RELS 390B SDSU Racial Violence Malcom X Biography Paper Humanities Assignment Help. RELS 390B SDSU Racial Violence Malcom X Biography Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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Write a 250 word or more response to one of the following questions
(i.e., there are five questions in total below, you only need to answer one of them):
Fowler, “Latino and African American Religion and Politics”
(pp. 249-273)
- How would you compare the Latino and African American experience regarding religion and politics in America?
- What can you surmise from either the Latino religion or the African American experience in American political life?
Butler, “Religion in the New Frontier”
(pp. 363-381)
- What is the main idea of the chapter in your estimation?
- What do you remember about the “Autobiography of Malcolm X”?
- What can you infer from the concept of religion in the “new frontier”?
RELS 390B SDSU Racial Violence Malcom X Biography Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CS 132 SUNY at Buffalo C Programming Driver Lab Report Programming Assignment Help
I’m working on a c++ exercise and need an explanation to help me understand better.
q_array.h =
#include “array_v.h”
#ifndef Q_ARRAY_H__
#define Q_ARRAY_H__
template <class BaseData>
class Queue
Queue(); //constructor
Queue(int size);
Queue( Queue &initq); // copy constructor
~Queue(); //destructor
BaseData front();
int emptyQ();
int fullQ();
void enQ(BaseData item);
void deQ();
int maxQ;
Array_V<int,BaseData> *nodes;
int frontI, rearI;
template <class BaseData>
cout << “q constr ” << endl;
(*this).maxQ = 11;
this -> nodes = new Array_V<int, BaseData>(1,(*this).maxQ);
(*this).frontI = 1;
(*this).rearI = maxQ;
template <class BaseData>
Queue<BaseData>::Queue(int size)
(*this).maxQ = size + 1;
this -> nodes = new Array_V<int, BaseData>(1,(*this).maxQ);
(*this).frontI = 1;
(*this).rearI = (*this).maxQ;
template <class BaseData>
Queue<BaseData>::Queue(Queue<BaseData> &initq)
(*this).maxQ = initq.maxQ;
(*this).frontI = initq.frontI;
(*this).rearI = initq.rearI;
this -> nodes = new Array_V<int,BaseData>(1,(*this).maxQ);
for (int i = 1; i <= (*this).maxQ; i ++)
(*nodes)[i] = (*initq.nodes)[i];
template <class BaseData>
delete nodes;
template <class BaseData>
int Queue<BaseData>::emptyQ()
return (((*this).rearI % (*this).maxQ) + 1 == (*this).frontI);
template <class BaseData>
int Queue<BaseData>::fullQ()
return ((((*this).rearI + 1) % (*this).maxQ + 1) == (*this).frontI);
template <class BaseData>
BaseData Queue<BaseData>::front()
return ((*nodes)[(*this).frontI]);
template <class BaseData>
void Queue<BaseData>::enQ(BaseData item)
if (!Queue<BaseData>::fullQ())
(*this).rearI = (*this).rearI % (*this).maxQ + 1;
(*nodes)[(*this).rearI] = item;
else cout << ” full q! ” << endl;
template <class BaseData>
void Queue<BaseData>::deQ()
if (!Queue<BaseData>::emptyQ())
(*this).frontI = (*this).frontI % (*this).maxQ + 1;
else cout << “empty Q ” << endl;
UCF Human Resources Who to Hire Director of Production Position Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Human Resources: Who to Hire
Who to hire, when to hire and how to hire are just some of the challenges Human Resources Professionals face. Use your knowledge of Human Resources to answer the questions below.
Read the Situation on Who to Hire and answer the questions in the attached worksheet.
The Situation: Who to Hire
Over the last year, your company has seen a 30% increase in production and sales. Although management is overjoyed at expanding their company and selling more product, you as Manager of Human Resources, are concerned. You know that it’s important to hire the right person for the job, at the right time and make sure that the company adheres to all legal requirements.
After reviewing many resumes for a Director of Production position, you have narrowed it down to two candidates: Mel and Sadie. Use this worksheet to answer the questions.
1. What experience, level of education and skills would you look for in Mel and Sadie’s resumes for them to be considered for a Director of Production position?
2. Mel has a Bachelor’s of Science in Production but lacks technical skills. Create a development plan to help Mel gain the skills needed to be successful in this position. Be sure to identify when Mel should have these skills and how they will be measured.
Helpful hint: Google:
-Feel free to google search some examples, for question 2 (google: development plan, to get some ideas)
3. Your company encourages diversity. Mel is the weaker candidate of the two, but Mel is a member of an ethnic minority. Who should your company hire and why? Be sure to identify all legal requirements of diversity.
4. Once hired, one of the candidates wants to form a union. Describe the legal environment of organizations in terms of unions.
5. Once hired, one of the candidates feels that they are being discriminated against. As manager of Human Resources, what should you do? Be sure to identify all related legal aspects of the work environment.
Answer each question with a 150-200 word response. Responses less than 150-200 words each do not receive credit. Use terminology introduced in the textbook, session meetings, and the ToKnight Show videos in your responses when possible. Once you are finished, upload this file to Session Deliverable : Human Resources. Use a Word document. Submissions in documents other than Word do not receive credit.
These assignments are scored as 100% if you completed ALL of the requirements OR 0% if you missed any of the requirements.
USC Racial Gaslighting Politics Groups and Identities Article Response Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a article writing writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
I’m working on a article writing writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
I’m working on a article writing writing question and need guidance to help me study.
Three articles to read and analyze. All articles will be attached files and will also add an example paper to go off of which will be called the Go-By 3142 Article Review PDF .
The article responses must include the following:
1 – Name of the reading
2 – One or two paragraphs of what the reading was about in your own words (do not use quotes, and do not copy and paste text)
3 – One of two paragraphs that highlights particularly interesting elements you read in the readings
4 – One or two paragraphs of your critical thoughts and feelings on the reading/article, which should include did it change your view of the topic or where you persuaded by the author’s data (see example!). This is your opportunity to share a personal experience, or draw other commonalities from what you read in the article to your life experience.
THIS IS NOT A SUMMARY. Each response should range from 640 – 700 words for each article (that is about a page and a half 1.2 spaced (Mac) and 1.15 (Word), with 12 point font), but may be longer if needed, and EACH of the readings (this includes pdf articles, and web links) needs its own individual article response as in the example above and the responses need to be uploaded in one document. *PAPER EXAMPLE IS THE Go-By 3142 Article Review PDF
PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES, professor is very strict and will make down for any plagiarism.
Alcorn State University Frequency Modulation Systems Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Content
Grossmont College Redox Reactions Activity Series Lab Report Science Assignment Help
The purpose of writing a partial lab report for Redox Reactions experiment is to continue to familiarize you with technical scientific writing, data analysis, and its presentation.
In this lab report you will:
- Analyze redox reactions from qualitative experimental data.
- Continue to improve your scientific writing by composing a portion of a formal lab report (title page, results and calculations section, discussion, and conclusion).
This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content information:
- Organize your data in a results and calculations section including:
- Writing balanced net ionic chemical equations.
- Apply vocabulary of redox reactions to the experiment.
- Create a partial activity series for Zn, Fe, Fe3+, I, Br, Cu, and H
- State and analyze your activity series in the discussion.
- Restate your activity series in the conclusion.
This exercise asks you to collect, organize, analyze, and evaluate data you collected in the lab. You will type a lab report that includes the following:
- Title page
- Results and Calculations section
- Table summarizing your major experimental results.
- Experimental observations
- Balanced net ionic reactions
- Element oxidized, element reduced, stronger oxidizing agent, and more active element.
- Discussion
- State your activity series.
- Analyze your experimental data:
- Did you have any difficulties determine the activity series?
- If so, what species are you unsure of the relative activities?
- What additional experiments might help you to make a better assessment of relative activities?
- State any sources of error. What affect did it have on your activity series?
- Conclusion
- Reiterate your experimental activity series using complete sentences.
- Table summarizing your major experimental results.
Criteria for Success:
We are building your report writing skills of organizing data, analyzing data, and summarizing data. Incorporate the feedback from your previously graded lab reports.
- As you write up your report:
- Be sure to summarize your major data in your results and calculations section, state and analyze your activity series in your discussion and reiterate the activity series in your conclusion.
- Make sure that your laboratory pages have the headers and footers completely fill out, and that your data and observations are complete enough for another student to use your lab notebook to complete the experiment.
- Before the start of lab on the due date:
- Upload your prelab and typed report to Canvas on time. Remember that practice make progress. The more that you practice scientific writing the better you are going to get at it. It is important to get timely feedback from your instructor on your lab reports by turning them in on time.
To see the grading rubric for this discussion, click on the Options icon (three vertical dots) located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this assignment.
- Before the start of lab on the due date:
Grossmont College Redox Reactions Activity Series Lab Report Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Walden University Linear Programming Question Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a mathematics multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.
Tous les Jours Bakery operates a 5 day working week and produces two products; sourdough and bagel. Each sourdough requires 6 ounces of flour, 1 ounce of yeast, and 2 TS (tablespoons) of chia seeds. A bagel requires 3 ounces of flour, 1 ounce of yeast, and 4 TS of chia seeds. The company has 6600 ounces of flour, 1400 ounces of yeast, and 4800 TS of chia seeds available for daily production runs. Sourdough profits are 20 cents each, and bagel profits are 30 cents each. The formulation of this problem should satisfy four requirements for standard Linear Programming 1. There are limited resources and there is an explicit objective function 2. The equations are linear 3. The resources are homogenous (everything is in one unit of measure) 4. The decision variables are divisible and nonnegative (we can make a fractional part of each case)
(i) Formulate the problem as a Linear Programming problem to maximise the total profit for Tous les Jours.
(ii) Represent the problem in graphical format and highlight the feasible region.
(iii) Use Simplex Method to determine the optimal number of each product that Tous les Jours Bakery can produce per week and also the total profit resulting, assuming it can sell all products. Note any slack time remaining. Comment on further issues to be considered.
MGMT 4489 SMU Strategic Management the Five Forces Analysis of Netflix Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Usually it works better if you could work together to go through the case before your divide the tasks
For the interim report, you should use
PESTEL, 5 forces, Value Chain and VRIN
And then use SWOT to summarize your analysis
When you do your 5 forces analysis, when evaluating intensity of Rivalry, you will need business level strategy(chapter 5). Please at least identify 2-3 direct competitors of the focal case company.
The above is the email sent to us by the professor. This is a group assignment. My part is to use 5 forces to analyze Netflix, so you only need to focus on writing 5 forces, and don’t care about the others. You can refer to the information given in the attachment or collect other information online. There is no limit to the number of words, as long as you think the number of words is appropriate.
The Model by Guy de Maupassant Essay Humanities Assignment Help
- The assignment is to explain that issue in the context of the story, using critical thinking and exegesis to explore the conflict and what is at stake.
- half of the paper should be a summary of the ethical issue in the context of the selection
- Half of the paper should be your own critical analysis of what is at stake and what should be done
- Critical analysis section may involve one of the following:
v Critique of a character’s argument or conclusion
v Defense of a character’s argument or conclusion
v Implications of author’s conclusion
v Discussion of a distinction made
v Possible interpretations of an unclear part of the reading
The Model by Guy de Maupassant
Ohio State University Space Weather Questions Science Assignment Help
1.Check this out: … …find me something on this Wikipedia page that is cool and important!
2.We ran into “magnetic reconnection” in several places. Where? And why is it important?
3.Are there any sunspots right now? How about Coronal holes??
4.Put these in order of lowest to highest energy per photon: Visible Light, Gamma Rays, Microwaves, Cosmic Ray, Ultraviolet, Infrared, X-raysPut these in order from sparsest to densest: thermosphere at 400 km, photosphere, air density in your parent’s basement, solar wind.
5.Check out this old Dst data. What’s it a measure of? What’s happening on 6 Nov.?
6.Where is the L1 Lagrange point (no, not the one near the moon!) relative to the magnetopause(e.g. ratio of distances from center of Earth)? Does this relationship ever change?
7.Archimedes was an old Greek dude. Trace the track a typical CME takes on its way here. (assume we are looking down onto the solar system from the “north”)
8.Once things are moving faster than about 10% light speed, we consider them relativistic. Approximately what minimum energy does an alpha particle need to be to be considered relativistic? How about an electron? Compare these energies to a “typical” cosmic rayas well as a “typical” SEP.
9.Earth’s magnetic field flips on occasion. How often? How quickly can it happen? Does the Sun’s magnetic field ever flip in a similar way?
10.How close will the Parker Solar probe eventually get to the “surface” of the sun (in units of solar radii)?
11.A CME and associated shockwave traveled to the outer solar system in the mid-1980s. Was there any good music in the 80s? Anywho, Voyager picked up a radio hiss(~2 to 3 kHz) when this packet hit interstellar wind (an indication that the CME had reached the heliopause?) about 13 months after it flopped out of the sun. Assuming it was traveling a wee bit faster than typical solar wind, how far away is the heliopause?
12.WIND ( data (solar wind stuff) is shown:What is being measured?What time(s) might you expect some geomagnetic storm activity here on Earth??
13.You’ve built a rocket in your parents’ basement that you’re sending to Mars. Where (if anywhere) should you launch from to avoid the Van Allen radiation belts on your trip?
14.An alpha particle in the solar wind approaches Earth. If it weren’t for our magnetic field, this particular beastie would be heading straight towards PA!! Thankfully, it is deflected… towards the East coast or the West coast??? Note: assume Vernal Equinox (basically a few days from now)
15.What isF 10.7 ? Why do we care? What frequency does it operate at? .
16.What parameter do we measure to define the strength of solar flares?
17.The Super-K facility seems neat! But I wonder why they built it so far underground? It’s located about 36 degrees North latitude; wait, what is its magnetic latitude? … Quite often it detects neutrinos from underneath itself! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???
18.Consider differential rotation of our sun … how long does it take for the low latitudes to “lap” high latitude portions of the sun? Do we see SW effects on these time scales? Compare your answer to the 11-year solar cycle… btw, what was the Carrington rotation number when you were born?
19.What’s the ratio between typical solar wind speed and typical wind speed in a tornado?
20.The IMF sometimes points north, sometimes south… why does it change?
21.SDO Image of sun. Where might you expect fast solar wind to be originating from? …Oh, and btw, what wavelength was this image taken at?
22.If you were tasked with putting a permanent solar observing station at L5 or L4, which would you choose, and why? btw, w here are the STEREO satellites right about now?
23.What wavelength does SDO’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager operate at? What does it measure, and why do we care?24.Why is Sansa important to understanding Space Weather? True, she is Queen in the North and married to a Jonas brother, but that might simply all be a distraction…
25.What (if any) are the connections between these solar abnormalities: Prominences, Flares, Sunspots, and CMEs ?
Short answers, please.
RELS 390B SDSU Racial Violence Malcom X Biography Paper Humanities Assignment Help
RELS 390B SDSU Racial Violence Malcom X Biography Paper Humanities Assignment Help