response needed Humanities Assignment Help. response needed Humanities Assignment Help.
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please respond to kaylee with 150 words
During this stage, I didn’t belong to any particular group of people. I ran track and focused on school work, so the people I surrounded myself with had similar goals, i.e. were actively in a sport and cared about their grades. I tried my best to not stick out, I wasn’t a popular teenager nor did I have any desire to be. I just kept my head down and stayed to myself and my small group of people and stayed dedicated to my grades. I wanted to go to school to become a homicide detective, that was my life long goal. Up until I moved back in with my mom around 16, since she was unstable it affected my school work and so I switched to a home school program where I had no “group”. After this, my main goal was to get done with school so I could get any job that would pay enough to move out, the sooner the better. At this point I think I entered the crisis of Identity confusion, I had no idea who or what I wanted to be anymore, I didn’t apply to any colleges nevertheless, did I really care about going. I graduated a year early on the home school program and began babysitting as a part time gig–which, essentially sparked the flame of me wanted to be an ECE professional.
response needed Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ETH321 The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of domestic and international regulatory agencies and court systems on business transactions and dispute resolution. Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment Content
proposal memo Humanities Assignment Help
you will write a memo that states what process you plan to focus on for your instruction set. Please explain: 1) why you have chosen this topic, 2) the audience you are considering for the document, 3) what do they need to know? What might they already know?, 4) what visuals might you need to help your audience understand the process?, 5) what do you anticipate being challenging about this task, or what questions do you have?, and 6) how would you share it with your intended audience? Remember, this memo is addressed to me, your instructor; please follow memo guidelines discussed in Unit 1.
The instruction set example is below and thats only to know what the teacher by instruction set
The topic for the instruction set is set up virtualBox on mac
Prompt: What is the role that fate and free will play in the literature read in PopLit this year? Humanities Assignment Help
What is the role that fate and free will play in the literature read in PopLit this year?Instructions:
- Choose 3 pieces of literature to examine..
- Write a concise essay to include:
- Introduction Paragraph
- Make sure to mention the title of all literature (plays, novels) in italics = Hamlet, Iliad, Oedipus the King
- Mention all authors’ full names (William Shakespeare is a playwright)
- When mentioning character names, do not italicize = Oedipus, Hamlet
- Body Paragraphs with supporting quotes
- To parenthetically cite the line numbers used in Shakespeare’s work, list as follows in parenthesis: (Ham. act.scene.line).
- Ex: Hamlet wrestles with his inability to act upon his father’s murder, as he contemplates “How all occasions do inform against [him] and spur [his] dull revenge” (Ham. 4.4.34-35).
- Conclusion paragraph
- Introduction Paragraph
- Follow MLA guidelines
- MLA Heading
- 12 point font
- Ariel or Times New Roman font style
- Double spaced
- Centered original title
- Page numbering
- Works Cited Page with all three pieces of literature you used.
- Consult OWL Purdue for more help and sample essay format
- Remain objective; no first person (I, me, my, us, ours, we). Not opinion essay
- Argument Outline found here
How are the storylines and characters controlled by fate or free will? Examine all characters’ actions that led to their conclusions; was it fate or free will that dictated where they ended up? What impact might fate or free will have upon the society or times in which the stories were written? Choose 3 pieces of literature with textual evidence to support your claim.
Complete this assignment using Visio or another diagramming tool Business Finance Assignment Help
Complete this assignment using Visio or another diagramming tool. Use good flowcharting practices to create your DFD’s and BPD. You will have three diagrams for this assignment. Submit your diagrams (in one submission) as either Visio or pdf files here by the due date.
the process details are provided in the case in the pictures
. Here are some hints.
Requirement 1: a level 0 DFD for order processing – You should end up with 4 processes 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0.
Requirement 2: a level 1 DFD for credit review process – You should end up with 3 processes 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.
Requirement 3: a BPD (business process diagram) for order processing. You should have 5 employee or department entities and therefore 5 swim lanes on the diagram. The departments are order processing, credit, warehouse, billing, and accounting.
Research plan Writing Assignment Help
Then Complete this worksheet Click the link
(Only Do week 3
Topic ,literature review
The quality and performance improvement program was an area added by the Affordable Care Act that expands on the requirements of the QAA Committee and has a requirement that each nursing home facility have an ongoing process to identify quality issues, take actions and correct those issues, monitor high risk and problem prone areas and take action to correct those areas when there are problems identified. This study will examine serious deficiencies in nursing home facilities; infection control hazards, effects of Medicare reimbursements as well as staffing and its relationship to deficiencies. According to the surveys, conducted by the US government accounting office, more than one fourth of U.S nursing homes have deficiencies that either caused harm to residents or put them at risk and/or serious injury or death. We see a lot of deficiencies in a lot of areas; overmedicating, failure to supervise, molding kitchen and tiles.Reduced staff, increased overhead has a dramatic impact on the quality of care residents received. The root cause analysis a factor that we can consider because we want to know what really went wrong. In order to be safe, we should not rely on state rather we do our duty diligence. We have to read inspection reports and the read the contract carefully in order to avoid legal troubles.
Click :
Notes : if you need to search for keywords. Stay in your topic and problem statement which is nursing home quality, or nursing home deficiencies , nursing home staffing .
Research plan Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ab298associatescapstoneinaccounting Business Finance Assignment Help
You reviewed how to create a simple outline in the Reading area. This is a skill most often used when creating a report with many sections or organizing a project. Just think of how useful outlining would be for creating an annual report for instance.
You now have the opportunity to apply what you have understood regarding the outline to the creation of a final project outline.
Prepare a final detailed outline of your final project Assignment. Remember, the structure for the paper is as follows:
Coversheet: Includes title, submission date, and name
Executive Summary: Overview of your findings
Finance and Accounting
Financial Statements
Problem Solving
The Coversheetshould contain the title of your report, the date of submission, and your name. The Executive Summaryshould provide an overview of your findings. After the Executive Summary, you will explore the five different areas of Tim’s business. For each of these areas, you will provide a detailed report that contains a title, all of the issues (problems) found within the section and how you propose to Mike to correct the issues.
computational artifact Writing Assignment Help
Explore Task Response Template
Complete the entire googeldoc before submitting — you only submit one PDF
- Make your own copy of this doc in your googledrive (File -> Make a Copy).
- Fill in the prompts below as directed in which you will
- Copy in your computational artifact (image or link to a video).
- Write in your written responses to 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, and 2E.
NOTE: You may access this rubric at any time (PLEASE PLEASE DO REFER TO IT).
NOTE: Every place you need to fill in has an orange highlight
0. Your Name: <fill in>
1. Copy in your computational artifact (as an image) here or provide a link to a video if you didn’t produce an image.
2A) Provide information on your computing innovation and computational artifact.
- Name the computing innovation that is represented by your computational artifact.
- Describe the computing innovation’s intended purpose and function.
- Describe how your computational artifact illustrates, represents, or explains the computing innovation’s intended purpose, its function, or its effect.
(Must not exceed 100 words)
2B) Describe your development process, explicitly identifying the computing tools and techniques you used to create your artifact. Your description must be detailed enough so that a person unfamiliar with those tools and techniques will understand your process.
(Must not exceed 100 words)
2C) Explain at least one beneficial effect and at least one harmful effect the computing innovation has had, or has the potential to have, on society, economy, or culture.
(Must not exceed 250 words)
2D) Using specific details, describe:
- the data your innovation uses;
- how the innovation consumes (as input), produces (as output), and/or transforms data; and
- at least one data storage concern, data privacy concern, or data security concern directly related to the computing innovation.
(Must not exceed 250 words)
2E) Put your references here.
MNGT 376 UOC What Customers Dont Know Wont Hurt Them or Will It Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I need a knowledgeable management tutor (managing people class) to complete a case study with specific and clear instructions. Please follow the guidelines and instructions. I will attach the file that needs to be completed with the instructions. I will also attach an EXAMPLE case study that was completed so you can see how it should be completed.
Specific guidelines and instructions are below:
Students will choose one out of four assigned cases. Using the questions at the end of each case, compose a 6-8 page double-spaced paper that fully answers these case questions. Some cases will require longer papers than others, depending on the analysis required. Use tables, diagrams, other references to concepts in the textbook, and possibly outside sources to demonstrate your thorough understanding of the concepts illustrated in the case.
The purpose of this analysis is to focus the student’s reading and to stimulate broader thinking of the issues. The case write-up should be submitted electronically PRIOR to the class where the case is due to be discussed – no case analyses will be accepted after the class starts. Grammar and reference format will be part of the grade. Even though the student only needs to write up one case, he/she should be ready to discuss EVERY case in class on the day it’s assigned. For a sample write up that shows what I’m looking for, see the SampleCaseAnalysis(1).doc SampleCaseAnalysis(1).doc – Alternative Formats
Grading Criteria:
Appropriate integration of theories/course readings = 7 points
Creativity, evidence of understanding of practical considerations = 5 points
Coherent presentation, evidence of clear thinking = 4 points
Good grammar, spelling, syntax, correct citation format = 4 points
(20% of your grade)
Use resources.
Indiana Wesleyan University Indian Community Cultural Competence Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Getting Started
In this activity, you will describe your observation to your classmates and discuss how being a culturally competent social worker will help you to build a stronger rapport with clients.
- Textbook: The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students
- Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- In your textbook, The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students, read Chapter 10, “Cultural Competence.”
- Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following discussion prompts:
- Describe the cultural identities and dynamics of the client population with which you are interacting at your field agency, based on the information discussed with your supervisor and the observations you have made during your practicum thus far. How is your client population’s cultural makeup similar to and different from your own? Describe two cultural factors such as ethnicity, age, primary language, education, and religion, or others that are relevant to your engagement with this population.
- Identify and describe at least 2 cultural strengths of the client population with which you are interacting at your field practicum? How can these strengths be used in the social work process? Give specific examples.
- Discuss 2 possible misunderstandings and misrepresentations you need to be mindful of regarding your population as discussed in chapter 10.
- How can you learn more about your client population’s culture(s)? Describe two strategies to expand your cultural competency in your field practicum and how those strategies may be useful.
Grading Criteria:
Appropriate integration of theories/course readings = 7 points
Creativity, evidence of understanding of practical considerations = 5 points
Coherent presentation, evidence of clear thinking = 4 points
Good grammar, spelling, syntax, correct citation format = 4 points
(20% of your grade)
Use resources.