staff with a broad overview of the impact federal legislation can have on state decisions, as well as how policy can affect the populations you serve.


Prepare an executive summary for the agency director that:

  • Summarizes the purpose of the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program, with comprehensive example(s).
  • Evaluates the impact of the WIC program with comprehensive detail(s) across local, state, and national levels focusing on four key areas:
  • Birth outcomes
  • Health care costs
  • Infant feeding practices
  • Immunization rates of children

(Local, State – Wimauma, Florida)

Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources, no plagiarism, correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the executive summary.

Helpful Websites

RC Public Health Policy Summary on Women Infants and Children Program Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UIU Relation BW Sex & Attitudes Toward the Level of National Assistance Review Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the article “Managing Marijuana: The Role of Data-Driven Regulation” and listen to the following podcasts:

Podcast: Child Support Program Changes Result in Stronger Families | OAS Episode 57: Http://Www.Ncsl.Org/Our-American-States/2019/02/28/Child-Support-Program-Changes-Result-In-Stronger-Families-Oas-Episode-57.Aspx
Podcast: Eviction Database Shows America’s Housing Crisis | OAS Episode 48

For each article and podcast: Concerning the use of data for the articles and podcasts 1) what did you find most interesting related to the use of data and 2) what did you find most helpful related to the use of data? Discuss Why? Be sure to discuss both the assigned article and podcast(s) and clearly distinguish which article/podcast you are discussing in the post.

Also, discuss Maren’s Article, “Getting Past the “Government Sucks” Story: How Government Really Matters” and how public administrators can combat anti-government bias in practice and research. Be specific.


COMM 101 Purdue Why You Need to Adapt a Skincare Routine Speech Outline Business Finance Assignment Help

write a minimum 900 words speech outline based on instructions

Hello! I was tasked to write a speech on “Why You Need to Adapt a Skincare Routine” / “Why You Need to be Cognizant of What You Put on Your Face”. This speech is 7-8 minutes and needs to be in APA format. I have attached two PDF’s of everything you need to complete the outline of this speech. This outline will be completed as if it were the completed speech. If you have any questions, please let me know.

just wanted to add that it would be great if you would like to add a persuasive video in the speech that is exactly 60 seconds long. It can be any video from youtube like a Tedtalk or commercial,


Cedar Crest College Week 6 World Religions Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Question 1-

As noted in the lecture, Islam is covers both familiar and unfamiliar territory. What was the single most interesting thing you learned in this week’s reading? What struck you as different or notable? How is Islam related to any of the religions we have previously studied?


Question 2-

One of the supplemental videos is from Irshad Manji, a Muslim feminist who writes on issues of liberty and rights from a Muslim perspective. This video is one of the best explanations I have ever heard of relativism and pluralism. Relativism and pluralism represent ethical stances one can take. Some people argue that in a diverse society, such as our own, relativism is the only stance one can take. After watching the video, explain both relativism and pluralism. Which stance does she advocate for and why? How would taking this stance allow us to engage in hard conversations with other religions and cultures?


With two responses to two students, one short paragraph each.


PU Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory Capitalism Fascism Populism Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

this assignment consists of 4 parts (TOTAL for ALL PARTS = 1500 words0

PART 1 (see the 2 attached files for this part) – 400 words

1. Do you use Uber? Have you used Lyft? Do you think there is there a real difference between the services?

2. How has the Chinese market altered the market for ride-hailing services in the US? How does the acquisition of Uber China by Didi alter the face of global strategy in this burgeoning industry?

3. According to the article, how well is Lyft doing right now? Does this latest deal in China help Lyft or hurt Lyft, all things considered?

4. If you are the CEO of Lyft, what strategic moves would you make now? How does Lyft need to readjust its strategy in the US, based on the events in the Chinese market?



PART 2 – 400 words

International Factor Movements and Multinational Enterprises

Articles are to be selected from the business press. The article should be no more than 3 months old.

-Article selection must be made CAREFULLY the topic of the article you select must tie topic.(International Factor Movements and Multinational Enterprises)

-The summary of the article should not go beyond one paragraph (about 5 sentences.) The article summary must be in your own words, not duplicated from the article.

-Please also provide an opinion of the article or discuss what makes it important or interesting.

-You must include a cited link in APA format to the article.

PART 3 – 300 words

In her 2014 book called Plato at the Googleplex, Rebecca Goldstien writes: “There used to be things that everybody thought were okay, and then just about everybody changed their minds about them, and could see that they were flat-out wrong.” (Goldstein, Pantheon Books, NY, p.113).

Take a look at the past and realize that, if in any way you think the world is getting better or worse, then you don’t think normative cultural relativism (subjectivism) is true. If you that things were “all relative” there wouldn’t be a better or worse. Go through my lecture a the resources to help that make more sense. ?

But, here’s what I want you to answer:

1. What is an example of something that at one point everyone thought was okay, but is now seen as “flat-out wrong”? (Ex. Slavery)

2. In 2016 then president Obama frequently pointed out that the world has never been “healthier, wealthier, or less violent.” (You can look it up, he said it in a number of places. He’s actually referencing John Rawls, who you read about in Chapter 14. Obama claims that if you could choose to be born at any time in Earth’s history, and you didn’t know who you were going to be, right now is the time to be born. He was saying that in 2016.)

Speak with friends, family and neighbors about whether they think our world is improving morally, or are we in a state of moral decay.

Is the world getting better?

Is the present situation effecting your overall assessment of human behavior or the overall moral trajectory of history?

Do you see yourself as more or less optimistic than those around you?

PART 4:Minimum of 300 words

Explain why Marx’s ideas are so radical concerning Capitalism. Include on your response, the terms, “means of production, bourgeoisie, proletariat and capitalism.”

  1. How did the Ruling class or the bourgeoisie control the workers? In your opinion, does the elite or ruling class control the working class today? If so, in what ways?
  1. With conflict theory in mind, how much upward social mobility does an individual have here in the United States? If one is born a poor child, what are the odds that they will become a wealthy adult? Explain your viewpoint using the readings. Can Marx’s writings be used to explain social inequality today in the United States? Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.



N 490 Aspen University Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Issues Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a Nursing writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

  1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.
  2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.
  3. Consider the course discussions so far and any insights gained from it.
  4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources if needed, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.


Mental Health in the Community

Write a 1000-1500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be three main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) sources using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

  • Go to the Healthy People 2020 website and search for Mental Health and Mental Disorders. After reading the Overview section in Healthy People 2020 under Mental Health and Mental Disorders, pick and note the number and name of 2 objectives/goals from the list that you feel affect your community and explain why these were chosen. As a nurse, what can you do to help the community move towards this goal?

  • Explain how physical health and mental health are correlated. What impact does each have on the other? Give at least one detailed example of how either a specific physical ailment leads to a breakdown in mental health or how a specific mental health disorder can lead to physical issues.
  • Explain Trauma Informed Care in detail. How you can use Trauma Informed Care to assist a child who has been impacted by trauma?

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1000-1500 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three (3) outside scholarly sources are required.

Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF document (.pdf)

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)

N 490 Aspen University Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Issues Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of South Florida Challenges in Acidizing & Fracturing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Task 1

Questions (Nature – easy)

1) Explain the concepts production and appraisal well in brief (1 IRK)

2) Explain the concepts cased hole and production logs in brief. (1 Mark)

3) Explain the concept well testing in brief (1 Mark)

4) Choose any four parts of fracturing well, name and give its functions. (1 Mark)

Questions (Nature – Moderate)

5) Explain the technical points from any web source inflow and vertical performance relationship? Give its reference link (1 Mark)

6) Give four specifications of oil and gas perforating gun from any oil and gas company or pipe manufacturer’s website. Give its reference link. (1 Mark)

7) Give the principle and application behind Pulsed Neutron Log (1 Mark)

Questions (Nature-Challenging)

8) Give four chalenges and suggest solutions for those challenges in Acidizing & Fracturing. (1 Mark)

9) Give two challenges in nitrogen circulation and cycling (1 Mark)

10) Give four challenges and suggest solutions for those challenges in formation wettability (1 Mark)

Task 2

Questions (Nature – Easy)

Explain the functions of well head in brief. (1 Mark)

2) Explain the functions of Christmas tree in brief. (1 Mark)

3) Explain elbow and Tee Joint (1 Mark)

4) Give any four significance of ASTM Standard (1 Mark)

Questions (Nature –Moderate).

5) Explain the principle behind indirect fired heater (1 Mark)

6) Explain what and why we use LACT. (1 Mark)

7) Give the principle and application oil storage tanks. (1 Mark)

Questions (Nature -Challenging)

8) Give four challenges and suggest solutions for those challenges in Butterfly valve (1 Mark)

9) Explain technically four safety features in doing MIT. (1 Mark)

10) Give four challenges and suggest solutions for those challenges in Check Valve (1 Mark)

plagiarism free

check the attached file


C 803 Daemen College Data Analysis Task Feedback Business Finance Assignment Help

Superstore Sales Analysis Part 1 Guide

Please send me the two different part in different excel and word document. Thank you

Welcome! We’ve just poached you from the Superfone sales analytics team to work for us, here at SuperSTORE. And we have some Superstore sales for you to analyze! Our data includes nearly 10,000 orders with quite a few columns of information.

You’ll need to do a bit of data wrangling, and then we’d like you to produce some pivot tables, visual cues, and charts, to help us get a better understanding of the top sources of our sales and profits — and any problem areas we may have.


Download the starter file:



Start by creating and naming a fresh copy of the file. Then get the worksheet of data formatted to make it easy to work with.

1.Copy the file and change the file name to:
Yourlastname_ Superstore.xlsx

2.Open the file and format the column widths to fit the data – or slightly wider (or narrower if relevant) to make it easier to read.


Let’s do a little wrangling to prepare for the analysis!

1.Format the Order Date and Ship Date columns to the date format mm/dd/yyyy — as this will give us a consistent number of digits for all dates when we load the data into the database.

2.Reformat the Customer Names so that they are in the format — Lastname, Firstname — together in one single column. (We do not need more columns! We just want last name first.) HINT: Create a new column and use Flash Fill to do this! Then delete the old column.

3.Format the Sales to the Accounting $ format, and then set the number of decimals to two.

4.Format Discount as percentages.

5.Notice that our Profit amount per order often includes fractions of pennies. Let’s keep track of that while formatting it as money. So, format the Profit column to Accounting $, and set the number of decimals to four.

6.Finally, sort these orders by Date rather than by Row ID.

Here are two screenshots of my result:

Columns A-K

Columns L-U

Now we’re ready to start analyzing!


We will begin analyzing this data by creating 5 pivot tables that will summarize the data in useful ways.

Create the following new sheets to analyze our data:

Sales by Customer

1.Create a pivot table with the following data and formatting:

a.Rows contain Customer Names.
(There are 793 customers!)

b.Columns needed: Sales, Quantity, Discount, Profit

c.Arrange Discount so that it comes after Profit.

d.Format Sum of Sales to Accounting with 2 digits.

e.Change Sum of Discount to Average of Discount. Hint:

f.Format Sum of Profit as Accounting, with two decimals (not four — as we don’t need that precision for this report).

g.Format Average Discount to Percentages, with two decimals.

h.Rename the column headings to be shorter:



iii.Total Sales

iv.Total Profit

v.Avg Discount

i.Increase the column header font size to 12.

j.Make the column header row taller to add white space.

k.Add a title to the top row of the worksheet, and apply the Heading 1 style to that row.

Your sheet should now look very much like this:

2.This pivot table is long! Let’s add visual cues: Use Conditional Formatting to accomplish the following:

a.Orders: Apply the Green – White color scale to this column (but not to the Grand Total row at bottom!)

b.Total Sales: Apply the Green – White color scale to this column (but not to the Grand Total row at bottom!)

c.Total Profit: There are some negative profit numbers, which we want to highlight in red. So apply the Green – White – Red color scale to this column (but not to the Grand Total row at bottom!).

d.Avg Discount: Higher discount indicates danger. So apply the Red – White – Green color scale to this column (but not to the Grand Total row at bottom!).

Your results should look very much like this:

And the last rows should look very much like this:

Scroll through your work, and observe the power of this fully operational pivot table!!

Then on to the next pivot table!

Sales by State

Now let’s build a similar pivot table to view the same data by State instead of Customer.

1.Copy the Sales by Customer worksheet.

2.Replace Customer with State in the pivot table.

3.Update the worksheet heading and title in the tab.

4.Adjust the formatting of the pivot table. (For instance, the State column heading may need to be resized to 12pt font.)

5.Set up conditional formatting for Orders, Sales, and Avg Discount as they are on the Sales by Customer pivot table.

Again, we can see that these conditionally formatted tables are pretty useful!

Now, on to …

Sales by Category (and Sub-Category)

We need a chart that summarizes total sales by category. To do this, we’ll first create a pivot table and then a horizontal bar chart.

1.Create a new worksheet with a heading and pivot table, formatted much like above, with the following information:

a.Rows: Category, with Sub-Category below.

b.Values: Sales

c.Be sure to choose the Outline Report Layout, format columns, update heading names, etc.

2.Now visualize the data by adding a bar chart (horizontal bar chart).

a.Add the chart to the side of the pivot table, size it appropriately, apply a good chart design style.

b.Give the chart a heading that matches the worksheet title and tweak design details.

When done, it should look something like this. (The pivot table should look just like it, and the chart should be similar to it.)

Profit by Category

Now let’s create something similar for Profit.

1.Make a copy of the above worksheet, and change it to show Profit rather than Sales.

2.Adjust and update the text and formatting of the pivot table, chart, and worksheet heading as needed.

Notice that some of the bars will go negative (for negative profits)! That’s actually helpful — we need to see this. (We can worry about making things more readable later. Don’t sweat it for this assignment.)

Time to celebrate! That’s it for this assignment!


When complete, submit your Excel workbook: Yourlastname_Superstore.xlsx

(No screenshots or Word document required for this assignment!)

Superstore Analysis PART 2 Guide

We want to glean some additional insights from our Superstore data. We need you to create a few new pivot tables and charts!

Begin With …

Make a copy of your completed file from the first Excel Superstore assignment.

Name this new file: Yourlastname_Superstore_PART2.xlsx

Add New Worksheets

Add the following new worksheets. Format them as you did the others.

Sales & Profit by Region

Create a pivot table and bar chart:

Rows with regions

Displaying Total Sales and Total Profit

Using the clustered bar chart to display both Sales and Profit

Sales & Profit by State

Create a pivot table:

Rows in a hierarchy, with States organized under Region

Displaying Total Sales and Total Profit

Using conditional highlighting to indicate:

ohighest sales

olowest and highest profit

Sales & Profit by Quarter

Create a pivot table and line chart similar to this:

Sales by Month

Create a pivot table and line chart similar to this:


When complete, submit your Excel workbook: Yourlastname_Superstore_PART2.xlsx

(No screenshots or Word document required for this assignment!)

Discussion: Superstore Analysis Parts 1 & 2

Use this discussion board to share tips, recommendations, and discussion regarding the projects in this module. To foster dialogue, I’m requiring everyone to post something — whether a question, a reflection, or feedback to other users.

Here are recommended ideas to prompt your contributions:

Have you gotten stuck? You’re undoubtedly not alone. Please describe your problem and include screenshots if relevant.

Can you provide help in response to another student’s question? If so, please do!

Did you discover any helpful tips in this process? Please share it. Provide relevant screenshots, links, etc.


C 803 DC Data Analytics Superfone Pivot Tables and Charts Excel Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

Superfone Pivot Tables and Charts

Welcome to the Superfone sales analytics team! We have some Superfone sales to analyze. Our data includes 1000 orders with date, time, product, price per order, and salesperson. we will analyze this data in two steps:

Part 1: Using pivot tables to summarize the data in several useful ways

Part 2: Using charts to visualize our pivot tables

Required Video Instruction

From: Excel 2016 Essential Training

First, for Part 1:

14. PivotTables

Creating PivotTables

Manipulating PivotTable data

Grouping by date and time (from beginning to 2:20)

Then, for Part 2:

7. Charts

Creating charts


Download the starter file:


Setup Steps

Start by creating and naming a fresh copy of the file. Then get the worksheet of data formatted to make it easy to work with.

1.Copy the file and change the file name to:

2.Open the file and format the column widths to fit the data – or slightly wider to make it easier to read.

3.Format the Price column to the Accounting # format, and then reduce the decimals to no decimals.

Now we’re ready to start analyzing!

Part 1: Creating Pivot Tables

We will begin analyzing this data by creating 5 pivot tables that will summarize the data in useful ways.

1.Select all of the data. Create a pivot table in a new worksheet.

2.Customize and format the pivot table and worksheet as follows:

a.For PivotTable Fields, use Salesperson for rows and Price for values.

b.Format the numbers in the Sum of Price column to Accounting with no decimals.

c.Change the Report Layout for the pivot table so that it shows Salesperson as the heading for the first column, rather than the unhelpful label of Row Labels.

i.With the pivot table selected, you should be able to see and select a Design tab in the upper right of the Excel ribbon.

ii.Select the Report Layout button and change the layout to “Show in Outline Form.” Once done the first column heading should be Salesperson.

d.Sort the rows by the Sum of Price column, so that it shows the highest sales totals to lowest (aka Descending).

Sorted Descending by Sum of Price:

e.Now add a heading in the first row of this worksheet.

i.On the empty first row of the worksheet, type Sales by Salesperson.

ii.Then select the entire first row and format it using the Cell Styles option: Heading 1. Adjust the height of that first row so that it has extra whitespace at the top. See the screenshots below:

f.Finally rename the worksheet tab to match the worksheet heading, and move it to the right, so that it comes after the original worksheet.

3.Congrats! You’ve create the first pivot table we need for this assignment. Now create four more!

Here is a sneak peek screenshot of each to help get the idea:

a.Sales by Product

b.Monthly Sales
– Expand Quarter and Date
– Type to replace the Date column header with “Months”

c.Monthly Orders (similarly expanded and tweaked)

d.Sales by Product and Salesperson (a slightly more complex one)

Part 2: Create Charts

Now create useful charts to visualize our pivot table data.

For this assignment, we only need three kinds:

Column chart

Bar chart (sometimes called horizontal bar chart)

Line chart

1.For each pivot table — except the last one (Product and Salesperson) — insert a chart (sometimes two charts) to the right of the pivot table.
See the screenshots below to illustrate.

a.Sales by Salesperson: two charts — a column chart, and a bar chart (we’ll compare these later)

b.Sales by Product: two charts — also column and bar

c.Monthly Sales: one line chart

d.Monthly Orders: one line chart

2.For each chart:

a.Use the chart Design options to choose the design I’ve selected in the screenshot below – or one close to it. (Notice the improved overall formatting, and the nice labels inside the bars.)

NOTE: To get the Design tab in your ribbon, be sure to select the chart.

b.Replace the chart title with the name of the worksheet: Sales by Salesperson, etc.

c.Remove the legend when it’s not needed.

3.Finally, for the last pivot table, Product and Salesperson:

a.Use Conditional Formatting to highlight the contents of the central cells (not the Grand Total column) with a Green – White color scale.

b.NOW create a *second* conditional formatting rule of the same kind to format the Grand Total column. (We have to do it separately so that it has its own scale of dark green to white.)

When done, your results should look very much like the following sample screenshots.

Sample Screenshots

These two screenshots should contain enough information to give you a picture of how I’d like you to layout each of the worksheets, tables, and charts described above.


When complete, submit your Excel workbook: Yourlastname_Superfone_pivot.xlsx

(No screenshots or Word document required for this assignment!)

Discussion: Superfone Pivot Tables and Charts

Use this discussion board to share tips, recommendations, and discussion regarding the projects in this module. To foster dialogue, I’m requiring everyone to post something — whether a question, a reflection, or feedback to other users.

Here are recommended ideas to prompt your contributions:

Have you gotten stuck? You’re undoubtedly not alone. Please describe your problem and include screenshots if relevant.

Can you provide help in response to another student’s question? If so, please do!

Did you discover any helpful tips in this process? Please share it. Provide relevant screenshots, links, etc.


MGT 402 SEU Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management Start up Business Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Read carefully Grading Rubric below for specific criteria: 0-5 Marks
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


RC Public Health Policy Summary on Women Infants and Children Program Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

RC Public Health Policy Summary on Women Infants and Children Program Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

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