Remington College – Tampa Campus Nursing Practice Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms Health Medical Assignment Help

Remington College – Tampa Campus Nursing Practice Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms Health Medical Assignment Help. Remington College – Tampa Campus Nursing Practice Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms Health Medical Assignment Help.

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As a nurse, it is an expectation that you incorporate theory into your daily practice. As a new graduate, you are interviewing for a position as a registered nurse in a large academic medical center. When scheduling the interview, the Human Resource department provided some possible interview topics and suggested that you be prepared to discuss these topics. One topic included, “Discuss one nursing theorist that will guide your clinical practice.”


As a means of organizing the information, you decide to prepare an Infographic that includes the following information:

  • Select one nursing theorist and summarize the theory.
  • Identify the concepts and relational statements of the selected nursing theory.
  • Discuss the contributions of that theory to nursing practice.
  • Submit a share URL that links to the Infographic.

Remington College – Tampa Campus Nursing Practice Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PSY 428 Grand Canyon University Week 3 Get Off Your Computer Social Situation Humanities Assignment Help


Social Situation: Go to a location where teens/adolescents are present and in social groups. Sit and observe them while paying attention to the following questions. Your write-up should address each of these major areas. The write-up should be 3-5 pages in length and written in APA format. You should consult at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles to support your observations and assessments/conclusions.

Write-Up: Required Elements

  1. Please give all appropriate demographic information including:
    1. Location
    2. Date/time of observation
    3. Number of adolescents observed
    4. Estimated age range
    5. Male to female ratio
    6. Ethnic/cultural information
  2. Biological Issues
    1. Did the adolescents appear comfortable in their own skin/bodies? Describe how you could tell.
  3. Cognitive Development
    1. Try and listen to conversation.
    2. What kinds of cognitive skills seem to be present? (i.e. abstract thought, reasoning, decision-making…)
  4. Social Issues
    1. What social situations did you observe?
    2. Did you notice any differences in SES?
    3. What kinds of social roles did you see being played out by these adolescents?
    4. Did you notice any observable emotions? Peer pressure? Gender stereotypes?
  5. Peer Groups
    1. What types of cliques/crowds did you observe?
    2. How important did friendship appear?
    3. How important did popularity appear?
    4. Did you notice any kind of power struggle?
  6. Communication
    1. How were the adolescents communicating?
    2. What types of non-verbal communication did you observe?
    3. Did you observe any technological forms of communication?
  7. Identity
    1. Did adolescents do anything that leads you to believe they are searching for identity? Explain.
    2. Did some adolescents appear to be more confident than others? Explain.
  8. Moral Development
    1. Did you learn anything about adolescents’ moral development? From what?
    2. Do you have any opinion on their knowledge or interaction with “right vs wrong”?
    3. What kinds of values did you see in their communication and/or behavior?
  9. Problems
    1. Did you observe any dangerous, illegal, self-injurious or anti-social behaviors? Describe.
    2. How severe did these problems appear to be?
  10. Conclusion
    1. What was the most valuable lesson learned from this field assignment for you?
    2. What assumptions/stereotypes of yours regarding adolescence and adolescent culture were challenged or affirmed? Explain.

Click on the “Week Three Assignment” link above to submit your assignment, as well as to get more information regarding the due date and grading rubric.


Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Limitations & Conclusions Research Paper Writing Assignment Help


For this activity you will:

  1. State your research topic and purpose.
  2. State your research question(s).
  3. List and label the variables as independent, dependent, intervening, or moderating.
  4. State your hypothesis.
  5. Describe the limitations present in your study. Be thorough.
  6. Describe what the results would look like if the data supports your hypothesis.
  7. Describe what the results would look like if your data does not support your hypothesis.
  8. If the data supports your hypothesis, explain what conclusions would you draw and what recommendations would you make.

Thesis/Dissertation Tips #6: Writing Your Conclusions (YouTube|4:32

Thesis/Dissertation Tips #7: Limitations of Your Research (YouTube|7:08)


Florida State University Group Planning and Why Is Necessary Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

Students will plan for an eight week group and put the information into a PowerPoint.

What kind of group is this? State population and problem.

Is it a closed or open group? Mandated or voluntary? Provide a rationale for your answers.

What was your overall goal of this group?

Give a rationale for the need of this group. In other words, why is this group important for this population? Support your claims with at least five journal articles. Make sure that these are journal articles and not the class text or a web-based article. Your reference page should include 10 articles/books but you need only to discuss the five most important ones in the presentation.

If you were really planning for this group, give topics/activities for each of the eight weeks of this group. How do these topics fit in with your overall goal?

Attached is a example of the powerpoint/rubric and background of the assignment.

Text: Yalom, I. D. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (5th ed.). NY: Basic Books.

***If you’re needing more information, or this doesn’t provide enough information to complete, please don’t hesitate to reach out.****


CJS 211 University of Phoenix Week 1 Ethical Violations in Criminal Justice Paper Law Assignment Help

As an employee in any field you will learn about ethical guidelines related to jobs and organizations within that industry. Criminal justice is broad as it spans across federal, state, and local levels as well as in different disciplines. For this assignment, you will find an ethical violation and explain the details related to it.

Locate a news story or press release about an ethical violation resulting from actions of employees in the criminal justice system.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following:

  • In what division of the criminal justice system does the criminal justice agency or individuals in question belong?
  • What is the reasoning for the criminal justice agency’s involvement and the timing of the news story or press release?
  • What are the primary ethical styles or perspectives of the involved agency, along with the reported concerns or ethical violations identified in the report or release?
  • What are the key interest groups in relation to the ethical violation?
  • Discuss if there are obvious ways the ethical violation(s) could have been avoided.



Rasmussen College Renovate and Innovate Campaign Health Medical Assignment Help


Grading Rubric Mastery=4=A

  • Clearly stated detailed descriptions of two internal sources for innovative ideas related to financial savings, improved client outcomes or improved staff performance. Each source contained a supporting rationale for choice and a description of at least one type of innovation for practice expected to find in this source.
  • Clearly stated detailed descriptions of two external sources for innovative ideas related to financial savings, improved client outcomes or improved staff performance. Each source contained a supporting rationale for choice and a description of at least one type of innovation for practice expected to find in this source.
  • Appropriate conversational style reflected throughout the email including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present.


Identify sources for innovative ideas.


You recently obtained your BSN degree and began work in the cardiovascular progressive care unit at a 900 bed Magnet Hospital serving a densely populated urban center in the Northeastern United States. The hospital has received past awards for technological innovation in cardiac care with the use of virtual surgery consults, quality and safety with pharmacy robots and client education with a digital repository of resources supplemented with videos, evidence based recommendations and links to social media health and wellness groups.

Recently the healthcare organization launched a “Renovate and Innovate” campaign including a competition among all employees to identify the next technological innovation for purchase.

Rules of the campaign stated:

  • All employees from all departments are eligible to participate.
  • Groups can submit suggestions but must include names of all participating.
  • All suggestions must be submitted in an email titled “Renovate and Innovate” no later than Friday, October 31st at 7 pm.
  • Each employee may not submit more than one idea so think carefully.
  • The idea must impact the facility in at least one of these key areas: financial savings, improved client outcomes, improved staff performance.
  • The idea can be a new idea not currently in use or an idea to renovate and improve an existing innovative practice.
  • The winning participant or team will receive a $5,000 cash bonus.

The idea of researching innovative ideas seems overwhelming, so you and a teammate decided to collaborate. Each of you will take a week and identify external and internal sources for innovative ideas which you will share via email.


Compose an email to a teammate to brainstorm innovative ideas for the healthcare facility’s
“Renovate and Innovate” campaign including:

  • Two internal sources for innovative ideas related to financial savings, improved client outcomes or improved staff performance
  • Two external sources for innovative ideas related to financial savings, improved client outcomes or improved staff performance

Rasmussen College Renovate and Innovate Campaign Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

COM 690 SNHU F*ck Cancer Organization Situation Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help






This report will serve as your rationale for developing your campaign plan and will become part of your final report. Through research and analysis, you will demonstrate your understanding of relevant publics—the various competitive, regulatory, political, or social environments in which a client organization operates. The analysis should identify business and organizational opportunities as well as challenges to solving the identified problem.





BCIT School of Business How Technology Has Improved Education Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

Subject : Presentation Topic and other

I am writing this letter for giving you the information regarding the topic that I have selected for my presentation and other details as required by you with regards to the same .

Presentation Topic:How Technology Has Improved Education

Audience: My classmates

Purpose: To enlighten the class about how technology is essential in the education system.

Presentation length: The length of the presentation would be 8 minutes.

Visuals:Visauals such as bar graphs for the statistics and pictures will be used.


Technological advancement has been improving various areas of life, including communication, transportation, and health, among others. However, the main improvement can be noticed in the education system. Technological changes have brought about a lot of positive outcomes in education.

Technology has improved education in many ways.


I. New and updated techniques of education

Technology has made the design of books and other educational materials look better and have better quality.

These days, books are colorful, contain images, charts, and diagrams, among other visuals, which are inspiring.

II. Improved teachers and student’s communication

Technology has improvedcommunication between teachers and students.

Communication between students and teachers is now stronger than before.

Students can comment on the posts teachers make and can also ask questions easily through online platforms. This makes learning fun and engaging to all.

III. Students safety

With improved technology, students can use safer online educational material.

Various technologies have been put in place to help filter online bullies and harmful information to students.

Also, the use of things such as E-Cards in schools enables a safe environment for students as only students, and relevant members can access the school environment through unique identification.


Technology is generally an excellent tool for education since it makes the learning process easy and fun. It is, therefore, essential to embrace the various ways it helps in order to help improve the learning process and education in general.


How Has Technology Changed Education | Purdue Online. (n.d.). Purdue University Online.…

Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning | U.S. Department of Education. (2000). Ed.Gov.…


Harwinder Singh


South University Online Week 1Management Philosophies of Paul and Stephen Discussion Writing Assignment Help

After 19 years of service, Paul was appointed as the warden of a small mixed-security prison in a rural community. He oversees 105 inmates and 51 staff members in a facility designed to hold 100 minimum and medium security prisoners. Over 80 percent of his correctional officers have three or more years experience on the job, and the treatment and education programs are run by qualified professionals with long work histories at the facility. Generally, Paul is happy with his job and doesn’t mind dealing with a few inexperienced correctional officers who tend to make minor mistakes. He occasionally gets some tough prisoners, but they settle down quickly because of the fair policies enforced by Paul. The overall environment of the prison is peaceful.

One day he had lunch with his friend Stephen, who is the warden of a large maximum-security prison located outside a metropolitan city with a high crime rate. Stephen oversees 720 inmates and 130 staff members in a facility designed to house 375 prisoners. Due to overcrowding and budget cuts, the prison offers limited treatment and education programs, most of which are staffed by volunteers. The majority of the inmates are repeat offenders with lengthy sentences, and 20 percent of them are serving life without the possibility of parole. Major disciplinary infractions occur on a daily basis. Although the overall atmosphere of the prison is orderly, there is constant tension between the staff and inmates, and maintaining security is an ongoing struggle.

Stephen’s views about his job are completely different from Paul’s. Stephen finds his job overwhelming, thankless, and stressful. This is surprising to Paul because both of them underwent the same training, worked together as fresh officers, and use similar managerial techniques. Paul begins to wonder how situational determinants are affecting his and Stephen’s ability to be effective leaders and managers.

Assess the reasons for the different patterns in the relationships that the two wardens have with their subordinates.

How can Paul and Stephen’s management philosophies affect the work patterns in their respective facilities?

How could work pattern and size of the organizational unit affect Paul and Stephen differently? How could it affect the desired management philosophy?

How could the prisons that Paul and Stephen work in differ with regard to crises? How could this influence their management philosophy?


COM 250 Loras College The Cherry Orchard Play Essay Writing Assignment Help

Pick ONE script read for this unit and write a short essay that establishes and explains what you believe to be the overall meaning or message of the play.
(i.e. a take-away fact, belief, philosophy, way to approach life, etc.)

  • Clearly state your thesis (the meaning of the play) in the introduction (2.5 pts.)
  • Cite three pieces of textual evidence from the play to support your thesis
    and explain and/or relate the evidence to your thesis (5 pts. each; 15 pts. total)
  • Summarize/review your evidence and restate of your thesis in the conclusion (2.5 pts.)
  • Use appropriate spelling and grammar which does not significantly hinder the reader (5 pts.)



Harwinder Singh


South University Online Week 1Management Philosophies of Paul and Stephen Discussion Writing Assignment Help

After 19 years of service, Paul was appointed as the warden of a small mixed-security prison in a rural community. He oversees 105 inmates and 51 staff members in a facility designed to hold 100 minimum and medium security prisoners. Over 80 percent of his correctional officers have three or more years experience on the job, and the treatment and education programs are run by qualified professionals with long work histories at the facility. Generally, Paul is happy with his job and doesn’t mind dealing with a few inexperienced correctional officers who tend to make minor mistakes. He occasionally gets some tough prisoners, but they settle down quickly because of the fair policies enforced by Paul. The overall environment of the prison is peaceful.

One day he had lunch with his friend Stephen, who is the warden of a large maximum-security prison located outside a metropolitan city with a high crime rate. Stephen oversees 720 inmates and 130 staff members in a facility designed to house 375 prisoners. Due to overcrowding and budget cuts, the prison offers limited treatment and education programs, most of which are staffed by volunteers. The majority of the inmates are repeat offenders with lengthy sentences, and 20 percent of them are serving life without the possibility of parole. Major disciplinary infractions occur on a daily basis. Although the overall atmosphere of the prison is orderly, there is constant tension between the staff and inmates, and maintaining security is an ongoing struggle.

Stephen’s views about his job are completely different from Paul’s. Stephen finds his job overwhelming, thankless, and stressful. This is surprising to Paul because both of them underwent the same training, worked together as fresh officers, and use similar managerial techniques. Paul begins to wonder how situational determinants are affecting his and Stephen’s ability to be effective leaders and managers.

Assess the reasons for the different patterns in the relationships that the two wardens have with their subordinates.

How can Paul and Stephen’s management philosophies affect the work patterns in their respective facilities?

How could work pattern and size of the organizational unit affect Paul and Stephen differently? How could it affect the desired management philosophy?

How could the prisons that Paul and Stephen work in differ with regard to crises? How could this influence their management philosophy?


COM 250 Loras College The Cherry Orchard Play Essay Writing Assignment Help

Pick ONE script read for this unit and write a short essay that establishes and explains what you believe to be the overall meaning or message of the play.
(i.e. a take-away fact, belief, philosophy, way to approach life, etc.)

  • Clearly state your thesis (the meaning of the play) in the introduction (2.5 pts.)
  • Cite three pieces of textual evidence from the play to support your thesis
    and explain and/or relate the evidence to your thesis (5 pts. each; 15 pts. total)
  • Summarize/review your evidence and restate of your thesis in the conclusion (2.5 pts.)
  • Use appropriate spelling and grammar which does not significantly hinder the reader (5 pts.)



Harwinder Singh


South University Online Week 1Management Philosophies of Paul and Stephen Discussion Writing Assignment Help

After 19 years of service, Paul was appointed as the warden of a small mixed-security prison in a rural community. He oversees 105 inmates and 51 staff members in a facility designed to hold 100 minimum and medium security prisoners. Over 80 percent of his correctional officers have three or more years experience on the job, and the treatment and education programs are run by qualified professionals with long work histories at the facility. Generally, Paul is happy with his job and doesn’t mind dealing with a few inexperienced correctional officers who tend to make minor mistakes. He occasionally gets some tough prisoners, but they settle down quickly because of the fair policies enforced by Paul. The overall environment of the prison is peaceful.

One day he had lunch with his friend Stephen, who is the warden of a large maximum-security prison located outside a metropolitan city with a high crime rate. Stephen oversees 720 inmates and 130 staff members in a facility designed to house 375 prisoners. Due to overcrowding and budget cuts, the prison offers limited treatment and education programs, most of which are staffed by volunteers. The majority of the inmates are repeat offenders with lengthy sentences, and 20 percent of them are serving life without the possibility of parole. Major disciplinary infractions occur on a daily basis. Although the overall atmosphere of the prison is orderly, there is constant tension between the staff and inmates, and maintaining security is an ongoing struggle.

Stephen’s views about his job are completely different from Paul’s. Stephen finds his job overwhelming, thankless, and stressful. This is surprising to Paul because both of them underwent the same training, worked together as fresh officers, and use similar managerial techniques. Paul begins to wonder how situational determinants are affecting his and Stephen’s ability to be effective leaders and managers.

Assess the reasons for the different patterns in the relationships that the two wardens have with their subordinates.

How can Paul and Stephen’s management philosophies affect the work patterns in their respective facilities?

How could work pattern and size of the organizational unit affect Paul and Stephen differently? How could it affect the desired management philosophy?

How could the prisons that Paul and Stephen work in differ with regard to crises? How could this influence their management philosophy?


COM 250 Loras College The Cherry Orchard Play Essay Writing Assignment Help

Pick ONE script read for this unit and write a short essay that establishes and explains what you believe to be the overall meaning or message of the play.
(i.e. a take-away fact, belief, philosophy, way to approach life, etc.)

  • Clearly state your thesis (the meaning of the play) in the introduction (2.5 pts.)
  • Cite three pieces of textual evidence from the play to support your thesis
    and explain and/or relate the evidence to your thesis (5 pts. each; 15 pts. total)
  • Summarize/review your evidence and restate of your thesis in the conclusion (2.5 pts.)
  • Use appropriate spelling and grammar which does not significantly hinder the reader (5 pts.)



Harwinder Singh


South University Online Week 1Management Philosophies of Paul and Stephen Discussion Writing Assignment Help

After 19 years of service, Paul was appointed as the warden of a small mixed-security prison in a rural community. He oversees 105 inmates and 51 staff members in a facility designed to hold 100 minimum and medium security prisoners. Over 80 percent of his correctional officers have three or more years experience on the job, and the treatment and education programs are run by qualified professionals with long work histories at the facility. Generally, Paul is happy with his job and doesn’t mind dealing with a few inexperienced correctional officers who tend to make minor mistakes. He occasionally gets some tough prisoners, but they settle down quickly because of the fair policies enforced by Paul. The overall environment of the prison is peaceful.

One day he had lunch with his friend Stephen, who is the warden of a large maximum-security prison located outside a metropolitan city with a high crime rate. Stephen oversees 720 inmates and 130 staff members in a facility designed to house 375 prisoners. Due to overcrowding and budget cuts, the prison offers limited treatment and education programs, most of which are staffed by volunteers. The majority of the inmates are repeat offenders with lengthy sentences, and 20 percent of them are serving life without the possibility of parole. Major disciplinary infractions occur on a daily basis. Although the overall atmosphere of the prison is orderly, there is constant tension between the staff and inmates, and maintaining security is an ongoing struggle.

Stephen’s views about his job are completely different from Paul’s. Stephen finds his job overwhelming, thankless, and stressful. This is surprising to Paul because both of them underwent the same training, worked together as fresh officers, and use similar managerial techniques. Paul begins to wonder how situational determinants are affecting his and Stephen’s ability to be effective leaders and managers.

Assess the reasons for the different patterns in the relationships that the two wardens have with their subordinates.

How can Paul and Stephen’s management philosophies affect the work patterns in their respective facilities?

How could work pattern and size of the organizational unit affect Paul and Stephen differently? How could it affect the desired management philosophy?

How could the prisons that Paul and Stephen work in differ with regard to crises? How could this influence their management philosophy?


COM 250 Loras College The Cherry Orchard Play Essay Writing Assignment Help

Pick ONE script read for this unit and write a short essay that establishes and explains what you believe to be the overall meaning or message of the play.
(i.e. a take-away fact, belief, philosophy, way to approach life, etc.)

  • Clearly state your thesis (the meaning of the play) in the introduction (2.5 pts.)
  • Cite three pieces of textual evidence from the play to support your thesis
    and explain and/or relate the evidence to your thesis (5 pts. each; 15 pts. total)
  • Summarize/review your evidence and restate of your thesis in the conclusion (2.5 pts.)
  • Use appropriate spelling and grammar which does not significantly hinder the reader (5 pts.)


Remington College – Tampa Campus Nursing Practice Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms Health Medical Assignment Help

Remington College – Tampa Campus Nursing Practice Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms Health Medical Assignment Help

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