Realism Liberalism and Constructivism in Paris Agreement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Realism Liberalism and Constructivism in Paris Agreement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Realism Liberalism and Constructivism in Paris Agreement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need support to help me study.
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Before you begin this assignment, please review the course materials from the first three weeks of class with a special focus on the three mainstream theoretical perspectives: realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Please pay particular attention to the definition of each and avoid pairing them with domestic perceptions of conservatives, liberals, etc. I also recommend reviewing the week 2 forum.

For this assignment, you will choose a world event from the list below. Identify the main individuals, states, and non-state actors involved. Then decide which theory would best explain the event, and explain your choice. Be sure to define the theory and any other terms you use. Your response should be 1-2 pages, double spaced. Make sure that your introduction includes a thesis statement that explicitly states the purpose/argument of your paper and the theoretical lens.

  • The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (popularly known as the “Iran nuclear deal”)
  • The Arab Spring (2010-various end dates)
  • Brexit, the drawn-out British move to leave the European Union
  • The Paris Agreement and/or the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
  • How the international community is handling the global pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you wish to write on a different topic, please write to run it by me so we can be sure it’ll work for the assignment goals.

Absolutely no quoting! Paraphrase the information and then cite the source from where the information came.

Please include your last name in the filename – lastnamefirstnamemidtermclasssectionumber example: GonzalesJosemidtermIRLS21001 and upload your work as a .doc or .docx file. Your submission is due on Sunday of week 4.

Realism Liberalism and Constructivism in Paris Agreement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SMU Business Administration Marketing Theories in Organizations Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help



For this assignment, select three marketing theories, models, or frameworks to evaluate, compare, and apply to develop a marketing strategy, and then create a PowerPoint presentation that presents your findings. Remember, as a scholar-practitioner, you are required to examine theories and research and relate them back to practice within a business setting.


For each chosen marketing theory, complete the following:


Provide an overview, including the main characteristics of the theory.


Discuss the origins of the theory, including the seminal theorist, his or her research used to create the theory, and the year the theory was developed


Discuss how the theory has evolved over time. Who has built on that theory, and what were their additions or modifications to the theory? You can use a timeline graphic in the presentation for this section if you choose.


Compare your three theories to one another. Analyze the similarities and differences between the three chosen theories. You must include a chart or matrix graphic in the presentation for this section.


Evaluate each theory in regard to practical use in business. Provide examples of how each marketing theory could be effectively used to develop an effective marketing strategy.


Evaluate which marketing theory you would most likely apply if you were a marketing manager in a business and support your decision with research (be sure to address diversity and inclusion).


Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide, slide count does not include the title and reference slide)


Note length: 100-150 words per slide


References:Include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed scholarly resources


University of Oxford Week 2 Peer Reviewed Articles Writing Assignment Help

Part 1

Please locate a scholarly peer-reviewed journal article that is related to your proposed research topic. This is my research question is: How does childhood homelessness impact their mental health and effect their academic progress. (Peer-reviewed means experts in the field have assessed if the article is suitable for publication.)This article should have been published within the past 5 years. (1) Briefly summarize the article in a few sentences. What is the article about, specifically? (2) Why was it important for this article to be published? (3) What further questions about the subject has this article raised? Minimum of 350 word count.

Include: (1) Citation for your article in the body of your discussion and (2) Reference for your article at the end of your discussion.

*Remember to use the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2019) for the correct formatting of the citation and reference*

Part 2

While it is important that our work be firmly based on the work of many other authors, it is imperative that we cite our sources according to the current APA style guidelines. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism, which we regard very seriously in the counseling profession. This week you will begin compiling sources for your research proposal.

This week you will submit a list of at least 5 references that you plan to use for your research proposal. These references must be related to your chosen research question that you developed in Week 1. They must be scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles from the counseling profession, published within the past five years. (Peer-reviewed means experts in the field have assessed if the article is suitable for publication.) Examples of non-scholarly sources that would be inappropriate for this assignment include Wikipedia, blog posts (extremely rare exceptions may be made here), PsychCentral, lifestyle magazine articles, and most other internet sources. (For your final reference list that you submit with your research proposal, you may include limited books and book chapters, but for the sake of this current assignment, only use peer-reviewed journal articles).

Submit a list of your references in APA style as you would on the reference page for a research paper. Use a hanging indent for each reference (first line flush left with the margin and remaining lines indented), double-space all lines, and alphabetize the list of references using the last names of the first authors. Be sure to use the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2019) in formatting your references. After each entry you may choose to include a sentence or two summarizing what the article is about and how it might be useful to your study. These short summaries are not required for the current assignment, but they would serve to help you as you continue work on your research proposal throughout this term.


University of Guam Nursing Leadership & Management in Nursing Field Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment Description

Power in Organizations

Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop? If so, share your experience. If not, locate a scholarly journal article that describes collective bargaining and describe how it works within an organization.

Have you ever worked in a healthcare facility that had Magnet accreditation, or had experience with shared governance? If so, share your experience. If not, locate a scholarly journal article that describes shared governance and explain how it could be implemented in your current facility.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1000 – 1250 words

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. At least two (2) scholarly sources should be utilized in this assignment.


NSU Conflicts of Interest Health Outcomes and Legal Process Impact Discussion Writing Assignment Help



This is the link to the article:…

DOI: 10.1007/s00134-018-5349-8

Conflict of Interest Overview

As conflicts of interest are a normal part of any human-to-human debate or social interactions, they can become disputable between those participating in conversation. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) defined a conflict of interest as either an individual or institute have an additional interest that can create a risk on decisions or actions that affect the primary interest. Conflicts of interest can be personal, financial or professional. When these conflicts become unmanaged, they become a source of bias which can place either the professional or organizations interests before the patients. It has been reported that these are increasing in frequency, harm patients, damage trust and defraud our health system. A total of fifteen recommendation have been created to minimalize these conflicts (Bion et al., 2018). This white paper can be related to my policy brief on the “Right to Try Act” (Right to Try Act, 2017). This policy brief can have conflicting interest between the physician and or organization against the patient’s wishes.

Improve Health Outcomes

Based on one of the fifteen recommendation described in this paper under “Distance, role separation”, the recommendation of having a best practice guideline panel that includes individuals with conflicts of interest in their topic area of subject of expertise but must not be allowed to vote on any recommendations of their conflict (Bion et al., 2018). By having this panel, their opinions can be heard but voted on by other professionals who have no conflict.

Legal Process Impact

As stated earlier, the defrauding of our health system can be avoided with one of their recommendations. In the “Code of Conduct, governance” section a recommendation if proven research fraud, a maximum penalty of either employment termination or removal of license in the practice for healthcare professionals (Bion et al., 2018).

Best Regards,



Bion, J., Antonelli, M., Blanch, L. L., Curtis, J. R., Druml, C., Du, B., Machado, F. R., Gomersall, C., Hartog, C., Levy, M., Myburgh, J., Rubenfeld, G., & Sprung, C. (2018). White paper: statement on conflicts of interest. Intensive Care Medicine, 44(10), 1657–1668.

H.R.2368 – 115th Congress (2017-2018): Right to Try Act. (2017, May 4). Congress.Gov | Library of Congress.…


The White Paper that I chose is titled Quality of Care, Nurses’ Work Schedules, and Fatigue

The link for this white paper is: (Links to an external site.)

This White Paper titled Quality of Care, Nurses’ Work Schedules, and Fatigue discusses the issue of nurses, work schedules and fatigue. In this White Paper there is discussion on this issue of patient and staff safety, as well as the issue of nursing shortage. The safety of the patient and the staff should be top priority, even when there is an increase in acuity and a decrease in staff. Ellis (2008) mentions how fatigue can lead to increase in medical errors. One recommendation that was mentioned in this paper was to have periods of rest and education on noticing fatigue and taking action to help with this (Ellis, 2008). This relates to my chosen policy on nurse breaks and rest periods, which led to the implementation of the House Bill 1155. The main issue in relation to this policy and bill was that healthcare workers, including nurses, were not getting the proper breaks and rest periods needed for both their health and safety of all. This White Paper can help advance current health systems, practice, and/or organizations to improve health outcomes by providing education on the issues at hand, as well as recommendations to help. Per Brown et al. (2020), it can be seen as an ethical responsibility to help with recommendations for proper safety and states how the American Nurses Association has even made statements about nurse fatigue being a hazard in the workplace. As stated earlier, the White Paper provides evidence on medical errors and patient safety in relation to fatigue. The evidence and description provide even more reason to take action towards better working conditions and breaks. To add, legally there are implications for change in work schedules and breaks so that a decrease in errors and increase in retention of staff. One recommendation by Caruso et al. (2019) was for fifteen to thirty minute naps during one’s shift to help with alertness. The cost vs benefit of providing this time for healthcare workers is definitely key. There is also discussion on having the State Board of Nursing involved in investigating the amount of hours worked prior to an error (Caruso et al., 2019).


Brown, S. R., Purviance, D., & Southard, E. P. (2020). Nurse fatigue: Short on sleep, short on safety. American Nurse Today.

Caruso, C. C., Baldwin, C. M., Berger, A., Chasens, E. R., Edmonson, J. C., Gobel, B. H., Landis, C. A., Patrician, P. A., Redeker, N. S., Scott, L. D., Todero, C., Trinkoff, A., & Tucker, S. (2019). Policy brief: Nurse fatigue, sleep, and health, and ensuring patient and public safety. Nursing Outlook, 67(5), 615-619.

Ellis, J. R. (2008). Quality of care, nurses’ work scchedules, and fatigue: A white paper. Washington State Nurses Association.


The White Paper that I chose is “Healthcare 2.0 The Future of Telehealth & Telemedicine”

The link for this white paper is:…

The health policy of interest focuses on the importance of helping individuals who are suffering from mental health disorders and substance abuse during or in connection to the Coronavirus pandemic (Coronavirus Mental Health and Addiction Assistance Act, 2021). The bill proposes various programs to aide those affected such as telehealth, support groups, and telephone help lines. Due to COVID-19, telehealth is now one of the main sources of connection between healthcare providers and patients. According to Hayhurst (2020) “telehealth eliminates the danger that clinicians might be infected by patients who are COVID-19 positive, and it protects patients themselves from contracting the coronavirus during an in-person visit.” The white paper attached discusses the advantages of telehealth and its impact on the future. Telehealth is a virtual visit and or a telephone communication in which is now being commonly used by physicians for patients who cannot be at their physical location (PrognoCIS Department of Bizmatics, 2020). Currently, telemedicine is being used primarily to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and it allows better access to care at home in between visits. Benefits of telehealth include convenience, increased efficiency, and improvement in accessing patients (PrognoCIS Department of Bizmatics, 2020). For those suffering from mental health and substance abuse communicating is of huge importance. Telehealth can offer virtual visits from phycologist, physiatrist, and medical doctors to aide individuals affected. Research shows that telemental health provided to individuals demonstrated to be as effective as in person services (Reay et al., 2020). While continuing to provide care through telehealth services, it has resulted in a decrease in the spread of COVID-19 and maintained a safe environment for both patient and physician. This technological advancement has led in an improvement in efficiency and cost. Telemedicine has shown to reduce hospital and visit cost as the need for a surplus of supplies has decreased (PrognoCIS Department of Bizmatics, 2020). Overall, telehealth has proven to be beneficial in numerous standpoints including economical and regulatory processes.

Kind Regards,

Bianca Hernandez


Coronavirus Mental Health and Addiction Assistance Act, H.R. 593, 117th Cong. (2021)…

Hayhurst, C. (2020). A turning point for telehealth: COVID-19 spurs rapid uptake of connected care. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, 54(4), 242–250.

Reay, R. E., Looi, J. C., & Keightley, P. (2020). Telehealth mental health services during COVID-19: summary of evidence and clinical practice. Australasian Psychiatry, 28(5), 514–516.…

PrognoCIS Department of Bizmatics. (2020) .Healthcare 2.0 The future of telehealth & telemedicine[White Paper]. PrognoCIS EHR.…



Florida International University Levi’s Strategy Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to help me study.

In Module 2, students can submit responses for the Levi’s case study or the Ryanair case study; if a student submits both, the higher grade will be used for their Module 2 case study point allocation.

After reading the Levi’s Case from our textbook, respond to the following prompts in one to five sentences:

Based on the information in the case (and as of the case’s date, Early 2000’s)

  • What is Levi’s strategy?
    • Where is Levi’s on spectrums of differentiation and cost leadership? What are other important elements of Levi’s strategy? Would these change under CCTC’s proposal?
  • How is Levi’s able to differentiate?
    • Which source(s) of differentiation are relevant (see Chapter 5 and Table 5.2 of textbook for sources)?
    • Which of Levi’s capabilities/resources are most important for maintaining a differentiation advantage?
  • Evaluate the external environment and its strategic implications at two levels:
    • Broader industry: apparel manufacturers
    • Specific industry: jeans manufacturers
      • How attractive is its industry what are the key industry forces and success factors?
    • Do any major manufactures of jeans (with substantial market share) have broader product offerings (e.g. jeans < 50% of total revenue)
      • Should Levi widen their offering offerings (if so to where) based on the analysis of its competitors (both those who are focused and diversified)
  • Analyze CCTC’s proposal & its impact on Levi’s participation in the value chain?
    • What does the value chain look like for Levi’s with & without the CCTC offer?
    • How else could Levi’s adjust its participation in the value chain?
    • Evaluate potential outcomes – Do Levi’s resources/capabilities support implementing CCTC’s offer; what are the strategic and financial upside and downside and how certain are the outcomes (e.g. impact of external environment change, reliability of the cost savings estimates, etc.)

Florida International University Levi’s Strategy Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Obesity Speech Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

Audience Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet

Part I

Speaker _________________________________________Topic __________________________________

What is the audience for this speech? ____________________________________________________________


What is the specific purpose of this speech? _______________________________________________________


In choosing a specific purpose, how can you narrow the topic so it will be appropriate to this audience?



Demographic audience analysis: What special adaptation is necessary in the speech because of the audience’s

age ________________________________________________________________________________________

religion _____________________________________________________________________________________

racial, ethnic, and cultural background ____________________________________________________________

gender and sexual orientation ___________________________________________________________________

group membership ___________________________________________________________________________

other (specify) _______________________________________________________________________________

Situational audience analysis: What special adaptation is necessary in the speech because of the audience’s

size ________________________________________________________________________________________

response to the physical setting _________________________________________________________________

knowledge about the topic _____________________________________________________________________

interest level in the topic _______________________________________________________________________

attitude toward the topic ______________________________________________________________________

disposition toward the speaker __________________________________________________________________

disposition toward the occasion _________________________________________________________________

Part II

Speaker Topic

Adaptation in the speech: Answer each of the following questions.
What device(s) will you use in the introduction to gain attention from this audience?

What steps will you take to relate the topic directly to this audience in the introduction?

What will be the main points of the speech? Why did you develop these particular main points for
this audience?

What decisions will you make in choosing supporting materials for this audience?

What steps will you take to make your language clear and appropriate to this audience?

What adjustments will you need to make in delivery—rate of speech, volume, tone of voice,
gestures, and the like—to communicate your ideas to this audience?


San Diego City College Appropriateness of Using Whiteboards Memo Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment #2 – Visit the Steelcase website at: (Links to an external site.)

And read about electronic whiteboards. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using a whiteboard during a meeting? Would you recommend purchasing this product? Explain why or why not. Draft a memo to your boss outlining your recommendations and a plan for action (tips are listed below).



When preparing a memo, you

May use a lower-grade paper than you use for letters

May be asked to use a special memo form

Include the title “Memo” (or similar) at the top of the page either centered or flush left

At the top of a memo (arranged in almost any order), place introductory information such as





If a memo has wide distribution, type “See distribution list” after “To:” and place recipient names at the bottom of the page (usually in alphabetical order).

The subject line (or lines) should be short but informative.

For the body of the memo:

Start on the fourth line below heading.

Use single-spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs (unless the memo is very short).

Either indent paragraphs or make them flush left.

Head the second page just as you would head the second page of letter.

Although no complimentary close or signature block is required in a memo, the sender may initial the memo beside his or her name or at the bottom of the memo.

Handle reference initials, enclosure notations, and copy notations just as you would in a letter.

Memos may be delivered by hand, interoffice mail, or post office.


CS 330 Southern New Hampshire 3D Scales of Geometric Figures Project Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Hello i need help creating a rectangle that roughly represents a book laying flat on the floor (like the image i have attached). if possible please use the glew32.dll. I’ve uploaded the libraries I’m required to use also. following the below requirements. thanks


Using the image you selected in the Module Two milestone, begin creating a 3D object to represent one of the objects in your 2D scene. The object you create in this milestone will need to be made from two or more primitive 3D shapes. You will complete your work in Visual Studio. Be sure to work from a project file that has the libraries set up correctly from your work in Module One.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Create a complex 3D object using at least two primitive shapes. The object you create should be reflective of one object from your 2D scene. At this stage of your object’s creation, you should add different colors to each vertex of the object. This will help you better visualize the variance between the different parts of the shapes you are creating. Note that the code you already have uses rainbow colors on the shapes that are provided; if you use this code you may keep that rainbow format. Remember, the shapes you may wish to use are as follows:
    • Cube
    • Cylinder
    • Plane
    • Pyramid
    • Sphere
    • Torus
  • Apply transformations so shapes are scaled, rotated, and translated (placed) correctly. This work should be relevant for the 2D reference image. For example, if you are working with a cylinder, should it be standing up or lying on its side, based on the image you are referencing? If you are also creating a cube, where should it be placed relative to the cylinder? What sizes are the two objects when compared to each other? It will be easier if you complete these transformations in the right order for your specific object. In general, you will wish to first scale, then rotate, and then translate. While this is not always the case, that is the most likely order for your process to follow.
  • Create code that follows a logical flow without syntax errors. The code you create needs to be executable and all the code that is included will have to be reached by the execution. Note that not everything should be written in a single function and your work should be well-modularized.
  • Apply coding best practices in your creations. Pay particular attention to the way you format and comment your code. Program code should be easy to read and follow industry standard code formatting practices, such as indentation and spacing. Commenting best practices should be in place to ensure the source code is briefly and clearly explained using descriptive comments.


Webber International University Evidence Based Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Summarize the differences and the relationship between the concepts of evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), and nursing research (NR). (Course Objectives 1, and Student Learning Objectives 4, 5, and 8)

2. Describe the influence of Florence Nightingale on the use of evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), and nursing research (NR) in nursing practice. (Course Objective 1 and Student Learning Outcome 8)

3. Discuss the differences and the relationship between NR, QI, and EBP with peers and give an example of an initiative from your clinical practice. (Course Objective 1 and Student Learning Outcome 5)


And read about electronic whiteboards. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using a whiteboard during a meeting? Would you recommend purchasing this product? Explain why or why not. Draft a memo to your boss outlining your recommendations and a plan for action (tips are listed below).



When preparing a memo, you

May use a lower-grade paper than you use for letters

May be asked to use a special memo form

Include the title “Memo” (or similar) at the top of the page either centered or flush left

At the top of a memo (arranged in almost any order), place introductory information such as





If a memo has wide distribution, type “See distribution list” after “To:” and place recipient names at the bottom of the page (usually in alphabetical order).

The subject line (or lines) should be short but informative.

For the body of the memo:

Start on the fourth line below heading.

Use single-spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs (unless the memo is very short).

Either indent paragraphs or make them flush left.

Head the second page just as you would head the second page of letter.

Although no complimentary close or signature block is required in a memo, the sender may initial the memo beside his or her name or at the bottom of the memo.

Handle reference initials, enclosure notations, and copy notations just as you would in a letter.

Memos may be delivered by hand, interoffice mail, or post office.


CS 330 Southern New Hampshire 3D Scales of Geometric Figures Project Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Hello i need help creating a rectangle that roughly represents a book laying flat on the floor (like the image i have attached). if possible please use the glew32.dll. I’ve uploaded the libraries I’m required to use also. following the below requirements. thanks


Using the image you selected in the Module Two milestone, begin creating a 3D object to represent one of the objects in your 2D scene. The object you create in this milestone will need to be made from two or more primitive 3D shapes. You will complete your work in Visual Studio. Be sure to work from a project file that has the libraries set up correctly from your work in Module One.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Create a complex 3D object using at least two primitive shapes. The object you create should be reflective of one object from your 2D scene. At this stage of your object’s creation, you should add different colors to each vertex of the object. This will help you better visualize the variance between the different parts of the shapes you are creating. Note that the code you already have uses rainbow colors on the shapes that are provided; if you use this code you may keep that rainbow format. Remember, the shapes you may wish to use are as follows:
    • Cube
    • Cylinder
    • Plane
    • Pyramid
    • Sphere
    • Torus
  • Apply transformations so shapes are scaled, rotated, and translated (placed) correctly. This work should be relevant for the 2D reference image. For example, if you are working with a cylinder, should it be standing up or lying on its side, based on the image you are referencing? If you are also creating a cube, where should it be placed relative to the cylinder? What sizes are the two objects when compared to each other? It will be easier if you complete these transformations in the right order for your specific object. In general, you will wish to first scale, then rotate, and then translate. While this is not always the case, that is the most likely order for your process to follow.
  • Create code that follows a logical flow without syntax errors. The code you create needs to be executable and all the code that is included will have to be reached by the execution. Note that not everything should be written in a single function and your work should be well-modularized.
  • Apply coding best practices in your creations. Pay particular attention to the way you format and comment your code. Program code should be easy to read and follow industry standard code formatting practices, such as indentation and spacing. Commenting best practices should be in place to ensure the source code is briefly and clearly explained using descriptive comments.


Webber International University Evidence Based Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Summarize the differences and the relationship between the concepts of evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), and nursing research (NR). (Course Objectives 1, and Student Learning Objectives 4, 5, and 8)

2. Describe the influence of Florence Nightingale on the use of evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), and nursing research (NR) in nursing practice. (Course Objective 1 and Student Learning Outcome 8)

3. Discuss the differences and the relationship between NR, QI, and EBP with peers and give an example of an initiative from your clinical practice. (Course Objective 1 and Student Learning Outcome 5)


And read about electronic whiteboards. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using a whiteboard during a meeting? Would you recommend purchasing this product? Explain why or why not. Draft a memo to your boss outlining your recommendations and a plan for action (tips are listed below).



When preparing a memo, you

May use a lower-grade paper than you use for letters

May be asked to use a special memo form

Include the title “Memo” (or similar) at the top of the page either centered or flush left

At the top of a memo (arranged in almost any order), place introductory information such as





If a memo has wide distribution, type “See distribution list” after “To:” and place recipient names at the bottom of the page (usually in alphabetical order).

The subject line (or lines) should be short but informative.

For the body of the memo:

Start on the fourth line below heading.

Use single-spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs (unless the memo is very short).

Either indent paragraphs or make them flush left.

Head the second page just as you would head the second page of letter.

Although no complimentary close or signature block is required in a memo, the sender may initial the memo beside his or her name or at the bottom of the memo.

Handle reference initials, enclosure notations, and copy notations just as you would in a letter.

Memos may be delivered by hand, interoffice mail, or post office.


CS 330 Southern New Hampshire 3D Scales of Geometric Figures Project Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Hello i need help creating a rectangle that roughly represents a book laying flat on the floor (like the image i have attached). if possible please use the glew32.dll. I’ve uploaded the libraries I’m required to use also. following the below requirements. thanks


Using the image you selected in the Module Two milestone, begin creating a 3D object to represent one of the objects in your 2D scene. The object you create in this milestone will need to be made from two or more primitive 3D shapes. You will complete your work in Visual Studio. Be sure to work from a project file that has the libraries set up correctly from your work in Module One.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Create a complex 3D object using at least two primitive shapes. The object you create should be reflective of one object from your 2D scene. At this stage of your object’s creation, you should add different colors to each vertex of the object. This will help you better visualize the variance between the different parts of the shapes you are creating. Note that the code you already have uses rainbow colors on the shapes that are provided; if you use this code you may keep that rainbow format. Remember, the shapes you may wish to use are as follows:
    • Cube
    • Cylinder
    • Plane
    • Pyramid
    • Sphere
    • Torus
  • Apply transformations so shapes are scaled, rotated, and translated (placed) correctly. This work should be relevant for the 2D reference image. For example, if you are working with a cylinder, should it be standing up or lying on its side, based on the image you are referencing? If you are also creating a cube, where should it be placed relative to the cylinder? What sizes are the two objects when compared to each other? It will be easier if you complete these transformations in the right order for your specific object. In general, you will wish to first scale, then rotate, and then translate. While this is not always the case, that is the most likely order for your process to follow.
  • Create code that follows a logical flow without syntax errors. The code you create needs to be executable and all the code that is included will have to be reached by the execution. Note that not everything should be written in a single function and your work should be well-modularized.
  • Apply coding best practices in your creations. Pay particular attention to the way you format and comment your code. Program code should be easy to read and follow industry standard code formatting practices, such as indentation and spacing. Commenting best practices should be in place to ensure the source code is briefly and clearly explained using descriptive comments.


Webber International University Evidence Based Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Summarize the differences and the relationship between the concepts of evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), and nursing research (NR). (Course Objectives 1, and Student Learning Objectives 4, 5, and 8)

2. Describe the influence of Florence Nightingale on the use of evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), and nursing research (NR) in nursing practice. (Course Objective 1 and Student Learning Outcome 8)

3. Discuss the differences and the relationship between NR, QI, and EBP with peers and give an example of an initiative from your clinical practice. (Course Objective 1 and Student Learning Outcome 5)


And read about electronic whiteboards. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using a whiteboard during a meeting? Would you recommend purchasing this product? Explain why or why not. Draft a memo to your boss outlining your recommendations and a plan for action (tips are listed below).



When preparing a memo, you

May use a lower-grade paper than you use for letters

May be asked to use a special memo form

Include the title “Memo” (or similar) at the top of the page either centered or flush left

At the top of a memo (arranged in almost any order), place introductory information such as





If a memo has wide distribution, type “See distribution list” after “To:” and place recipient names at the bottom of the page (usually in alphabetical order).

The subject line (or lines) should be short but informative.

For the body of the memo:

Start on the fourth line below heading.

Use single-spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs (unless the memo is very short).

Either indent paragraphs or make them flush left.

Head the second page just as you would head the second page of letter.

Although no complimentary close or signature block is required in a memo, the sender may initial the memo beside his or her name or at the bottom of the memo.

Handle reference initials, enclosure notations, and copy notations just as you would in a letter.

Memos may be delivered by hand, interoffice mail, or post office.


CS 330 Southern New Hampshire 3D Scales of Geometric Figures Project Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Hello i need help creating a rectangle that roughly represents a book laying flat on the floor (like the image i have attached). if possible please use the glew32.dll. I’ve uploaded the libraries I’m required to use also. following the below requirements. thanks


Using the image you selected in the Module Two milestone, begin creating a 3D object to represent one of the objects in your 2D scene. The object you create in this milestone will need to be made from two or more primitive 3D shapes. You will complete your work in Visual Studio. Be sure to work from a project file that has the libraries set up correctly from your work in Module One.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Create a complex 3D object using at least two primitive shapes. The object you create should be reflective of one object from your 2D scene. At this stage of your object’s creation, you should add different colors to each vertex of the object. This will help you better visualize the variance between the different parts of the shapes you are creating. Note that the code you already have uses rainbow colors on the shapes that are provided; if you use this code you may keep that rainbow format. Remember, the shapes you may wish to use are as follows:
    • Cube
    • Cylinder
    • Plane
    • Pyramid
    • Sphere
    • Torus
  • Apply transformations so shapes are scaled, rotated, and translated (placed) correctly. This work should be relevant for the 2D reference image. For example, if you are working with a cylinder, should it be standing up or lying on its side, based on the image you are referencing? If you are also creating a cube, where should it be placed relative to the cylinder? What sizes are the two objects when compared to each other? It will be easier if you complete these transformations in the right order for your specific object. In general, you will wish to first scale, then rotate, and then translate. While this is not always the case, that is the most likely order for your process to follow.
  • Create code that follows a logical flow without syntax errors. The code you create needs to be executable and all the code that is included will have to be reached by the execution. Note that not everything should be written in a single function and your work should be well-modularized.
  • Apply coding best practices in your creations. Pay particular attention to the way you format and comment your code. Program code should be easy to read and follow industry standard code formatting practices, such as indentation and spacing. Commenting best practices should be in place to ensure the source code is briefly and clearly explained using descriptive comments.


Webber International University Evidence Based Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Summarize the differences and the relationship between the concepts of evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), and nursing research (NR). (Course Objectives 1, and Student Learning Objectives 4, 5, and 8)

2. Describe the influence of Florence Nightingale on the use of evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), and nursing research (NR) in nursing practice. (Course Objective 1 and Student Learning Outcome 8)

3. Discuss the differences and the relationship between NR, QI, and EBP with peers and give an example of an initiative from your clinical practice. (Course Objective 1 and Student Learning Outcome 5)


Realism Liberalism and Constructivism in Paris Agreement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Realism Liberalism and Constructivism in Paris Agreement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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