Recommendations to Attract More Clients with The Ongoing Pandemic Story Miners Business Finance Assignment Help. Recommendations to Attract More Clients with The Ongoing Pandemic Story Miners Business Finance Assignment Help.
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The organization works with clients to articulate and execute their desired business strategies. The organization has found the coronavirus pandemic has rendered most business planning research obsolete. Some of their established competitors have weakened or disappeared entirely. New competitors are emerging. Services are changing. Storyminers is seeking an independent view and a new perspective on how their services stack up against a new competitive set. They need to understand quickly if they are on point and where they need to upgrade their messages and offers.
More information about this organization can be found on
Now, imagine you are working as a consultant for Storyminers. The manager of Storyminers wants to know how to combine their services with the coronavirus pandemic would attract more clients. Therefore, the manager would like you to offer indicate which key COVID-19 points would work best for the services they have. Write you response in one page, 250-300 words.
Make sure to conduct sufficient online research about the Storyminers (and its business) and the COVID-19 to support your answers.
Recommendations to Attract More Clients with The Ongoing Pandemic Story Miners Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CSU Islam Present Day Way of Living Relativism Pluralism & Morality Discussion Writing Assignment Help
can you please answer the question and respond to the re
Question 1
As noted in the lecture, Islam is covers both familiar and unfamiliar territory. What was the single most interesting thing you learned in this week’s reading? What struck you as different or notable? How is Islam related to any of the religions we have previously studied?
Question 2
One of the supplemental videos is from Irshad Manji, a Muslim feminist who writes on issues of liberty and rights from a Muslim perspective. This video is one of the best explanations I have ever heard of relativism and pluralism. Relativism and pluralism represent ethical stances one can take. Some people argue that in a diverse society, such as our own, relativism is the only stance one can take. After watching the video, explain both relativism and pluralism. Which stance does she advocate for and why? How would taking this stance allow us to engage in hard conversations with other religions and cultures?
rsponse 1
It was fascinating to know that even before the Dark Ages from about 900-1285, Islam made great contributions on the academic fields. In addition to that, they led in different learning training grounds: cultural, education, etc. Consequently, scientific breakthroughs, math discoveries and philosophical realizations bloomed more than that of Europe. It was interesting to know that Islamic philosophy flourished on that age. With Islamic philosophers become lovers of wisdom, they continually search for knowledge in answering ultimate questions. But their urges in solving the mysteries had stopped because they viewed God as divine and it really showed that they respect and feared God.
What I found notable is that how the Islam religion puts so much emphasis on being able to live a holy and peaceful life. The different practices were inclined on having an intimate relationship with God. Muslims obey these practices as if their lives are on the line. The value taught on the Qur’an imparts the value of showing kindness to others which is very surprising because most people viewed Muslims as terrorists.
Islam is associated with various religions like Judaism and Christianity in a way that it is stemmed on the belief that there is an ultimate transcendent being. The acceptance that there is a supreme one proves that there are things which the even the most intelligent human can’t fathom. Moreover, its similarity is also relevant in the portrayal of angels and prophets. The prophets which are the messengers of God are recognized by Islam in the character of Moses and Jesus (though other religions viewed Jesus as God). Likewise, the inclusion of supernatural beings like angels, especially Gabriel (who Muhammad stated that it was him who gave God’s revelation), makes the religions somewhat connected.
Respose 2
My understanding of relativism is the way a culture, or society, looks at the moral standard of something. What is wrong to some people, may not be wrong to another set of people. I think in simpler terms, relativism comes down to right and wrong, but it’s your perspective of what is right and wrong. Other people may disagree with you and have a different perspective of that.
Pluralism to me, is the understanding that there could be not one correct logical view, or there could be multiple logical views that are correct. Pluralism, to me, looks for a path of coexistence. Can we agree that maybe we’re both correct? This will give people personal freedom in having a choice and being able exist with one another in society.
In the video, Irshad Manji, is advocation pluralism. She’s saying that we should have freedom to make a decision, decide what is true or false, right or wrong and make decision with the information we have, BUT, also be able to change our mind once we get more information. With this approach, the goal of humanity will be for all of humanity to show dignity and caring views towards others that they may not understand.
Having these conversations can lead to meaningful change and understanding. It’s important to be understanding and want to understand why someone, or some society / religion do certain things. It follows the conversations we had earlier in class, are we accepting or are we just being tolerant? With pluralism, we can make a better effort to be more an accepting society and not a society that is rooted in fear or hatred. I think in this country, there is a lot of fear over what we don’t understand. We tend to fear people of different religions or cultures. If we can become a bit more of a pluralism culture, you’ll begin to see meaningful change in our societies.
Van Voorst, Robert (2017) World RELG – Introduction to World Religion (3rd.) Boston, MA: Cengage Learning
CC The Administrative Procedures Act & the US Constitution Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
- Discuss the Administrative Procedures Act. What are the factors that make an agency rule arbitrary and capricious? What happens to a rule that is deemed arbitrary and capricious?
- Explain the relationship between administrative agency investigation of violations and the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
- Provide an example, with details, of deceptive advertising and explain why this example is deceptive. Additionally, provide an example of advertising that appears to be unreasonable or unethical but in fact is not considered deceptive.
- How has food and product labelling affected the health and safety of the American consumer? Provide an example of labelling and its impact on the American consumer.
Strayer Teacher Evaluation Alternative Approaches & Practical Guidelines Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Continue the project plan by completing Part 2.
Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:
- Describe the planned approach as it applies to the object of the evaluation (selected from text, Chapters 5–8).
- Explain your rationale and provide research support for the approach.
- Describe three major areas with a question for each and provide three sub-sets of questions for each major question. There should be a total of 12 questions altogether.
- Provide a rationale and research support (external references) for the question areas.
- Describe the stakeholders, analyze the reasons they should be involved and the ways to obtain their involvement.
- Use at least three peer-reviewed academic resources in this assignment. Peer-reviewed academic resources are articles and scholarly journals that are reviewed by a panel of experts or peers in the field. Review the video titled Research Starter: Finding Peer-Reviewed References for more information on obtaining peer-reviewed academic resources through your Blackboard course shell. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
ABC Mobile Computing Popularity & the Use of Mobile Devices Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
We learn from our readings that the use of mobile devices in our society today has indeed become ubiquitous. In addition, CTIA asserted that over 326 million mobile devices were in use within The United States as of December 2012 – an estimated growth of more than 100 percent penetration rate with users carrying more than one device with notable continues growth. From this research, it’s evident that mobile computing has vastly accelerated in popularity over the last decade due to several factors noted by the authors in our chapter reading. In consideration with this revelation, identify and name these factors, and provide a brief discussion about them.
No Plagiarism, APA format, need references.
Concordia College state Consumer Protection Laws in Alabama Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
State Consumer Protection
Most states have enacted their own consumer protection laws. These laws vary tremendously from state to state. Identify a consumer protection law in Alabama and address the following:
- Analyze the law, its purpose, and what it is aimed to accomplish;
- Describe the industry that the law affects and what types of businesses are affected;
- Explain the changes and/or policies that an affected business would have to implement in order to comply with the law or portion the law;
- Assess whether the law is effective in accomplishing its objective.
The paper
- Must be four to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
- Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Concordia College state Consumer Protection Laws in Alabama Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHIL 115 Brookdale Accurate Portrayal of What is Going on In the Universe Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
We know much more about the universe today than most people realize and all of that information contradicts what most people have been taught about how everything came to be. This is an example of the kind of knowledge that can lead to unhappiness. What it tells us is that there is much to learn about the universe, and also that past knowledge that was so comforting has no evidence to support it.
The evidence to support the information seen is this video, is correspondence. The images you see are not artistic depictions. They are actual photographs picked up by the Hubble Telescope which is directed at various places in the universe from outer space. So if one were to use the phrase “seeing is believing”, then this would be a perfect example of that statement. Yes, it has been enhanced. Remember there is no color in the external world, so as a television does, the images here are created based on their various wave lengths of light. The human mind creates color based upon wavelengths, and so does photography.
The chapter presents three different ways to evaluate a scientific point of view.
- Using the Realist View assess the video above and determine if it can be considered an accurate portrayal of what is going on in the universe.
- Given the same video assess it using the Conceptual view. What is your conclusion concerning the reliability of the video?
- Can we reach a compromise using both views? Have you reached any conclusions concerning the video?
- Submission:
- Must be a minimum of 1 pages with standard 1-inch margins in Times New Roman or Garamond font.
- Must be double-spaced.
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Pay attention to the plagiarism score. Try to paraphrase instead of quote
- Must include in-text citations and references in MLA style. No outside sources.
- Name, course, and assignment top left.
- Include a Title.
M6 D : INCLUDE A PAGE BREAK with title M6 D
The ancient Greeks invented fake news, in fact philosophy as we know it today was created in reaction to the ideas of the Sophists who taught their students to argue a point of view from both sides such that both could be considered true. In a famous play by Aristophanes, Sophists were portrayed as people who could make the weaker view stronger. In other words for the Sophists, truth did not matter. What mattered was that the student or later adult won the debate. The consequences of that attitude are grave and in fact this idea that truth is not our ultimate goal has been handed down to us in various forms. One of those forms is the view of relativism, the belief that truth is whatever someone believes is true.
The argument against this is that there usually is a certain way that events happen independent of whether or not it can be determined exactly which way it did. That is what we see happening in the video below. The video portrays a famous story by the Japanese author, Ryunosuke Akutagawa. You may have already read the story. From the the story (Section 6.5)and the video, we find that uncovering the truth is complicated. It takes patience to gather all of the facts and then piece them together such that we feel confident we know what happened. But Akutagawa upends that way of looking at things. Each of the characters in the story tells us something different and so who is telling us the truth? In order to deal with this question of truth, please answer the following questions for your assignment:
- “In the Grove” is a good example of a relativistic point of view. Each of the characters has his or her own view of what happened. Do you think one of the characters is more trustworthy than the others?
- If you do not think so, can it be that they are all telling the truth?
- If they all can’t be telling the truth, then could it be that the events unfolded in a certain way? And that the way they did, cannot be determined by the evidence we are given?
- So in this case can it be said, that motives color the perspective of the individuals in the situation, but that, if an objective observer saw what happened, he could state with certainty exactly how the husband was killed?
- One of them did kill him, of course, and that attitude toward the situation is the way out of relativistic thinking. The world did come to be in a certain way independent of what people say and independent of whether we have enough knowledge to say exactly how. The prudent person withholds judgement when a person realizes all of the facts are not known. Can you see that if we do not accept an objective view of the world, it can lead to a culture that is confused about life’s most important questions and can feel hopeless saying, “Who’s to say?”
- This statement implies that no one knows the truth and also that we can never know what is true. To live like this is to live a life of confusion and anxiety. Do you think many people today are in this state of confusion? What do you think we should do about ti?
- For this assignment, 1000 words should be enough to give a good explanation of all of this
The video goes blank at times. That is part of the artistry of it. So keep watching
University of Southern California Understanding SWOT and PEST Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a social science Discussion and need support to help me study.
Understanding SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis- 250 words
Discuss how you would approach conducting a SWOT analysis for an organization. What do you consider to be the primary benefits of SWOT? What are the possible variables to be considered in SWOT?
Next, discuss the role of external factors on the development of the strategic plan, with special emphasis on PEST analysis. What do you consider to be the primary benefits of PEST? What are the possible variables to be considered in PEST?
Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix for The Student Loans Problems Higher Education Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me understand better.
In this assignment, I’m really seeking your reaction to the New York Times article “For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix.” There are no right or wrong answers but I do expect you to show me that you read the article and gave it some serious thought. You can treat this as an essay or journal entry, however you wish to write it; please, however, proofread your submission for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
Your response should be a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words
Please double space your submission. Submit in pdf, doc, or docx format
For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix – The New York Times.pdf
By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
UPD 00303 NUST W1 Annual Income Statement Project Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting project and need support to help me learn.
There are 3 worksheets in this worksheet series.
Each student group should use only one from Worksheets 1 (A or B or C); Remaining Worksheets 2 and 3 are common to all.
Each student group should use only one and relevant sheet from the two Projected Income Statements A or B according to the Type of your business (Manufacturing/Wholesale or Retail/Service)
Start-Up Investment projections are common to all.
The worksheets are used for preparing the financial projection sheet ‘Projected Annual Income Statement’. This is a projection for the first year of your business starting from January 1st of the next financial year and ending in December 31, the same year.
Information given in these worksheets may also be useful for completing other financial projection sheet called Start-up Investment.
Remember that the worksheet you choose should match the template for Projected Annual Income Statement for your business type (Manufacturing/Wholesale or Retail/Service)
Use your logic, judgements, critical thinking and simple common sense to work out these worksheets and financial statements and which should be broadly relating to your Business Plan. ·
If any item is not applicable to you, do not delete it, but put a small dotted line in the cells (Ex: ——). ·
Words and figures in this solution sample are typed in red and in italics to easily distinguish between the soft copy and hard copy formats of the filled in parts of the templates. ·
Do not write anything in the shaded areas of the various cells in the tables given in the Financial Projections and Worksheet templates.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Concordia College state Consumer Protection Laws in Alabama Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHIL 115 Brookdale Accurate Portrayal of What is Going on In the Universe Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
We know much more about the universe today than most people realize and all of that information contradicts what most people have been taught about how everything came to be. This is an example of the kind of knowledge that can lead to unhappiness. What it tells us is that there is much to learn about the universe, and also that past knowledge that was so comforting has no evidence to support it.
The evidence to support the information seen is this video, is correspondence. The images you see are not artistic depictions. They are actual photographs picked up by the Hubble Telescope which is directed at various places in the universe from outer space. So if one were to use the phrase “seeing is believing”, then this would be a perfect example of that statement. Yes, it has been enhanced. Remember there is no color in the external world, so as a television does, the images here are created based on their various wave lengths of light. The human mind creates color based upon wavelengths, and so does photography.
The chapter presents three different ways to evaluate a scientific point of view.
- Using the Realist View assess the video above and determine if it can be considered an accurate portrayal of what is going on in the universe.
- Given the same video assess it using the Conceptual view. What is your conclusion concerning the reliability of the video?
- Can we reach a compromise using both views? Have you reached any conclusions concerning the video?
- Submission:
- Must be a minimum of 1 pages with standard 1-inch margins in Times New Roman or Garamond font.
- Must be double-spaced.
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Pay attention to the plagiarism score. Try to paraphrase instead of quote
- Must include in-text citations and references in MLA style. No outside sources.
- Name, course, and assignment top left.
- Include a Title.
M6 D : INCLUDE A PAGE BREAK with title M6 D
The ancient Greeks invented fake news, in fact philosophy as we know it today was created in reaction to the ideas of the Sophists who taught their students to argue a point of view from both sides such that both could be considered true. In a famous play by Aristophanes, Sophists were portrayed as people who could make the weaker view stronger. In other words for the Sophists, truth did not matter. What mattered was that the student or later adult won the debate. The consequences of that attitude are grave and in fact this idea that truth is not our ultimate goal has been handed down to us in various forms. One of those forms is the view of relativism, the belief that truth is whatever someone believes is true.
The argument against this is that there usually is a certain way that events happen independent of whether or not it can be determined exactly which way it did. That is what we see happening in the video below. The video portrays a famous story by the Japanese author, Ryunosuke Akutagawa. You may have already read the story. From the the story (Section 6.5)and the video, we find that uncovering the truth is complicated. It takes patience to gather all of the facts and then piece them together such that we feel confident we know what happened. But Akutagawa upends that way of looking at things. Each of the characters in the story tells us something different and so who is telling us the truth? In order to deal with this question of truth, please answer the following questions for your assignment:
- “In the Grove” is a good example of a relativistic point of view. Each of the characters has his or her own view of what happened. Do you think one of the characters is more trustworthy than the others?
- If you do not think so, can it be that they are all telling the truth?
- If they all can’t be telling the truth, then could it be that the events unfolded in a certain way? And that the way they did, cannot be determined by the evidence we are given?
- So in this case can it be said, that motives color the perspective of the individuals in the situation, but that, if an objective observer saw what happened, he could state with certainty exactly how the husband was killed?
- One of them did kill him, of course, and that attitude toward the situation is the way out of relativistic thinking. The world did come to be in a certain way independent of what people say and independent of whether we have enough knowledge to say exactly how. The prudent person withholds judgement when a person realizes all of the facts are not known. Can you see that if we do not accept an objective view of the world, it can lead to a culture that is confused about life’s most important questions and can feel hopeless saying, “Who’s to say?”
- This statement implies that no one knows the truth and also that we can never know what is true. To live like this is to live a life of confusion and anxiety. Do you think many people today are in this state of confusion? What do you think we should do about ti?
- For this assignment, 1000 words should be enough to give a good explanation of all of this
The video goes blank at times. That is part of the artistry of it. So keep watching
University of Southern California Understanding SWOT and PEST Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a social science Discussion and need support to help me study.
Understanding SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis- 250 words
Discuss how you would approach conducting a SWOT analysis for an organization. What do you consider to be the primary benefits of SWOT? What are the possible variables to be considered in SWOT?
Next, discuss the role of external factors on the development of the strategic plan, with special emphasis on PEST analysis. What do you consider to be the primary benefits of PEST? What are the possible variables to be considered in PEST?
Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix for The Student Loans Problems Higher Education Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me understand better.
In this assignment, I’m really seeking your reaction to the New York Times article “For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix.” There are no right or wrong answers but I do expect you to show me that you read the article and gave it some serious thought. You can treat this as an essay or journal entry, however you wish to write it; please, however, proofread your submission for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
Your response should be a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words
Please double space your submission. Submit in pdf, doc, or docx format
For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix – The New York Times.pdf
By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
UPD 00303 NUST W1 Annual Income Statement Project Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting project and need support to help me learn.
There are 3 worksheets in this worksheet series.
Each student group should use only one from Worksheets 1 (A or B or C); Remaining Worksheets 2 and 3 are common to all.
Each student group should use only one and relevant sheet from the two Projected Income Statements A or B according to the Type of your business (Manufacturing/Wholesale or Retail/Service)
Start-Up Investment projections are common to all.
The worksheets are used for preparing the financial projection sheet ‘Projected Annual Income Statement’. This is a projection for the first year of your business starting from January 1st of the next financial year and ending in December 31, the same year.
Information given in these worksheets may also be useful for completing other financial projection sheet called Start-up Investment.
Remember that the worksheet you choose should match the template for Projected Annual Income Statement for your business type (Manufacturing/Wholesale or Retail/Service)
Use your logic, judgements, critical thinking and simple common sense to work out these worksheets and financial statements and which should be broadly relating to your Business Plan. ·
If any item is not applicable to you, do not delete it, but put a small dotted line in the cells (Ex: ——). ·
Words and figures in this solution sample are typed in red and in italics to easily distinguish between the soft copy and hard copy formats of the filled in parts of the templates. ·
Do not write anything in the shaded areas of the various cells in the tables given in the Financial Projections and Worksheet templates.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Concordia College state Consumer Protection Laws in Alabama Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHIL 115 Brookdale Accurate Portrayal of What is Going on In the Universe Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
We know much more about the universe today than most people realize and all of that information contradicts what most people have been taught about how everything came to be. This is an example of the kind of knowledge that can lead to unhappiness. What it tells us is that there is much to learn about the universe, and also that past knowledge that was so comforting has no evidence to support it.
The evidence to support the information seen is this video, is correspondence. The images you see are not artistic depictions. They are actual photographs picked up by the Hubble Telescope which is directed at various places in the universe from outer space. So if one were to use the phrase “seeing is believing”, then this would be a perfect example of that statement. Yes, it has been enhanced. Remember there is no color in the external world, so as a television does, the images here are created based on their various wave lengths of light. The human mind creates color based upon wavelengths, and so does photography.
The chapter presents three different ways to evaluate a scientific point of view.
- Using the Realist View assess the video above and determine if it can be considered an accurate portrayal of what is going on in the universe.
- Given the same video assess it using the Conceptual view. What is your conclusion concerning the reliability of the video?
- Can we reach a compromise using both views? Have you reached any conclusions concerning the video?
- Submission:
- Must be a minimum of 1 pages with standard 1-inch margins in Times New Roman or Garamond font.
- Must be double-spaced.
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Pay attention to the plagiarism score. Try to paraphrase instead of quote
- Must include in-text citations and references in MLA style. No outside sources.
- Name, course, and assignment top left.
- Include a Title.
M6 D : INCLUDE A PAGE BREAK with title M6 D
The ancient Greeks invented fake news, in fact philosophy as we know it today was created in reaction to the ideas of the Sophists who taught their students to argue a point of view from both sides such that both could be considered true. In a famous play by Aristophanes, Sophists were portrayed as people who could make the weaker view stronger. In other words for the Sophists, truth did not matter. What mattered was that the student or later adult won the debate. The consequences of that attitude are grave and in fact this idea that truth is not our ultimate goal has been handed down to us in various forms. One of those forms is the view of relativism, the belief that truth is whatever someone believes is true.
The argument against this is that there usually is a certain way that events happen independent of whether or not it can be determined exactly which way it did. That is what we see happening in the video below. The video portrays a famous story by the Japanese author, Ryunosuke Akutagawa. You may have already read the story. From the the story (Section 6.5)and the video, we find that uncovering the truth is complicated. It takes patience to gather all of the facts and then piece them together such that we feel confident we know what happened. But Akutagawa upends that way of looking at things. Each of the characters in the story tells us something different and so who is telling us the truth? In order to deal with this question of truth, please answer the following questions for your assignment:
- “In the Grove” is a good example of a relativistic point of view. Each of the characters has his or her own view of what happened. Do you think one of the characters is more trustworthy than the others?
- If you do not think so, can it be that they are all telling the truth?
- If they all can’t be telling the truth, then could it be that the events unfolded in a certain way? And that the way they did, cannot be determined by the evidence we are given?
- So in this case can it be said, that motives color the perspective of the individuals in the situation, but that, if an objective observer saw what happened, he could state with certainty exactly how the husband was killed?
- One of them did kill him, of course, and that attitude toward the situation is the way out of relativistic thinking. The world did come to be in a certain way independent of what people say and independent of whether we have enough knowledge to say exactly how. The prudent person withholds judgement when a person realizes all of the facts are not known. Can you see that if we do not accept an objective view of the world, it can lead to a culture that is confused about life’s most important questions and can feel hopeless saying, “Who’s to say?”
- This statement implies that no one knows the truth and also that we can never know what is true. To live like this is to live a life of confusion and anxiety. Do you think many people today are in this state of confusion? What do you think we should do about ti?
- For this assignment, 1000 words should be enough to give a good explanation of all of this
The video goes blank at times. That is part of the artistry of it. So keep watching
University of Southern California Understanding SWOT and PEST Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a social science Discussion and need support to help me study.
Understanding SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis- 250 words
Discuss how you would approach conducting a SWOT analysis for an organization. What do you consider to be the primary benefits of SWOT? What are the possible variables to be considered in SWOT?
Next, discuss the role of external factors on the development of the strategic plan, with special emphasis on PEST analysis. What do you consider to be the primary benefits of PEST? What are the possible variables to be considered in PEST?
Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix for The Student Loans Problems Higher Education Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me understand better.
In this assignment, I’m really seeking your reaction to the New York Times article “For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix.” There are no right or wrong answers but I do expect you to show me that you read the article and gave it some serious thought. You can treat this as an essay or journal entry, however you wish to write it; please, however, proofread your submission for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
Your response should be a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words
Please double space your submission. Submit in pdf, doc, or docx format
For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix – The New York Times.pdf
By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
UPD 00303 NUST W1 Annual Income Statement Project Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting project and need support to help me learn.
There are 3 worksheets in this worksheet series.
Each student group should use only one from Worksheets 1 (A or B or C); Remaining Worksheets 2 and 3 are common to all.
Each student group should use only one and relevant sheet from the two Projected Income Statements A or B according to the Type of your business (Manufacturing/Wholesale or Retail/Service)
Start-Up Investment projections are common to all.
The worksheets are used for preparing the financial projection sheet ‘Projected Annual Income Statement’. This is a projection for the first year of your business starting from January 1st of the next financial year and ending in December 31, the same year.
Information given in these worksheets may also be useful for completing other financial projection sheet called Start-up Investment.
Remember that the worksheet you choose should match the template for Projected Annual Income Statement for your business type (Manufacturing/Wholesale or Retail/Service)
Use your logic, judgements, critical thinking and simple common sense to work out these worksheets and financial statements and which should be broadly relating to your Business Plan. ·
If any item is not applicable to you, do not delete it, but put a small dotted line in the cells (Ex: ——). ·
Words and figures in this solution sample are typed in red and in italics to easily distinguish between the soft copy and hard copy formats of the filled in parts of the templates. ·
Do not write anything in the shaded areas of the various cells in the tables given in the Financial Projections and Worksheet templates.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.