Report research (No quotations or external references are allowed) Computer Science Assignment Help. Report research (No quotations or external references are allowed) Computer Science Assignment Help.
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The report should be in your own words. No quotations or external references are allowed
Here are 3 chapters. EACH one you need to Summary it Separately in ONE file .
Each Chapter need to
1- Summarize each Power Point file.
2- Pick one topic in Each Chapter and write about it , MORE one page and half .
3- you need to use two of these ,and highlight that with different color
- Current technologies available to support management functions,
- Best Practices,
- Future improvements/technologies.
- Other standards related to your specific field.
Again,The report should be in your own words. No quotations or external references are may not reword, quote, or reference the research sources. You must formulate your own ideas and communicate them in your own words
Report research (No quotations or external references are allowed) Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Research Paper Help/Editing-project aims, goals, objectives Writing Assignment Help
See the research paper I have uploaded. Please edit the project aims, goals, objectives sections. you will probably need to remove some or all information and replace it with new information regarding the comments below on the paper and this is what I need. You can use resources that have already been used or add new ones. please highlite the changes you made/text you added so that I can see it in new paper.
Extra Information:
PICO question asks now if patients treated versus not treated with antidepressants for anxiety/depression have lower risk of CV disease. So, in the next sections- project aims, goal, objectives, etc, need to be FOCUSED on that question. I think you start your aims with this direction but then you move into talking about only looking at qualitative studies and going back more than 5 years. Unfortunately, this direction won’t work for this project. Plus, for your PICO question, I think you need to use both qualitative and quantitative articles, and possibly mixed-method studies. You need some quantitative measurement to see if the rates of CV disease are higher or lower for pts treated with antidepressants. And many of your existing studies in the lit matrix are quantitative. You can use the qualitative studies to balance out your project, presenting some information about the relationships between mental health and chronic disease. But, remember your PICO question and stay focused on that. So your goal section should be modified to focus on your PICO question, and all types of studies, and you do need to stay within 5 years for this course.
I have also uploaded a additional lit matrix file that has about 4 additional articles that were added if you need to use any of those sources. I have not added these to the full paper yet and have bolded the additional sources that are not listed on the paper I uploaded.
HST101 women’s role during the industrial revolution Humanities Assignment Help
I just wanted to give you some guidance on the research assignment as you are all working on that now. I will do the same for the exams on Monday.
The Research Assignment is due on Saturday night and as you are working on that please read closely the directions on what I am looking for in the assignment. There are three major components to the assignment: the introductory paragraph that includes your thesis, the bibliographic entry of your three sources, and the discussion of the three sources. The bibliographic entry nobody will have a problem with since you have just done it for the Bibliography Assignment, but pay close attention to the instructions on the discussion of the three sources you choose. The most common mistake students make there is they simply do not write enough. The instructions call for a page of discussion FOR EACH SOURCE. Sometimes students either do not understand that or choose to simply ignore it. For full credit you must have a page of discussion for each entry so please keep that in mind. The last component, the introductory paragraph and thesis, is self-explanatory, but sometimes students struggle with their thesis statement. Again, read closely the directions of the assignment and if you see that you have written “This paper will examine…” stop immediately and go back and write it again. I am well aware that in abstracts for science and medical fields that you are expected to do that, but those statements are not research paper thesis statements. The easiest way for me to explain what a thesis statement is in a research paper is to say that it is the answer to your research question. For example, if you are researching why Stalin ordered the murder of so many Russians in the 20th century, your thesis statement will be your answer to that question.
Also, you could simply look up on the net on countless university websites examples of thesis statements so feel free to do that as well.
If anybody has any questions feel free to send me an email and good luck on the assignment
Write an 2-3 pages essay within 2 hours Humanities Assignment Help
Before you begin the exam, you may review the Prompt below, craft a brief outline, and set up your materials (so you do not use exam time to do this). More background and details on the requirements will be provided within.
In a well-developed, literary analysis essay, identify the specific argument about society that Luis Valdez seems to be making in Los Vendidos through the analysis of the character of Miss Jiménez, including her agenda, her views and behavior toward Honest Sancho, her views and behavior toward each of the models, and her eventual failure to achieve her agenda.
Materials for Success
Please be prepared to craft your essay within a GoogleDoc or Word Document during the 2-hour time period and upload your work to the quiz. The following items will be helpful to have as a reference as you complete this exam:
- Griffith’s text or the relevant chapters
- The play, Los Vendidos, with annotations
- Your essay skeleton or outline, including a thesis and main points.
- Materials from the Canvas course website, such as your printed discussion posts, lectures and links to outside sources. I recommend that you download these before the exam.
- Dictionaries (online or print; google should not be used as a dictionary)
Research Paper PayPal Data Breach of 2017 July Computer Science Assignment Help
The paper should be solid 20 pages excluding reference, title page and Diagrams. A SOLID 20 PAPER matter should be must excluding those.
Here are detailed instructions:
1. Choose an organization, company or agency that suffered a cyber-related attack within the past 5 years (PayPal Data breach of July chosen).
2. Discuss in your paper the specifics of the attack and how it negatively affected the organization. Make sure you site your source and use in-text citations.
3. Use a table, figure, or any other method to outline or display the type/s of attack/s that occurred and what security controls potentially may have failed the organization.
4. Articulate in your paper what the group believes could have prevented the reported cyber-attack, and, specifically relate this to two or more learning objectives from our course (Please relate the paper to Risk management and Risk assessment and Risk mitigation techniques ). Note: This is very important. Use tables/graphs, etc., as necessary.
Things to do (In Detail):
- Find and review articles, online books, and other information to use for background and specific information for your research paper.
- Write the paper with this general template:
- Title paper with each group member name that participated throughout the research
- Summarize and then describe the organization/company; including details of the cyber-related incident
- Critically analyze your research topic; synthesize findings from your sources and tie them to our textbook
- Propose what security controls, processes or mechanisms that could have prevented the cyber-related incident
- Conclude your research paper with lessons learned by each group member from lessons learned from this class, your research and your group’s proposed prevention recommendation.
Research paper and PPT Computer Science Assignment Help
1. Explore the catastrophic cyber event that occurred in “CAPITAL ONE” financial organization in 2019.
2. Discuss in your paper the specifics of the attack and how it negatively affected the organization. Make sure you site your source and use in-text citations.
3. Use a table, figure, or any other method to outline or display the type/s of attack/s that occurred and what security controls potentially may have failed the organization.
4. Articulate in your paper what the group believes could have prevented the reported cyber-attack, and, specifically relate this to two or more learning objectives from our course. Note: I will be paying close attention to this part of the research paper! Therefore, fully discuss this portion in your writings. Use tables/graphs, etc., as necessary.
5. Continually tie your findings to the learning objectives of our course. Therefore, saying this, our textbook will be one of your sources to be used for this assignment.
Things to do:
- Find and review articles, online books, and other information to use for background and specific information for your research paper.
- Write the paper with this general template:
- Title paper with each group member name that participated throughout the research
- Summarize and then describe the organization/company; including details of the cyber-related incident
- Critically analyze your research topic; synthesize findings from your sources and tie them to our textbook
- Propose what security controls, processes or mechanisms that could have prevented the cyber-related incident
- Conclude your research paper with lessons learned by each group member from lessons learned from this class, your research and your group’s proposed prevention recommendation.
Administrative grading guidelines:
1. Writing Style (i.e., professional writing with consideration given to spelling, grammar, format, references and page count): 20%.
2. Content (i.e., addressing all portions of the presented topic, using main points and subpoints as needed): 70%
3. Group will ensure are properly cited and referenced. Make sure to use at least 10 credible sources. Note: Wikipedia and other general Internet sources are not allowed. Further, the sources must be within the past 5 years: 10%.
The presentation must include (at a minimum) the following:
1) Overview
2) Summary of findings
3) Drill down on the high risks – Discuss why you felt they presented a greater risk to the agency
4) Recommendations for all of your significant findings (don’t worry about the low ones)
5) Research a technical solution (a product), that can help the agency “get healthy”. Describe (in your own words, not the vendor’s words) how the tool can help solve the risk it is intended to address. This information should be discussed in detail in your written paper.
Research paper and PPT Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ITEC 640 part 2 Computer Science Assignment Help
Below is the feedback from the professor regarding the paper. So, I am attaching part 2 of the paper, please look at both and make changes for the final paper submission. If you have any question or concern, let me know. thank you
Interesting topic for your literature review, Can you please change it slightly to better incorporate course topics? I don’t mind the focus on customer reviews, but maybe your question could be “how do customer reviews influence project management in e-commerce?” Please let me know if you have any questions. |
please answer these questions on Business Intelligence in 20 minutes Computer Science Assignment Help
Please answer the below questions on Business Intelligence in APA format need each question minimum 6-7 sentences. NO PLAIGARISM
Text book :
Sharda, R., Delen, D., Turban, E. (2020). Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support 11E. ISBN: 978-0-13-519201-6
1) How do you describe the importance of data in analytics? Can we think of analytics without data?
2) What is NLP? What are its two major formats? Give an example of how it can be used in business.
3) Why is the popularity of text mining as an analytics tool increasing?
4) Identify at least three of the main data mining methods.
5) For what are the prediction capabilities of AI used?
assignment Art Humanities Assignment Help
Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. Look to your surroundings: from the computer you’re working on to the leaves on the trees! These are all described as Formal Elements, sometimes called Visual Elements.
For this assignment, please read the section in the textbook/MindTap:
For MindTap: Ch 2; Formal Elements, from Line…….all the way to Unity and Variety.
For the hardcopy textbook: Reference Chapter 2, pages 24- 45.
This assignment will specifically address these Visual Elements:
1. Look for the formal/visual elements around you and record them with your phone camera.
For example, look to the lines of tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, tile, wood floors, fabric patters, fencing patterns, tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. You will notice a lot of the examples make up lines, which is a very common visual element. I just used line as an example, but you may choose to explore and “find” any of the visual elements listed in the textbook.
2. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a “visual diary” of all you have found.
You will be creating your own “visual diary” or collection of photos (as seen in my example of Line below). Follow these steps: (1) You will have to take your own photos, (2) arrange them just as you see below. You may have as many collections as you would like. The example below is considered one collection.
3. Explain (in text or video) how your images are examples of the visual element that you are describing.
In other words; if you are showing us images with the visual element of line, make sure to describe how the image creates line.
ALSO- you may choose your own Visual Element from the textbook (Chapter 2, pgs 24- 45 or the list above) to take photos of (it does not have to be line, as in my example).
Please do not upload a file of any sort; instead embed your images directly into the text of your assignment.
Example: Below is one collection, with a few photos all showing examples of the visual element: LINE
- Upload the layout (visual diary).
- Tell me which Visual Element it shows (has to be from the textbooks list)- please list the visual element you used.
- A brief description of how the images you are showing all fit into that visual element. This may be typed or video recorded.
How do I record a video using the Rich Content Editor? (Links to an external site.)
The goal for this assignment is to view the world around you, and to find visual elements in that world. I guarantee you, they are everywhere!
Not sure how to embed images? This video will help.
Practical Connection Assignment. 2 pages only Computer Science Assignment Help
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories, and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
The goal for this assignment is to view the world around you, and to find visual elements in that world. I guarantee you, they are everywhere!
Not sure how to embed images? This video will help.