Resources to consult: Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 8th Edition, Chapter 6 Exercise: 1. Construct a BCD to seven segment display circuit. Do not use a BCD to seven segment display chip! 2. Circuit should be constructed of AND Engineering Assignment Help

Resources to consult: Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 8th Edition, Chapter 6 Exercise: 1. Construct a BCD to seven segment display circuit. Do not use a BCD to seven segment display chip! 2. Circuit should be constructed of AND Engineering Assignment Help. Resources to consult: Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 8th Edition, Chapter 6 Exercise: 1. Construct a BCD to seven segment display circuit. Do not use a BCD to seven segment display chip! 2. Circuit should be constructed of AND Engineering Assignment Help.

(/0x4*br />

Resources to consult: Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 8th Edition, Chapter 6


1.Construct a BCD to seven segment display circuit. Do not use a BCD to seven segment display chip!

2.Circuit should be constructed of AND, NOT OR etc. gates

3.Use switches for BCD input data

4.Describe operation of the circuit. Capture output of seven segment display with BCD switches in different positions.

Use your lab report template to document your setup, diagrams, and lab results. Submit your lab report as a .docx file to your W2 lab dropbox.

Rules for lab submissions:

1.The lab document must be a Word document. PDF files are NOT accepted.

2.All screenshots must be included.

3.All Multisim screenshots must include the date/time stamp. See TOOLS AND TEMPLATES for the procedure to display the date and time.

4.Any and all Multisim files must be submitted.

5.Any equations used must be typed in Word. Copy and paste of equations from outside sources is prohibited.

6.No graphics are allowed in the Word document other than screenshots of circuits from Multisim and hardware if applicable, with the date/time stamp.

7.The lab template should be used. Specifically, it is brought to your attention that a summary MUST be provided explaining the results of the labs, the relationship of the results to expected results, and any challenges encountered.

8.Hardware portion of labs should include screenshots of the assembled circuit with your name and student GID number written on paper next to the circuit. There should be screenshots of the instrument readings with the date and time stamp on lower right corner clearly shown. See example below.

Any violation of the submission rules above will result in a grade of 1.

Resources to consult: Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 8th Edition, Chapter 6 Exercise: 1. Construct a BCD to seven segment display circuit. Do not use a BCD to seven segment display chip! 2. Circuit should be constructed of AND Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Tourism Hospitality Writing Assignment Help

Examine the benefits of producing tourism strategic plans for a coastal area and

illustrate that with an example of a destination that has benefited from it. (academic

and other sources must be used)

B. Evaluate the importance of Collaborative Planning in tourism and justify why this

approach would be useful for Broadstairs coastal area. Discuss the pros and cons of

this approach.

Part 2

C. Compile a brief tourism strategy with clear vision and objectives, which will

address the current issues and challenges that Broadstairs is facing.

D. Describe how your vision and objectives could be implemented and identify

the key stakeholders in charge of delivering those objectives.

E. Evaluate how your strategy is going to benefit the residents and visitors

socially and economically.

3 | P a g e

You can use maps, images, diagrams, tables and other figures to help communicate

what you want to say. Label all figures. The report must be 4,000 words


Comparison Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment, locate two articles written by, or about, two of the leadership theorists listed below. Compare and contrast the two theorists and their theories by describing them in detail. Provide a historical summary of the theorist and note any theories that developed specifically from the theories. Provide evidence of their contributions to organizational culture, innovation, and whether their theories apply to leading in social organizations (schools, universities, etc.).

  • John Adair
  • Victor Vroom and Phillip Yetton
  • Kurt Lewin
  • Fred Fiedler
  • Hersey and Blanchard
  • Robert K. Greenleaf
  • Gary Dessler
  • John French and Bertram Raven

Length: 4 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Support your work with at least seven scholarly resources.


35 multiple choice questions about culture geography Humanities Assignment Help

Study Guide for Exam 2

Geography 1040: Cultural Geography


following list is not a comprehensive list of material covered in th

e textbo

ok, PowerPoints


and PowerPoint Guides

, but, these are the topi

cs test questions will be about. For each t


listed, study

what your

te xtbook and PowerPoints

say about it. K

now the concepts and terms and

the examples given in the book and PowerPoints

Chapter 4 (culture)


House types; folk and popular culture

; globalization and popular culture landscapes; cultural

landscapes; Amish; neolocalism; sports; food; terroir; cultural trait; material/nonmaterial

practices of culture; geography’s relationship with culture; placele

ssness or “geography of



6 (religion)


Hearth areas, diffusion, branches,

and current s

patial distributions of four major world religions;

Shintoism; spatial distribution of U.S. religions (also maps comparing their distribution to U.S.

metro and outside metro/micro populations); how religions organize themselves spatially

(hierarchical and locally autonomous systems)

; ethnic and universalizing religions; sacred

spaces; Jerusalem

as contested religious sacred space;


-day Saint diaspora.


7 (ethnicity)

and Chapter 8, Section 4



-state; multinational state; stateless nation; spatial distribution of U.S. ethnicities/races

(Hispanic, black, Asian); ethnic enclaves; ethnoburbs; African

-American migrations; ethnic

cleansing; g

enocide; ethnicity issues in former Yugoslavia (particularly Bosnia Herzegovina and

Kosovo), former Soviet Union (particularly Russia and Georgia), and Sudan (





Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 8, 9, and 10 in American Government and review the Week 4 Instructor Guidance. Be sure to read about the different party platforms, including the Democratic Party (Links to an external site.), Republican Party (Links to an external site.), and one third party (e.g., Libertarian Party (Links to an external site.), Green Party (Links to an external site.), Constitution Party (Links to an external site.), etc.).

Reflect Icon

Reflect: Our political system is characterized by certain fundamental features to include a system of laws, rights, and liberties. The laws, created and supported by the Constitutional framework, are designed to protect and secure the rights and liberties of individuals and groups throughout the United States. However, the government also must provide for the security of its citizens from serious internal and external threats that could cause severe damage to our country. Think about how the need for homeland and national security can create a dilemma where conflicts emerge between these security needs and the demands for civil rights and liberties.

Write Icon

Write: In your initial post,

  • Explain what obligations the U.S. government has towards its citizens and how these obligations impact individual and group rights.
  • Provide real-world examples to support your explanation, including one personal example from your own experiences.
  • Using your personal example, explain the position of the two major parties and a third party, regarding the example you presented.



I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please keenly read through the instructions before you bid Engineering Assignment Help

I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please

keenly read through the instructions before you bid

I would like you to write the last chapter of my thesis

This chapter is describing three different lab test with their results.

I already put the figures of the results and they are 13 page the number of pages should be more

I would like to make a description for the test, its purpose and its procedures.

and then the results you will find graphs describing the results so I would like to describe the differences between the three materials (HF, SC,QPR) and what does it mean.

The three tests are moisture susceptibility, dynamic modulus and wheel tracker. I will send you some references and other chapters

Also I would like you to write the conclusion chapter as I will send you all the chapters

I would like to have 10 paragraphs in the conclusion. paragraph for each test and those following points before them. I would like to have it in 5 pages

1. that those tests are done for three materials in order to know the characteristics of the materials available in Winnipeg and used by MI and city of Winnipeg

2.To have a complete test program that can be used as a quality control before using materials in pothole repair

3.Also to predict the failure modal

all writings single spaced and font 10

I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please keenly read through the instructions before you bid Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

In Week 4, you are introduced to the behavioral perspective of personality. The readings this week focus on behavioral and the social-cognitive theories of several theorists, including Skinner, Kelly, Mischel, and Bandura.

  • Based on your readings this week, provide a specific example of how the environment can cause behavior. B.F. Skinner’s work on Operant Conditioning introduces the concept of reinforcement and punishment. Discuss an example of results obtained through reinforcement or through punishment according to Skinner’s theory.

Robilyn Raras

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Some examples of how the environment can cause behavior is that at least for myself I have noticed I prefer to be in an environment that I am comfortable in. If I am somewhere uncomfortable, I am a little more reserved, defensive, and unhappy. My behavior changes because I no longer feel safe or familiar with my surroundings. My behavior also changes with the weather. I live on Guam where it is mostly hot all year round. I am also someone who prefers the cold than heat so being in the sun and sweating when I don’t intend to makes me a little more moody or irritated. When it is raining, I am little more happy, relaxed, and feel like I could take on the day. It’s very interesting to think of the different ways the environment causes behavior because I am so used to the way I am that I don’t really think of the little things that make me act the way I do.

One example of results through punishment would be growing up and being told “you will be grounded”. This meant that I wouldn’t be able to play outside with my sister or my parents taking away our Nintendo at the time or my phone. I grew up learning that everything I do wrong, has a consequence. This way fighting with my sister, stealing, answering back my mom, lying, etc. I also didn’t like seeing my parents upset or disappointed so I always tried my best to refrain from making them mad. This caused me to follow the rules, get along with my sister, and always tell the truth.


Natasha Hughes

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Good evening class and professor Casey, how is everyone doing ? Here are my responses to the following questions. They are…..

1.)Operant conditioning is a strategy for discovering that happens through remunerations and disciplines for conduct. Through operant molding, an individual makes a relationship between a specific conduct and a result

For example, if when you were more youthful you taken a stab at smoking at school, and the main result was that you got in with the group you constantly needed to spend time with, you would have been emphatically fortified (i.e., remunerated) and would probably rehash the conduct.

Assuming, nonetheless, the primary outcome was that you were gotten, caned, suspended from school and your folks ended up included you would definitely have been rebuffed, and you would subsequently be considerably less prone to smoke now.

2) In negative reinforcement, an undesirable stimulus is expelled to expand a conduct. For example, vehicle makers utilize the standards of negative support in their safety belt frameworks, which go “blare, signal, signal” until you affix your safety belt. The irritating sound stops when you display the ideal conduct, improving the probability that you will lock in later on. Negative fortification is likewise utilized much of the time in pony preparing. Riders apply weight—by pulling the reins or crushing their legs—and afterward evacuate the weight when the pony plays out the ideal conduct, for example, turning or accelerating. The weight is the negative improvement that the pony needs to expel.


identify at least one idea which will be helpful to you in your work as a job coach Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment follow the instructions:Please respond with 350 words and use the resources that are attached

Although many links about marketing are actually advertisements, there are some helpful links provided in this unit. Please visit each link and identify at least one idea which will be helpful to you in your work as a job coach.


It is important to get job seekers involved in the marketing of their talents and services. Good marketing requires building friendships, paying attention to details, and offering your honest appraisal of jobs and job seekers’ desires. Remember that there are two customers: employers and people with disabilities.

A job developer must:

Learn about the business, its needs, and any personnel problems that it might have.
Identify the ways that a person with a disability can work in that business meeting its needs and solving its problems.
Develop hiring proposals and expedite decisions to hire people who have disabilities.

For the purpose of this unit, we will define marketing as “an exchange of valued goods and services”. In order to begin the process of marketing, you must:

  • Gather information about the environment or community
  • Determine the needs of businesses
  • Determine benefits that individuals or companies wish your agency to deliver
  • Set marketing objectives
  • Determine what portions of the community to serve
  • Develop a Marketing Plan
  • Evaluate marketing efforts

Marketing and job development are critical functions which, if performed well, will contribute to the job seeker’s success on the job, as well as the success of the entire organization. You must approach these activities with creativity and a clear plan of action. Marketing efforts are directed towards two constituents: 1) community employers; and 2) individuals who are seeking employment. Specifically, when talking with community employers, the service you will focus on is the availability of a large and excellent pool of employable persons as well as a knowledgeable consultant to help with job development, placement and on–going support. Personnel features include pre–screening applicants and assisting with coordination of scheduled interviews or job assessments; your assistance may include job analysis, job restructuring, and provision of information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Although marketing to community employers is an important aspect of your job and your ability to assist job seekers in finding employment, you need to market and “sell” positions to job seekers. In a system that values choice and empowerment, job seekers need to understand and value the opportunity for employment, also. What an individual wants to do in the workplace and what an employer expects from the individual as an employee are variables in making a successful match. Job development involves helping people “sell themselves” for specific positions. The primary person is always the job seeker.

Although employers are the primary target of your marketing activities, involving individuals with disabilities further enhances an organization’s responsiveness to their needs. You also can use your knowledge of issues concerning people with disabilities to assist businesses with meeting these needs; you can be responsive to questions and assist them in gaining information valuable to the business.

What are the key components to marketing and job development?

  • Contacting Employers
  • Relationship Building
  • Service Marketing
  • Information Networking
  • Maintaining a system for organizing information about businesses and your contacts with them. This should include new businesses and the types of available jobs.

Marketing Your Services

It is important that the individuals with whom you work and employers who may hire them know what you have to offer. Being able to “sell” your services or what your agency provides is a critical factor of the marketing process.

What would an employer or a job candidate want? Think about your services and a way to offer services in an attractive and forward-thinking manner. Your agency might not have money to develop marketing resources, but think about how you can be an advocate for your services; think about your ability to articulate and sell what you offer. The facts are simple: employers need conscientious, motivated employees and you have contacts with individuals who bring a variety of skills and abilities to an organization. Also, you are able to offer job candidates a chance to find employment in positions that they feel best match their job goals. You are a key part of the process and both constituents need you to assist in this service.

Information networking

It is important to exchange information with all available persons and to mobilize networks to make connections with businesses in the community. This function is shared by job candidates, family members, board members, management, direct service staff, and administrative staff.

Your goal is to get everyone to cooperate so that the job candidate can obtain a desired job and successfully complete the work tasks of that job. You must gather all information these individuals have and share information that you have. If everyone works together, each person’s knowledge and influence can be used in locating a good job.

Keep notes about what you learn, and always indicate what the next step will be.

Marketing Plan

Marketing requires a creative plan of action and ongoing evaluation of the plan. The plan of action identifies the niche or service, competition, resources, customers served, and the outcomes that are expected. Such planning provides an overall strategy and framework for achieving success.

Answer these questions about your agency:

  • What is the mission of the organization?
  • What are the abilities and preferences of the individuals seeking jobs?
  • Who are the your potential employers?
  • What services will be offered to satisfy employers’ needs?
  • What are the current economic trends?
  • What outcomes are expected?
  • What is the message to employers?
  • What resources are available?
  • What is the promotional plan?
  • What tools will be used?
  • How will success be measured?
  1. What is the mission of the organization? A typical agency might have a mission statement that addresses the integration of people with disabilities into competitive employment. Most businesses have a mission statement that relates to serving the needs of their customers.
  2. What are the abilities and preferences of the individuals seeking jobs? Although this answer may vary, it gives you some direction as to the types of employment opportunities that will need to be pursued as well as the support needs of job seekers. This information will help you develop a framework of the services that are offered.
  3. Who are the potential employers? As mentioned earlier, you must meet the needs of two constituents: employers and people seeking jobs. Marketing activities are specifically designed and developed with each one in mind. Therefore, your organization must delineate the activities and materials for each of these two audiences.
  4. What are the needs of these employers? Once an employer has been identified, a thorough analysis will indicate specific needs. Possible employer needs may include consultation on the ADA, competent personnel to fill specific positions, job analysis, and task analysis. Job candidate needs may include developing a functional resume, role-playing an interview, identifying a job of choice, and developing a support network.
  5. What services will be offered to satisfy employer needs? Specific services should be targeted to specific audiences. As mentioned above, services may vary but it is important that your organization determine what will be offered and who will offer these services.
  6. What are the current economic trends? Learning about the community and surrounding communities that have available jobs is a critical part of marketing. You must learn about different companies and businesses, employment opportunities, and changes in the economic community. By conducting a labor analysis, you can help determine a path that your organization can pursue. A service niche can be determined when you know what jobs are developing and what jobs exist.
  7. What outcomes are expected? Outcomes for individuals include gaining jobs of choice, reaching career goals, and finding satisfaction in employment. Although the number of individuals working is usually the driving force for most agencies, quality is a key component to insuring success. Outcomes must include filling individuals’ needs as well as satisfying employers.
  8. What is the message to employers? The message must be designed for specific employers. Marketing materials such as brochures should be developed both for employers and for individuals seeking jobs. The organization should have a promotional brochure which addresses the needs of employers and a brochure designed to address the needs of individuals with disabilities. Marketing materials must be current, must convey an accurate message, and must be professional and concise.
  9. What financial and personnel resources are available? The agency must identify funds and personnel available for developing marketing materials and engaging in marketing activities. Although everyone should be involved in this part of the process, not everyone can be involved on a daily basis. The responsibility may be given to one person. All individuals in the organization should have the ability to provide input and offer ideas.
  10. What is the promotional plan? A promotional plan involves determining the most cost-effective marketing strategies based on resources available and identifies desired outcomes. Activities may include public service announcements, public speaking engagements, attending civic and community meetings, offering specific training to employers, and “word of mouth” advertising.
  11. What tools will be used? Marketing tools or materials include brochures, flyers, business cards, and newsletters. Although these are traditional forms of communicating, it is important to market with specificity regarding the customer and to remember to use appropriate language. More non-traditional ideas may include purchasing advertising spots in a community theater event, mass faxes, magazine and newspaper articles, inserts in corporate and business newsletters, information posted at public places, web page design, and pens or notepads with the agency logo.
  12. How will success be measured? Success is measured by evaluating individual satisfaction. An organization must evaluate whether or not individuals are satisfied with the services offered and delivered in order to determine how current marketing efforts are working.

Networking and Business Partnerships

Developing corporate relationships and business linkages for building strong future business relationships is extremely important. Sometimes job coaches and employment specialists focus on gaining a connection with a business exclusively for the purpose of obtaining a job for one person. Although the ultimate goal is to assist each person in obtaining employment and building a career, solely pursuing a single job at a time is shortsighted. Marketing and job development can form a solid base for future employment.

The best route to developing jobs is through building solid trusting relationships with individuals in the business community. Conducting informational interviews with employers (alone or with individuals who are seeking employment) creates a large pool of businesses that are interested in the services offered by you and your agency.

Using the information from an extensive labor market analysis will help form the building blocks for creating these relationships. Your analysis of the companies in the community will help you to identify the market for individual job interests and abilities.


dentify the differences between qualitative and quantitative research Identify types of research questions to be studied with qualitative versus quantitative method Science Assignment Help

For this discussion, you will create a table like the one below, comparing and contrasting at least 5 elements of quantitative and qualitative research. Additionally, please provide one example of when you would use a qualitative approach vs. a quantitative approach to study a health/health care-related topic. Example: Qualitative approach would be used to study the experience of living with a tracheostomy. Quantitative approach would be used to study the effectiveness of various tracheostomy cleaning solutions. You CANNOT use the examples used below:

Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods
Includes interviews, open-ended questions, and focus groups Includes primarily surveys, observations, and reviews of records
Uses research questions to guide the research Uses hypotheses to guide the research

An easier way to make a table in the discussion board is to create it in a Word document as you type your initial post. Then cut and paste it using Ctrl C + Ctrl V (Windows Users), or Cmd ⌘ C + Cmd ⌘ V (Mac users) into a new thread in the forum.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


Respond to 2 classmates? Writing Assignment Help

1.Self-incrimination is a person who speaks out to an officer exposing them self, by making a statement on behalf of a crime or even exposing another individual on behalf of the crime. Individuals should not expose themselves as such and should know their rights and should not answer any questions until they get a lawyer. The individual should only speak when an officer is done reading their Miranda Rights saying they understand what is being read to them.

The Miranda decision has made the law more honest and cannot force an individual into confessing anything just to solve a case and move on. It gives the individual the right to be silent about any situation and not be punished for the silence. Individuals have a right to an attorney and have the right to only answer any questions given by their attorney. Without these protections it would give officers more power over an individual being arrested. They would be able to harass and possibly even harm just to gain a confession and with the way people are they will confess to anything just to get out of a situation.

2. Self incrimination is when a person is being charged for something and while they are being charged they choose to speak out. When you are standing in front of a police man and he is reading you your Miranda Rights, you are supposed to stand and listen and do not respond back until the officer ask’s you if you understand your rights.

The fifth amendment regarding self incrimination means you do not need to talk to the police at all. You also need to remember your right to an attorney. Self incrimination is protected by the constitution because it is in our laws. The amendments protect us and self incrimination is in the 5th amendment, this is how the constitution protects self incrimination.

If there was no fifth amendment to protect self incrimination, whenever law enforcement had a desire to subpoena your personal records, you would have no right to claim self incrimination, and if you refuse to testify on the grounds of self incrimination it can be punishable as a crime.

The Miranda decision has influenced the criminal justice system for the good because without the fifth amendment a person has no rights, and a police men can create a story that is not true and can be very dishonest, with the fifth amendment our criminal justice system is a safer more honest justice system.

[supanova_question], etc.).

Reflect Icon

Reflect: Our political system is characterized by certain fundamental features to include a system of laws, rights, and liberties. The laws, created and supported by the Constitutional framework, are designed to protect and secure the rights and liberties of individuals and groups throughout the United States. However, the government also must provide for the security of its citizens from serious internal and external threats that could cause severe damage to our country. Think about how the need for homeland and national security can create a dilemma where conflicts emerge between these security needs and the demands for civil rights and liberties.

Write Icon

Write: In your initial post,

  • Explain what obligations the U.S. government has towards its citizens and how these obligations impact individual and group rights.
  • Provide real-world examples to support your explanation, including one personal example from your own experiences.
  • Using your personal example, explain the position of the two major parties and a third party, regarding the example you presented.



I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please keenly read through the instructions before you bid Engineering Assignment Help

I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please

keenly read through the instructions before you bid

I would like you to write the last chapter of my thesis

This chapter is describing three different lab test with their results.

I already put the figures of the results and they are 13 page the number of pages should be more

I would like to make a description for the test, its purpose and its procedures.

and then the results you will find graphs describing the results so I would like to describe the differences between the three materials (HF, SC,QPR) and what does it mean.

The three tests are moisture susceptibility, dynamic modulus and wheel tracker. I will send you some references and other chapters

Also I would like you to write the conclusion chapter as I will send you all the chapters

I would like to have 10 paragraphs in the conclusion. paragraph for each test and those following points before them. I would like to have it in 5 pages

1. that those tests are done for three materials in order to know the characteristics of the materials available in Winnipeg and used by MI and city of Winnipeg

2.To have a complete test program that can be used as a quality control before using materials in pothole repair

3.Also to predict the failure modal

all writings single spaced and font 10

I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please keenly read through the instructions before you bid Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

In Week 4, you are introduced to the behavioral perspective of personality. The readings this week focus on behavioral and the social-cognitive theories of several theorists, including Skinner, Kelly, Mischel, and Bandura.

  • Based on your readings this week, provide a specific example of how the environment can cause behavior. B.F. Skinner’s work on Operant Conditioning introduces the concept of reinforcement and punishment. Discuss an example of results obtained through reinforcement or through punishment according to Skinner’s theory.

Robilyn Raras

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Some examples of how the environment can cause behavior is that at least for myself I have noticed I prefer to be in an environment that I am comfortable in. If I am somewhere uncomfortable, I am a little more reserved, defensive, and unhappy. My behavior changes because I no longer feel safe or familiar with my surroundings. My behavior also changes with the weather. I live on Guam where it is mostly hot all year round. I am also someone who prefers the cold than heat so being in the sun and sweating when I don’t intend to makes me a little more moody or irritated. When it is raining, I am little more happy, relaxed, and feel like I could take on the day. It’s very interesting to think of the different ways the environment causes behavior because I am so used to the way I am that I don’t really think of the little things that make me act the way I do.

One example of results through punishment would be growing up and being told “you will be grounded”. This meant that I wouldn’t be able to play outside with my sister or my parents taking away our Nintendo at the time or my phone. I grew up learning that everything I do wrong, has a consequence. This way fighting with my sister, stealing, answering back my mom, lying, etc. I also didn’t like seeing my parents upset or disappointed so I always tried my best to refrain from making them mad. This caused me to follow the rules, get along with my sister, and always tell the truth.


Natasha Hughes

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Good evening class and professor Casey, how is everyone doing ? Here are my responses to the following questions. They are…..

1.)Operant conditioning is a strategy for discovering that happens through remunerations and disciplines for conduct. Through operant molding, an individual makes a relationship between a specific conduct and a result

For example, if when you were more youthful you taken a stab at smoking at school, and the main result was that you got in with the group you constantly needed to spend time with, you would have been emphatically fortified (i.e., remunerated) and would probably rehash the conduct.

Assuming, nonetheless, the primary outcome was that you were gotten, caned, suspended from school and your folks ended up included you would definitely have been rebuffed, and you would subsequently be considerably less prone to smoke now.

2) In negative reinforcement, an undesirable stimulus is expelled to expand a conduct. For example, vehicle makers utilize the standards of negative support in their safety belt frameworks, which go “blare, signal, signal” until you affix your safety belt. The irritating sound stops when you display the ideal conduct, improving the probability that you will lock in later on. Negative fortification is likewise utilized much of the time in pony preparing. Riders apply weight—by pulling the reins or crushing their legs—and afterward evacuate the weight when the pony plays out the ideal conduct, for example, turning or accelerating. The weight is the negative improvement that the pony needs to expel.


identify at least one idea which will be helpful to you in your work as a job coach Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment follow the instructions:Please respond with 350 words and use the resources that are attached

Although many links about marketing are actually advertisements, there are some helpful links provided in this unit. Please visit each link and identify at least one idea which will be helpful to you in your work as a job coach.


It is important to get job seekers involved in the marketing of their talents and services. Good marketing requires building friendships, paying attention to details, and offering your honest appraisal of jobs and job seekers’ desires. Remember that there are two customers: employers and people with disabilities.

A job developer must:

Learn about the business, its needs, and any personnel problems that it might have.
Identify the ways that a person with a disability can work in that business meeting its needs and solving its problems.
Develop hiring proposals and expedite decisions to hire people who have disabilities.

For the purpose of this unit, we will define marketing as “an exchange of valued goods and services”. In order to begin the process of marketing, you must:

  • Gather information about the environment or community
  • Determine the needs of businesses
  • Determine benefits that individuals or companies wish your agency to deliver
  • Set marketing objectives
  • Determine what portions of the community to serve
  • Develop a Marketing Plan
  • Evaluate marketing efforts

Marketing and job development are critical functions which, if performed well, will contribute to the job seeker’s success on the job, as well as the success of the entire organization. You must approach these activities with creativity and a clear plan of action. Marketing efforts are directed towards two constituents: 1) community employers; and 2) individuals who are seeking employment. Specifically, when talking with community employers, the service you will focus on is the availability of a large and excellent pool of employable persons as well as a knowledgeable consultant to help with job development, placement and on–going support. Personnel features include pre–screening applicants and assisting with coordination of scheduled interviews or job assessments; your assistance may include job analysis, job restructuring, and provision of information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Although marketing to community employers is an important aspect of your job and your ability to assist job seekers in finding employment, you need to market and “sell” positions to job seekers. In a system that values choice and empowerment, job seekers need to understand and value the opportunity for employment, also. What an individual wants to do in the workplace and what an employer expects from the individual as an employee are variables in making a successful match. Job development involves helping people “sell themselves” for specific positions. The primary person is always the job seeker.

Although employers are the primary target of your marketing activities, involving individuals with disabilities further enhances an organization’s responsiveness to their needs. You also can use your knowledge of issues concerning people with disabilities to assist businesses with meeting these needs; you can be responsive to questions and assist them in gaining information valuable to the business.

What are the key components to marketing and job development?

  • Contacting Employers
  • Relationship Building
  • Service Marketing
  • Information Networking
  • Maintaining a system for organizing information about businesses and your contacts with them. This should include new businesses and the types of available jobs.

Marketing Your Services

It is important that the individuals with whom you work and employers who may hire them know what you have to offer. Being able to “sell” your services or what your agency provides is a critical factor of the marketing process.

What would an employer or a job candidate want? Think about your services and a way to offer services in an attractive and forward-thinking manner. Your agency might not have money to develop marketing resources, but think about how you can be an advocate for your services; think about your ability to articulate and sell what you offer. The facts are simple: employers need conscientious, motivated employees and you have contacts with individuals who bring a variety of skills and abilities to an organization. Also, you are able to offer job candidates a chance to find employment in positions that they feel best match their job goals. You are a key part of the process and both constituents need you to assist in this service.

Information networking

It is important to exchange information with all available persons and to mobilize networks to make connections with businesses in the community. This function is shared by job candidates, family members, board members, management, direct service staff, and administrative staff.

Your goal is to get everyone to cooperate so that the job candidate can obtain a desired job and successfully complete the work tasks of that job. You must gather all information these individuals have and share information that you have. If everyone works together, each person’s knowledge and influence can be used in locating a good job.

Keep notes about what you learn, and always indicate what the next step will be.

Marketing Plan

Marketing requires a creative plan of action and ongoing evaluation of the plan. The plan of action identifies the niche or service, competition, resources, customers served, and the outcomes that are expected. Such planning provides an overall strategy and framework for achieving success.

Answer these questions about your agency:

  • What is the mission of the organization?
  • What are the abilities and preferences of the individuals seeking jobs?
  • Who are the your potential employers?
  • What services will be offered to satisfy employers’ needs?
  • What are the current economic trends?
  • What outcomes are expected?
  • What is the message to employers?
  • What resources are available?
  • What is the promotional plan?
  • What tools will be used?
  • How will success be measured?
  1. What is the mission of the organization? A typical agency might have a mission statement that addresses the integration of people with disabilities into competitive employment. Most businesses have a mission statement that relates to serving the needs of their customers.
  2. What are the abilities and preferences of the individuals seeking jobs? Although this answer may vary, it gives you some direction as to the types of employment opportunities that will need to be pursued as well as the support needs of job seekers. This information will help you develop a framework of the services that are offered.
  3. Who are the potential employers? As mentioned earlier, you must meet the needs of two constituents: employers and people seeking jobs. Marketing activities are specifically designed and developed with each one in mind. Therefore, your organization must delineate the activities and materials for each of these two audiences.
  4. What are the needs of these employers? Once an employer has been identified, a thorough analysis will indicate specific needs. Possible employer needs may include consultation on the ADA, competent personnel to fill specific positions, job analysis, and task analysis. Job candidate needs may include developing a functional resume, role-playing an interview, identifying a job of choice, and developing a support network.
  5. What services will be offered to satisfy employer needs? Specific services should be targeted to specific audiences. As mentioned above, services may vary but it is important that your organization determine what will be offered and who will offer these services.
  6. What are the current economic trends? Learning about the community and surrounding communities that have available jobs is a critical part of marketing. You must learn about different companies and businesses, employment opportunities, and changes in the economic community. By conducting a labor analysis, you can help determine a path that your organization can pursue. A service niche can be determined when you know what jobs are developing and what jobs exist.
  7. What outcomes are expected? Outcomes for individuals include gaining jobs of choice, reaching career goals, and finding satisfaction in employment. Although the number of individuals working is usually the driving force for most agencies, quality is a key component to insuring success. Outcomes must include filling individuals’ needs as well as satisfying employers.
  8. What is the message to employers? The message must be designed for specific employers. Marketing materials such as brochures should be developed both for employers and for individuals seeking jobs. The organization should have a promotional brochure which addresses the needs of employers and a brochure designed to address the needs of individuals with disabilities. Marketing materials must be current, must convey an accurate message, and must be professional and concise.
  9. What financial and personnel resources are available? The agency must identify funds and personnel available for developing marketing materials and engaging in marketing activities. Although everyone should be involved in this part of the process, not everyone can be involved on a daily basis. The responsibility may be given to one person. All individuals in the organization should have the ability to provide input and offer ideas.
  10. What is the promotional plan? A promotional plan involves determining the most cost-effective marketing strategies based on resources available and identifies desired outcomes. Activities may include public service announcements, public speaking engagements, attending civic and community meetings, offering specific training to employers, and “word of mouth” advertising.
  11. What tools will be used? Marketing tools or materials include brochures, flyers, business cards, and newsletters. Although these are traditional forms of communicating, it is important to market with specificity regarding the customer and to remember to use appropriate language. More non-traditional ideas may include purchasing advertising spots in a community theater event, mass faxes, magazine and newspaper articles, inserts in corporate and business newsletters, information posted at public places, web page design, and pens or notepads with the agency logo.
  12. How will success be measured? Success is measured by evaluating individual satisfaction. An organization must evaluate whether or not individuals are satisfied with the services offered and delivered in order to determine how current marketing efforts are working.

Networking and Business Partnerships

Developing corporate relationships and business linkages for building strong future business relationships is extremely important. Sometimes job coaches and employment specialists focus on gaining a connection with a business exclusively for the purpose of obtaining a job for one person. Although the ultimate goal is to assist each person in obtaining employment and building a career, solely pursuing a single job at a time is shortsighted. Marketing and job development can form a solid base for future employment.

The best route to developing jobs is through building solid trusting relationships with individuals in the business community. Conducting informational interviews with employers (alone or with individuals who are seeking employment) creates a large pool of businesses that are interested in the services offered by you and your agency.

Using the information from an extensive labor market analysis will help form the building blocks for creating these relationships. Your analysis of the companies in the community will help you to identify the market for individual job interests and abilities.


dentify the differences between qualitative and quantitative research Identify types of research questions to be studied with qualitative versus quantitative method Science Assignment Help

For this discussion, you will create a table like the one below, comparing and contrasting at least 5 elements of quantitative and qualitative research. Additionally, please provide one example of when you would use a qualitative approach vs. a quantitative approach to study a health/health care-related topic. Example: Qualitative approach would be used to study the experience of living with a tracheostomy. Quantitative approach would be used to study the effectiveness of various tracheostomy cleaning solutions. You CANNOT use the examples used below:

Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods
Includes interviews, open-ended questions, and focus groups Includes primarily surveys, observations, and reviews of records
Uses research questions to guide the research Uses hypotheses to guide the research

An easier way to make a table in the discussion board is to create it in a Word document as you type your initial post. Then cut and paste it using Ctrl C + Ctrl V (Windows Users), or Cmd ⌘ C + Cmd ⌘ V (Mac users) into a new thread in the forum.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


Respond to 2 classmates? Writing Assignment Help

1.Self-incrimination is a person who speaks out to an officer exposing them self, by making a statement on behalf of a crime or even exposing another individual on behalf of the crime. Individuals should not expose themselves as such and should know their rights and should not answer any questions until they get a lawyer. The individual should only speak when an officer is done reading their Miranda Rights saying they understand what is being read to them.

The Miranda decision has made the law more honest and cannot force an individual into confessing anything just to solve a case and move on. It gives the individual the right to be silent about any situation and not be punished for the silence. Individuals have a right to an attorney and have the right to only answer any questions given by their attorney. Without these protections it would give officers more power over an individual being arrested. They would be able to harass and possibly even harm just to gain a confession and with the way people are they will confess to anything just to get out of a situation.

2. Self incrimination is when a person is being charged for something and while they are being charged they choose to speak out. When you are standing in front of a police man and he is reading you your Miranda Rights, you are supposed to stand and listen and do not respond back until the officer ask’s you if you understand your rights.

The fifth amendment regarding self incrimination means you do not need to talk to the police at all. You also need to remember your right to an attorney. Self incrimination is protected by the constitution because it is in our laws. The amendments protect us and self incrimination is in the 5th amendment, this is how the constitution protects self incrimination.

If there was no fifth amendment to protect self incrimination, whenever law enforcement had a desire to subpoena your personal records, you would have no right to claim self incrimination, and if you refuse to testify on the grounds of self incrimination it can be punishable as a crime.

The Miranda decision has influenced the criminal justice system for the good because without the fifth amendment a person has no rights, and a police men can create a story that is not true and can be very dishonest, with the fifth amendment our criminal justice system is a safer more honest justice system.

[supanova_question], etc.).

Reflect Icon

Reflect: Our political system is characterized by certain fundamental features to include a system of laws, rights, and liberties. The laws, created and supported by the Constitutional framework, are designed to protect and secure the rights and liberties of individuals and groups throughout the United States. However, the government also must provide for the security of its citizens from serious internal and external threats that could cause severe damage to our country. Think about how the need for homeland and national security can create a dilemma where conflicts emerge between these security needs and the demands for civil rights and liberties.

Write Icon

Write: In your initial post,

  • Explain what obligations the U.S. government has towards its citizens and how these obligations impact individual and group rights.
  • Provide real-world examples to support your explanation, including one personal example from your own experiences.
  • Using your personal example, explain the position of the two major parties and a third party, regarding the example you presented.



I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please keenly read through the instructions before you bid Engineering Assignment Help

I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please

keenly read through the instructions before you bid

I would like you to write the last chapter of my thesis

This chapter is describing three different lab test with their results.

I already put the figures of the results and they are 13 page the number of pages should be more

I would like to make a description for the test, its purpose and its procedures.

and then the results you will find graphs describing the results so I would like to describe the differences between the three materials (HF, SC,QPR) and what does it mean.

The three tests are moisture susceptibility, dynamic modulus and wheel tracker. I will send you some references and other chapters

Also I would like you to write the conclusion chapter as I will send you all the chapters

I would like to have 10 paragraphs in the conclusion. paragraph for each test and those following points before them. I would like to have it in 5 pages

1. that those tests are done for three materials in order to know the characteristics of the materials available in Winnipeg and used by MI and city of Winnipeg

2.To have a complete test program that can be used as a quality control before using materials in pothole repair

3.Also to predict the failure modal

all writings single spaced and font 10

I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please keenly read through the instructions before you bid Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

In Week 4, you are introduced to the behavioral perspective of personality. The readings this week focus on behavioral and the social-cognitive theories of several theorists, including Skinner, Kelly, Mischel, and Bandura.

  • Based on your readings this week, provide a specific example of how the environment can cause behavior. B.F. Skinner’s work on Operant Conditioning introduces the concept of reinforcement and punishment. Discuss an example of results obtained through reinforcement or through punishment according to Skinner’s theory.

Robilyn Raras

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Some examples of how the environment can cause behavior is that at least for myself I have noticed I prefer to be in an environment that I am comfortable in. If I am somewhere uncomfortable, I am a little more reserved, defensive, and unhappy. My behavior changes because I no longer feel safe or familiar with my surroundings. My behavior also changes with the weather. I live on Guam where it is mostly hot all year round. I am also someone who prefers the cold than heat so being in the sun and sweating when I don’t intend to makes me a little more moody or irritated. When it is raining, I am little more happy, relaxed, and feel like I could take on the day. It’s very interesting to think of the different ways the environment causes behavior because I am so used to the way I am that I don’t really think of the little things that make me act the way I do.

One example of results through punishment would be growing up and being told “you will be grounded”. This meant that I wouldn’t be able to play outside with my sister or my parents taking away our Nintendo at the time or my phone. I grew up learning that everything I do wrong, has a consequence. This way fighting with my sister, stealing, answering back my mom, lying, etc. I also didn’t like seeing my parents upset or disappointed so I always tried my best to refrain from making them mad. This caused me to follow the rules, get along with my sister, and always tell the truth.


Natasha Hughes

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Good evening class and professor Casey, how is everyone doing ? Here are my responses to the following questions. They are…..

1.)Operant conditioning is a strategy for discovering that happens through remunerations and disciplines for conduct. Through operant molding, an individual makes a relationship between a specific conduct and a result

For example, if when you were more youthful you taken a stab at smoking at school, and the main result was that you got in with the group you constantly needed to spend time with, you would have been emphatically fortified (i.e., remunerated) and would probably rehash the conduct.

Assuming, nonetheless, the primary outcome was that you were gotten, caned, suspended from school and your folks ended up included you would definitely have been rebuffed, and you would subsequently be considerably less prone to smoke now.

2) In negative reinforcement, an undesirable stimulus is expelled to expand a conduct. For example, vehicle makers utilize the standards of negative support in their safety belt frameworks, which go “blare, signal, signal” until you affix your safety belt. The irritating sound stops when you display the ideal conduct, improving the probability that you will lock in later on. Negative fortification is likewise utilized much of the time in pony preparing. Riders apply weight—by pulling the reins or crushing their legs—and afterward evacuate the weight when the pony plays out the ideal conduct, for example, turning or accelerating. The weight is the negative improvement that the pony needs to expel.


identify at least one idea which will be helpful to you in your work as a job coach Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment follow the instructions:Please respond with 350 words and use the resources that are attached

Although many links about marketing are actually advertisements, there are some helpful links provided in this unit. Please visit each link and identify at least one idea which will be helpful to you in your work as a job coach.


It is important to get job seekers involved in the marketing of their talents and services. Good marketing requires building friendships, paying attention to details, and offering your honest appraisal of jobs and job seekers’ desires. Remember that there are two customers: employers and people with disabilities.

A job developer must:

Learn about the business, its needs, and any personnel problems that it might have.
Identify the ways that a person with a disability can work in that business meeting its needs and solving its problems.
Develop hiring proposals and expedite decisions to hire people who have disabilities.

For the purpose of this unit, we will define marketing as “an exchange of valued goods and services”. In order to begin the process of marketing, you must:

  • Gather information about the environment or community
  • Determine the needs of businesses
  • Determine benefits that individuals or companies wish your agency to deliver
  • Set marketing objectives
  • Determine what portions of the community to serve
  • Develop a Marketing Plan
  • Evaluate marketing efforts

Marketing and job development are critical functions which, if performed well, will contribute to the job seeker’s success on the job, as well as the success of the entire organization. You must approach these activities with creativity and a clear plan of action. Marketing efforts are directed towards two constituents: 1) community employers; and 2) individuals who are seeking employment. Specifically, when talking with community employers, the service you will focus on is the availability of a large and excellent pool of employable persons as well as a knowledgeable consultant to help with job development, placement and on–going support. Personnel features include pre–screening applicants and assisting with coordination of scheduled interviews or job assessments; your assistance may include job analysis, job restructuring, and provision of information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Although marketing to community employers is an important aspect of your job and your ability to assist job seekers in finding employment, you need to market and “sell” positions to job seekers. In a system that values choice and empowerment, job seekers need to understand and value the opportunity for employment, also. What an individual wants to do in the workplace and what an employer expects from the individual as an employee are variables in making a successful match. Job development involves helping people “sell themselves” for specific positions. The primary person is always the job seeker.

Although employers are the primary target of your marketing activities, involving individuals with disabilities further enhances an organization’s responsiveness to their needs. You also can use your knowledge of issues concerning people with disabilities to assist businesses with meeting these needs; you can be responsive to questions and assist them in gaining information valuable to the business.

What are the key components to marketing and job development?

  • Contacting Employers
  • Relationship Building
  • Service Marketing
  • Information Networking
  • Maintaining a system for organizing information about businesses and your contacts with them. This should include new businesses and the types of available jobs.

Marketing Your Services

It is important that the individuals with whom you work and employers who may hire them know what you have to offer. Being able to “sell” your services or what your agency provides is a critical factor of the marketing process.

What would an employer or a job candidate want? Think about your services and a way to offer services in an attractive and forward-thinking manner. Your agency might not have money to develop marketing resources, but think about how you can be an advocate for your services; think about your ability to articulate and sell what you offer. The facts are simple: employers need conscientious, motivated employees and you have contacts with individuals who bring a variety of skills and abilities to an organization. Also, you are able to offer job candidates a chance to find employment in positions that they feel best match their job goals. You are a key part of the process and both constituents need you to assist in this service.

Information networking

It is important to exchange information with all available persons and to mobilize networks to make connections with businesses in the community. This function is shared by job candidates, family members, board members, management, direct service staff, and administrative staff.

Your goal is to get everyone to cooperate so that the job candidate can obtain a desired job and successfully complete the work tasks of that job. You must gather all information these individuals have and share information that you have. If everyone works together, each person’s knowledge and influence can be used in locating a good job.

Keep notes about what you learn, and always indicate what the next step will be.

Marketing Plan

Marketing requires a creative plan of action and ongoing evaluation of the plan. The plan of action identifies the niche or service, competition, resources, customers served, and the outcomes that are expected. Such planning provides an overall strategy and framework for achieving success.

Answer these questions about your agency:

  • What is the mission of the organization?
  • What are the abilities and preferences of the individuals seeking jobs?
  • Who are the your potential employers?
  • What services will be offered to satisfy employers’ needs?
  • What are the current economic trends?
  • What outcomes are expected?
  • What is the message to employers?
  • What resources are available?
  • What is the promotional plan?
  • What tools will be used?
  • How will success be measured?
  1. What is the mission of the organization? A typical agency might have a mission statement that addresses the integration of people with disabilities into competitive employment. Most businesses have a mission statement that relates to serving the needs of their customers.
  2. What are the abilities and preferences of the individuals seeking jobs? Although this answer may vary, it gives you some direction as to the types of employment opportunities that will need to be pursued as well as the support needs of job seekers. This information will help you develop a framework of the services that are offered.
  3. Who are the potential employers? As mentioned earlier, you must meet the needs of two constituents: employers and people seeking jobs. Marketing activities are specifically designed and developed with each one in mind. Therefore, your organization must delineate the activities and materials for each of these two audiences.
  4. What are the needs of these employers? Once an employer has been identified, a thorough analysis will indicate specific needs. Possible employer needs may include consultation on the ADA, competent personnel to fill specific positions, job analysis, and task analysis. Job candidate needs may include developing a functional resume, role-playing an interview, identifying a job of choice, and developing a support network.
  5. What services will be offered to satisfy employer needs? Specific services should be targeted to specific audiences. As mentioned above, services may vary but it is important that your organization determine what will be offered and who will offer these services.
  6. What are the current economic trends? Learning about the community and surrounding communities that have available jobs is a critical part of marketing. You must learn about different companies and businesses, employment opportunities, and changes in the economic community. By conducting a labor analysis, you can help determine a path that your organization can pursue. A service niche can be determined when you know what jobs are developing and what jobs exist.
  7. What outcomes are expected? Outcomes for individuals include gaining jobs of choice, reaching career goals, and finding satisfaction in employment. Although the number of individuals working is usually the driving force for most agencies, quality is a key component to insuring success. Outcomes must include filling individuals’ needs as well as satisfying employers.
  8. What is the message to employers? The message must be designed for specific employers. Marketing materials such as brochures should be developed both for employers and for individuals seeking jobs. The organization should have a promotional brochure which addresses the needs of employers and a brochure designed to address the needs of individuals with disabilities. Marketing materials must be current, must convey an accurate message, and must be professional and concise.
  9. What financial and personnel resources are available? The agency must identify funds and personnel available for developing marketing materials and engaging in marketing activities. Although everyone should be involved in this part of the process, not everyone can be involved on a daily basis. The responsibility may be given to one person. All individuals in the organization should have the ability to provide input and offer ideas.
  10. What is the promotional plan? A promotional plan involves determining the most cost-effective marketing strategies based on resources available and identifies desired outcomes. Activities may include public service announcements, public speaking engagements, attending civic and community meetings, offering specific training to employers, and “word of mouth” advertising.
  11. What tools will be used? Marketing tools or materials include brochures, flyers, business cards, and newsletters. Although these are traditional forms of communicating, it is important to market with specificity regarding the customer and to remember to use appropriate language. More non-traditional ideas may include purchasing advertising spots in a community theater event, mass faxes, magazine and newspaper articles, inserts in corporate and business newsletters, information posted at public places, web page design, and pens or notepads with the agency logo.
  12. How will success be measured? Success is measured by evaluating individual satisfaction. An organization must evaluate whether or not individuals are satisfied with the services offered and delivered in order to determine how current marketing efforts are working.

Networking and Business Partnerships

Developing corporate relationships and business linkages for building strong future business relationships is extremely important. Sometimes job coaches and employment specialists focus on gaining a connection with a business exclusively for the purpose of obtaining a job for one person. Although the ultimate goal is to assist each person in obtaining employment and building a career, solely pursuing a single job at a time is shortsighted. Marketing and job development can form a solid base for future employment.

The best route to developing jobs is through building solid trusting relationships with individuals in the business community. Conducting informational interviews with employers (alone or with individuals who are seeking employment) creates a large pool of businesses that are interested in the services offered by you and your agency.

Using the information from an extensive labor market analysis will help form the building blocks for creating these relationships. Your analysis of the companies in the community will help you to identify the market for individual job interests and abilities.


dentify the differences between qualitative and quantitative research Identify types of research questions to be studied with qualitative versus quantitative method Science Assignment Help

For this discussion, you will create a table like the one below, comparing and contrasting at least 5 elements of quantitative and qualitative research. Additionally, please provide one example of when you would use a qualitative approach vs. a quantitative approach to study a health/health care-related topic. Example: Qualitative approach would be used to study the experience of living with a tracheostomy. Quantitative approach would be used to study the effectiveness of various tracheostomy cleaning solutions. You CANNOT use the examples used below:

Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods
Includes interviews, open-ended questions, and focus groups Includes primarily surveys, observations, and reviews of records
Uses research questions to guide the research Uses hypotheses to guide the research

An easier way to make a table in the discussion board is to create it in a Word document as you type your initial post. Then cut and paste it using Ctrl C + Ctrl V (Windows Users), or Cmd ⌘ C + Cmd ⌘ V (Mac users) into a new thread in the forum.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


Respond to 2 classmates? Writing Assignment Help

1.Self-incrimination is a person who speaks out to an officer exposing them self, by making a statement on behalf of a crime or even exposing another individual on behalf of the crime. Individuals should not expose themselves as such and should know their rights and should not answer any questions until they get a lawyer. The individual should only speak when an officer is done reading their Miranda Rights saying they understand what is being read to them.

The Miranda decision has made the law more honest and cannot force an individual into confessing anything just to solve a case and move on. It gives the individual the right to be silent about any situation and not be punished for the silence. Individuals have a right to an attorney and have the right to only answer any questions given by their attorney. Without these protections it would give officers more power over an individual being arrested. They would be able to harass and possibly even harm just to gain a confession and with the way people are they will confess to anything just to get out of a situation.

2. Self incrimination is when a person is being charged for something and while they are being charged they choose to speak out. When you are standing in front of a police man and he is reading you your Miranda Rights, you are supposed to stand and listen and do not respond back until the officer ask’s you if you understand your rights.

The fifth amendment regarding self incrimination means you do not need to talk to the police at all. You also need to remember your right to an attorney. Self incrimination is protected by the constitution because it is in our laws. The amendments protect us and self incrimination is in the 5th amendment, this is how the constitution protects self incrimination.

If there was no fifth amendment to protect self incrimination, whenever law enforcement had a desire to subpoena your personal records, you would have no right to claim self incrimination, and if you refuse to testify on the grounds of self incrimination it can be punishable as a crime.

The Miranda decision has influenced the criminal justice system for the good because without the fifth amendment a person has no rights, and a police men can create a story that is not true and can be very dishonest, with the fifth amendment our criminal justice system is a safer more honest justice system.

[supanova_question], etc.).

Reflect Icon

Reflect: Our political system is characterized by certain fundamental features to include a system of laws, rights, and liberties. The laws, created and supported by the Constitutional framework, are designed to protect and secure the rights and liberties of individuals and groups throughout the United States. However, the government also must provide for the security of its citizens from serious internal and external threats that could cause severe damage to our country. Think about how the need for homeland and national security can create a dilemma where conflicts emerge between these security needs and the demands for civil rights and liberties.

Write Icon

Write: In your initial post,

  • Explain what obligations the U.S. government has towards its citizens and how these obligations impact individual and group rights.
  • Provide real-world examples to support your explanation, including one personal example from your own experiences.
  • Using your personal example, explain the position of the two major parties and a third party, regarding the example you presented.



I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please keenly read through the instructions before you bid Engineering Assignment Help

I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please

keenly read through the instructions before you bid

I would like you to write the last chapter of my thesis

This chapter is describing three different lab test with their results.

I already put the figures of the results and they are 13 page the number of pages should be more

I would like to make a description for the test, its purpose and its procedures.

and then the results you will find graphs describing the results so I would like to describe the differences between the three materials (HF, SC,QPR) and what does it mean.

The three tests are moisture susceptibility, dynamic modulus and wheel tracker. I will send you some references and other chapters

Also I would like you to write the conclusion chapter as I will send you all the chapters

I would like to have 10 paragraphs in the conclusion. paragraph for each test and those following points before them. I would like to have it in 5 pages

1. that those tests are done for three materials in order to know the characteristics of the materials available in Winnipeg and used by MI and city of Winnipeg

2.To have a complete test program that can be used as a quality control before using materials in pothole repair

3.Also to predict the failure modal

all writings single spaced and font 10

I Need Excellent writing of Part of My Masters Thesis(Civil engineer-Pavement material) the work should be top notch, best work needed please keenly read through the instructions before you bid Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

In Week 4, you are introduced to the behavioral perspective of personality. The readings this week focus on behavioral and the social-cognitive theories of several theorists, including Skinner, Kelly, Mischel, and Bandura.

  • Based on your readings this week, provide a specific example of how the environment can cause behavior. B.F. Skinner’s work on Operant Conditioning introduces the concept of reinforcement and punishment. Discuss an example of results obtained through reinforcement or through punishment according to Skinner’s theory.

Robilyn Raras

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Some examples of how the environment can cause behavior is that at least for myself I have noticed I prefer to be in an environment that I am comfortable in. If I am somewhere uncomfortable, I am a little more reserved, defensive, and unhappy. My behavior changes because I no longer feel safe or familiar with my surroundings. My behavior also changes with the weather. I live on Guam where it is mostly hot all year round. I am also someone who prefers the cold than heat so being in the sun and sweating when I don’t intend to makes me a little more moody or irritated. When it is raining, I am little more happy, relaxed, and feel like I could take on the day. It’s very interesting to think of the different ways the environment causes behavior because I am so used to the way I am that I don’t really think of the little things that make me act the way I do.

One example of results through punishment would be growing up and being told “you will be grounded”. This meant that I wouldn’t be able to play outside with my sister or my parents taking away our Nintendo at the time or my phone. I grew up learning that everything I do wrong, has a consequence. This way fighting with my sister, stealing, answering back my mom, lying, etc. I also didn’t like seeing my parents upset or disappointed so I always tried my best to refrain from making them mad. This caused me to follow the rules, get along with my sister, and always tell the truth.


Natasha Hughes

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:

Good evening class and professor Casey, how is everyone doing ? Here are my responses to the following questions. They are…..

1.)Operant conditioning is a strategy for discovering that happens through remunerations and disciplines for conduct. Through operant molding, an individual makes a relationship between a specific conduct and a result

For example, if when you were more youthful you taken a stab at smoking at school, and the main result was that you got in with the group you constantly needed to spend time with, you would have been emphatically fortified (i.e., remunerated) and would probably rehash the conduct.

Assuming, nonetheless, the primary outcome was that you were gotten, caned, suspended from school and your folks ended up included you would definitely have been rebuffed, and you would subsequently be considerably less prone to smoke now.

2) In negative reinforcement, an undesirable stimulus is expelled to expand a conduct. For example, vehicle makers utilize the standards of negative support in their safety belt frameworks, which go “blare, signal, signal” until you affix your safety belt. The irritating sound stops when you display the ideal conduct, improving the probability that you will lock in later on. Negative fortification is likewise utilized much of the time in pony preparing. Riders apply weight—by pulling the reins or crushing their legs—and afterward evacuate the weight when the pony plays out the ideal conduct, for example, turning or accelerating. The weight is the negative improvement that the pony needs to expel.


identify at least one idea which will be helpful to you in your work as a job coach Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment follow the instructions:Please respond with 350 words and use the resources that are attached

Although many links about marketing are actually advertisements, there are some helpful links provided in this unit. Please visit each link and identify at least one idea which will be helpful to you in your work as a job coach.


It is important to get job seekers involved in the marketing of their talents and services. Good marketing requires building friendships, paying attention to details, and offering your honest appraisal of jobs and job seekers’ desires. Remember that there are two customers: employers and people with disabilities.

A job developer must:

Learn about the business, its needs, and any personnel problems that it might have.
Identify the ways that a person with a disability can work in that business meeting its needs and solving its problems.
Develop hiring proposals and expedite decisions to hire people who have disabilities.

For the purpose of this unit, we will define marketing as “an exchange of valued goods and services”. In order to begin the process of marketing, you must:

  • Gather information about the environment or community
  • Determine the needs of businesses
  • Determine benefits that individuals or companies wish your agency to deliver
  • Set marketing objectives
  • Determine what portions of the community to serve
  • Develop a Marketing Plan
  • Evaluate marketing efforts

Marketing and job development are critical functions which, if performed well, will contribute to the job seeker’s success on the job, as well as the success of the entire organization. You must approach these activities with creativity and a clear plan of action. Marketing efforts are directed towards two constituents: 1) community employers; and 2) individuals who are seeking employment. Specifically, when talking with community employers, the service you will focus on is the availability of a large and excellent pool of employable persons as well as a knowledgeable consultant to help with job development, placement and on–going support. Personnel features include pre–screening applicants and assisting with coordination of scheduled interviews or job assessments; your assistance may include job analysis, job restructuring, and provision of information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Although marketing to community employers is an important aspect of your job and your ability to assist job seekers in finding employment, you need to market and “sell” positions to job seekers. In a system that values choice and empowerment, job seekers need to understand and value the opportunity for employment, also. What an individual wants to do in the workplace and what an employer expects from the individual as an employee are variables in making a successful match. Job development involves helping people “sell themselves” for specific positions. The primary person is always the job seeker.

Although employers are the primary target of your marketing activities, involving individuals with disabilities further enhances an organization’s responsiveness to their needs. You also can use your knowledge of issues concerning people with disabilities to assist businesses with meeting these needs; you can be responsive to questions and assist them in gaining information valuable to the business.

What are the key components to marketing and job development?

  • Contacting Employers
  • Relationship Building
  • Service Marketing
  • Information Networking
  • Maintaining a system for organizing information about businesses and your contacts with them. This should include new businesses and the types of available jobs.

Marketing Your Services

It is important that the individuals with whom you work and employers who may hire them know what you have to offer. Being able to “sell” your services or what your agency provides is a critical factor of the marketing process.

What would an employer or a job candidate want? Think about your services and a way to offer services in an attractive and forward-thinking manner. Your agency might not have money to develop marketing resources, but think about how you can be an advocate for your services; think about your ability to articulate and sell what you offer. The facts are simple: employers need conscientious, motivated employees and you have contacts with individuals who bring a variety of skills and abilities to an organization. Also, you are able to offer job candidates a chance to find employment in positions that they feel best match their job goals. You are a key part of the process and both constituents need you to assist in this service.

Information networking

It is important to exchange information with all available persons and to mobilize networks to make connections with businesses in the community. This function is shared by job candidates, family members, board members, management, direct service staff, and administrative staff.

Your goal is to get everyone to cooperate so that the job candidate can obtain a desired job and successfully complete the work tasks of that job. You must gather all information these individuals have and share information that you have. If everyone works together, each person’s knowledge and influence can be used in locating a good job.

Keep notes about what you learn, and always indicate what the next step will be.

Marketing Plan

Marketing requires a creative plan of action and ongoing evaluation of the plan. The plan of action identifies the niche or service, competition, resources, customers served, and the outcomes that are expected. Such planning provides an overall strategy and framework for achieving success.

Answer these questions about your agency:

  • What is the mission of the organization?
  • What are the abilities and preferences of the individuals seeking jobs?
  • Who are the your potential employers?
  • What services will be offered to satisfy employers’ needs?
  • What are the current economic trends?
  • What outcomes are expected?
  • What is the message to employers?
  • What resources are available?
  • What is the promotional plan?
  • What tools will be used?
  • How will success be measured?
  1. What is the mission of the organization? A typical agency might have a mission statement that addresses the integration of people with disabilities into competitive employment. Most businesses have a mission statement that relates to serving the needs of their customers.
  2. What are the abilities and preferences of the individuals seeking jobs? Although this answer may vary, it gives you some direction as to the types of employment opportunities that will need to be pursued as well as the support needs of job seekers. This information will help you develop a framework of the services that are offered.
  3. Who are the potential employers? As mentioned earlier, you must meet the needs of two constituents: employers and people seeking jobs. Marketing activities are specifically designed and developed with each one in mind. Therefore, your organization must delineate the activities and materials for each of these two audiences.
  4. What are the needs of these employers? Once an employer has been identified, a thorough analysis will indicate specific needs. Possible employer needs may include consultation on the ADA, competent personnel to fill specific positions, job analysis, and task analysis. Job candidate needs may include developing a functional resume, role-playing an interview, identifying a job of choice, and developing a support network.
  5. What services will be offered to satisfy employer needs? Specific services should be targeted to specific audiences. As mentioned above, services may vary but it is important that your organization determine what will be offered and who will offer these services.
  6. What are the current economic trends? Learning about the community and surrounding communities that have available jobs is a critical part of marketing. You must learn about different companies and businesses, employment opportunities, and changes in the economic community. By conducting a labor analysis, you can help determine a path that your organization can pursue. A service niche can be determined when you know what jobs are developing and what jobs exist.
  7. What outcomes are expected? Outcomes for individuals include gaining jobs of choice, reaching career goals, and finding satisfaction in employment. Although the number of individuals working is usually the driving force for most agencies, quality is a key component to insuring success. Outcomes must include filling individuals’ needs as well as satisfying employers.
  8. What is the message to employers? The message must be designed for specific employers. Marketing materials such as brochures should be developed both for employers and for individuals seeking jobs. The organization should have a promotional brochure which addresses the needs of employers and a brochure designed to address the needs of individuals with disabilities. Marketing materials must be current, must convey an accurate message, and must be professional and concise.
  9. What financial and personnel resources are available? The agency must identify funds and personnel available for developing marketing materials and engaging in marketing activities. Although everyone should be involved in this part of the process, not everyone can be involved on a daily basis. The responsibility may be given to one person. All individuals in the organization should have the ability to provide input and offer ideas.
  10. What is the promotional plan? A promotional plan involves determining the most cost-effective marketing strategies based on resources available and identifies desired outcomes. Activities may include public service announcements, public speaking engagements, attending civic and community meetings, offering specific training to employers, and “word of mouth” advertising.
  11. What tools will be used? Marketing tools or materials include brochures, flyers, business cards, and newsletters. Although these are traditional forms of communicating, it is important to market with specificity regarding the customer and to remember to use appropriate language. More non-traditional ideas may include purchasing advertising spots in a community theater event, mass faxes, magazine and newspaper articles, inserts in corporate and business newsletters, information posted at public places, web page design, and pens or notepads with the agency logo.
  12. How will success be measured? Success is measured by evaluating individual satisfaction. An organization must evaluate whether or not individuals are satisfied with the services offered and delivered in order to determine how current marketing efforts are working.

Networking and Business Partnerships

Developing corporate relationships and business linkages for building strong future business relationships is extremely important. Sometimes job coaches and employment specialists focus on gaining a connection with a business exclusively for the purpose of obtaining a job for one person. Although the ultimate goal is to assist each person in obtaining employment and building a career, solely pursuing a single job at a time is shortsighted. Marketing and job development can form a solid base for future employment.

The best route to developing jobs is through building solid trusting relationships with individuals in the business community. Conducting informational interviews with employers (alone or with individuals who are seeking employment) creates a large pool of businesses that are interested in the services offered by you and your agency.

Using the information from an extensive labor market analysis will help form the building blocks for creating these relationships. Your analysis of the companies in the community will help you to identify the market for individual job interests and abilities.


dentify the differences between qualitative and quantitative research Identify types of research questions to be studied with qualitative versus quantitative method Science Assignment Help

For this discussion, you will create a table like the one below, comparing and contrasting at least 5 elements of quantitative and qualitative research. Additionally, please provide one example of when you would use a qualitative approach vs. a quantitative approach to study a health/health care-related topic. Example: Qualitative approach would be used to study the experience of living with a tracheostomy. Quantitative approach would be used to study the effectiveness of various tracheostomy cleaning solutions. You CANNOT use the examples used below:

Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods
Includes interviews, open-ended questions, and focus groups Includes primarily surveys, observations, and reviews of records
Uses research questions to guide the research Uses hypotheses to guide the research

An easier way to make a table in the discussion board is to create it in a Word document as you type your initial post. Then cut and paste it using Ctrl C + Ctrl V (Windows Users), or Cmd ⌘ C + Cmd ⌘ V (Mac users) into a new thread in the forum.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


Respond to 2 classmates? Writing Assignment Help

1.Self-incrimination is a person who speaks out to an officer exposing them self, by making a statement on behalf of a crime or even exposing another individual on behalf of the crime. Individuals should not expose themselves as such and should know their rights and should not answer any questions until they get a lawyer. The individual should only speak when an officer is done reading their Miranda Rights saying they understand what is being read to them.

The Miranda decision has made the law more honest and cannot force an individual into confessing anything just to solve a case and move on. It gives the individual the right to be silent about any situation and not be punished for the silence. Individuals have a right to an attorney and have the right to only answer any questions given by their attorney. Without these protections it would give officers more power over an individual being arrested. They would be able to harass and possibly even harm just to gain a confession and with the way people are they will confess to anything just to get out of a situation.

2. Self incrimination is when a person is being charged for something and while they are being charged they choose to speak out. When you are standing in front of a police man and he is reading you your Miranda Rights, you are supposed to stand and listen and do not respond back until the officer ask’s you if you understand your rights.

The fifth amendment regarding self incrimination means you do not need to talk to the police at all. You also need to remember your right to an attorney. Self incrimination is protected by the constitution because it is in our laws. The amendments protect us and self incrimination is in the 5th amendment, this is how the constitution protects self incrimination.

If there was no fifth amendment to protect self incrimination, whenever law enforcement had a desire to subpoena your personal records, you would have no right to claim self incrimination, and if you refuse to testify on the grounds of self incrimination it can be punishable as a crime.

The Miranda decision has influenced the criminal justice system for the good because without the fifth amendment a person has no rights, and a police men can create a story that is not true and can be very dishonest, with the fifth amendment our criminal justice system is a safer more honest justice system.


Resources to consult: Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 8th Edition, Chapter 6 Exercise: 1. Construct a BCD to seven segment display circuit. Do not use a BCD to seven segment display chip! 2. Circuit should be constructed of AND Engineering Assignment Help

Resources to consult: Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, 8th Edition, Chapter 6 Exercise: 1. Construct a BCD to seven segment display circuit. Do not use a BCD to seven segment display chip! 2. Circuit should be constructed of AND Engineering Assignment Help

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