reflection paper How did Hitler rise to power? – Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

reflection paper How did Hitler rise to power? – Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help. reflection paper How did Hitler rise to power? – Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help.

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The paper must be at least three pages long, double spaced. Instead of reading anything I want you to watch the two

videos on fascism-one on Mussolini, one on neo-facsism and one on Hitler and answer the following questions about those videos:

1. List at least two statements or behaviors by the groups in each of the video. For example, a behavior could be having a type of flag or tattoos that show fascist thinking.

2. What conditions that led to fascism and/or neo-fascism did you find in the three videos? Only describe neo-fascism for that video, look at fascism for the other two.

3. Why did people find fascism attractive? Why do they still find it attractive or are drawn to it?

4. What are the dangers, if any, for the country with fascist or neo-fascist groups? Do they have any good things they do also?

5. Do you believe there are fascist groups in your country? Tell me the country and then explain why you do or do not believe there are such groups. If you use a source to check this out, please provide a URL for the source.

reflection paper How did Hitler rise to power? – Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Population and Sample, statistics assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help

This is a discussion question that needs to be answer with at least 100 words.

Time and cost constraints are usually the main drivers in a company’s choosing to sample rather than study or survey a whole population.

For example, a company I worked for conducted an annual employee survey, using a sample of employees generated by selection using a random number generator.

However, since the company was nation wide, management had to be careful that the sample(s) included employees from all significant areas ( East Coast, west Coast, Southwest, Northwest, etc.).

How might such an organization take into account such a diversified population and the resulting samples?


Mineral and Water Function Essay, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Write an essay of at least 350 words that explains the basic functions and sources of minerals and water in the body. Include what you learned about minerals, water, and dehydration from the article. Provide responses to the following:

  • Mention two major and two minor minerals. State their functions, sources and deficiency conditions.
  • Research information about one of the following: osteoporosis, anemia or iodine deficiency disorders. For your selection, indicate symptoms, required minerals and food sources, people or areas affected, and how the disease is managed or treated.
  • What are the functions of water in the body?
  • What is the general effect of dehydration on the body?

Include references with citations in APA format.

The Grading Guide for Mineral and Water Function Essay will be used for this assignment.


McGovern–Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, homework help Writing Assignment Help


The McGovern–Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program helps support education, child development and food security in low-income, food-deficit countries around the globe. The program provides for the donation of U.S. agricultural commodities, as well as financial and technical assistance, to support school feeding and maternal and child nutrition projects. (Holzaepfel, 2011).

The key objective of the McGovern-Dole Program is to reduce hunger and improve literacy and primary education, especially for girls. By providing school meals, teacher training and related support, McGovern-Dole projects help boost school enrollment and academic performance. At the same time, the program also focuses on improving children’s health and learning capacity before they enter school by offering nutrition programs for pregnant and nursing women, infants and preschoolers. Sustainability is an important aspect of the McGovern-Dole Program. FAS and its partner organizations work to ensure that the communities served by the program can ultimately continue the sponsored activities on their own or with support from other sources such as the host government or local community.

McGovern-Dole projects are conducted by non-profit charitable organizations, cooperatives, the United Nations World Food Program and other international organizations. The Food Assistance Division (FAD or ‘the Division’) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is charged with a mandate to demonstrate accountability for achieving results and meeting the goals laid out by its Congressionally-supported McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program (MGD, ‘the Program’ or ‘McGovern-Dole) and Food for Progress Programs (FFPr). This mandate is grounded in the extensive findings of the lack of effectiveness of development assistance programs around the world. FAD is pursuing a combination of actions to meet these requirements including the establishment of a Results Oriented Management (ROM) system and the institutionalization of a Division-wide Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Policy. The extent to which these initiatives promise to deliver the changes necessary for responding to this mandate appear limited and feeble. Most important, the Division staff lacks the technical capacity to embrace and support these initiatives while at the same time certain aspects of the ROM process have served to undermine essential tenets of FAD programs.

In order to effectively respond to the mandate for greater accountability and demonstration of program results, FAD needs to ensure that the logical frameworks reflect each of the underlying goals and tenets of the programs as well as commit to hiring new staff with competencies in program monitoring and evaluation who can take on the full responsibility of implementing the ROM system and M&E Policy. (Vigoda-Gadot, 2007).

However, since, the Program has operated in the absence of a monitoring and evaluation policy. Several external reviews of USDA food assistance programs have been conducted, out of which FAD has received strong criticism for its failure to effectively manage several aspects of its programs. The lack of a monitoring and evaluation policy, systems, and procedures lies at the base of these criticisms. (Laureate, 2008e)

Seeking to address these criticisms, a process to develop and institute a comprehensive Results Oriented Management (ROM) System to support the achievement of Division and Agency-wide program goals. FAD must take steps to devise an M&E Policy to guide the establishment of the ROM system and institute robust monitoring and evaluation of all programs managed under the Division. The M&E Policy was launched in June 2011 at the International Food Aid and Development Conference (IFAD) in Kansas City, Missouri. It sets forth an extremely ambitious agenda for FAD to institutionalize a ROM system and requires all implementing partners to conduct midterm and final evaluations of programs using the most rigorous evaluation methodology possible, with a focus on impact evaluation.


Holzaepfel, Erica A. Leland Hunger Fellow, U.S. Department of Agriculture – Foreign Agricultural Service June, 2011

Laureate Education (Producer). (2008e). Vital factors in finance and budgeting: Ethics and technology [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2007). Citizens’ perceptions of politics and ethics in public administration: A five-year national study of their relationship to satisfaction with services, trust in governance, and voice orientations. Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, 17(2), 285–305. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


Bennandale Christian Community for Action, homework help Writing Assignment Help


Bennandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA) is a non-profit organization designed to assist low-income families in the Northern Virginia area to meet their early child care needs. Founded in 1967 the organization works in alliance with 26, local churches. The organization provides a variety of other services including, family emergency assistance, Meals on Wheels, housing repair, scholarships, and food pantry (ACCA, 2016).

An organization strives on their employees to act ethically, involving those who work inside the organization to uphold professional ethics. Before BCCA became such a large organization, it worked mainly on the volunteer basis. The only paid employees were the teachers in the child development center. Th BCCA being a child development center that assists low-income families, an ethical issue or violation that I have identified that is related to finance, or budgeting would be if the enrollment paper were falsified to enhance chances of registration.

In the early 90’s the volunteers in the admission department were supposed to base acceptance off the entire household income, but mistakenly place one income resulting in many of the children being enrolled as though they are from a single parent household. With the volunteers falsifying records and allowing individuals to receiving childcare services that otherwise may not qualify, it disabled other low-income families from receiving those services. It also allotted those families to be able to receive other services that the BCCA provided such as Meals on Wheels, housing repair, scholarships, and food pantry. Not only was this a budgeting and financing issue but this was an immoral act that violated ASAP’s (2013) code of ethics: Bennandale Christian Community for Action (BCCA) is a non-profit organization designed to assist low-income families in the Northern Virginia area to meet their early child care needs. Founded in 1967 the organization works in alliance with 26, local churches. The organization provides a variety of other services including, family emergency assistance, Meals on Wheels, housing repair, scholarships, and food pantry (ACCA, 2016).

An organization strives on their employees to act ethically, involving those who work inside the organization to uphold professional ethics. Before BCCA became such a large organization, it worked mainly on the volunteer basis. The only paid employees were the teachers in the child development center. Th BCCA being a child development center that assists low-income families, an ethical issue or violation that I have identified that is related to finance, or budgeting would be if the enrollment paper were falsified to enhance chances of registration.

In the early 90’s the volunteers in the admission department were supposed to base acceptance off the entire household income, but mistakenly place one income resulting in many of the children being enrolled as though they are from a single parent household. With the volunteers falsifying records and allowing individuals to receiving childcare services that otherwise may not qualify, it disabled other low-income families from receiving those services. It also allotted those families to be able to receive other services that the BCCA provided such as Meals on Wheels, housing repair, scholarships, and food pantry.

Not only was this a budgeting and financing issue but this was an immoral act that violated ASAP’s (2013) code of ethics:

“Strengthen social equity. Treat all persons with fairness, justice, and equality and respect individual differences, rights, and freedoms. Promote affirmative action and other initiatives to reduce unfairness, injustice, and inequality in society.

a. Provide services to the public with impartiality and consistency tempered by recognition of differences. Ensure that all persons have access to programs and services to which they are entitled under the law and maintain equitable standards of quality for all who receive the programs and services” (ASPA, 2013).

In so, by not properly calculating the household income could have taking away serveries from citizens that may have been deemed qualified.


ACCA (2016) A Program of Annandale Christian Community For Action.




University essay acceptance, writing homework help Assignment Help

I’m gonna transfer from Minnesota state university (mankato) to catholic university of america and they are asking me to write an essay about 500 words. The essay should be why I’m gonna transfer. My major is Mechanical Engineering and I want the essay about the engineers department in catholic university of america and the university rank as well. catholic university of america is on DC you can write about the city as well which is one of the reasons i’m transferring . BTW I’m gonna transfer this fall semester.

University essay acceptance, writing homework help Assignment Help[supanova_question]

How to Avoid the Obesity Related to Plastic Chemical BPA Health Medical Assignment Help

I)My role: Epidemiologist – The environment expert –Conducts a case control study that investigates the connection between a specific human activity to a medical condition and identifies points of contamination

I must analyze as epidemiologist how it is related the obesity with the plastic pollution and hormone disruption

II)My Topic: How to avoid the obesity related plastic chemical BPA”

Each student will compose an academic manuscript for a present-day publication that includes the following sections: 20 pages long in content

  • Abstract: ½ – 1 page
  • Lit review: 5-7 pagers
  • Material/ Methods 2-5 pages
  • Results: 2-4 pages
  • Conclusion 3-7 pages
  • References (APA formatting)
    • Pubmed
    • World Health Organization
    • Food and Agricultural Organization
    • Non-GMO project
    • – can be used a source but not a documentary
    • Institute for Integrative Medicine
    • Ecowatch
    • Center for Biological Diversity
    • Food and Water Watch
    • Center for Food Safety
    • The Institute for Responsible Medicine
    • Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine
    • Dietitians for Professional integrity
    • Comfortably Unaware
    • NextGen Climate
    • The Guardian
    • Institute for agricultural trade policy
    • PBS
    • UDSA
    • CDC
    • FDA

While there most likely will be overlap in the literature review the majority of the papers will focus on each student’s assigned role.

Good sources

I will sent you an example of the paper for my role


I have a friend that sent to you the same tittle, you did a great job for her, we are in the same team, she is the medical research and I am the epidemiologist, be careful with the plagiarism thing,

You did a great work, so I would like to work with you


Compare/contrast the essential differences between the best-fit and best-practices perspectives, homework help Business Finance Assignment Help


Please demonstrate critical thinking abilities. No fewer than 100 words for post.

For this response, should outside sources be used to support the content within the postings, proper in-text citations and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA (6th edition). The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings.

1.Compare/contrast the essential differences between the best-fit and best-practices perspectives. How do these perspectives impact an organization’s competitive advantage?

In order for organizations to remain competitive or ahead of the rest of the industry they must stay innovative and acquire the talent that will allow for this. HR is given the task to align talent with the organizations goals using a strategic approach. Organizations use reward systems in order to attract and retain the talent it needs. “This is definitely going to add to the competitive advantage of the organization. The reward system includes, bonuses, additional time off, increased pay and many other innovative practices been practiced by the HR department for the staff members who have excelled in their work falling in their specific domain” (Upadhye, 2016). There are two strategic perspectives used which are “Best Fit” and “Best Practice”.“One model “best fit” argues that HR strategy will be more effective when it is appropriately integrated with its specific organizational and environmental context” (Boxall & Purcell, 2000). This means that the reward system it utilizes is customized to fit the organizations policies and strategies. “Best Practices argues that universalism is best for all organizations regardless of its strategy. “It believes that a bunch of HR practices certainly including the reward system ropes Organizational business strategy. This in turn leads to highly committed and motivated employees leading to enhanced competitive advantage” (Upadhye, 2016). Best Fit supports the view that the employees tend to work with a firm that tends to recognize and reward the performers. If the organization offers incentives and additional perks that its competitors do not along with the basic salary, it will have a better opportunity to attract quality employees. The reward system should be able to differentiate between the good performers and the bad ones. The reward system should be such that it makes an arrangement to encourage the good performers and assist the way out for the poor ones, giving the organization a competitive advantage. (Upadhye, 2016).


Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2000, June). Strategic human resource management: where have we come form and where should we be going? International Journal of Management Reviews, 2(2), 183-203. Retrieved June 6, 2017, from…

Upadhye, N. (2016, June). Strategic Reward System- Analyzing the gap between “Best Fit” and “Best Practice”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, II(II), 1-5. Retrieved June 6, 2017, from…


Compare/contrast the three tests for any source of competitive advantage, assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help


Please demonstrate critical thinking abilities. No fewer than 100 words for post.

For this response, should outside sources be used to support the content within the postings, proper in-text citations and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA (6th edition). The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings.

2. Compare/contrast the three tests for any source of competitive advantage: align, differentiate, and add value. Discuss whether these tests are difficult to pass. How can compensation be a source of competitive advantage for an organization?

The three tests can help verify if a pay strategy is a source of advantage. Alignment includes if the pay strategy aligns with the business strategy, with the economic and sociopolitical conditions and if it aligns with the overall HR system. From the three, this is the easiest test to pass.

Differentiation includes having different strategy compared to competitors. Advocates of the strategic approach suggest that sustained advantage comes from how the pay system is supervised (Milkovich, Newman, & Gerhart, 2014). It can be easy to copy a competitor’s pay practice, however, the part that is hard to copy is the way “pay programs fit together” and fit the needs and strategies of the organization (Milkovich et al., 2014). An organization cannot just copy and blindly benchmark and follow the “best practices” to stay relevant instead of staying above competitors (Milkovich et al., 2014). Being able to combine service differentiation with other factors, “such as innovativeness and customer centricity, versus service differentiation alone, can sustain above-industry average performance. Only the combination of service differentiation with other factors can translate into valuable resources that are neither perfectly imitable nor easily substitutable” (Gebauer, Gustafsson, & Witell, 2011). This will help sustain advantage with practices that best fit for the organization’s strategy.

The compensation system should add value if the company can attract and motivate employee’s behaviors to benefit the company and reach its goals. These compensations should be cost-effective so that the company is not seeing a disadvantage in marketing its services. Compensation is one of the biggest controllable expense, trying to calculate the return on investment becomes challenging when trying to determine and calculate the different forms of compensation pay (Milkovich et al., 2014). “Trying to measure an ROI for any compensation strategy implies that people are ‘human capital’… viewing pay as an investment with measurable returns diminished the importance of treating employees fairly” (Milkovich et al., 2014). Trying to measure intangible assets can be an issue, “some are understanding, some are critical, some work long hours and some spend much of their time gossiping. The difficulty is in deciding what kind of work practice matters most” (Donkin, 2002). This test of strategy is the most difficult from the three.

There are different pay practices of compensation that can be easily adapted in organization’s such as base pay and benefits. The strategic perspective suggests the way these practices fit together and with the organization’s strategy that will result in a competitive advantage (Milkovich et al., 2014).


Donkin, R. (2002). Human capital measures. Retrieved from Richard Donkin website:…

Gebauer, H., Gustafsson, A., & Witell, L. (2011). Competitive advantage through service

differentiation by manufacturing companies. Journal of Business Research, (64), 12,

1270-1280. Retrieved from:

Milkovich, G., Newman, J., & Gerhart, B. (2014). Compensation (11th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw- Hill.


Compare and contrast the commercials of two airlines, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Compare and contrast the commercials of two airlines. You may use two of the ones provided in Activity 8.1 (see below) or choose two of your own ( is a good resource). Evaluate the commercials in terms of message, what does or does not make it memorable, entertainment value and/or thought-provoking ability. Which one did you like better? Why?

Indian Airlines commercial (YouTube/1:00) (Links to an external site.)

23 Best Airline Commercials EVER (Huffington Post/23 segments at about 45 seconds each) (Links to an external site.)

Southwest Heart TV Spot, ‘Machine’ ( 00:31) (Links to an external site.)


reflection paper How did Hitler rise to power? – Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

reflection paper How did Hitler rise to power? – Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

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